Watch How Richard Ramirez, Night Stalker, Uses PSYCHOPATHIC Body Language & Manipulation

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richard ramirez the night stalker is a known psychopath so what body language and behavior should you look out for to know when you're dealing with a psychopath find out next welcome back to the channel shakers derek vanshake here richard ramirez was known as the night stalker and the story was featured in the netflix documentary night stalker the hunt for a serial killer you could sense it there's evil in that man his nightstalker crimes in los angeles california began on april 10th 1984. hotel cecil has always had a dark persona place where serial killers let their hair down like richard ramirez who would come back covered in blood and no one's got a problem with that and continued consistently until he was caught on august 31 1985 by a mob of local la residents who chased them down in the street spotted and chased ramirez jumped a wall into the backyard of the pinon family yes am i taking this car you ain't taking nothing for you that brought out jose burgoyne and his sons julio and jaime more neighbors joined the chase and finally they tackled ramirez he had beat him relentlessly until the police dragged him away neighbors just hung together and got him chased them down the street and then what did you do when you caught up with it i stopped them arriving authorities bandaged ramirez and put him in the back of a patrol car on september 20 1989 richard was convicted of all charges it was the moment the about to be convicted killer did not want to face you give up your right to be present while the verdicts are ready here in open court and over the intercom to his holding cell richard ramirez heard the verdicts guilty on all accounts and on november 7 1989 richard was sentenced to death in the gas chamber i will be avenged lucifer dwells within us all although he died of natural causes on death row on june 7 2013. he died of liver failure richard ramirez was a diagnosed psychopath extremely high on the psychopathy scale so we're gonna break down his body language in this media interview to finally reveal a psychopath's tactics of control malevolence manipulation and deceit which may help you recognize a psychopath in your own life now let's get started i first met richard ramirez shortly after his la conviction and it was here in a cramped room in a san francisco jail that i interviewed the man known as the night stalker what do you want the world to know about you the world has been fed many lies about me some think it's impossible to read a psychopath's body language because they're master manipulators yes it is more difficult because you need to know how psychopaths will try to trick you and manipulate you which is what we will be breaking down but we still can gain some insights from their body language psychopaths crave social domination and view social interactions as a competitive hierarchy to outdo the other putting that other person on the defensive and them on the offensive kind of think of their idea of a social interaction as similar to a boxing match the more on the offensive you are the more points you will score increasing the chances that you will be perceived as the winner because you don't score any points on the defense what do you want the world to know about you the world has been fed many lies about me notice richard's body language especially compared to the interviewer yeah he's sitting straight and tall with his back against the back rest looking down his nose at the interviewer making himself appear stronger and more powerful in this interaction because also did you notice the interviewer's body language what do you want the world to know about you right he's leaning forward hunched over low coming across as almost subordinate begging for answers from richard as we said psychobass view interactions as a competitive hierarchy to outdo the other and richard wants to make sure that he's viewed at least as more dominant in the interaction remember doing a handful of these traits doesn't make someone a psychopath but do everything a psychopath does then that person becomes the definition of a psychopath notice how richard responds and we'll break it down i have read very few truths if you noticed he didn't answer the question directly because he knows that the interviewee is submissive to the interviewer and the psychopath is acutely aware of this and doesn't want to come across as submissive so instead of answering the question like i want the world to know that i'm not the person they think i am that'd be more of a typical response of someone who's maybe not a psychopath and feel like they're misunderstood by the world but that would be a very submissive response instead richard reframes the question to maintain power and control i have read very few truths psychopaths love playing victims because it allows them to subtly address the accusation putting the other person on the defensive and the psychopath on the offensive let's use a simple example here did you eat my cookie that was on the counter instead of responding yes or no or i didn't know it was yours can you guess what the psychopath would say why are you always blaming me for everything see what that did it briefly implied denial putting the other person on the defensive and the psychopath on the offensive and when the non-psychopath responds i don't blame you for everything that's when they just lost to the psychopath who are you psychopaths crave social domination so they practice what's called strategic avoidance where their answers will sometimes be very cryptic or mysterious to keep the listener engaged stringing them along to hear more now listen to what richard says just a guy just a guy richard seems to understand that if he were to answer the question directly and completely how would he come across right submissive in the interaction by saying just the guy just a guy just a guy just a guy he's mocking the question while maintaining power and control by withholding information about him that he knows the interviewer wants one of the worst things you can do with the psychopath is let them know that you want something from them because as you can imagine they're going to leverage that to the max against you to manipulate you remember psychopaths seriously lack empathy and see people as tools to get what they want so they will naturally try to take advantage of you ramirez was certainly a guy attracting a lot of attention since his arrival at the san francisco jail women from around the country including one of the female jurors who had found him guilty in los angeles had been flocking to the san francisco facility even fighting with each other over richard's affections yeah pretty messed up right but there's actually a term for those who are attracted to those who commit crimes it's called hybristophelia but that happens so often there's actually a term for it now in a bizarre twist death row romeo there were those who found this miserable coward irresistible somebody was calling and she was saying you know you're going to die why because you're a friend of rachael i suppose so if i wanted to have attacked her or beat her up i would have i love him i listen that's what she could say i'm sure you're curious why some women fall in love with serial killers some have attributed it to their low self-esteem wanting a father figure wanting to fix someone as cruel as a serial killer i think he's cute i know that he's he's a nice person because i've met him and i know he's convicted of 13 murders [Music] but he's really a nice guy some want the attention of someone who is now famous wanting to be around someone who they automatically feel is very powerful and what they may consider to be the ultimate alpha male very out of the norm to be able to do that for a certain amount of time in length a period of time and get away with it some see the little boy who he once was and want to nurture him you're crazy for this i'll just say that they just don't understand some want the attention and publicity while others call it the most perfect boyfriend because there's no chance he's going to hurt them or cheat on them when i went to go visit him i asked him you know i said how many other girls visit you i want to know it's also the same reason why romance novels geared towards women are of women falling in love with a beast of sorts and yes sometimes there are literally a beast taylor's old as time beauty and the beast which seems to be introducing children to the acceptability of falling in love with a beast or possibly a bad person i won't leave you what are you doing here common love interest characters in romance novels or what right monster type characters what happened to you [Music] what's real pain vampires wolves are pirates who essentially need to be fixed there's a saying and of course it's meant in general terms men are attracted to women who they can save and women are attracted to men who they can fix i said don't touch her and for some women a serial killer may be the super bowl of fixer-upper projects i'll tell you a story i dated a rich girl when i was younger and i grew up in middle class i didn't know proper country club etiquette and i didn't have a renowned surname so her parents probably thought of me as a hillbilly everything went downhill between us when her mom told her that she needs a partner and not a project she called me a project kind of like what we're talking about she was surely thinking that her daughter was attracted to this hillbilly because she wants to fix him when i heard she called me the project i was thinking wait a second your daughter is an obnoxious self-absorbed spoiled brat she's the project and of course i didn't actually say that to her because that couldn't possibly be the case since her daughter was perfect in every single way i have friends that is all i care to say really they are open-minded people open-minded well that's one way to put it but he's also implying that people who don't send him love notes and polaroids aren't very open-minded psychopaths are known to speak in mass generalities assuming the world is full of terrible people yes because they know they are terrible backstabbing people sometimes literally and because that's their lens and that's all they know they assume that everyone else is similar to them did you kill 13 people richard looks outside right when the interviewer asks him that possibly thinking he would much rather be out there continuing his crime spree instead of being locked up in a smelly prison cell so watch this it would be improper for me to comment on my alley convictions and on my pending case here in san francisco why because of my appeals are you appealing these because you say you're innocent you didn't kill 13 people purses his lips very tightly almost holding back a smile and looks outside the interview cell again which seems to indicate that he wants to take credit for his work while also wanting to continue his work out there so he says this that is correct yeah as you can tell there was a lot of apprehension intention when he denied it the nauseous look on his face when he said that throat pulsing and apprehension to say those words softly closing his eyes as if he's going to be taking a big step off of a tall building and when he finally finished saying those words his jaw is extremely tense with apprehension that is correct the amount of apprehension and tension he said that with was as if he was forced to disavow his religion that is correct and actually yeah he basically did at this point at least he seems willing to say whatever he has to say in hopes he can walk free and continue his crime spree let's keep watching you didn't kill 13 people again it would be improper for me to comment in any regard to that question instead of reaffirming his innocence like a truly innocent person would do he denies talking about it surely because it was too displeasing to say that again which was denying what he seems to be most proud of and possibly what he would surely call his greatest achievement you have now entered a very rare group of people in this country you're in the ranks of charlie manson now the interviewer starts to equate him to charlie manson same yes that's relative ted bundy now ted bundy but we haven't seen richard yet can you guess what his facial expression would be when the camera pans over to him you claim you didn't commit these murders yes a big stupid gleeful smile surely because he's taking that as the ultimate compliment for richard's sick mind it's similar to equating a baseball player to babe ruth or a basketball player to michael jordan richard is holding back his creepy smirk with his lips pursed disgustingly viewing what he did as a massive achievement in accomplishment nothing he never showed any remorse for what he had done he wanted to be known as the greatest serial killer that ever you know ever lived but you're right in there now as far as everybody else's serial killers do on a small scale what governments do on the large one now you hear richard interestingly defend himself for what he obviously did this may be a little bit of what's called an emotional landslide which is very typical of psychopaths they bottle down their emotions and then they suddenly explode they are a product of the times and these are bloodthirsty times he gives a strong aggressive stare when he says that indicating some of the anger he's feeling did you also hear that strong exhale to release the steam anger and rage he was feeling they are a product of the times right richard is clearly referring to himself here it's believed that psychopaths have emotions but they are just buried very very deep down because they view emotions as weakness these are bloodthirsty times even psychopaths have emotions if you dig deep enough so they avoid letting their emotions show however psychopaths are unable to understand others emotions and feelings hence a lack of empathy ever see a criminal cry when they're being sentenced while they were bottling up all their emotions sitting stone-faced during their trial but then again maybe they don't ah and then he says well maybe they don't because of what we just talked about psychopaths are very insecure showing their emotions here he immediately recognized he suggested having emotions even psychopaths have emotions if you dig deep enough so he quickly tried to create doubt in the viewer's mind that he has them but then again maybe they don't do you have emotions richard the interviewer caught on when richard seems to suggest that he has emotions even psychopaths have emotions if you dig deep enough but then again maybe they don't now notice what richard says do you have emotions richard no comment he looks away in thought gives a little smirk and says no comment which is quite interesting because he seems to want people to know that he has emotions maybe it has something to do with his appeals process to make himself appear less of a cold-blooded killer and hopes that he can get out of prison and surely continue his crime spree it's sometimes difficult to tell with psychopaths because they're extremely manipulative and malevolent tell me what kind of emotions you've got going through you right now good job on the interviewer's part in what's called a deliberate skip tell me what kind of emotions you got going through you right now assuming that richard does have emotions but it's very curious with what richard chooses to say here watch i'll tell you what i gave up on love and happiness a long time ago interesting when richard was pressed on what emotions he's feeling now proactively and defensively starts talking about love and happiness interesting right that that was top of mind for him because he could have talked about any emotion anger fear regret sorrow joy any emotion ever but he chooses love and happiness on love and happiness a long time ago why do you think was richard trying to manipulate the public into feeling bad for him or are those emotions top of mind for him if i had to guess i think it's a little bit both why i i don't care to explain that let the quote stand for itself yes richard is very uncomfortable talking about his motions in more detail because as we discuss psychopaths suppress their emotions since they believe it makes them appear weak people in this day and age are brainwashed and programmed like a computer at being nothing more than puppets this nation this country is founded in violence violent delights tend to have violent ends it's madness is something rare in individuals but in groups people in ages it is a rule killing is killing whether done for duty profit or fun men murdered themselves into this democracy richard is exhibiting many attributes of a psychopath here he creates a mass negative generality in a perverted way to assert his bogus innocence basically implying well the military kills people and the united states was founded in a bloody revolutionary war so why do they get away with it but i can't that's his perverted logic of when he said killings killing killing is killing whether done for dirty profit or fun he wasn't saying that because he's some pacifist he was saying that to excuse his crimes you're good at reading your script richard but you're not much in answering my direct question look how wide he smiles here with glee when the interviewer even just gives him stupid praise he has his horrible big grin and he's missing all these teeth he just stared at me like a killer clown you're good at reading your script richard psychopaths are extremely gullible to praise because it fuels their large ego and they're not very capable of determining authentic or worthy praise because their lack of empathy causes their blind spots to be massive a lot was made that you're a devil worshiper do you worship the devil have you ever studied satanism he starts to move around in his chair to readjust but as the interviewer asks him the question he pauses and starts to readjust again indicating discomfort with the question and then releases a massive exhale attempting to settle himself down this topic so far seems to make him feel anxious which based on what he said before verbally discussing being a satanist isn't going to be helping his desired appeals process because of my appeals now watch his eyes closely when he's asked if he's a devil worshiper and see if you notice anything odd there are different sects of satanism have you still just yes or no have you studied yes i have are you are you a worshiper of the devil did you catch it watch that part again are you a worshiper of the devil yeah that was a little creepy right when the interviewer says the word devil richard's eyes subconsciously widened the devil indicating an increase in interest when our eyes subconsciously widen when there aren't defensive body language clusters present is usually when we like what we just saw or heard and want to observe and absorb more the word devil is clearly something that attracts him remember body language is all about clusters context and situations which is why we don't rely on random head nod head shake look aways and nose touches no comment again he says no comment but right before he said that did you notice what he did no comment right he jutted his lips forward and then licked his lips in preparation indicating desire to talk about it and then at the last second pulls his lips in and says no comment this is something that he really wants to talk about but he's holding back in apprehension let's see if the interviewer notices his desire to talk about it come on richard i can tell you a little bit about satanism yes he gives richard one little nudge to speak on it come on richard and immediately richard goes off talking about it i can tell you a little bit about satanism that's right from richard's apprehensive body language that we just called out before no comment he really wanted to talk about this topic because keep in mind it's not every day that he gets to preach his bogus beliefs to a wide audience i can tell you a little bit about satanism well i'm interested in hearing what you got to say it is undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit it is power power without charity but satan is admits to being evil now here notices eyes again when he's asked about being evil do you admit to being evil richard we are all evil in some form or another are we not you could sense it there's evil in that man i'm asking you the questions my friend yes i am evil not a hundred percent but i am evil interesting right how he relents his power dynamic with the interviewer because apparently he's so distracted and talking about how evil he is evil has always existed perfect world most people seek she'll never come to pass and it's gonna get worse the great epochs of our life is when we gain the courage to re-baptize our evil qualities as being our best qualities yeah that's pretty creepy because he's apparently not talking about evil things we all do that would be characterized with this emoji he also seems to be massively contradicting himself which is very typical of a psychopath earlier he was talking about how it's terrible that he's in trouble for what he claims everyone else in society is doing which with his own logic should be characterized as evil however now he's talking about how evil is our best qualities psychopaths don't realize that they're contradicting themselves because their opinions are temporary and impulsive because they don't have very strongly rooted beliefs and values they just say anything that fits their needs for the moment now notice his power play here that's it thank you right he decides by himself to end the interview that's it the one who decides when the interview starts and ends is perceived as the most powerful in the interaction the psychopath always wants to be perceived as powerful in control and dominant outside the camera and richard not only ends the interview he also tells the cameraman when it's time to stop recording yes another power play we have additional richard ramirez footage from other interviews but we'll discuss that in a [ __ ] video on my more channel where we talk about body language on topics we cover on this channel and we also read some of your comments and react to them so if you're not already subscribed to my more channel you may want to do that so you don't miss out on those videos now in the comments have you ever met anyone who seemed to be a psychopath and what was that like let everyone know in the comments below if you are not already subscribed hit that subscribe button now because we don't want to miss out on new body language and investigative videos always seem to shake up youtube and i'll see you at the top [Music] you
Channel: Derek Van Schaik
Views: 60,216
Rating: 4.9277778 out of 5
Keywords: body language, dvs, richard ramirez, night stalker, psychopath, body language of a psychopath, body language of a liar, night stalker hunt for a serial killer, who was the night stalker, gil carrillo, chris watts, bailey sarian, richard ramirez interview, cecil hotel, hotel cecil, elisa lam, The Night Stalker : Richard Ramirez | Mystery & Makeup GRWM | Bailey Sarian, Death Row Interview With Night Stalker Richard Ramirez, Who Was Richard Ramirez? | Night Stalker | Netflix
Id: kMtepayDers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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