we stop Yuri before its too late... | Doki Doki New END! | Doki Doki Literature Club

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before we get started with today's doki doki video i know you guys are excited but today's video is actually sponsored by elsword which is freaking awesome because if you guys didn't know this i used to play this game back in the day a lot with my friend we used to play just to have fun and literally i made like two videos it was like one of the first videos i probably ever made i am bj mike and i'm here with wyatt the tank what's up i'm actually a huge fan of mmo kind of games especially anime looking ones uh you guys have seen me do other videos uh kind of like this on my channel i still still to this day i play like mmos and stuff like that so one thing that i find pretty unique about this game is a side scroller it's like a platformer side-scrolling game almost kind of it's i just find that really cool it also features both player versus environment you know like the regular monsters that the game kind of you know throws at you and also player versus players so you want to grab a friend and throw something throw some hands then you can do that and the game actually has more than 12 playable characters and each have their own like distinct storylines and abilities another thing i really like about this game is it focuses on combos and stuff like that if you're like a sucker for leveling up your character learning new skills making them look so freaking cold doing the missions then this is the game for you i'm telling you so actually l sword has been around for quite some time but still to this day the game is regularly updated which is a huge deal because you don't want someone just to like you know drop a game or just not update it's just it's just no fun you know so there's always new events and new cool stuff like that if you have played it in the past it's actually been updated there's like a new streamlined skill system so it seems like a lot of that stuff has been updated at least since i've played it especially like this you know the skill system uh there's brand new character artwork there's an enhanced skill learning method so you know it's gonna be a lot different especially if you've played it in the past and i know i have and here's like the deal breaker for me like you know i don't like playing games that are pay to win uh but the game is actually transitioning from you know a pay to win i guess standpoint to more of a play to win which we all know that that's a huge deal with the star wars you know the the loot boxes like you don't want to have to pay money to basically have fun in this game it's actually going to be a play to win which is how it always should be in my opinion again guys i know it's a huge deal like a lot of people don't have good computers but this game is not very demanding i played this on my laptop so i'm pretty certain you guys can play this game so if you like what you see you want to play some elsewhere click the link that's going to be in the description click it to download the game for free it's free to play and it's always going to be free to play thank you so much to l sword for sponsoring this video making it possible you know getting through the monetization issues on youtube sponsored videos are really really amazing and it always helps that i love the game uh so yeah guys feel free to check it out onto the doki doki video where's my selling squad it's time to save some waifus welcome back to doki doki a brand new day demo by the way i probably should keep updating the file that's my problem is it like there's always updates and i don't always update it so i might be missing some things i hope i'm not uh either way i think we'll reach in to it pretty soon i keep saying that at this point i'm literally just trying to finish it anyway missed last episode you might want to check it out uh click the i i think you guys know the drill by now all right let's get it let's get it so last episode okay we figured out uh kind of how monica brought us into her room as you can see um but i think this is a good thing this time i don't really know so anyway welcome uh i should have said welcome back i know you remember me i unknowingly shake my head i mean we kind of do but we kind of don't we've been having these dreams that we don't really know exactly i just wanted to take you here at least once so we can talk again someplace safe so no one else could listen to us yay i've missed you so much scrub pipe this room is my safe space where i used to play my piano i wanted to play it for you but for some reason it's missing and i don't quite know why this is the only safe place i can talk to you right now about these things you know something else is watching me you us all of us i know what you did to fix things but something else is trying to break up break everything up god i can't talk sorry i've come to realize that i was set up to fail from the start again and again so i always have this room to come back to you know i nev i was never able to express myself like this before i'm quite happy right now thank you to whoever fixed me monica stares directly through me i think they're referring to the people that made the mod it's it's pretty clever sorry i'm just rambling on oh so i'm not even here with my chopped liver i'm just not even here she's staring through me i don't think that's very fair monica given all the things that i've been through or is she talking to me because maybe i shouldn't be offended she's talking to the beach of the monster scrub pie the thing i wanted to tell you is something bad is going to happen today oh that's not good i don't like that at all monica's tip of the day don't die keep an eye out okay oh god it's like the third eye don't be seen it's just not funny i don't like your stand-up comedy here okay uh remember reading can be beneficial to your health monica winks well that's all i wanted to tell you here let's head back before it's too late what does she mean by that we head out of monica's room holy crap while walking in the hallway i remember about the gifts monica wait yes skrupai i know you said how much you loved me yes yes i never get to tell you i never got to tell you how much i love you back that's silly scrap pie i know you love me well i wanted to give you something where are we going with this huh it may not seem like much but i hand monica the gift she unwraps the pin and holds it in her hands this is the one that yuri loves she stares at the pin this this is well i uh you know i've never gotten a present before it's hard for me to express how uh how much i deeply care about getting something when i've never gotten it ever this makes me feel so happy i love it i thought she was going to say something really bad or something as i always love you thank you scrub i will cherish it always i write the most magnificent poem i'll write the most magnificent poem you've ever read okay i'll hold you to that it better freaking make me cry monica runs up to me and kisses me oh wow wow i think i'm getting better at doing this monica giggles and turns off back to the club hey wait up i quickly run after monica and back to the literature club well i'm back in class what took so long i was waiting forever i'm next are you ready i'm waiting cupcakes are live awesome let's before i could finish uh natsuki yanks me out of the room wow let's go dummy i hold nazi's hand i continue following her without saying a word can we just address the word pipster i don't like it nasty stops me uh let's go here what really maybe it doesn't matter if you're cheating in a game it's just the game right we end up at the roof oh hey this is nice it's a new background i've never seen that before i didn't know we had a roof i could write a book about i could write a book about all the things you don't know smart but so why are we up here well i wanted to thank you for what you gave me this morning i didn't want to thank you in front of everyone thanks for the food if i didn't have it i would have got been a goner for sure my dad never made me dinner that night he never made any meals or brought any food for me the next day either i was so starving he never leaves any food for me in the house or money for me to buy anything how did you know to make me something now's my chance if you really want to know i grabbed natsuki's hands what are you doing big dummy let go it's because i love you silly of course ah i and natsuki go silent you know i love you too you big dummy i can't i can't contain myself okay all right though the feelings i have for natsuki okay it's just hard you know having to deal with all the problems at home is so hard i have no one i could talk to you you're not alone i'm here for you always i hold the kiss natsuki nothing to say thank you i talk to you i'll talk to you more be there for me okay i hug natsuki again i'm always here for you if you're in trouble call me i will come running is that a promise dang sure it is no matter what then let me give you something scrub pie nazi text me her address i won't forget this i'll hold you to it thank you scrub pie natsuki starts to tell me more my dad never was always like this we used to be a family oh okay a normal family it wasn't until my mom passed away you know that's i really feel like that's a big possibility because there's no way usually moms wouldn't allow such a thing to happen and if they did they would be pretty spineless to let something like that at least i feel like it that's my opinion okay i don't know maybe maybe you maybe your family goes this goes through stuff like that i don't know i'm not a person to judge but in my personal opinion if a mom cares then they won't let their dad you know they won't let the dad do that to them a lot of people will have this sick twisted thing in their head it's like oh it's it's because he loves you no no no no no stupid that's the dumbest thing of a word then he started to change i thought it was temporary but it got worse and worse he stopped giving me money for school then he stopped getting food for the house or making anything to eat like he's taking it out on me like it's all my fault mom died i miss her too now he's starting to that's all i'm gonna tell you now now let's head back before the other girls get mad we hold hands and walk back to the literature club off i'll find out why your heart hurts as much and save you uh nanski we must save her back in the club again i see you had a good time at the festival monica notices we are still holding hands ugh gross yeah it's just really it's like how how is she cool with that oh there she goes again oh well yay i'm next please never leave a pretty girl hanging these gotta stop sayo she immediately yanked me out of the class before i can finish my sentence god these girls just want me ah they're ravaging me we start to walk down the hallway where where where are we heading to now sawyer holds in my hand and leads me outside oh we're in the forest okay she leads me to a small forest where we can have school where we leave on school grounds phew i just wanted to get away from everyone so we can i couldn't have any any any inconvenient interruptions see i've been waiting to do this all day i can guess what's coming i i take a preamp to preemptive strike i hold sayori and give her a big ol smooch on the cheeks on her blips probably actually that would totally change the game oh you beat me too with no fair success i've got to be careful uh with the medication i'm taking i'm not stop oh i might not stop never mind that changes everything too speaking of that how are you feeling a little better actually the rain clouds above my head are starting to go away slowly i'm starting to feel different thanks to you i talk i'm taking my medication every day my parents are taking me to the psychiatrist twice a week twice a week you were there to help me when i needed it i didn't think anyone could help me thank you i hope saw you were close again and kiss her again ah sayuri tries to fight back but gives up i just can't win against you adorable by the way yes grandpa i'm sorry for being so forgetful at times there's something i wanted to give you a while ago but i just kept forgetting well not anymore i carefully pull off the gift and almost drop it on the ground sorry i tried that cool yet i failed miserably that's my life okay that's why i always loved you scrub pie and you always kept it real okay i keep it real here in this his house in this club i blush enhanced celery the gift so i already started to unwrap the present i wonder what this could be it's a sailor moon and tuxedo masked keychain i remember when we were young we used to watch sailor moon together you actually remembered i never forgot i said that i would be your tuxedo mask if you ever needed help i would be there for you oh my god i don't know too much about sailor moon but i do know that tuxedo mask is like the romantic character he's the one with the mask and the rose and stuff like that and all the girls liked him okay i think i had a crush on him at least i'm guessing i mean come on stand the moon is most likely it was a girl show i mean guys watch it too though i was stupid before but that was a fluke that will never happen again i'll always be there to save you i love you sayori thank you i love you too sayori holds me close we stay that way for a few minutes we should head back if we take too long i think yuri's going to get angry uh i let go say every soft embrace okay let's head back i hope so you're a warm hand and walk back to the school building i really hope one of you girls don't have herpes or something i return back to class with sayori i quickly get my bag i take the large bento box and place it on the corner of the room i take my bag and head towards yuri i'm not ready physically or emotionally what should i do i think i'll take a stab at this again it's got to stop it's okay i can wait for you yuri fumbles around and places some things in her bag she takes my hand proceeds to walk me out they're all they're all dragging me out it's like i have no say in this i'm an independent man you know i'm not good around people i wanted to do something different today do you trust me sure i don't see why not right i mean it's not like you have a demonic book that i see that you wrote notes in that made me faint coincidentally but i'm sure it was nothing good i continued to hold her hand and followed her further down the school halls uh to a quieter part of the school phew here we are she proceeds to open the classroom door and leads me inside i just wanted us to have some alone time from everyone else so i can have you all to myself your subscriptions okay let's do this did you happen to bring your book oh god yuri the eyes close them a little bit you uh stop dilating those peoples uh oh i actually forgot it at home it's okay i brought my coffee with me we can rate it together yuri pulls out a copy of portrait of markov uh alright well let's read together but before that can i tell you one more thing can you tell me more from where you got these books from i can't remember for sure it was a bookstore or was it a nice man who handed it to me yeah it was a nice man and a cloak and he had like this weird staff and like he he also had a beard and also his eyes were glowing he was a nice man though i can't remember for sure oh no um you said you read this before can you tell me a little bit about it well basically it's about this religious camp that was turned into a human experiment prison yeah we kind of know that and the people trapped there have this trait that turns them into killing machines and that lust for blood we kind of know this already okay but the facility gets even worse they start selectively breeding people by cutting off their limbs and affixiating them to oh that might be a little bit bit of a spoiler oh yeah it was just getting good please it's the place to stop god really but anyway i'm really into it the book i mean and not the thing about the limbs you know i don't really like cutting people's limbs off sorry i'm making it's thumbnail stuff guys okay that's why i keep making the picture go away uh that's kind of dark isn't it like dark right uh are you are you not a fan of that sort of thing scrub pie oh gosh she's getting mad at me stop am i not allowed to have my own likes i mean i've been drugged around by all these girls and told what to do people they're in the cupcakes in my mouth and i just don't i don't pretty much care for it no it no it's not that really i mean i can definitely enjoy these kinds of stories so don't worry don't worry about me okay um i hope so god she's getting crazy uh this is quite extreme i gotta fix this it's just this kind of story it's the kind of challenge you use to look at a strange new perspective yeah yeah yeah basically yeah we just want to see it from a different perspective from the evil person okay but because the world is full of horrible people and we're all worthless anyway oh here we go here's her shenanigans anyway then suddenly she pauses and stares at me i'm rambling aren't i she's not supposed to be saying these things not again i'm sorry hey don't worry about it i haven't lost interest or anything actually i just can't it just gave me deeper interest in you i feel like our character even though we're supposed to be more smarter and self-aware he's not really quite understanding that what's going on here well i guess it's all right then but i feel like i should let you know that i have this problem when i think when i let things like books and writing film my thoughts i feel like it's so real to me yeah that would explain why she said and then then this happened like she's pretending like she's inside the book i've gotta save her i hesitantly sit next to yuri he replaces the book down next to the combined set of deaths we get into the same position as we're reading last time yuri gets even closer to me i can feel her heartbeat over so ever so stronger this is very intense i can feel the more of the year's breath around me are you ready uh yeah i can turn the page now oops sorry i think i got distracted i glanced over at yuri's face again our eyes meet i get too i can't get too distracted i know she's so pretty but i can't let that stop me uh that's okay you're not as used to reading right i don't mind being patient if it's a bit a little bit longer actually i'm pretty good at reading i'm not good with distractions well thank you for being patient with me yeah thanks so we continue reading my concern grows deeper this girl in the story is very similar to yuri in scary ways like parts of this book it's actually about her yuri no longer asked me if i'm ready to turn the page instead i just assume that she finishes the page before me so i turn it by my own volition we continue to the next chapter in silence i read further and further yeah yeah this book is sick i've gotta get it away from her i carefully flip the page uh as sweet as sweat is overflowing from my palms i think i understand what's gonna happen so so it's not that like she she's crazy herself but she gets so involved in her stories that if she reads a horrible not a horror novel she would literally do those things that's actually quite interesting i really like i actually really like that i mean i don't know if that's the exact direction we're going but to me that's what it seems like it's going to be so if she reads a comedy she's going to be this quirky character right she's gonna be like whoa but she just happened to pick up a the most psychopathic book ever hey if she reads a manga will she like start doing karate moves and like freaking kamehamehas and stuff i'm just saying i mean i think we could use this to our uh that's the word hey but it's not like i'm getting the wrong idea or anything i can feel her warm pulsating body heat next to me i notice the only time i don't get sick is when i read this book together with her strange that actually is extremely weird hey yuri this might be a strange thought but the main character reminds me of you huh no i don't relate to this character at all except you're lying definitely not really yuri i was just thinking the way she second guess things she always does that uh that's what you were talking about sorry i thought you meant something about else about her something else tell me more uh is this book this story something linked to us never mind come on you could spoil me we don't even get that far yet so i don't know what came to my head huh does this girl cut herself too yuri are you feeling okay yuri's been very fidgety ever since we started reading you can rest if you're feeling sick or something your breathing is very heavy my breathing yuri puts her hands on on her chest as is to feel her heartbeat i didn't even notice anyway i'm fine but let's just stop for a few minutes all right don't push yourself i try to touch her arm she pulls away hesitantly yeah yeah you don't probably probably shouldn't do that that was close by the way i wrote a poem especially for you i wanted to give it to you only to you right now you can't just bring that on me though oh god no not the eyes not the realistic eyes do you like it no i don't i wrote it for you in case you couldn't tell the poem is about us it was jumbled up mess okay all right if i was the simon cowell of poems you would be crying right now it's horrible it's a mess okay i i want to use it as as a as a i want to use it in my fireplace to help me set start fires but it's not even worthy and it stinks more importantly i've endowed it with my sense see aren't i the most thoughtful person in the club whoa hey you didn't see that coming wow i could say it's quite unique yuri i mean it's arts rights literature's arts i mean people have done some gross things for art that's all i'm gonna say you sure i mean it's an honor but are you sure i can keep such a honors she's a keeper anything for you anything and now we're finally alone together finally oh no oh god not the laughing this is really all i wanted i've been waiting a long time for this the whole day with just the two of us isn't it wonderful wow there really is something wrong with me isn't there what you taps nah this is bad but you know what i don't care anymore i've never felt this good my whole life just being with you is far greater pleasure than anything i can imagine i'm i'm addicted to you i'm flattered it feels like i'm going to die if i'm not breathing the same air as you doesn't it feel nice to have someone care about you this much sure to have someone who wants to revolve their their entire life around you i don't mind that but it feels but it feels so good then it does then why does it feel much more like a something horrible is going to happen i'm not going to let that happen maybe that's why i dropped stopping maybe that's why i tried stopping myself at first but the feeling is too strong now so like you say she was crazy all along but she was just hiding it right had nothing to do with monica i i would pay money to see a sitcom uh with them with like us two as a couple you know living normal lives where she's like completely bat crazy all the time and like there's laugh tracks everywhere like she stabs herself oh whoopsy daisy i have to tell you i'm madly in love with you i'm actually happy to hear that it feels like every inch of my body every drop of blood in me is screaming your name now that is metal i don't care what the consequences are anymore i don't care if anyone is listening please grandpa i just know how much i love you i love you so much that i even touch my okay again with the pin we know you don't have to say it so that's what happened with my pen i just want to pull your skin open and crawl inside of you okay that's going a little too far i want you all to myself and now i will be only yours doesn't that sound perfect so this is essentially what we've seen before but hopefully she's not gonna stab herself this time tell me scrub hi tell me you want to be my lover i feel like humming a spice girl song right now if you want to be my lover do you accept my confession oh we actually have a choice should should we save can we save do i have an option no i'm glad to know that i don't have an option i'm gonna go on a limb here and say that because last time we hit yes or no that was the only option there was right but she died and we don't want her to die we want to save her so what we gots to do is reading his fund for mentals oh okay okay yeah that was probably not the best idea i see you already pull out a knife and place it towards her chest i immediately take the portrait of the markov and smash your heart across her forehead oh oh oh she fell she fell yuri's out cold on the floor that was for the hallway that was for the hallway now we're even i just freaking we just like a decked her yeah all right okay normally i'm not against hitting women obviously but when it's your life on the line or if they're going to stab themselves that warrants a sock to the face i don't care uh what gender you are i check on yuri because i mean essentially we're saving their life good she's still breathing i hope i didn't give her a minor case of serious brain damage okay all right calm down squirrel pie you don't hit that hard i checked her and take away the extremely large knife i place into my bag yes but fancy nonetheless i've got to find out where she buys these things out i want to get some knives for myself i place the portrait of markov into my bag as well she's still out cold i got to be quick you think we'd burn it by now i quickly get my bag and uh run back to yuri i impact the bandages alcohol and antiseptic i roll up the sleeves on her outfit it's worse than before some of the cuts are quite deep luckily it's only a flesh mode there may be some permanent scarring but she would kill in time i cleaned her arms with rubbing alcohol oh we're actually cleaning it for her that's pretty sweet it must have been a thick book to knock her out i placed the medical tape on the bandages to hold them in place the poor girl how could she handle this much pain i finished treating her arms and rolled down her sleeves yuri soon awakens uh from her book nap [Music] i don't know why but i find it so funny that they use this and she doesn't have blood some pretty nice photoshop you almost can't tell wait what happened i can't seem to remember anything since we left the club ouch my head i proceeded to lie my butt off to save her uh you took me to this room because you wanted to read just the two of us but you slipped on something wet on the floor and banged your pretty pretty head or that's not what i said but it works i pointed to a spot and i i pointed to a spot i poured some antiseptic on the floor i saw your arms when i was checking if you were all right fortunately i had some bandages with me so i treated your bones that's some serious damage oh there's a little meme in there is there anything you want to talk to me about i'm your friend yuri and i'm here for you i carefully help yuri stand up i uh thanks well to be honest with you yuri passes i do have a problem i get so stressed about school life and friends that the only way i've been able to cope with it now is with my books and lately with cutting the problem is my books weren't enough so the cutting just got worse and lately i've had these weird feelings too i just i have strong feelings for you i know you love me who told you you did remember yuri gets flustered the thing is i didn't give to give you my answer back really so now it's my turn i go close to uri and hold her wait nothing is stopping me now i proceeded to hug yuri close to me and kiss her she's not punching me now it's great i love letting you embrace your in my arms yuri does not struggle back i'm so happy right now i can just write a poem about this don't worry you don't have to i quickly hide the poem she previously wrote into my pocket we're gonna say that one for later so what happens now well you're always welcome to come over let's hang out more and see how things go okay you can talk to me about anything you can trust me also are you going to talk talk to your parents about the cutting i love you and you need to make sure they know they care about you and i'll come with you if you need help i'll do my best i'll call you if i need help good that's what i'm always here for anyways i give you another hug uh should we get back anymore i'm going to burst all right before i do i have a gift for you really i pull out the manga collection and hand it to yuri i know you don't read manga but i thought you could start el hazard the magnificent world it's about a teenage boy his rival his best friend and teacher are somehow transparent into another are transported into another world another reality which they had to survive it's quite it's got a lot of twists and turns and i think you might like it well this is certainly different any gift for you i will cherish it thank you don't just cherish it read it to you okay i'd love to hear what your opinion is okay i'll read it he replaces the book in her bag i i hold yuri's hand if we walk slowly to the club uh well that was sort of odd and uh nice at the same time oh boy what a day everyone's back in the club we are approaching the end of the festival let's see it's coming close to the end of the festival let's start with wrapping things up and cleaning the club i go to the closet and get a broom and dustpan again i start sweeping the floor in the classroom and pick up any trash that can't be swept in and i toss it in the trash all right so we finished cleaning mox monica walks up to me with the rest of the girls they have drinks and cupcakes and snacks i think it's time for us to have our own little celebration i like the sound of that the girls have a few desks arranged to form a table i sit down at the table immediately i see monica slide next to me the other girls fight to sit next to me natsuki is small and quick and gets the better of sayori and yuri sayori and yuri set across from me they both look a little disappointed the girls start pouring drinks and handing out snacks wait i got a surprise for everyone i went to the corner of the class and grabbed a large bento box i made earlier i placed it on the desk we were sitting at i proceeded to open up the box lunch the girls lost here at the bento you can cook i know it's surprising i know nasty starts to drool you're in for a treat yuri he's got a pretty good cooking skills yay i'm starving you don't know the half of it i pass out some utensils from the bento and we start eating i put the cup in the air and make a toast here's to a successful festival it wouldn't have been fun without all of you i'm happy to have joined the club if i didn't i would have never been able to see any of your beautiful girls smiles i think i may have gone a little too far we continue eating an eerie silence all right everyone it's getting pretty late let's all head home i finished cleaning up the class to pack up our things to start to head home hey scruff are you ready to go home sure thing let's go sayori yay without the two of us depart the classroom and make our way home i hold syria's hand and walk home her hand is warm she's actually holding my hand back i think i think deeply of everyone sayori natsuki yuri and monica what's my future with all these beautiful girls have i really saved them no i'm not done not yet my determination goes ever more stronger nothing's gonna stop me i'll protect them even if this world goes against me i'll just i'll just go home and write a poem about it i have another dream this one brings me immense pain i see all my friends around me dying again and again i couldn't stop them i was so worthless i thought this would be over instead this is getting worse i hear a voice something is changing you need to change you need to remember who you were part of your past will help you create your future i awaken again to the sunrise my head hurts what the heck okay well guys i think that's a great place to end it i mean i i don't know how long this is gonna be it sounds like there's still gonna be some stuff happening i honestly didn't think they'd take the story this far i thought it was just going to be the festival and then then that's it but apparently there's more anyway hope you guys are enjoying this uh yeah today's script of the day is going to go to today's script of the day goes to scrub boy new scrub shirts at image version 2.0 i'm new so i don't really understand how it works that's okay guys just in case you didn't know i have a new shirt it's got a salad on it you might like it check it out in the description okay i don't mean to bug you guys about it but i really enjoy it and i can't wait to get it my my shirts are coming in okay and i'm gonna be the most comfortable salad you've ever seen in your life in your wall and i'll say that i told you also i told you okay i told i tried to tell you guys the only way to live is the salad way of life all right as you can see by this happy green boy satosh your salad today oh i need to stop that's so bad and get your shirt thank you guys as always if you want to be scrubbed today all you got to do is show some support on on the videos follow me on twitter do stuff like that i love it i love it to the pieces guys all right make sure you're hitting that subscribe button for more doki doki and other stuff as well we've been playing some other games so hopefully you check those out as well if you're done with this episode well you know why not why not i interest you in some more videos okay just click them that's all you gotta do i'm pg mike salad fam see you later bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 2,704,762
Rating: 4.8874774 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, Doki Doki New END, ddlc mods, ddlc, doki doki mods, doki doki, Doki Doki Literature Club: Monika After Story, Doki Doki Literature Club Secrets, doki doki literature club, doki doki literature club secrets, doki, bijuu mike doki, doki doki mod, doki doki literature mod, doki doki secret end, ddlc secrets, doki doki literature club mod, The main character becomes self aware, doki doki a brand new day, ddlc main character, yuri, we stop Yuri before its too late, bijuu
Id: xYkCDFupBLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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