Mario Odyssey but with 1,000+ Enemies!!

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I put 100 of each enemy all together in one room and I have 100 seconds to try to defeat them all and the time starts right now oh my God there's a hundred of them there's there's 100 of them and I'm quickly realizing that this is not gonna work I think I can capture him though yeah yeah yeah yeah why not why not let's go oh my god oh that didn't work I guess there's a limit I did not know that oh yeah and we're playing on Hardcore Daredevil mode if we get hit even once it's game over I need to be a lot more careful this time but I got a plan I'm a man with a plan this time that didn't work come on buddies come on buddies you know you want it bro we're actually mad close I feel like we're just gonna lose he's ready for the one shot who's ready for it because it's gonna happen stand still oh no we are come [Music] on oh my God no should I just get on one yeah yeah I feel safer this is definitely the Strat for the beginning this is actually mad fun all right all right I got it oh what the heck where did that guy come from it's all good baby it's all good I was ready for it I was ready for it I gotta be careful man I gotta be careful man what the heck just happened I just killed some of them this is madness Madness this is the part where we just get the groupies man we just need the squad we just need the squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad I don't have that much time see I always think I have more time and then there's like so many on the edges come on get over here [Music] is that it [Applause] who would have thought that Goombas would be so hard to kill and you're telling me that this is the first level holy that was that was the first level I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm just capturing I'm just kept oh [Music] and in dude I was just spamming buns I feel like we can actually we can actually is this gonna be a one shot after after the hardest level one of all time get out get out you're dead you're dead you're dead everybody look under your chairs you're dead wait I gotta kill the last one there we go okay there we go I think CPL threw me a little softball there but I knew I was still in for it so I began to prepare myself with a little bit of deep breathing I'm definitely capturing as soon as I get in I'm capturing I'm capturing I'm capturing there's no way I can do this as Mario okay I'm just gonna go ham I'm just going ham how am I not gonna get hit though that's the thing oh oh I'm dodging how am I not getting hit we're actually killing it no no no no I think a lot of the time they just they they kill each other if I stay on the pipe though I'm just gonna get assassinated what are you guys talking about what are you on Chad I just went so far away that was actually clutch I need to just get out of The Fray is what I need to do look at me look at me I'm chilling out here nobody's even touching me they're probably all firing at each other I'm not even getting ah I think there's a limit to how many fire but look at me I'm just like throwing out blanks sometimes what I'm throwing up wigs a lot of times I'm doing 360s care we're going clockwise I feel pretty protected out here I can't fall off though because I'm probably gonna die oh [Music] I'm going around the outside around the outside around the outside I feel like time's not much of a factor on this one oh I just came in with the balls did you see that okay all right this is where I normally will do some stupid mistake and blow it but I'm not gonna do it this time I'm just gonna one shot it right here camera change camera change camera change let's be smart here ranged weapon how come sometimes against so many Fireballs I'm looking at none oh I'm taking names but no don't oh the Hops oh wait no no I gotta kill this one but the challenge wasn't I wasn't even close to prepared for what was next I'm not ready oh my God oh my god oh lord they're coming I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I don't know what to do just run did they kill each other this is great actually Bo Jackson's in action no what if I just chill though what if I just bro I'm gonna try to get up on a tree just watch us just watch us just watch this watch this watch this no no no no I missed I want to be one of them I want to be one of them I am one dude I am one I can still take damage does he ever stop no like does he actually ever stop okay I'm totally capturing him then it's like just the beginning is the most crucial part I haven't I actually have a new plan I have a new plan I have a new plan [Music] I'm out I'm just out dude you guys have fun you guys have fun with each other okay I'm gonna beat you though I'ma be you though I'm gonna be you though real quick go oh baby oh back at it again with the 360s I'm just doing this um I don't no no don't run off don't run off we're taking names right now no no no no bro why do I feel like they're like respawning there's still so many left are they coming back turns out that when you aren't looking charging Chucks will automatically respawn so we reviewed the tapes confirm with zpl and in fact we did defeat 100 Chucksters next up was 100 Hammer Bros okay okay okay okay okay okay hold on hold on remember the strap from last time we oh dude I could fire hammers like way more than I could Fireballs hold hold dude I'm on top of like a cosmic brownie right now your boy's firing you gotta stay on the outside you gotta stay on the outside so it was all about I could hop high too it's definitely harder to to kill with the Hammers though I think than the Fireballs oh my God oh my God oh come on come on come on get over here you're dead you're dead it's over that was easy I was on top of the world I thought that maybe the hardest was behind me all I had next was a hundred plants what could go wrong oh okay okay okay okay I see you I see you I see you I see you can you I was gonna say Can you Can you capture these or no I don't think so right look at this look at that look at this okay I mean I feel like I feel like we're chilling that's pretty easy what happens if I stand on the pipe am I clean I don't think so I'm actually kind of scared oh my goodness I don't know how I'm not where's my hat oh I was looking at the glare letting them take care of each other no I am dead oh no and a little bit of time on I'm just gonna run around and Dodge fireballs come on baby come on baby I'm taking too much time I'm taking too much time I'm taking too much time come on come on take it no stop how many are left no [Music] bro what press F in the chat for that level but I will beat it don't worry they got the best of me I was running out of gas but I just couldn't give up [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's go baby let's go I had done it the 100 enemy Gauntlet was complete or so I thought there was still one pipe left here goes nothing I guess right I've never tried it I mean who do I even want who do I want Hammer bro oh no my new plan is to just go on the outside just let it let it let him hash it out let everybody hash it out real quick get a little bit of a game plan who do I want fire Bros kind of hype no no I think charging Chuck I think I think Charles I really think it's about Charles here no I just gotta get my boy Charles in a good position whoa pause uh Charlie where's Charlie I need one Charlie one Charlie the one true Charlie no I'm rolling chat this isn't doing anything lone Charlie [Music] why am I going in the middle it's all about finding a Charlie at this point no no I didn't mean to grab we're fine we're fine we're fine but the problem is he's super vulnerable when he charges while I just capture a Goomba what am I doing see a lot of them just do damage to each other should I do it I'm doing it I'm doing it he's about to get hit no I think I just gotta go for it charge charge [Music] we're off we're off fire bro baby I'm I I can't even work the camera I'm going for Chuck I'm going for fire bro I'm done with Chuck I'm done where are you now I'm hunting it was by accident last time oh no no no no my hat my hat my hat yup he said he said yup let's go we're not messing around Ted you guys should I go for Chuck I need to keep my distance they can't get me from here the time the time though the time [Music] go just go we did it we freaking did it it's over sir chop was just a ruse the whole time over two hours for that that is crazy
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 286,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario odyssey, Super Mario Odyssey, super, mario, odyssey, can you beat, touching, mario challenge, challenge, challenge run, mario odyssey but, redfalcon, gaming, entertainment, comedy, nintendo, switch, super mario 3d world, mario maker, super mario maker, super mario maker 2, goombas, goomba, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey mod, super mario odyssey 2
Id: eB6STFm6W0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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