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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel thank you so much for subscribing for commenting for liking and share my videos thank you if it's the first time welcome to my channel my name is Daphne and make sure that you subscribe if you're not subscribed so welcome to wisdom Wednesdays we're back again let's go straight to the Word of God let's go to the book of 1st Samuel chapter 18 verse 28 to 30 and first time you chapter 19 verse 1 to 12 which day that's also and knew that the Lord was with David in that movie cow soul daughter loved him and so was still more afraid of David's so Saul became David's enemy continually then the princes of the Philistines went out to war and so it was whenever they went out that David behaved more wisely than all the servants of Saul so that his name became highly esteemed now so spoke to Jonathan his son into all these 7th that they should kill David but Jonathan Saul's son delighted greatly in David so Jonathan told David saying my father saw six to kill you therefore please be on your guard until morning and stay in the secret place and hide and I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where you are and I'll speak with my father about you what then what I observe I will tell you thus Jonathan spoke well of David to his to Saul his father and said to him let not the king sin against his servant against David because he has not sinned against you and because his works have been very good toward you for he took his life in his hands and killed the Philistine and the Lord brought about a great deliverance for all Israel you saw it and rejoiced why then will you sin against innocent blood to kill David without a cause so David heeded the voice of Jonathan and swore and so swore as the Lord lives he shall not be killed then Jonathan Cole David and Jonathan told him all these things so Jonathan brought David to Saul and he was in his presence as in the times past and there was war again and David went out and fought with the Philistines and struck them with a mighty blow and they fled from him now the distressing spirit from the Lord came upon saw as he sat in his house with his spear in his hand and David was playing music with his hand it's so sort of pinned David to the war with a spear but he slipped away from Saul's presence and he drove the spirit to the war so David fled and escaped that night so also sent messengers to David's house to watch him and to kill him in the morning and McHale David's wife told him saying if you do not save your life tonight tomorrow you'll be killed so me Carolyn David down through a window and he went and fled and escaped glory to God glory to God so this is the word that the Lord wanted me to share to you today we are in a season of breaking waters we're gonna season of breakthrough in a season of transformation and changes and because we're in that season there's a lot of jealousy that's going to arise I specifically heard the word jealousy jealousy there's going to be a lot of jealousy that is going to arise and you see there are two types of people there are people who make people jealous they go out of their way to make other people jealous they'd perform theatrics and they do all kinds of things to make people jealous on them those kind of people are looking for attention those kind of people need attention because when you understand about jealousy when you understand the spirit of jealousy you will never try and make other people jealous of you you see there are those that the Lord has given a certain kind of glory there's a glory that has been released and anointing and I'm blessing that has been released that is a poor some of you right now and because of this blessing this anointing you may not realize that this blessing is upon you don't look at your surroundings don't look at what you have today you may be somebody that doesn't even have a car you may be somebody that doesn't even have a house you could be homeless right now you could be somebody that is even looking for a place to stay but there's an annuity to pull you in life and that anointing is going to cause people to being jealous of you so don't be surprised the Lord is going to raise you up in the season little by little you're being raised up your big exalted and honored in the season and because of that blessing because of that anointing people are going to be jealous of you in this season don't be surprised don't be alarmed people that have more than you owe been jealous of you people that have less than you or be jealous of you don't be alarmed seize it so today we want to look into this word as the Spirit of the Lord leads us and gives us strategies somewhat to do in this season because people are about to be jealous of you the spirit of jealousy is about to arise because of what is happening in your life because of the glory of the Lord that is reason upon you so the Holy Spirit is going to begin to minister to you even through this even through this teaching and even as you listen today so here we see so-and-so knew that the Lord was really David so understood that the King of Kings the Lord of lords the King of glory this God who is a shield and a buckler to his servants this God would delight in his servants in delights in those that are faithful those that call upon his name and I'm not ashamed of those that go boldly before his presence you see sol understood the glory of the lord upon david you seen your enemies will see the glory even before you see the glory this is the thing that happens your enemies will be get to see a glory before you see the glory this is why there's so much hate there's so much Envy there's so much jealousy and you don't understand why this is because you're focused on the king of kings you're always focused on his throne always minding your own business you don't even know that the glory is rising because you're on his feet you always at the feet of the Lord always worshiping in spirit and in truth always delighting in his presence you see when you delight in the presence of the Lord sometimes you don't have time to really look at what is happening when you're delighting in the presence of the Lord sometimes you don't have time to be looking at what you have and what you don't have this is because your heart delights it is presence your heart delights in his name you are delights in his word but the enemies around you begin to see a change they begin to see that this present is becoming a little bit unrecognizable this present is becoming a little bit clothed you see maybe now you're wearing clothes you're wearing different clothes and you know it's a normal thing to you you started to wear maybe designer clothes and your enemies are not happy your enemies are not happy because of the labels that you're wearing these days they're not happy because of the glory of the Lord that is rising up in your financial life it could be that you've started a new job you see the enemies are not happy that you've stunned the nootropic you still at the bar the office but the Lord has a desire the Lord is planning to raise you up in that job but your enemies they recognize that the Lord is about to raise you up in that job even though you're still in that little desk the Lord is going to rise and raise you up and you're going to have your own office people will be calling to you people will be coming to you for answers you see your enemies can begin to see those things child of God this is why we must be vigilant this is why we must trust in the Lord with all our hearts with all our minds all our souls don't try and fight it in your own strength the Lord will fight for you the Lord will fight your battles don't try and fight the enemies around you because you cannot handle it some of these people are anointed to argue some of these people are anointed to kill steal and destroy you cannot get to that kind of level you see these kind of warfare they need God to fight for you so so be get to recognize that and the Lord is with David the Lord is not with me anymore the Lord has left me the Lord is with this little boy the Lord is with this little young man he has left me even though I'm kidding you see there's nothing is heartbreaking as being employed still a king still a commander-in-chief but the one that anointed you to be there that's taken away his anointing he's taken away his favor he's taken away his glory you see we understand where God is taken away the glory he's taken away the favor from some of the people that he gave that anointing in gained and glory to them but somewhere along the line things happened somewhere along the line they became prideful somewhere along the line they became rebellious and they forgot to call on the name of the Lord they forgot to fear the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Israel so God began to look at some people he began to look at Shepherd Boyd's people who are faithful with the little people that don't mind fighting lions and bears people that don't mind fighting for one little sheep the Lord began to look around on the face of the earth to see if you can find faithful people no matter how young they are you see God is raising up 15 year olds God is raising up people that you never thought old mazey because God is looking at the heart God is not looking at the titles he's not looking at the car that you drive you say God is able to give somebody a car God is looking at the Hut because in the hot days the fear of the Lord in the hut is the love of God in the heart there is a presence and a persona that seeks to please him day and night in the heart stays the delighting of the Lord this is what the Lord is looking for he's seeking those that can worship Him in spirit and in truth despite having money in their bank account you see the Lord is seeking it he's watching it he has chosen those that he has chosen but now there are people like so that can see that the presence of the Lord has left me you see there are people around your life that can see that the presence of the Lord is with you and the presence of the Lord is not winter you see they are trying to do theatrics around you they try to prove a point around you're trying to act out try to do different things to prove that God is with them but in their heart and in the secret place when they go home at night when they sleep in their beds they know that the Lord is not with them they know that the favor of the Lord has led them they know that the presence of the Lord has gone you see it has departed from the house the presence of the Lord the favor of the Lord and the light of the Lord has departed from them because they will not repent they refuse to repent they are rebellious and they are prideful so so so then David had the presence of the Lord and the Lord was with David and so instead of repenting he started to blame David for the presence of the Lord you see they don't blame you for the love of God they will blame you because God loves you but they will not see the love of God for themselves don't rather blame somebody else why does God love you so much why does God love her so much why does God favor him so much instead of seeking the presence of the law instead of going in the presence of the Lord instead of worshipping God and paying the price paying the cost through living a life of repentance don't rather blame somebody else we call it the Adam syndrome this wife whom you gave me she's the one that gave me of the fruit and I ate this that you gave me this woman that you took out of my rib this woman she's the one that made me to send the Adams syndrome never looking at your own folks never ready to fix your own life always blaming under women because you lost your husband because you lost your man now you blame other women that are happy in their relationships blaming other women that have their own love lives trying to steal kill and destroy their lives because you lost your own man through your own issues don't things that happen in your life why do you blame your own unhappiness on other people's happiness why do you focus on other people's happiness and blame them it's sort of fixed in your own life you see your enemies will come and blame you for the blessing of the Lord upon you they will blame you for wearing designer clothes they will blame you for driving that car they will blame you for finishing that degree they will blame you for getting married and having children they will say why did she have a boy instead of a girl they won't blame you for things that are minor things that are trivial they will blame you for the blessing of the Lord that is upon you why did she buy a new house she should have just continued renting why does she have to spend so much why does he have to do this and that why is the pastor always talking to him they will blame you for the favor of the Lord but they would not look at their own faults they won't try to fix their own life they won't try to make things right with regard so that the favor of God comes back on their life your enemies are about to be jealous of you because of the blessing of the Lord upon your life your enemies are about to be mad because you're getting jobs and you're getting roles in Hollywood your enemies are about to be angry why is she getting rose I've been in Hollywood for 20 years why does she have to get this role why does he have to give this world why does he have to open up a new company I've been doing this for 10 years why him why not me they blaming you for the favor of God but they don't know the price that you pay they don't know how you sleep at night they don't know that tears that you have to shed for 20 years they don't know the tears that you have to shed for 10 years they don't know the kind of fast that you have to do for 5 years you see they don't know the price that you paid and see you see sometimes there's always a price to pay for the power there's always a price to pay to maintain the power there's a price to pay even the King of Kings he paid the price the Bible tells us that the sphere of the Lord drove the king of kings in the desert in the wilderness and he fasted 40 days and 40 nights and when he came out of the desert out of that wilderness the Bible tells us that he came out in the power of the Spirit you see there's a price to pay if the son of man the King of Kings had to pay a price how much more you of course he paid the price for you but there's also a price you need to pay there's one who is an ambassador of the King there's a price to pay you see we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ we have all things through Jesus Christ we have power over sin we have power and authority through his name but there's a price there's a price to pay and the price is walking in the word of the Lord the price is producing the fruit of the Spirit you see you need to produce the fruit of the Spirit be a man that you're producing the fruit of the Spirit all they're seeing our cars and labels and things that are physical but they cannot see your spiritual fruit that God had to prune you in the secret place he had to prune you so that you learn to love your enemies that were trying to destroy you that you learn to love your enemies that were try to kill you you see the Lord had to prune you in secret like David's he had to prune you to fight Lions to kill best the Lord had to prune you as you fight and prune you to produce a fruit of patience patience when you're keeping the Sheep at night patience to watch long-suffering when it's cold at night you see David had to have long-suffering sometimes you're as cold at night when he was looking after those few little sheep they don't know the price that you paid they don't know how you got there but yet they're trying to fight you you see your enemies are about to be jealous of you but child of God don't pay it mind don't pay too much attention don't focus your attention on the warfare don't focus your attention on your enemy because your God is going to fight for you God has raised you up for such a time as this don't let anybody make you feel bad for the blessing of the look that is coming upon you don't let the enemy make you feel bad because of the glory of the Lord that is rising upon you so became David's enemy continually you see sometimes people don't understand this they don't understand how jealousy is so dangerous jealousy can have people try to kill you they begin to have strange imaginations people with jealousy operate under a toxic spirit they begin to be toxic they cannot look at you in the eye they could not face you because then jealousy that spirit cannot look at you that spirit cannot stand you you see those people begin to be toxic they begin to have toxic thoughts it's a very dangerous spirit jealousy it can begin to go a little bit into witchcraft if someone is not careful if somebody is operating in a spirit of jealousy it can go into which gravity they are not careful this is why you need to be very careful and don't try and make people jealous of you because it's a very dangerous spirit there are people that don't understand how dangerous this spirit is so they do things to make other people jealous of them if you're that's if you're somebody like that repent repent before the king of kings repent from wanting attention through the wrong windows through the wrong doors because those doors can kill you those doors can destroy your life those people can destroy your life that you're trying to make jealous of you don't seek attention in that way seek attention through the world of the Lord go in the presence of the King of Kings and get attention through his presence let his presence feel you let his presence fulfill you let it fill your heart with joy with peace with understanding that his presence feel the empty voids of your heart even today if you're listening let the presence of the Lord feel the empty voice in your heart those holes let them be filled even by the blood of the lamb without blemish let the blood begin to fill the empty heart the empty holes the voids let the space that was empty begin to be filled by the power of the Holy Spirit the Bible tells us that the Philistines went to war and when they went to war it had an anointing there was an anointing upon this young man you see some of you don't even know that you have that anointing you have allowed the enemy to lie to you have allowed the lies of the enemy to lie to you the enemy has told you that you have nothing look at you look at your life you have nothing but little do you know that there's an anointing upon your life why do you think you're always winning battles why is it when you always pray there's a results why is it when you pray for other people there are results there's an anointing upon your life to kill the Philistines there's an anointing of glory and a victory upon your life you have an anointing to touch and to shift lives there's an anointing upon your life child of God don't listen to the voice of the enemy begin to go into the presence of the Lord begin to look into the Word of God so that it can show you what you look like there's an anointing upon your life you see there are people that have an anointing upon their lives their specific anointing than the Spirit of the Lord begins to release upon people you need to find out their noising upon your life so that you will not walk blindly David's headed anointing upon his life this young man had nothing this young man had no money this young man didn't have anything that you can think wow I can envy David he's got so many things the only thing that we had told us that he was good-looking David was young and good-looking and he was a very confident but he had an anointing upon his life and anointing to kill enemies and anointing to annihilate enemies don't you to break the backbone of the enemy there was an anointing upon his life this young man was walking in the anointing of victory in the anointing of victory he had victory upon his life victory was a name that was upon his life and the enemy could see victory when he looks at David there's a name that you have when the enemy looks at you when you wake up you are a threat in the kingdom of darkness because there's a name on you there's an anointing that has a smell upon it a smell that is beautiful but in the end in me that smell is terrifying when you wake up the enemy is threatened and he doesn't want you to know the name that God has given you God has given you a name child of God you need to find out the name that God has given you you see years ago I begin to go in the presence of the Lord and I was trying to find out what does my name mean because when I was born my name was changed it wasn't meant to be Daphne with an A and somebody somehow it ended with it with an e so he ended up with a Daphne with a nice toss trying to find out what does my name me why did my name change I was in the presence of the Lord and the Lord told me that your name is victorious your name is victorious and from that day I knew that my name is victorious you need to find out what name God has given you there's a name upon you the Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus gave Peter a new name your name is Cephas he called him a stone and he said upon this rock I shall build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it and even cold the two brothers the sons of thunder you see there's a name a personal name that God has given you child of God may the Spirit of the Lord reveal it to you even now there's a personal name a loving name and nickname that God hasn't given you there's a special name that God has given you child of God may you find that name out even in this week the Spirit of the Lord will reveal that name to you and you mustn't run with it run with that name run with that be because that name is attached to your identity in the spiritual realm is also attached to your calling it's attached to your destiny in Christ that name carries power that name carries part of your identity in him that may reveals part of your identity in Christ of course your identity is revealed through the Word of God but there's a name that you carry and soul knew the name that David carried despite his years despite how young is despite him not having a kingdom of all or riches or wealth despite him not having anything saw saw the name upon David then this young man was anointed to kill anointed to destroy anointed to be a winner he was a winner in life and so knew that he was a loser this is why he hated David and became his enemy and God continually proved through that anointing upon David's life that no matter how many enemies that you have you see it doesn't matter how many enemies you have as long as you operates under the anointing of the Holy Spirit you continue to live out that name that he has given you the Bible tells us that David behaved more wisely than all the servants of soul so that his name became highly esteemed on top of being a victor a top of being a winner he became highly esteemed you see you don't need to focus on your enemies this is what wisdom does wisdom makes you to not focus on the hate you see those that are not wise they waste their time arguing on line arguing on social media why do you waste your time only with people that don't know your life people don't that don't understand your life people that don't know the truth secrets of your life people that I'm trying to tell you how your life is don't waste your time argue with anybody why do you waste your time focusing on your enemies focusing on your soul so say this to me today so gave me an attitude today soul was not smiling at me today soul didn't say hi to me yes so he's going to give you an attitude soul is going to say thanks to you so he's not going to say hi to you because so is your enemy it's clear as day those people behave like that because they are your enemies but why do you waste time thinking about it pondering on it don't come down to their level rise above the level of haters rise above the level that your enemy is operating they want you to focus on them they want you to give them attention but you see you have power to behave more wisely you have power to behave wisely you have power to still love those people from afar you have power to not have grudges with those people you have power to not be bitter with those people you have power through the production of the fruit of the Spirit as long as you're producing the fruit of the Spirit child of God that is your key to behave wisely the key is to produce the fruit of the Spirit in this season you need to produce the fruit of the Spirit you need to stay in the word this is how you will behave wisely this is how you even rise as God begins to raise you up you begin to be raised up even in the eyes of people that they will highly esteem you they'll be even favored with people around favor with friends of your enemies you see the friends of the enemies the friends of your enemies will even begin to look at your enemies like there's something wrong with you there's something wrong with you because look look at this guy this guy is innocent this guy Minds his own business this guy is living his own life why do you hate him so much people like Jonathan will begin to come and see that your enemies are in the wrong they are fighting you for no reason look at you look at David look at this guy he's so innocent look at his face his face looks like an angel why are you fighting him we see God begins to raise up Jonathan because David was behaving more wisely David was producing the fruit of the Spirit you see there's no excuse in this season there's no excuse in this covenant to not produce the fruit of the Spirit there's no excuse because we have the Holy Spirit inside of you you have the Word of God written in your heart that the Holy Spirit empowers so there's no excuse and God is going to begin to raise up Jonathan's in this season Jonathan's that'll help you to fight these battles this is why you don't need to worry about your enemies God is going to do the job for you because it is him that is raising you up it is him that is giving you that anointing it is him that is giving you that glory that is causing other people to be jealous if you see God knows that they're jealous of you and God will reveal it to you God is going to begin to reveal to you those people that are jealous of you and it's not for you to be big-headed it's not for you to be bitter it's not for you two to hold grudges God maybe showing you other people's businesses but you need to mind your own business don't get carried away because these people are jealous these people around your life don't want you to prosper don't get carried away but it's for you to behave wisely David knew that Saul was jealous of him David knew that saw was envious of him David knew that but he behaved wisely he took that knowledge and used it productively he took that knowledge and used it in wisdom he took that knowing and used it efficiently use the knowledge that God is giving you efficiently wisely and productively don't use it to grow a grudge inside of you to grow bitterness inside of you don't use it to start to argue with people and have a bad temper everyday use it to behave wise how can I grow from this experience lord help me how do I grow from this experience how do I grow from this when I know that my own friend is jealous of me and they are trying to stop my wedding how do I go from this experience when I know that my own relatives are trying to kill me how do I go from this experience when I know that my boss at work is jealous of me and they're trying to demote me how do I grow from this the King of Kings will help you the King of Kings will give you wisdom child of God he's going to give you wisdom he will give you wisdom and we didn't get you that wisdom behave wisely in it walk in it wisdom comes from God wisdom comes from God wisdom comes from the throne of God and the Spirit of the Lord that is in you will begin to teach you wisdom he will teach you kindness he will teach you goodness he will teach you patience you see these things our wisdom patience is wisdom so many times people are going into difficult situations or maybe are not patient enough so they can go out and they look for their own spouse and they end up marrying the wrong person but patience is a form of wisdom and when you're patient you're able to wait upon the Lord you're able to wait on the timeline and the calendar of God patience is wisdom the Bible tells us that let patience have it's perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing you see patience is wisdom goodness is wisdom kindness is wisdom oh these fruits of the spirit they are a form of wisdom it will help you to do things or you don't know what to do they will give you the timeline they will give you the way when you don't know what to do you find a way through wisdom the Spirit of the Lord will give you wisdom so God is going to begin to raise up these Jonathan's Jonathan's that are related to your enemy Jonathan's that talk to your enemies Jonathan's that are friends with your enemies God is going to begin to raise those people up so that they can also be a voice in your life and they're going to see your innocence those people will see your innocence they will see that these people are fighting you purely because of jealousy those Pharisees in those Sadducees it's purely out of jealousy talk to me they just peep it's purely out of jealousy why they're fighting you because there's an anointing of revival upon your life you see like John the Baptist there's a revivalist anointing there's a prophetic anointing upon you and now these traditional people in the church these religious people in the church and jealous of you because there's something different about you there's something different about the way that you see things the way that you speak the way that you do things is a little bit too different for them so because of that anointing of being a revivalist of being prophetic a true prophetic anointing not a fake one not a fake one that oh I had a dream that this happened and I you know I saw a vision and you know I heard the voice of the Lord true prophetic anointing anointing that comes from the throne of God a pure and only thing you see they're annoyed things that are tainted they can be people that walk in a prophetic anointing but it is tainted it is dirty it is not clean because of things that they are doing in their lives because of things that are happening in their life so the anointing is no longer pure and there's an anointing of purity there's a pure anointing upon your life child of God and nobody is going to take that anointing because the hand of the Lord is upon you the hand of the Lord is fixed upon your child of God in the fire of the Lord is upon you you see they will not teach you anointing no matter how jealous they are they will not touch your anointing because the fire is upon you the pillar of fire is upon you the Spirit of the Lord is upon you don't worry how close they get to you don't worry about it don't worry if you go to the lunch with those people they will not touch your anointing you see they will not spoil your anointing it's like that old prophet that was jealous of the young prophet but in this season child of God the hand of the Lord is upon you the Lord of lords the Lord of hosts is fighting your battle in the season you seen gone are the days when the old prophet would kill the young prophet because of deceit go on are those days because the eyes of the Lord are watching the Lord is fighting battles in the season don't worry you see you can sleep well at night you don't need to worry about anybody you need to worry about anything you can sleep sound at night because the king of kings is is running to and fro watching and he has set his angels to watch over you he has dispatched his only his holy angels to fight for your battles so we see the Lord raising up Jonathan in the season and Jonathan begin just tell Dave you like don't you know don't worry bro I have your back I have your back man of God I have you back I understand the anointing upon your life you see I see that in the future you shall take my Father's throne but I respect the hand of God that is upon your life you see we need people like that people that are not intimidated that you're going to take their father's throne people that are not intimidated that you're going to be a global preacher people that are not intimidated by your light that shines brightly child of God you and I we need people that are not intimidated by the anointing the glory the presence of the Lord I need a Jonathan child of God you're saying I need a Jonathan and God has prepared one for you are you ready for people that love out of your pure heart are you ready for friends that love out of the purity of the heart friends that are not intimidated by you are you ready child of God are you ready for people that will not try to kill you people that will not envy be anointing upon your life people that will not envy any part of your life people that are secure it would they are people that are not insecure you see the reason why so many of you are facing jealous friends because your friends are insecure those people can begin to fight you tomorrow because they don't understand that things of the Spirit they don't understand that things that concern destiny the things that concern the glory and the light of the Lord that is upon you the light of the Lord that God begins to put upon his people they don't understand times and seasons you see they're so insecure that they don't have an identity of their own they don't know that God is also raised them up to play a role in this end time harvest child of God God is giving you secure people people that are confident people that are pure in the art people that will don't be jealous of you people that will fight your corner people that will fight for you in your absence Jonathan was a man of his word I need friends there are people of their word friends that would not go behind my back and talking nonsense behind my back child of God you saying I don't need friends that talk behind my back that speak ill of me behind my back God is giving you people that's been blessing behind your back no matter who they're speaking to even if it's their own parents Jonathan was such a friend that even he would go against his own father he's friendship begin to step over the boundary of blood you see they say blood is thicker than water but in Jonathan's case it was a little bit different there are people that God will raise up people that are not afraid to step above boundaries step above Authority so that they can correct issues that are from the pits of hell so that they can stop things that are being assigned from the pits of hell these are the kind of people that God is going to raise up for your corner for his own sake for his own name this is why you need to depend on him trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths don't worry about what they're saying don't worry if they try to threaten you they might be saying you know tomorrow you will not live tomorrow we are going to kill you tomorrow you're going to destroy you or not have that marriage you will not have that car you will not have that house you will not finish that degree you see they are sending you threats but they don't know them God that you worship they don't know that this God is the God that created the heavens and the earth and established them he's the God who sees he's the God of all flesh they don't know the God that you worship they don't know how much you trust in this God that you worship this God will fight for you his name is I don't know his name is the Lord of hosts his name is the king of kings his name is the word of God in out of his mouth comes a sword that is sharper than any two-edged sword he see out of his mouth comes the Word of God he is the word of God they all know that you depend on the Word of God they don't know your life what you do at night that at night you're praying and you go before the presence of the Lord because you trust in here to fight for your enemies you see gone are the days we need to talk back to people you know argue with people write messages and whatnot God are those days these are the days when we go on our feet and we speak to the king and the god of the heavens of the earth and he begins to shift and change things he begins to shift and correct situations behind our back as we are sleeping at night this has done God that you worship them God that will change seasons you see your enemies thought that it is the season to die but little do they know then this is your season to rejoice this is your season of gladness this is your season of joy child of God this is your season of joy this is your season of laughter they think they were going to kill you but they don't know like soul or like poor who was carried in a basket out of a window they thought they were going to kill a postal PO but little did they know that the god of a postal pole who'd raised up people that will help him you see if God doesn't need a lot of people to help you he only needs one or two people one Jonathan one friend one relative one classmate one workmates one person it just needs one or two people to help you out he just needs one heart one heart that is willing to fight for your destiny you see not many are willing to fight for other people's destiny because everybody's always looking out for themselves but there are those that don't just look out for themselves those that also look out for others God is raising those kind of people up and Jonathan began to talk to David they also talked to his father to fight for David's corner to do things that will make the way of David to be clear for him and he began to remind his father you know daddy you know I don't know why I try to fight this guy remember the Philistines he killed him do you remember Goliath he killed him for you you know he's bringing great deliverance for Israel daddy why are you doing this daddy this is so wrong this is not right what you're doing is not right come back to your senses these are the kind of friends that you need don't settle in friendships don't settle don't settle don't settle in your friendships so many times people are so ready to not settle in relationships but they settle in friendships don't settle in friendships that are toxic don't settle in mediocre friendships it's time to let those people go time to say bye-bye to those people that are mediocre people that are insecure people that are always jealous and envious of you people that are really your enemies in secret it's time to say bye-bye don't settle because God is bringing true friends in your life true friends that have a pure heart people that fight your corner people that understand your destiny and the calling upon your life don't settle in the season it's not a season to settle because if you settle then God has no room to bring those people if you're settle in that place there's no room for Jonathan to come in you have to make room for your Jonathan make room for the friends that God wants to bring in your life make a room for the business partner that God is bringing you in business but you're settling with the wrong business partners you're in entertainment but you're settling with the wrong kind of people make room for the people that God wants to bring in your life don't sit or just trust him trust him to say no trust his no he's saying no say no to these people say no do not say don't get up leave the room it's time to walk into another room it's time to go into another room and Landis fear another space where you enjoyed it that is waiting for you I can even see that there are people get people that God wants to connect some of you with and as soon as you connect with them it could be as small as saying hi or as small as a head shake you're going to know that that is the connection God is going to give you understanding that that is your connection there are people that you're going to connect with and it's not going to take a lot of conversation as soon as you speak something is going to click in the spirit like David and join it and there's going to be a click the Bible says it's a soul time but I don't want to call it a soul tie but this is something that is going to click child of God we'll run with that when that happens it's time to leave those people don't go back don't go back to the mediocre friends the mediocre business partners the mediocre people that you've been hanging around with it's time to distance yourself it's time to ease your way out it's time to say bye-bye and to look ahead of what God has for you in this season the Bible tells us that Saul heeded the voice of Jonathan a Nicoise he was lying and he said David and he said is the Lord leaves he shall not be killed the soul was a liar soul was not a man of his word soul was a double-minded man you see your enemies are so confused they don't know if they should like you you know they see that you're innocent they want to like you so they like you for one minute the next minute they're trying to fight you the double-minded are not stable in all their ways and stable mentally this is what happens you see it's a very dangerous to being jealous of somebody because what can happen with that is that mentally you can become very unstable if you're a person that is harboring jealousy harboring Envy in your heart be very careful be very careful because it can go into mental issues you can begin to be very unstable mentally and you begin you begin to fight a different kind of spirit you begin to attract a certain kind of spirit this is why we see later on that soul has a distressing spirit that is trying to fight this is because jealousy opens the door it's like a magnet it's a magnet in the spiritual realm it begins to attract certain kind of spirits this is why we must keep our hearts pure it's very important in the spiritual realm we don't see things in the spiritual realm but we need to understand the spiritual realm we must strive to keep our hearts pure strive to repent every day of your sins strive to live a life of repentance this is why it says work out your salvation with fear and trembling because in the spiritual realm things are so real in the spiritual around our hearts are open doors they can attract what is good or what is evil so watch yourself watch your heart don't fall prey to the spirit of jealousy it can mess up your mind mentally one day you like the present the next day you hate you're always thinking about this press and they have consumed your thoughts Souls mind began to be consumed with David one minute he shall don't die next minute he shall die I need to pin him on this wall he began to have diabolical thoughts in his mind and distressing spirit began to attack him I believe that distressing spirit manifested as anxiety as depression as paranoia because what is happening here is soul thinks he's going to lose this kingdom to this young man because he sees that the Lord is with this young man number two he has killed this Goliath that nobody else could kill number three he's now married to my daughter and my daughter actually loves him even though I was trying to trap him the daughter of so actually loved David this man is doing everything that is right he's highly esteemed before people so soul has a spirit of fear anxiety paranoia depression all these things are poor him it was a very difficult time for King Saul and this is why you cannot afford to make people jealous on purpose because it's a very tormenting people that and jealous are being tormented you see they are fighting you but they cannot sleep at night oh my god they are fighting you but they can't sleep at night they are fighting you but they have suicidal thoughts you see this is why you cannot afford to be fighting with these people they have no strength because of them blessing upon your life they have no strength they have no hope this is why you need to understand it in the spiritual realm and you have pity in your heart you'll begin to pray that in God help my enemies you will begin to pray enough sorry yard like God help them take away the spear of jealousy out of their hearts oh god I don't want them to die like this I don't want my enemies to suffer in this spirit the spirit of jealousy those that are jealous they begin to suffer they can't sleep at night they can't function well they are facing all these toxic thoughts in their mind they're facing all these things that are happening because of you because of you you just mind your own business living your life working in your core late but these people have a distressing spirit this is why they try to kill you because they are at war within themselves so was it war within himself he's same David again and again fighting the Philistines winning these wars his name is becoming greater he's becoming more popular the anointing upon his life is more evident my daughter is in love with him he's about to take my kingdom David is winning because his name is winner and his name is highly esteemed the anointing upon David's life working brilliantly it is fruitful and it is multiplying this is what the anointing does you see the anointing is fruitful it cannot help but to be fruitful the anointing cannot help but to multiply it has to increase when you are anointed you have to increase there is nothing that stops you from increasing except yourself this is why they hate you because you're fruitful and you are increasing this is why it is better to be anointed by God because when you are anointed by God you become fruitful things begin to change the anointing of God shifts and changes things in your life it begins to create a certain environment a second a certain kind of circle around your life it begins to shift and change atmospheres this is what the anointing of God does the pure anointing of God it changes lives it changes your life it can even take 10 years for your life to completely change but the anointing is working don't say oh my life is not yet changing I'm still the same maybe that anointing was placed on your life two years I'm going still working allow it to work don't let the lies of the enemy trigger you to speak what is wrong the anointing is working in your life sometimes it can take 10 years till you see the complete manifestation of the changes if you look at your life today you can even see the changes that have been taking place even in those two years maybe you're saying it's two years but look again such again you'll see that your life is changing you will see that God is adding more you'll see that you are being fruitful in your multiplying maybe you'll compare yourself with other people and this is the problem stop comparing yourself with other people stop looking at other people's life and look at your own life look at your yesterday and try to be better than that look at the way that God is moving and keep on that same track be consistent and faithful with what God is doing in your life so we see that so try to kill David with that spear as Dave was playing music so one this guy is anointed to kill and to destroy his enemies number two he's married to Saul's daughter and the daughter loves him and next he's also gifted in music I mean guy pretty much has a lot of things going on in his life so is comparing himself he has a kingdom but somehow it's not enough he is king but somehow it's not enough some of you are wondering why this person is jealous of me but they're comparing themselves to you they are always comparing themselves to you and they see the goodness of the Lord upon you they have seen your gifts maybe they don't have the gifts that you have maybe they feel insecure because of the gifts upon your life maybe they're wishing that they had the gifts that you had maybe you don't really have certain things but they're things that you have that they desire this is why they hate you so began to see David play music he was anointed to also play the anointing of God was moving in different directions in David's life it was flowing through different streams in David's life and so was seeing that and he tried to pin David on the water kill him but God said nah it's not yet time this is not the time to kill this is not the time for you to die this is why you will not die child of God it's not the time to be killed this is your time and season of rejoicing whether they like it or not you see this is your season to come out of the prison whether they like it or not this is your season of promotion and rejoicing and gladness whether they like it or not this is your season of celebration they will not kill you God said no you see God is the author and perfecter of your faith he is the Alpha and the Omega even of your life he's the one that says yes and no they are not in control of your life God has written your life in his book and whatever unit he has written in his book that shall it be here on earth in the name of Jesus they will not sabotage you they will not abort your life in the name of Jesus they will not abort your destiny in the name of Jesus they will not abort the plan of God in your life in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit you will live and testify of the goodness the promises and the glory of God upon your life David fled and escaped that night by the grace of God by the grace of God you will flee you will escape the plan of the enemy the plan the enemy had a plan he had a plan to kill you he had a plan to sift your feet like wheat he had a plan to kill you because he knew that maybe you're a liar like pizza you see you saw your weaknesses don't let the enemy poke at your weaknesses everybody has a weakness as long as you repent as long as you strive to be empowered by the Holy Spirit of God so that he can deliver you from that weakness as long as you grow in the faith those things will begin to fall out of you don't begin to fall from you and you begin to grow bigger and bigger like a giant in the faith don't let the enemy poke at you distort your vision so that all that you see are your weaknesses look at Christ focus on the King of Kings and you will be strong don't focus on yourself focus on the Lord of lords that has paid the price focus on the finished work of the cross focus on it and receive the grace of the finished work of the cross in the name of Jesus so David fled and he escaped by the grace of God then soul he wouldn't give up this guy will not give up these people are on another level when it comes to not giving up the hate not giving up the fight but God will fight for you so soul sent his messengers to David's house now he's sending people to date his house you know he tried to kill him in the field he tried to kill him in his own home you try to kill him here and there you try to kill him in a warfare but somehow he's just not working so now he's sending people in his house this is why you need to be careful about your circle these new people that are coming in your life where are they coming from who said to them these people that are pretending to be so nice to you where have they come from whose voice are they listening to you see some of these people have been sent by soul some of these people have been planted by the enemy just to get information from you they want to know your plans child of God then you want to know where your strength lies like Samson where does your strength come from please tell us how are you so strong how do you manage to do all this how did you manage to have all these things in this house where does his strength come from where does your money come from where does your happiness come from why are you always happy are you pretending or are they issues really in your love life do you pretend is this really real where does your strength come from these people and Delilah's in your life try to seep out try to draw out your strengths try to get out information so that they can use it against you tomorrow be vigilant who you're making conversations with in the season because some of these are coming operating with a spirit of jealousy a spirit of envy a spirit of destruction a toxic spirit they are not really really concerned about you they're not really nice to you because they like you it's because they hate you they're good at pretending and good and smiling but inside your hearts they're carrying a dagger they're carrying a knife already to stab you as you turn your back as you turn around and you give them their back don't be so comfortable to give people your back don't be so comfortable to give those people your back because you don't know why they're still behind you you don't know why they're lingering behind you some of those people want to linger behind you so that they have the first place to stab you properly be very vigilant because so he's sending messengers to your house child of God be very vigilant and God will help you God will help you in the season we're going to pray in a bit a soul sent messengers today this house to watch him and to kill him in the morning the purpose and the reason why so are setting these people is because he wanted to kill David but you you will not die not in this season remember to trust in the Lord to rely in him remember to produce the fruit of the Spirit so that you may behave wisely remember to listen to the instruction of the King of Kings the instruction of the Holy Spirit inside of you remember child of God that is he gives you wisdom is he gives you knowledge about these people use it effectively productively and wisely these are the things that you need to remember in the season because jealousy is rising up concerning you because of what God is doing don't surprised that so in Seoul is jealous of you don't be surprised that so in Seoul is actually not for you don't be surprised remember to distance yourself from those people do not do not be complacent do not settle in those kind of relationships those friendships those partnerships do not set to make a room for your daughter that make room for the people that God was to bring your life so let's just pray thanking God for what he's going to do in your life and also for his hand upon your life he strength he's a glory and that he is already taking care of it God is taking care of it I hear that God is taking care of it he has already taken care of it we just need to thank you let's just pray glory to your name Most High God Sovereign Lord King of Kings Lord of lords honor in glory belongs to you forever and ever we thank you lord thank you for that people Lord that you've raised up in the season in this generation like David father I thank you that no soul no enemy shall kill shall destroy them all god I thank you for your power your hand that shall not leave them your hand that will not forsake them thank you for your anointing Holy Spirit upon your people that glory and that beauty upon them even though it's causing jealousy father help them it's not feel bad because of the anointing help them all God to boast in you because of the anointing father teach them what it means to boast in you not to feel bad about it not to being grieved because of it but father to walk boldly in that anointing in that glory Lord I pray in the name of Jesus the name that is above every other name Lord teach your people father to run with the wisdom that you're releasing in their lives to run with it on God open these ears open their ears Lord those that cannot hear clearly to hear clearly father I pray even for purification of the anointing that you have released upon their lives father those that were tainted lord I pray that you purify with your holy fire Latimer chorus trenders that anointing in the name of Jesus purify purified or purify ever that they call and they walk with the pure fire that comes from you not a strange fire Lord not a strange thing not a strange an anointing but Lord of pure fire a pure anointing that comes from you all that comes from you alone Oh God we pray in the name of Jesus a pure beauty a pure beauty a pure heart a heart in a door that is pure this we pray in the name of Jesus the name that is above every other name Lord those that don't yet understand give them understanding to know that you've truly anointed them know those that don't know the name that you've given them let them know the name Lord the name that you call them by in heaven father that name of victory that name of honor that name of beauty that name o God of love father that you have for your people this sight pray in the name of Jesus the name that is above every other name lord help you people to continue - father to seek your heart to seek your face and to worship you in spirit and in truth to be focused despite the wolf and despite the hate father I pray even for healing from those that have been hurt by their enemies those that have been hurt even by the identity of their enemies father those that have been discouraged because so it so hated them and they do not expected father let they be healing healing healing right now healing in the heart healing in the soul in the mind in the name of Jesus healing that they be healing they they be peace once more they be confidence and boldness once more this we pray in Jesus mighty name father we give you glory we give you and we give you praise thank you Father for making us to walk into such a time as this thank you for your everlasting love Lord in the name of Jesus amen and amen amen amen god bless you so I shall see you very soon and you know god bless you and god loves you so see you soon and take care right [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 147,743
Rating: 4.9319196 out of 5
Keywords: GOD’S GRACE ON YOU WILL CAUSE JEALOUSY, provoke jealousy, david and saul, wisdom wednesdays, wisdom wednesday, they will be jealous of you
Id: NgFSgwMDytU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 13sec (3433 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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