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my scrubs out there I have probably never been requested to play a game more than I have AB danganronpa a game that I've been contemplating playing on the channel for so long I've ran a few polls because I really I really try to play but thing is it's kind of a long game and I have a bad habit of stopping series in the middle of it but this is personally something that I wanted to play for the longest time you guys know how much a week I am and also this game I've heard is pretty freaky messed up so if you like doki-doki literature club that you might like this game because it's it from my understanding it's like saw in a video game but with anime characters some characters do you like will probably die due to the bad choices that I will make it's a game that is highly reviewed and recommended I'm ever going to Six Flags and I found one of you scrubs out there and I met you and I got to chat with you for a little while I don't know if you're watching this even they told me like hey you need to play danganronpa so like I always get told to play this game but here's the deal I'm only going to do another episode of this if this video hits 30 K lights that's right I'm dead serious about that if this video doesn't hit there any K likes you will not get an episode - and I'm gonna make them an hour-long so grab your popcorn grab your coffee grab your peanutbutter bites grab anything and let's enjoy the ride together alright 30k likes I know you can do it if this if this video gets a hundred thousand people watching 30 thousand likes this is pretty easy to hit it's not even half so if we could hit that it proves to me that you scrubs want to see this but without further ado here's episode one of dangan ronpa let's get traumatized together I'm really excited for this massive high school towers over all of the other buildings in this bustling urban area every it's like the school stands at the center of the entire world hopes Peak Academy it brings to the top students from every field imaginable a government-funded school of privilege oh so it's Yale they say that if you come here manage to graduate you'll be set for life with hundreds of years of tradition it sends the cream of the crop to the workforce every year it was built to raise hope in the nation's future which hopes which makes hopes peak a pretty fitting name there are two things you need to attend this school one you have to be already be attending high school two you have to be the very best of what you do no ordinary student can enroll here the only way okay so yeah I think you get the point yeah I know and like in Japan they got to go to high school and it's like it's so weird it's like high school is so important in Japan well here it's like no one cares just something you do it was me acting for God as you can see I'm nothing but a hopelessly average high school student look at him looking like the main character of every anime oh I'm so average average on the outside average on the inside okay yeah we're sure I don't have much going on for me when it comes to grades special abilities even personality all the girls with the Bob's are gonna be all over him I mean yeah I have hobbies and stuff like I do but it's not like on my sidekick or mutant or whatever like if you asked me why favorite song was or my favorite TV show they don't just be whatever's most popular at the particular moment oh so you're just a sheep oh okay even among the average of completely average so I could even say I'm your everyday hero it's hype that's just who I am anyway I figured it'd be cool to introduce yourself around at the bat but you know if you have any kind of strong points so to speak I save him a little more gung ho than other people I mean like you me how completely ordinary do you got the biggest hair ever seen that's like me going to school said I'm ordinary I still can't believe it I'm standing here whenever someone like me could survive in a place like this it's got an overwhelming presence like it's trying to swallow me whole but it's no wonder I would feel that way what you have to understand is well let me tell you about the preparation I did last night [Music] so you got to be truly elite right to go to the school I get it oh wow oh hi for example one guy incoming student is the ultimate pop sensation I guess she's a high school girl who also has the lead singer at a pop group famous all over the country there's also the ultimate baseball star so these could be the characters I'm guessing the pro teams already have his eyes on him oh very strong man okay this girl I see everywhere then there's the ultimate fashionista [Music] which I just want to know which one's gonna die I probably get so connected to these characters I really hope you guys hit that's that like gold because I really want to like continue this game but I didn't say but I think I want to do one a week but they're an hour long so it's not that bad sure it might take a while but you know if you guys like it then I'll keep doing it but you know I'm it's it's kind of a long game I've been very nervous to do this to be honest oh they mentioned the ultimate biker gang leader leader two delinquent boy the scary thing is that he's the de facto leader of every biker gang in Japan gangs everywhere - love the guy yeah he's still attend school at time that there's no ultimate martial artist okay so we got the boot oh boy here ultimate else a bit like cliche everything alright and there was something I couldn't stop thinking about you see there was a few students who I couldn't find any info on no matter how much I looked with all those ultimate students I'm the only one without any kind of warped wall talented but then what about the other students who did seem to pop up anywhere because they'd just be average students like me without any talents I know surely yeah this is like a lot like you under a simulator in a way I know like that might make some you man comparing it but I just means like they show that simulator - whereas the lead students you know we recently held a lottery to select one ordinary students who attend our school and you won you piece of crap like mean to say oh you're okay you're okay we just picked one student for everyone to laugh at and as you yay they spelled that out plain Tuesday I got invited by pure luck honestly I probably would have got been better off just to flying in the wrapper but after hearing how a graduating was like guarantee / success we gotta get all the views and subscribers from this school then actually standing in front of the school I started to feel lost like I didn't belong here but it's still I could just stand it I can't just stand in front of the gate forever Rose in a place murmuring to myself I look down at the acceptance letter clutched in my hand I said it said there'd be a meeting for all incoming students alright let's go to the beading I get it you're ordinary this is what we're supposed to meet right I guess there's a really elegant clock tower in the corner says 7:10 the meeting doesn't start till 8:00 okay we're very very early I should take a look around the school maybe that'll help me calm down a little bit a little bit I am a student here now so there shouldn't be any problem with me having a look around it'll haunt me kill some time but nothing else so I think in this scheme you actually get to walk around and stuff too which is kind of cool it's not usually oh oh the bear is at it again what day but they said I took the first step forward my view became warped twisted it was like some kind of delusion melting away and mixing together into something else spinning mixing melting away than spinning again and the next moment everything went black that was how it all began that's how life knew it okay as I as I knew it came to it in at that point I should have realized the reason I was brought here to Hope's Academy wasn't because I had the ultimate sin good luck it was so I can experience ultimate despair Oh No I'm telling you this is just a big old prank it's not fair man welcome to despair oh that sounds great this does my save point so I guess I did play this in 2016 and it got copyright claims that I got scared but I was such a new little little YouTube chick like a little like a like a baby chick you get the point that wasn't a good example all right well sorry 2016 me I'm overwriting your data I totally forgot about everything that happened though yeah this game has a really good heart no need don't go go go that's God I welcome with my head resting on top of a hard wooden desk my body feels heavy it feels pretty normal for me to Zonk off in the middle of some boring class or whatever but what was I doing a sleep here just now this is that the classroom I'd been in before what the heck is going on sounds like random voice acting I guess yeah here we go welcome to hope hopes Peak Academy first we like to explain the basic controls yeah I know okay aim yeah so this is like really interesting usually DeBusschere levels are not like this at all so that's what makes this one interesting and Scott Ace Attorney in a ways as well but you actually look around it have to find things back and even over any normal classroom that's what the window should be but those are a big old bolts alright so we can't go sit there camera that's always a good thing right is that surveillance camera is dangerous world really it's a dangerous world we live in I guess they have these teepees weirdos from just wandering in all right well obviously there's a paper here that's the desk I fell asleep on I get to see a line of drool I must have left there ought to clean it up later hey what's on the desk an orientation guide is some kind of cheap looking pamphlets the next semester is about to start starting today the school of your entire world what the heck is this someone's idea of a joke oh so we can like it gotta give us a hint of the things that we should be looking at well let's try to go oh right I don't know never mind I guess we gotta look around some more check the monitor there's a TV the school is funded by the national government so I guess it's not weird to have that in here something feels off and wonder what it is well I don't know I can only guess geez a camp ladies already eight o'clock it was just after 7:00 when I got here it's almost been an hour since then okay let's see what I might have happened is I got myself so wound up I passed out in the main hall and that someone carried me here if that's true it must mean it's a classroom Wow but if that's true it just raises more questions I mean those metal plates cover the windows this is a prison or something none of it makes any sense I should probably head back to the main hall all right let's go Jesus always kind of weird - I'm loving the music already I honestly have no idea what's going on but you're a Bay character an enemy it's always nothing's ever gonna work out for you I wonder if his parents are alive I swear every it's just how it always is their parents are always like not alive despair Hotel this is so cool this looks interesting what if I should go in okay it's not open it all right Oh leave I don't see any sane person would just leave by the time I got back to the main hall everyone was already there hi everybody I dude I love your hair then you guys are all yeah we're all new here today's supposed to be our first day of class so counting him that makes 15 seems like a good cutoff point I wonder if this is everyone Sani porn me were the ultimate students I looked around and everyone who gathered here taking their faces at one at a time maybe I was just imagining it but I swear I could fill a kind of aura coming from each of them they all look like main characters that had me how's it going my name is Makoto naegi sorry I'm late a bunch of stuff happened and then I just fell asleep plus everyone passed out to the druze what are you talking about I also have no idea what's going on right now just a Mona there's something else we need we must address so this is basically like like in my hero academia I can't remember his name right now for some reason but the guy with the jetpack legs is that kind of student wherever one must be on time he's basically the student he's the class president to be late on your first day is unspeakable I must report you and you must accept your due punishments what's your problem it's not like he wanted to be late you've been have it you wouldn't have any control over it everyone just calm down listen why don't we all go around and introduce ourselves the hick now's not the time for freakin introductions maybe but it may be good to at least find out who we all are before digging into bigger problems here I mean how are we supposed to talk to each other if we don't know each other's names now that's a good point okay so let's get introductions out of the way then we can move on to whatever else sounds good oh okay so we got Normal School girl here I still totally lost but I think it's just best to focus on getting to know each other all right let's do this all right yeah I only play like up until this point basically and I think we should got to talk to everyone right get to know everyone hey hey you want I get to know you is say yak amis oh no is this gonna be wife I don't know okay ultimate pop sensation I thought she's I thought it was the other one the way she moves is positively mesmero oh no the other one was the model okay in that plus it's int I can't I can't place it while smelling her I was pretty surprised it's your name in that thread online she's at a pop group famous all across the country in fact she's the lead singer yeah don't sit yet you said that already okay well nevermind no matter how you slice it she's really beautiful almost like a doll or something I'm not a doll you know I'm alive did you hear me I'm psychic oh okay that's totally normal chick kidding I just have a really good intuition you've read my mind oh hi no way oh it must be I'm sure of it hey Mikoto did Oh God not this guy we just got carried away I guess Oh God alright this guy is like it's such a like a stickler there right we can't talk if we could talk about this later why why do you take me away from Bay huh Sally say I could really have something she wanted to say but it's not like we'd ever see each other again like she said we can talk later oh yeah we will see each other again alright let's talk about round boy over here he fool me Yamada ultimate fanfic creator okay this could be my best friend right here he's so it's so fitting oh that he wouldn't make fanfiction by the way how much do you know about the world of 2d art I know very much about his world the 2d I'm well known and it's supremely well regarded the ultimate fanfic reader I once sold 10,000 copies of one of my fan comics at the school festival the bit has passed and passed it to legend some of them didn't get it of course saying I'd tainted the event and how stupid can I be that's too bad about them but selling 10,000 copies like that is pretty definitely remarkable however the world of this such it needs to be nothing to be I am like van Gogh elderly unappreciative in my time he's the van Gogh of anime I'm a soldier serving night and day to destroy all the mindless preconceptions about fanfiction I'm sure if you were to observe my work mr. Negi you would comprehend its greatness oh I do I do trust me my work just filled the deepest meaning what kind of meaning it's about my bracing our bases urges I don't think I want to comprehend it something tells me he's excited about her being here alright this girl looks like the Angela from the office but in this game or so she's like really shy both men writing prodigy yeah she wrote a novel but she was tinned that got everyone talking you lost your litters literacy career the cheers later she released so leaguers the ocean I love story said to be her masterpiece the book was a hit with women that fishermen quickly shot to the top a very hottest men poll despite her age she won countless literally literary prizes and all her books are instant bestsellers which is why she came to be known as the ultimate writing prodigy then what she doing at school like it sounds like they'll have great careers they're just going to school anyway oh she's that kind of girl okay I know your type oh my god so me the fifty creature no I just thought oh I know what you just thought you just thought you would never see such an ugly woman no no I mean I did called you Angela but you just thought it was so funny no that's not what I was thinking at all well God we got a suit Gary here is like I don't mean say anything I know it's true otherwise you I know I can't I know it's true otherwise you I know you can't stand looking at me I I don't care just used to it wow talk about inferiority complex I was way off about what a successful author he would be like alright let's like a hot by Todd here he reminds me of that character from I'm so bad with names let me tell you I love my hair academia but I'm really about their names like I know them but I forget the one with the red hair this gets all spiky in hard skin tell me that doesn't look right again yes okay Kirishima yeah all right I'll say these were the coolest lucky ones in the show they get his character so cool and I think his quirk is really cool too anyway I just wanted to say that reminds you of him ultimate baseball star oh he was the one dad you look like him his hair was short I recognize that name he hits all of the balls so he's like the best athlete okay what you were expecting some kind of kid with shaved head I actually was no I just expected more of a you know sporty looking traditional baseball player type Toby without you look like that basically oh man you found that picture of me playing baseball I seriously I hate that picture it's a pretty cool picture dude but now I refuse to cut my hair and I'm not gonna dye it back to normal either oh he's just like me can I be totally honest with you I don't like baseball like at all I've never gone to a single practice he's never practiced that he had is amazing as soon as I got accepted I quit baseball for good I have my own dream for the future looks like it was to be like a rock band or something Wow I guessed it dude I got this van III get these gays out I've watched so much anime I just know already there must be a songwriter and a singer okay hey you know that's pretty cool that's pretty cool all right let's talk to this guy with a stick of his butt all right ultimate moral compass yeah there's always those like character types so he's a flawless honors student okay okay you can call me taka that's a good name a strong name you should thank your parents for give you such an excellent name and to keep that name from losing its value must devote yourself every single day life is worth putting every ounce of effort into it right this guy's kind of annoying okay we have so many more characters all right we got to get through these characters I want to get to the meeting the bones of this game because I certainly you guys are fans you already know about this game nice take a look at this girl were here Junko yes yes you film right I have a feeling she's evil ultimate fashionista everyone brunette would recognize this one she's got more charm impresses any high school girl in the country she's a fashionista I feel like that doesn't quite match up into reality oh he say she say she photoshopped yeah whoa do shots no my reality I was going to simper come on don't act surprised you're gonna make me depressed she's like I just I'm really surprised they make the eyes in junk and junk super big it's weak this game so looks all ceramic or porcelain you mean bigger than they already are this anime I saw this guy wants to beat me up or quake Wow bro what if the bats ain't no bad words biker gang leader well I mean what can we expect on a sleeve all right I mean it's basically repeating everything they already said so we're good yeah we don't know much about her she's a programmer okay she gets embarrassed anyway I hope we can get along nice to meet you maybe she's my imagination but have we met before I don't think so we just never the first time oh I don't think that's true is it you don't have to apologize for that she's known for all the cutting-edge programs she's created she's the ultimate programmer she's got that little timid bunny type thing going on which is uh which has endeared her to be a legion of fans oh she's got a bunch of stands that follow her around all that all the time hey so listen what are you apologizing for cuz you seem upset you must be mad at me right now why would I be upset lost in thought yeah I had nothing to do with me being upset or anything don't worry you you cute you could I started to understand why your fans are so into her start a fan club right girl alright this is the girl obviously who plays be like I already know actually I'm starting to see a big connection between you and Ray stimulator characters in this game but whatever I wonder it's very curious now ultimate swimming pro how did I know she's been breaking records in every school competition oh she don't even remember my name oh yeah I knew it was something like that it's not something like it is it I'll hammer it into my brain right now she just kept repeating my name and moving your finger across her palm like she was writing something what are you doing you don't know if you want to remember someone's name you got to write it in her hand three times I've never heard of that by the way how do you spell your last name you spelled like it exactly like it sounds so she goes you think she goes to spelling beats I don't know she's totally easygoing at bursting with energy yeah alright alright so last girl here sure he was talking can I ask you your name okay ultimate she looks like a police officer in some way she's pretty tight-lipped huh but you know her name didn't show up anywhere and now hopes Peak Academy thread she hates computers I did say that there were students like me once you didn't have any real identity or presence could this girl be one of them um so what are you doing at this school what's that supposed to mean no I just mean getting invited here major so kind of ultimate something right so what ultimate something are you why should I tell you huh well I guess you don't have to tell me no I don't have to tell you so I'm not going to well then don't think about her turning up online so I was thinking maybe she got picked by chance like me her face is like an iron mask if she doesn't want to tell me suddenly there's no point in asking oh there's somebody characters in this game all right if I if I actually remember correctly this is a girl right she got more testosterone that I do the old team of martial artists okay yeah I remember that right so we're gonna think about ask her if she was a guy but the day I say something like that is the day I turn into a human meatball yeah let's not dude if she comes up with the ring and a martial arts tournament you just turn around and go back you have not trained along enough no matter how long you trade she's never lost a single one well I'm not surprised not surprised at all so the people call her oak tree yeah good good name she's like Dwayne Johnson if Dwayne Johnson put on a wig all right talk about Afro Samurai over here hero for short all right ultimate clairvoyance oh it's like psychic powers okay all right and fortune-telling hey we should grab some brewskis sometime and get real deep into l'amour and his civilization we're not a lot of drink we're in high school this is college I'm actually 21 I've been held back a few times he'll back your hair yeah yeah okay which one is your favorite character Julie tell me the comments already know some of you guys got some but hey maybe this is your first time experience in this game too I heard he gets really crazy but is going through this ultimate a fluid prodigy prodigy that cymose half ah introduction I've ever heard but there really isn't anything I could do about it even among the ultimate students this one is special he's the hero appearance of his family's massive financial conglomerate okay so he's rich all right cool he knows business he's got the knowledge all right dudes just cuz he got mighty doesn't be gonna be mean I'm sick of like he gets you oh he's not he's snotty okay we got Lolita girl over here she's a robot I'm calling her right now ultimate gambler oh my god she does look like the gambling girl what the heck is this game influenced so many things because like I swear I see like my hero academia I see that gambling anime I see like all kinds of things in these games and these characters dunya breaks my name but I would prefer you to call me Celeste you're Japanese right of course what do you ask Nihon Jean this guy tell me your real name I don't know what you're talking about Celestia Lunenburg is my real name but as I mentioned I would much rather you call me Celeste she's probably but pretty forceful at the same time now she'll pick your eyeballs out it's not not praying too much all right so she's never lost the bet the smile was beyond deceptive she has a poker face that'll kill you and with that all the introductions are done even though they're all ultimate they all each have their own individual sort of something okay let's get down to business it's no time to stand around make your friends like a bunch of dual eyed baboons oh that's right I think someone said something about a bigger problem or something what was that you said a bunch of stuff happy to then you were just asleep right the same is true for all of us what seriously we just got in the main hall we lost consciousness and we came to we were somewhere here in the school that's what happened to you right that's just weird every single one of us would get knocked out like that that's not the only thing we saw always all the windows yes I seen the weird bolts plus all my steps Missy even my cell phone yeah so this is kinda like the cliche thing where all the students get you know trapped I I've played games like this and they got to figure out why they travel what is it all mean but then it began this is where--this all games begin boy seemed totally out of place it was so playful is so completely unconcerned like a psychopath I couldn't help but feel a deep unnerving dread at the sound of it it was like Harrison will laugh the scene of an accident the heck was that just now well then if you excuse me takes off this whole thing was just to get us pumped for the interest ceremony I thank God it was all a joke I'd be totally freaked if this was real he this guy just wants to take a nap worried for me all right let's go everyone so got to the gym but I was frozen where I stood an easy feeling I had before I couldn't get it out of my mind it looked like I wasn't the only one that's why food that's why Prater I already know I can see it now I mean come on who would it be scared in this issue when he except for her I'd be scared of her I don't honestly why would anyone be brave enough to trap her anywhere so just she does push your way through that bolt honestly but still I'm kind of know really nervous I know that's me talking all right Jim Jim Jim that's not it get some like persona vibes in this game it's probably this way oh no it's not okay there's not like a label who I was even in the girls bathroom nothing nothing yet oh there it is okay this is the gym Wow I had no idea hopes Peak Academy was gonna be such a pain in my balls I really need that much different from the time I spent in juvie I think this place is even worse the plan which you attend yeah there's no one here they're just trying to spook us they'll take those a metal place down there later I'm sure a bit all we can do now is hope for the best to prepare for the worst nothing ventured nothing gained it ain't like I'm scared in that then let's just get this over with alright I guess we're gonna have to play a game just grades that'll help alright time for some more tutorial action okay press the tab to observe the room observe will display people and objects hey I want to talk to it I want to talk to you we're all the other students why are we the only ones here good question they all died they're all dead let's look at the screen the school has a lot of TVs it love watching TV they can all just be for this boy school product of rock asketh a simple and easy dread I did what they announced to set in which to the gym and I saw what was waiting for us there oh this is the gym okay that looks more like a gym alright Bozo the Clown but it sounds like I like the skin has cutscenes it's really cool don't you ever call me that I didn't guess that I wouldn't have ever guessed that it was the strangest thing I've ever seen right before my eyes it was it was utterly eight o'clock ain't gone yet if you cut that out either nice to be you it's such a bright boys that carefree attitude was completely out of place and all that anxiety I'd be carrying with me suddenly transformed into outright fear this is fear luck calm down I'm sure there's a speaker inside I told you II I'm not a teddy bear I'm uh tokuma and I'm your headmaster seriously Matt calm down it's just probably just a remote control or something how do you compare it to a child's plaything you've cut me deep deeper than the marina trench my remote control system is so complex even the folks at NASA can't recreate or even comprehend it but don't make me say some play that might destroy NASA's dreams it just might I just couldn't bear it uh you really are unfortunates you're moving out we must really hurry it gets her to quiet down okay so he has abandoned the gag everyone's a musician of bowing good morning oh god that guy's gonna say that you know what to say it back artists we're doing the intrud ceremony let's talk about what your school life will be like but make no mistakes you know the few students so full of potential represent the hope of the world and to protect such splendid hope you will live okay we're still have to live in the school all right everyone will live in harmony together and here's the rules and regulations of the school now then regarding the end date for this parade of life there is a plan oh hey in other words you'll be here until you die Hey the music's still like cheerful you're gonna die oh we have a great budget though that's the least of our worries now you're screwing with us right I'm not screwing with you I'm no liar of that you could be 100% true just for your information you're completely cut off from the outside world and so you don't have to worry about that dirty dirty land beyond these walls ever again cut off it's all these metal plates are all go to school there to keep us trapped in here that's exactly what they're here for no matter how much you may yell and scream for help no one will cub and with that in mind to feel free to live out your life here with reckless abandon whoo I don't care to score whatever else is behind it all it just really this is a bad joke this isn't funny they don't believe in you all grew up in age four you're tough to doubt your neighbor well y'all putting time to find out whether or not what I say is true and when that time comes you'll see with their own eyeballs that I speak the undeniable truth having to live here forever would be quite the problem what's the matter with all you decided you're on your own free will to attend hopes that Peak Academy didn't you and no one and now before the interest ceremony has even finished you've already decided you want to leave oh but you know I guess I did forget to mention one thing there is one way for you leave the school let me guess we're all one of us only one's gonna leave right Hunger Games headmaster as a headmaster I've crafted a crap I crapped haha I crafted a specialized for those of you who like to leave I call it the graduation clause now let me tell you about to spend little rule as I mentioned in order to maintain an environment of harmony here we rely on a communal lifestyle and if someone were to disrupt the harmony they and they alone would be allowed to leave the school that my students is the graduation clause what do you mean by disrupt the harmony well you know if one person were to murder another snapping strangling bludgeoning crushing hacking drowning igniting how you doing it's not important you must kill someone if you want to leave it's as simple as that oh this game is gonna be messed up yeah buddy you're all to achieve the best outcome in the worst of way possible hey chill shot down my spine you must kill someone if you want to leave as soon as I heard those words my blood went to quite old I bet that got your brain juices flowing beats the heck out of a human catch ago Salman huh so that's interesting so if you kill someone you have to leave so that means half the people would have to die so like I said before you guys are the hope of the world but you know taking the hope and seeing it get murdered creates a dark and shadow of despair and I just find that so darn exciting yeah what do you talk about to kill each other it's to kill each other is to kill each other I'm sure there's a dictionary here somewhere if you need it we know what it means just let us go home already blabbering you don't seem to get it do you let us go let us go you keep on saying the same thing over and over listen from this moment on this school is your home in your life your world you got it and you can kill as much as you want to kill so go ahead and kill killing spree how long is this gonna keep up you got it's okay you scared the heck out of us so you can go ahead and reveal the trick now it's like okay let me demonstrate yeah shut up a game oh wait this craps gone too far what the heck kind of joke is this what do you mean like your hair good mind award an out and there was a sudden boom it was a stand-up floorboards as he kicked off and launched himself into the air he flew onto you I'm onto kuma fastest straightest as the bullet he locked unto his targets this isn't gonna go good as it [ __ ] let me outta here like swear to Christ hey damn it comebacks this time oh my god is it gonna blow up hurry up and throw it I don't know if her ferocity stand a bit of silence or what but without a word he did why he was told he threw monokuma and as soon as he did holy crap the hang that wasn't a joke it blew the heck up there was a painful ringing in my ear and I could I guess about a gunpowder explosions might happen all the time in movies or whatever but when it's in real life I've never seen anything like it but you know this means the teddy bear has been destroyed right how was you I'm not a teddy bear I'm monokuma you I'll he's back like a cartoon character you seriously try to kill me just now so did that be he gets to leave if he kills up with any naughty boy or a girl who violates my rules won't get off just by a little spot on the bites Oh God alright this is interesting oh we don't forget the surveillance cameras installed everywhere and if you're caught breaking any rules well you just saw what happened right and I won't be so forgiving you next time with my punished space so don't let it happen again that's not even a punishment that was just wrong well then lastly to commemorate your joyous entry to our school I have a little something for you this is our official Student Handbook pretty cool and as you can see it's fully digital so naturally we call it the e handbook will you care about paper not your lives but paper save the trees oh yes well moving on this handbook is absolutely vital to a healthy school so don't lose it healthy school life based on what my tacoma's said we essentially have two choices choices number one is that we that we each day here living a communal life together until we die the others kill obviously I feel like she's gonna be the one of the first people to do it like she's like so evil you just don't see it would kill you some of that know where to step to do this place I meant to look like a school I never supposed to start killing each other this is what is this we're supposing in my mangas this has to be fake right now it doesn't really matter if it's real or fake what matters is is there anyone here who's seriously considering all of this he said well I mean I'm kind of consider killing you I looked around at the others [Music] no one could be trusted I see why there's so many characters now it makes sense they all stared at one at each other trying to gouge each other's thoughts I could almost taste the hostility and that's what I hit me I realize the true terror hit it within the rules monocot Akuma head lay it out you must kill someone if you want to leave those words had planted vicious thoughts deep within each of us each of us became suspicious of everyone else we were forced to wonder is is is someone going to betray us well obviously I sure hope so huh and that was how my new school life began this school which had come out of nowhere to raise my hopes so high it's not a school of Hope it's a school of despair that was the prologue okay the end all right it's kind of basically what I thought was gonna happen oh this so tells you the surviving students every time so why don't what I want to know is that can't we actually pick which one we want to kill cuz I'm assuming there's multiple endings you receive the school crest present I love those video game sounds you must kill someone if you want to leave my mind Pro is my breath caught in my throat as I would thought about that I can fill a paralyzing fill fear slowly making its way through my body dominating every last nerve there hung heavy I'll be pressing down like a weight around my neck it took everything I had just to endure what that weight chapter one to survive detail life but for as heavy as their air felts all of it look all it took to pierce it was sharp words so what have we gonna do now just stand around glaring at each other her her points of comment was directed everyone in the room it helped us pull back to reality right she's right sometimes if you're nervous or afraid you just have to step forward I'll be the first to kill someone oh please someone hit me I can't forgive myself someone hit me punish me Jesus if you have this time yell about it you have time to do something about it so I wonder if someone's didn't like sacrifice themselves you know but what is the mission exactly idiot to look for a way out die obviously that's the first thing they're gonna do look for a way out and we totally need to find hoarders controlling the bear and beat the heck out of them but before we do all that maybe we should take a look around the handbook it's probably the best to check out the school regulations but a kuma mission before doing anything else true if we stumble around with no clue what the rules are something like that might happen again right let's check out the stupid rules the rules you must wipe your butt with two wipes precisely anymore you're dead twelve paper explodes students may reside only within the school leaving campus is an unacceptable use of time nighttime is from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. some areas are off-limits all right so they can't go at it like night basically are like before 10:00 sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly with death thing I would have been dead at school too I slept a lot class with minimal restrictions you're afraid to explore help seeks Academy at your discretion violence against headmaster we all know that one already anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes blackened will graduate unless they are discovered discover what additionally school regulations may be added as necessary filling a slight dissonance and raised by face up from the screen as I looked around I saw the sameness form the expression on everyone's faces what the heck kind of rules are these I'm not gonna let them control me well then why don't you wander around the school without a care in the world let's see what happens personally I would love to see what happens when someone breaks one of the rules so evil I told you but if you got punished like what we saw before I don't think there'd be a responding waiting for him ever since I was a kid I grew up with my older brother pounding this into my head when a man makes a promise yes keep it even if it kills him so what I made a ton of promises that I still have to keep so that's what so you just out cussing so I can't afford to die here none of that makes such much sense to me but you are saying you will follow the regulations is that it I guess you're right I have a question for regulation number six what do you think it means exactly yeah that's what I meant discovered what does it mean I was worrying about that myself it's saying that if he wants to graduate you have to kill someone without anyone finding out it was you Oh crabs so we're not even gonna notice where's the finger on who kills each other oh my god yes it sounds exciting what do we have to do that I don't see any reason to worry about it just worry about the Paulding rules as they've been explained to us frankly I don't want to hear anything from someone who waits for others to decide what to do for them no jab at me like a fool and stab well for now let's forget that silly junk about murders or whatever now that we know the rules let's start exploring the school true we need to find out where exactly we are is there any way out what about food is supplies let's go someone here might already have to start thinking about murdering us racing we should stand around with them in our midst and make it that much easier for them yeah I mean like choke us out or away hold on a second that would never don't bother saying it can never happen you can't deny the possibility that's why you all seize up with fear when the graduation rule was made food to you am I wrong bud so I'm simply acting in accordance with what I think is best for me that he's definitely on the suspect list and you too out of my way plankton hey what does that mean one tiny bit of plankton drifting across the sea so minuscule so insignificant you don't have as much money as me he's gonna kill him stop hey we shouldn't fight well that's actually kind of what you should do just let him do it let him do it he like honestly do you think you're my dad or something are you starts getting serious oh okay what's happening he punched me and I why do you punch me it was nice to be straight out of a comic book I didn't even see the punch coming it was just suddenly bright in my face one second I was standing there the next I was storming through the air now that I think about it maybe I kind of forgotten the kind of people I've been trapped here with my common sense that just stopped functioning being all around these Ultimates have blown my fuses so I guess I couldn't be surprised led to something absurd is this so I guess we spoke out a term that was the last thought as my consciousness started to fade before they finally cut out completely okay that's a good sounds I mean they're gonna murder me in my sleep I'll be woke up chapter 1 the unknown ah where am I has it become part of my daily routine I woke up into yet another room I had never seen before okay so where am I now you know I have access to the handbook menu you can use this to check out our variety of information okay like how has the music thing that's cool all right by Scruggs I know that nothing really happened here but like I said I've heard so many good things about this game and I don't want to make these episodes too long so I'm gonna try to keep them at an hour at a time but I love doing series on my channel so much less the series we actually did it completed all the way was Marty's heir Marty and I really enjoyed it so like if you guys enjoyed this be sure to smash that like because if it's honestly like if you guys don't hit the like button there really shows you don't care and I don't want to do something you don't care about it I personally want to see this and I've just heard so many good things about it so yeah let me know guys alright it's up to you today scrip of the day goes to is Ezekiel [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 848,790
Rating: 4.9806633 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, danganronpa trigger happy havoc full game, danganronpa, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, bijuumike danganronpa
Id: u4Ydo9iZKFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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