BE MYSTERIOUS (The Christian Way) - Fidelity Fridays

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hi everybody welcome back to my channel thank you so much for tuning in today and welcome again to this channel and today we are back again uh teaching the word of god and lloyd will be leading and this is my husband lloyd for those who don't know and every friday he'll be not every friday but every now and then you'll be joining us and um leading uh these sessions and i'll just be chipping in here and there just as it was last week so over to you oh thanks so much and welcome everybody once again i'm so glad that you invited us into your home and i know that god is going to speak to you in a mighty way you know thank you so much for your support even more last videos because this is something that we're going to be doing together in the bible studies because i believe that it's time to equip the body of christ for the work of the minister ministry and today we're going to be talking about being mysterious not that mysterious though i didn't do it [Laughter] but we're gonna be talking about you know um you know being a christian you know the christian walk is a mysterious work especially to the unbeliever you know because you know it's spiritual you know the last video that we did we spoke about how life is spiritual and it is indeed spiritual and you know when you look at the life of jesus himself he was very mysterious like in terms of uh you know when the pharisees how the pharisees looked at him they couldn't figure him out yeah you know because he didn't meet you know their expertise you know they say hey you know a prophet never came outside of jerusalem and they didn't understand jesus and until one of them would come by night you know nicodemus in in john chapter three he came by night because he was intrigued by the life of jesus it was like no man can do these miracles except god is with them you know because he looked at the life of jesus and he said you know what there's something mysterious about this guy something different about him and now jesus said that you know those that are born of the spirit they are like the wind because the wind you cannot figure out where it's coming from always going so it's mysterious and that is the life of a believer hallelujah so be mysterious but it's not some spooky stuff that we're going to be talking about we're going to be talking about kingdom stuff yes a lot of times when you mention be mysterious it's like oh they're going to be talking about spooky stuff and weird concept no we're going to be talking about kingdom stuff hallelujah and especially about praying in the world in the spirit in the spirit hallelujah so our first scripture and i would like to encourage uh you to go with us to go in the scriptures with us you know it's so important that we study the word of god together you know because as you look in the scriptures you can see it by yourself that wait a minute these things are in the word of god amen so the first scripture that i want to look at is jude chapter 1 verse 20 and i love this jude was the half brother of jesus and he writes a quite a short book really it's just uh comprised of one chapter so verse verse 20. okay it says but you beloved building yourselves up on your most holy faith praying in the holy spirit i love this because judy is writing to uh christians yes he's writing to christians and he says you beloved building yourselves up in your most holy faith and then he tells you how to do it i love that the word of god gives you an instruction then it gives you an answer on how to obey that instruction or it can leave you with a question but it also gives you the answer at the same time hallelujah so julie is speaking to spirit-filled believers so we are here to encourage you if you're spirit-filled you are here to encourage you you know according to what jewish says that you have to build yourself up yes hallelujah and i like in the amplified that the word of god says i love the amplifier he says but you build yourself up founded on your most holy faith make progress i love this arise like an epithets higher and higher praying in the spirit hallelujah do you want to make progress in life wow i'm sure i'm sure everybody wants to make progress in life so the word of god gives you an answer how to make progress in life how to excel in anything that you're doing it might be in your business how to excel in your business how to excel in your ministry hallelujah how do you do that you have to build yourself up and the word of god gives you hallelujah you know the answer how to do that he says praying in the spirit holy spirit hallelujah yes praying in the holy ghost that's how you build yourself up you know in times that you know there are times that you may feel low in life i don't know if you have ever been at that moment in life whereby you feel worn out and you feel what tired and i know especially um 2020 and especially 2021 because there's a lot of things going on so far yeah a lot of things going on and sometimes it can weigh you down yes yeah but you need to build yourself out the word build yourself up it's also the correct rendering should be charge yourself charge yourself in the holy spirit yeah charge yourself and it's like you know when you're when your your phone is running out of battery yes yes what do you do if you run it out of battery you charge your phone you charge it right it's exactly the same so so when you're feeling low and when you're feeling down when you're feeling that you know what it seems like all hope is gone yeah what do you have to do you have to charge yourself yes the bible does not say that pray to god to charge you up no it's something you do yeah yeah yeah yeah because a lot of times um christians we hide behind that okay i'll pray and god will do something about it it's not everything that you have to pray about yes and ask god to do it for you yes hallelujah there are things that you have to do yes right it's not everything that you have to pray and ask god to do it for you tape exam you know in the old testament the bible says that god spoke to uh joshua remember joshua in uh joshua chapter one verse eight yes and he's saying that this book of the law he's speaking to joshua shall not depart out of your mouth but you have to meditate upon it day and night and what what watch what happens when you do you will make you observe and observe to do according to all that is written therein and you shall make your way prosper it doesn't say god will make your way prosperous he says you will make your way prosperous because you are doing certain things and also um sometimes as christians we ask other people to pray for us it's an issue they need to tackle so we not only hide behind god can you do this for me um make me love uh my brother my sister but that love is already poured out in you can you make me leave this relationship but you can pray in the holy ghost and wisdom can begin to be given to you yeah so sometimes we are hiding behind god god or somebody else something else you know you know maybe somebody's going to make a powerful prayer yeah and that will bring the enemies yeah but you know what there are things that you have to do because here jude is writing he's writing to believers and he says charge yourself yes you do that charge yourself up and how do you do that if you have are spirit filled pray in the holy ghost if you are not spirit filled yet you know uh keep watching because you know we're gonna tell you and show you how to be spirit-filled yeah you know so you are not exempt but as you keep watching you are actually listening to the benefits of you being spirit-filled amen so julie's saying that you know what shut yourself up yes and the thing is i like um you know i was thinking of this man of god uh john wesley i like what he said you know he said uh because people were so intrigued and wondered how come he has great revivals you know you know the intro he said well be mysterious they were so mysterious that how come this man is able to pull such great crowds how does it do how does it do that but i love what he said he said well i set myself on fire and then people come and see me burn wow i set myself on fire so he's charging himself up my god he understood the principle he understood the principles he charged himself up you know a flat battery cannot shot another battery it takes one that is fully charged to charge another so wherever you are if you want to see revival in your house if you want to see revival in your church if you want to see your revival in your community you have to charge yourself up yes yes hallelujah so when you charge yourself up you are able to charge others you are able to motivate others you are able to set other people on fire as they see the fire of god upon your life yes can you see this but how do you do that again jude says praying in the spirit and i'm just looking at the word revival because there's somebody asking what is revival what does it mean um generally it means restoration to restoration that's what it means revival is a restoration there's green there's life there's nature there's singing and there is joy a substance of breathing there is joy so all the things that remind you of life life life and i guess sometimes i'm reminded of the um 2020 when we're just stuck at home sometimes we lost that sense of life of going out maybe exercising or going to a restaurant with your friend that was part of life so we that was taken away because of sickness because of a pandemic yes so we needed a revival so we needed a revival of healing which is which we still need right now a revival a restoration that's what we need so that is what revival means for somebody yeah you may be asking that amen and that comes you know when you charge yourself yes it's not it's not god to do it for you you have to do it yeah because your job he said jude says what charge yourself build yourself up in your most holy faith and how to do that by praying in the spirit now it's it's very important to pray in the holy ghost very important why because the apostles did it hallelujah they did it and one apostle that stands out the most who did it is for the apostle because paul the apostle he writes to a a church of uh corinthians and he's you know is encouraging them to desire spiritual gifts then in his letter in first corinthians chapter 14 i love this from verse 14 to 15. amen it says for if i pray in a tank my spirit prays but if my understanding is unfruitful what is the conclusion then i will pray with the spirit and i will also pray with understanding i will sing with the spirit and i will also sing with understanding amen i like the king james it says that you know i pray with the spirit and i pray with the understanding also okay so he's given a hint that he prays a lot in the spirit that he prays with the understanding also but however he gives the wisdom and he says among the brethren if i'm in church yeah you know i i pray a lot with the understanding so that a person can can also benefit from what i'm saying because the pre-adventure and unbeliever comes to church and let's just say that everybody's praying in tongues they'll look at us and think these guys must be crazy yeah because they're just blubbering some words and indeed i've heard a lot of times you know you know some people say concern the pentecostals that uh oh uh those happy clappies or blubbers you know because because they pray a lot in terms you know you know but he says that but on on his own he would pray a lot in the spirit why he's building himself up according to jude 120 build yourself up and how do you do that when you pray in the spirit you are strengthening yourself you are charging yourself up yeah hallelujah but it says among brethren right when it's in in church for the benefit of the unbeliever i pray with the understanding and they allow the the word the the gift of prophecy to move even more so that they can be edified yes yes hallelujah are we saying this but why is it important to pray in the spirit yeah it's very important because paul the apostle reveals why it's very important because they say is when you pray in the spirit for those that are filled with the holy ghost the bible says you speak mysteries you speak what mysteries huh yeah that's how we we encourage you be mysterious and this is how you speak mysteries and why is it important you know the lord jesus christ speaking to his disciples and he's also speaking to you he says that um oh let's let's look at it i was just about to say but let's look at it it's in the book of matthew matthew chapter 13 verse 10 to verse 11. matthew chapter 13 and i love this i love this yes says and the disciples came and said to him yeah why do you speak to them in parables and he answered and said to them because it has been given to you to you yes to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it has not been given oh i love this here jesus had been speaking a parable right a parable is a a um ethnic story with the heavenly meaning so he's speaking the power to the and most of the crowd didn't understand these parables but then jesus even including the disciples they didn't understand these problems so they would come to him privately and say master explain this parable yeah and he they'll also ask them in this in this instance like why do you speak to the multitude in parables you know but i love what the lord says to you to those that are what acquainted with me my god to my disciples is given to know mysteries of the kingdom yes hallelujah you know yeah yeah do you know what you're listening to this you know that there are mysteries that the father wants you to know mysteries that the father wants you to know hallelujah he says it's given for you to know those mysteries hallelujah and and here's an amazing thing these mysteries are mysteries that the old testament saints wanted to see but they could not that's why jesus explained to the disciples and he says that many prophets of all desire to see what you see but they could not imagine that david's desire to know of this thing called salvation this thing called being being filled with the holy spirit david didn't have that privilege of being filled with the spirit the spirit will come upon them for a certain task that's why i love this you know in the book of uh psalm 23 hallelujah and i'll just quickly i'm sure most of you know this he says that you know the lord is my shepherd i shall not one he makes me lie down green passes he leads me besides stillwater and so forth and so forth i like the problem but david says that that um though i may walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will not fear no evil because thou art with me a lot of times you know in my in my personal confession times devotion times until when i got to the spot that though i may walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will not fear no evil because they are with me until the spirit of god said i want you to change that save thou art in me come on hallelujah because the revelation that david had for his time was god with him my god but not god in him my god but the revelation that you have and i have is not just only god with us emmanuel god with us it's the holy spirit god in us the holy spirit okay so these are mysteries that david that they desire to know it developed the prophet's desire imagine isaiah desired to know this he looked and he saw the lamb and he says he is one he was wounded for transgressions bruce for iniquities the punishment that brought us peace was upon him by his stripes we i we are healed because he was looking into the future but then peter says that he what carried our sin in his body yes yes all the way to the tree that we've been dared to sin my living righteousness and by his trust we were here customs because he's living in that reality hallelujah the mysteries that the father wants you to know but the question is how do you begin to walk in those mysteries how do you begin to know those mysteries how do you discover them yeah because you tap into them yeah because it's mysteries that even angels desire to look into they are not able they're not given the privilege to look into these mysteries about salvation yeah hallelujah i love this amen i love this you know an angel came to the house of cornelius yeah cornelius was praying then at around three o'clock in the afternoon an angel appeared to him and the angel could not preach to cornelius my god he said to canadians that you you know send men to go to jabba to to what to to for for peter yeah to come right yeah because the angel was not permitted to speak about salvation can you say this because they look they desire to look into those things but they cannot but you and i can't yes we can it's for us can you say this there are mysteries that even angels desire to look it but they cannot okay and there are mysteries that are hidden you know to satan and demons yeah mysteries that are kept for you to walk in and to and to live in my you know i love this you know when i'm i just thought about you know the lord you know uh concerning the cross you know the bible says that you know if the if the enemy had known they wouldn't have what crucified the lord of glory if the enemy had known that the mystery of you know people being saved and that his power being broken for men was was was in a cross was tied to it to a cross yes they wouldn't have crucified jesus but it was hidden and to him he was hidden uh there are people yeah they're people who are so afraid of the devil they've exalted him in their minds they have not yet tapped into the mystery the mystery that the mystery that destroys that kind of a mindset and knowledge the mystery that destroys that knowledge that exalts itself that satan can do this that he can do that but yet we have access to the mystery that destroys certain kind of knowledge certain kind of wisdom that is not godly certain kind of traditions yes and legalistic views that have nothing to do with the truth of the kingdom of god so we have access yeah because you know what these things have been given for you to know them yeah but you have to know know the knowledge that's what the bible says in the book of hosea 4 6 it says my people imagine that this is god the father saying that my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge it's not because they do not pray it's not because they do not fast it's not because you know they do not give it's for the lack of knowledge because you do not know something satan takes advantage of your lack of knowledge and satan builds uh you know upon that ladder of your ignorance and it seems so big why because you do not know something yeah that's why you know the apostle paul in his letter to the corinthians he writes and he says that he's amazed by what he's hearing yeah he you know he's hearing that you know a young man is sleeping with his um his father's wife his stepmom yeah and he's hearing that people are going to sleep with prostitutes and he's shocked and he says what don't you know there's a knowledge he says don't you know if you knew who you are if you knew what god has done you wouldn't be doing this yes don't you know that your body is the temple of the spirit that god does not dwell in temples made by man's hand it's not a church building where god dwells my god but it's he lives and dwells in you because now it's god in you yes yes can you say that this is the old testament didn't know that revelation of god in them they knew about god with them jesus can you say but not god in them hallelujah are we saying this yes but how do you know those mysteries hallelujah i love this yes hallelujah i love this men we are corinthians today because there's a lot i encourage you to study corinthians you you'll be excited when you study that so first corinthians chapter 2 from verse 7 amen it says but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery in a mystery a mystery the hidden wisdom oh you know the hidden wisdom yes so it's hidden but it's meant to be revealed it's kept hidden for who for you to know it it's hidden for you to know imagine that the father has hidden these things before the foundation of the earth that these things my child should know them these things whatever your name is you know put your name there there are things that you are meant to know hallelujah glory hallelujah but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery the hidden wisdom god ordained before the ages for our glory for our glory glory for his children for you hallelujah for which none of the rulers of this age knew know yes i mentioned this scripture yes they would not have crucified the lord of glory but it is but as it is written i love this scripture actually yeah the eye has not seen no ear hurt you have entered the heart into the heart of men the things which god has prepared for those who love him but god has revealed them to us through his spirits yes searches all things yes the deep things of god god continue for what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him even so no one knows the things of god except the spirit of god oh harlan are we saying this no man knows the things of god except the holy spirit except the spirit of god so when you are acquainted with the spirit of god those mysteries of god will be revealed to you but how are they revealed they are revealed to him to your spirit because when you speak in tongues is the holy spirit giving your spirit utterance to speak and the bible says that when you begin to speak you're speaking mysteries yes so you are tipping in the mind of god so if you want to know the mind what's the mind of god concerning my family right now concerning marriage yeah concerning this man or concerning that woman that i'm dating yeah exactly whatever it is yeah whatever it is what is the mind of god i'm not i'm not saying that this is the only way because the word plays a very important part because you know this does not exclude the word of god because this actually you know is part of the word because the word plays the work together hallelujah so when you pray in the spirit you are tapping into the mind of god concerning whatever situation you're praying for you might be praying for you know another example for a loved one to be saved you know with your understanding your understanding is limited what i mean by understanding is you know the natural whatever language you speak yes when you come before god and you're praying with your understanding it's limited yeah it's limited to logic yeah to reason and what you see by sight yeah exactly but when you pray in the spirit there is no limit limitless yes are we saying this because the bible says when you are praying in the spirit you are speaking to god yes yes you have direct access to god hallelujah and there is no it's not limited that prayer is not limited by your mind and let me show you something in the word of god that that you know is very important because the revelation of god is progressive what i mean is progressive that though god does not change but he can change his methods yes but him himself does not change let me explain you know when you look at moses coming to the red sea so he's facing the water the red sea right yes then what does it do in order for the people to cross the red sea he what he lifts the staff right then what the c is part yes that's moses but joshua years later faces the same situation he's facing the river jordan same same scenario but he does not use the method that moses used are we saying that he does not use the same method but he's instructed it's the same god he's instructed by god to let the what the priest bear in the ark to step into the water and there's this step into the water what what happened that the bible says that it's parted yeah are we saying this yeah another scenario years later a prophet called elijah faces the same situation you know where this is going yes jordan river again he does not use the method of moses he does not use the method that god showed joshua but yet he takes a mantle he wraps it around his head and smites the water he likes his mental yeah exactly then what happened though the waters split institute then they walked hallelujah another scenario yes later jesus our lord all right all right galilee he does not do like what moses did or what joshua did or what what elijah and elijah did he walks on it i will say this same same situation but different ways hallelujah so you might you might say you know what because this man of god you know he did this and it worked for him so let me do the same it might not work yeah you might say that you know our testimony of how we came together may not be ex you know what god will lead you to may not be your testimony that's what the bible says they that are led by the spirit they're the sons of god and and when you pray in the spirit you tap in to what the mind of god concerning your life your situations the mysteries personal your personal are we saying this that's why it's important for you to pray in the spirit because in the understanding i can say lord i pray do it for me as you did for moses but god may not necessarily want to want one to lead me that way yeah i can say lord do it the same as you did for for elijah but it may not be the method that god wants to use for me and we mustn't pray in the spirit out of arrogance they mustn't be arrogant yes and out of selfishness love let's it's actually submitting yourself to the holy spirit yes so you allow him to lead so that's what it is all about allowing the spirit of god to lead you you're not leading the holy spirit so i just wanted to emphasize that yes exactly because that's why the bible says that it's the holy spirit giving your spirit utterance but here's the key it's not the holy spirit praying it's the holy spirit giving your spirit utterance thank god hallelujah but you have to start praying here's the key yeah that's what the bible in jude says build yourself a praying in the spirit so it's something you do yes because when you start praying that's when the holy spirit gives you utterance because the holy spirit is a helper because it's not the helper that does the praying yes it's you that does the praying then the helper assists you to pray then when you continually do this because i'm careful not to just put a full stop right there because when you continue to do this there's a level whereby then the spirit takes over this is what paul explains in the book of romans where he says that for we do not know how to pray as we are but the spirit himself prays you know through us with utterance that words cannot express there's a level whereby you know they are groans in the spirit hallelujah when you're groaning it's it's and you cannot explain it it's because it's the cry of the spirit in you it's sound uh it's a sound groaning it's not really a it's not really words it's a sound a voice a sound and it's understood in the spirit realm yeah it's understood in the sphere because sometimes it can be yeah it can be a just a sound and and you can make the same sound to them to the natural is the same sound but in the spirit i've seen this in the spirit it's something else yes are we saying this so so it's important as a child of god learn how to yield to the spirit and exercise building yourself up by continually praying in the spirit this is the key to the success of paul the apostle paul the apostle never walked with jesus physically on the earth he never did peter did john did the other disciples did but paul did it but paul wrote two-thirds of the new testament why because he discovered the secret of how how to be successful remember that in the book of judy says that how to make progress right in the uh with amplifiers progress progress yes paul made a lot of progress you and i can agree but it's because of this key of he was a person that prayed a lot in the spirit spirit and because he was praying a lot in the spirit you are spraying mysteries and when you pray mysteries those mysteries will begin to be revealed to your yes yes that's why paul would write and say that you know jesus he who you know sin became sin for us that we've been dead to sin but become the righteousness of god can you say he was not there on the cross but it was a mystery it was a mystery revealed imagine if you know i see in my mind that imagine that you are standing and jesus is on the cross and he's you know naked on the cross and he's is beaten beyond recognition and and you've got mary mary magdalene you know on the foot of the cross whipping and you got you know the mother of jesus you know whipping and and there's john you know comforting her and he's got his arms around him yeah imagine at that moment that you stand with john and you're looking at the cross then you ask john john do you really do you understand what the lord is doing right now john would have answered no i've worked with him for three years you know i saw great miracles because it was not revealed they did not know because they just looked at the physical it was not yet revealed because holy spirit who reveals these mysteries but imagine that paul writes and saves he when you know sin is looking at the same cross with the eye of revelation yes and understanding mystery he was not there yes but he's looking and he says he who knew no sin he became sin for us yes and he looked looking at jesus he became a substitute for us why that we may be called when we become the righteousness of god are we saying this you are stepping into these mysteries yes remember that the spirit searches all things by the holy spirit yes you can go back to the garden of eden and see everything that happened hear every conversation whatever questions that you have there are people with questions watching this video i would encourage you now to write down your questions and begin to pray in the holy spirit and the spirit of god is going to actually allow you to understand exactly what to play some of you you see visions you see vision some of you are going to begin to dream dreams some of you are very artistic you're going to begin to draw certain things even the gift of being a creative is going to come upon you as you create mysteries and you're going to begin to draw certain things that you're seeing and you're going to understand exactly what you wrote down that piece of paper so just do it now yes yes because this is the key you know praying in the spirit and and you know when you do that you know the enemy cannot get in in it because he doesn't understand what you're saying only the spirit of god can he doesn't understand what you're saying and i know some of you might be might be asking wait a minute doesn't the bible say that i do not understand yes you you do not understand when you're praying in the spirit but however here's the thing this is where paul goes further and he says that when you pray in the spirit you also you must also pray for the interpretation yeah to add it to into the understand hallelujah because it's very important because when you're praying you're speaking mysteries until those mysteries are revealed to you they you know it may not benefit you to you yeah you know unless it's revealed to your understanding hallelujah this is where paul goes further and says now pray for what i understand and pray for interpretation that you may understand those mysteries hallelujah because that's why paul was able to understand the mysteries he was able to write you know such wisdom that's that's what the bible says that you know uh in poor days they say that his letters were waiting because yeah such revelation and such truth in them yes that even people that walked with jesus according to the flesh like peter he says you know some of the things that my brother talks about picture that i don't know you know if they're too deep yes but paul understood the secret yes he was acquainted with the spirit and then he understood the importance about praying in the holy ghost hallelujah he understood that and there may be some that are watching this and they they're asking yeah that's good but i i do not pray in the spirit i have not yet received the holy spirit yeah you know what you you might have not received the holy spirit yet but let me tell you that this gift is for you that the father wants you to have to be filled with the spirit even more than you are actually willing to ask him yes yes because in the bible jesus says when you speak and he says that if earthly fathers if a son comes to you and says daddy i need bread you wouldn't give your son a stone would you yeah he wouldn't do that he said if your son says i need a fish you wouldn't you know i need a police station or i need a whatever it is you wouldn't you know you know give him something else but the bible says that you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more can you see that god wants you to have this how much more will your heavenly father give the holy spirit yes here's the key to them that ask him yeah and the people some of the people are saying that what's the point if i don't understand it the point is that you're charging yourself yes yeah the point is that you are progressing in your graciousness excelling high and high yes and when what we mean by understanding you might not get it as you are praying in the holy ghost that's what we mean by understanding like at the time you're praying in the holy spirit but you don't understand what you're saying what you're saying there will be understanding that'll come upon you in the in the in the form of light bulb moments whereby you're reading the bible and then suddenly you understand what there's a situation you're facing and suddenly you understand there's a time frame that happens whereby that mystery begins to be revealed to you in this physical physical realm because you've tapped into it in the spiritual realm so the understanding that we speak about it's the understanding of now as you pray in the holy ghost what what am i saying what am i saying right now yeah yeah because that's it that's very thank you for that because that's very important because we can just give practical examples like you know for me there are times that in prayer you know i us praying in the spirit and obviously i do not understand what i'm saying in the spirit but however i begin to understand the word yes you know the word is revealed more and more yes because that's oftentimes happens to me that you know i'll be praying in the spirit then all of a sudden i've been read maybe i've been looking in the scripture there's this passage of scripture i want to understand lord you know reveal this there's something more to this yes you know but when i'm praying in the spirit both when they say i like my moment yes i'm like wow wow and i begin to understand something then you can be praying for a situation there are times you know we're you know we're praying for situations then it seemed like oh how is god going to pull this off how how would it happen then you know in the spirit there was the peace of god yes you know i like that the bible said the peace of god that surpasses all understanding according to the knowledge according to to uh reasoning we could not understand it but there was such peace in our hearts yes but that came when we prayed in the spirit quite a lot praying in the spirit quite a lot and we just said that peace then everything worked together quite good for sure hallelujah so but the key is this is encouraging you to encourage you that build yourself up yes this is how you become effective in your world this is how you make progress in life this is how you have answered prayer yes hallelujah because remember that point in your understanding is limited it's very limited you know sometimes you're at that point in life that you know you know coronavirus hits maybe one of our relatives yeah then we do not know how to pray how today maybe cancer comes yeah and we know we do not know how do you pray what do i say i know it's god's will for to heal my family to heal my loved one but how do you pray yeah there's also like uh videos i've seen i don't know if some of you have seen this video a child was kidnapped and this child began to is it single speaking the holy spirit a thanks saying oh yeah but you know there are different testimonies that you find that you know you're praying for a situation but when you tap into the language of the spirit hallelujah when you begin to pray you are you are you are commanding things in the spirit you are you are assigning your angels the angels that god has assigned over your life to work on your behalf when you're praying in the spirit hallelujah so it's very imperative that you pray in the holy ghost you exercise this you build yourself up hallelujah if you want change in your life this is the key but it's something that you do it's very important in something that you do yeah hallelujah is something that you do this is what the apostles did and they were so successful hallelujah and as i said for those who do not yet speak in tongues remember that this gift is for you that you have to ask for it he says how much more will your heavenly father give the holy spirit to them that ass yes he's just waiting on you to ask and it's very important for you to to receive this because you know though you are born again there's another experience subsequent to being born again that's been filled with the spirit yes and let me explain this there's a difference between being baptized in the spirit and being filled with the spirit because being baptized in the spirit that's the the salvation that's when you were born again but there's another experience you have to be fulfilled with the spirit amen and i can hear you some say that okay i thought it's the same thing no because take example if you are in water because the word baptise but to baptize is taken from the word uh baptism to immerse that's why john the baptist what you do you immerse people in water yeah that's right you know if you're baptized that's what they did to immerse you in water so that the water you are in with the water but the water is not in you but you're in the water oh my god so being baptized in the spirits whereby you are in christ my god hallelujah you are in christ can you say this you are in christ that is to be born at that salvation you are in christ but however the holy ghost has to be in you that's been filled with our spirit and when you're filled with this spirit the the evidence that you're filled with the spirit is the speaking intelligence because if i take a glass of glass of water and i keep on pouring water in it there's a there comes a point where it overflows you know it overflows it's the same thing when you're filled you begin to overflow and that overflow is a result now you speaking in the spirit yes hallelujah so you must ask the father and say lord fill me with the holy ghost i receive the infilling of the spirit yes hallelujah and it's not you asking to speak in tongues because a lot of times that people ask to speak in tongues no no no no it's not scripture it's not scripture ask to be filled with the holy ghost not ask to be to to speak in tongues because that's very dangerous because a lot of times i've seen that people ask to what to speak in tongues and you know you know situations that happen that the wrong spirit comes and it's not the holy ghost then this is not the spirit that they speak in you know what in terms of tongues that are not of the spirit and sometimes people imitate yeah they imitate imitate time jesus never said you know you know wait until you speak in terms to the disciples he says wait for the holy spirit okay you see this is the key ask for the holy spirit to be filled with the spirit do not ask for the gift of what speaking in tongues ask what to be filled with the spirit then that gift will come hallelujah utterance will come because as a result of you being filled with the spirit hallelujah amen because it's it's it's in there in the scriptures there's a town where paul saw believers that did not yet speak in the spirit then he says did you receive the holy spirit he didn't say do you do you speak in tongues oh yeah do you do you receive the gift of tongues no he said do you receive the holy spirit it's all about him hallelujah because we have to make we have to go according to what the word of god says it's very important because if it's not according to scripture we open ourselves to you know wrong strange things you know it's very important so it acts to be filled with the spirit holy spirit hallelujah and you know the father is willing to do this for you and it's very important very important hallelujah you know probably them pray for those that want to receive the gift you know you know also when paul prayed for these believers the bible says they receive the holy spirit it's by faith knowing that this is a gift that the father has for you and what do you do if somebody gives you a gift you what you stretch forth your hand and what we see receive it let's just say this is a gift right and i want to give it to you what do you do oh thank you you take a hold of it you receive it right the holy spirit is a gift for you and it's very important you can never be successful as a christian hallelujah without you know the spirit of god without the lead in the spirit of the spirit without this experience yes because the the disciples walked in the apostles walked in this gift and that's why they were made able to change their world they're able to do the miraculous they were able to be what mysterious you can't reach the potential that you're ordained to reach there's a potential that you can reach there's a level of your true identity that only the spirit of god can lead you to so you need the feeling of the holy spirit there's power attached to it the power the evidence of your power from the spirit of god as he fills you has to be it has to show forth in your life this is what you need you need this as a christian amen we want to pray for you hallelujah father in jesus name father you can see and you know each and every one that is watching jesus even for those that desire to be filled with the spirit right now in the name of jesus we said be filled with the holy ghost hallelujah with this new eye this is a gift that the father has for you thank you how much more will your father give the holy ghost yes to them that are asking yes and in the name of jesus we say receive receive the holy spirit be filled with the holy ghost in the name of jesus in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah some of you are receiving right now yes in the name of jesus go ahead hallelujah and praise and begin to praise and begin to pray hallelujah you won't start speaking if you keep quiet yes remember that there's a part you do hallelujah it means when you open your mouth the lord will feel it because remember the holy spirit is a helper but he cannot help you unless you take a first step now just go ahead and praise him thank him for the holy spirit hallelujah thank you for the holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh i'm excited hallelujah glory to god and you know what you know hallelujah just you know you know send us a comment if you know you know you've been filled with the spirit because it's very important hallelujah because we want to progress together yeah and we love you so much and we want to progress together hallelujah we build one another we edify one another hallelujah glory to god and i love what the scripture says that the father that jesus before he left he gave something to the apostles something to be prophets something we teach it for what purpose is to define to edify hallelujah you know one another for the world for the work of the ministry because there's something that you have to do on the earth yes the fact that you are here on the earth it means that there's an assignment that you have to accomplish on the earth but that assignment you cannot do it without the holy spirit jesus never completed his assignment without the holy spirit he never did yeah he never started preaching until he was filled with the spirits the apostles never started hallelujah before they were filled with the spirit that's why the bible says they were awaited in jerusalem then they were filled and when they started speaking they spoke with power glory god paul the opposed to after colius lays his hands on him hallelujah he was baptized and filled with the spirit hallelujah are we saying this so this is very important hallelujah glory to god we love you we love you god loves you more happy he loves you more i love you i appreciate you so much hallelujah and you know just you know in the comment section you know just no share your testimony because we also want to rejoice with you you know we want to celebrate what god is doing in your life glory to god it's all about christ and yes these videos are um it's to obey what he wants us to do which is to edify one another it's not about us no it's about him yes so let's share what he's doing share with us what he's doing in your life and we rejoice with you until the next time next time god bless you and stay safe and stay in the joy of the lord and remember be mysterious [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 21,970
Rating: 4.9726539 out of 5
Keywords: fidelity Fridays, being mysterious, mysterious christian way, life is a mystery, speaking in tongues, praying in the Holy Spirit, filled with the Holy Spirit
Id: Ollw7BrBzY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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