All The Proof You Need That Jake Paul Is A Sociopath - Body Language

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Hold up!! So you're using a known Pedophile/ beastialitist as justification to why Jake is a sociopath? WDF?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FernGodBaby 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
here's the actual proof Jake Paul is a sociopath that's welcome back to the channel Derek van Schaik here first the sociopath is someone who lacks empathy and conscience which causes them to use people as pawns it's not like sociopaths don't show emotion and empathy for others they do however it's all fake based on how they believe they should act in the moment to get what they want from other people if you're not sure you're a sociopath here's an instant general test for you someone just got their fingers slammed in a car door what did you feel when I said that if you didn't feel anything you could be a sociopath if you cringed inside you're probably not one sociopaths typically know they're sociopaths but desperately hide that they are because what would happen if others found them out yes it would make it much more difficult for them to manipulate and use others to get what they want Shane Dawson has put out an elaborate video series on YouTube an elaborate attempt to answer the question of whether or not the YouTube star Jake Paul it's everyday is a sociopath sociopath it's like they're wearing a mask although Shane's video series is very dramatic and suspenseful there is a more straightforward way to determine whether or not Jake Paul is a sociopath Jay Paul is not some quiet guy around town he's extremely transparent showing himself in his vlogs furthermore there are numerous others who have worked with Jake Paul who can fill in the blanks of what he's like when the cameras aren't rolling we're gonna go through each common sociopath trait and reveal the possible evidence on Jake Paul keep in mind exhibiting just a handful of these sociopath traits doesn't mean a person as a sociopath however when someone exhibits all of them they literally become the definition of a sociopath my visions and and ideas like scare people because of how crazy they are sociopaths have this grandiose idea of themselves because they feel entitled the thing is that I'm working on the things that are in the pipeline are massive massive things I want to be the first social media billionaire I mean I mean I wouldn't doubt you doing it man I'm going to because the sociopath feels entitled they do whatever comes to mind at the moment people eventually find out they're being used as pawns so they understandably cut ties with the sociopath people have come and gone from Jake Paul's team ten quickly and frequently now team ten is basically just him and his girlfriend is this because word has gotten out how Jake Paul treats people there has been members of the amine team 10 why I left team 10 today I am no longer a part of Titanic I liked what was happening so I left okay Jake so you it already is team 9 it already it's like team 3 thank you for so much okay good thank you so much for supporting me on a day-to-day basis and then we thought that they could care about us the same as we care I love them I don't know how to say this but like we uh wash Jake did a make a wish for a young girl she dies a few weeks later now notice any emotion he shows is very fake and he gives this odd smirk the whole time I don't know how to like I've never gone through something like this before so like I don't know how to cope with it but I'm positive and she's a she's a one of us for us she's like a Jake Paul there and I'm sorry uh-huh I guess she's in a better place now she deserves nothing but the best I know instead of watching the vlogs now she gonna be I mean I feel like she's here right now see how he's faking his sadness based on how he thinks he should act keep in mind he spent a day with this girl just a few weeks ago and he just found out she died typically someone would have trouble keeping it together during that interview I'm like an hour late to tour rehearsals right now this sociopath breaks commitments and comes across as unreliable because of their feeling of entitlement I am no longer going to be a part of literally changes like two hundred and eighty percent since 365 days ago sociopaths change their image often to avoid being found out naturally sociopaths hurt a lot of people in their selfish life quest so they must keep reinventing themselves to bring in new people they can use kind of like that was the old me this is the new me ever hear someone say something like that all of my energy is focused on unchanging right now and going in a new direction the loser has to get taste sociopaths aren't concerned with how they could be endangering others because they are zeroed in on how they can use others only for their own personal gain in Jake's case it's getting views because views equal money subscribers influence and power yeah what are you doing here Danny what containing don't wanna run over Erica it was fine for me we went frigging flying I forget a hug that you intended brother what if I would have moved I told you to stay down see how Jake was acting no concern or thought of how he could have killed Erica and see that look on his face now it's like yeah that would be bad for me not poor Erica could have been dead I could have died building this basketball court they're digging giant holes in to the grounds literally almost up to finding that guys so the hole-in-one prank is you put a towel over the hole like so so then it looks like it's even with the ground and then you simply have somebody walk over it kudos hole-in-one look at him absolutely no concern of how the person who falls in that hole could break their leg what do you think is going through his head yep this will be good for views Jake Paul did a giant Jenga challenge using 4x4 lumber they purchased from a hardware store someone of course gets hurt when the Jenga tower finally Falls and watched the little concern Jake shows for the kid that gets hurt you have his waiver right Nick he mostly makes jokes shows no remorse and comes across as mostly focused on how that kid's misfortune could bring him in more views I'm wondering if the floors crack getting followers it makes you feel no matter what I mean so it's not clickbait if we put gone wrong on the title I don't know we'll see what the title is I realized a bigger problem that almost happened it almost took out our Wi-Fi several of his former members said that Jake regularly use slurs when someone uses they slur they're blatantly saying that they don't care how that other person feels sociopaths aren't able to understand how those words hurt other people furthermore they're incapable of understanding other people's hurt Oh same to us all the time [ __ ] like we find out who was [ __ ] and we were like how he is joking about that like he cannot talk about that there's in blogs that he's calling us Martina Martinez not know Martinez Martinez so Martinez is like [ __ ] been Marta native you can talk we were filming a video and he had a part we would like shove me into like this pricker bush or whatever like like thorns like a cactus whatever was so he pushed me way too hard he even told the camera guy before he pushed me he's like you'll make sure you get this it'll be funny shove me all the way into the bush and see this and if you guys can see this scar right here we're from thorns and my entire arm was bleeding sociopaths are so focused only on themselves they don't feel remorse shame or guilt so nothing stops them from doing outrageous things that will benefit themselves it's like freezing cold this is nasty I'm 20 how old are you have no five don't do these anymore I am five I'm fired okay don't do this anymore and kids or people tell you you can't do something you do it again sociopaths don't view other people's death with sadness but they also don't view their own death with sadness their own death is just viewed as game over therefore they naturally pursue very risky activities again this doesn't mean that sociopaths don't ever cry at funerals or anything that's sad but the sadness they show is fake to fit in to get what they want so they're also not found out remember if they're found out to be a sociopath their ability to use people as pawns will be negatively impacted Oh YouTube is the perfect playground for a sociopath because the more extreme they are the more views they'll get and the more successful they will be hence one of the reasons why it's generally believed that youtubers are much more likely to be a sociopath than someone in the general population a recent stunt involves tossing furniture into an empty pool and setting the pile on fire neighbors say flames eventually grew higher than the house [Applause] sociopaths don't care what they're doing to others around them isn't nice or fair they don't have that concept also Co paths think about is what's in it for them [Music] [Laughter] [Music] tonight residents in West Hollywood neighborhood are angry they say they've had enough of the chaos created by a social media star known for his crazy antics that man Jake Paul one of the neighbors are complaining they're very upset know why they say that you've created a living hell out here that's like a circus yeah it is called a fan I mean people like Jake doesn't care that he's really bothering his neighbors he's only focused on getting his views he doesn't care what he's doing is mean and unfair to those around him he's only thinking about what he wants again views the neighbors hate me but I'm still gonna send it [Music] sociopaths don't have an internal moral compass their compass is merely weighing the consequences that will result for doing what they think needs to be done to get what they want literally everyone here is vlogging they're just like Oh at the White House I'll be sleeping in it bro I'm sleeping in it I don't know if we're allowed to be up here but we're blending in like we got the pests and stuff too I'm thinking that the best thing you define like a batter there's no cameras going into this bed what about the stunt like the bonfire in the pool a lot of them were really upset about that CGI special Jay Paul makes a video to raise awareness for assault because he claims his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend who's also a youtuber assaulted he's assistant at a club like drag you said my name you dragged me by my neck but when another human assault another human for no reason my thoughts are like I would never lie to my fans this happened nope the assault didn't happen he lied Jake actually made an assault awareness video based on a fake assault he made up the whole thing to apparently get back at his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend if you're wondering his body language shows he's lying in that clip by the way sociopaths don't have the capacity to love though of course say I love you and seek companionship but the relationship is all about their own personal gain and never about the other person and then he always argued that like we weren't together so I'm not cheating and I move in with him sleeping in the same bed basically together at this point but without a title but then he would always have girls over in front of me and I was just like okay write to them we're not together sociopaths are manipulative and deceitful because they are using people like pawns to get what they want with no regard for others but then here they play all these mind games with names like yo they don't be mad having a girl over can you do that 25,000 times those heartbroken like legit heartbroken and who do there's nothing I could do about it because it gets his house I'm in a contract with him I'm basically where I'm at because of him and like I didn't really have a place to tell him that he was wrong even though he was really really wrong and like he knew exactly what he was doing to me played all these mind games he literally tell me you loved me one day and then tell me he hates my guts the next day he creates these rules for everyone if you're not out by 10:00 a.m. filming then like you get fined $50 every single guest that you had over had to be approved by Jake people complaining about any devastation they've caused is just background noise to the sociopaths the way others feel doesn't matter to them unless it impacts the sociopath getting what they want you didn't think he was doing anything wrong and he pull up this girl and was smashing her for like a week that was like a few days after he told me love me great are you serious why would how could you do that to sociopaths don't actually value relationships and bonds with other people any emotional bonds that are thought to have been created with the sociopaths aren't real this sociopath knows that pretending to have emotional bonds will enable them to leverage their pawn to the max sociopaths are likely to push a relationship with their pawn to become as serious as possible as quickly as possible but not too quickly because otherwise their pawn will become suspicious they know when they can get a relationship to become serious they can most effectively exploit their pawn I never thought that someone could be so malicious and evil to kick me out of the house um Jake's kicking me out he didn't want to wait for me to get my apartment which I'm getting in a couple days so he threw all my stuff downstairs and put a lock on the door after I've done everything for that help them build an empire a huge company making them so much money I just I don't understand how they could do that you can buy a stager like they check every single one of them and that includes my ex yes are you good if you laugh like a walrus all the time it's annoying middle school as you can imagine I was the class clown always causing trouble making jokes and I couldn't sit still since they're only concerned with what they want sociopaths don't care that they're unfairly disrupting class for other students how the teacher or other students feel don't matter unless it directly impacts what they want I didn't like school I still don't yeah I dropped out of high school I don't know in eighth grade our class would go on a trip to Washington DC at the end of the year it was the highlight of the year you got to travel with your friends and stay in hotels and visit all the sights but you couldn't go on the trip if you had 15 behavior strikes by the middle of the year I had 14 so I became a good kid for the rest of the year and got to go on the trip the fact that Jake was able to be a good kid for several months proves that he didn't just have ADHD where he was simply out of control this proves he could control his actions when it was something he really wanted very typical of a sociopath I was like I'm gonna kick your ass and he was just like okay acts off like that bro sociopaths act with a lot of aggression and tend to abuse people due to their lack of empathy they don't care that they treat people like crap because everyone is just a pawn to help them get what they want to them their crappy behavior toward people is only a problem if it directly negatively impacts them getting what they want yep it's sad if we never agreed on something ever something happened he would spit in my face and this has happened multiple times he would like spit I like my feet the ground that I walk on and you actually spit on Erica one time - he took my phone threw it at the wall we got into a fight I ran upstairs he dragged me down the stairs and I actually have evidence that Jake Paul is a sociopath is so overwhelming keep in mind this is not all the evidence that's available if you and I had an infinite amount of time this video would go on for 12 plus hours some may argue that he just put on the sociopath type personality because it's good for getting views on YouTube however the reality is that his on-camera personality was proven by those closest to him to be similar to his real-life personality furthermore for him to even be capable of having that I do what I want and the hell with others type of on-camera persona proves he's a sociopath non sociopaths would find it extraordinarily difficult doing what he does to other people because a normal person's empathy and conscience will hold them back Jake Paul's brother Logan Paul recently made a video about the whole sociopaths debate here's what he said 99% of the time someone is not a sociopath or not a sociopath my opinion is there's a sociopathic spectrum at which point some people lie higher on it than others the word I would like to use is sociopathic tendencies I prefer if we're gonna label Jake a sociopath or not doing it on a spectrum and where he lies on all right dr. Logan we'll use your scale to explain this here's where your brother Jake falls on your sociopath spectrum now let's hear what you think if you think Jake Paul's a sociopath give this video a thumbs up if you think he's not think of this video a thumbs down in the comments what do you think of Jake Paul let everyone know the comments below remember to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on new videos and I'll see you you you
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Views: 1,399,222
Rating: 4.8684168 out of 5
Keywords: shane, The World of Jake Paul, The Enemies of Jake Paul, The Family of Jake Paul, The Dark Side of Jake Paul, The Mind of Jake Paul, Jake Paul, Logan Paul, sociopath, jake paul sociopath, shane dawson, is jake paul a sociopath, Pls Watch This Before Shane Dawson’s Series..., DEAR SHANE DAWSON..., alissa violet, nick crompton, team 10, chance, tessa brooks, erika costell, martinez twins, Chad Tepper, Logan Paul Vlogs, body language, jake paul body language
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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