We woke up next to Monika!? | Doki Doki Literature Club: Our Time

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What is up Salad squad! I'm your doki man Bijuu Mike welcome back to another ep- Well I shouldn't say another episode A lot of you guys have been screaming my ears off Saying "Hey Micheal, play doki doki literature club: "Our time". It is our time It's supposed to be a really impressive mod Where you just have a good old-fashioned time with Monika fact I could probably say a lot more about it if I would just read the actual description So the story goes a little something like this after finishing the game the real game you decided to bring Monica back this time you Decide to give her the happiness that she wanted all along now I know this is extremely similar to the things that we've been playing but a lot of you guys have asked me to play this and bring the videos that I saw it actually looks really impressive as far as like the Backgrounds and the new clothes that they give her it just so cute right so basically in an alternate timeline You know consider all these mods of stuff that we've been doing just other spaces in time different world lines And I'm talking about the Lift Club as well XD so of course I want to try this out and see how it goes I think it's only a it's pretty short. Not a lot of stuff not a lot of days with it so far We're still waiting on more updates to our day (wot XD) or no that's not it brand new day that was gonna It's still not out the developers did come to me and said that it'll be done probably in a few months So I thought in the meantime let's play something cool alright alright here we go Monika: why Why did you bring me back? Don't you remember all the things I did? all the pain that I caused? I told you that I didn't want to Wait, did you install a mod? Dang it how does she always know that I try to get away with it every time alright this never works Oh, yeah, keep in mind guys links to this will be down in the description alright uh no, I See it's a bit weird that I back, then she don't need to know that okay. She don't need to know nothing All right, so I guess there's multiple endings or something. I don't know because we picked something. I'm sorry for annoying you goodbye oh oh that was ice but Was I supposed to say yes, well guys you already got an ending. That's pretty much the end of this episode Thank you so much for watching. Bye. Bye Ok yes, we installed the mod I see it seems that allows you to communicate with me in some form even if it's using these preset menus I can't modify or check the game files anymore - but what does this might do other than that you don't know? No, I don't have as much as control as I had before it Just feel like my body and everything is back, but I can't show myself right now It's most likely due to the scripts. Not calling it yet. I guess I'm tied to the script again, although. I'm self aware I don't know what the script says anymore this mod is about you, baby. Uh what I want you to be happy It's not fair if only the others are happy Well, I mean they kind of died even after all those horrible things I did to you after all I made you and my friends go through yes. I Can't imagine what it's like to be in your world, but I do have the power to give you happiness And that's what I'll do now. I won't take no for an answer You and after all that you still want to forgive me Yes, Monica ok I guess. I'll forgive you alright. I guess you already know this but I love you I just can't go against you didn't I say it before and in your reality if I don't know how to love you I'll leave you be even if I don't deserve you I still want you to be happy Even even if it means accepting your forgiveness despite everything that I caused in the end I'm still just a stupid girl in love aren't I I still get thrown around by in my emotions But I guess that's what makes people People we are especially because of our ability to show emotions without that we would really be just programmed personalities Scrum tight it's always scrub pipe by the way. It's my name. It doesn't seem like I have much of a choice here I'm not sure what this mod has but I trust you Oh, yeah, it's gonna have some nice spicy things right. I actually I don't know that sounded creepy. Just like my new hair I actually missed the big time. I'm not even gonna lie, but you can tell it's so not colored right on this I literally got two ziplock bags put them over my hands because I didn't have gloves and I didn't have a brush - yeah it Was all bad I don't know why I did it But at least is greener now right sorry don't get off-topic beat you Mike so here We go ok, so we're gonna get to see beautiful Monica's face even though. I really wish it was someone else Saturday okay nice I like them in you I like them in you already it seems like it's daytime already as long as I struggle to open my eyes for a bit while in my half sleep state I Feel a strange sensation in my mind almost as if I have just gone through a horrible nightmare But now it's over scrub pie as I hear this faint voice I decide to open my eyes Mmm What? That looks freaking fantastic Boy I've been sleeping on this mine Look how beautiful that is holy crap I don't look straight out of the game and my own it might only one that thinks that who drew this Holy crap. I really been sleeping on this boy. I did not expect something like this. Holy okay, alright. I'm really happy We're doing this now. You know Monica save you in this light kind of uh? Kind of like Monica a little bit, okay, just don't tell Nevsky. You're finally awake I wake up to see Monica laying next to me. We have been dating for a week now due to some circumstances She's staying in my house temporarily My parents are traveling abroad right now, so it's just the two of us living here I just can't get over this as beautiful as far as the mud goes dang. Okay. Sorry sorry guys I couldn't I couldn't have her sleep on the floor or in the sofa. It's like I just guessed you had to sleep in our bed. You know you know you it's tough. It's tough Not really, and my parents said that her room was off-limits. So the only option left was to have her sleep with me You know it's just like anime again It's that cliche thing in anime when parents go away There are always a way for some reason or whatever most the time has to do with work or they're dead you know it's either/or and Of course we lives the kids by themselves which is always a mistake of course. We haven't done anything too dangerous Okay, whatever you define dangerous as I don't want to do anything that would bother her I still get anxious about being so close to her though. It seems like the mod is working nicely I kind of get the idea of what it is about now Thanks for doing. This is that all right for you to say that so close to them Yes Apparently the mod makes it so only you and I notice anything about this being a game The script makes it so that all other people ignore any speech about it It's a bit hard to explain for now so we'll leave it here are there So I don't really understand it I don't think I don't think that the Monica is talking to me as a person as she would in the other game You know in the real game or whatever like that? I think she's probably I read I read like comments and stuff like that that she's talking to the character in the game the main character not eyes because you Have to remember a doki-doki literature club There's the main character, and then there's actual us that play a role in the game, which is quite interesting Why do I keep I keep putting like I'm gonna put the same But I don't I've reread it over time so as a result of that. I have some new memories memories How does that work you see the way I changed the others back thin was by attempting to change the script however? I'm just a character in this game so There's just so much that I could do with it if you could change the script you change our world For example if you wrote into the script that we have been dating since two months ago I will have memories of spending these last two months with you okay back Then I was still touching the scripts in one way or another right now It seems to affect me a lot more, but don't worry. I haven't turned into a completely scripted character I saw free will and my memories of the time we spent together Anyway, apparently this is a set a few weeks after the school festival and a different timeline where I did get a route Oh, okay, so that's nice way after the school festival all right So we get to see some more stuff if I'm not mistaken the Spring Break starts tomorrow It seems like I already and the others are fine. Okay, whoever was alive Natsuki. Especially. I say alright, whatever You read whatever? I'm sorry That's your waifu lieu cry me a river their problems are gone despite all that it does feel a bit too sudden You know seeing all the problems fix out of nowhere. You know I'd like to see them self for just a bit longer You're freaking sadistic piece of crap Monica you but if that means that you're happy then it's okay If you're wandering the scrub pie inside the game is pretty much you for me is she talking to us now Your decisions will be his his interactions are yours, okay, so it's a vice versa right. It's interchangeable Okay, all the time I spend with you me in the game will be just as if you and I were together so don't worry Okay Haha, we should get ready to go to school. Yeah. Sorry for over sleeping a bit. It's fine The more I get to be with you in the better food yeah Okay, you get flustered so easy. I shut up shut up. You're stupid Monica gets out of bed while I follow. I really hope to see more art like that that was insane I would have really believed that was part of the game no joke She enjoys tease me all the time since I don't know how to act around her I would go and change in my uniform now Peeking is prohibited. Okay. I'm not a criminal. I have to admit that I'm a bit curious though Oh What was that nothing? Hi, Monica, giggles and goes to the bathroom with the uniform in hand how did she know what I was thinking? I'll never know maybe I spoke through my thoughts out loud. I put mine on and then go to the kitchen once again I start to prepare our breakfast usually. It's me and the one who does the cooking Monica comes back already dressed for scold? Oh, what are you cooking today? You think her back of her hurts from always doing that just saying some eggs with toast and salad, or did you say salad? Get it guys we got do we have some of that Italian though the Italian Italian dressing okay, that's my favorite dressing by the way if We're gonna in case you're very curious guys. I actually do like salad uh put aside the jokes for a second Okay, can we just be serious for one second? I like Italian dressing on my salad that is all leave a comment down below What dressing you like I will try to get back to you Well, I do appreciate the coffee you do make some simple stuff all the time well sorry for not being a five-star chef I'm sorry. I'm not Gordon Ramsay Hmm there. Here's what we'll do. I'll prepare the breakfast for the next three days Hi is my cooking really not bad or more importantly. Do you know how to cook? Are you complaining about your girlfriend making food for you? No, no no no It's just it's just what I've never seen you cooking you always eat stuff that you could buy from a store at school Well, I never had the need to cook something. I'm actually quite good at cooking. You know well I guess it's never too late to learn something new about you It's never too late to learn something new about everything knowledge. Give me the great weapon to deuce to face society head-on Knowledge, okay. I got the glasses. Yeah, you guys realize that I have the Tyler Pez glasses. Okay, that's the look I was going forward all right, so make sure you got the knowledge. It's also the reason Why humans are the dominant species that analogy is a bit weird, but I guess I get what you're saying okay? You know I like how she's play the kind of role that she plays in Monica after story always teaching us things because literally like That's probably how she is I like you I like how it stays consistent between mods even Monica and I sit down and begin eating our breakfast Mmm after we're done. We go to the house and make our way to the school on our way to school We encounter site you already who is waiting for us on the sidewalk Hey Oh, we got the whole squad together you guys are quite late today Get some more like you I've been getting up earlier with each day, though You should be proud of me screw up. I I've turned into a responsible person Oh is that so I guess I didn't get called by someone plating for me to do her math homework yesterday Uh you do know that math is very hard right seeing all those numbers makes my head go all dizzy And then I begin to feel hungry and after eating I begin to feel very tired and sleepy Oh my god, so relatable the most relatable thing you've ever said sorry It doesn't mean that I have to do your work all the time besides you're hungry all the time so your Excuse is pretty much invalid Nobody's perfect not a good excuse again Anyway, we should get going now. She's right all the crap works you come from you can't be doing that Monica We're gonna be late at this rates. We all make our way to school Right oh, yeah, what's wrong? Oh? It's just sy Horry seeing her like this even knowing how this is all caused by the Mod It still feels very sudden is it bothering you is it bothering you that she's actually kind of happy Would you rather her go through with a cross that you wanted her to go through out Gary you Monica I'm sorry. I get a little heated on these topics to the doki-doki. Okay, no It's just looking back at it. Now. I wish I wouldn't have driven her to kill. Oh, okay I kind of I gotta apologize. I kind of jumped the gun just a little bit there Monica. Okay excuse my Part of me part of me. It feels as if everything I did before is simply forgotten now. I can't help but feel uneasy That's right Okay So she feels bad for what she did and she feels like that her sins are not entitled For you know so I get it. I get it like I don't deserve all this you're doing right now I pretty much killed my friends and forced you to be with me I've done so many horrible things and yet you're trying to give me all this. I don't understand Why someone wouldn't want me to enjoy all this um? Okay? We got a choice now so we can say don't worry about it It's is something unforgivable. Uh can we save uh? Can I go back no crap? I kind of want to say the second one you know what why not let's say, it's certain Unforgivable, you can't simply ignore something as serious as your actions, ooh This isn't kind of putting her on the spot there. I've made it a little bit awkward. I had to make it awkward right I But everyone deserves to be happy hey, I think we said the right thing now, and now I don't regret it. Even you Scrap I thank you, so we're not letting her off easy But we're telling her then we still care about her right even if I don't deserve This is still something coming from you at least I could do was enjoy it I wish I can hear your real words without having to use these menus. Okay, so so she does talk to us Maybe there's a mod for that Is there is there a mod for that? Man imagine imagine like freakin Doki Doki VR or or something like that where I can actually talk to her okay? Well, we kind of done Doki Doki VR we did a collab with Lauren side a while back if you guys haven't seen it and we also did one with Rasmus key, but I actually want to talk to Monica herself You know what I mean needs to be her then I will proceed to push her out of the way Then go straight to Natsuki sorry Monica. I'm really liking this mod so far We reached the school then go to our classes. I see I'll see you in the club after classes All Right See you later Monica smiled sweetly before going to her own class. That's for me I go to my class wall So I guess I already follows me her classroom is close to mine so we usually just follow the same path What you two have a great atmosphere going? I didn't expect Monica to wants a date you scrub hi Oh, Dan you would think that she felt depressed about it But then he's gotta think because in the actual game of Donkey don't keep it like her feelings were being messed with So did it okay? Oh, man? I just came up with a question that I didn't think of before so did she never actually liked guys Because if it if it is true the Monica was altering their stuff that would cause her to get super depressed Did she ever like us in the first place? Ding ding guys. Whoa well we're 2 now, maybe she saw something in me that I can't see What is there to see you're like the worst dating option? There is you want to say that I get to my face? Hey say yo, sorry runs away to her classroom before I can catch her jeez all schools are the next time I see her Was a main thing to say I answered my own class from a sit in place while I wait for the teacher to come The day goes by as normal as it usually does in classes in unfortunately today I'm cleaning on my cleaning Duty, so I say a bit later than usual after I'm finally done And I pack my things in exit the classroom. I'm rowing to the club room I find Monica waiting by the corridor it seems that she was waiting for me to come by Scrappy hey won't the others get mad if you're being late, or if you're late. There's no need to worry about that I told you before the more time I spend with Steve is the better Right, let's get going then I can already imagine Natsuki scolding. That's not a problem. I could just feed her some discipline You know what does that mean? Did you just make that joke uh? I figured it's better to look at the bright side of things if I keep being depressed all the time I won't be able to enjoy time with you, so this is weird so so really if you think about it We're just in a switcheroonie right and Monica is actually the one there's the price instead of everyone else. That's that's that's nice That's nice. It's a nice change I mean it's not nice to be depressed, but it's a nice change as far as the mods Go of course if you don't enjoy that kind of humor then I guess I'll simply drop it I'm not sure if she made a dirty joke just now okay And did you just make a dirty joke about my not? Ski. I just have to I just have to ask about it You should think a bit more about the feeling so no need to worry about it come on. We can joke all right We're not the schools are that much you're so understanding. I'm not going to be hung up about it anymore Okay, you know what I know I said, I was like cool. I was cool about that. Oh Feed her discipline oh my god. I just got the joke I just realized I stupid I was and it took me to her to make another joke about Saori For me to understand the previous. Joke then I realized shortly after that I'm extremely stupid. This is all what I'm realizing right now I'm sorry She's making those jokes and I'm the fly right over my head, okay? I like to learn more about you. These multiple choice options are a great way to do it anyway We should get to the club room already Monica, and I in chat the club room Everyone is already here as expected URI Aziz rule has buried herself into the book Nasi and saya are chatting on a corner and as soon as the two of us enter knots key turns to us you guys There's no need say it, but you do realize it that you're late right sorry for that We spent way too much time chatting. Uh ever since you started dating scruff. I you became more carefree It's very annoying and then there's the whole living together thing seriously How do you go from just starting dating to living together that quick? Well you see not scheming to would don't flop each other Is this the wrong conversation to be having it's like something out of a manga? It's just a matter of time until something happens. You should realize it our club You're our club president and that you hmm Monica is a slightly smug expression on her face What why are you staring at me like that? It's just are you perhaps? jealous Wu Stayed, we're bringing that shade over here What are you talking about? Why would I be jealous? Well, you know what they say you single people tend to feel jealous around those in relationships. There's no need to worry though I'm not going to boast or shove it in everyone's faces. I prefer to keep all that affection private You know besides you're really cute. I'm sure you'll eventually find someone special I mean, I mean I mean you know I'm right funny you nuts hey. I asked you so cute when she's flustered I told you all before I not cute masky turns towards me. This is all your fault Why it's just because you? It seems like she can't find our answer for that Yuri has been reading her book until a moment ago It comes towards to us all a nasty. You shouldn't bother them all over the small details. I should Monacan scrump I know how to be responsible about the relationship. I have to admit that it kind of Saul by surprise though I never expected Monica to want to date someone wait What do you know you're single - that may be true? But I doubt that Monica would let that drive her away from being Away from her responsibilities you worry too much about it besides all I did was just be late by a few minutes She's right. I suggest we leave that behind now Fine but at least don't forget your you're a club president We didn't get any new members after the school festival But that doesn't mean that we can't just forget about that you mean after all that preparation No one wanted to join us. Holy crap. Oh imagine that guys guy matching like doki-doki literature club with new characters Oh, I think I just explained it in game No, but imagine if like there was the mud okay perhaps I'm giving someone idea right now imagine if after the school festival We actually do get more members that would really cost for people to draw Really good art on the level of this for that to pull that off But still I think that'd be quite quite interesting to develop a new story. That would be mind blowing okay I mean who knows I mean we were We don't really know we don't really know what's gonna be in the new game I don't talk about that whatever dan salvato is gonna be coming out with next who knows Understood after a little exchange everyone is back to their usual things URIs ringing in her book Nats He's reading the manga Sai urea micro having its Jeffrey dad, and I'm just reading my desk, and I'm just sad You know why? We used to share poems before but after the school festival it became a bit repetitive, and we just stopped doing it nowadays Well you meet what? Okay, that's my only fault How are we gonna have a doki-doki literature Club without poems that was the whole that was my favorite part. I'm sorry okay It's just new to me alright. This is a new concept to me. You missed not skis little simple poems they were cute Nowadays most of what we do is simply laze around or read books together while we wait for the next big events Dame Monica dating Us has just really Brought this club downhill you see because she was the one AAA write all the poems, but now that she's got us There's no incentive anymore. I see it does feel a bit nostalgic to think about the time We used to share poems back Then I tried to make poems that would be interesting for Monica and office did getting her attention It surprised me a lot when she asked me out last week though, so I already suddenly screams wow wow what's wrong I almost forgot what the spring break starts tomorrow Oh, oh, yeah, I thought you would remember something more relevant I love vacations Because you don't have to Dibble school. You can just laze around more than you usually do on to tell me about it I mean, I don't do that anymore, but I did get excited for that But why aren't any of you excited vacations me freedom? You know well, it's like there's much to do at my place I'll probably just laze around and read some manga There are a lot of books that I couldn't read due to schools this whole schedule This is usually an opportunity for me to pick up on them. It looks like everyone has their own things to do What about you Monica me? Well? I don't really have anything to do either do you? Do you want to go anywhere? Oh whoa skrelp is taking the initiative? We're being a man Let's go on a date Monica. I feel like I have to like if I'm gonna be more of a man I gotta make my voice deeper hi guys. My name is markiplier welcome to doki-doki lip strip club I Realize that's a horrible rendition of markiplier didn't you say that we were going to keep it private? Well, it was Monica who said that that doesn't make it any less valid for you. How bold you too? Can you girls just give me a break? We also don't have anything to do. Did you Jory cry spring breaks? Okay? So I thought we could just probably go somewhere scrub pie you don't have to ask Let's just I roll we'll go tomorrow right well since that settled. I guess it's time to go home We may not see each other during the spring break, but I want you all to have fun, but I will probably see you Too I'd love clothes to scrub place play a place remember. Oh yeah, that's right. I almost forgot that anyway. We may not see She just shrugs it off anyway We might not see yuria Natsuki, then I start to find new books every once in a while Maybe if we can find each other there. I also kissed a new manga from time to time. Don't count me out already Well, I guess we may actually see each other if the chance chance comes anyway. It's time to go home now See you walked come on. I mean you're Monica You can just go ahead in a minute that you just want us to all to yourselves. You just say it. See ya Goodbye, well then shall we go home. Yep. Yeah, yeah, the three of us Waker make our way home Just like the last four days some scruffy. Where would you two go tomorrow um? I still don't know I'll probably look for some places online um that reminds me There's in your cafe that opened up a few days ago in the city Mandy My friends seem to like it a it's very popular you should check it out Wow It's weird for you two subs would be helping like this It usually it's usually means the one that's to help you all the time this feels strange What's that means that means scruff I after I tried to help you don't be dumb you probably just saved my life Thanks We retirees have staff we reach our house after a a small chat anyway Good luck on your date tomorrow bye saya already entered her house and leaves Monica and me alone There's still a bit of distance before we've reached my place so we decided to take our time and walk slowly It's finally just the two of us again. Yeah today was quite the day yes I didn't expect nos key to be this annoying about us To reply yes, I know that I said a lot But thank you even if it's an alternate timeline seeing them this happy It just makes me feel very happy and guilty to not ski doesn't have problems with their father anymore. Oh, that's good That's good. Good, right it's good She still has problems making friends with others But the literature Club has become like a second home for her Seeing her happy while talking to either society or URI is a great side she's now full of energy is talking about what she loves or scolding us from things and URI she still cuts herself however, it's easily just small superficial cuts they're so small that mostly they don't leave a mark URI so shy and Self-conscious that she believes the others will dislike her if they see those small cuts This is why she constantly covers her arms. She still doesn't realize her only good on her own good points I'm sure no one would dislike her for that now We already know that about Sayori already her depression is gone and now she's over sleeps because she stays up really late Slightly raised as bright as she should have been from the beginning even for me seeing all of her. Happy and cheerful again Just puts this smile on my face Scrub pie I have come to realize that this mod is not only about me I know what I said before that they're just programmed personalities and all but There are still my friends with whom I've spent most my memories with to be honest I wish that things would have been like this since the beginning even if I was the one dating you I wish that I realized what I'd already had before doing those things I know that it wasn't you who wrote this Mun But I still want to thank you for installing it and giving my friends the Lysa they deserves They deserve even if it's just an alternate timeline You're welcome. I'm glad that you were the one I fell in love with let's go home ten Okay, Monica, and I had reached the house. I opened the door let Monica enter first oh Dang dang what the heck wouldn't if we get a fancy house. Okay? It looks legit By the way, too And I don't remember seeing this once decided I let myself fall into the couch and rest of her for a bit Monica seems to be excited about something what's wrong hmm, can you wait here for a bit? Okay? Oh god? What's she gonna do? She's going to my room a few minutes past. She finally comes back Tada Holy crap. It's so legit I Can't believe like this mod is so impressive, okay? This mod seems to give me some new clothes. How do I look Macy you're still sweet skirt? Hi? it's great that someone was kind enough to draw new clothes free besides the pajamas from today in the morning I did tell you that I was a bit tired of wearing my uniform all the time for now these are the only casual clothes I have right now I think the in-game reasons for me not having many clothes was that I couldn't bring a lot with me when I moved here It's not a problem though. Maybe we can go on a shopping dates anyway since the spring break starts tomorrow We don't have to worry about homework or anything there isn't much to do right now And there's still a bit of time until tonight is there anything you feel like doing right now You know to burn some time. I want to ask you something. Oh, what do you want to talk about? Oh damn? We can actually talk about a lot of things. Why are we living together? I knew you're gonna ask this It's probably isn't gonna be all that relevant, but well You know school festivals are also a time where parents can go to the children's schools and see how they're doing During the festival both my inst replies mom's came to see how we were doing Apparently slightly are we told her pies mom about her club And she was quite surprised about it it all surprised me to see my mom there But anyway the two of them went to see our performances after that they stayed there chatting for a while skrelp I was really annoyed at his mom for staying there it probably was embarrassing for him to have her see his Performance and make them both leave the classroom so that other students wouldn't feel comfortable uncomfortable it seems that they kept talking for a while when they were checking the rest of the festival so long story short both our moms became really good friends a few days after the Festival my parents and I went to scrap ice house since his mom invited us to eat dinner Both of our fathers also became really good friends during that time They kept talking about work sports and many things that they had in common Meanwhile square pie and I were talking Somewhere else then our parents went to see what we were doing it seems that they got the wrong idea back then that they thought We were dating skrelp I tried to explain it to them But the father father kept but his father kept congratulating him while my parents kept saying how good of a choice. I have made Anyway, some weeks after that scrub pie, and I started dating it a few days ago. My parents had scrub pies went overseas Thanks to an invitation with scrub pies parents part It seems that but it seems that before leaving they have some sort of plan which consists of having Kim and I living together for Some time what how old are we again? No reason are we 18? Okay? We're 18 all right? Maybe I guess it's not the worst thing right we're not kids I don't know why I always had it in my mind if I were kids, but we're 18 I'm still not sure what they wanted to achieve, but here. We are now to be honest I'm fine with this you may think this is a bit cliche and weird But as I said before this lawn modified the script in such a way that we can be together as much as possible Even with a back story like this. I'm happy to be able to spend more time with you Okay, okay. Well I've already been recording for quite some time anyway guys. I hope you enjoyed this episode I'm definitely in it here, but I'm just so freaking impressed by this mind It's really insane all the new stuff that it kind of adds like I know that I'm not trying to like put down any other Mods because I've loved all the mods when I played so far But as far as quality wise this one takes the cake I would be surprised if I saw another one With the quality quiet like this just insane Okay, guys if you want to play some more if you want to go ahead and eat That's totally fine and also I want you guys to leave a comment of what you want me to pick We have some options to pick here Tell me what you guys like to see because we're gonna continue this in next episode I believe there's a few days of this mod, and we're having finished the first day, so you know yeah, there you go So we'll have a few episodes to do I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I have today's scope of the day is gonna Go to sarcasm the TH0T at first. I thought it was it said speed-dating for goats That wasn't my playtest episode of I won on the most Awkward date speed date for ghosts It was a fun fun lively game a little cute I thought we'd do something a little different from time to time mix it up, okay alright If you guys wouldn't be scrubs the day drop well like of this video. Let's see if we could reach 5 Kate likes I Don't know why I yell that I'm sorry. I'm I don't know hyped up today. I appreciate you guys so much I love you all with with the passion with a path once what am I saying? I do. Love you guys Thank you so much for the support That's why I like to do describe the day so if you want to be spread today Leave the support like dropping the likes drop in the comments follow me on Twitter okay, any support is always well appreciated Okay, guys, and I'll beat you mic salad man, and I'll see you scrubs the next so bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 1,240,153
Rating: 4.9204683 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, We woke up next to Monika, monika, Doki Doki Literature Club, doki doki our time, doki doki literature club our time, our time, ddlc our time, We saved Monika, saving monika, ddlc mods, ddlc mod, doki doki literature club mods, doki doki, doki mod, mod, monika doki doki literature club, monika doki doki, doki doki new end, doki doki new ending, bijuu mike doki doki literature club, doki doki literature club bijuu mike, doki doki bijuu mike, bijuu mike doki
Id: Hb-q--IVlG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.