Does Alissa Violet’s Body Language Prove She LIED In Shane Dawson’s The Ex Girlfriend of Jake Paul?

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does a list of violets body-language prove she lied and Shane Dawson's the ex-girlfriend of Jake Paul find out next [Music] welcome back to the channel specifically welcome to all the new subscribers we recently got derek van Schaik here as I'm sure you know by now Shane Dawson is doing a numerous part video series on the YouTube star Jake Paul one of the questions Shane was aiming to answer was whether or not Jake is a sociopath during this first part of Shane's series finale the ex-girlfriend of Jake Paul he interviews the list of violent however what insights can body-language tell us and what did she lie to us about in Shane's video now let's analyze Alyssa's body language and find out what we can uncover of course the main thing we're trying to do is pick out any type of lie a lot of people have this idea that oh well if you make too little eye contact you're automatically lying if you're making too much eye contact you could be lying it's not cut and dry it's not binary like that you need to have a good baseline with her all that nitty-gritty baseline analysis of course is done prior to me making these videos you there's a little bit of a sad look with her mouth pointing down at the cheeks it really shows authenticity of her just wanting this to be over with she's done talking about it she feels like it's a long time ago she doesn't want to deal with it anymore and of course I'm not helping her cause because I'm rehashing it talking about it picking out where she possibly lied so yeah because I feel like you have tried to cancel this and so much what makes you nervous about it just having my truth finally be out there and like what really happened and just what I actually went through and I put out on my video alyssa is admittedly very nervous in this interview some of you said that oh well you know if the interviewee is very nervous you can't pick out whether the person is lying that is completely false again when we're picking out whether someone's lying or not we're looking for how certain questions and how they answer certain questions make them act certain ways how did you join team time how did you meet Jake how did all of this really go down were you did he find you and what cast you because that was a big thing everybody's talking about yes so no I was never casted and pause if you noticed how she said casted meaning that she wasn't casted per se but she was chosen to be his girlfriend on the channel I met them in Ohio and had like a little thing with Jake for a while that was like a few days before I moved to LA and then Alisa acknowledges again that she's nervous and it has no impact on whether or not I can read whether she's lying or not when the vine was popping he was like yeah you can I'll put you in some of my vines and then you'll get like a little bit of a following and you can like use it for modeling and all that stuff and then good you guys weren't dating Yeah right there she's telling the truth she's looking him in the eye and saying it in some of my other videos people are commenting on whether or not a liar is gonna look you in the eye or they're gonna avoid eye contact with you the reality is is that it's gonna vary some based on that person although some Liars will look you in the eye to see if you're buying what they're saying it's usually very obvious of their motive to look you in the eye because typically what they'll be doing is trying to maybe coax a smile out of you by them smiling or maybe nodding their head to try to get you to start nodding your head with them if you notice this part specifically ELISA isn't doing that again right here ELISA is telling the truth she is very congruent her body language her facial expressions and her tonality are all congruent with what she's saying like so many things out there like Oh Jay Paul's ex-girlfriend and like I'm always known as the ex but again truthful there ELISA was never actually Jake's girlfriend okay so you weren't really official no then what was it it was just hooking up and like I've chased him for so long I want him to be like my boyfriend and I was just so confused I would confront him every day being like what are we like I need to know this hurts so bad like put me through so much [ __ ] I need to know what we are and he was always just brushing it off being like oh I don't know what we are like well figure it out I did it like I have to go to audition I have to go family right here let's play a game if she smirks right after this part she's lying if she doesn't smirk she's telling the truth here let's see what she does she was telling the truth but we were together but we've worked so you signed a contract with Logan with LuAnn and Jake what what does that mean just basically to sum up me being in their videos and then them helping me out with like following and like modeling and connecting me with their like people that they know for modeling or acting or you being in his in Logans videos too as James was just hot girls when you were doing all those videos below him that were like why still your girl and all that stuff was right here as she says wasn't real meaning that it wasn't actually real and there's just a lot more to it that was just like I mean like you just needed clickbait or he just needed like a I'm gonna use you for couldn't be no no no and I got idea I'm gonna steal you from Jake because like he makes the things like you guys are like for two minutes like just as a joke and that was kind of like a part of the deal so that was for five-year contracts I said it 2015 and then after like a year went on Logan like called me moves like hey like I'm just I don't really feel comfortable taking a percentage of you like I'm like you can leave the contract like I just don't want to take a percentage of you it just doesn't feel right this part is very interesting because she says that he was very nice about the whole thing but she looks down and shakes her head what that says to me is that she has some mixed feelings technically that could be a sign of lying but given the context and given the circumstances I think what she's really saying is that she has conflicting feelings about Logan she's kind of saying that yeah he was nice about this but he was also not nice about some of the other stuff again that's why body language is not binary you need that context behind everything to make that proper assessment I'm worried about Logan in the last two months yeah did you catch what she just did I'll rewind it and play it back so you guys can try to pick it out for yourself in pause right there she is looking and touching her left ring finger and if she was clearly doing this throughout the whole interview it wouldn't mean anything but when she's talking about Logan she starts to touch her left ring finger or the finger that she would have her wedding band on based on what I see here based on what I know about the context of how she acted with Logan it does appear that she had at least very strong romantic feelings for Logan also notice as she's touching her left ring finger she's giving this radiating smile yeah what about Tessa there is a lot of videos of him like kind of treating her like [ __ ] was that real and was he kind of shitty with people in tension yeah again ELISA here is being truthful her body language her tonality and her facial expressions are all in line they're all congruent so you talked about something and that was a big thing right it was you know talking about Jake hurting you off-camera and like being abusive to you this is the tone of the video I wasn't like it abused every night when he came home from work it was never like physical abuse now this part is a bit contradictory from what she said before where she said that he was physically abusive it was there was some things like if we filmed a video when he had to push me into a bush normally he would just like nudge someone to pretend to push someone like oh just act like he pushed her but he would actually like shove me I think what she's trying to do is not give him that physical abuser label stuff like that we're just so you would just do it way too hard you know you guys want to talk and then one time we got into a fight he broke my brand-new phone and then I took his phone and try to break it ran upstairs he dragged me down the steps and that's true did you notice anything different that she omitted before that she said now watch this he took my phone threw it at the wall we got into a fight I ran upstairs he dragged me down the air you see she omitted that she was gonna break Jake's phone in return of course someone breaking someone's property doesn't warrant someone else physically hurting another person that's obvious but in this video right here she apparently wanted to come across as even more innocent was that that was a real life stuff like that I was never and I want to clear the air because he's not like a physical abuser like he's not an abuser but it's mentally and emotionally a hundred percent truthful body language right here every day 2,000 times a day I can't even remember a conversation where it was like me walking away like feeling good about myself Jake lied and said that I cheated which I never cheated did she cheat did she not cheat which one is it her body language is congruent so everything is in line and she's not giving any signs of lying here she gives this blank stare almost right past Shane since I know the context here since I know this overall situation there just appears to be a lot of negative history that's flooding back to her right now I never like did anything to his head for a long time he just kept you know like pushing me and manipulating me every single day every single conversation and I just I finally had enough did you catch anything right here I'm gonna play it back for you to see if he can catch it yourself she starts to give a little bit of a smile but then quickly tries to mask it with a sad face but what does that mean the way that I took this was that she's feeling some mixed emotions I think she's both happy that she did it but then sad that she got caught I was so pissed off I was so fed up I was so hurt I was so disgusted I just was at my breaking point and then hang out then we all went to a club like a bunch of her friends together of course this is true her body language says that as well as everyone else acknowledges that it happened I think she's feeling like she never wanted to do something like that but given the situation that she felt she was put in that was the best option she had that's another thing it's like everyone was like you guys ELISA cheated like he cheated on her and then she cheated on it we were never dating ever more truthful body language they've never been dating he was literally girls in front of me like I would hook up with him sorry mom I took up with him I would leave to go to my friend's house for like an hour two hours I'd come back and then all of a sudden not kind of stirred like hey like and then open up there be a girl in there and they'd literally be looking right after we hooked up and that happened not once not twice not three times like so many times at Costco she's being truthful again she's looking Shane in the eye when she's saying that there's no sign of coaxing of any sort me and locum were like close you live together y'all live together and like we kind of like established that friendship like close close for atoms and then we just went to a club like we normally would do and just hung out and then drank and it was just a bad decision in both of our parts we checks it after we were like I was like he's never like till June you know let's get out like it was so stupid and he was like listen like I was average remember how I just think and it's really I was like a pawn she feels like a pawn play what's probably going through Shane's head and they don't care about them there's no empathy for them they're just tools but they're always trying to one-up each other always like so like I was just like a goal like I was just used the whole time hinting ten and videos and Logan's videos and everyone's I was just like and I was like they're playing a game and they're like the chess masters or whatever and I was just a little fun look at Shane's face bleh the next clip to a sociopath the world is a chess game yes and all the pieces are people I think they just have this brotherly thing going on this god take a deep are [Music] I was so worried about people calling me a [ __ ] and calling me all these names but I know I'm not like I've only had intimate relations with like a handful not even my handful of people like I know I'm not a slide does Alyssa violet actually think she's a [ __ ] no she does not so just the districts were like it was just a fun thing to do in the summer and like no one knew it was like real bees cuz everything was kind of like a secret back then when I filmed the video with Logan and she got blew up and it was just it was a fun experience just being a part of it it was a lot of fun you see how she gave a little bit of a smile and how she was remembering back to this point with fond memories this goes back to what I was saying before how she has mixed emotions about this whole Logan thing - crying and I called Logan I was like hey is this a good idea that I'm like on this diss track with you like I don't wanna step on anyone's toes and I want to hurt you I just basically asked him to come downstairs and talk to me about it and he was like oh like no no I don't have time at a time like I said of things have to post this and listen Alissa like I already have like your approval of being this video like I don't care about what you say now if you don't want to be in it like I have you on camera saying that you're excited so you can't like legally do anything to me like I'm gonna progress no matter what you say so I'm gonna post that that was kind of the moment where I was like see how our mouth is turned down here it's a sign of authentic sad and disappointment emotion that she's feeling toward Logan Paul clearly Alisa was telling the truth through most of the interview but her body language showed that although she doesn't like Logan now she appeared to be more attracted to Logan than Jake now in the comments do you think Alyssa was more attracted to Logan Paul than Jake Paul all along let everyone know in the comments below if this video gets over 620 324 likes I'll know you enjoyed it and want to see a body language analysis on Shane's long awaited series finale interview with Jake Paul so remember to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on new insightful body language videos and I'll see you at the top [Music] [Music]
Channel: Derek Van Schaik
Views: 207,292
Rating: 4.9086685 out of 5
Keywords: Shane &, MY THOUGHTS ON SHANE DAWSON, jake paul, shane dawson, shane, logan paul, alissa violet, faze banks, body language, body language of a liar, jake paul body language, the ex girlfriend of jake paul, the family of jake paul, the enemies of jake paul, sociopath, kati morton, erika costell, jake paul sociopath, the dark side of jake paul, the mind of jake paul, DEAR SHANE DAWSON..., Pls Watch This Before Shane Dawson’s Series..., shane dawson part 7
Id: fii6dlDZFAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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