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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi welcome back to my channel thank you so much for tuning in today for subscribing for commenting for liking for all your support thank you and if it's your first time hey welcome to my channel my name is daphne and i'm very excited to have you today if you're not subscribed please do subscribe and also click the notifications bell so that you don't miss out on the videos on this channel so welcome to wisdom wednesdays we're back again and i haven't been here for two weeks so thank you so much for your patience i'm sorry i couldn't be here but i i needed some time off to rest and to recuperate so we're back again and we want to go straight into the word of the lord let's go to the book of second samuel chapter 12 verse 24 to 25 which says then david comforted bathsheba his wife and went into her and lay with her so she bore a son and he called his name solomon now the lord loved him and he sent his word by the hand of nathan the prophet so he called his name jedediah because of the lord amen it's not a lot of scriptures that we're reading today but we want to look into this word i believe that god is going to do something new something great and he's going to reposition you if you're not in position and before we start we just want to pray quickly uh father i thank you i thank you for your people today as i speak this word my lord and my god i pray that their hearts may receive this word in its fullness in its purity oh father i pray in the mighty name of jesus may they leave their worries their sorrows their pride their pain their arrogance oh god anything that is a destruction oh god i pray that their hearts open and their hearts are humble to receive the things that you want them to do and the things that you freely give them by your son jesus christ this we pray in jesus name amen and amen now this may be just a few scriptures that we've read but uh these are very powerful scriptures that reveal to us the flow of god's blessings that reveal to us what happens when we are aligned in the will of god and it shows us also the power of god's forgiveness and his mercies and his grace over our lives there's nothing too hard that god has not forgiven through jesus christ there's no sin that he hasn't delivered you from there's no pain that he hasn't freed you from through the cross through the power of the cross through the blood of jesus christ and his name which is above every other name i want you to know that there's no pain no sickness no shame that he hasn't removed and cleared off by his precious blood the bible tells us in the book of colossians chapter 2 that he has wiped out every handwriting of requirement that was contrary to us contrary to the will of god and he has taken it out of the way there are certain handwritings that can begin to be written concerning our lives concerning our day-to-day walk if we don't align ourselves to the will of god which is perfect good and acceptable it's important to be able to stand in the rain and receive the overflow of god's blessing sometimes it may not make sense to stand in the rain when everyone else is taking cover and hiding but god wants you to stand in the rain stand in his alignment when there is overflow where there is increase where there is his blessing and his compassion and there is no boundary and there is no limitation we see david and prior to this david had committed adultery with bathsheba and also he had killed the husband of bathsheba and now bathsheba got pregnant but the lord said i cannot allow you to raise this child because it will give occasion for my enemies the enemies of israel you see there are certain things that we can do that can begin to give occasion for god to be mocked in our lives the certain things that god wants you to inherit and to walk into certain doors but you see the way that you live your life can cause those blessings and those doors to be mocked to be closed to be shut to be limited and it's so important that we know what the will of god is it's so important that we give ourselves to him our lives to him in our love lives it's important your relationships your friendships your love life is so precious and so important that it can shut certain blessings or it can open doors to certain blessings so david repents he's fasting he's praying and he changes his course of life he acknowledges what he has done and the bible tells us through the prophet nathan that his sin has been taken away yeah and we know that in christ our sins have been taken away but is that an occasion for us to continue to sin yes in christ our sins have been taken away but does that mean that we should continue in fornication does that mean we should continue in adultery does that mean that we should give occasion to the enemy to come into our lives and to cause havoc does that mean that we should give occasion for the flow of god's blessings to be limited in our lives yes he has forgiven you but you must walk as one way has been forgiven you must walk as one who understands the value of the blood of jesus christ in your love life you might say well i don't have a love life i'm single i don't have a love life i don't have anybody i don't have a relationship even if you're single you're not in a relationship you have responsibilities concerning your body these are the responsibilities that you have concerning your mind your thoughts there's responsibilities in how you carry yourself these responsibilities and how you view marriage how you view your love life there is responsibility that you have there's a way that you need to carry yourself as a single person or as a person in a relationship it doesn't matter if you're married or you're not married there's a way that we carry ourselves as children of god there's a way that we walk as children of god whether we are single in relationships dating courted engaged or married there's a way that we walk there's a holiness in our righteousness there's a position and a place that might show forth our light as children of god are you positioned as one who has been made righteous are you positioned as one who lives in the place of holiness holiness is a position it's a place that we've been given through jesus christ a way that we arrived at through the blood of jesus christ can you stay in the place of holiness can you walk the walk despite being single despite being a relationship as you are friends right there's somebody watching right now you're friends with this person and there's actually something that's about to happen you're about to enter into a relationship that could lead to marriage but how you handle yourself how you carry yourself in that friendship the fruits of the spirit in that friendship the fruits of patience and kindness in that relationship there's a way we carry ourselves in the fruits of the holy spirit there's a way that david began to carry himself and the bible tells us that he began to conform comfort his wife so he got married he took himself from a place of stealing a place of defraud a place of i need your body but i'm not yet married to you and i don't care because i'm a king and i can have anyone that i want he repositioned himself and he got into the alignment of marriage the alignment that allows the overflow of god's blessings in marriage to come into his life so david is realigned and he's been positioned and he marries bathsheba there's seven blessings that we cannot receive until we become aligned you cannot say god bless me but you're sleeping with your boyfriend god bless me but he's touching your breasts touching your bum touching you everywhere there's certain things that we cannot receive until we align ourselves into the will of god for our bodies the will of god before you get married what is the will of god before i get married what is the will of god in my relationships what is the will of god concerning how i communicate with men men are asking me for pictures of myself naked are men asking you for pictures of yourself naked they're asking for pictures of yourself in your underwear how do you carry yourself because there's some positions that cannot attain nor receive the blessing of god because they are out of alignment you must come into alignment with the acceptable good and perfect will of god you cannot be sending pictures of yourself naked to men to different men different women because there's no blessing there the blessing of god is not there david is comforting bathsheba from a place of alignment the certain comforts that you cannot give because you're not yet aligned in the position that that comfort demands you see you cannot comfort somebody by making love to them when you're not yet married that is not comfort that is fornication that is adultery there's certain things and certain comforts that we cannot yet partake in until we align ourselves child of god there's somebody watching this video and you're living with the person you're living with somebody but you're not yet married you are like a spouse but you're not you're married you're saying how can i leave i don't know how i can stop this because we're already living together you need to make a step you need to make a step you know what to do if it is possible with you find somewhere else where you can go and live because you must be aligned to partaking certain blessings certain comforts you have to be aligned to partake in the fullness of them your boyfriend he wants you to sleep with him and he says if you sleep with me i will marry you if you love me you will sleep with me and maybe you yourself you feel because you love him you have to give yourself to him that is not the will of god for you that is not the will of god for you that is not the comfort that god wants you to partake in in this season of your life you need to realign yourself change your position you cannot give your body in order to receive even jesus christ himself he died for you and i and we didn't need to give anything to him he did it freely salvation is free so why do you have to be demanded your body why do you have to feel shame in order for you to get a ring why should you give your body in order to get a pair of shoes and a trip to hawaii why do you need to degrade yourself in order to have a shopping trip for 1 000 pounds why do you need to give yourself away in condemnation for you to partake these so-called blessings blessings do not come in the way of defraud those are not the blessings of god you don't need to be defrauded in order to be blessed re-align yourself says the spirit of the lord david is partaking in certain kind of comforts that only a husband and a wife partake in there's some acceptance and some acknowledgement that is happening happening here there's some fulfillment that is taking place here that is actually acceptable in the eyes of the lord despite what david did yesterday despite the sins that david did but because he realigned himself repositioned himself according to the acceptable and perfect will of god he didn't condemn himself he didn't allow guilt to grip him by the neck so that he cannot repent you see the problem that we have today is that some of you are so afraid to repent so afraid to step into the will of god because you say you will never accept me anymore he has accepted you through jesus christ you see salvation is proof of the acceptance of the father to us his children we became accepted when we believed in his name but we believe that he is the christ the living one that he is the son of god the only begotten son of god when he believed and we received his blood and we took off his blood and his flesh and we said yes you are god you are the son of god you died for my sins and you rose again you are the lord of my life you are the author of my salvation and the perfecter of my faith you see you were forgiven so why do you allow satan to guilt-trip you that you'll never be accepted when you're already accepted it's very important that we study the bible study the bible show yourself approved in those seasons when the enemy wants to lie to you and to deceive you there are seasons when the enemy wants to bring deception in your life so that you stay in that hall when god wants to lift you up and make you come to a position when you can partake in certain kind of comforts he says because you're older now you're older no one will ever want you you are divorced no one will ever care about you or love you you had children out of wedlock you're not a virgin no one will ever love you do you think that a husband will love you as christ loved the church that's a lie of satan do you truly think that the holy spirit will tell you that where are these lies coming from what is the voice what is the storm behind those lies child of god do not receive the lies of satan it's very important to study the bible find out who you are who am i in this 21st century what do i mean to the father what has jesus christ done for me me in this kind of generation this generation of social media what has jesus christ done for me what is his plan for me ask questions find out who you are in christ it's so important because the father wants you to be realigned he wants you to partake in certain kind of blessings but your mindset must catch up with his will for your life his will for your life it must become a reality and not just a promise but you must live in the promise of god the promise of god must become your reality and his reality for your life is for you to have peace soundness of mind in your love life whether you're single in a friendship with the man that you're about to marry the woman you're about to marry whether you're dating calling engaged to be married there's the will of god that he asked for your life david comforts his wife and the result of that comfort resulted in a conception a conception takes place but this is a different kind of a conception to the conception that took place when they were grinding and scheming when they were lying and conniving behind people behind closed doors when there was murder and bloodshed this is a different kind of a position a position when you are aligned with the blessing of god that falls like a rain and it begins to overflow and you forget all the things that happened yesterday though other people may not forget you see they may not forget that you did that yesterday they may not forget that you killed uriah and that you have blood on your hands they may not forget that you slept with the king yesterday but god can forget you see we don't live for people we live for god we don't live to please people because people cannot be pleased we live to please god our father who can see in secret and he sees the heart he sees things that men and women cannot see you see they know about your shadow but they don't know about your future they see the darkness behind you but they cannot see the light that is shining upon you they cannot see that you are the apple of god's eye doesn't matter what you did yesterday today's a new day child of god today is a new day says the lord most high today is a new day says the lord most high i don't know if you're crying right now but the lord wants you to know that today is a new day receive receive his overflow right now receive receive his overflowing comfort his overflowing love in your heart yes experience experience his glory right where you are today there's an overflow there's an overflow as you position your heart i see you about to position your heart your position positioning your heart because you're accepting what he asked for you and your life will never be the same again receive his glory receive his overflow today and your life will never be the same again as you humble yourself before his presence child of god they conceived the certain conceptions of joy that are going to begin to take place in your life joy soundness of mind because you have refused to defraud yourself you refused to degrade yourself you refuse to give into the temptations of life and so you realign yourself to the will of god where there's ease there's no bondage there's no baggage is on your shoulder anymore you don't have to carry the fear anymore because you refuse to give into the lies of satan solomon is born there's things that god can do in your life today if only you can say god i want to do it your way you see a solomon can be born in your life there's a new thing that god can give you a new idea it's not necessarily a child but there's a new idea there's a new way of doing things and you concept a new season that will transform your name transform your heritage transform your generation they will not know you for your shadows but they will know you for the wisdom they will know you for the grace of god they will know you for the favor of god solomon is born solomon is born and the bible tells us that god loved this child god loved solomon god loved solomon as you know the story david had a lot of sons but is solomon whom the lord loved who became king today if you choose to realign your life whether you're single maybe you're in a marriage but there's things happening in your marriage right now there's dishonesty secrets there is dishearteness god can change your story if you choose to do your part choose to do your part today do your part says the lord and you will see his glory in your love in your marriage do your part faithfully and you will see my glory says the lord and he's beginning to heal your marriage right now as you actually give in as you submit yourself in your heart you see we don't have to be so toilsome and do certain things but it begins in the heart if you just receive and humble yourself his hand will be over you i'm reminded of daniel the bible tells us before he even started praying the answer began to come the angel of the lord was already said before daniel opened his mouth and he was praying there's certain things in the heart that can speak louder before you speak there's this posture of the heart a posture of humility and submission that can shift your life before you even say anything before you even utter the words before you even go and make your changes in your house in your marriage it's the posture of your heart that the lord has seen and his hand is over you right now he's healing your marriage right now he's healing your marriage right now you're going to begin to see small changes in the way that your spouse treats you little changes little changes those are the signs be faithful do your part and the lord would do the rest but shiba the one who was an adulteress david the one who has was not in alignment stopped fighting battles was in his palace eating bread and wine and grapes he walks on his roof he sees a naked woman he lasts after her they commit adultery he kills the husband the same people decided to do right decided to make things right decided to build on a strong foundation you see if we try to build our love lives on sand nothing can stick we cannot build our lives on sand we must build our lives on the rock of god's word god's word is jesus christ and he wants you to be married before you partake in certain things he wants you to be married before you start imagining certain things he wants you to first work on yourself work on yourself develop yourself why are you so worried so worried and anxious you cannot sleep because you're not yet married so anxious you're on social media scrolling every day you're so anxious and now you're comparing your life with other people now you're bitter and angry but god wants you to work on yourself you see there's more to jesus christ than giving your spouse there's more to him we could not just go in the presence of the lord to ask for a spouse there must be more to your life than asking for one prayer one prayer there's more that he wants to do in your life it doesn't mean that he cannot hear you it doesn't mean that he's not listening and he's not speaking but there's more is more to your life there's more to your life there's gifts in your life there's talents in your life there's likes and dislikes in your life there's passions in your life these hobbies that you need to discover there's places that you need to see with your friends or on a solo trip these things that you must discover outside of god i need a spouse this certain way and behaviors and characteristics personality changes traits that you need to discover before because of marriage you have to be yourself in marriage you're more than a wife you're more than a title you are a female a woman what is the substance of your woman who a child of god the identity of your womanhood can that be formed can you look at that today can you stop comparing yourself and being angry and bitter that so-and-so has gotten engaged and i'm still waiting so and so is married and i'm still waiting so and so is the relationship what about your womanhood what about that identity that umbilical cord that must be attached to the word of god as you build yourself up as a woman and a woman of god as a virtuous woman and it's not to say you build yourself up as a virtuous woman because you want a husband no it's for yourself you see you live in your body so it's for yourself you don't live in a man's body you live in this body take care of this body take care of what is inside of this body this is your identity so what is that identity do you know your identity as a woman you are a female a woman and you are striving to be a wife what about being a woman what about being a female growing as a female taking care of your body discovering what you like about your body what you don't like and growing to love the things that you don't necessarily like because all those things form up your identity child of god the prophet nathan is sent once once again the same prophet who was rebuking david this time he has a different kind of news this time he has good news you see there's good news that can come in your life from the same situation the same season and the same person can bring a different message you're in the wilderness but you begin to enjoy the wilderness you are just so fulfilled in your season you begin to enjoy the wilderness and though it's a wilderness you begin to find comforts because your comforts are not inspired or influenced by what is outside but they come from within because there's an overflow from within so when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you have no fear you fear no evil because you know that he who is greater than he that is in the world is living inside of you and so you become a light even in that wilderness child of god there's a position there's a certain alignment that the father is trying to get each and every one of us in the season that we are in right now just because someone else is married and you're not or because you're married and someone else is not there's an alignment that the father is trying to get us in right where we are today the prophet nathan comes to confirm the word of the lord and he sends a word and gives a name to solomon the name jedediah and the ninja to die it means beloved of jehovah beloved of the lord beloved of god god is just confirming that i love i love the result i love the results of your foundation i love the results of your work i love the results of the way that you think i love the results of your salvation the way that you're carrying yourself i love the fruit i love the fruit that you're producing in your walk of salvation as you work out your salvation fear and trembling there are fruits that you are producing that i love i love what you're doing as a single in this generation i love the way that you live your life with no worry about your age or what someone else is doing or what that person said on social media i love the fruit of your work says the lord today the lord wants to remind you that i am the god of second third fourth twenty fifth hundred chances i'm the god that gives another chance when you realign yourself according to my will you never fail when you realign yourself according to my acceptable good and perfect will you never er when you realign yourself into my overflow and my rain you will surely get wet because here there is the flow of god's blessing you will surely partake in my blessing if you choose to do it the right way the right way you see not a lot of many people not a lot of people want to do things the right way they they want to take shortcuts they look at somebody else's life and they think ah they have an easy life let me take a shortcut you see you don't know what that person goes through you don't know what it took for that person to get there do not take shortcuts do it god's way don't take the easy route you see the route can become easy when you do it his way because when you do it his way he gives you the strength he provides for you it gives you the things that you need to fulfill and to finish the course if you do it his way his way is easy his burden is light but if you look at it according to your eyes of logic the senses you think that is very hard this is a walk of faith can you trust god when there's statistics saying something else can you trust god when your friends are living in a way that looks like they are blessed but you know that the way that they are doing things is not blessed can you live in such a way in a generation that is fast and one thing's right here right now microwave generation can you align yourself to his will today because there's a second chance that he has for you see god is doing things pretty quickly i believe in this year in the last year god is doing things very quickly he's not delaying anything can you align yourself david aligned himself and immediately he comforts his wife in this conception and a son is born solomon a word comes straight away by nathan the prophet and confirms that i love the fruit of your foundation i love your child solomon can you realign yourself yourself today and believe that god is at work quickly you see some of you the door is actually open all you need to do is to change your direction and your focus and walk through that door you're so focused on this door there's a door there that you sing but it's not from god that door is not from god because it's demanding things things that are outside of the will of god god wants you to step away from the doors that look like ishmael step away from the doors that look like ishmael and step into the position where you can walk through and find your isaac walk through and meet your isaac says the lord step away from the doors that limit you you have to give so much of yourself you have to pray 24 7. he's telling you that i don't really like you the way you are you're not a problem study one woman yet and i really want to marry a prophet 31 woman you don't look the part you don't talk the part he wants you to be something that you're not something that you're not you see if people only want to be with you because of an image that they have and an ideal that they have it means that those people are not for you you're just a caricature of something that you're not a caricature of the idea of what they want you to be you will not be yourself it will not be a happy relationship why don't you go where you're celebrated well you don't need to pretend and wear these long dresses and you cannot even put weave you know that you like wearing weave but you cannot even put weave because you have to pretend to be something that you're not it is not who you are why pretend you know you like being in a nine-to-five job but he wants you to be an entrepreneur you're not gonna be yourself it will not be enjoyable to be in a relationship with somebody who doesn't love you for who you are it's time to step out of those places realign yourself god wants to give you a second chance can you take the opportunity can you take the opportunity today can you just rise up from the place of pity parties the place of shame and oh i did this yesterday oh me i'll never be this way wow me can you step out of that today can you step out of it today it's time to get up let us pray oh god we glorify your name we bless your name thou art holy worthy oh god you are worthy to be praised forevermore i thank you for your people lord strengthen them by the power of your spirit to get up from the mighty places and to position themselves to receive from you oh god to stand in the rain of your blessings that they will be wet and overflow oh god and be fulfilled that their joy may be full father help them help them oh god help them lead them guide them to your green pastures oh god those that are in the wilderness oh lord help them to see within that you are within them you are their strength and their lights and that they need not to be afraid anymore father help them to know that that season is not forever for there's a table that you have prepared for them a table oh god in the presence of their enemies those that mocked those that were waiting for shame oh god they will be disappointed because your table has no shame your table has no fear your table has no disappointments oh god but it's full of joy peace soundness of mind power and your love father help them help them help them to make the tough decisions that they need to make in the season of their life the tough decisions oh god that will cause them to walk through the doors that you have opened before them oh god i pray that you answer them speedily and let them know that they are not alone as they walk through these doors as they make up their minds and decide that they deserve more that they are enough and they don't need to pretend and live a life of shame and degrading further help them to know the power that is inside of them their value their identity purpose and beauty oh god i pray in the name of jesus oh god even those that need to separate from certain people certain environments certain spaces oh god empower them empower them to walk away for the good of their destiny for the good of your plans that you have for them father in the name of jesus lord i pray cut cut every time cut every tie oh god by the power of your spirit cut every link oh god by the power of your word today every link that was difficult to cut from lord by the power of your soul today let it be cut off lord that your people will be set free and live a life of liberty this we pray in the name of jesus the name that is above every other name in jesus name amen amen god bless you and god loves you so much i'll see you very soon take care bye [Applause] you
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 28,693
Rating: 4.9704795 out of 5
Keywords: get in alignment, wisdom Wednesdays, wisdom wednesday, another chance at love, a second chance from God, dephne aviyah, GOD IS GIVING YOU ANOTHER CHANCE AT LOVE
Id: YAp7VgI7pGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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