Inside The Mind of Jake Paul

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WE still didn’t learn shit about why is mom is bat shit crazy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 467 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brennie_poo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"The things that you wanted teachers to teach you, in all honesty, it's not the teachers' job. It's the parents' job." Damn.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 597 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scarlet-begonia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jake seems to be focusing his blame on Alissa, which I get, but Logan's betrayal was so much worse. Why is Jake so afraid to be mad at his brother?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 283 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scarlet-begonia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wished they would have discussed Nick Crompton leaving team ten and asking him why he doesn’t talk to him anymore.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 194 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brennie_poo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow Shane telling Jake and Erika point blank that he knows majority of their 'drama' is petty shit over exaggerated for views is the realest he's been with them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 361 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/je_te_deteste_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I obviously don't know Jake Paul personally, and it pains me to say that I think he's just dumb. There are things that he just ..doesn't understand. He doesn't get that kids would really think they need the coolest new merch to be cool. Of course kids think like that, but he never had that experience as a kid so he can't relate so he doesn't get it.

He just comes off as less malicious and just kinda stupid to me. I feel like that's sort of obvious in how he has to take 6 minutes to say a sentence that makes sense.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 603 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sourgr4pes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m sorry I’m at β€œAlyssa wanted this to happen and she wanted to split me and my brother up”, how is it not CLEAR AS DAY that Logan is so incredibly shitty for doing that?! It takes two.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 387 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/meeshywii πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

anyway, six figures i was only four

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 376 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lavenderflutter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I honestly think it was smart of Shane to start things off by telling Jake and Erika how much he likes them. It's annoying to us as viewers, but I think it makes them lower their guards and be more willing to talk about stuff.

Edit: It was also smart of him to separate "Jake now" from "Jake a year ago" so that Jake would feel removed enough from the situation to be honest about it. Gotta hand it to Shane - he's good at making people feel comfortable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 360 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scarlet-begonia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] all right where do I start so I was in fourth grade and my dad gave Logan my camera start making videos on it thinking nothing of it you know just having fun doing it because that's what I love to do is just be silly and make people laugh high school came around started wrestling there's pretty much all I did it was wrestle training wrestle training wrestle blah blah and you know I don't really like school that much so we started making sure making videos for YouTube basically I realized that like this is what I truly loved you know wrestling was great but I didn't actually love it love it love it but this is what I really really love so that that's why I moved to Los Angeles and that's where I'm here now and I dropped out of high school finished my high school I'm nine I have my diploma moved to Los Angeles with my brother who's in that room right there I left all my friends in Ohio I left everything brought my clothes in a suitcase said goodbye to my mom she was crying as I left the airport flew to Los Angeles started pursuing the dream of being on television being on movies can't thank you guys enough because I am I'm living my dream honestly I hate to be like so emotional because of that not normally like this but it's I'm living a dream thanks to you guys and I'm I'm lucky you know I got so lucky whoever the first one to revine it was whoever the first one to like it I want to thank you and hopefully you're still watching today hopefully I didn't scare you off but yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh what's going on so Jake Paul and I crossed over here what I see there a car what card is right I see someone oh my god it's Eric across town Costa America Cosmo elephant - oh never concerned with the customers which is welcome to the team 30 house yeah yeah but I feel honestly this morning and I'll talk more about it but like I had a full mental breakdown Jake Paul and his family and his friends and everybody around him and everything I can't do this anymore what is this what the [ __ ] but I gotta have a phone wait three of them they're all lying to each other in lying to themselves we think Jake is bad he did this Erica's a fooi [ __ ] she's bad it's just all boo boo boo boo bah three you had three minutes mental breakdowns this morning yes sorry look at them real Jake and now I'm in the middle of back because I think I realize what all of this is about and like what we actually should talk about weird how about everything but I just had a moment they all left Rama they all look controversy they love it that is not for me I don't watch videos like that i watch MOOC bangs and like for me a mu pong is like so much more drama-free my field I'll explain later but I'm excited I'm [ __ ] already I'm [ __ ] Starbucks I'm [ __ ] great I'm Starbucks up same and like we're gonna let's [ __ ] do this [ __ ] do this let's flip and do that this is what we're gonna do it'll just be me and you for like so I guess what we should do is why are we here oh that's me Erica Krystal oh my god this is amazing well hangout them do something you know I don't kind of splurging you know he was living yeah wool officially officially like four months like super official but before that it was like a year just like we just never like wanted to make it like Facebook official yeah and like this is like during the time that like all like the [ __ ] like drama was going on I just didn't know who to trust ever yeah and so like insane which was just sad but you said for like the first year that you were like the idea of dating was nine no I I the first like two years that we were working in living together I had like a serious boyfriend and I couldn't you know like I couldn't like stand him because I was working for so you know what I mean like it was I think you know what I need that a great point no no like I didn't like you either no you know it actually builds a strong foundation now well thank you it's weird because like I never was like thought of her in that way never and then like one day like we spent so much time together to like for like two years like every single day for like one day like we woke up and like I was like damn she's hot yeah that was what do you think you're but let's work oh the butts up yeah I got my book listed you have like why doesn't it Yeah right and has nothing yeah I never drank on camera I mean I've never drank before does my audience it would be like I don't know actually I had one on my channel I don't really care yeah I think people like people don't beautiful but I don't do they do [Music] he just takes shots place your yeah just yeah everyone me that's like a solidarity thing they don't know we have to we have to yeah I'm really shaking for my coffee supposed to be good honesty not holding anything back I'm gonna get everything out there and just sang [ __ ] it Cheers yeah they're never good to you here let's talk yeah here done so here's kind of what I learned yesterday showed me a lot it showed me you as a real person it showed me your best relationship but after doing all the research and hearing all the different sides of the story hearing your gun designs and everybody's sides what I realized was I think the idea of choosing sides and being like oh you're the bathtub oh she's the bad guy she's the bad guy well this is the bad one all phases the bad one over Oh Jake's dababneh I think it all at the end of the day like doesn't even matter because when you look at it everybody is kind of on the same level on all sides it's like yes you know ELISA cheated on you and all of that stuff that we'll talk about what brother would [ __ ] their brothers ex that doesn't even make any sense no is that something I shouldn't bring up like what was his reaction oh no no I don't know if that is something you should know but then you could also say well but Jake probably did this so it's like balances each other I'm so annoying wanna take two it's like yes this person might have lied about this situation whatever it is Jake you're abusive and you physically abused Alyssa and on the other side of it it's like he's not like a physical abuser like use our America has things to she knows everything that I went through and like she's just super hypocritical everybody says that this I feel like it's just everybody has made their career based on controversy these views look I'm aside for the rest of this series I literally have no idea what it's about or where it's going and you've been very honest about like yeah I want to be famous I want to be on Twitter news I wanted to do all these things then it worked basically anything I do now gets picked up in the press all press is good press right but the side effect of that is it kind of puts everybody in the same place of like a mess yeah yeah and I have this weird feeling of like weep I like it and wait I really like Erica and like I feel like I could be friends with her but what does that mean am i am i dumb am i are people gonna be mad at me for that but it's like no because I like to Phase two when I met him I thought he was cool I think everybody has their [ __ ] that they've done it's not about making this person look bad or this person look good it's like this is your chance to just be like alright here's my side of it here's my opinion here's my story well I think I've been what I think about these things nobody can hate on you for just being honest do you know what I mean it's like nobody can he no matter as much as I love Jake yeah we don't talk like normal brothers do I think as much as we should our family's a bit bad kid if you couldn't tell this is what it is for Mike respect for me like that I think that was what that's why I kind of like never talked about that a lot of the controversies was because I told you yes I was like I just feel like it would just be like me ranting and like trying to defend myself and it wouldn't seem like real or authentic you know I mean and like people even if I was telling the truth like I just I don't know I just didn't feel right about like trying to like respond or like have my side of the story out there off camera we were talking about some things I like well if I talk about this thing then people are going to Sam lying or they're gonna bring up other things end up losing it they're gonna add on to it so it's like why you can talk about it what I want to do with this is be like right [ __ ] all that I want to go through everything but that's kind of the tone I want to set and also kind of be super honest you okay I woke up with the text from America which is like Erica hey so I've been thinking about the part where we talked about blink and even though it's all very true and honest I don't think it's my place to tell the whole world about it if Jake wants to talk about it tonight then you can use that footage I totally get where she's coming from and I'm like you know figure it I don't want it to come from him so I think there's a lot of fear from a lot of bleep right Michael I don't know if we should about certain things or I don't know I don't know I'm afraid of black male in this and that she reported this and I still out of these boys was like he has this I had to watch the security footage and there's like so much of that look that's the worst thing you could ever do literally to where I realized like Oh everything has kind of been done for abusing for fame and for crazy motives and beef and drama it's like everybody's kind of on the same page so where it's like everybody looks bad which because everybody's on the same page and it's like so if someone's to come out later but oh you lied about this it's like it's pretty when I got that text up home screenshots for days I [Music] was even looking at the assault thing and we'll talk about that later but I was looking at that and I was like you know what even that it's like the fact that that was a video that was titled huh but the video still up right now the fact that Erica you were on the news talking about it it was very much and I'm sure there's reasons for it but it was very much like capitalizing on something that isn't good result right it was very much like oh we're Twitter moment people are talking about it thing thank you for putting yourself out there from my blog and so I can get the views and subscribers yeah I need subscribers to write and the video has never been taken down I mean I didn't really lose much from and I blew the [ __ ] up from it to be honest so I think going into this with that mindset of like we're all on the [ __ ] same page sorry you had to get dragged into this kid's life and all this YouTube drama and craziness that goes down welcome to the vlog look there is a lot there's a lot of controversies and a lot of drama but I think the main thing people want is for change that actually talked about [ __ ] as a person not as a video not as you know and you can prh like just as a [ __ ] person and and just be like this is what happened it is what it is this is how I feel about it yeah and I think you have somebody right now that has your back and who also calls you on your [ __ ] and he'll also actually cares about you as a person that's general so I that's also why I wanted you here having somebody who can trust me and somebody you really really can trust from yeah yeah I know I mean I agree I'm I want to I want to like I just want my truths to be out there and yeah you're right it's like it's like like what Nick said it's super it is super complicated and there's like so much so so much you know like it is a lot of the situation's are super complicated yeah literally some of the answers to these questions can literally be like I just wanted a Twitter moment I was you know like if that's one of your answers [ __ ] own it because that's real and honest and if one of them is like super complicated but it all boils down to the fact that like you wanted money or power or you wanted to [ __ ] somebody over just [ __ ] to own it because of those people and the other side will do the same [ __ ] yeah you know I mean everybody's at that point I think you've changed you know I just met you I can tell I just feel that but Jake a year ago like that's who would yeah it's a lot of different yeah much different yeah [Music] [Laughter] just meaning you have a list I made a full a long list yeah everything right I swear it's me both right cool so the first thing that's very much I think is a Martinez twins they came out they made a video saying you believe them we use the clips of the videos you were destroying their room we were you know chaining them to things it's crazy because like the Martinez twins and all of us were like best friends I don't know like I think they're they're new manage like flip the switch inside their head just like turn them against us but like for them to say that I bully then like first of all those pranks on them are like fake like my vlogs are like it's like lightly scripted and so when I all those pranks I like tell them I'm gonna do it and then like they're like okay and then I do it good morning Martinez so for people to say like I was bullying them or for them to say that it's like we both would film videos all the time like tell each other that we were gonna like prank each other before we even did it you will let us know like the night before I came by the way I'm gonna like pretend waking up tomorrow with like a leaf blower these is pain its pain man now this is been wrong I think they just wanted to like capitalize on leaving team ten as much as possible the to gain like momentum that way sorry yeah I was excited everything okay do you think anything happened with you guys where you went too far with you they're saying something to that but Joanie so I'll get to them or something where it was like they felt okay about kind of leaving it [ __ ] me over I wish the Martinez oh my god they'd be like what the heck is that again do I want to play soccer I think a lot I think sometimes there was a language barrier when we would like be joking around like off-camera a lot like sometimes I would see them like get mad at me but I would always trying to fix it like you know what it is no it's a boss yeah Boston oh I'm actually probably that's good I like to make fun of you but you guys are actually good again I don't know why everything got so malicious with that like like I feel like we could still be friends till this day they did say that you were saying or sending like crazy offensive comments he will seem to us all the time because he was funny for that but even if you were yeah I think it's one of those things where it's like that and it sounds [ __ ] up but that's not surprising to me because you get you know there's like a thing flashing in the back so do you want take a second yeah yeah so you just break change lighting and stuff but also we were talking about camera this is another one those instances where it's like nervous to talk about this stuff on camera cuz it looks like we're putting blame on things so I'm just gonna say I thought you couldn't respond for me when I was a kid and I grew up in a household where there was no one I mean it was aggressive the jokes were crazy it was offensive and I'm not saying it's good I wouldn't raise my kids that way especially now but that's where I came from right so when I started YouTube and I started saying jokes and I started saying things with my friends and stuff I didn't know it was too far I didn't know where the line was and I quickly realized and it kind of [ __ ] my life basically I'm assuming yeah like our friend group is very much like kind of that same where like the way we were raised like it was hello I'm cooking my lies we got to comply wife crazy like there was like no line like very like high school locker room type like vibes like you can say anything people are saying the most messed up things and that's like how I was raised and like I think the Martinez twins like I said came into that environment where it was like me my best friend Anthony my best friend chance anything was a joke to us we talk about each other's moms we talk about sisters like we dis each other like boys boys and girls and anything that people said about me or like my family like it was all just jokes and like that was best friends like that was like our comedy and so I think like when we would say jokes to like the Martinez twins say Donald Trump I think the time they thought it was funny but then maybe looking back on it they were like oh that he they were like being racist or like can you give me a specific example of what went down with that literally we would greet each other like the Martinez turns walk into the house I can if we're all saying they'd be like what's up crackers and like they'd like call us like stupid like white people and like they call us like stupid Americans really put what up [ __ ] like we were just like give it back like bros bean bros and when they left I think they'd like to use that against us beaten like how he's joking out about that like he can talk about that to be like oh yeah they called us like this and that when like that was the culture you know in that house very good and they did it to us to like there with everyone were just like joke around do you think that experience made you change a little bit because I didn't notice any of that granted I was there there's a camera or whatever but did that experience be like oh there is this line a hundred percent like how like those words rewardin even like come out of my mouth because I'm till this day like I'd be scared like someone just even saying that I said something bad you have to find out where that line is like like I said like growing up my parents were mainly my dad like there was no line with jokes or anything and I definitely learn from that situation like not everyone's gonna joke around the same way and even if they are joking around they might not actually be okay with like I know it's hard because you don't want to blame family you don't want to blame whatever but also the truth of it is like everything you are all of it is really rooted in how you were raised in your childhood like it's so obvious to me some of these things that you had no control when you were a kid it's like you're going house to house to house to house back to mom back to that back mug like that your dad doesn't really have a line he's like offensive and whatever it's like I'm tired is that sexy is that sexy so sexy it does all kind of make sense when you look at it that way hey will you take a picture of me I'm not kissing you so yeah talking about because I didn't want to cross the line family into it but I have to know yeah like Cass yeah with a lot of it you know like is there anything else you want to say about them for him alone I mean I mean and by the way it's okay to be mad at them right I'm not telling you to stay here and be like this one be like I am I am it's like yeah I literally took them from like I when visited them in their hometown in Spain and I got there and like got to their house they couldn't even speak English at the time no no so did he get out Dana and I was staying at their apartment just so I could meet them and potentially sign them to team ten their mom barely had any money like it was like a bad area and like I took them out of there like I saw potential in them brought them to the United States literally taught them like how to speak English Jesus station right yeah yeah see how like normally you'd say there is castle there is a castle bro this one I'm actually like I'm the best Oh gave them a place to stay and then like they go and say that I believe then like and was racist like went on I was like the first person that they would ever even like feel comfortable to speak English with like I wouldn't do that man we love you you're my be another way these are the fake ones that that's why I'm mad about it because was that a tear oh oh really looks good emoney my to me a mine it's like I loved them I was like little brothers and like it was more than just like me helping them get followers yeah I think that's why pisses me off because like one day then all something like forget all of that and try to bash my name it will successfully bash my name yeah yeah and I'm sorry dick I'm so sorry because of these okay so another reason that everybody actually know what something I haven't actually asked you why do you think people hate you or instantly don't like you I think there's a lot of reasons a lot of my fans like skew younger so I think like the older generation watches my videos they don't like my videos I think like they're just like garbage and like fringy and all that stuff she's gonna break the world record for most dabs in a minute let's go to like I have gotten into a lot of [ __ ] that would make people be like this kids a jackass like staying on top of the news van like at the time I watched the video back and like I thought it was the funniest thing in the world I still think it is like because that's like my personality but like watching that from like an outside perspective like detaching myself from it like I look like a [ __ ] douche bag I guess he didn't like my shoes but I don't think they're so bad like look like that was terrible but I think the people that like know me and like the fans were like that that was hilarious I think I come off like with like a cocky vibe as well and like nobody nobody likes anyone who's cocky with its every day bro song I'm literally like just bragging and like talking [ __ ] the whole entire time for people who didn't know me and that was like their first impression of me they're like wow this kid sucks at rapping and he's just bragging about dumb [ __ ] yeah as like the list of controversies piles up and they're just began to become this like bandwagon of like [ __ ] Jay Paul and once that momentum like goes it's hard to do anything to reverse that and like everything little thing that you do from that out amplifies whatever one thought anyways yeah and I mean I have done like [ __ ] that's not okay it's like makes sense I'm like people don't like me what I'm curious about is there's things you've done that you know or matter are okay but I think you might have a hard time seeing it from the other perspective for example looking at it from the neighbors perspectives like that's a [ __ ] nightmare right looking at it from my perspective if I live next door to that I would like nah no I would not [ __ ] with you I would be like this sucks [ __ ] this guy this imagine like all these people on the street all the time news all this [ __ ] so I was seeing that side of it I don't know what even to this day you really like see that side what do you what are your thoughts on no I get I get it the neighbor situation again like it was it just spiraled out of control everyone was just stuck everyone was just like stuck I was stuck with them being my neighbors the neighbors couldn't go anywhere because that was their houses and like there was fans outside all the time I was stuck in that house I was trapped inside but I had to keep on like making videos on a day-to-day basis and it just was a situation I like kept on getting worse and worse I think where everyone needed to do better it was like just having like all the neighbors that communicate no one ever communicated with to me their problems it was always like oh let me go talk to the news station or let me go talk to like the paparazzi but no the neighbors never said Jake like can you not do this can you not do that and honestly like a lot of the blame was like on me but I didn't tell fans to come to my house which everyone thinks I did how did have you ever talked about the how the I Scott leaves because I don't know so I don't think it's out being talked about one of the employees was trying to get team ten set up on some Google account he put an address in and it was the actual address of the house not like the accountants office or anything like that he didn't know it was an unfortunate situation then when you type in team ten the house address came up for what reason I don't know like they just started showing up and it became like a thing for people to come to our house told you guys not to my house apparently you guys don't listen I say not to come to my house now everyone's gonna show up great the rumor was you guys obviously leaked the address and true this one of the employees [ __ ] up and like it was too late this sucks yeah but the whole world thinks that we wanted to make a spectacle of ourselves or Jake wanted to make a spectacle itself and it wasn't the case that's all it was awful and I tried talking to there was like one neighbor who was like mainly pissed and I talked to him like in person I was like yo like how can I make this situation better we tell fans not to come we have our own security 24/7 to kick fans away from our house I can't even walk out of my house without paparazzi I hated it too like I felt like a prisoner in my own house do you see what's so crazy we have to deal with people saltiness what are we done to anybody like we're just trying to make videos that make people laugh although really the only solution was for us to leave which we try to do is fast as possible and when we did leave that solved it you know yeah but I get why the neighbors hated me like I really do obviously like though the fire thing we didn't know it was gonna turn into like that big of a [ __ ] thing but we thought it was just gonna like light a little thing on fire and obviously like it up roared and like there's no excuse for it we're just being dumb asses and making money from it it was at the height like no youtuber had ever like blown up that fast sounds like I'm not gonna stop not gonna stop yeah doing my job because my neighbors are pissed to be honest so yeah and did you feel almost like oh I'm getting attention it doesn't matter that people are mad at me it doesn't matter that I'm [ __ ] out people's days [ __ ] up the neighbors lives because I mean it all this attention and then when the neighbors say like [ __ ] Jake Paul you're a very vengeful person you like revenge so you're like that neighbor I'm gonna do it bigger I'm gonna fun get in err more I'm gonna do a list of crazy [ __ ] and then it's like the consequences you are now hated by a lot of people you got all the attention but you also know people don't like you yeah yeah I don't know if I like love that specific attention though they would like the neighbors like I didn't like beefing with them you know mmm like we would have to be next to each other you know we had to see each other all the time yeah I think the other thing is like the recklessness right for example this is a personal thing I've never talked about it but one of my friends who's pregnant was walking across the parking lot and you were driving and all your friends were in the car and I don't think you're even vlogging but you guys were just being crazy in a parking lot I mean like almost hit her and she called me and she was freaking out she's pissed and she she works in the internet world and she was like that [ __ ] Jake Paul kid literally almost [ __ ] killed me my baby I'm so [ __ ] pissed like what do I do like I don't like I'm so [ __ ] pissed right now and I was just like whoa so I think it's one of those things where I don't think you would do that stuff now from what I saw yesterday but why do you think you were doing stuff like that at that time I think genuinely like we were just having the time of our lives like when I was a kid like I would do like stupid [ __ ] for fun Oh like you're going TP someone's house go egg someone's house go dingdong ditching get in trouble mess with people in public like that's what we did for fun all right wait do you know your spongebob is he's my friend will you help me get him out please I think I carried that a lot and a lot of my videos please report to are you are you dick Paul she is not a Jake Paula but I was like growing like crazy and like making a ton of money off of a dyke I was just having fun and like doing whatever I wanted and like that was like the momentum behind like my channel was like kind of like rebellious and like no one's ever done this crazy type of [ __ ] before and like this is new and I think that's why I grew so fast is because people will just be watching and be like this is out of control but it's like so entertaining and like this kid will do anything and as I got more views and more money like sight like without him like psychologically like within the back of your head without even thinking about it like I wasn't like hey I'm gonna go do this and make more money like in the back of your head you're like let's just keep on going and like creating content we'll do whatever we want for content I don't care what the consequences are I think that's something that I learned is like for every action there's a consequence and I know that now but like I don't think I realized that in like the height of my like vlogging days I just would act and not really care what the result was you and yeah I was dumb I mean I think even just hearing you say that I'm being like listen I didn't go [ __ ] having fun with my friends getting views that at the moment meant more to me then you know I wasn't [ __ ] thinking about others I was thinking about myself you know yeah I probably thought yesterday I think I mean you were literally driving under the speed limit filming it you were like pretty cautious you know so I don't know do you feel that way like you kind of you're kind of done with Matt for sure no yeah like 1,000% I had to I had like I didn't realize like what I was doing you know until after the fact did your parents ever step in and say like when things were getting really crazy or when you were doing things that are like whoa did your parents are stuck gonna be like don't do that why are you doing that I don't think my parents saying anything would have like stopped anything though to be honest yeah and I think they might have known that who knows what yeah so this is something that's like a lot but there's a video right now that a lot of people are talking about from a channel called endurance City he is intensely aided by most other creators now no you said Allah that your audiences between 8 and 16 you know that they're young so here's what people are saying and what the video said you're constantly promoting your merch like a lot out of a 13 minute and fifty second video nearly seven minutes of that time is devoted to advertising products excessively you have emerged store in your house was I it's like merch is very much like always always a part of every video like 50% of it all about bata much you've made jokes and said like hey kids tell your parents to buy my merch tell your parents I want this verse whatever go tell your mama she gotta buy it oh yeah you had kids join team 10 you had like mini Jake [ __ ] you very much created a world of like something that kids want to watch they're tearing to children my little dude here's rockin the merger chomp turn them around that's what I'm talking about did you have the underwear on to even tagging your videos but also tagging them like sexy girls which is a little weird so people basically think that you're a manipulating kids watching to spend their money on here to buy your merch alright Ben we need to sell some March you know you're cute so they'll buy the March if you wear it I need you to put this on and go in front of the camera okay so I'm curious like what your reaction is when people say that's like um I think I'm saying it's [ __ ] stupid that people think that's manipulative yeah I mean I don't even see I don't see a problem with it at all like I just because my fans are younger does that mean I'm manipulating them like merch playing in bio we got scum I don't think a kid would actually believe that and be like wow not cool if I don't have this and like hey mom like I need this to be cool will you buy this for me a big part of my content is like to make someone's day so that's why I'm working every single day is so I can inspire you or make your day better just so that you can take over the world one day and to me like that's what the merchandise is about like in a way is like it's being a part of that community and like wearing something that like actually means something and like reminds you of something that reminds you of being positive or reminds you of of being happy and I know like I promote the show I March like crazy probably maybe sometimes too much but for people that say that I'm like trying to manipulate younger kids is it's like it's ridiculous I so you spoke your truth on that and I think we should respect that psychologically what it looks like to me when I watched that video I agreed with what he was saying younger viewers are unlikely to understand the difference between advertising and entertainment but I agreed with it because I'm a third year old guy who just get that right there's some legitimate brainwashing going on it's very predatory on these kids you and I don't but I don't know if you know let's right or wrong with a lot of things and I think you are kind of emotionally and in other ways stunted as a kid and and you show that in a lot of ways with like the crazy things you're doing in like just the house and the Legos in the wall and like always wanting friends around and always wanting like attention and always like doing these crazy things okay buying these crazy toys you know it's very much like once again I think you're very smart I'm not saying you're stupid but I don't think you are this evil genius huling knows how to manipulate kids so I agree I think you're purposely doing that but I don't think you know why it is wrong like for example you made that song my teachers right which pissed off a lot of people now in your head you're still thinking yes like I didn't like school I still don't you're still thinking as a kid and you're still thinking teachers suck [ __ ] teachers are mean to me yeah I [ __ ] hate teachers right my last day of school I said goodbye most kids were still talking smack and a teacher even asked me what are you gonna do when social media dies on my way out I just smiled and waved they didn't understand the vision because that's how I feel but people who might not be a little bit stunted see that is like why the [ __ ] would you say that other teachers is crazy right mr. Paul what's the answer why don't you tell us some [ __ ] that we're actually gonna use in our real lives so I think it's one of the things where for example you're watching a TV show you're a kid right say you're watching like spongebob if spongebob every 10 seconds like buy my merch Marge what like look at all this much then you can buy a hop always blog huh always write and was saying things like teachers are stupid and would have videos with like you know a couple crazy sexual moments for a couple crazy things going on hey nice but Alyssa yeah you know as a parent you'd be like well you'd be like wait what the [ __ ] why spongebob trying to sell my kid [ __ ] but isn't there like commercials in between spongebob yeah but it's not sponsored you're the one that the kid trusts and loves and looks up to and wants to be so having you tell them to buy things and tell them the teacher suck is gonna affect them and I don't even think you're doing it on purpose I don't think you're manipulating on purpose I just think that's one of the consequences of the internet is people having a platform and having millions of people watch who might not [ __ ] know that that's not the best thing to do because I don't think anybody around you is like we shouldn't do that so like why will you stop yeah yeah I mean I think that's again just like people finding a reason to be like [ __ ] Jake ball it's not a [ __ ] Jake Paul thing it's a what I want my kids watching that dance it's like is it right to constantly tell if it's to buy it's there it's not I'm telling you to change it or telling me to stop promoting a returnee of that I'm just telling you where those people are coming from when they say that because I'm not a [ __ ] mall nurse at all but I also see like yeah writing a song about [ __ ] teachers is like not cool but I didn't do that I basically made a song like nothing my teachers taught me in school do I utilize in my day-to-day life at least from my experience like they were like Jake you're never gonna become [ __ ] Jake what are you gonna do in mind I was like Jake like you have to learn how to speak this in French but like why would like like could you and your teacher didn't get long or something go figure anyway so he called me yesterday and he's the principal at the high school now and he wondered if maybe you would be interested in speaking at the commencement him I think a lot of kids did relate to that song and like I relate to that song and like I wish my teachers did teach me I know but you can pull up in your rolls-royce get your lime actually so down you know what I'm totally kidding you teachers teach subjects right English math whatever all those things what you do use in everyday life so to say you don't use any of it it's like not true so the things that you wanted teachers to teach you but you think they didn't teach you in a lot of Seir things that it's not the teachers job it's parents job and because I'm gonna make its part to call my parents yeah yeah like the teacher shouldn't have to tell you not to blow up your backyard the teacher shouldn't have to tell you not to promote merch to kids that's all things that happen and you know and that's the truth of that yeah I just don't know who's around being like don't know sup who wants blood dad to cancer [Applause] the only advice I'd give on that is like I think one forward you might need to have somebody that you hire or somebody around you to be like hey no that's gonna get twisted don't post that or hey let's not really shoot that music video hey that's a little too far because that's what they have on TV they have standards of practice to have that kind of stuff and we want you to feel so that will save you and a lot of [ __ ] you've seen before on YouTube like we wish there would have been somebody around saying you um that I agree I mean they could be it's definitely useful I think it's hard to be like I mean I'd rather have like you do it Jake some of your video and you prove it um no that's really funny but also I like it's a lock right which means you need responsive responsibility it's expired but I don't want to become like so like squeaky clean that it's like not fun anymore does that make sense yeah and I think you can still be crazy you can still do crazy things but I think you don't know what the line is here's the thing I don't think you're a minute Billy I don't think you know I don't think you're trying hi all there's nothing about that just bothers me that like people would even try to make that connection like I'm trying to manipulate an eight-year-old kid to buy my [ __ ] like when I was 12 years old me and my brother had a YouTube channel we like made our own merch pretty nice high quality so it's up to you if you want to buy a teacher like that it's pretty nice actually I'm gonna give those ones to my cousin's she was like I've been doing that [ __ ] my whole life so like for people trying to say like I'm just doing it to manipulate and trying to make money out for kids like shut up that's how I feel about it which like that doesn't even mean honest yeah no the teacher thing I get the teacher thing is like yeah I probably should have done that but I didn't like yeah okay okay this thing is a big one and it's something that we talked about a lot when we were filming yesterday and it also to me kind of explains a lot one of the first big situations that happened that kind of made everybody not like you was Elissa violet your ex-girlfriend I'm supposed to I just well fine she said she got kicked out she was mad Oh long video about it she showed snapshots of all your stuff like in boxes and I even remember when I saw that was that whoa I was like this is [ __ ] crazy like what is this and that was very much like with one of the first things I just heard about you yeah so there's a lot to that story I don't know how much you want to go into but I think you I think should also I talked to keemstar about it because I know he's friends with her and her boyfriend and stuff and he said something I did which is like it's kind of necessary because it is it explains a lot yeah so I rather he wants start it's hard it's hard for me too it's hard for me to talk about for many reasons and like one of them is like I don't wanna like start [ __ ] again just goes like I'm so I hate that job but now like it's like so overplay it and like like you I've met with banks a person and like we've both said out loud like if it weren't for the situation like we would probably be homies but where do I start what is your fear if I'm talking my fear with we're talking about it is like it's such like a sticky situation and like if I talk about it like it's just gonna like bring up all the [ __ ] again and like and a lot of the reason why I didn't talk about the situation or like my side of the situation is like to defend my brother I think that's that's why but I I know the fear of like oh if I talk about this then maybe you'll start another beef in a battle from what I heard they don't want that I think they're wanted to move on and I think they probably are gonna understand like that this is necessary to talk about and also this is something that is kind of public knowledge it's like there's been news stories about in stuff he tweeted something and then deleted it when I found this out I was like whoa how is Jake not more [ __ ] up like it was crazy right and I know that there's ten sides of her story but like just oh yeah yeah so so I guess like backtrack like Alyssa and I always like really liked each other we were always like dating but like not really like we're we think yes we were think that one day we're not one day we were it was a very like rocky like sort of relationship I wasn't at the time mature enough to know [Music] like how to be a boyfriend we would always like it into into arguments and like and be fighting and like go through like ups and downs like everyone would kind of everyone would see it around us basically I did something that she I think it was like I did like a bunch of things that I pissed her off and like she wanted to get revenge I guess is the word it was a combination of things like I didn't like again like it was just me like not knowing how to treat her like me just being like mean towards her or like saying things an argument that like would piss her off even business things because she was like a part of team 10 when we would when we would like not be dating like I would go and talk to other girl like and yes she would go talk to other guys but I think everything just like added up and it was like this like really bad situation I think like if someone sat down and talked to her to like today she would say like it was just a terrible like it was a terrible situation like we're living together we're doing business together we were dating we weren't dating I was like her like manager basically like it was just a terrible situation and like I think she would say the same thing till this day but we would always do [ __ ] to piss each other off and I don't even like I don't like I just never said it before like basically she came up with a plan in her head that like she wanted to make me feel the way that or she wanted me to feel the way that she felt and she thought that I like hurt her so much and she wanted me to feel that same pain and so I think out of spite she began a relationship with my brother behind my back like without without me knowing about it and it was it was like I was a sexual relationship and it was while we were dating while we were on while we were off in the back of her head I think like I know actually that she wanted me to find out and and that was like her way of like hurting me in the Guinea revenge for the way that I hurt her like and so so I I'm literally like sitting in like on the couch like this one night and my friend comes up to me there's like a man like I've been kind of like putting clues together but like someone needs to tell you and like Nick was standing right there and and the person who's telling me and I was like hey what's going on and he was just like ELISA and your brother have been having sex and uh I didn't like I don't even know what I did like my mind was going like a million miles per hour and it kind of like immediately like without asking him why he thought that or like what the clues were how they found that out I was like yeah like that makes it like it all makes sense now like I could totally see that and I was shocked I didn't know how to react I I think I like I was like heartbroken for many reasons I was like how could like like wow my brother do this it was like one of my first thoughts and we're I think like yes like in our fucked-up relationship like we did a lot of messed-up things to hurt each other but like that to me was like just like that was it for me I was like I don't I can't I don't want to look at this girl I don't I can't believe this like I don't even really want to like talk to her and so I stayed silent for like three days and and I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I never liked going more detail really I listen I'm I and I want to hear the rest but I also don't want this to look like work I don't want this to be like a [ __ ] Lissa you know thing where we're throwing under the bus whatever and I do two things to hurt her too but I do want to say from an outside perspective my brain can't process sorry my brain can't process this in your brother do doing that so I think that was like the the reaction that you're having right now I was like what happened to me like I just like I sat there for like three hours like silently I don't know I couldn't process it either like I was I had so many questions like I wanted to like punch my brother in the face but again it's like it's not like as much as like as much as the situation is messed up like it's not throwing Alyssa under the bus it's not throwing like my brother under the bus like you this is something that I don't think that many people in the world have gone through and nobody really would know how to process this and also just because you're Jake Paul and people hate you and you've done whatever [ __ ] like it doesn't mean that you're not allowed to [ __ ] process this and talk about it and figure it out because like what that is no matter what bad stuff you did you're allowed to feel like that was probably one of the most [ __ ] up things ever because it is yeah okay like and I know I just met you and but like what I heard that I I don't understand and also I it's not something a human you can understand okay so like and I hate that you're like afraid to even process it because you're afraid of like drama or what this isn't drama this isn't like a keemstar video this is like real [ __ ] shiz real life this is your brother so take away the fear of what people are gonna say or analyze and I'd actually want to know what's in your head and did you talk to your brother did you get over this / are you not over this no I'm I'm over it I I like don't like to like me as a person like I don't want to like hold grudges against people Alissa wanted me to find out about it and she wanted me to have the reaction that I did and that was like her way of like hurting me and I think she wanted to like try it like to split Logan and I up and if I just like to let this let that like it gave me so many trust issues yeah but for me it I was like if I just let this like manipulate my life then like I'm giving her like what she wanted like she if I let this like affect me and like ruin my life and I just like become depressed and like sad about it like that then she won and that's why like I had to like fight against it and like for my brother I think that's where I was more disappointed and I I talked to him and that took me a lot longer it's for me to forgive him he's not here to defend himself or whatever now I'm not throwing him under the bus but I just want to know like what how do you even have a conversation like that yeah Hugh he basically said I did he is his thing was like oh I didn't think that you guys were actually like a thing and that like you guys were like actually dating that was like his excuse I guess and then yeah I mean is that I think the reason that people want to hear you talk about this the reason from me is because the fact that you maybe didn't fully talk about it like this well that's what like he's like confusing because it is a life ruining event I think what when it for some reason like I just wanted like I think my initial thing for not talking about it was like trying to defend my brother because I thought I was gonna make him look like really bad I regret not talking about it and like telling the truth about it before but then like I just stayed silent and like who tweeted and then you deleted it was it just like oh my I was like super impulsive like I was like so angry cuz like I don't like her fans were like tweeting me like I tweeted something random and they were like yo you shut up like you piece of [ __ ] like you kick girls like out onto the street and I was just like no like I figure what the tweet said but I mean what what I heard that one down was you know you found this out and then she kept living there right she didn't want to leave yeah so I was there for a while so I after I found out I confronted her about it and when I confronted her about it she like admitted to it but then I was like you live in my house I just don't want to be around you like I'm so hurt by this if you could have like move out and like find a place to stay in the next 30 days that'd be better for both of us like just take 30 days and find somewhere else to stay like I just don't want to like be around you like I was so messed up by this like a but then after after 30 days she's still didn't move out and then another day went by another day went by another day went by and then all sudden it was like 40 days and she just was like refusing to leave and so I basically told I was like I can't have this anymore and she just got done like taunting me about it actually and like like for that like 40 day period like we wouldn't talk and like every like once in a while she'd like like walk into the house and like say something about like Logan or something like out loud so that like I could hear it just like malicious things and so I after like 40 days I was just like this is it like I can't do this anymore and I called the moving truck and like told her that she had to be out and that's where he started to see the snapchats and like all that stuff and I knew very well like she had places to stay like I gave her places dad told her like yo I like I can I'll get you everything and be like whatever you need to do like I just can't have you living in my house like I was gonna like go insane cuz every time I saw her I just pictured like then together but I like I've got forgive her honestly and I feel like I forgive I forgave my brother like a lot sooner it took me a while and like I don't think she like she or banks like I haven't haven't told that to them but like I forgive her and like I also like apologized to her because like it was just such a bad situation like we drove each other like mad is there something that happened with you guys that in her head justified her doing that I remember her when I confront her about it our justification was like she said to me like you made me do this and I think it was because like when we were on and off for a year and a half I would go and be with other girls and she would go and be with other guys but I think the fact that I would go be with other girls like always lived with her and it's what she means by like you made like you made me do this like you brought like I brought her so much pain as it was why I like I and I know I did like I wasn't like no one in the situation is innocent yeah you know what I mean but you I I don't want you to feel like you have to forget it and move on so fast and because like you have every right to take your time with that I feel bad because that is like I don't even know how you can be in the way in the same room as your brother at least not for a long time and worse like that if you look at it like like I'm going to say something and we can cut it but I I feel like you care a lot about your brother it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that you and your brother went through some [ __ ] I understand not wanting to lose him and lose that relationship and like I my god I literally don't even know and it's so I hope my brain is processing it I don't want to feel like I have to like it's like it's like a weird situation where it's like you don't want to piss anybody off but also like this was a catalyst for so many things like everybody thinks you kicked her out and it was this and that but cut to her with your brother and also you don't really have that many people around you that you probably can trust and he's your brother and now you can't even trust your own brother but like he's your family so what the [ __ ] do you do like this is all stuff that I wanted to talk to you about because I didn't know what the [ __ ] to do I was like it was the most alone I ever felt in my life and like I felt like I lost everything cuz I did care about her a lot and then like it was just like that's out of my life and then like my parents didn't even know what to do my parents like tried talking to Logan and like they were pissed at him and and then I talked to him about it and like it didn't really make me feel better about the situation but like I just had to like swallow the bullet I think what what hurt the most was like when months after they like made out on his like diss track thing that he made against me see this is like why I'm so confused by everything because when I see you know thumbnails right on YouTube like Oh reacting to my brother react or kissing them you know Jake's girlfriend or whatever I assume it's fake I assume it was real that to me is crazy and also explains a lot yeah because how the [ __ ] did you how are you even okay now I honestly keeping it real I don't think you are that situation I don't know is I definitely like changed a lot for me like yeah here's the thing once again not to throw a Logan on the bus but I think your brother has no history of not knowing where the line is for some things that in his head was content its views it's this it's that it's a music video like I think there's like an emotional detachment where it's like oh but it's views and it's drama and it's this and it's that right like Jake looks that he kicks it if you guys weren't youtubers that would end a family that's like family ending [ __ ] like you [ __ ] my girlfriend yeah cuz your youtubers you have to like lay into it and it's like clicks and views and like it's a very toxic air well I had to option I had one option which was like don't talk to this kid ever again or option to not let it split us apart which is what she would which is what she wanted right and I chose option two and it was a lot harder of an option because that like mentally I had to like cope with it it's still like haunts me like to this day like I got just like like like like even with Erica like like I just think about like that and like it just haunts me but like and I have TRUS a lot of trust issues from it like I I don't I don't trust like anybody like like like Eric I like had to like teach me how to like love because like I didn't know like teach me how to love and like and like trust again because like I just didn't want to and like like she was like the closest person to me and I was like okay well like she could be she couldn't like screw me over like as much as Alissa and Logan did and so like Erica had like come into my life to like teach me how to like love and like and like and like trust again yeah it's been a lot to do with yeah it's hard because I'm like holding back a little bit I mean I told you earlier silently I have the like you know soft spot for you we talked about it even in this the past couple hours I've noticed it's like it's hard for you to feel things and express what you're feeling and I don't want even though he's your brother and you love them and stuff and I don't want this to be something that you like pushed out because like you need to feel this like this is like and I know that you might have been raised like don't feel a certain thing don't be a certain way I was raised the same way yeah you know it like that's not strong it's not man they [ __ ] suck it absolutely uh like don't cry don't cry don't cry and that's that something that like that's something you should not feel weak about feeling like that because that is like no it's something that would tear up a person it didn't tear you up because you will probably like raised to like be strong be strong be strong be strong but I think that might be force you need to push that [ __ ] down which is why I'm happy Erika's around honestly because I feel like she's probably the first I think they need to be real and hanging around she's found out you and make you feel like you're being a [ __ ] to make you feel like whatever yeah so well you know even like even now you're still like protecting your brother and making sure nobody's mad at you but like this is like you you don't have to like it happened people know yeah or are you gonna say yeah there's no one I heard anyone with ya nobody can be hurt or mad at you for talking about your [ __ ] telling the truth talking about what you've been through have you talked to your brother and stuff about like the fact that it might come up at some point again look when he sees this are you gonna be like scare that go I don't want to be mad cuz like yeah the part of me is like you know he's probably gonna be pissed about this but I think he also understands that like he did it and like and that he [ __ ] up too so yeah yeah yeah he [ __ ] up like real bad real bad and I think he didn't at that so but it happened and you went through it you so [ __ ] up right literally where's the line it's crazy so sorry that's my side ran off yeah about that Jesus Bob his people are [ __ ] crazy what the [ __ ] sorry okay Bob oh my god okay the assault situation you and face off-camera talked about it but he says like Oh Jake said you comment apologize and that was the deal he kind of says something about it and I don't press charges I don't say anything then it's all gone but you never really did and also the video that you guys made still up so I think that's super honest that at this point I'm pretty sure there has been no lies it's been very like very very blunt and real about everything so here's your chance now let's do it what actually happened why didn't you come out and say something and apologize if you didn't have any hand in it or even say anything and why is video still up so basically she explained to me in detail that banks like grabbed her by the neck like tried to like choke her or something she saw him making out with a girl he's hooking up with that other girl and that's Nautilus she had like voice memos and like things from the night that she sent to Erica basically explaining like the situation like right after it happened I mean like you'd be like here the fear and stuff in her and her and her voice and and there was like no reason in my head like not to believe her and I was like wow this is like the dude who is dating like my ex-girlfriend like parties like yeah like let's let's like expose this and like make him look bad which was which and now this it was like so much beef between us at the time and like there's beef with like rice gum there's beef between me and Alyssa both parties like hated each other and ah hi we decided or I decided to like make it into a video it was not what should have been done but it was the decision like that I'm made in that moment to do and again I had like no reason not to believe her you're not an actor from Colorado you're not an actor I can see you're like you're sort of getting emotional about this like everything she was saying it was like so vivid and real like to me there was no reason I'm like why she would have like made that story up we made the video well first she actually like filed a police report but we made the video put it up online and she found the police report about what was it just that she got hit somewhere what was he's named in it I think his name was it his name was in it they were called I think she she specifically like said that he like strangled her or something in the club I just so happened to take a picture of Megan and with the police finally the police if barrel everyone thought that we looked like hired like fake cops and stuff to like make it look like it was a real police report I just want to say like like kind of like all of the [ __ ] that like I've done like this was like like I feel so I feel so stupid even just like talking about the situation now and like I handled it like the completely wrong way and it's something that should have never been put online it's like I feel dumb like even trying to like explain like my justification for it like I just hate talking about it and like bring it and like bring it up I mean when there is no line and when the drama and the beef and everything gets to a point where it's like there's literally no yeah when something like that happens I can see inside of your hand like what you said which is like perfect let's ruin them let's [ __ ] expose it yeah yeah do this yeah we don't know a hundred percent for sure what if it really did happen a hundred percent proof and all this stuff but it doesn't matter it's up now [ __ ] there it is [ __ ] those people it's hard was it wrong should have done it but the psychology if it makes sense yeah it was too real and like too hostile and yeah I think that's another situation where it's like you have this platform millions of people are watching you and I've seen this with a lot of youtubers they have all these people watching it's a lot of power and it's like oh I [ __ ] hate this person I think they're a bad person they pissed me off I can [ __ ] ruin that [ __ ] to do it you've seen it all I see it all time I need you this situation was just like next-level because it involved assault which is like it's not a joke no so when you and him talked about it why didn't you publicly say like and [ __ ] should have done that I was stupid that's a good question like certainly maybe part of me was like I don't want to just I don't want to bring this up again by the time we met up and talked about it like it was already had dissipated it I felt like maybe it would just bring up that topic again banks and I talked about it and personally resolved it and like I think he's a good person and like we've both grown like so much and learned a lot from that yeah do you have a reason for it still being [Music] like why why why would you take it down I would be like yeah I know yeah I didn't think about it I don't know if that would I think the damage was already done so so many people have already had already seen it by the time like probably should I mean yeah I don't want it like to tell you what to do or anything I think it is something that people are just wiping still up there literally just delete it right now so I don't forget why you're doing I should delete a few glasses do my own videos like this okay all right I think something that's interesting about like I've just never really heard you talk about the effects of the suicide forest video and the effects have had we've heard what it did a little bit we've heard his side and his apology and how it really did [ __ ] up his [ __ ] business and everything right I haven't really heard about how it affected you and yours because a lot of people think that this diverse yeah it uh it like dramatically affected my business it dramatically affected to press everything like probably the same just as much as it affected him he's like you said people think we're the same person and you know we have we do similar things we're in the same industry but you know we're different people and and when that happened with him like my name just got moved into everything it was like Logan Paul did this he also has a brother that is known for like controversial stuff and yeah really messed up things from advertising standpoint to a brand deal standpoint to even just like how yeah like the public views like the Paul brothers you know I felt I felt all of it just to like give a little bit of like context but like the day after it happened or like the day he posted the video like two days after that I was supposed to be doing like a brand deal for like seven figures and like that got taken away I had like another another one planned for that was another seven figure brand deal that like call hey we're not doing that anymore like so like from a business standpoint it like really affected from an emotional standpoint like I think I learned a lot from the situation as well like it was a lot of it was a lot to go through for like our family just in general like I it definitely brought us like a lot closer together I was gonna go up did you know about it before he told me what happened and he was like Broadus is it like the craziest thing just happened he was just like yeah ba ba and he was like and he like explained it like very briefly and I was like oh like you're posting that and that was like my literally the first thing I said to him over the phone and he I didn't like know what the video was or like what it looked like or like I don't even know that how much he even filmed and what did you think I didn't I didn't watch it until like after like people were posting the clips because he like had deleted the video so I only saw like clips of like what everyone was posting online you know I mean I was shocked yeah are you still not seeing the full video no I I don't want I don't want to like does that make sense like yeah I don't yeah I don't want to watch it like just like I yeah wrap my head around the Alyssa thing I also can't wrap my head or what around the forest thing like so you guys talk about it or is it just something you're just like this is too confusing I don't want to talk it's for me it's a little bit of that yeah it's like this is too much and like it he learned his lesson I think it made him a lot better of a person honestly and for me I don't I just like I don't like to talk about it because literally that's like all everyone wants to talk about when they talk about love and Paul or even me it's like that's all everyone wants to talk about I think that's interesting to me is because I can't imagine you doing that I just can't yeah what I will say is this now it's almost like starting over what do I actually like doing and what do I want to do now yeah 1,000% like that's why I'm on like this like vacation thing right now like I did this boxing thing and like all this you know like hype and whatnot but but like for me that's why I want to like completely disconnect from like all of this social media [ __ ] right now I was like to figure that out what do I really like to do like what do I really want to do like what's next for me it's like you said like it's like starting over it's like a new like it's like a new chapter or like at least my life where it's like I made all these mistakes I've got I have all this knowledge now I had like made a name for myself and like but now it's like yeah what about what am I gonna do with that and to me that's exciting I think now is kind of perfect timing you and my eyes have changed your videos recently you're not doing as crazy things now that you have Erica now that you know I don't I don't remind you but now you of me you have people you can trust I think now it's like time one's like you need to [ __ ] do your own thing and figure out who Jake is because I always have I think you're better than you know this drama I think it's like you don't need to do that anymore and also like yeah this is something that like I might be overstepping a boundary but it's just my opinion you don't have to take it but working a family's bad I know you love your family but it is toxic doesn't [ __ ] work my mom at one point live with me and worked with me and I love my mom but that was bad it ended yeah and like we had we'd like didn't talk for a while she got this the whole thing right but then once I was on my own again and I figure out who the [ __ ] I was that's when [ __ ] really started growing and I started getting better at figuring things out and making cooler stuff because it's like and I don't know the whole story but like your dad like kind of living there part time with you you know being a part of your business in any capacity I don't think it even phase that out for him and for you maybe that's gonna head bad yeah even if you love each other bad because like he's your dad and Logan's your brother like it's just too interconnected I don't know what's next we don't really talked about your business and all of that stuff but like I think it is something that maybe you should think about which is like oh I gotta do this for me yeah next I gotta do this ship above me me I shouldn't have a million people depending on me there were so many people at your house and they all are depending on you and that is like stressful so [ __ ] like a lot there's not many but you could trust out here like I'm sure you know that and my dad's in there right now to like look over everyone's shoulder like my old business teams really stealing money from me and so and I think in that capacity it's been super helpful yeah and I think he can help in that way yeah can help get [ __ ] back on track but that I think you need to do your own thing yeah don't force it [ __ ] like your own thing like doing your own thing and making sure you love and not having a hundred people in your house all the time my mindset has changed and I think a lot like what people will see is definitely a lot of focus more in myself and less people like depending on me yeah and you're not being an [ __ ] by saying that by the way don't feel like oh my dad's gonna be mad at my brother people are gonna be mad at me you're not an [ __ ] for saying that's just a human thing yeah it's a lot it's a lot yeah and I don't know what the first step of this is but I think like you can do like the talent management thing that's fine but like it shouldn't be something where you're handing people careers because that's just yeah cuz like God the last thing you need is more like why I left why I swear someone else make so why let's do that video it's just like it's like the truth you know yeah like from what I gathered most people were like I just want to see what he's like off camera my fellow movies are to me filming oh yeah okay oh so when he guys going on vacation with everybody should go like nowadays but yeah thing we should all right now yeah now I described why do we talk about what I miss just yeah do you did you tell you told me not to oh well is you know what it is what's the secret so my producer Katie yesterday was actually a therapist the whole day she was religiously watching you and talking to you I'm just like seeing you off camera just assume what you were like as well the point was is he a sociopath should you actually secretly a therapist did you know that I don't think I know the exact definition but it's not good [Laughter] alright so did she said anyone was a sociopath in our group so it's been a little bit we've been kind of hanging out for talking and something came up I was like listen I don't want to get too deep into family stuff it's not my place should I take out the part where I was like I think your dad needs to move out I think you need just be kind of on your own for a while and then you kind of said that was saying yeah I mean I said I told I told Shane off camera but I said no like like you can leave that in there like it's not it's not something I already don't know my dad definitely like helped when I needed him and like he was someone I could trust as I was bringing in new business people but I basically already I told them like weeks ago that that he should go back to Ohio and like we should just go back to like like he just be my dad and like we can just like have like a normal father son relationship and like and bond like over the stuff that we love like we both love off-roading we both love cars we both love motorcycles like that's the relationship that I loved with my dad and like well I told him I was like we're both gonna be happier that way like just be even for low because like my his relationship with Logan is very broken as well and it's like we just need you just be like our dad and like not be so involved with like all this other [ __ ] and yeah it's like like I said it's not something I don't know like I know I saw it months ago like it's just like it's such a sensitive thing cuz he is my dad and like I loved him and I didn't want to like hurt his feelings and like baby it's just hard it's gonna be good for your whole family let's think about that yeah [Music] like so he evaluated my whole life um I I know it like I'm putting a lot of like trust into you and I think if like someone can you know do this and have it be fair it's you and I want to be like as truthful as possible obviously and like just be just be super real and kind of just like clear things off my chest that I haven't said before and I know like a lot of people were saying like yo like Shane why are you doing this like don't give him a platform and and so on and so forth [Music] I know you're in the in criticism personally I mean I don't even think I have to warn you but people hate me like I don't it's like this is gonna hurt you then like I don't want to do it like I don't want told you so [Music] my butt is getting thick shut it down shut it down beyond sling does anything we do to avoid you getting hurt is getting thicker [Music] baby look at me just one more time tell me that you don't we then you shot me we should do it and and we should just be as honest as possible about everything and and ya know like I trusted you I dress
Channel: shane
Views: 29,228,895
Rating: 4.894515 out of 5
Keywords: shanedawsontv, shane, dawson, vlogs, iphone, similar, to, jenna, marbles, smash, nigahiga, comedy, documentary, docuseries, journalism, investigative journalism
Id: de9iiaxLEgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 3sec (6303 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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