Using SUPERHEROs to Cheat in Mario Hide N' Seek!

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I got a bunch of YouTubers to play hide and seek with me but little do they know I am Superhero mods and stood to cheat with like climbing with Spider-Man being massive with the Hulk and flying with Superman I hope they don't hate me after this ready or not here I come has everyone got a good spot I'm doing all right absolutely yeah okay good little do they know I'm actually cheating as the flash look how fast I can go I don't want to go too fast because I don't want them to see immediately I'm assuming they might think I'm cheating because of my last video I sure am glad I ditched my decision to hide over there oh my wait you can see me oh oh no he's exactly there maybe there's someone in these boxes oh yes there is Jam Nintendo yeah he's also gonna become a red Seeker now follow my lead I have a strat I have a strat okay they're teaming up this is not cool trying to get an idea of where they are I can literally I can literally see him you can literally see me don't move I see someone I see someone I see someone that on top of the pillar oh I see two people now I see dip run are they all just on the pillars oh they're all dip in I see some action down there I'm dead no I died too I'm the last guy left is it the last one it's just Mateus left let's get him oh no I've been trying not to use my speed fully I've just been tapping the trigger so then I don't get full speed because if I get full speed they'll instantly know I'm cheating because they'll just see me zip along the map like this I'm surprised they haven't noticed me just sprinting around everywhere looking for everyone I'm surprised no one has been here before so we haven't been there before I mean the top top oh I bet I know where he is I know where he is there's no other way oh no I just fell down I just fell down no oh no I'm screwed I'm screwed oh oh I see him I see him I see him I see him I see him oh what hello hey where was that oh let's go let's go hey nice looks like Minx is wearing a sailor outfit and an artist hat yeah he was oh they're noticing that I'm actually in a different costume oh no three two one let's go all right I'm running with three hiders and a clown I've got a really really good spot in this Kingdom but they've actually noticed I've got a different costume because on their screens I'm appearing as a clown but on my screen I'm Spider-Man I'm with Spider-Man I can climb up walls I'll show you in a second because I don't want to show in front of everyone because I think they might be on to me because I've messed up a few times let's burnt clown but I do have a really really good spot I don't want them following me because if they see me stick on to anything they'll know I'm cheating I'm just gonna wait for that person to go in there and then hopefully they'll stop looking at me oh no are they coming near me okay I think they've gone somewhere else so I can climb up the wall now this is so stressful because I don't I really don't want to lose friends if they see me they're doing this in my don't be friends with me anymore okay okay I feel like this is a just let me in that bit with the bushes there okay perfect perfect and I can see through the walls so I can see if any Seekers are out of it'll come and hear me okay I'm just gonna wait for them to get out of here so I can go out of bounds because manx cheating in the last episode I'm gonna be cheating as well I'm going out of bounds as well as this infinite Cappy dies mod this is gonna be insane I just really hope I don't fall I'm in a plant on a rock conditions are good if I see them coming I can just run the other way you know what that's taking too long I'm on my way Ready or Not failures oh no he's a bit I have no idea if this spot is really good enough if I were a ninja pig where would I hide why why are you talking to me it's a part of the rules okay I'm gonna attempt to uh Cappy dive my way up here I really hope I don't oh no I just went back in bounds that sucks I see somebody I know exactly where he went too let's try that one more time please okay yes I've witnessed a guy go somewhere but I lost him I think I'm safe here so I want to take a moment to shout out everyone who subscribed from the last video subscribe if you also want to shout out I'm gonna see if I can find some other people with just with my free cam cheat wait there's someone underneath the waterfall oh that's the one on top of that pole oh that's actually a good spot to take it oh that's where the Hider is I gotta just make sure nobody hit over here ah nobody here this time I see let's go up here let's see if we can find anybody over here hmm I'm not gonna let them know that I see them yet oh I see this going down okay so Yannick either you can come down off of that pole or I can hunt you down you can hunt me fantastic oh no oh no oh hey fella hi fella oh no did you get cool there's two Seekers now yeah there's two Seekers now I think I know exactly where you're at hmm I just saw him he was so close to me but he couldn't get me so close okay since he's already checked here I doubt he'll look here again so I'm gonna hang out right here you know manx there's something I just can't quite get out of my mind something along the lines of uh oh I'm watching this go down some about that statement just seems a little peculiar oh no I hear someone I just heard somebody jump well no no no no no no no I hear someone Cappy diving hey mix now you can either give up like okay I guess they're not you're not gonna have a noble death either are you oh no I see someone oh no oh no no no oh dude I don't know how much he's seen he might have seen the whole thing maybe we can hide in this bush we might be safe we might be safe hmm see now I have no clue where he's gone to wait how much did he say that's another secret oh can you see where I am yeah I see where you are oh no okay so I saw someone was hiding down here oh my gosh this is right above me he's right above me oh no oh no we're over here we're by The Odyssey we're by The Odyssey oh no oh oh they weren't on about me they were on about someone else you know exactly he's in the water that was a mistake that you just made because I'm a master at running away and you know it where is he oh my God I actually lost him Oh I thought they were on about me because they were right above me they were standing literally oh my goodness that was so close my heart dropped [Laughter] shot I want to say you looked there earlier I was like he's never gonna think to look here again okay I don't think there's anyone near me at the moment so I can go down I've actually got like a good normal spot so if I can get out I can knock over these boxes and go where the boxes once were noise oh boy I see someone up on the island yeah I'm up here well I'm just gonna go on a little Moon hunt here oh who's no I'm literally collecting a moon and someone's coming up on me who's that oh no I see a runner going towards the Odyssey that was an absolutely massive issue oh no oh I see him I see him as well oh no I'm surrounded although who's a T-Rex this is crazy the room right behind me yes you can never catch me I'm too good I need to do oh my who who just were up here does this even work I'm gonna oh gosh 2D let's go 2D oh no I just grabbed the music notes no somebody worked at the top somebody worked at the top of 2D cut them off cut him off cut him off oh [Music] okay I think I'm gonna actually hide or maybe that's a bad idea let's let's hide okay I just I think I found a good hanging spot but if you find me I'm screwed [Music] oh no oh I found Banks I was inside what the boxes there are no boxes on my screen I just saw a clown I'll see if I can help with the chase I'm not even cheating right down the Kira cash me this is amazing where could he be dude oh let me think of another hint oh I just saw someone fall down the formatting of this hiding spot is peculiar oh my thing is it something no no not the map I've got an idea I've got an idea oh no formatting you might mean like the 2D format so we could be in the 2D area everyone's around the 2D area I'll go to the bottom yes I'm out of here he is there he is I made a big mistake of coming this direction I don't know oh I see I see I see I see oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's going oh my gosh he's so close no I can't see because of all the phone come on yes oh what if he does he wanna open well hello there manx oh no never mind he's right here he's right here yeah we got him oh I don't know if there's one to be or not they might be trying to piece stuff together round three three two one go okay so for this round as you can see I'm Hulk so I might double the size of everyone else this is gonna be like a big disadvantage so finding a place to hide but my jumps are massive my movement speed is massive how am I gonna hide with this maybe in the snow crevice if I even fit it's lagging me brushing up against this wall oh my goodness I feel like I can Bank out right about here look at this hook though he's got a h he's got a h on his head can anybody see where I'm at I think I saw you but I don't know if that was you see I think oh awkward uh hi someone's hiding with me now should I not be I guess I should go find another spot three two one ready or not here I come oh he's starting oh I'm surprised Arrow's total didn't say anything about me being massive are you doing snowdrum do you think anyone here is good enough to do snow drum I don't know let's see if he does it Maybe of course I do it every single time oh why okay that's actually a sick trick oh no shot he's just he's just no dream dude that's one of the hardest speedrunning tricks okay so you guys can actually see me that's a sign thank you I don't I don't feel very confident oh yeah this round's gonna be in shambles he's looking right at me this snow better work as a cover I think he's playing with us you sure I don't know he's playing with his food oh he's going right in the direction why did you leave I don't know why did I leave my spot yeah how am I losing with superpowers am I just that bad at the game Arrow run Arrow run no let's go Max let's catch them we got him let's go it was at this moment I figured out that the size mod only works on my screen that's why they hadn't called me out on it but they're definitely gonna catch me in this next round with this next mod you ready three two one final round let's go let's see who can win this remember the Strat rat makes out I've just gone on mute I'm Superman for the last round which means I can fly so I think I'm just gonna kind of reveal myself by just going somewhere in the air like just fly up and see how long it takes them to notice me I feel like my best my best course of attack is I need to go ahead and get like super high Vantage Point up here I've got actually quite a good spot maybe but like by the side of the map I just need to enable my fly hack now I'm just gonna hide in the open I don't really care oh there we go my flight hacks working now so we can just fly all the way up in the sky and see if they notice me to spectate the game until they notice me I'm pretty sure he has like different costumes that blend in with different hiding things if he did that he sure didn't send me the files he didn't send it to me either wait what are you talking about you're talking about me Max would never cheat no no no wait you can spiral against me hey Max where are you hiding at yeah where are you at I'm somewhere high up hmm you're not what you mean no I'm not you don't you don't you don't I see you on the top I see someone on the top hat that sure is surely is not me Arrow listen listen Arrow what if what if we just make let's spell make a deal we're all just gonna go after mix well well good look fine to me I have a perfect view of the entire Kingdom I also have a perfect view of the entire Kingdom me too it's not hard that's me so if on if you can see me from right here Minx where oh where could he be chilling at okay so that's arrow down there I see him as well you see him as well do you wait hold on is that is that I can sure see somebody hmm okay you don't see me I'm gonna scrub something out someone's going crazy wait wait you're you're hiding right wait there's not even there's not even anything here for you to hide in move a little bit if he's coming this way look at this I can just go instantly so my catapult I see ya what what just happened wait wait wait wait hold up you know if I had to bet I would reckon that Minx is probably hiding in a tree somewhere I'm hiding near a tree to be fair pretty near a tree oh man there's someone very oh oh oh is that a Chase is that a Chase error that's me that's me Arrow that's me it's me be on my team you give me manx and I'll leave you alone okay let's I will find him I will find him but you got to leave me be you gotta leave me be you gotta let me cook for a minute okay you gotta leave me to let me cook all right how have they not spotted me open the sky yeah I'm gonna come out and say I'm in plain view I'm very visible very visible you sure yes I'll just go as far to say extremely visible extremely like like would one say super visible supervisual yeah supervisable super visible I call me off guard but he said super visible you know one thing I know about Ninja pigs is they're not particularly fond of sheep [Music] well I just booted that sheep off the cliff I felt that Rumble that wasn't him where is this guy at bro bro he's on a motorbike okay so he can see me on the motorbike bro let's see where so he gets so think about it fellas he can see me from in the dirt over here ow gotcha oh you died you know what you can find them yourself I'm teaming with makes now all right I suspect manx is cheating I'm gonna start cheating in plain view as well I don't care anymore I see Mateus moving he's probably gotten some good movement where are you manx I cannot see anyone I see two people I see someone on the motorbike going around and I see someone on top of the cap how dude yeah boom person you just bunked this I didn't Bonk who's the Bonker that's me hey where you at I'm in the garden okay bro I thought someone would be here are in the tree or something I figured he had to be inside of a tree or something [Music] then then you are not someone's enjoying themselves too much bro he's not neither sheep then where else could he be good time you better enjoy that hiding spot before I catch you so he is in the garden area yeah surely he said he was hiding near a tree I can see you winning around the garden you must be cheating he did also say he's very visible and he's also not wearing the yellow outfit fellas you got to keep that in mind oh true he wears random stuff maybe maybe he's had some special powers in that suit have you thought about that um this guy maybe he's uh looking down on us maybe it's a bird in the sky you know what if he's cheating I'm gonna cheat look at me look at look at the Garden he's doing cats is it a plane no it's Mateus I knew it I knew it fellas I knew there was something going on here Minx is hacking I wasn't whoa wait did you see me is everyone hacking but me is that is that the video wait did matters have hacks on the whole time as well there's no way you can get up there without a hacking what do you mean yeah no hey Super Mario Superman you mean you know what is going on here bruh waluigi's going crazy no I got him I knew he was cheating I knew he was cheating I knew it uh and I got him yes Super Mario being Superman the whole time Max Wilson what were you doing in every single level so first level I was the flash second or Spider-Man then also Hulk and now I'm Superman what does the Hulk do get scared and run away from their hiding spots no [Music] I really enjoy making them like And subscribe
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 754,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiderman, Hulk, the flash, flash, Superman, mario, hide and seek, hide n seek, cheating, mods, mod, mario hide seek, mario odyssey hide and seek, super mario odyssey, super mario, mario odyssey, Mario, challenges, super mario odyssey 2, super mario bros, funny mario videos, funny, mario mod, modded, mario odyssey mod, mario odyssey challenge, manx, manx ninja pig, custom, super mario 3d world, modded mario, new mario, mario modded, funny mario, online smo, online multiplayer, moreo, maro
Id: VBVyVxakfzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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