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i'm all right i'm right ow no i'm not yeah what the heck i didn't know if this ain't no fair oh my god i'm so good oh my god [Music] what is hell taker that's a good question today we're gonna find out together get a little of this this game came out this year on may 11th it has 51 000 reviews i've been seeing people on twitter talk about this i've seen it kind of around and apparently it's an anime thing and you know i think i think i like anime a little bit i saw the youtuber lost paws made videos about it so i'm like okay what is this am i missing out on something if a game has that many reviews and it came out this year what is it well you see it's demons i asked you guys on twitter if i should play you said yes so we're gonna play it apparently there's a lot of great memes about it i'll shut up let's just see what this is about wherever there's waifus i'll be you find yourself surrounded by the void press enter or a to continue greetings little one please don't mind me it is just i good old bezel bub he looks friendly oh just like that okay new game story of the hell taker again interesting i never played it once do you by any chance to need a narrator why please allow me it will be a pleasure you woke up one day with a dream oh that looks just like me i'm just like man you woke up one day with a dream hair room full of demon girls ah yes every night it was however not an easy dream to achieve it could cost you your life when demon girls are involved no price is high enough you said as you venture down to heck i don't say bad words on this channel whoa okay i'm just trying to figure out how this game got so popular everybody is it is free oh oh okay kick in the crap of these people all right oh oh i see i must get to the waifu in time ah okay oh this is interesting oh i don't waste it that is i am not doing okay yep so we gotta get down there so you probably can only break some of these ah ah oh no i already messed up oh you cannot keep me from my wife oops yes all right so this is the girl i keep seeing i think i don't know they all could look the same i don't know anything about this game panda monika the tiger demon i relate to this one a lot name's panda monica hell's customer service how may i serve you uh and maybe i can serve you instead that's a manly thing to say oh success oh is it is this kind of like a persona where you have to answer the right questions in order to like get the waifus essentially except it's not always about waifus and persona sweetie view to offer i could totally really use some coffee i'm not myself without it ah i see oh it started already i always thought like anime logic like demons demons is like real life you know supposedly real life if you believe in that they look scary like this but in anime they'd be looking like this in anime it's like take me straight to heck what's the incentive to do good in life by the way i know she's like probably not exactly a demon but she's got horns you get the point oh no chief should i go there oh oh god do i have health oh that just takes away some of my lives this is kind of addicting though i see that that way they're gonna move it again and and then we're gonna go this way no oh i see duh go this way why have i been doing that this entire time oh but i just have a problem wait no oh i made it yes i think i know why people like this game you know this is modius the lustful demon you and me now deal no questions asked they always say that then they always try running away i'll have to break your knees just in case oh i gotta bet in she pulled out a sledgehammer it was not going to be pretty well that was some mixed signals what does life advice do since we travel together i might as well do my job you've noticed how exploring heck takes a lot of will and heck if you run out of on will you die how would you rate your overall satisfaction with providing help on a scale from one to ten ten whoa i never got a tin before all right now we gotta say no time busy gathering girls demon hit room you poor fool they will rip you to shreds and i have to see this yes welcome oh there's three of now okay oh god i gotta go okay all right crap 32 tries i gotta get all the way over there now all right so this seems the most logical thing to do is go down here bam bam bam die okay he's dead yeah okay i i've already decided my course of action we go up here we should have okay oh it worked perfectly where there's waifus there's a way all right how about i go this way first then i go this way bam okay yeah i probably saved some okay okay yes oh there they go the serapis the triple demon so they're all connected i guess like isn't that what the cerebus thing like from hercules for harry potter right i think that's in that movie are you a human a real human please take us with you well i guess this is getting too easy i have questions yeah i feel like that's the thing we should say we need a human to cross the hex gate you don't have to be in one piece though they jumped you like rapid dogs canine sounds included the cuteness of it all gave you a heart attack so they didn't rip me to shreds i just died of a heart attack okay jill no questions asked success now i know i lost pause plays this i heard i heard some people be making some interesting arts of this game yes at last it's time to corrupt the mortal realm oh god 23 oh that one's mean why soon dairy demon confirmed you don't look like you need help with this one or do you did you just want to talk hey do you smell that orange berries and vodka there's no doubt that's gotta be a malina she acts hard to get but maybe she'll figure her out oh i was freaking right then we will all hang out and it's gonna be fun yes okay so i just wasted a turn on accident so molina the sour demon great more brain dead idiots never seen your ugly face before what are you playing at i'd sure love to play with you this is delicious please insult me more fantastic just my luck to find another masochist creep she made a swiping motion and a fountain of blood exploded from your devastated throat i gotta admit though the gameplay is pretty addicting i only play for the gameplay okay that's the only reason i play this game i'm not lying like what video games so we picked to play with you sure why not as long as you're okay with turn-based strategies oh she's a gamer wow paper favorite demon waifu so far collected it's like pokemon oh what's what does that mean what what is the what do the holes mean what never played rhythm based dungeon crawlers have you if the rhythm of the spikes is not to your liking just kick some rocks around it till it does this place sticks to smoke that draw must be close by oh no please no if she's scared i'm scared too ah i get it so it's not gonna stab me ooh okay oh but this one will stab me won't it [Music] oh i see oh we have a problem don't we oh my god i freaking figured it out that was a complete accident oh this is a bad girl demon she's the female dog demon oh no yo i've heard about your harem i'm in wait i have a feeling i'll regret it it's not really a harem anymore we just played turn-based strategies i picked that one yes i picked the right one too bad i'm coming anyway go ahead try to stop me whoa they got angels in this game too on twitter peter sent me this meme uh i guess the meme of this game sayori the childhood best friend sorry i got a little too excited success that's so dope i that would be cool if she was actually in the game i i mean i asked if this is real i think they said no i think it was a fan thing oh i love the gameplay though it's pretty good strategy see it's all it's all the strategies that you see the geometry it's it's all coming into play right now in my brain 200 steps ahead i only need two steps for this one not 43. ah crap i've already messed up it oh no i thought it looked so easy ah we have to get hit there's like no way around it you have to get hit we have to bring the ultimate simp powers to life that's why i have to go super simp three oh i wasted a turn oh i don't even know i can't remember that freaking past it yeah all right so who's this angel a zezel the curious angel oh my heavens what would a living human be doing in hell the most unusual looking for demons i feel like that's the right answer looking for angels is the two it seems misleading demons oh you too let me guess thesis on modern sin or is it uh demonology we should join forces sweet i knew it see i have logic this girl looks cool simping powers are coming to my head right now this one looks tricky might require some testing to find the perfect order of moves please take your time miss modius here is sharing with me her considerably warped view on love these can get violent so moderation is important people die if you love them too much how fascinating please expand on that i want to know all the details well this spice wouldn't be here if i didn't need to go here right okay now i'm just mad come over here hit that then go back nevermind please tell me this game doesn't get harder and harder i'm pretty sure like pretty soon i'm just not even going to be able to pass i need to figure this out first we gotta kill him like for sure we're gonna need to take this one over here we're gonna bring that up that uh that over bam and then over there [Music] i'm broken i can't i'm wasting i'm wasting moves by pushing that up we're gonna i can do it on the way back ah okay why don't you tell me i i think i just figured out i think i did okay ah what there's one turn away hi this is torture this is torture how could you do this to me all right how do you freaking do this crap seriously bro okay 122 000 people wondered how to do this too oh my god i would never would have figured that out so glad to be passed it justice the awesome demon oh it's not because of the the waifus though yo did you just solve that puzzle that's awesome yeah i totally didn't cheat yeah i just skipped it in the menu want to join my harem you can do that that totally sounds like something i would have done sure let's go the more the merrier right i didn't know you can do that oh what's this well what is happening here oh i have to hit this one ah oh my god is that boss battle lucifer the ceo of hell we meet at last you've proved yourself worthy by passing all my trials pledge your soul to me and i'll make you my most treasured slave yes my clean uh no thanks but can you join my harem what are you trying to accomplish you think you can enslave demons to your will call me mastered as permission before you speak i see i have to teach you your place she made a hand she met a hand gesture and all your blood turned into vinegar it's hard to explain the field why would if i say yes my queen eager little soul as you know she planted a kiss on your forehead and your life melted away i can offer coffee turn-based strategies and chocolate pancakes really is that it you come here and try to buy me over with pancakes you're lucky i have a thing for pancakes that's how you get the ladies pancakes apparently i think you've convinced me the harem of yours may prove to be irritating after all just make some flapjacks that's all it takes guys ah what do we have here a door i can get through all doors i can kick everything i'll kick you obviously have to hit this one hit that one i see yes another challenging puzzle oh no this is what happens when i i uh i accidentally i was i fell asleep and i fell on my keyboard and i actually pressed skipped i swear i didn't wanna i didn't choose to do that you truly thought you could just walk away after all you've done you felt the biting cold of chains in your skin followed by fire burning the fleshier bones could you really not skip the puzzle it felt as if you died a thousand deaths yet the flames subsided somehow you were still alive i only just found you trespasser so don't die on me yet we will spend a lot of time together you and i what judgment of the high prosecutor it's like he knew i was gonna skip i've been sitting here for like an hour i'm like how do i do this ignite the sin machine suffering must be made i had to skip i thought there was no freaking way to beat that oh god stop holy crap what the heck is this undertale oh god oh god oh god or is this punishment for me skipping i'm not sure holy crap ow stop that hurts what is happening oh okay [Laughter] whoa okay i didn't expect this how do you like the sid machine trespasser so right or let it consume you no wait don't give up you need to get us out of here and i'm still looking for my coffee leave hope his fate is sealed judgment dear this man may not know it but he belongs to me could you please not damage him ooh the wife are fighting for me sweet see this is why you start to hear him guys be silent real work is about to begin do i have a health bar i think i do i'm all right i'm right oh no i'm not what the heck i didn't know if this ain't no oh i just realized my life bars down there that's a very weird life bar can i just skip this one there is no escape oh oh oh holy crap holy crap oh yes oh my god i don't know how i'm doing this yes the chains that bind you are made of things that brought you here your ego your greed your lusts you are your own torturer enough high prosecutor i order you to stand down at once no authority stands above punishment keep going judgment you were on the roll yes please continue this is a plus material so far i'm supposed to be the gosh dang queen of heck why is nobody ever listening to me okay i don't know how i passed that that was like actually pretty tough my god i'm so good oh my god uh-huh they gotta get the rhythm you just gotta get the rhythm if you're constantly moving they can't hit you oh wait for it wait for it bam you're kidding me i had it oh my god that's over so long judgment the high prosecutor you truly think you can break free of those shackles you should know hope it leads to disappointment and just in despair a disappointment to just oh she said it i've been playing too much talking rapper i changed the despair the most delightful you must be cursed to malinka you just found a fellow nerd and he's already done for her knowing my luck he played neck polish anyway i should have kept it for myself after all yes regret everything you've ever done i love how you did your hair lies they won't save you from your face i also really like your claws is that so in that case thank you i guess now let's get back to suffering yes kindness will kill her oh god oh god oh god leave me alone ah there's always that one spot you could stand and like never get hit just gotta find it that's it this is a personal challenge now now i just need to beat it for myself oh i did it sorta oh what's the pattern oh god it's like it just it just gets worse over time man oh my god that took so long any last words before the real pain begins what if i get the questions wrong only thing i regret is not seeking you sooner which are cheap flatteries you make my job difficult but dang you got amazing eyes though look i don't really want to do this but the packs have been sealed nothing will pervade your damnation however i could postpone your tournament for a few years if you leave and never disturb hell again our fates are one i will kill you and you'll suffer but it does not have to be today so consider yourself lucky and get out of my sight i said you're free to go begone what you want to invite me to your harem don't be ridiculous you'd share roof with an immortal avatar of pain blood sworn to murder you through torture wouldn't want it any other way oh my god i freaking beat this game that was so hard man i i honestly i it ruined my day but i'm glad i stuck through it smash light seeing how far off proper ritual we are already i might as well give it a shot what this man has done for the waifu's is insane thus your journey has come to an end oh i beat the game already you have successfully took girls from hell and have henceforth known as the health taker it was however not an easy life to live it was sure to be short and full of suffering she stabbed me but life is full of suffering no matter how you live it so you might as well have some fun while you're at [Music] what the heck another batch of pancakes done i see and it's so good thank you for the help oh now i get the meme don't mention it it's the least i can do though i have to say i still can't figure out how you get them perfectly thin every time and the way you spin them in the air there must be some sorcery involved experience yeah sure better go give everyone their pancakes pancakes awesome i have a question though shoot the girls say you never take off your shades why is that i could ask you the same oh me it's because i'm blind oh got some lore here that's my story care to share yours maybe one d oh come on the girls are already taking beds i'm losing 10 bucks if you don't have laser vision pancakes you're reading romantic comedy never heard of this romance stuff before it's the kinkiest thing i've ever seen maybe i've been doing things all wrong this time what want to go on a date i've always known you were perverted degenerates so this was all about serving waifu's pancakes i should have known pancakes and coffee oh she drunk the coffee uh the tire demon no longer it is over extracted again it's quite alright actually you even filtered it properly this time keep it up and you might still survive the day with no fingers broken i'm the demon of coffee i love coffee yeah but do feel free to mess it up the local hospital proved quite competent so far next one at 5 15. double espresso yes it's your job to remember not mine package pancakes do you know how hard it is to find new turn-based strategies we could play almost everything mankind produces either half a sequel origin ripoff i would like to play them anyway same here unfortunately we'll need a lot of alcohol pancakes sure but i could use some fire no smoking in the house or what you'll punish me go ahead i've been a very bad guru you'd enjoy that wouldn't you go screw yourself that wasn't very nice but okay pancakes how long have i been here a few weeks it feels like forever the things i've seen the things i've done i could write a spectacular paper on this but nobody would believe me it's just too surreal oh and my research has barely scratched the surface want to join me in my studies today you study too much eat your pancakes imagine how much pancakes this guy has to make every day pancakes we messed up harassing neighbors again what did you do why is there a police at the door pancakes trespassers seek to invade our domain should i dispose of them no need i'll take care of this sure half by nashee cedar bear pancakes police open the door we know you're in there open the door now am i free to roam around why would i why should i be roaming around is there like secret endings in this game or something i'm missing out on the true what like the true message i'm not gonna play this game again it's so hard fine i'll open the door pancakes oh thanks we sell questions though and that's the story of hell taker they're rated for you by good old bezel bub quite a silly tell i know to be honest downright abhorrent actually horrible story about horrible people but perhaps you found some joy in it maybe a laugh or two still thank you for keeping this old fly some company until next the end is there anything else you desire oh i could choose this chapter select well that was a cool game i wanted to rip my hair out but pretty cool today's script of the day goes to [Music] sky kawata wait it's a giant jellyfield donut oh which has been isn't this like an edited version of the other meme with the pokemon i don't know apparently there's a lot of memes again because i watched lost pause i haven't seen his videos on it but i've seen that he's done it let me know if you want me to react to them and uh i need a break all right bye guys [Music] foreign
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 188,185
Rating: 4.9662862 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, helltaker, helltaker lets play, helltaker game, helltaker walkthrough, demons, demon, helltaker gameplay, helltaker full playthrough, helltaker full play, helltaker ending, anime girls
Id: 3ub9VFrZtA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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