You've Been Too Disappointed, I Am Showing you My Mercy - Wisdom Wednesdays

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello welcome back to the channel thank you so much for tuning in today for subscribing for commenting for liking for all your support and if it's your first time welcome to the channel my name is daphne please make sure that you subscribe if you're not subscribed and also click the notifications bell so that you don't miss out on the videos and i'm very excited to have you today on this channel so welcome to wisdom wednesdays we're back again let's go straight into the word of the lord let's go to the book of jonah chapter one all of chapter one and let's just read together it says now the word of the lord came to jonah the son of amitai saying arise go to nineveh that great city and cry out against it for their wickedness has come up before me but jonah arose to flee to torshish from the presence of the lord he went down to joppa and found a ship going to torshish so you paid the fare and went down into it to go with them to tashish from the presence of the lord but the lord sent out a great wind on the sea that there was a mighty tempest on the sea so that the ship was about to be broken up then the mariners were afraid and every man cried out to his god and they threw the cargo that was in the ship into the sea to lighten the load but jonah had gone down into the lowest parts of the ship had laid down and was fast asleep so the captain came to him and said to him what do you mean sleeper arise call on your god perhaps your god will consider us that we may not perish and they say to one another come let us cast lots that we may know for whose cause this trouble has come upon us so they cast lots and the lord fell on jonah and they said to him please tell us for whose cause is this trouble upon us what is your occupation and where do you come from what is your country and of what people are you so he said to them i am a hebrew and i fear the lord the god of heaven who made the sea and the dry land then the man were exceedingly afraid and said to him why have he done this to us for the man knew that he fled from the presence of the lord because he had told them then they said to him what shall we do to you that the sea may become for us for the sea was growing more tempestuous and he said to him pick me up and throw me in the sea then the sea will become come for you for i know that this great tempest is because of me nevertheless the man rode hard to return to land but they could not for the sea continue to grow more tempestuous against them therefore they cried out to the lord and said we pray oh lord please do not let us perish for this man's life and do not charge us with innocent blood for you o lord have done as it pleased you so they picked up jonah threw him into the sea and the sea ceased from its raging then the man feared the lord exceedingly and offered a great sacrifice to the lord and took vows now the lord had prepared a great fish to swallow jonah and jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights glory to god amen amen father we bless you we thank you thank you for another opportunity mighty god to hear your words to hear your mind through your spirit oh god and the things you are desiring for your people oh god concerning your mercy and your grace lord help them to receive this word lord without pride or arrogance without superstition without suspicion oh god help them to receive it oh heartedly according to your grace according to your lovingkindness lord minister to your people by your spirit today i pray let their hearts receive this word is good so that may produce the harvest that you have assigned according to your word today lord this we pray in the name of jesus help me lord to minister this word father and be glorified through this message be glorified even through this video almighty god you deserve the glory all the glory belongs to you lord jesus christ forever and ever amen and amen amen glory to god amen so we probably all know about jonah jonah is a very fascinating character and um you know because jonah is a prophet it doesn't mean that maybe you're not a prophet you cannot relate to the story and the bible characters and the generals that we see in the bible when we share these messages it doesn't mean you are jonah it doesn't mean you are david it doesn't mean that you are esther you are you but we can relate to the power of god the grace of god the mercy of god because god never changes so we see our lives portions our life portions of our lives we see seasons of our lives through how god is working with ordinary men and women like jonah so i pray that you can receive this word amen so here we see uh jonah we are introduced to the character of john as the son of amitai and it's very important when the bible introduces us to names and to a heritage or background we should usually look at the name and what it means because back then when people would name themselves or name their children always had to do in the season that they're in the time that they're living in the circumstances that are around them so amitai in this case is a hebrew word it means my truth so jonah the son of my truth is being told by the lord to arise and to go to nineveh and to speak to the people of nineveh and to cry out against it so from that already we can see that jonah is a prophet jonah has a calling upon his life now you have to understand that prophesying and being a prophet are two completely different things there's an office of a prophet then there's the gift of prophecy uh so many times people prophesy and then they begin to think they are prophets they are things that come with the office and they are gifts that come with the office that a gift of prophecy doesn't necessarily fulfill so jonah is called to be of prophet not necessarily for nations but he's being called to be a prophet in nineveh and to speak the heart of god the mind of god concerning his mercy concerning his grace and his plan you see god is so merciful full of mercy full of love and kindness he never desires for us to be destroyed so he always gives us second chances he always gives us many chances for us to change our life so jonah is being called to walk according to his calling and do what he has been called to do what he has been born to do now i don't know what you're calling is child of god maybe you're saying i'm not really called into ministry i'm not really called into all these things you have to understand that not everybody is called to be a prophet we are not all called to be prophets not everybody is called to be a teacher not everybody's called to be a youtuber but everybody's called to be on the pulpit however there are some people like daniel were called in the politics called to be politicians people like joseph called to be kings of nations people like esther called to be wives and queens people like mary called to be great mothers there's different callings and you have to understand what is your calling today i want to speak to people who don't know their calling and they know they're calling people who are not necessarily sure of their calling and those who are sure of the calling the lord wants to speak to you today what is your calling now it's very dangerous to not know what your calling is because when you give your life to jesus christ when you become a christian that moment your life changes forever and your life no longer belongs to yourself you're not your life now belongs to jesus christ and this doesn't mean that you do not have free will you have free will but now you are an ambassador of heaven you are a light here on earth you represent another kingdom and these mondays upon your life there's a purpose upon your life there is a calling upon your life and there's goals and visions that god has for you that you have to attach to that you have to become one with as you discover who jesus christ is and it's very important that you begin to walk in this monday this purpose this calling because you now no longer belong to yourself but you'll belong to the most high god so jonah belongs to the most high god and the most high god has called him to be a prophet he has put a mandate a purpose a vision upon his life and jonah understands this very well but jonah has opinions jonah has his own goals jonah has his own desires concerning certain things to do with the day-to-day life so when god is saying jonah i need you to go to nineveh jonah doesn't necessarily like these people he has opinions about these people perhaps he has a grudge concerning the people of nineveh i don't know what god has been asking you to do in this season but you've been facing disappointment after disappointment you've been facing issues after issues because what god is saying does not match your desires it doesn't match your education it doesn't match your life experiences your goals in life it doesn't match what you believe in it doesn't match what you think is good and what is just you know maybe there's racism around it god is asking you and calling you into that field that field where there's racism but you don't like that kind of thing it makes you very angry you have grudges concerning a certain race of people but god is calling you into that race to minister to that race god is calling you to minister not necessarily on the pulpit but maybe financially maybe your wisdom this certain intelligence that god has given you that will call you into a field where there's racism but you don't like it and so you buy a ticket and you go elsewhere the bible tells us that jonah arose to flee to toshes from the presence of the lord and he went down to joppa there was a place where the presence of the lord was it doesn't necessarily mean that jonah is running away from god because you cannot run away from god but there are places where god plants us there are positions where god places us there's a season where god positions us in and we're trying to run away from the season trying to run away from where you're planted trying to run away from where god has positioned you are you trying to run away from where god has positioned you are you buying a ticket of disobedience are you buying a ticket of disobedience have you bought tickets of disobedience because you do not like where god is planting you you don't like what it's calling you to you have grudges concerning that position you don't like how they treat people there and yes they may not treat people right yes the people of nineveh were probably very wicked people how they sacrificed their babies how they worshiped how they spoke to those who are foreigners how they looked down on people how they practice the arts and magic and witchcraft maybe you don't like how they do these things but god is calling you there god is calling you to places that you don't like to be in god is calling you to positions that don't have any favor in your eyes jonah decides to buy a ticket of disobedience he paid the price of disobedience you see when you're paying the price of disobedience it seems very good it seems like a good idea and it seems great it seems like a relief when you're doing what you're doing running away from what god is calling you to do making your own decisions even though you're an ambassador of the kingdom of god even though you're christian making your own decisions it may seem like a relief like ah finally i can live a quiet life i don't really have to do what god is saying i should do i don't really have to go where god is asking me to go when we pay tickets of disobedience because god is inconveniencing our dreams god is inconveniencing our goals in life is god inconvenience in your dreams is god inconvenience in your goals and so you pay a ticket and you go to tashish but god is calling you to go to nineveh jonah pays the ticket he gets on a boat as he gets on a boat the lord sends a win this is not just a wind you find that you're trying to open the door you can't even reach the door but you ask a little child somebody who's inexperienced somebody who doesn't even have enough knowledge than you seems that they are climbing up the ladder faster than you seems like everybody else is getting married in your family or your friends are getting married what is happening to you why are you not married by that age they're asking you that question why are you still not married why are you still not dating people are wondering why things are rough for you why there's a tempest around your life but i want you to check today check in the name of jesus check your life is it because you've paid the price of disobedience is it because you've run away from the place and the position that god placed you in is it because you've run away from the presence or the center of his will in your for your life today what is the center of god's will for your life are you still in the center or have you left the center of his will and now there's a tempest don't log off the video don't log on the video god wants to speak to you today he wants you to be on the center on the center of his will because he wants to do great things in your life despite your dreams your dreams can be part of the vision but you have to first put him as the priority put his will as the priority he will give you and add all these things that you have on your list the lord is saying are you still in the center of my will are you still in the center of my wheel jonah left the center of god's will and now there's a tempest things are off there's a wind there's a shaking are certain shakings that the enemy causes and you know that those ones god can rescue you from those ones those ones that satan tries to put those kind of winds that have no power those kind of voices that have no role those kind of lightnings that have no power you know that god is able to rescue you you know that you are greater than those kind of things but there's certain kind of winds that god begins to cause because of disobedience they certain storms that those ones we cannot fight because it's him that has caused the storm and it doesn't mean like when bad things are happening to you god it's god's fault it's very important to understand things in context the certain bad things that happen not because god not because of god but because of disobedience and the certain bad things that happen because the enemy is trying to fight us so we have to be able to discern can you discern the tempest in this season can you discern the difficulties the pattern of difficulties can you really be truthful and transparent with yourself and look back and say am i still in the center of god's will the things that are very clear can you be truthful with yourself in this season before you enter the month of october can you be real with your family and your friends and say hey i've made a mistake i made a mistake here can you apologize from turning away from the way of the lord jonah gets on the ship the guy is like hey i just want a quiet life there's no way i'm going to those people who are racists those people kill their kids no way i'm not going to those people who are loud and violent there's no way i'm going to that place god forbid i go to those people jonah had made up his mind have you made up your mind to not go where god is calling you to go sometimes when we have a relationship with god we can become so used to god so used to how he does things so used to his loving kindness his mercy his grace so used to how good the lord is that we begin to take advantage of him and we think we're exempt from obedience you are not exempt just because you see the lord just because you have visitations just because you have powerful dreams just because you're a great prophet just because you're good at what you do at your job just because you've been promoted so many times just because the blessings of the lord are all over your life does not mean that you are exempt from obedience it does not mean that you are exempt from representing the kingdom of heaven very well it doesn't mean you're exempt from walking according to the leading of the spirit we still have work to do as long as we are in these buildings these bodies we have work to do we have a work to work we have a walk to walk we have a talk to talk and so jonah is like no way nah let me just go down let me just chill have a drink eat my grapes and cheese maybe watch a program on tv i'll just go to the lower parts of the boat and just chill and relax for the next few weeks chill and relax then i'll get to my next destination and so the sea is roaring jonah does not realize that there's a tempest here jonah is not really paying attention to the storm have you ever become so comfortable that you don't pay attention to the storm have you ever become so comfortable that you don't pay attention to the voice of god so comfortable that you no longer do the things that you used to do have you ever become so comfortable that you no longer relate to the direction that the spirit of god is taking you're still thinking we are going to the east but the spirit of god has turned and he's going to the west and you're so comfortable with going to the east so comfortable with how god moved last time in my last big breakthrough so comfortable with how god was moving in the ministry last week last year so comfortable with tradition so comfortable with how life is and how the world and the system is working so comfortable with how business is operating that you forget that god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth that we must watch and pray that we must constantly be in the know according to the spirit understanding the direction of god and so jonah is in the lowest part of the boat and now the people he's now surrounded with are suffering because of jonah you find that your friends have issues now because of you people are facing troubles because of you whenever you arrive it seems that there's a cloud above people just seem to not like you you're just wondering why why do people hate on me no people are not hating on you people are not jealous of you people are not envious of you but there's an issue that is being seen by people because of your disobedience nobody's jealous of you nobody's hating on you if you find that there's so many haters all the time all the time haters haters haters this haters that if you're always constantly blaming the haters then it's time to look back at your heart is it because you become prideful is it because you've become a little bit arrogant and you think that everybody is jealous of you you think that everybody is envious of you could it be that there's a dark cloud over your life could it be that wherever you are there are problems could it be that people are facing warfare whenever you get there because you are running away from your calling could it be you're running away from your position and so wherever you are instead of carrying the presence of praise the presence of joy the presence of peace the presence of light it seems you're carrying a cloud you're carrying a storm carrying rain clouds of rain and so people begin to have issues and people are living your life people begin to leave you friends begin to leave you family members begin to stop talking to you people begin to leave your ministry could it be that there's a cloud of disobedience and that cloud will not stop watering heavy rain until you change your position and get back where god has placed you on you see sometimes people want to be something that they are not maybe i don't know you're watching this video god has called you to do something very simple but you think it's too simple you don't like it and so you want to be like somebody else and you change your lane to become like that person but you see that person is graced for that lane that person is graced for the warfares that come with that lane you are graced for this lane it may look simple but it's not simple only you can do it this is why god placed you there don't try to be somebody else don't try to run the race of other people this is where the problems begin you're trying to run somebody else's race because maybe it looks a bit more popular where they are it looks a bit more fun it looks like there's more money there more money more popularity more fame and more recognition more respect and honor in that lane and so you change your lane and you run away from your calling you run away from your purpose could it be that you are in disobedience to the mandate the mandate upon your life it's like a drum it's beating it's beating it's like an alarm it's ringing upon your life until you start to walk in it then it begins to function in all its power and what's in all its glory and the lord is waiting for you to be truthful with yourself to be real with yourself people talk about let's be real let's be real but are we real with ourselves do we lie to ourselves do we comfort ourselves with lies and deception yet god is looking for truth truth he's looking for truth jonah is being jonah is lying to himself deceiving himself thinking he's running away from the presence of the lord it sounds absurd but that is what we do sometimes we run away from the center of god's will run away from the word of the lord run away from the places he's put us in running away from the callings that he's given us because we don't like it now the man the network around him the people around him the associates around him the acquaintances around him the friends around him are facing trouble on their ship their ship now the ship is in trouble now their finances is in trouble their lives are in trouble because of one person's disobedience they are not jealous of jonah no nobody is jealous of jonah nobody is envious of jonah now these guys begin to wonder what's happening here people begin to wonder why why is it when i started to go to this church i'm starting to have problems why is it when i became friends with this person i'm starting to have problems in my life why is it that when i rekindled this relationship i started to have problems at my job why is it that when i started to talk to my relatives about my problems my problem seems to go worse people begin to question and they begin to assess their lives i believe that the pandemic helped us to assess our lives because we had a lot of time at home so people began to question and begin to go deep into the problems that they were facing why is this problem real caring what have i done who have i associated with some of you watching this video the problems are because of what you're associating with the problems are because of the people that you speak to the problems are because of the environments that you attend could it be that the environment is causing problems could it be that there's a stink and there are worms at the root of where you are planted they are worms you see sometimes you can be a bird nesting on a tree you have built a home in this tree but you find that the tree is not really fruitful it seems like in spring the leaves are not really growing you have come here and you've set shelter in this tree but in spring the leaves are not coming up there's no leaves and there's no fruit adequate for your calling adequate for your health adequate for your needs not knowing that they are worms and the root of the tree are they worms and the roots of the trees where you have placed yourself are they worms at the root of the tree where you are sheltering today could it be that there are worms underneath the roots of that job that environment that relationship that career that decision that business that choice that you have made could it be that there's a stink right underneath the earth that you cannot see with your eyes and you're questioning you're fighting with the branches fighting with the leaves but there's a stink at the roots the people were fighting with the sea fighting with the boat fighting with the goods putting the goods over losing in their products losing their goods not knowing that there's a stink under the ship there's a stick in the lowest part of the ship and the stick is coming from jonah's heart the stick is disobedient and so they go to jonah and say what why why are you sleeping you find that the person that is causing you problems they don't even pray they they they cannot fast they they asking for prayers themselves they they seem incompetent in the spirit and that season of their life why is it that in the season of disobedience there's incompetence in prayer you're asking why are you not praying why is my friend not praying in this situation why is my friend not helping me why is my friend sleeping why is my cousin sleeping why is my boss sleeping the company is going down and you're working so hard as a manager but the directors are sleeping and the boss is sleeping could it be that there's a stink could it be that the leaders know that there's a problem that they need to address in order for the things to go back to the way they were could it be that they are keeping a secret if they are not being honest with you could it be that all your labor is in vain because they know that they need to correct a situation you see it's hard to correct situations when you have pride it's hard to correct situations when you have arrogance it takes humility it takes humility to say i am wrong it takes gentleness it takes self-awareness it takes seeing the righteousness of christ it takes looking at the righteousness of christ and not self-righteousness to say i have to correct this issue people are sinking the ministry sinking the business is sinking the education is sinking this career that i've chosen is sinking it takes humility to go back and to fix the issue i pray that the spirit of god can touch your heart today and give you the humility that you need to change the course of the boat in this season of your life to give you humility supernatural humility supernatural self awareness today to go back and fix the things that need fixing to say sorry to the people that you need to apologize to to change the way that you treat people to change the way that you think about the situation i pray that the holy spirit can help us today jonah is sleepy people are fighting for their lives do you understand how frustrating it is for these men how troubling it is for these guys to find jonas sleeping but they are fighting for their lives they are losing their cargo losing their business losing their mode of transport there's damage that is happening there's leaking they're shaking and somebody is sleeping the cause of the problem is not fasting the cause of the problem is not really praying the cause of the problem is just quiet knowing that they are the cause of the issue so they say what what does this mean what do you mean by sleeping in the situation arise do something pray you can't always be asking for prayer do something fast do something sing a song call on your god perhaps you will hear us we have tried our gods who are fake perhaps your god will hear us then they decide no no no no something's not right here something something is wrong here jonah this guy is sleeping at a time when there's warfare so let's cast lots and find out who is the cause of this issue this is when people begin to live your life that's when people begin to not associate with you anymore this is when people begin to draw back you find that you're in a relationship and suddenly the person just says i don't really think that we should be together it's you it's not me i don't really think i'm right for this position i don't really think that i can help you anymore in this situation you just find that people are vocating for you from your life giving all sorts of excuses could it be that they've lost a lot of congo in secret could it be that they faced a lot of warfares that they've never faced until they met you could it be that there's a cloud hanging over your life of disobedience that they are clearly seeing that there's an issue there could it be that they've suffered too much and they cannot suffer anymore so they cast lots and the lord goes to jonah and they say please tell us for who's causes this trouble that has come upon us what is your occupation and where do you come from what is your country and what of people are here and jordan begins to say that he's a hebrew and he believes in the lord god who made the heavens and the earth and who made the sea and the dry land and so they became exceedingly afraid because he then told them that he has run away from this god who is ruler of the heavens ruler of the sea and the dry land this sea that is causing us problems he's a ruler over that sea jonah begins to evangelize it is calling you see you can run away from your calling but you can't run away from it you can try you're called to be a prophet but in your anger in your disobedience you just find that you're still prophesying you see these gifts come without repentance you find that you are disobedient but people are still being healed of hiv being healed of cancer it's a gift it's a calling god has placed it over your life so it must remain and it will remain however your motives however you're leading however who is your god in that season when you're healing cancer and hiv is god still your master or have you become your own master you see it's not about the evangelism it's not about people giving their lives it's it's wonderful you know he will win souls is wise but where are you placed are you in the center of god's will because we think because people are being saved god is moving but could it be that those who are doing the job and doing the job in a place of disobedience paul says you know what everybody who preaches doesn't preach out of the purity of their hearts they don't preach out of honesty and truth some are preaching out of envy some are preaching out of jealousy but hey whatever as long as christ is preached sometimes people are standing in places of disobedience you're wondering wow that person is flourishing in that job in that career but are they in a place that is centered in god's will are they positioned in the center of his good and acceptable and perfect way or are they competing with other people are they disobedient are they deceiving others are they liars what is the motive behind what they do and why they do it jonah begins to evangelize it's his calling it's part of his calling jonah begins to instruct jonah begins to rebuke jonah begins to teach it's part of his calling as a prophet to rebuke to instruct to make known who this god is and people are getting saved because the bible tells us that when they when they threw jonah into the sea they offered an offering to the lord god so people are being saved but jonah is not right with god jonah's work is not right with god i want you to know that blessings can still be overflowing in your life it doesn't mean that you're working right with god i will show them that doors of blessings can be closed in your life but it doesn't mean that you are not working with god we have to understand that our circumstances and our situations do not detect our walk with god your bank account your gift the operating of your gift the things that are happening around your life they don't necessarily mean that you're walking with god or you're not walking with god but these things are spirit these things are spiritual our walk is spiritual it takes the holy spirit to discern to see the truth it takes truth to see truth and so these guys are exceedingly afraid and they said hey what can we do guys tell us what to do uh advise prophet what should we do here because you are saying that you're running away from this god who is in charge of the sea and the dry land what should we do and jonah says okay you can just throw me into the sea because all these problems are because of me you can just leave the relationship it's okay it's my problem i know i'm the one that is at fault um okay it's fine you can end the friendship with me after all i'm the cause of this problem sometimes people can enter into depression because of disobedience some people can face a loneliness have you ever been so lonely because of disobedience and the enemy if you're not careful the enemy will start to tell you that you're depressed yet people are just leaving your life please understand that your loneliness is not a representation of depression understand and do not define it as anxiety and depression it's simply disobedience let us not call it what it is not it is not depression it is not anxiety its disobedience if you just change your way and go back to the place and the center of god's will then that loneliness will also go it's a cloud that will also be removed because the light has come so jonah says okay throw me to the sea and god had known all these things god knew all these things all these things that jonah is saying i don't know what you've been saying to people i don't know what your plans are you have plans in your heart plans to run away plans to disobey god plans to completely ignore what he's saying because you don't like it but god knows all your heart's desires god knows your plans god knows what you're going gonna pray about in the next few days god knows what you want and what you're desiring god knows your next plan before you do these thoughts in your heart god already knows them there is nothing that is hidden before his sight god has known god knew that jonah will eventually run so much the guy is so stubborn he's just going to tell them to be thrown into the sea god understands the stubbornness of jonah and sometimes you may look at joan and say jonah is so stubborn so i'm gonna be stubborn too but don't try and be like jonah because you're not jonah jonah was angry with god so i'm gonna be angry with god don't play that game don't tempt god like that and so these guys tried to ignore jonah because they wanted to save his life the guy seems okay yes he's sleeping yes you know he's ignoring the situation yes he's running away from god for reasons that we don't understand yes he's doing all these things but he seems like an okay chap he seems like a cool dude let us try and save him so they try and save him try to get to land but they cannot fight god we cannot fight god we cannot fight his ways we cannot fight his arm is too strong this is why you don't have to worry about haters and enemies and people that are trying to harm you you don't need to worry about that because god is able to fight this is why you must leave your storms to the lord because the lord is able to handle it but in this situation they're trying to fight god himself by forcing themselves to get to dry land but it doesn't work and so made a prayer to the lord and say do not put this innocent blood on us because surely this man is going to die and they threw him over this over the boat into the sea and jonah as soon as he reached the sea the wind and the raging storm the tempest it sees completely and there was a cow and they knew that this was the lord and so they began to praise and to worship out of jonah's disobedience people got saved isn't that fascinating out of jonah's disobedience the fear of the lord was restored this is why i said you cannot run away from your calling it'll still work for you it'll still speak for you because it's your identity your identity is your calling and your purpose they are all hidden in christ those things will continue to speak whether you sleep whether you're still whether you're not active whether you're active those things are you you cannot change who you are those things will continue to speak this is why you have to really know what god is calling you to do because you find that sometimes you're trying to do something different but there's a passion inside of you there's a burning you find that you want to sing you've been trying other things different things but somehow you cannot shut this passion down you just find yourself singing and people say why are you not in the choir why don't you start writing songs for the lord why don't you start writing songs well why don't you just practice at home why don't you just watch some youtube tutorials about singing you've when you sing there's just something that i feel and you know that people are speaking into the purpose that is hidden in your heart when people speak concerning your songs and how you sing and your voice it speaks into the inner heart speaks into the heart of hearts of you because it's part of your calling it's part of your mandate you see the calling will speak now jonah is thrown into the sea and this is the part that i want us to focus on today the bible tells us that the lord had prepaid and prepared a great fish to swallow jonah and jordan was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights i want you to know that jonah died jonah died when he was in that sea when he was thrown in the sea but god prepared the fish and it swallowed him for three days and three nights how do we know that jonah died because the lord speaks about it and he says the only sign that i'll give this generation is the sign of jonah the lord died on the cross and he went into the heart of the earth three days and three nights he wasn't getting the keys three days and three nights there was death that happened physically for jonah physically for the lord jesus christ now i don't know if something is dying in your life maybe physically you haven't died but maybe you're dying spiritually because of disobedience you find that you're going towards like i you're going towards the mindset of i don't believe in jesus christ you're going towards the mindset of i don't want to be a christian anymore are you dying spiritually because you simply don't want to go to nineveh you simply don't want to do what god is calling you to do he wants you to sing for him but rather you want to be a celebrity who sings pop songs you can still sing pop songs for the kingdom of god and you can become a celebrity as in you can become famous god can give you fame you don't have to put jesus on the on the corner and push him on the corner because you want fame you don't want to go to nineveh you don't want to represent the kingdom of god what is god asking you to do today are you dying financially god is saying i've prepared a fish for you i've prepared a fish of mercy there's mercy that i'm showing you in this season but i need you to become one with me i need you to rekindle what we had before i need you to come back to where we were before i need you to say yes to my will as you did in the times past i need you to put away your pride i need you to put away your disobedience you've been disappointed for so many times it's a cycle of disappointments i need you to come back i need to walk with you hand in hand you see the lord walks with us hand hand in hand we are workers with him we work together with him he wants to work together with us as co-workers laborers together with christ he wants to do things side by side with you what is it that you're desiring what is it that you're grudging over what is it that you don't like god is saying put it away put it on the side let us work together today i have prepared mercy where you are sunken when you're dying there's mercy that i have given you even now the mercy of god is overflowing into your life even right now the mercy of god is touching you right where you are today and he's saying i need you to come back i need you to rededicate your life to me today have you left the way today you can rededicate your life rededicate that place of disobedience and make it obedient again so today we want to pray the disappointments are coming to an end today because of his mercy the disappointment of life disappointments of the world disappointments in different aspects of your life are coming to an end because of his mercy but he wants you to work with him he wants you to come back he wants you to make him the lord of your life this is the prayer that you made when you first met him you pray that he becomes the lord of your life he wants to truly be the lord of your life today will you allow him let us pray ancient of days we honor you we bless your holy name thou art holy and righteous and true you are the god who prepares a fish of mercy oh god even when we fall deep deeply to the depths of sin the depths of disobedience you o god you rescue us not because of what we had done or because of who we are but because of your great mercy lord i thank you for your mercy that you have bestowed upon your people oh god through the sacrifice of jesus christ on the cross through the sacrifice of his body lord you have prepared him oh lord thank you for that mercy thank you for your mercy o god and today i pray with those o god that want to dedicate to rededicate their lives to you those that want to run back to you those that were in disobedience those that were disappointed over and over and over again because of where they have found themselves because of their desires because of their visions because of their goals and plans that were not in line with your will for them that were not in line with the calling that you've placed upon them those that were running in lanes that you've not called them to run in father they're saying here we are again oh god and they rededicate their hearts once more to you they say lord be the lord and savior of our life we are sorry for being disobedient father we are sorry for being disobedient forgive us through your son jesus christ forgive us for disobedience help us to make things right again make things you again in their hearts in their lives restore them oh god restore their lives restore their families restore their jobs their finances lord restore their relationships their friendships restore their ministries restore their careers oh god i pray just as you restored your servant jonah and he went to nineveh and he walked in nineveh and he preached the shortest sermon oh god in nineveh oh god but it was in obedience to your name your calling father despite their motives despite their opinions they say we put opinions on on the side we put our arrogance on the side we repent from arrogance we repent from pride we repent from making our own decisions without including you father this is what we say we repent lord forgive us forgive us mighty god forgive us thank you father for forgiveness through jesus christ thank you for forgiveness through jesus christ thank you for your forgiveness thank you for your mercy lord thank you for restoration that is speedy thank you for speedy restoration lord thank you that in a few days their lives changed and once again the sun will shine in their lives once again there will be no cloud but there will be an open heaven before them thank you for that open heaven before the heads of your people lord or open heaven that even the enemy will see no more cloudiness no more darkness in the name of jesus the name that is above every other name father i thank you even for those that do not yet understand they are calling i thank you that now they understand and that they'll be bold enough to rise up and to do exactly what you've called them to do lord to rise up and not to overly overthink about it but to do the things that you've given them to do in their hearts thank you for these passions that that are rising these ideas that are rising oh god thank you in the name of jesus thank you lord that the calling speaks and it is sure in the name of jesus help them to be friends with your spirit to be close to the holy spirit for he is god help us to be close to your holy spirit in every season in every moment lord to listen attentively open the ears of your people those ears that are blocked let them be open right now in the name of jesus the eyes that are blinded let them see right now in the name of jesus let the mouth speak right now in the name of jesus no more fear no more cloudiness no more anxiety in the name of jesus in the name of jesus yes your face shines like the sun even as the face of the lord shines in the name of jesus yes let his light shine through you through your lips through your eyes through your ears in the name of jesus let your feet and your hands show forth that light in jesus mighty name through movement and through your walk through your works and through your walk in the name of jesus christ amen and amen in the name of jesus glory to god amen so god bless you and you will not be tossed to and fro anymore in the name of jesus arise and shine arise and shine arise and shine for your light is come in jesus name god bless you and i will see you i won't be here next week so i'll see you in the next two weeks hopefully for the prayer videos and for wisdom wednesdays so god bless you take care love you so much bye [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 21,160
Rating: 4.9496021 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 50sec (3050 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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