Your Proof Prince Andrew Is Guilty As Jeffrey Epstein's Co-Conspirator – Body Language Secrets

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Air bubble in a syringe? Fall down a flight of stairs? “Bad” mushroom with dinner? Deranged killer with a knife “breaks” into his flat? Once the Queen dies, this cat better get the F outta the UK....

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Incitatus99 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Time to focus on the other co accused.

(As well as holding this worm to account)

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/dc10kenji 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
does body-language prove Prince Andrew of England is guilty as a Jeffrey Epstein co-conspirator find out next [Music] welcome back to the channel shakers derek van Schaik here Prince Andrew the second son of Queen Elizabeth was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein Epstein had a dark and insatiable sexual appetite for young girls an obsession he shared with like-minded wealthy and powerful friends as you probably know Jeffrey Epstein masterminded an international child sex trafficking ring for himself and his rich well-connected friends which enabled his rich and influential friends to share in his perversion those accused of complicity in this scandal include His Royal Highness Prince Andrew it's understood Epstein died in prison whether it's officially a suicide or a homicide that's still being investigated the guards never checked on Epstein once in the eight hours between 10:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. when Epstein's body was discovered in his cell with a noose around his neck prosecutors say the guards appeared to be asleep for approximately two hours sat at their desks browsed the internet for furniture sales and moved around the common area he's shocked death raising suspicions he was a man who knew too much however now that Jeffrey Epstein is dead the focus has been redirected to EPS t's possible co-conspirators such as Prince Andrew of England to seek justice Epstein directed her to also have sex with a number of powerful men among them Britain's Prince Andrew he was an abuser he he was a participant Virginia says she was 17 when this photo was taken with the prints in Maxwell's London townhome next to the bathroom where she says he sexually abused her with pressure mounting on Prince Andrew he agreed to do this BBC interview in hopes of exonerating himself publicly and explained how he had no idea what Jeffrey Epstein was doing and claimed he did not at all participate in sex with underage girls so we're gonna piece together the evidence along with breaking down Prince Andrews body language during this shocking interview to reveal the truth now let's get started you were perceived by the public as being the party Prince I don't know why I've collected that title because I don't I I never have really partied flying creates stress and tension throughout the body so naturally that tension must be released and when it's released it's in the form of abnormal behavior for that person Prince Andrew lied however did you catch his nervous tension tick we'll keep going keep watching him closely and I'll point it out for you Prince Andrew he's painful Randy Andy that was a hit along the other way Quay it was claimed that he'd had sex with a thousand women and certainly going to Jefferies was not about partying absolutely not when Prince Andrew lies he tends to blink a lot and even close his eyes for an abnormal amount of time a drastically increased blink rate or closing his eyes for an extended amount of time allows him to subconsciously release the tension of lying that he's feeling throughout his body while also feeling like he's hiding when saying the falsehood polygraph lie-detector tests work in similar ways looking for increased tension and stress throughout the body above that person's baseline when certain questions are answered in addition to the eye blinking and closing he gives himself a self comforting hand massage to subconsciously soothe himself for telling the lie his foot tilts up indicating increased tension throughout his body for telling that lie he knows very well that visiting Epstein was not all about business but was very much about partying when I was staying in his houses in the United States there was no indication absolutely no indication all these people knew what was going on hairstylists I mean the list goes on I could keep going on and on and on drivers chauffeurs Butler's house maids it took all of these people turning a blind eye which they weren't blind to because we were right there blatantly in front of them they knew exactly what was going on Prince Andrew says he was unaware the sex trafficking but he spent days in Epstein's New York mansion where the sex trafficking was rampant you could not spend time there and not know what was going on and if there was you have to remember that at the time I was patron of the NSPCC s full-stop campaign so I knew what was what what the things were to look for but I never saw them now Prince sandy is leveraging his prior work with a child cruelty prevention organization in an attempt to support his bogus claim that he had no idea what was going on in Epstein's home do you stayed with him you were a visitor a guest on many occasions at his homes and nothing struck you as suspicious during that whole time notice as he's shaking his head no and say no more and more the nervous stress and tension from lying is surely building up inside of him which in part is causing his blink rate to increase drastically you've paid on his private plane yes Jeffrey's private plane dubbed the Lolita Express you've been to stay on his private island yes opulence is on display perfectly manicured beaches lined with palm trees surrounded by turquoise waters one accuser says she took part in an orgy on Epstein's private island in 2002 with approximately eight other young girls who appeared to be under the age of 18 you've stayed at his home in Palm Beach yes they were lured into Ebstein's Palm Beach mansion to give him sexually charged massages or sex in exchange for money you visited Gillan Maxwell's house in Belgrave here in London yes at the London home of mutual friend and philanthropist Ghislaine Maxwell Jeffrey Epstein met Prince Andrew in 2006 in May an arrest warrant was issued for Epstein for sexual assault of a minor yes in July he was invited to Windsor Castle - your daughter princess Beatrice's 18th birthday why would you do that because I was asked Gulen and his longtime associate ghilane Maxwell a British socialite who allegedly took part in recruiting girls for the billionaire Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts jew-free says Maxwell and Epstein ordered her to have sex with a number of powerful men healin participated in these acts with him as well he claims Epstein came to his party because he invited Epstein's girlfriend who is apparently a friend at university to come to the party and not Epstein directly but even if that's true he surely knew who she would bring does he really expect people to believe that this means that he really didn't want Epstein at his daughter's 18th birthday party so he came to that party knowing police were investigating him whether it was it police it I don't know at the time but I'm afraid you see this is the problem his response is ridiculous a truly innocent person would not be defending himself like Prince Andi is here where's the shock where's the horror that he put his own daughters friends daughters and family members in harm's way he would be sharing in the shock and horror that Epstein and his accomplice recruiter of underaged girls ghilane Maxwell went to his daughter's 18th birthday party where there were surely girls that he either wanted to recruit did recruit were even assaulted at that party Jeffrey Epstein was the master of manipulation luring poverty-stricken girls in with cash and feeding their dreams of a better life by the time the sexual abuse began many were too invested in his promises to get out why did you go back as a kid who had been through what I had been through my life already well this is what life is about if you were truly innocent he would be showing and expressing that horror and sorrow for not knowing about the accusations against Epstein sooner digging up dirt on not only the victims but also the lawyers the police everyone involved getting investigators to investigate the investigators everybody yeah did it work did he scare people away yeah it definitely worked sadly this is a man that's now dead and they're still afraid to come forward [Music] in 2008 he was convicted of soliciting and procuring a minor for prostitution they basically turned victims into prostitutes they abstain with an army of lawyers negotiated a slap on the wrist and slap in the face for victims sentenced to a mere 18 months in a Florida jail I know for a fact that the directive to shut it down came from the highest levels from DC he was jailed this is where Jeffrey Epstein served his sentence but really he only slept him if Epstein had been your average sex offender he would have automatically been denied work release but instead being Epstein he was allowed out seven days a week 12 hours a day driven by chauffeur to his downtown office where it's said he was attended to by two young victims he flew in from New York so for Jeffrey Epstein this prison sentence was pretty much business as usual this was your friend did you feel about it that's a really good question how Prince Andrew feels when his friend who went to his daughter's 18th birthday party was now a convicted sex offender his response will say a lot let's watch well I ceased contact with him after I was aware that he was under investigation and that was later on in in 2006 yes he defends defense defense she gave him the opportunity to tell us how shocked he was finding out his friend was a convicted sex offender but he just defends himself the whole time and I wasn't in touch with him again until 2010 maybe even reminisce an emotional conversation they've had with a loved one about how the person they've trusted was convicted of such a horrible crime but there was none of that from him he was just purely defending December 2010 you went to stay with him at his New York mansion soon after he was released and had returned to New York he was snapped strolling through Central Park with Prince Andrew why were you staying with a convicted sex offender right the UK public demanded to know why royal remained close with a convicted pedophile now I went there with the sole purpose of saying to him that because he had been convicted it wasn't inappropriate for us to be seen together that was the sole purpose he said the fact that he proactively included sole purpose raises suspicions that he could be covering up for the real reason he went to see epstein Prince and he supposedly hasn't spoken to Epstein in four years and he goes to visit him to break off our friendship does that make sense to you right we don't randomly visit people from great distances to break off friendships with people we haven't spoken to in over four years because this was serious and I felt that doing it over the telephone was the chickens way of doing it I had to go and see him and talk to him and we had an opportunity to go for a walk in the park because of what has happened I don't think it is appropriate that we should remain in contact there seems to be two possibilities here one Prince Andi was much closer to Epstein than he's claiming and to the main reason he wanted to see Epstein was for some other reason and not to break off her friendship and what other reason could that be let's keep watching but with all the attendant scrutiny on me then I don't think his is a wise thing to do Prince Andi is saying that because other people would look down on him for being friends with Epstein he shouldn't be friends with Epstein much different than saying I broke off our friendship because I didn't want to be friends with a convicted pedophile how many victims are out there I would say it's in the thousands Geoffrey needs to have sex at least seven times a day demanding at least three different girls a day to massage him in a perverted pyramid scheme Epstein would pay extra for his victims to find more girls for him the the beta what Epstein was convicted of wasn't personally a big deal to Prince Andy maybe because it wasn't all that shocking difference Andrew and maybe he even participated let's keep going I had to show leadership and I had to go and see him and I had to tell him that's it this video allegedly shows Prince Andrew at Epstein's Manhattan mansion waving goodbye to a young woman as he peers out the door the footage was purportedly shot in 2010 less than an hour after Epstein left the house with another young woman the prince even appears to check that no one was looking that was December of 2010 he threw a party to celebrate his release and you were invited as a guest of honor Oh in 2010 that there wasn't certainly wasn't a party to celebrate his release in December because it was a small dinner party there were only eight or ten of us I think that was if there was a party then I don't nothing about that you were invited to that dinner as a guest of honor does that sound like a friendship breakup to you he attended Epstein's party surely Prince Andy wasn't very upset with Epstein for being a convicted pedophile now in this next part listen to how Andrew slips tries to cover it up and then quickly move past it so he doesn't get caught well I was there so there was a dinner I think he was quite as you might put it but yeah okay I was there for I was there and did I yes she previously called it a party and then he says it wasn't quite as you might put it he was quite as you might put it indicating that he's admitting there was something that could be considered a party that night but quickly realizes what he just did and makes that odd stutter blinking twisted face to try and move past his slip-up and just call it a dinner I'm just trying to wear this out because you said he went to break up the relationship and yet you stayed at that New York mansion several days I'm wondering how good I was doing a number of other things while I was there but you were staying at the house it was convicted sex offender it was a convenient place to stay judgment was probably colored by my tendency to be too honorable video footage of Epstein accompanied by young girls and you were there staying in his house I never I mean if they were then I wasn't a party to any of that I never saw them a liar has a tall order they have to weave their fabrication into the known evidence and the unknown future evidence all the while coming across is truthful so they'll use less affirmatives and more wishy-washy language to give themselves more flexibility when future unknown evidence comes out another guest was Jon Brockman the literary agents now notice how wide Prince Andy's eyes got big wide eyes like that indicate intensive fear and surprise do you think an innocent person would be so fearful and surprised of merely hearing a name being brought up before he found out anything that person said about him he described seeing you there getting a foot massage from a young Russian woman did that happen no massive deception here eyes get glassy in fear that he's getting caught but there's no sign of confusion or anger that he's being wrongfully accused like we would expect of an innocent person you're absolutely sure you can't remember absolutely sure when he's asked if he's absolutely sure he starts with a congruent head nod but then quickly transitions it to an incongruent head shake which is in disagreement with his words which indicates possible deception he should be saying I'm absolutely sure not I'm absolutely sure I can't remember absolutely sure the in congruent head nod head shake is not always a sign of deception but should be used along with body language clusters or when someone's words are so strong and definitive that it's extremely odd that they're not being congruent as we're seeing right here so Jon Brooklyn's statement is false now if you were him but we're telling the truth and found out that some guy is spreading lies about you smearing you're a good name what would you say about that person now listen to what Prince Andy says I wouldn't I wouldn't I don't know mr. bruckman so I don't know what he's talking about instead of affirmative Lee and correctly saying yes he's lying Prince Andy says he doesn't know the guy and doesn't know what he's talking about ever hear a liar say that I don't know what you're talking about or what do you mean I thought definitely wasn't you getting a foot massage from a Russian girl in Jeffrey Epstein cells no oh my gosh this guy is too easy have you ever seen a liar look side to side in an attempt to imply confusion while pulling their eyebrows excessively close together and slowly denying the claim to overcompensate for the mimicking of sincerity girl and Jeffrey Epstein sighs he clearly has improved his lying abilities since he was 10 years old it might seem a funny way to break off a friendship afford a house party of sorts with a dinner did you worry that he had something that could compromise you know Eric Margolis has been behind these doors he was invited to one of Epstein's events in the early 90s what was the oddest thing was soon after we had arrived one of his people came up to me and said would you like a massage I was extremely the word honeytrap came into my authorities reportedly discovered video cameras and microphones inside Epstein's properties he used me as a form of blackmails so these people would owe him favors he wanted to always have something on someone just in case he needed it now that seems to be the real reason why he decided to visit Epstein in New York Prince Andy may have wanted to suck up to Epstein to make sure he doesn't expose him while also doing who-knows-what in Epstein's mansion do you agree at the whole friendship with Epstein now still not and the reason being is that that the the people that I met and the opportunities that I was given to learn either by him or because of him were actually very useful if the prints were innocent he wouldn't be ending knowing epstein prince andis connection to Epstein should be one of the greatest embarrassments of his entire life Epstein is one of the biggest gums that has ever walked this earth this is wherever Epstein was touching down he needed to have girls on constant call every place that he goes to he's already got people lined up and makers making that happen you have no doubt he was having sex with a 12 year old I was told by him that he was having sex with three 12 year olds and he's explaining how you learned and met people through Epstein there's no amount of learning or connections that can ever make that relationship a positive one unless maybe he's like minded with Epstein they're just two of the like mind you know they both love having sex with young women they both think that they can get away with everything that they're above society we're not when we weren't we weren't that close so therefore I mean yes I would go and stay in his house but that was because of his girlfriend not because of him another total bogus claim he initially said he saw Epstein to break off the friendship but now he's claiming the reason he stayed at the house was to see Epstein's girlfriend who lives at Epstein's house and yeah Jeffrey Epstein just happened to be there yeah totally bogus and not to mention that Epstein's girlfriend is a widely accused sex offender and is now wanted by the FBI Glenn Maxwell considered the most prominent and cruel I don't mean to sound sexist in any way shape or form but I expected it from a man but I didn't expect it from all over December of 2010 the only time you saw him after he was convicted did you see him or speak to him again 2010 was it working intensely and also closing his eyes at times while cutting her off to prevent hearing the question that would ignite even further stress in him and then telling us that it's funny which is even more convincing and not just conveying he seems to be lying there did appear to be other communications after he happened to be photographed with Epstein in 2010 I was a baby stuck in a world where grown-ups were allowed to do whatever they wanted and I was lost and well you traffic that not yeah I was trafficked to other billionaires I was trafficked to politicians professors even royalty it was the elite of the world it was the people who run the world it was the most powerful people in the world how many times were you trafficked to him three times one of Epstein's accusers Virginia Roberts has made allegations against you Gillan woke me up in the morning and said you're gonna meet a prince today I didn't know at that point that I was going to be trafficked to that Prince then we went to club [ __ ] and he danced with me and and he sweats a lot and he smells funny Elin tells me in the car that I have to do what I do for Jeffrey for Prince Andrew your response I have no recollection of ever meeting this lady none whatsoever increased blink rate which indicates the increased stress of what he just said and given the circumstances it seems to be the stress of lying do you remember her no no recollection of ever meeting her his blink rate is going through the roof this topic is causing him a lot of stress surely because he knows that one misstep with his version and he's sunk because these are criminal allegations against him personally much different than the questions earlier which were mostly about why he's friends with a pedophile I'm almost in fact I'm convinced that I was never in trust with her there are a number of things that are wrong with that story one of which is that is that I don't know where the bar isn't in tramps now Prince Andy goes on his bogus alibi spree however what he doesn't seem to understand is that if your alibis are bogus you wind up discrediting yourself I don't drink do you remember dancing at [ __ ] no that couldn't have happened because the date that there's being suggested I was at home with the children I was with the children and I'd taken Beatrice to a feature express in Woking why would you remember a Peter express birth because he already started with a little bit of a smile but watch what he does when he further explains his bogus claim going to Pizza Express in Woking is an unusual thing for me to do yes smiles widely with total all-out duping delight he can't even hold it together because he knows it's so bogus that this is his alibi now watch his next part and see if he can pick out any of his deceptive body language a very unusual thing for me to do I've never been I've only been to Woking a couple of times and I remember it weirdly distinctly but as soon as somebody reminded me of it I remember that did you pick up any of it the cluster of massively increased blink rate combined with his incongruent head shake indicates deception then did you notice how he said oh yes I remember that he changed his tonality and his mannerisms but as soon as somebody reminded me of it in a subconscious way to mask that he's the one who's saying the lie to feel less connected to the wrong of lying also at the end of it he closes his eyes for an extended amount of time which confirms his deception she described dancing with you I'm you profusely sweating it's a slight problem with with with with with the sweating because I have a peculiar medical condition which is that I don't sweat or I didn't sweat at the time and had suffered what I would describe as an overdose of adrenaline in the Falklands War when I was shot at it's completely bogus that prints and II couldn't sweat because of an overdose of adrenaline from what seems to be described as PTSD but here's the problem as you can imagine PTSD causes more sweating because of reliving a traumatic event it wouldn't cause less wedding doesn't really think people are buying that stupid claim and it's only because I have done a number of things in the recent past but I'm starting to be able to do that again so he's done a number of things that he doesn't tell us which has now allowed him to sweat again more closed eyes massive spikes in his blink rate in the recent past but I'm starting to be able to do that again definitely seems to be deceptive but when I hit play his deception is confirmed watch so I'm afraid to say that there's a medical condition that says that it didn't do it so therefore he's afraid to say we say that when there's bad news how is what he's touting to be a full exoneration how is that bad news clearly he doesn't truly believe anything he's saying is a true exoneration he just seems to be hoping that the public isn't as smart as he fears and then he talks about his bogus made-up medical condition as if it's a doctor's note to be excused from PE class there's a medical condition that says it it didn't do it so therefore my bogus medical condition that I made up on the spot says that it's impossible that I did it so stop accusing me of doing it what planet is this guy living on you must really think we're stupid no Andrew you're stupid for thinking that do you remember meeting her I told them I'm Sandra of course denies that this ever happened he denies that it ever happened but he knows the truth and I know the truth she provided a photo of the two of you together yes we naturally don't want to lie because we know it's wrong there's consequences and it's a lot of work to lie so we'll sometimes observe the liar taking breaks from lying whenever possible such as here your arm was around her waist yes if he were innocent he would not be agreeing to the thing she's listing off it would feel so wrong so unfair and so self-destructive to say yes to something that someone else is lying about but he's just going along with it not correcting her or setting their record straight at all you've seen the photo I've seen the first girl how do you explain that I can't because I don't I have no again I have absolutely no memory of that photograph ever being taken massive amounts of blinking closing his eyes nervous stuttering pulling his neck down in self-defense after saying it and also an asymmetric shoulder shrug which indicates a lack of confidence in what he just said he seems to remember that photo being taken you can't prove whether or not that photograph is faked or not because it is a photograph of a photograph of a photograph denies the allegations against him and he says that this photo is a fake that he was never there and that he's not he's armed and they're not his fingers those are his fingers that is Andrew this photo has been verified as an original and it's been since given to the FBI and they've never contested that it's a fake this is a real photo and that was the first time he met him and that's the very first time I met him and that's right before I was abused by him now listen to what he says in this next part and see if you recognize anything that seems odd I don't remember going upstairs in the house because that photograph is taken upstairs and I don't think I have a went upstairs in Glenn's house right how did Andrew know the photo was taken upstairs when he claims he doesn't remember ever going upstairs in her house it's definitely me that's a picture of me it's not a picture of I don't believe it's a picture of me in London because when I go out to when I go out in London I wear a suit and a tie so you think that photo has been faked nobody can prove whether or not that photograph has been doctored now Andrew talks about how it's difficult to prove it's real as if he's trying to create doubt in the mind of a jury but this is not beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law he's talking to the general public andrew has no reasonable explanation for how that's not him in that photo with Virginia well I take very very few photographs public displays of affection on not some things that that I do do you recall any kind of sexual contact with Virginia Roberts then not many other time none whatsoever you're not even acknowledged as being alive or there or important or or cared for or worried about in any way none of those human emotions were attached to to me when I was trafficked to Prince Andrew there wasn't one time that I was trafficked to any individual that I thought oh he's an okay guy I'm I was always disgusted that there are so many people involved she had sex with you three times she is not confused about this she said the fur was in London when she was traffic to you ii was at Epstein's mansion in New York there's a lot of spice hidden behind those walls it should be ripped down it should be burned to the ground some of my worst memories are from this place Epstein ordered her to have sex with some of his powerful friends including on three occasions Prince Andrew twice when she was just 17 on the day that she says that this had this occurred she they'd already left in to go to the island before I got back from Boston so it I don't think that could have happened at all no he doesn't think it could have happened at all if he were as innocent as he's claiming he would be much more direct and not wishy-washy around such a serious accusation after the encounter in London she says she had sex with him again at Epstein's New York mansion where she was seen in his company by this weakness Johanna shoberg another victim there was a witness there Janna Staubach routed by ghilane Maxwell under the guise of a legitimate assistant position but asked her to perform sexual massages who says that you did visit the house in that month I wasn't staying there I may have visited but I but but no definitely didn't definitely definitely no activity stuttering massive amounts of blinking closing of eyes what he's saying seems to make him feel very nervous and stressed given his circumstances all the indicators of feelings which translate into deception are observed are you saying you don't believe her she's lying if you felt someone out there was spreading terrible and disgusting false accusations about you would you be okay calling that person a liar now listen to what Prince Andy says that's a very difficult thing to answer because I'm not in a position to know what she's trying to achieve not in a position to know what she's trying to achieve what she's trying to achieve is not the issue the issue is that according to Prince Andy she's supposedly saying terrible false things about him and he can't call a liar for doing that it's because he seems to know she's not lying and he subconsciously avoiding calling her a liar because he knows who's the real liar if you haven't kept up with all of Prince Andrews bogus excuses and lies for why he's not guilty of what Virginia has accused him watch this I don't know where the bar is at tramps I don't think I've ever bought a drink in trance I don't drink I was at home with the children I'd taken Beatrice to Pizza Express Pizza Express in Woking is an unusual thing for me to do or ji-hoon the truth I didn't sweat at the time almost impossible for me to sweat it was a medical condition that says that added dirt so therefore I don't think I have a went upstairs because that photograph is taken upstairs I wear the suit and the time those are my traveling clothes I've never seen Epstein on the camera I take very very few photographs public displays of affection I'm not something that I do what is your message to her I don't have a message for her because I have to have a thick skin if somebody's going to make those sorts of allegations then I'm just gonna have a thick skin and get on with it but they never happened obviously lying you know the body language on him especially at this point in this video but what's interesting is no mentioning to tell her to stop spreading lies about him or anything it's not like he just decided to play the ignore the accusations card because he's doing this whole interview based on those serious accusations and he has nothing to say to those who he's claiming or spreading terrible lies about him again it's because he knows who's lying here would you be willing to testify or give a statement under oath if you were asked and I would have to take all the legal advice that there was before I was to do that sort of thing but if push came to shove and the leaked legal advice was to do so then I would be duty-bound did you say Prince and he put out so many caveats it's nearly impossible for him to ever testify under oath I wonder why he doesn't want to testify under oath they've asked for legal statement from you there is an act of FBI investigation now would you be willing to provide that again I'm bound by what my legal advice is legal advisors tell me but typical pushing the blame to his attorneys for why he won't testify but why wouldn't he testify under oath if he had nothing to hide and was innocent he would be able to set the record straight and correct his legacy if he were truly innocent but the accused are typically only advised to voluntarily testify under oath if they're actually truthful do I regret the fact that he has quite obviously conducted himself in a manner unbecoming for me yes he was a sex offender yeah I'm sorry I'm being polite the scary part in all of this is that we don't know how many more children Prince and he was involved with specifically from Epstein's international child sex trafficking ring Virginia may not have been the first and may not have been the last because it's very possible that other survivors just haven't come forward yet I think the nature of this kind of abuse means that your conditions to be silent to be isolated secretive and shameful you know it was a big big gain for him and we were the pieces of his game and you're like I'm just not gonna say anything because that's what he told me to do give this video a thumbs up if you think Prince Andrew is guilty give this video a thumbs down if you think Prince Andrew is not guilty now in the comments what should happen to Prince Andrew should a prince go to prison should he do hard labor let everyone know in the comments below he just may be a pretty exhausting country remember to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on new body language and investigative videos or 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Channel: undefined
Views: 506,824
Rating: 4.9106383 out of 5
Keywords: body language, body language of a liar, prince andrew, duke of york, jeffrey epstein, queen elizabeth, Ghislaine Maxwell, et, tmz, fox news, msnbc, cnn, donald trump, bill clinton, bbc, abc news, nbc news, prince charles, prince william, prince harry, cbs news, people tv, today, the sun, Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein FULL INTERVIEW - BBC Newsnight, 60 minutes australia, virginia roberts Giuffre
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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