Don’t settle for him! | Tony Gaskins

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hey hey tony guys here popping in now today i only got uh 18 minutes like literally today i know i'd be saying and to be going 30 but i got a coaching session here at uh 4 30. so i wanted to pop in today because i we did a q a yesterday and you know i always get a lot of questions the questions kind of sometimes be all over the place but one thing i wanted to kind of touch on from yesterday to the women who ask questions on there is just for you to know and understand that your man is coming when it's the right time for you but also to know and understand that any man you meet is still going to need a little work and it's really going to be up to you on how he receives you so you have the ability to run off a grown boy or to help a grown boy become a grown man and in the process he will get the grown girl out of you because nobody perfect you got to grow too you got some grown girl in you that he gonna get out of you and y'all gonna be for each other and what you're gonna feel is you're gonna feel a mutual respect so a man may try you in in just little subtle ways that's not really malicious in intent but you still gotta speak to it you still gotta check it you still gotta you know let them know hey you know i really don't agree with that i'm not really you know on that wave right there and you know so you know let's dive a little deeper in here and so you got to check them out a little bit you got to talk to them and what you have to realize is that you never have to compromise your self-love and your self-respect that is one of the biggest things that i see so many women doing is compromising your morals and values that's something that's non-negotiable so you have to know exactly what you want and know what you're bringing to the table and understand that it is okay to have real standards like it's okay to say hey if i got a degree i want this man to have a degree if you feel like that matters if you feel like that's going to or have the equivalent of that degree meaning he's earning what you earn with a four-year degree or a master's degree that's okay to have your standard to be compatible to say you know i don't want a man who dropped out in the ninth grade and i got a master's degree we talking different languages that's okay it's okay if you have a certain faith and belief system that you say i want a man who has my saying who shares my faith so we can you know experience our faith together whether that's going to a place of worship um saying your prayers whatever it may be your belief system that's okay if you have if you don't agree with certain vices certain habits so you're against smoking you're against getting drunk you might be okay with socially drinking like having a glass of wine or having a little sip of something but not getting drunk if you are against those things it is okay to say i want to wait on a man who does not get drunk who does not smoke who does not gamble who is not into nasty movies you know i want to wait on that that's what i'm looking for that's what i'm waiting on and i'm not accepting less then you you can't let that body clock get so loud that you let it get so loud it's ticking so loud in your head that that's all you could hear that you can't sleep at night you just hearing that sound and then they're going over and over and over and you just hearing that man trying to talk to you can't hear over that body clock and so then you looking at this man he might be one be away from broke busted and disgusted and he might he might be broken disgusted or he might be busted and disgusted he won't be away from being broke busted and disgusted and you just you make an exception because you like okay he is a male okay all right male okay what else okay he okay he does have a third leg okay let me see if his heart beating okay heart is beating okay okay so male third leg heartbeat you know what i think we actually could get us a shot and now you dealing with this man why because he's a male so when you go to thanksgiving with your family family union you got your mail when you ready to have you a baby you got he got a third leg that's gonna get you what what you need so now you essentially just got a warm body you got a feeling a stand-in you know a seat filler seat warmer you know what they have in hollywood that they shows when all the seats ain't full they hire people to come sit in the seats pay people to come sit in the seats and so that's what you got you paying this man to sit in this seat the play husband you paying him by you paying for vacations you paying for you already got a house you already got a car you got a 401k you he getting to live off of you and experience your life at your level of living because you already making money he can't match you he can't top you but you're gonna deal with him cause he's a male he's he brings companionship oh he's gonna be all the smiles and all the great conversation in the world because he just wanna live he just want to find the things of life he's tired of getting eviction notice every other month oh you got a house oh you said i mean he he walking right he like a soldier in your army and your armor of love until he get all the way in and then you give them some benefits because now you're married now you got benefits now you got benefits now you want to take them to court okay you got benefit even if you sign a prenup you still gonna put some some little stimulus in that prenup after one year you get this after five years you you eligible for this after ten years he he pulled out that pre-op every chance he get okay all right on what i gotta do okay i got six more months so i get my next bonus all right okay you see what i'm saying so you have to understand that when you come to this hill table it's okay to have in your mind what you know you need and what you deserve and not be willing to compromise with that don't don't be willing to compromise your standards now see your preferences may be i want a man that is six foot tall he might be five nine that's a preference they ain't gonna kill you that ain't gonna kill you right now okay i want a man who loves jazz he might like gospel dang okay i want a man who know how to sing he might sound like somebody drowning the cat that's not gonna kill you see you have to understand what really matters see a lot of times women you fill up your list with preferences things that in the grand scheme of things it don't really matter but what about the core define or the foundation that's the things that really matter so how he views the world does he have an abundant mindset or does he have a scarcity mindset that matters because that will determine the quality of y'all's life so that even though that's not religion that's still a foundational thing does he believe does he want children if you don't want children but he want four y'all not meant to be y'all not meant to be because that is foundational in your life that's a very important part of life so now does he believe in spanking versus time out how y'all in rearing and raising the children are you all out of eye what about your politics you know religion and politics that's two things that need to be on the same page because otherwise y'all just bickering and arguing all the time because you your outlook on the world is just not the same and for the broad view if it determines how you build your life you gotta be on the same page you gotta have the same values like what would it be like if you don't smoke but your man smoke so now you over here eat vegan you know you living right it but then you you have your baby then your baby go lay on your husband and the baby getting contact high because he's smoking every day and that right now that marijuana that stay in his pores it's staying in your pores for days so the baby laying on him laying on his chest and yeah ooh just all that just seeping into the baby the baby you wondering what's wrong with your baby you like why why my baby so chill why why she's so calm it's because she got thc cbd in her blood in her bloodstream because of her daddy smoke he kissing all along she got all that thc and cbd you know baby [Music] baby fella hit her head didn't even cry got all that cbd off you know joints from her daddy holding on laid mess around and laid on one of daddy's shirts and was knocked out for hours contact high you see what i'm saying so you have to have and see this thing that so many women overlook the little stuff you say well i don't want a man who added to video games next thing you know y'all get all the way in you five years y'all you five years in and dead man on the game four five six seven hours so now you feeling lonely you feeling dejected that thing you know you getting all the quality time at the coffee machine at work now you looking at his eye like the man on the ladder he got you in a trance because he's standing up for 30 minutes and talk to you the whole lunch break you forgot to eat go back to work stomach growling because you sitting there talking running your mouth the whole time because this man gave you quality time but your man at home on the video game anytime you want some quality time you said i mean so it's things that deal with the quality of life i mean now you want six foot heat five nine that's not really affecting your quality of life unless he can't get on certain rides but if you ain't didn't it this is different now different if if the man y'all can't get on now roller coaster at the theme park and you love roller coaster that's gonna affect the quality of your life that's gonna affect the quality of your life other than that it's not gonna affect the quality of your life that's what you ask yourself is his personality is his worldview is his outlook on life is his situation going to affect or impact the quality of my life smoking drinking gambling you know uh atheist what you said i mean of you he he believed listen as soon as a child hit five years old you got to start slapping them because that's how i was i got slapped from the age of five boom that's what he tell you you like okay yeah i'm right gonna get the purse okay oh man look cold outside all right well hey you know it was great meeting you all right you see what i'm saying so that's the question that you have to ask get down to the bottom of it and then look if the else is yes go about your business i don't care if you 69 and three quarters and you want to be married before 70. go about your business don't don't ever compromise because look what you want is out there because it's too many people in the world it's too many brands and types of people or too many it just you just got to get out you got to get out get a little more actor now right now of course you got your mask on but still get on still go on meet up get on meetup.comchat get on they might have a group for what you like your passion your hobby what you like to do they got a group for it so guess what right now you can't meet in person nah they doing zoom means you sitting on zoom see you old man look like your husband look what like what god showed you on zone he looked back at you and you trying to get your health right you ran on perfume he can't smell you you said what i'm saying but what you did you got out and about you got active so understand this don't get desperate don't get desperate it's always somebody out there and then just occupy until it's your time so write your book start your business build your business get it up and running make more money than you made last year keep just keep occupying just keep building just keep pressing keep stretching and then as you do that then guess what [Music] as you working on yourself brain brain body every time you work on yourself you get better you get better and better and better and so as you get better guess what your options start to change your options start to change start to look different because now if you elevating this level now a man that was not attracted to you now he attracted to you you you had you know just a little more knowledge to get now you attractive to different levels of men who got more knowledge in a certain area you you it to um you you just one happy with you want to get that 10 pounds off you now you got that 10 pounds off you now you elevate into another class it's another it's another attraction pool right there it's just how you'll say well i ain't attracted to a man that got one of them you know 1d kind of bodies but then guess what if he lost 20 30 40 50 now he fall into your your attractive pool you see what i mean same thing happen vice versa as you work on yourself you getting better all right now i got to go tell you i got to go now today i don't want to play with today listen to this three more times get you up to an hour if you're used to the hour listen just three more times because you need to get this thing you need here hear this all the way but i got a coach call what i'm about to do is a vip coaching call had two of those today i'm off this week vip coaching calls 600 dollars so i got to be on time for you to eat people there they really came out they talking and say tony listen i need to talk nah yo calendar my is in in february i need top nine so they pay double the price to get on the phone immediately so i got to go hey god bless y'all we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 71,071
Rating: 4.9585004 out of 5
Id: SP7Gcae3398
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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