I’m Birthing New Things Through You Prepare Yourself! - Wisdom Wednesdays

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello welcome back to this channel thank you so much for tuning in today if you're subscribed thank you so much for subscribing for your support for liking for commenting for all your support and if it's your first time welcome to the channel my name is daphne please make sure that you do subscribe if you're not subscribed and also click the notifications bell so welcome to wisdom wednesdays we're back again let's go straight into the word of the lord let's go to the book of matthew chapter 17 verse 1 to 9 which says now after six days jesus took peter james and john his brother led them up on a high mountain by themselves and he was transfigured before them his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light and behold moses and elijah appeared to them talking with him then peter answered and said to jesus lord it is good for us to be here if you wish let us make here three tabernacles one for you one for moses and one for elijah while he was still speaking behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear him and when the disciples heard it they fell on their faces and were greatly afraid but jesus came and touched them and said arise do not be afraid when they had lifted up their eyes they saw no one but jesus only now as they came down from the mountain jesus command them saying tell the vision to no one until the son of man is risen from the dead glory to god amen let us just pray before we go into the word hallelujah father we thank you we thank you for this word mighty god help me to speak it help me to say it help me to proclaim it mighty god that your people may be liberated and also father that they may know who you are that they may know your son jesus christ our lord and savior father with all purity and let the light of this world enter into their hearts and transfigure in their hearts and in their lives for your glory for your kingdom mighty god shift and shape them oh god to the people that you have called them to be in this season of their lives lord let our hearts receive this word as good soil father to produce a harvest in our lives this we pray in the name of jesus lord as the people here lord let them see you and not i be glorified let the name of jesus be glorified today this we pray in jesus name amen and amen glory to god amen so uh here we see the lord jesus christ taking peter james and john up on a high mountain but prior to this the lord had been speaking to a multitude of people including his disciples and he was speaking of his resurrection and his death he was again telling them that he's going to be crucified telling them that after three days is going to rise again then after this he tells the people take up your cross and follow me if you want to be my disciple take up your cross take on my persecutions take on my pain follow me if you want to be my disciple you have to walk in my ways so he's telling the people this and today i just want to ask you a question what has god been telling you you see when god begins to tell us things in prayer it's very important to listen when god is telling us things maybe you're watching a tv program maybe you're in prayer maybe you are at work on your desk maybe you're in school or you're busy trying to enroll into school into education you're trying to do different things right now in your day-to-day life but god is speaking something and when god speaks something that means he's about to do something he must be able to listen so that we don't miss what god is about to do so god was already given a picture of what's about to take place concerning his resurrection and concerning his death and now the bible tells us that after six days he took peter james and john out of the 12 disciples only a quarter were taken up on the mountain in prayer and if you look at other versions it tells us that he went up on a high mountain to pray i don't know what the six days are in your life maybe it's six seasons ago that god spoke something to you six seasons ago that god showed you a glimpse of what's about to take place not just in your personal life but also for your nation six days ago god told you the things that are about to take place concerning the body of christ concerning the church the things he wants you to do six days ago it didn't make sense six months ago it didn't make sense six seasons ago it didn't make sense and you're going through all these different days these different seasons perhaps trials and tests six tests six trials then after a time it's time up to go to the mountain with god the bible is telling us that jesus took these three men do we perceive the time when jesus wants us to go up on the mountain to pray can you perceive that this is the season of prayer because god is about to do something you see there's so much happening around the world if you look at the news so many wars so many storms floods political issues financial issues the pandemic how many people are dying if you're not very careful you might miss the voice of god when he's telling you it's now time up to go up the mountain because you see there's always things to do there's always things trying to take away our focus there's always something that will keep you busy but now is the season to go up the mountain i believe for the church it is the season to go up the mountain this is not the time when you wait for somebody to tell you what is happening this is the time when god wants to have a one-to-one fellowship one-to-one transfiguration with his children one-to-one transparency he wants to release his heart he wants to share his heart with his people but sometimes people are too busy people are not willing people are occupied with the ways of life the things of life and he's saying come up the mountain with me to pray you see this is not just an ordinary time of prayer it's a season of birthing it's a season of contractions it's a season of giving out the things that were hidden inside of us it's a season of birthing not just gifts not just things to do with ministry not just new ideas entrepreneurship not just not just things that benefit you but things that proclaim the coming of the lord things that proclaim his name his kingdom his glory his power it's a time of birthing and the lord is saying come up the mountain with me are you willing to climb up with me alone are you willing to separate yourself from your social life are you willing to separate yourself for a season from your friends are you willing to separate yourself from what's up in facebook and instagram for a season because i'm about to reveal something that is greater than the time that you spend in your social life and on social media he takes them up on the mountain after six days john james and peter and immediately after we see that there's a transfiguration the bible tells us that his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as light you see these men had never seen the lord jesus christ in this way you have to understand what is taking place here they'd only known him as the teacher as the lord they would sometimes call him master then only known him as one who feeds the five thousand but this is a different kind of reality you see this is spiritual this is supernatural there's some supernatural transfiguration that is taking place that proclaims the future and that also sets their path and sets their feet concerning their own purposes as apostles there's a transfiguration that gives a light to who they shall become after his resurrection there's a transfiguration that will show forth not just his glory but also give them a picture of whom they're about to serve as apostles it's very important that you do not miss the time of transfiguration in this season are you willing to give up a few little things for a season well are you so occupied with the bread that you do not have in your pantry the meat that you do not have in your fridge the income that you do not have in your bank account the house that you do not have that god showed you and the car that you really desire are you so occupied that you're not willing to go up the mountain with the king the book of revelations before jesus revealed himself to john the revelator he says come up heather there's always a coming up that we have to do there's always a walking that we have to do it it's always going up higher that means living the things that occupy our time for a season occupy our focus it means focusing on the king for a time and a season you see some people think they're scared of really uh spending a season in prayer because they feel like you know i have to pray for hours so before they even start they give up because they feel they cannot live up to the expectations of praying for hours you don't have to pray for hours it's not about the quantity it's about the quality of your prayer the quality of your posture i'm reminded of daniel before he fasted and prayed the angel was already sent but it was caught up in the heavens because satan did not want the angel to bring the message to daniel but when the angel came the angel said before before you even made your supplications before you even began to pray the lord heard you you see it's not about the quantity how many hours you're praying you know i pray for three hours a day i've been praying for a week for five hours a day you know that's great but it's not about the quantity it's the quality of your prayer the posture of your heart your obedience and your focus that it's about the quality the quality begins on the foundation of your heart where is your heart founded what is the foundation on your heart before you begin this prayers before you go up the mountain oh are you saying god is wasting my time i could be doing something else i could be hanging out with my friends i could be going on holiday i could be doing this and that i could be having a promotion i could have applied for a promotion but now i cannot get the promotion because i have to spend my time in prayer is your time of going up the mountain a time of regret do you regret when god says i want to transfigure myself to you you see if you look at some of the people who've sold the best books if you look at some of the people who planted the best ministries if you look at some of the people who have sang the best songs it didn't just come out of thin air there was a time of sacrifice in prayer there was a time of sacrifice there was a transfiguration that took place in their lives and they began to write songs they began to write books they began to plant a ministry they began to walk in an authentic anointing this is where authentic grace comes in a time of transfiguration authenticity is magnified purpose is magnified reason is magnified foundation is made firmer and stronger they go up the mountain the lord transfigures himself they've never known him as the one who shines like the sun this is big this is huge the lord is shining ever brighter shining like the sun in his clothes the bible tells us in other versions that they were whiter than any laundrette can ever make them and this i like this version because it tells us that his clothes shone and they were bright as light for he is light the word of god is light and so they saw another dimension of jesus christ the lord was to reveal another dimension of himself a dimension that is never shown before you see the time is very short and when the lord looks at time it's different from how we look at time so the time to the lord is very short so he's revealing certain mysteries concerning his kingdom concerning his coming concerning his name there's certain mysteries that he's wanting to reveal but it'll come at the cost of your time it'll come at the cost of the sacrifice and you want it'll come at the cost of going up the mountain he's not going to show you these things at the bottom of the mountain when you're concerned and focused on what you eat and what you wear and what you drink but is showing them in a place of quietness in a place of solitude in a place of rest in a place where he is the focus of your desires it's a place it's a place you have to get to in your heart it doesn't mean you have to go to mount kirimanjaro and you know climb up mountains and go to uh france and all these places no it's a position in your heart it's a posture in your heart it doesn't mean you know you have to go on a retreat and pay a lot of money no it's a posture in your heart that you can have right now in your home and you begin to be led and you begin to be led by the holy spirit on how to pray so his face shines like the sun his clothes shine like light i send somebody asking now do i take a break from my job the holy spirit will give you power you can still stay at your job you don't have to leave your job you don't have to leave the things that you're doing god will give you power he will empower you to pray he will give you the strength to pray i remember there was a time a season when the lord was leading me into a time of prayer and i worked a nine-to-five job i was a manager in finance and i would come back from work and then i would pray immediately after i'd be praying and praying after then i make my dinner then i go to bed i didn't leave my job i didn't take a break from my job but you know those times god just gave me grace it just empowered me to pray it's an empowering of the spirit it's not of your own strength so they see him shining like the sun these clothes appearing like light and behold suddenly now this is fascinating moses and elijah the great prophets that they read about and you see it's not like moses said hi i'm moses or elijah said hey i'm elijah look at me no it's just a knowing you just know you cannot miss the things in the supernatural though they silence there seems to be language though people don't introduce themselves but you will know who they are by the spirit so they knew without a doubt that this was elijah and this was moses as they watched and moses and elijah are having a conversation it's such a fascinating time it's a moment in history there's a moment that's about to change history a moment when the lord the lamb of god god himself who became flesh the word of god that became flesh is about to die and resurrect and the people of old the people of old uh abraham's bosom are about to also be resurrected this is an event that is supernatural this is an event of a lifetime and so moses and elijah are speaking with the lord jesus christ and these disciples these men these ordinary men are watching you see you don't have to be extra special to see the things of god you don't have to have a degree or a certain type of a certain type of background you don't have to look a certain way you don't have to look like a model you don't have to be a proverbs 31 woman you don't have to be big like elijah and moses you can just be an ordinary man like peter people who had flaws people like john and james people who are not perfect ordinary men ordinary women god is able to reveal himself to you child of god it's about the posture of your heart are you hungry do you desire him how much do you desire to know these things that god wants to reveal are you willing are you obedient to go up the mountain you don't have to look a certain way you don't have to be saved for 20 years you can be saved three weeks ago and he will reveal himself to you do you understand he's not a respecter of persons and he has compassion on whomever he has compassion on he can choose anybody to reveal these things and these are the last days so he wants to reveal himself to all his children but not many are willing and so ordinary man like peter john and james they see these great prophets they see this transfiguration they see them conversating about his resurrection and his death and the things that are about to happen in jerusalem the things that he was teaching about six days ago they see his face like the sun is it's all too much it's it's a lot to take in and so peter begins to answer and join in the conversation that he wasn't in he begins to answer and he says lord it is pleasing that we are here you know if you don't mind uh we can build a tabernacle like in the days of moses you see sometimes when we don't understand the things of the supernatural you see sometimes it's better to be quiet when we don't understand something sometimes it's better to just learn in silence sometimes it's better to not go ahead of ourselves because sometimes when people have these supernatural experiences they immediately go and start a church they have a supernatural experience they begin to call themselves prophet they have a supernatural encounter they begin to call themselves a poster you just had one encounter you're already calling yourself prophet you just prophesied once you just saw the lord once you just saw the lord for a couple of minutes and you're already starting a church don't go ahead of yourself but wait upon the lord and he will lead you wait upon the spirit of god and he will teach you the things that are happening so peter answers and he says look we can we can do something great right here we can uh build a tabernacle for you we can build a tabernacle for moses and another one for elijah you have to understand that the tabernacle is a place of worship peter is not really understanding what's taking place though he's seeing the face of the lord like the sun his clothes shining like light moses and elijah having a conversation about the things that are going to happen in jerusalem he doesn't understand the reason behind all these things the purposes of god the plans of god the plan of god is not to dwell on earth anymore the plan of god is not to dwell in their hearts it's not to dwell in the hearts of men and women and children who believe the name of the lord who believe that he's the only begotten son and that he is the word that became flesh god's plan is for the people to become his temples god's plan is that his glory is shown through his people who are called by his name god's plan is to reveal and share himself through people oh my god peter did not understand the plan of god you see the things that he's seeing are so supernatural they are so phenomenal they are so great but yet there is no understanding it's very dangerous to experience the supernatural but you don't understand what is happening it's very dangerous to be impatient and experience the things of the supernatural and go ahead of god it's very dangerous to be overly excited that you lose your balance and you do things that are not in line with what you're seeing not in line with understanding this is why understanding is very important and glory to god now we have the holy spirit who gives us understanding so when we don't understand something we can always ask him holy spirit give me understanding concerning this dream give me understanding concerning this vision giving understanding concerning my job give me understanding concerning this and that it's not just about god but it's also your everyday life he will give you understanding so peter peter's vision concerning what he's saying is that god will dwell here on earth forever and everybody will worship moses everybody will worship elijah there's so much confusion in the way that peter is thinking this is because they were not yet ready to comprehend the things that are taking place but glory to god you and i are ready to comprehend the things that are taking place because we have the holy spirit the spirit of wisdom is now in us peter did not have the holy spirit but we have him now in us what a great advantage that we have and so when we see supernatural things we can immediately have understanding through the holy spirit and through the word of god now while peter is still speaking behold a great cloud overshadows them the bible tells us that suddenly a voice came out of the cloud and i love i love this transfiguration because we see god the father god the son and god the holy spirit working together in unity at this moment we see the power of god that transfigures the lord jesus christ and his face looks like a son that's the power of god that's the holy spirit and we see then the voice of god the father begins to speak and he says this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear him what a wonderful experience to see the triune god at work right in this experience right in this transfiguration i believe that god wants to show his triune power in your life i believe that god the father the spirit and the son wants to reveal himself to you in the season of prayer in the season of going up the mountain i believe that we need to experience not just the son but the father and his spirit i believe that god wants us to have a balanced understanding not just of the son but also of the father and of the spirit there is great power in the things that is revealing to the church in fact he's already revealing these things to some of his children but there's more there's more this is why you cannot be jealous of anybody this is why you cannot be envious of anybody there is room for everyone there's so much room but not many are willing to go up the mountain there's so much room but people are too busy they want it the easy way you want god to reveal himself the father the son and the holy spirit right at the bottom of the mountain while you're worried and focused on your bills you want god to reveal himself in that way he will not reveal himself because your focus is not on him this is why people end up comparing themselves end up jealous and envious because they're not willing to pay the price and so when they see somebody else who's willing to pay the price somebody else whom god is transfiguring himself to they become envious but if you just pay the price if you just focus on him there's room for everybody there's enough grace god has enough grace to give enough grace to multiply from grace to grace and so the father speaks this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased again confirming who jesus christ is he is the son of god he's not come to dwell here on earth forever he's the son of god he's come to die for the sins of the world for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son there is a purpose behind why my son is here listen to him do what he says obey him he is my only begotten son the father speaks they hear the voice this voice cannot be confused you see when you hear the voice of the father you you won't be confused there's no confusion there's no doubts it's so clear it's it's like a stamp that is stamped on your heart and you know for sure that this is god it's it's evident you will not be confused the reason why sometimes people are confused is because they rely on the voices of their friends the voices of their leaders the voices of their mentors it's good to hear from your friends and to hear from your mentors but rely on the voice of god god is greater god is god his voice is what matters especially in this generation especially in this time it's the voice of god that matters you need to rely on the voice of the holy spirit and there'll be no confusion and you won't have to run around and say pray for me and pray with me and fast for me it's because you know the way to the father and the way is through jesus christ you know you can go anytime boldly before his throne and ask for direction ask for mercy and grace in your life you know the way to the father the way is through jesus christ so why do you beg other people who are just like you why do you beg people to pray for you when you know the way to the father why do you beg people to fast for you when you can go boldly before his throne without shame without fear because he loves you you have to rely on the love of god he loves you so much why do you depend on other people to hear the voice of god for you when you yourself can hear the voice of god for yourself child of god the father speaks so audibly there's no shadow here the way is through the sun and he says hear him hear my son not hear your friends not hear your your mentor but hear him this is a message for us in this generation hear the lord hear my voice i'm so much greater than those people that call themselves your spiritual father your spiritual father hear my voice for i am your spiritual father god is your father here him through his son and through his spirit there's a transfiguration that he's wanting to do in the lives of his people but they are not willing because they depend so much on their jobs on their fathers and their mothers whom they have lifted up and exalted in their hearts as god and so people have become exalted rather than the name of god and his voice child of god is the name of god exalted in your heart he says this is my beloved son this is my beloved son in whom i am well well pleased he's flawless he's without blemish he is perfect he is holy he is righteous hear him and when the disciples heard it they fell on their faces and were greatly afraid and when jesus came and he touched them it says do not be afraid you don't have to be afraid of of god you don't have to be afraid of his person of his uh name or of his hand and of his ways you don't have to be afraid there's a difference between being afraid and reverencing god well the bible tells us that the fear of the law is the beginning of understanding it's speaking about reverence it's speaking about respect you can respect somebody without fearing them there's a fear fear is built on intimidation on pain and terror you don't have to be terrified of him but you can reverence and respect him there's a difference i pray that the holy spirit begins to teach you today the difference between fearing god and fearing god the difference between being afraid of god and reverencing god in this new covenant we have to revere him revere him and not fear him out of terror revere the name of the lord revere his ways his voice his conducts his statutes revere everything that is all about the holy spirit is gonna begin to teach you today if you're somebody who's been afraid and because of that fear you've not allowed yourself to be all that you can be you have sort of boxed yourself in because of that fear but god wants you to come out of that box come out of that place of intimidation that place of i'm not good enough that place of i'll never be good enough that place of can god do it that place of fear and almost pain and turmoil confusion he wants you to come out of that place and the spirit of god is going to begin to heal you little by little little by little just be patient just be patient and allow him to lead you to become the person that he's called you to be you're called to be the great giant in his kingdom you're called to be victorious for his name you're called to do great things do not allow fear to trample you down amen so the lord jesus christ comes and touches them and says our eyes do not be afraid and when they lifted up their eyes they saw no one but jesus only now as they came down from the mountain jesus commanded them tell this vision to no one until the son of man is risen from the dead the reason is because this is something that would have been difficult to comprehend it's something that had to be kept locked for a time some of the things that god is going to reveal now these are things that you don't speak about on social media these are things you have been entrusted to keep quiet keep private for a time for the right time now it may not necessarily be about his coming it could be about things that he wants you to do things that will end the things that will reflect glory concerning is coming could be writing a certain book could be starting something new it could be birthing something new and you have to keep it private until the proper time don't go ahead of yourself don't be overly excited that you disobey what he's saying it's very important when god tells us certain things we have to be wise and mature enough to know what to share and who to share it with it's very important there are people whom god has given books to write by they shared it with their pastor and suddenly that pastor began to write the book that god gave their sheep to write so they stole the idea and made it them and made it their own it's very important that you do not release certain information that god is about to reveal to you in the season so i'm here to remind you that it's a season of going up the mountain a season of prayer not many are willing to pray because praying is working praying is work so many people are very lazy they don't want to pray they want somebody else to pray for them they want things to be in a microwave a microwave way of prayer a microwave a microwave way of doing things a microwave anointing whereby they just anoint you with oil in a service at a conference and you think suddenly i'm anointed there's a price to pay yes they anointed you with oil but there's a seeking there's a kneeling there's a bowing there's a praise there's a song there's a worshipping that is being demanded by that anointing that they've given you at that service child of god are you willing to go up the mountain because there's a transfiguration about to take place you see when we end this life we go to heaven there are things that we should have done that some of us would not have done and so god will say i wanted you to do this but you said that your job is more important i i wanted you to save these 50 000 people through this message through this book through the song through this business through these finances i wanted you to do this and do that but you didn't do it because you were busy because you said i i can't wake up to pray i don't really have time to pray i i don't really know how to pray i i'm not so used to prayer i'm not very comfortable with praying for one hour i'm not very comfortable with praying for 20 minutes a day i i don't really know how to do it so you don't want to regret when you get to heaven you don't regret the things that you could have done when you see other people with bigger mansions with more stones on their crowns you don't want to regret when you see those things so let's pay the cost let's go up that mountain it's a climb yes it's hard it's a climb yes you have to leave your social life a little bit yes you have to leave your friends for a little bit a certain kind of a mindset at the bottom of the mountain but it's worth it in the end are you willing to climb up the mountain for this transfiguration that is taking place in the season of our lives in the church in this season of the church are you willing let us pray oh god thou art worthy thou art holy hell my god the unrighteous o king of kings you are worthy you are worthy of the climb you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy of the steps up the mountain you are worthy oh god of the time lord jesus you are worthy you are worthy king of kings you are worthy you are worthy lord of lords you are worthy you are worthy without blemish you are worthy you are worthy majesty majesty majesty majesty you are worthy of our time of our hearts majesty you are worthy of our lives majesty you are worthy of our purposes and our dreams our goals majesty thou art worthy thou art worthy for you gave everything for us oh god you sacrificed it oh lord jesus and so we are saying oh god you are worthy we will do it we will climb up this mountain we will come and pray we will oh god we will sit before you that you may transfigure yourself your plans your heart your hand your might your power your glory oh god your people father i pray i pray for your people today those that do not know how to climb up the mountain help them today those that are thirsty and hungry help them today those that are busy help them today those that do not have understanding help them today and those who are willing help them also today father help them to climb up the mountain like peter john and james and even better because they have your holy spirit to see the transfiguration that you're about to reveal them oh god in a unique and personal way individually father though it confirms collectively lord father give them understanding by your spirit as you reveal yourself to them in the season of their lives even as the year is about to end father that they enter 2022 with a fresh authentic anointing and power and glory a fresh vision oh god even give them vision for the next five to ten years lord i pray according to your mercy according to your loving kindness let there be clarity clarity a picture where there was no pictures a picture a picture in a plan in the name of jesus holy spirit reveal it reveal it reveal it in their hearts reveal it in their hearts reveal it in their souls in the name of jesus we pray father we give you glory we thank you that you are not a respecter of persons it's not for special people that you want to reveal yourself to but oh god it's for those who are just willing to go up the mountain father we are willing we say we are willing to go up that mountain and to pray oh god to behold your glory and your beauty the beauty of the lamb of god to behold the beauty of the lion of judah to behold the beauty of the king of kings we are willing to go up that mountain thank you for giving us supernatural strength supernatural speed father in the name of jesus thank you father for releasing us from toxic toxic people toxic environments that will not be delayed from going up the mountain lord i thank you thank you for your people in the name of jesus father i pray that you bless them bless them continually bless them and lord those that are worried about the things that they've left behind father take care of them not only financially take care of them father in their health take care of them spiritually take care of them for you are jehovah jared the one who provides you are oh god jehovah shalom the one who gives peace give them peace and provision as they go up that mountain this we pray in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen glory to god amen the lord is going to give you assurance assurance it's very important that you have assurance and it's going to show you and give you that assurance that you need so god bless you and i'll see you next week on monday take care bye [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 25,794
Rating: 4.9847078 out of 5
Id: IxSU_SXvIxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 30sec (2250 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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