Don’t Compromise What I’m Birthing Through You! - Wisdom Wednesdays

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everyone welcome back to the channel thank you so much for tuning in today for subscribing for commenting for liking for your support thank you and if it's your first time welcome to the channel my name is daphne please make sure that you do subscribe if you're not subscribed and also click the notifications bell so that you don't miss out on the videos when they're posted so welcome to wisdom wednesdays we're back again let's go straight into the word of the lord let's go to the book of matthew chapter 4 verse 1 to 11 which says then jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights afterward he was hungry now when the tempter came to him he said if you are the son of god command that these stones become bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of god then the devil took him up into the holy city set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone jesus said to him it is written again you shall not tempt the lord your god again the devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and he said to him all these things i will give you if you will fall down and worship me then jesus said to him away with you satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only you shall serve then the devil left him and behold angels came and ministered to him hallelujah in the name of jesus amen and amen so we want to pray before we go straight into this word let us just pray bring our hearts before god to receive what he wants us to know today so father we want to thank you for this opportunity lord thank you for your people father that you've called to hear this word oh god for such a time as this in their season mighty god i pray that this word lord will help them and instruct them and edify them concerning the things that you are birthing in their lives in the season oh god even in the next season even this year and next year mighty god let this word guide them even as your spirit guides the mighty god this we pray in the name of jesus have your way today lord let them not see me my hair my makeup or anything to do with me mighty god but you be glorified let them hear your voice and see you more clearly than ever before through this word father this we pray in jesus name amen and amen so um here we see the lord jesus christ the king of kings god himself god who is the word and became flesh and the bible is telling us that the spirit of god is leading him into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil now it's important to understand why these things are happening it's because there's something that's about to happen after this fasting after this praying now last week we spoke about a time of prayer and i believe we're in a time of prayer as the church we're in a time of prayer as the bride of christ but these things that god is going to do after that prayer after that time of fasting after that season there's something that god is releasing upon the earth through the church now if we look here at the picture of christ there's something that god was about to release upon the earth there's a glory a substance and a grace power and love that he was about to release and show forth through the life of his only begotten son jesus christ the lord jesus christ was about to begin one of the most powerful ministries in galilee a ministry that will cause all kinds of sicknesses and diseases to be healed a ministry that will bring fame to the name of jesus christ a ministry that will bring a great multitude of followers to the lord jesus christ so it's important to understand what is at stake by looking at the future before we discuss what is the present it's important for you to understand your future before you go into the prayer and the fasting and during the prayer and fasting it's important that you understand what is at stake for the lord jesus christ there is fame there is an identity attached to his name that is going to cause a multitude of people to come to him and to follow him there's also deliverance and healing of all kinds of sicknesses and diseases that is about to take place there's a glory that is about to take place in jerusalem in galilee and in the nation of israel so prior to this the spirit of god is leading and preparing him in a time of prayer and fasting and if you start other versions it will tell you that after he came out in the power of the spirit so there's power that is being released as he is praying and fasting and i believe that power is being released in this season on the body of christ as we seek the face of the lord as we discover who he is in his presence as we pray and as we fast in this season there is power that is releasing to his people in different influences of life not just ministry but also kingdom marriages also business also career also just home life it's not just for people that may be seen out there but it's also for people who are private people who are quiet in their homes people who are stay-at-home wives people who are just raising their children there's power that is being released so the lord is fasting 40 days and 40 nights and after what he's hungry now the bible tells us that the tempter came to him and he said if you are the son of god command that these stones become bread now you have to understand that satan is not it's not going to come into your life and tempt you or give you thoughts of compromise while you're very strong in the spirit satan is very strategic in how he attacks people satan is not going to come when you are a giant in the spirit he comes when your children are sick it comes when you have a need the lord had a need he had a physical need of appetite he was hungry so there was a physical need that demanded food so this is when satan attacks he can only attack you in the things of the physical the things that have to do with needs and what you want what to wear what to eat where to go where to live what to drive the things of the flesh the things that satisfy the flesh he has to deal with the flesh so he comes to the king of kings when he has a need not during the fasting not during your warfare times of prayer not when you wake up at 3 a.m and you're praying not when you're strong and praying in tongues not when you're really deep in your fast no he comes and he brings bad news when you're finished when there's a need when the bill comes and you begin to think where am i gonna pay how am i gonna pay this bill when the bank loan says no we cannot give you alone this time when your friends begin to gossip you and begin to act differently when your relatives begin to conspire against you when the ministry and the church begin to demote you in the position that you had before this is when the enemy attacks in a time when there's a physical need so there was a physical need in the wilderness you see it's not about how special you are because sometimes you can be deceived and think you know we are so special i am really favored i'm favorite of god god i'm god's favorite and you can miss it because jesus who is the only begotten son if jesus himself can be tempted how much more we who are adopted by his spirit how much more we who are children of god we are not the only begotten of god he is the only begotten of god but yet he was tempted yet he had to go through this temptation so we must be very careful to not think so highly of ourselves we also have to walk the walk that he walked we also have to talk the talk that he talked so he's tempted in the wilderness if you are the son of god prove your identity to me prove your identity prove your worth prove your value you see it's not so much about turning the bread it's not so much about eating the bread there's nothing wrong with bread there's nothing wrong with eating the bread but there's something wrong in eating the bread in the wrong season you see it's not about sex it's not about having sex but it's the season that you had it it's not about the money nothing wrong with money but it's how you have acquired your money you see it's about obedience the obedience in eating the bread the season of eating the bread they are seasons child of god there's a season to eat bread there's a season of making love and that season is called marriage when it is eaten when bread is eaten outside of marriage it becomes sin when we do things out of obedience to the will of god it becomes sin when you begin to acquire money in a way that is divisive in a way that is deceitful in a way that is full of schemes and bribes in a way that is lawless it becomes sin you see it's not about the money it's not about you putting makeup on you know there are people that believe that makeup is evil no it's the love behind why you do it it's the idolatry behind it child of god what is the season of eating bread in your life today are you willing to compromise the future because you have a need for bread today you have a need that is demanding food today your hormones are raging your hormones are telling you that we cannot go on like this i cannot continue sleeping alone in my bed at night is that what your hormones are telling you the voice begins to speak loudly and it says 10 those text messages turn those phone calls turn that friendship into bread turn it into a sexual thing turn it into something that it is not child of god are you willing to compromise your future child of god do not compromise what god is about to birth in your future do not compromise what you are carrying the lord jesus christ says it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god this means that we live from the instructions of god we live by the leading of the holy spirit every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god we live by the word of god the just shall live by faith we live in this realm of faith where we are led of the holy spirit do not allow satan to lead you because of your need do not allow your appetites to lead you because of the need at hand this is the time to exercise the fruits of the holy spirit you see we've been so privileged to have the fruit of the holy spirit we have patience we have long suffering we have kindness we have goodness these are the fruits that we begin to exercise in times when appetites begin to speak loudly you cannot go back into the fasting you've already fasted and you've prayed now it's time to tackle things by the sword of the word of god it's time to tackle it by the fruit of the holy spirit don't hide behind fasting and say because god is tim because the enemies tempt me i'm going to fast again don't hide behind fasting it's time to use a different weapon a weapon of the fruit of the spirit a weapon of patience a weapon of long suffering even a weapon of praise and a weapon of thanksgiving use a different weapon in this season a weapon of the word of god speaking back to the enemy the lord speaks back because he realizes what his future is worth i cannot sell my future for a muzzle of bread i cannot sell my future for five breadcrumbs i cannot sell my destiny like eso because i feel hungry child of god do not sell your destiny do not sell what god is breathing through you do not sell what you are carrying inside of you satan he doesn't give up he comes again maybe if i try a different thing because you know he's able to exercise wisdom he's able to exercise long-suffering though he's hungry he's not really moved by the need at hand so let me tackle it a different way and use the word of god to deceive him it's very possible for people to advise you using the word of god but it is used out of context and it is used deceitfully it's very possible for the enemy to speak to your back the word of god but it is not being used in the right way this is why it's important to understand scripture for ourselves these people who god wanted to marry but because these people they went to somebody else to get advice they went to their pastor to get advice they went to their friend and they were given the wrong advice it's important to find freedom in the voice of god it's important to find rest in the voice of god it's important to find confidence in the word of god we must know his voice for ourselves especially in this generation i get so many emails i wish i could tell you so many emails from people who have been disappointed because they went to their pastor but the pastor didn't like the guy the pastor didn't like the girl so they said no that's not your spouse no that's not the one no don't tell me about that one and so they lost their kingdom marriage because they trusted the word of a man or a woman before the word of the father it's important in this generation it's important in this timeline in this hour to really know the voice of god for yourself it's very important so that when somebody speaks something that is not in line with what god has told you you will know that this is not god so that when somebody confirms what god has told you in the private place you will know that this is god it's very important the devil took him up into the holy city and set him on the pinnacle the top of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down now he's giving scripture because last time the lord gave scripture so now he's giving scripture because he's understood the level that the lord is operating in the lord is operating at a spiritual level so he's trying to penetrate that spiritual level by using scripture out of context he shall give his angels charge of you just quoting scripture in their hands that shall bear you up lest you dash your feet against the stone so commit suicide just fall into safe just sleep with him and you know you ask for forgiveness later just just get into that deal even though you know that those business people are wrong even though you know that that business venture it's not really right the way they do their business is very strange not according to the ways of god they have to do certain things at night they have to do certain sacrifices in order to be successful even though you know that this is a cult the way they are doing things in that church it's very celtic but you stay there why commit suicide just jump just just get into it the lord will save you because he loves you jesus loves you jesus loves his people for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son nothing should separate you from the love of god god loves you and he will save you child of god are you tempting god in the season of your life are you tempting god so much that you're forgetting what the future holds you're forgetting what you're about to give birth to do not turn to god as you give birth to this thing do not fall into willful sin this is willful sin do not fall into willful sin because of a need if you are the son of god proof prove that you are who you are prove that this is your destiny prove to us that this is your gift prove to us that you're going to get married prove it by doing such and such a thing prove that god said these promises about your businesses prove it by falling into willful sin prove it by doing this and that child of god do not compromise your life do not compromise your walk do not compromise your feet and your hands your eyes and your ears do not compromise them because you need to give birth do not compromise your body you need to give birth to something that is great in the next few days in the next few months in the next few weeks because the lord in the next few days he was choosing disciples and there was a ministry a great ministry in galilee that is waiting for him do not compromise do not compromise your destiny in the season what is god telling you to do what is the enemy asking you to do are people pressuring you to prove yourself you find that you want to be a blogger you're watching this video somebody watching this video you you want to be like a blogger you want to travel the world you want to travel the world you want to experience what they experience but now there's a compromise of clothing now you have to kind of show your body you have to show yourself in underwear you have to show yourselves in bikinis these are things that you never imagined before you never thought you could go in that direction but this is what they're asking you in order for you to go to the bahamas in order for you to go to the maldives in order for you to have free things and travel around the world they are asking you to compromise child of god don't you know that god can give you these things according to his ways god is able to make you to travel god is able to make you to stay in five star hotels if you trust him trust him he can give you those things in the right way in the right season just trust in the lord in this season it looks good from afar it looks nice from afar these things look exciting and inviting but it's how you get there that's very important do not sell your soul to not compromise your soul for those things he says throw yourself down because god will save you anyway you know god loves you so much he's gonna save you anyway but you're tempting god you are denying his love you are willfully denying his love like peter today you are denying him tomorrow you say you love him yesterday you said you will not deny him today you're doing something else you are living a double life double-minded and unstable so your ways become very unstable like the waves of the sea and god is calling you to a place of rest a place of calmness a place of order a place of firmness when you stand firm on a foundation that is built on his truth the lord jesus says hey it is written again you shall not tempt the lord your god so satan fails in this one maybe you're in that season satan has tempted you twice and you're thinking ah god the situations you're looking at the situations in your life you're looking at your life and you're saying i don't know if i can get through this season i don't know if i have enough strength i want you to know that your strength is in the lord trust in the lord your strength is in him it's not in yourself he will give you the wisdom that you need he will give you the words that you need he'll give you the fight that you need he will give you the stones that you need for the next challenge that is coming the devil takes him on an exceedingly high mountain it shows him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory it's in a moment so it was probably a vision and see the vision in a moment all the kingdoms of the world power dominion fame riches wealth and he says to him all these things i will give you if you fall down and worship me i want you to understand that all these things that satan is promising the lord jesus christ these are things that he already has inside of him these are things that god is already going to reveal inside of him you have to understand that your future is already inside of you it's just you bringing it out of you it's just god showing forth his glory in a set in a particular season of your life you don't need to grab it from anywhere your power your value it's already inside of you it's hidden inside of you i'm reminded of adam adam was lonely in the garden of eden but yet his wife was already inside of him but it's god we had to take out the wife take out the sight take out his side and form and fashion the woman and bring her to him but the woman was already inside of him because the bible tells us in genesis 1 that he blesses them and he says be fruitful and multiply the blessing is not in south africa you don't have to go to nigeria from america you you don't have to go somewhere else you you don't have to toil but you have to allow god to bring it out of you allow time to bring it out of you allow experiences to bring it out of you allow patience to bring it out of you so many times people want the fame they want the multitudes but they are not willing to pay the price of time paying the price of patience paying the price of training it's training you need to be trained before multitudes can follow you in galilee there's a training that is taking place a training where you know the voice of the lord and the voice of satan a training where you know obedience to the lord and obedience to satan satan says if you fall down and worship me if you do whatever i say if you compromise your time compromise your money compromise your name if you do everything to glorify self if you do what you do to glorify me if you can do things that don't glorify god then i will give you all these things so it's very important to know that this ministry of fame was already inside of him but it required some training it required this temptation it required passing these tests so what the enemy is offering jesus christ is not something new but it's something that is of lower value it's something that is already compromised it's something that is tainted it's something that comes with laboring and toil it's something that doesn't come with peace and honor it's something that comes with shame with pain and with hurt have you ever wondered why some people have big names they are known all around the world if you go to zimbabwe and say and ask a 10 year old child do you know this person they'll tell you yes i know them i've heard of them if you go to the us in you in new york you ask a 20 year old do you know this person they'll tell you yes i've heard about them but yet this person cannot sleep at night they have no peace is it because they compromise their soul before their moment of reveal is it because they compromised when they signed that contract they said that they would do certain things that hurts their soul they said that they would do certain things that lowers their standard if you can fall down lower your standard lower your honor lower your value lower your morality lower your ethos and your ethics if you just lower everything that you believe in everything that you've been taught everything that you've learned in christ everything that you've given and that you've worked hard for if you just lower it and sleep with this one i'll give you a contract if you just lower yourself and do this and that then you have the fame you have the money you have the dominion you have authority you have a big name for yourself and fall down and worship me child of god is the enemy asking you to fall down and to worship him you know um i want you to understand that it's not like satan comes to you in person and says you know fall down and worship me not necessarily i want to share something with you that sometimes it can come through dreams there's a compromise satan will show up in your dream and he will ask you to compromise i remember before i started youtube before i started anything in terms of writing stuff writing blogs before god revealed any any of that i remember had a dream and i'll never forget this i had a dream and this man came to me he had a robe i can't remember what color robe that is and this man was wearing some rings he had some rings on his fingers and he said if you wear this ring i will make your name or make your name great or something like that and i will give you this and that if you wear this ring but i looked at him and i knew this this is not of god this person is satan this person is the devil this is a messenger of satan so i said no i will not do that i will not wear your ring i will not take anything from you and then i woke up i remember this so clearly this is before youtube this is before this channel grew this is before i began to write books but i didn't compromise in that dream it's very important to pay attention to your dreams the visions some of them is actually something that is taking place in the spiritual realm because the enemy knows that there's something about to happen in your life there's a season there's a rising of your light that's about to take place there's a shining of your light that's about to take place and the enemy will send messages in your dreams in your visions you have to be very careful to be obedient at all times be alert because the enemy is walking around like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour whose destiny he may devour whose future he may devour be very very careful child of god and do not be afraid don't fear when i say be careful i don't mean you have to be afraid now you have to shiver before you go to sleep and you have to be so worried when you dream no just allow the holy spirit to help you say holy spirit help me help me when i dream dreams help me to be obedient help me to be mindful help me to be alert even in my dreams to be obedient to your word into your will to be aware self-aware of your word and your ways spirit of god and he will help you do not be afraid we have the helper we have the teacher we are very privileged to have the holy spirit so the lord realizes that no way no this this is not of god i have not come here to get fame from satan i've not come here to make a name for myself we have come here to make a name for the king through our lives that glorify him we have come here to win souls for the kingdom of god through how we conduct ourselves we're not here to start our own legacies but we are here to glorify the king we are here as his jewels we are here as these lights here on earth we are here to point direction to the father into his throne we are not here to get a name for ourselves so he says this is not my mandate this is not why i'm here i am the word that has become flesh i have not come here of my own but i have come here because of the father and his love that he has for the world for god so loved the world i've come here on an assignment it's not about glory and kingdoms and dominion but it's about the dominion of this kingdom that is everlasting so he says away with you satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and only him shall you serve we have not come to serve ourselves and you know you can actually do everything that you do in your life as a way to serve god you can get married as a way to serve god there are benefits that we have in serving god because you may think it's boring to serve god but there's benefits that you have in serving god you can serve god in your business it doesn't have to be ministry related or bible related it can be just something to do with uh fixing hair or doing makeup making people making women feel beautiful but it's how you do it is the motive behind it it's the same techniques of doing makeup but it's what you do with your business it's how you glorify him it's how you treat people it can be as simple as how you treat your clients how do you treat your clients when your clients think of you do they think of somebody who's kind somebody who is loving somebody who's friendly how do you treat people you can serve god in your business by how well you treat people child of god doesn't have to be all spiritual all the time and so deep and so warfares and prayers and fasting no it's just how you treat other people it's how you glorify god in every area of your life in business in ministry in whatever god has called you to give birth to it whatever you have already given birth to how are you serving him in this season the lord says i will not fall down i will not worship you that's not my mandate that is not my desire that is not my calling and after he says this the devil left him and behold angels came and ministered to him amen i've just come to warn you today that do not compromise your destiny do not compromise what god is breathing through you in the season pay attention do not compromise it's far too great your inheritance is far too great the promises of god are far too valuable for you to compromise because of what you need and what you don't have for you to compromise because of what you see other people having in your desires for you to compromise because of willfully doing something believing that god will save you and rescue you when you're falling into a ditch out of your own will for you to compromise your destiny your future because of not being alert child of god be alert in this season you're giving birth to something great do not compromise it let us pray oh god we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise lord help us help us in this season empower us by your spirit oh god i pray empower your people today by your spirit to not fall or falter in the season of their lives in the seasons of temptations after their fasting and prayer in seasons when their light is rising oh god in seasons when they are shining brighter than before even though they may not see it or understand it but oh god you see it that their light is rising that they are shining brighter than before that their season of glory is here father i pray for your church i pray for the body of christ for all of us help us help us to make it help us to make it help us to not fall lord help us i pray in the name of jesus help your people to not fall help your people to not compromise oh god the destinies the purposes the births that they're about to give forth o god their glory your glory lord help them teach them and train them lord help them to be humble to be teachable help them to stand firm on your truth help them to hold on oh god i pray in the name of jesus the name that is above every other name i thank you that your people will not fall i thank you that your people hold on i thank you that your people will exercise patience self-control the fruit of the spirit i thank you that your people will walk according to your word according to the voice of your spirit i thank you that your people will become understanding to your voice i think that your people will become familiar with your name and your voice oh god i thank you in the name of jesus i thank you that they will not be deceived in jesus name we pray amen and amen amen and amen god bless you god loves you so much and i'll see you very soon take care bye [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 25,241
Rating: 4.9601679 out of 5
Keywords: compromise, don't compromise what God is birthing, wisdom Wednesdays, wisdom wednesday
Id: MWZv_5dIc68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 44sec (2024 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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