Watch These FBI Interrogation Tactics Crack Chris Watts, Family Murderer, Into Finally Confessing

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

The owner of that channel is an absolute creep. He's the next Luka Magnotta. Mark my words.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

answered my own questions, would anyone care to chime into my conversation with myself?

why would he agree to talk to law enforcement? to keep up the fascade that he's innocent

why didn't he lawyer up? because he never thought he would crack

can CBI/FBI be accused of interrogating him without legal representation? no because he waived his rights (?)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/mychubbychubbs 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cool interview but the amateur psychology the dude constantly spouts really gets in the way.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/DoubleMycologist 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Someone got a time stamp for when he actually gives the locations? Not wasting 47 minutes.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Rossenaut 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TotesMessenger 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
find out how the FBI cracked Chris Watts family killer into finally confessing those secret FBI interrogation tactics are revealed neck welcome back to the channel and specifically welcome to all the new subscribers we recently got derek van Schaik here chris watts is that northern colorado man who pled guilty to murdering his pregnant wife Shannon and his two young daughters Bella and Celeste on August 13th 2018 we're gonna analyze Chris Watson Tara Gatien footage and breakdown body language to reveal how the FBI and CBI cracked chris watts into finally confessing but first let's turn back the clock to quickly recap what happened which led up to this powerful FBI interrogation of Chris Watts Chris backs his truck up partway into the garage to give himself cover to load his family's bodies into the back seat of his work truck police officer Scott Coonrod arrives at the house that day because Shane Ann's friend Nicole called 911 concerned because Shannon wasn't responding to anyone's phone calls or text messages Chris kept all the doors locked so no one was able to get inside the house likely in case Chris thought of some last minute crime-scene cleanup and track covering while at work that day when Chris gets home and they finally get inside the house it starts to become obvious chris is somehow involved in their disappearance so officer Coonrod tests Chris to see how guilty Chris really feels now if he never saw a grown man [ __ ] his pants watch this he thought officer Coonrod was radioing him in to arrest him right there Chris then continues to bury himself into his phone likely texting a secret mistress it's so obvious he doesn't want his family back they then all go over to neighbor Nate's house to look at the day's security footage now this is incredible Chris watts is watching himself for the first time cover up his murders remember this just happened 12 hours earlier he's now watching himself cover up his crimes with a police officer standing right behind him chris is about to [ __ ] himself neighbor Nate knew Chris was guilty from his body language watch this it's now the next day August 14th 2018 today cadaver dogs pick up sense to help locate the girls Chris does his infamous media interviews and this evening the FBI begins interrogating Chris just not that again you're wanting to present okay with the dogs on and everything and any part of the house and again you this is just consensual you yeah Freddie feel free to say no if you want to like here you're good yeah go ahead [Music] remember these dogs probably aren't like your dog and certainly not like my late dogs where they bark at squirrels and neighbors they're highly trained to bark when they pick up sense cadaver dogs are trained to smell death and sometimes know where someone has died provided not too much time has passed I have no inclination of where she is did you see the kids in the morning - just in the monitor Kristen Gordon it's up to you you get to dictate the kind of we want now I'm good right here [Music] wherever they're at like I have no inclination to where they're at right now I just want them people to know that I want my family back like I want them to say I like these shirts a lot that's why I want everybody back [Applause] police who have searched the family home no just a different dog especially trying to do the same thing that's Nick and Amanda there they were close friends of Chris they're hanging out with Chris today to show support he he stayed the night in our house across the hall from our five year old that'll haunt me you okay with that tall going inside I think we shoot this way yeah if you had a shot and I did it absolutely somebody has her and they're not safe like I want them back now I just want I want everybody just come home right wherever they're at come home that's what I want now the interrogation remember Chris is not under arrest he is voluntarily here you may be wondering why on earth would Chris agree to do this well Chris is clearly a narcissist and likely a psychopath therefore he has an inflated ego so he thinks he can talk his way out of all this and exonerate himself this is FBI agent Graham coder he's the lead interrogator look at how Graham is dressed casual right maybe your high school guidance counselor now how would things change if he was wearing one of those FBI jackets or anything with FBI on it right Chris we'd be thinking FBI FBI FBI I gotta be careful of what I say even though Graham surely has one of those FBI jackets hanging in his office closet right now he would never wear it into an interrogation [Music] notice where Graham chose to sit he's sitting alongside Chris to create the feeling of working together on the same team sitting across from somebody creates adversarial feelings causing the suspect to not open up so when they come knockin do you need more water no I brought you beer all right good grandma slick he switches seats with Chris in preparation for the pressure he's gonna put on Chris later on physically putting Chris in a corner like this can give Chris the feeling like he's cornered and therefore should confess I'm gonna let all wipe down the house I was hoping that I'll get a knock on door yeah what do you think happened there's a really good saying first seek to understand before you seek to be understood Graham can't start poking holes in Chris's story until he hears how Chris believes it to have happened if you could think of anything that we can do to find him already I mean everything that I have adopted so far like people that have car seats because she left the car seats there's definitely a chance of somebody I don't know being a guy or girl I mean and she has plenty of friends through like direct sales that I would have never met that could have advocated that she kind of just say you know let's go like backup in the back put them in yeah sure Chris that sounds reasonable someone secretly picked them up and now they're living their lives in disguise under different identities he's trying to explain and defend that ridiculous claim that they just vanished since Chris is massively narcissistic and likely a psychopath he comes across so stupid because he actually thinks yeah I will buy that claim I really want them to just not physically rip this bone apart but really dive in okay and then the area give that okay what we saw in the house didn't really make sense one sweep down the phone what do you mean focus on you better shut down where's the battery didn't know we making that I have no clue like while is it off and while isn't not whether we're going we back up a tiny bit you come home no one has been in the house okay no kooky in the house is that right yeah unless you had a garage door there can we talk about someone kind of archipelago so when I work investigations like this I have to keep it open mind on everything and part of keeping it in mind in listening to you talk about your wife and your marriage and the day she goes missing is the day that you guys have marital discord okay so you can understand other what I'm thinking about you yeah notice how grant prefaced it by explaining why it's reasonable for him to ask because of Chris feels attacked he may hire a lawyer and then shut his mouth then what other chances of finding Shannon and the girls yes much smaller people knew that we were having marital issues they're gonna look at me especially with the way everything looks it honestly just makes me sick to my son this is something that I would never do ever what does that sound like to you to me it sounds like he slipped saying this means he knows something very specific that happened to them however all previously he said he had no idea what happened also the ever part seems to confirm he's referring to murder I know like you have to look at every every vantage point this is something I would never do to my kids or my wife at all now Chris basically repeats it remember everyone else at this point doesn't know for sure what happened I need to ask you about your marriage and I fully suspect she's never done that to me okay like she's always been a trustworthy person I've always been trustworthy person I fully expect if we ever thought about straining another way that we would tell each other before it happened I think that sounds ridiculous here grand uses what's called a deliberate skip instead of confirming chris has a mistress and then asking her name he went right to her name this takes a suspect off guard to get them to either blurt it out or for the interrogator to at least evaluate they're surprised body language to determine deception I'm sure would you tell me if you did yeah as you saw earlier he gave his phone to the FBI to investigate did he really think the FBI wouldn't find any evidence he has a mistress from looking at his phone what do I do to help you walk out of this room in the classic let me help you request its effective because it makes grande come across as the good guy on Chris's side causing Chris to trust him more while also giving Chris a blank sheet to explain why he's innocent now let's listen to Chris's claim you have to trust me that when I tell you that these two beautiful girls right here I did nothing to them and to my beautiful wife I did nothing to her I had nothing to do with the disappearance like they vanished they were taken someone take has taken their safe somewhere we don't know I had nothing to do with these with this act of like evil cruelty whatever has happened here because my love for these two murals and my wife like I don't want anything to happen to them I've never want anything to happen them the amount of love I have for my family is exponent that it's never going to die and they need I want it back I have to have the back so do you think Chris's little speech changed Graham's mind Graham was of course looking for something physical for Chris to point to which would have at least suggested he wasn't involved Chris's narcissism is off the charts because again very likely a psychopath he can't see that as the little fake emotional speech won't get him out of this I tell that there's just something you're not telling me I'm not sure what it is I don't know why that is why you're not on me but there's something that's making I just don't believe some of the things you're doing simply do not believe you why didn't you call anyway I didn't think anything I think you I did not know what went wrong sir tell me about the call to your date here this is what's called stacking grams putting one piece of evidence consecutively on top of another so the evidence against Chris feels insurmountable to dispute to the camera I called them see if the girls are there he said they weren't there okay that's all and since they weren't there he's been back on the waiting list let's hope never to sell the house or Margate probably be in the area anymore that's two different things Christ well I wanted them to be back on put him on the away list as they weren't there wow I'm dinner I don't know where were they going to go they went to her snare took him to a friend's house why wasn't they go to daycare I'm not sure officer I'm not sure when you want out of this room there's nothing I can say to a roomful of police officers that's going to convince them that you will have nothing to do this nothing you've told me tonight makes sense nothing you've told me tonight feels like the truth when we find the guy who took them this question is a guilty persons trap and a little test if Chris gives any leniency he comes across as guilty if Chris shows no mercy he's just giving the prosecution fuel during sentencing to get the judge to hand down the harshest sentence possible they're gonna come home say friend when you find the guy when we find the guy they're going to come home life in prison would be the that's what I was that's what I would think makes you kids that are involved what if you heard them this top - I sure like that penalty is even used as a using Colorado plan not insured what is that family I mean like if these kids are not alive like there's no there's nothing you can do to cope with that to make me cope with that if those kids are not okay kram looks away in frustration because chris completely failed his test Graham knows he's guilty but just can't get it out of Chris tonight a parent who desperately wants their children back won't be asking about the technical laws on the books it would be a very emotional response I'm here you know mind if we take a break for tonight I'm sure that you are feeling some of the pressure for me okay you know your job I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't really a little bit right Graham acknowledges the pressure he put on Chris which lightens the mood so he can get Chris back into the interrogation room tomorrow and keep him talking now he gets to tell Chris some party words for him to sleep on tonight there is going to come a time when you're going to feel this pressure from other people I'm not the only one who think that there's a possibility you have something to do this technically I gently pressured like to just like everyone okay everyone grandmas Chris to think about how his life is gonna be hell on the path he's going on right now so hopefully he'll be more open to coming clean in the morning you need someone you can call I want to be that guy alright I want you to go home and I want you to know that I'm the guy you can talk to okay who's not going to judge you I had kid Graham knows after a crime a criminal will naturally feel scared and alone especially a rookie criminal like Chris so Graham is trying to work his way into Chris's life so Chris talks to the FBI as his therapist I would love for you and me as a team to talk tomorrow to do a polygraph tomorrow it moves past all that okay move past me wondering about Chris neva wondering which Chris I'm talking to I want to move past it I just want to get it behind us okay and then our talks are gonna be a lot more comfortable and then we're tonight it's now the next day August 15th 2018 you mentioned yesterday chris is now sitting for the polygraph lie-detector test normally people don't agree to do a polygraph unless they're innocent but Chris is so up to his eyeballs and narcissism specifically with what's called a grandiose idea of self he thinks he can actually fool the polygraph polygraphs evaluate the subtle physical signs and internal signals that someone is lying when looking at body language to determine if someone is lying we in part look at how many of those internal signals of deceitfulness manifests outwardly into body language Tami is now doing a pretest with simple no lies and simple known truths hello you are a really bad liar like I have no inclination to where they're at right now I don't know where I go from here right now have people told you that before like the Sun you tell a lie like they could tell like on your face because I can you lied to the number three like I love you cooking and like turn down the subjectivity because you're starting to go off the page yep confirming why police Niebuhr neat FBI grande and Tammy seem to know Chris was guilty the coolest thing about this is right now there's only one person in this room that knows what the truth is and in about five minutes there's gonna be two of us so that's the coolest part okay and I don't go share that with them out there okay now for the actual test see if you can pick out if he's telling a lie just with his yes and no to the questions regarding Shannon's disappearance you intend to answer all the questions truthfully yes were you born in 1985 yes before 2018 did you ever see anything out of anger to a loved one yes no do you know where Shannon is now no are you now in the state of Colorado just before 2018 have ever wanted to hurt someone to get even with them no did you physically cause your name's disappearance no sir first name Christopher before 2018 did you ever lose your temper with someone you cared about no are you lying about the last time you saw Shannon no our summit touched is complete I'm just going to pack this up and the FBI in diagram that you've been talking to these guys coming over to chat so I brought Graham in years you know pushes up results okay I'm sure you can tell Graham looks pissed so it was completely clear that you were not doing the testing and I think you already know that he did not pass the polygraph test okay so now we need to talk about what actually happened I feel like you're probably ready to do that I didn't I didn't lie to you on that polygraph I promise grant covers his mouth immediately because he knows for sure Chris is lying Christian under so I found out for a minute take a deep breath there's a reason you feel sick to your stomach and when people hold stuff inside it makes you physically ill and I can just tell in your face I could tell you tell from the second you walked in that you were wanting to just come clean and just be done with this and I appreciate that because you knew sitting down in that chair that you weren't gonna pass today and you knew I was going to find out that I told you that you know the tests that we're asking you know significant stuff about your wife if you're like that it's gonna be even ten times more amplified and then you continued to stay knowing that you can at the end say you know what maybe get it off my chest like I need to tell you what happened now the interrogators must sell Chris on coming clean or at least where they can find the girls and not let the thought come to his mind to shut his mouth hire a lawyer and test his luck with the jury what you'll notice now is the interrogators feeding Chris positive thoughts and positive expectations while also empathizing and siding with him they're doing this so he feels comfortable opening up to them holding they fly in is going to do nothing for you I'm not like trying to like current things up like in your head are because in no kitc normal normal people would do that our more people that make a mistake initially are going to go I don't know you're talking about I didn't do anything that's normal I would expect that Tammy is reducing the pressure for Chris to keep up the lie so he can own up that he is lying it's very smart she's saving Chris the embarrassment of lying so he can feel more comfortable and begin telling the truth that's a natural reaction that someone can initially lie about something like that and then eventually tell the truth so this is your eventually telling the truth time we just can't figure out why there's two Chris's you don't they have for breakfast you know and for a snack and a dinner and a nighttime snack you can tell me that book you read to your daughters okay I'm lilo and you're not faking an area that's real okay there's a lot of guys who come in here and try to tell me that and I know they're lying okay because they can answer those questions that you can answer okay but you weren't here today lying about something else so we need to talk about that okay I cheated on Chris starts to crack but only he admitted that one thing because he knew the FBI searched his cell phone it's a start so they're going to work with what they have I know and she's very good i I'm not proud of it I I don't think that could happen bad thing I'd ever do it but I did he did a good job this is the Chris that I knew would come out today this is the Chris he tells the truth because you're a truth teller Chris currently has the self-image of a liar because he's been lying about his involvement in their disappearance for days Graham is trying to change that image with verbal repetition of how he wants Chris to see himself so Chris starts to become that and begins to reveal his family's whereabouts that's a hell of a lot of those absolutely okay I mean that's terrific god monster I don't want her involved in this okay I knew that you would say you didn't want to get her involved I because you liked it here she's a wonderful person and never fell that way about anybody anybody by the time Christmas not your phone no no I'm just when can we do this I know you want to take care of her because me it's because you're a type of guy that takes care of women why would grab say that when he's pretty sure Chris murdered all the women of his immediate family again he's changing Chris's self-image and Chris's expectation of himself so he starts confessing currently Chris thinks of himself as someone who murders women in someone with that self-image won't try to make things right Chris needs the self image of someone who takes care of women so they can be found it is he took care of you wanted to give your daughters you were very good at taking care and you want to take care of her simply make a deal I don't think this girl did anything to hurt anybody but I can't walk out of here wondering so can you leave her out of it okay get back to your wife and your daughters Graham wants to refocus the conversation back to the missing girls anyway this is his way of making it appear Chris is getting something so he gives the FBI the girl's whereabouts but in reality Chris isn't getting anything okay I do not know it should have been the happiest time of your marriage she's making a little money she's making good money you're making great money people have a job a beautiful kids a beautiful house here in Colorado clean air good people okay and on top of that you look pretty good down there pretty fit okay this should have at the time of your marriage where you guys were happy and thriving and productive okay and I believe that she and the reason none of that happened now Graham is blaming the victim for Chris's infidelity first understand the purpose is to get Chris to start opening up and confess it but he's not gonna do that if he feels Graham thinks he's evil would you ever tell your deepest secret to someone who thinks you're evil also did you notice anything with Graham's body language when he said it was shin and salt watch again were you very happy and thriving and productive okay and I believe that Sheen and the reason none of that happened yep as soon as he says that he grabs his right wrist in a sign of holding back the truth he wasn't doing much of that at all throughout the interview you'll also now start to see Graham suckin and purses lips Graham is lying to Chris I believe that she's a controlling person we didn't listen to you as much as she should I think that she can do whatever she wanted to you can't now even more empathizing with Chris since it's likely Chris's facial expressions are telling Graham that he's receptive to this okay I think if you were to go to a restaurant she would order whatever the hell she wants and as soon as you order a nice steaks he says whoa buddy okay a woman that lets her man do all the back pack packing and all the cooking I'll do all the cooking but actually cooks like behind your lights and things in there Ken that's because you're a good person and I think that she started on the path to leave the marriage and it's ironic that we're talking about you and thinking I think that she was the one who started on that path first what do you think about that since Chris is a huge narcissist he isn't capable of seeing things from Shannon's perspective therefore feels a lot of self-pity Graham knows this and is pushing that button a full-blown narcissist is actually very easily manipulated because of their zero empathy they're blind spots are massive Graham's main goal is to show Chris he's siding with him so Chris feels comfortable telling Graham his deepest secret yeah the other thing I think is interesting is even though she is that type of person that's controlling doesn't listen does looking wants is walking away from her kids here you are defending her because to your core you want to take care of the people you love repeating it again to change Chris's self-identity and also how Chris believes he's perceived how is it possible that a woman and two kids are just completely gone the face of the earth what happened left I mean it's on video that I left and no I was in my truck I didn't like load anything into my truck besides my tools my container my book bag my water jet my lunchbox okay but then what happened that's robot the driveway no before you drove out of the driveway your wife and your kids I didn't do anything they were still in the house where are they where did they go I don't know sir I really don't know your wife's not the type of person to banish I know she's not she had 10 things on her schedule that meant she was going to be there the next day that day that day after that with friends with a doctor okay she didn't leave because she wanted to wrestle and to hurt her they kids actually I do anything for you financially there was no accident I don't if there was an actually I wasn't there for it it's a big deal in the connection because we can work the back bridge now they're tempting him with the accident card for him to take you may be thinking don't do that you'll let him off too easy it's just a way to get him to budge off of his cans story that he had nothing to do with it so they can find the girls someone with that big of a discrepancy between his lie and the truth isn't gonna come clean quickly it's too big of a jump they need to give him steps to get to the truth their main focus is just to find the girls once they find them they'll have much more evidence and they'll use that evidence in future rounds of interrogation or in court to reveal the truth there's no maybe what happened there's no I did not call it an accident you have not shed one tear in two days that you've been here not one and I help me understand that because I don't get it you're seeing your baby girl and you have not shed one tear over them not being around I wish my boy girl up in the store for 10 seconds and I start to go panic panic help me understand that I love this girl I would never do anything just because I haven't said it's here that's weird out here don't don't look into them get this off his chest and be done with it and let us find your little girls so that they're not out there in the middle of a field or whatever somewhere once we find these girls in your wife right and then how we find them no matter what condition they're in we can keep talking to you you can tell us guys it's not as bad as it looks now that everything's known that the girls are found and shannon's found however they're found it's okay we can keep talking to you the interrogators main goal right now is to find the girls so for them at this point it doesn't really matter what story Chris tells them for what happened once they find the girls they'll have much more evidence to use against Chris to dispute whatever toned-down story he decides to tell them our justice system determines guilt based on evidence not based on the story the defendant tells Gillian do something to them no I don't know I'm curious I have no clue if you wouldn't know they didn't leave the house didn't and do something to them and then do you feel like you had to do some fishing and they were at the house when I left they were there they weren't there they didn't leave they vanished you were the only way they could have left it in your truck there's no weight it's like I didn't just throw them in my truck we're not asking the right question Chris a little double bind from Graham we're both a yes and a no answer makes Chris appear guilty yes you are asking the right questions about how I was involved no you're not asking the right questions about how I was involved you're asking all across all the questions what are we not asking you right what are we doing wrong did you hear about the homicide that happened in Aurora the guy he beat that family to death with a ball-peen hammer police say that sometime between 9:00 last night and early this morning the Bennett family was brutally attacked with a blunt instrument and a knife only three survivors three-year-old sibling that should the grew up to be momentous no family no mom and dad the brothers returned by yourself she said I wish I could died we have mom in Castle Rock that suffocated those four baby girls she's like I just my husband was going to take them and she's like I just couldn't just gonna hand I thought I was doing right by them I thought I'd be saving them pain naturally Chris is feeling very isolated and alone so talking about similar situations in Colorado will make crispy let's okay to open up about what he did since he feels he's not the only one tonight the last night usually this is intended to connect fond memories and a smiling picture to no sad memories of the last time they were around grams hoping this will cause Chris some kind of emotion and get Chris to start telling the truth yeah that dress on right on the 8th now a series of double binds from Graham again we're both a yes and a no answer implies Chris's guilt he's trying to get Chris to slip just once and then he'll have something to go on did you guys make sure they were warm in the lens house make sure they were warm there they're always warm he was taken care of at the very end they're always there they're always taken care of they're always they never miss a meal she took them out of the house with their blankets on their animals and that's to be cared I want to believe that maybe she ended it and you felt compelled to fix this so Shannon did look bad that's why that's why I want to believe I don't know you're not telling me that so makes me think the worst like did you I did that don't three of em Tammy is now trying to assume the worst tactic but that's usually more effective if the truth isn't as bad as the worst and that's one of the reasons why they're having such difficulty getting Kris to budge because the truth is the worst case tell us Kris thanks for crazy can I talk to my dad or somebody do you want to bring him in here did you hear that shakiness in his voice that's a lot of progress from where they started all those tactics multiple angles and varying amounts of pressure applied to Kris created tiny hairline fractures all over Chris's cover-up he's now about to crack can I go out there and talk to him well I don't know that you want to do that there because there's a lot of people going through the halls should we bring him in here we'll just about grandma's smart he wants Chris to talk to his dad in the interrogation room so it's all video recorded as evidence they can tell he's about to finally crack just because we didn't see their tactics have a direct impact on Chris doesn't mean those ideas haven't gotten planted in Chris's head it's a slow chipping away process when it's a whopper of a lie like it is here where the truth will put someone in prison forever this polygraph failed it failed Americans there's too much motion it's so I'm in there I don't let go the original I should much money paid they know how to pair and then they know hanwen mother Oh No and we have that conversation that morning you know the motional and told her about separation and everything like protect a lot of protector she heard but they leave after them [Music] really came back they're gone I don't know what else to say I doubt serving Jesus name I see [Music] there they're blue you talk about some of that for definition my call cops done smelling to do on the bodies officer now watch what happens right after Chris's dad says this [Music] yes as soon as Chris's dad mentions hiring a lawyer Graham and Tammy bust in they don't want Chris's dad to convince or even plant the idea in his son's head to get a lawyer and stop talking openly also this confirms they were listening in the whole time you know when you told me done he tells Graham and Tammy but as we know the story that Shannon killed the girls and Chris killed her out of rage was another lie because he later pled guilty to all counts of murder against him we want to talk about to give medical God that there's no fur in the back first location I want to well huh right there all play and you picked out well before you put it in something are they into the ground well if you and your dad just drove by you can just say right there we could help you just get him out of the cold you know take care of him for the last time what's gonna happen we're gonna help you get out of it would you prefer that my beard was on your coat oh my god double Chris gets ultra emotional getting Chris emotional seems to have been unintentional by Graham but what it actually did was make Chris realize he better tell investigators where his family can be found before they start using his co-workers to help find his family at the work site or ham you said it you're about to have a good man they're going to say this really what the [ __ ] did you do brisket one place I should go cuz imma do with well they weren't in your shoes they don't know they won't live in your eyes no but still that's it never late will just come to me steps at a time Emily thank you can't have anybody show you're out there let anybody notice how emotional Chris is but it's all sadness and feeling sorry for himself he's disgusting okay I mean then this is compared to before those opinions anyways once they figure everything out anyway we'll just take a little tense tonight then half of that do you have to have any of them with you no no waiting for free you can you and me and Tammy and Ronnie get in the car and just drive out there Chris I know they're gone but they're still your babies and you still do that and you're a better book and you want someone else to find another hmm you don't she'll but once when you finish up the PRC's every to 19 but I wear about this man and the girls candy cane over carefully that fresh man okay or the girl map and and then some sort others do are they in the tanks don't imitate semester or pill how'd you do fish out are we showing up under dirt did you take that [Applause] like a workshop let's go there I would hate for Shay man to give it bad rap she didn't have anything out of it you know it's not fair to go there I can those bad stuff has happened well like we even stop the bad stuff the defendant strangled her to death with his own hands we know that he slowly took her life the morning of August 13th we know that this was not done in an uncontrolled vengeful manner that he tried to describe to agents from CBI and the FBI I'm not sure what it looks like is that you found a new life and the only way to get that new life was to get rid of the old life and I think that you killed these girls and that's what we're kind of left that's what we have to believe because it just doesn't make sense I mean I walked in and my kid was decapitated I call an ambulance right it just it just doesn't make sense it just doesn't add up Graham and Tammy don't believe Chris's story even though earlier they were saying this command the reason none of that happened because you're a good person it's a big deal if it's an accident because we can work with that Chris can and do something to them I want to believe that maybe she we're crazy yes it was all just to get Chris to tell them where they can find the girls all along they knew it wasn't an accident they believe Shannon was innocent and they knew Chris Watts was a monster remember to subscribe for more body language and investigative videos and I'll see you at the top what's gonna happen when your cause of death comes back to you for the girls not going to okay not gonna come back to me they both died from smothering let me say that again the man seated to my right smothered his daughter's what must Bella age four and Celeste h3 must have experienced her thought is their father the one man on this planet who was supposed to nurture and protect them was snuffing out their lives Chris just let's stand up for me I'm gonna have you face that wall [Music] okay this as well [Music] they're going fishing okay you don't have anything in your pocket okay gun face out of the wall behind you I'm just going to search your request stretch your legs further okay turn face me Milly erne's necklace there's anything like that let's walk up this way sure [Music] I'll bet over your left [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 8,493,783
Rating: 4.818068 out of 5
Keywords: Chris watts, chris watts case, body language, chris watts Colorado, chris watts sentencing, chris watts update, chris watts interview, chris watts body camera, police body camera, chris watts security footage, chris watts neighbor footage, Body Language Proof Chris Watts Murdered His Two Young Daughters, Watch How Police Caught Chris Watts, fbi interrogation, chris watts interrogation, Denver7, 9NEWS, dr phil chris watts
Id: i2lpwPsY410
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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