THE BIRTH OF SAMSON: The Birthing of God’s Mission In You - Wisdom Wednesdays

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and maintain the mission that was spoken over your life before you were conceived sometimes it's only us it's only the mindset that is holding the spirit of the lord back sometimes it's your way of thinking sometimes it's the people around you sometimes have not just come to the revelation that you need to come to the revelation that i cannot just let anyone do my hair i cannot just go to any kind of a barber this kind of assignment over my life needs me to know how to do my own hair it needs me to know that i cannot cut my hair i cannot just go to any kind of a party any kind of a restaurant because they're certain foods that i cannot eat they sit in churches i cannot just go certain conferences i cannot just go to because they're certain foods that i cannot receive in my heart and my [Music] [Applause] spirit [Music] hello welcome back to my channel thank you so much for tuning in today for subscribing for commenting for liking for all your support thank you so much and if it's your first time welcome to my channel my name is daphne and please make sure that you do subscribe if you're not subscribed so welcome to wisdom wednesdays we're back again and we want to look into the life of samson so let's go straight into the word of god let's go to the book of judges chapter 13 verse 8 to um 25 and also judges chapter 14 verse 1 to 4 which says then manoa prayed to the lord and said oh my lord please let the man of god whom you sent come to us again and teach us what we shall do for the child who will be born and god listened to the voice of manoa and the angel of the lord came to the woman again and she was sitting in the field but manoa her husband was not with her then the woman ran in haste told her husband and said to him look the man who came to me the other day has just now appeared to me so manoa arose followed his wife and when he came to the man he said to him are you the man who spoke to this woman and he said i am manoa said now let your words come to pass for what will be the boy's rule of life and his work so the angel of the lord said to manoa of all that i said to the woman let her be careful she may not eat anything that comes from the vine nor may she drink wine or similar drink no eat anything and clean all that i commanded her let her observe then manoa said to the angel of the lord please let us detain you and we will prepare a young goat for you and the age of the lord said to manoa though you entertain me i will not eat your food but if you offer a burnt offering you must offer it to the lord for the lord did not know he was the angel of the lord let me know say to the angel of the lord what is your name that when your words come to pass we may honor you and the angel of the lord said to him why do you ask my name see it is wonderful so manure took the young goat with the grain offering and offered it upon the rock to the lord and he did a wondrous thing while manu and his wife looked on it happened as the flame went up toward heaven from the altar the angel of the lord ascended in the flame of the altar when manu and his wife saw this they fell on their faces to the ground when the age of the lord appeared no more to manu and his wife manual knew that he was the angel of the lord and maduro said to his wife we shall surely die because we have seen god but his wife said if the lord had desire to kill us he would not have accepted a blunt offering and a grain offering from our hands no would he have shown us all these things now they have told us such things as these at this time so the woman brought a son and called his name samson and the child grew and the lord blessed him and the spirit of the lord began to move upon him at mahani now samson went to timnah and saw a woman in timna of the daughters of the philistines so he went up and told his father and mother and saying i have seen a woman in timna of the daughters of the philistines now therefore get out for me as a wife then his father and mother said to him is there no woman among the daughters of your brethren or among all white people that you must go and get away from the circumcised philistines and samson said to his father get her for me for she pleases me well but his father and mother did not know that it was off the lord that he was seeking an occasion to move against the philistines for at that time the philistines had dominion over israel glory to god i mean it's a bit of a read but we need to look into the history of this man that god had sent on an assignment for such a time as that it's very important sometimes to look into our history to understand our path to understand our destiny to understand the assignment and the mission that god has for us so here we see samson and probably a lot of you are very familiar with his story probably more so based on his season with delilah in his seasons of being tempted probably more for his weaknesses but we want to look at his strengths today we want to look at his mission and his assignment that god gave him it's very important because some of you god is raising you up with a similar similar kind of grace a similar kind of an anointing and it's important that you observe certain things so that you do things right and that you finish your assignment well so as we read we see that the parents of samson suddenly an angel visited them before that if you read the whole chapter you see that israel had been sinning against god and they were in a time whereby they needed deliverance for 40 years they were struggling a time of trials and tribulations but the time of their trials and tibulations was now ending that season of the valley that season of the wilderness was coming to an end so god had to raise up somebody and god is raising some of you up in the season of your life for an assignment here on earth it's important to discern the times because there's an assignment that you have and a purpose to change an environment so god had to find two people that can begin to meet his assignment that can help him with that assignment and before this you see that the mother of samson was actually barren so we don't know in her baroness if she had made certain kind of prayers we don't know the bible never tells us anything but it tells us that she was barren and it tells us of the tribulation and the trials and the season that the israelites are in because of their sin that they've been doing but that tribulation and that season is now coming to an end and so the angel of the lord comes which is really the lord himself and he comes and he begins to speak to this woman who's about to carry a man of god who can accomplish an assignment for a nation and so when this angel comes this woman is not with her husband and the angel begins to speak to her about what she needs to do in order to carry this assignment the certain things that your parents needed to do when they were carrying you the certain things that some of you are caring that you need to know how to carry the assignment that the father has for you in this season there's a way to carry the father's assignment you have to be very careful you see when you are carrying something that the father wants you to begin to implement on this earth concerning his kingdom concerning your people there's a way that you carry a mission there's a way that you're carrying an assignment and so she's being told that now you are on an assignment your womb is on an assignment to break forth a man of god who's going to carry forth who's going to accomplish the assignment that you're carrying right now see sometimes we may pray for certain things in life some of you are praying for certain things but the fullness of that thing will be accomplished in its fullness through your children it will be accomplished in its fullness through the sons in the ministry the sons and the daughters in the ministry in the church you've been praying for certain things but you have to understand the part that you are playing maybe you will not accomplish everything but the sons and the daughters in the ministry are the ones that are meant to accomplish that assignment just like it was in the days of david and solomon the certain things that david couldn't do that his son began to accomplish it is the same sometimes in life don't be afraid don't be worried don't think that god hasn't heard god is faithful and you accomplish the assignment in the next generation after you you see there are prayers that even some of you your grandmother has prayed that you now need to accomplish so you wonder why there's all these things happening around me sudden things are shaking all over you it's because your grandmother has said certain kind of decrees and they were not accomplished in her lifetime nor in the lifetime of her children but they will be accomplished in your lifetime in the second generation so the mother is being told of certain things she needs to do as she carries this ambition and she carries this mission and she carries this mission that is going to give birth to the one that accomplishes the assignment concerning israel she's being told not to drink wine not to eat things that are not clean and for the child's hair to not be cut another right means that the child's hair has to be long hair it doesn't have it should not be cut because it's part of that assignment so she's being told these things the husband is not there sometimes god is going to tell you certain things without the presence of other people around you not because those people are not important not because those people are not vital not because it doesn't love those people but there's certain things that god wants to tell you in secret and so he's waiting for an opportunity for you to be alone he's waiting for an opportunity for you to be in a season of being solitude right now there's somebody watching right now you're on a season where you are alone this is the doing of the lord peace because he wants to reveal certain things concerning your life he wants to reveal certain things concerning your destiny this is why you are alone and you feel alone it's because god has orchestrated that season because there's things that are very delicate these secrets and mysteries that he has to speak to you about so stay in that season do not fight the season do not try and drag people into that caesar because the father has made it that way because there's something that is about to tell you concerning a birthing of an assignment and a mission in your life don't fight being alone don't fight the loneliness maybe it's a loneliness it's a feeling but the things that you're about to receive are greater than your feelings right now you see god yes he cares about your feelings but he cares more about the fulfillment of a mandate that is written concerning your life before you were born these things that were written concerning you so your feelings are not really a priority right now but the assignment is a priority so when the angel is coming to this to this home the husband is not at home it's just a woman that is at home and we begin to understand why as you continue to read it's the reason why these things are happening in her life and so she tells her husband about it and the husband prays to god and he says the man who came and spoke to my wife let him come again and tell us what we shall do concerning the child who will be born he's not praying this prayer because of what he really because he really wants to hear again concerning what is going to happen to the child he's praying this prayer because he doesn't believe there's an unbelief in the home this is why god had to take away the unbelief when he begins to speak the oracles concerning samson concerning the child that is about to be born unbelief had to be taken out of the way sometimes god is taking away unbelief and you find certain people just stop talking to you some people just stop hanging around with you instead and people just start giving you an attitude it could be that unbelief is being taken out of the home taken out of your vicinity is taken out of your environment taken out of your sphere of influence god has to begin to remove certain attitudes in the house certain attitudes even in your own life god is putting up pressure because there's a certain attitude that he wants to remove from your way of thinking so there begins to be thorns in the flesh in your life people that behave like thorns they are poking and they are nudging at you because god wants to remove a certain kind of toxic way of thinking that you had for five years in order to begin to speak a word that you'll receive with full faith that you'll receive with belief so the husband prays and then god listens to him and the angel comes again now look what the husband says are you the man who came yesterday and spoke to this woman this woman not my wife but this woman and the man says yes i am then the man says now let your words come to pass what will the boy's rule of life be and his work what will he do what his occupation will be his career he doesn't really understand the assignment of god he thinks this is about getting money in the house this is about a good job this is about being an accountant and a lawyer and a doctor you see sometimes parents have certain expectations that even when the voice of the lord is speaking they don't really catch it in the spirit they catch it according to the physical needs that they have right now according to the things that they did not fulfill in their lifetime so they are hoping that samson can fulfill the things that they didn't fulfill financially in the house that they didn't fulfill maritally in the house can you marry they don't want you to marry a man who is black because you're a wife so there are certain things that they're expecting in your house in your love life there's certain things that they're expecting in your marriage in your career you see all of them there are degrees but somehow god is telling you something different and so they don't understand they cannot catch it in the spirit parents relatives friends different things even seasons can have expectations for us that are not really aligned to the will of god for you and i so you have to be able to understand this is why we're going back into the history so that we understand the way that samson's parents thought and then we're going to look into samsung so stay with me on this video so the father says oh the boy's rule of life be and his work what will he do for a living so the angel of the lord begins to reiterate what he spoke again he says look just as i spoke to your wife before i speak the same thing again let your wife observe the things that i told her before to not drink wine to not eat things that are unclean and to not cut the boy's hair she must observe these things some of you your parents had one mission to do one mission to do and so sometimes when they finish doing that mission they don't want to let go they don't understand that their assignment is over the mission is over some of you it's your pastor they don't understand that their assignment to grow you is over the assignment to breastfeed you is now over now it's time to let go because god is taking over because the spirit of the lord is about to come upon you for an assignment that he has for you it's time to let go their mission and their assignment is over and so the angel the lord is saying look i'm not going to tell you anything special i'm not going to tell you anything extra i have nothing else to tell you besides what i spoke understand and receive the first words that i spoke to child of god maybe there's things that god has told you he told you really nice things that are going to happen in your future you received a prophetic word but you're still asking about that prophetic word so when is this gonna happen and how is that gonna happen and in what way and how will it be like and what will the colors of that thing be and what kind of cars will i be driving don't do that just receive with the sober heart receive the word of the lord with the sober mind just receive it in its simplicity and allow the spirit of god to work with you and walk you through it he will walk you through it as you stay at the feet of the king and as you discover the person of christ you begin to discover your assignment sometimes things are exposed a little by little sometimes god is not gonna just show it like bam because it might shock you it might some of you give a heart attack some of you will get a heart attack because you did not expect that god has such great and mighty things assigned for you today so some of us we receive the prophetic word with excitement we begin to ask questions that are really not necessary to ask right now we begin to need certain answers that are not really pivotal for the season that we are right now so god remains quiet god remains silent because he just wants you to do what he told you to do last week he just wants you to do what he asked you to do two years ago you haven't done it yet he asked you to do something and you still haven't done it so god is waiting on you why are you asking me about his line of work when the child is not even conceived yet why are you worrying about what he's going to do in his career when all i want you to do right now is to nurture nurture the conception nurture the birth nurture the child that you're carrying in the womb right now i want you to be concerned about what's inside the womb don't worry about the korean what he's going to do when he's 21 and when he's 18 years old or when he's 17 or when he's 12 years old right now you need to be concerned about what you're carrying because it must live what you're carrying must not die child of god do not be so concerned about what's going to happen 20 years from now be concerned about what he's told you to do right now what has he put in your hand can you nurture that for now can you be faithful with the little that he has given you before you start to wonder about the great things that is going to do with the little that he gave you today can you be concerned about that which concerns the now before that which concerns the tomorrow so the angel of the lord says all that i commanded her let her observe them and also today lord of the lord please let us detain you and we will prepare a young god for you he wants to sit down and talk and you know sometimes when we sit down and we eat we eat we begin to talk a lot there's something about food and drink that begins to make us a little bit more cheerful and transparent so noah knows what he's doing here he doesn't know that this is an angelic presence these things are spiritual you cannot detain the word of the lord these are things of the spirit these are things of faith and so the angel of the lord says no no no no catch up with me in the spirit if you want to prepare a young goal to do it in the form of an offering if you are to detain my presence do it in the form of praise do it in the form of an offering of praise and thanksgiving and so as you know they offer up the the goat the presence of god ascends in the flame of fire and this reminds me that god inhabits the praises of his people so we know for sure that this is not just an angel this is the very presence of the lord sometimes we can detain his presence as we praise him and so this is just an indication of what our sacrifice of praise does satas and now these parents when they see this they say we shall surely die because we have seen the lord they were almost like people who are always saying what is not good about the situation instead of seeing that the angel ascended in the flame they are saying oh my gosh we are going to die so the husband was a very negative man almost myopic in the way of thinking so the wife begins to say no we will not die i mean if the lord had desired to kill us will he have told us all these things don't think in such a negative way sometimes what is holding some of you back is those negative people around you the negative words that they speak in your life you want to do something good but they tell you now is not the time to do this they tell you no you cannot do this you don't deserve to do this negative voices around your life so every day you're counseling people instead of looking at the mission and the assignment that you have you're spending your time counseling other people spending your time giving them advice and fighting off negative things they are holding you back they are trying to delay you because now you waste your time defending the promises of god defending the word of the lord and the truth of the lord that he has told you things that he promised that you're going to give birth to they are telling you that you'll die but god says you will not die but you will live and give birth to an assignment an assignment for a nation i pray that god can remove people that are slowing you down from believing the word in the promises that he has given you so we see later on that the woman bore the son and called his name samson and the child grew and the lord blessed him remember the assignment of these parents was to carry the child to do as they are told whilst the child is still in the womb and not to cut the child's hair this was their assignment i pray that the people around your life can understand their assignment and understand when the time of the assignment is over when the time of the assignment is up sometimes people want to hold on to you when their time is up for their assignment concerning your life the bible is telling us that the lord has blessed samson is because the parents they did their assignment well and they finished the assignment well but the time was coming when the spirit of the lord is now going to come upon samson the time is coming you see we already have the holy spirit he's not going to come upon you again and because when you receive the lord jesus christ the spirit of the lord comes and lives in you you become the temple of the holy ghost see some of you right now there's an assignment upon your life not that the spirit of the lord has not come upon you already but the birthing of the assignment has come has come in this season of your life i pray that you can recognize that it's time for the assignment to begin that the father has given me the bible tells us that the spirit of the lord began to move upon him at mahani done between zorah and esther there was a place when the spirit of the lord began to move upon him there was an environment where the spirit of the lord began to move upon him there are environments and appointments and places when the spirit of the lord begins to move upon the areas of our lives that have not yet been birthed areas of our lives that were sleeping but now need to come alive for the sake of the mission that is about to take place in our lives and the lives of those that he has sent us to and so samson is now in another dimension it's not in the dimension where you know the mother was still trying to eat certain foods in order to nurture him he has left that environment he's left that environment where the mother was still doing his hair he's now in an environment where he can do his own hair in an environment where he understands that my hair should not be cut an environment that he understands that my parents did not drink wine therefore i should not drink wine he's in an environment of understanding his history understanding where it's coming from and the word of the lord that was spoken upon him i pray that today you are in an environment that is conducive for the mission that the father has for you an environment that you understand the history understand the promise and the word that are spoken over your life understanding the things that you need to do to nurture and to maintain what was birthed and planted in your life by those whose assignment was to take care of you you see he had to maintain what was done maintaining the not drinking of wine maintaining the not eating the unclean foods maintaining not cutting his hair he's in a position now where the spirit of the lord begins to move upon him sometimes the spirit of the lord is not moving upon you because you are not yet in a place in your mind that you understand the assignment understand how to nurture the mission and maintain the mission that was spoken over your life before you were conceived sometimes it's only us it's only the mindset that is holding the spirit of the lord back sometimes it's your way of thinking sometimes it's the people around you sometimes you've not just come to the revelation that you need to come to the revelation that i cannot just let anyone do my hair i cannot just go to any kind of a barber this kind of assignment over my life needs me to know how to do my own hair it needs me to know that i cannot cut my hair i cannot just go to any kind of a party any kind of a restaurant because they're certain foods that i cannot eat they sit in churches i cannot just go certain conferences i cannot just go to because they're certain foods that i cannot receive in my heart and my spirit they said in drinks that i cannot drink even if i'm thirsty and i'm about to die there's certain kinds of ingredients in certain waters that people have that i cannot consume for the sake of my mission you see they don't understand that you cannot just have any kind of a friend because they set in waters of refreshments that they'll try and give you that will kill your assignment child of god this is not a game this is about a nation this is about israel so you cannot just eat anything you cannot just drink anything cannot just let anyone touch your hair this is about assignment this is about destinies and lives and souls child of god do you understand the mission do you have revelation of the assignment so that the spirit of the lord can begin to move mightily upon you sometimes the spirit of the lord is moving but he's not moving mightily because you have not yet caught it by revelation you don't understand your value this is why you can just go around and give anybody your phone number you don't understand your destiny yet so you live your life as somebody who doesn't understand their value their mission you just let people talk to you anyhow because you don't know the value of your mission you don't know the value of the things that you are carrying the gifts the abilities you can't just get any kind of a job because your value is not aligning to that career that you're in today child of god your value does not align to that job that you're sitting at every day we're in a pandemic right now but the way that they are telling you to work it disturbs your spiritual walk the things that they are asking you to do it disturbs your prayer life and so your value is being undermined by the way that you give your time to that job do you understand the value of the assignment because time is ticking and the lord is coming and the doors is shutting child of god are you ready for he's coming are you prepared are you working and walking as one who understands the assignment and the mission or are you listening to people around you who tell you can't do it you're too young to do this you're not yet experienced to be writing books people who write books should be over 40 years they should have experienced life do you understand the assignment child of god do you have revelation of it and so samson he's old enough this is why the spirit of the lord is moving mightily upon him he understands and he has revelation of his assignment and mission after leaving the womb and samson goes to timnah and sees a woman intimidate the daughters of the philistines and when he sees her maybe it's love at first sight those things are very possible and he goes up to his mother and his father and says hey i've seen a woman in tenna of the daughters of the philistine get her for me to be my wife and you know the parents they don't understand what god is doing in his life they finish the assignment of caring him and nurturing him teaching him not to cut his hair teaching him not to eat certain foods now this kind of level and dimension that samsung lives in they don't get it they have not been given a revelation of the dimension that you are in right now this is why they fight you they don't know the dimension that you're in that you've left the dimension of them nurturing you and caring for you now you're in a dimension where the spirit of the lord who is like a wind who people do not understand where he comes from and where he's going so they don't understand where you're going and where you're coming from because they don't know that their mission is complete and so when he's telling them them these things they look at it from the sight of the law they look at it from the eyes of conduct and rules of traditions of the church they look at it from the way of wars that used to happen between the philistines and israel so they don't understand that we are now in another dimension god is doing a new thing behold i do a new thing can you not see it can you not perceive it even now child of god in these days the father is doing a new thing look at the world how the world is changing technology is changing science is changing things are happening very quickly and some people still don't understand it they're still trying to do things from a traditional perspective they don't know that the wind of god has come and so god is doing a deliverance of nations they don't get it god is not just working in the pulpit we are not in that dimension anymore we have left that kind of dimension and sphere god is working everywhere god is working even on this youtube god is working on television god is working on social media god is working in the offices god is working on zoom god is working in different spaces and different areas because of the hour that we are in right now and so the parents did not understand that god is doing a new thing and it's now a time of deliverance and so he raises up samson and he causes his eyes to be focused on the woman from the territory of the enemy because he's looking for a way to get in the camp of satan god is looking for a way for samson to get into the camp of satan so that he can show forth the glory and the power of god that annihilates and destroys the work of the enemy a way so that god can show forth his dimensions and his and his glory that he's still the god who cares about israel that he's still the god of mercy and grace that he can raise up one man to fulfill the destiny and the word that he spoke to abraham do you understand that the time has changed are you still holding on to traditions still holding on to things that god is no longer doing anymore this is where we have the problem in the body of christ you see people fighting about trivial things the other side doesn't understand that god is doing a new thing the other side is so old to doing things by the book by traditions they don't understand this kind of wind that is moving in this earth at this moment an hour and so it's a time of deliverance the parents are saying they're looking at from a marriage perspective you know having babies you know cooking and cleaning they don't know that this is more than having babies this is more than being an equally yolked this is more than cooking and cleaning this is a kingdom thing this is a kingdom work this is about nations it's about his promises and his covenant to jacob and abraham and isaac his father says is there no woman among you from the daughters of your brethren or among my people i mean must you go and get a wife from the uncircumcised philly stein's like are you for real are you sure and so the father is truly disappointed in his son this disappointment is there disappointment in the lives of the people around you because they don't know what god is doing in your life they're saying why did you do this why are you doing things that way they're so disappointed and maybe they are justified in their disappointment because the law doesn't exactly say that we should marry with those who are enemies we shouldn't marry with philistines should israel marry with philistine no the bible doesn't say this the bible doesn't say that the law doesn't say this the priesthoods and so maybe they are justified maybe they have a right to be angry with you but don't be angry with them because they just don't know what the spirit of the lord is doing they have not come up higher to understand the ways of the spirit you see there are two different dimensions in life we can choose to live in this dimension that you see of the eyes of sight or we can choose to live in the dimension of faith where sight does not understand the things of faith and faith does not understand the things of sight because there are two opposites there are two different dimensions the sight does not understand the faith and faith does not understand sight which dimension will you live in today and whom shall you listen to what dimension are they coming from when they speak into your life when they tell you don't do this they don't do that what dimension are they singing from what dimension are they hearing from is it the dimension of the spirit concerning your destiny we have different things that god wrote about us but the road is the same the road is to the father through jesus christ who is the way the truth and the life only him we can get to the farther the road is the same but maybe the way that we're going to do things the process the process is different but the road is still the same so as they begin to look at your process and they don't understand it you better be careful and understand where they are hearing from when they tell you don't marry a philistine when they tell you we don't really do things this way when they tell you not to do this and to do that you better be careful and understand if this mission will even break my assignment what they're saying will it affect my destiny and so the parents are disappointed but samson is bold he's steady he's not moved to get her for me he says to his father for she pleases me well he doesn't have to explain about what god told him in secret and if you look throughout this chapter you see that samson doesn't really tell his parents a lot of things he has understood the art of being private for his season because he knows that his parents are very negative his parents don't understand the things of faith they don't understand that he's a deliverer that has been raised up for such a time as this you don't have to explain your mission and your assignment but you just have to obey what god has told you in order to accomplish the mission and the assignment you don't have to explain it to everybody not everybody understands it and that's okay they don't have to understand your assignment but you have to understand your assignment and work in it effectively the bible tells us his father and his mother did not know that it was of the lord that the lord is seeking an occasion to move against the philistines for at that time the philistines had dominion over israel dominion had to change there's an issue of dominion there's a transfer of dominion that the father is trying to do but people are trying to fight you there's dominion that is meant to come into your life and change your children change a city a country change a church but they don't understand it and they are fighting but child of god i'm here to tell you today to be steadfast to be bold and to focus focus do not be distracted because there's a mission that god has for you in this season this week we are only talking about missions there's a mission an assignment and you have to submit under the assignment of god even if it means that people are going to be upset even if it means people are going to be mad people are going to hate on you even if it means people that are not going to talk to you anymore it's okay for the sake of my mission for the sake of my assignment i don't mind not talking to you anymore because i have people to deliver i have souls that i need to minister to i have things that i need to do for my father because when i leave this earth is going to ask me did i do what i was asked to do these things that the fathers told you in secret you don't need anyone to pat you on the back and to say okay go ahead you know okay you can do it the father has told you to do it go and do it go on the mission go on the assignment because the assignment is from the father himself it's not from man it's not from samson's parents it's not from samson's hairdresser it's not from samson's friends it's not from the barbershop next door the assignment is from the father do what he has called you to do walk in the mission and accomplish the assignment so we want to pray today let us pray oh god you are god there is no other father we thank you you have given your children oh god missions and assignments to do for such a time as this oh god even in the midst of a pandemic these things that you're doing for father you're neither sleep nor slumber but you are the god who is always working because the hour oh god is coming when we can no longer work oh god the night is coming father the night is coming when no one can work help your people to understand that the night is coming and that they might write that they must rise up for such a time as this and be as bold as samson who could not be moved give them boldness today by the power of your spirit boldness to say no i will do it no i will stand on god's word no i will not listen to distractions i will not listen to lies i will not listen to tradition i will not listen to religious spirits but i will do what the father has asked me even though it doesn't make sense help them give them oh god the precision give them the focus oh god the sight even sight as eagles to see beyond oh god i pray oh lord to be faithful with what they have today oh god help them help each and every one of them oh god those that you are raising up oh god even in the ministry of social media help them today father give them the strategies oh god give them the things that they need to do father things that are unique different concepts oh god that accomplished the same mission that you have given all of us in the body of christ father i pray thank you for raising these up for such a time as this oh god with boldness oh god with focus oh god i thank you in the mighty name of jesus strength as the horses oh god strength in the name of jesus to run and not to look to the left not to look to the right but to go straight ahead and accomplish their missions and assignments father no matter how small it looks god help them to value what you've put in their in their hearts what you've put in their hands what you have conceived in them help them to value it to nurture it to grow it and to do exactly as you have said oh father even in the midst of negativity help them to not pay attention to distractions in the mighty name of jesus voices of lies we cancel them in the name of jesus for we are those that look straight ahead to those that focus on the mission in the name of jesus father i'm reminded of the old prophet and the and the young prophet the young prophet was on a mission that you gave him and you told him not to speak to anybody but oh god he was distracted by a liar you are distracted by people oh god that flatter with words father help your people to not be distracted by flattery by people who overly compliment based on lies and deception oh god help them to see beyond the scales see beyond the lies and the deceptions and the flattery father to focus on your kingdom your righteousness and your throne oh god your authority and your power in your name father this we pray forever and ever in the name of jesus and father above all i pray that your people and i lord will finish well in the name of jesus ability and grace to finish well father protect them as they go in their journeys as they walk in their true identities help them by the power of your spirit thank you father we pray in the name of jesus the name that is above every other name in jesus name we pray thank you father thank you jesus thank you father thank you jesus thank you lord thank you father thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord help them to stay in your presence help them to stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay in your presence father help them to stay in your presence oh god to build a home in your presence oh god to build their abode in your presence to call it their home oh god i pray grace to stay in the presence of the father to drink and to eat from israel in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen glory to god god bless you and i'm very excited for you know the people that god is deploying in this season the time is short the time is very short and the night is coming when no one can work so god bless you and continue to run to not be afraid to not be discouraged but use what you have and god is going to increase you as you are faithful with what you have today god bless you and i'll see you very soon take care bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 18,806
Rating: 4.9595141 out of 5
Keywords: WISDOM WEDNESDAYS, Samson is born, the birthing of Samson, wisdom Wednesday, the birthing of your mission, our God given assignment
Id: hEv4Zkwz72w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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