DODGE MY BALLS | Stikbold!

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Mark: Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome to Stikbold, a dodge ball adventure. Mark/Wade: Hi. Mark: We actually have dodge balls. Mark: Oh sorry, did you mean to say hi- *Mark&Wade Laughing* Bob: I was too slow, I-I missed it. * Mark and Wade laugh* Wade: Too slow! Mark: The window comes by and goes, the Markiplier window- Bob: Hi, hi! Mark: There is no second chances. Bob: I'll be ready next time Mark: There's not gonna be next time Bob: Ok! *Mark/Wade laughing* Bob: What? Mark: Are we just going...? Wade: I- Mark: Oh. | Bob: Oh, Wade: Wait which- All: What? Mark: Oh, that was the intro movie! Wade/Bob: Oh, okay *All Laughing Hysterically * Mark: How many games have we played? Mark: Wow! Bob: What? Bob: I am second player! Mark: I am no~t in this! Bob: Keyboard and mouse is also a player Wade: That's good- Mark: NOOO *Bob/Wade Laughing* Mark: I am blue! Mark: I am Björn! Bob: I'm red, that seems terribly wrong. Wade: I'm Jero- yeah it is. Mark: Tough, you'll have to deal with it. Mark: I don't even know how to play, how we gonna go? Wade: Do you want bots? Mark: Yeah~ *Increasing in pitch* Mark: One, ridiculously difficult bot. Bob: What? Wade: Huh. Mark: Do it! Bob: Why? Wade: Alright. Mark: Oh, she looks sassy- Bob: Oh god she looks terrifying. Wade: And we're going to play- Mark: Random? Mark/Bob: Hell. Mark: Yes! Wade: Okay. Mark: Why would they play dodgeball in hell? Wade: Oh I didn't look at points to win, so who knows what we-- Bob: I think it said three. Mark: Okay Bob: Alright so we got two hats, or, somethin'. *Overlapping shouts of confusion* Bob: I'm a, I'm a, I'm a goddamn edge ghost Wade: How does she dive? Mark: Ow! Wade: Okay let's dive, left trigger is dive. Mark: *Continuing to whine like a baaaaaby* Wade: *Insert gorilla speech text* Bob: Why, did you put on a hard bot?? Wade: Ah! She's diving at me! Mark: Why does the angel playing music in hell? Wade: *Screams* Mark: *giggling at Wade's flailing* Wade: Nu nu nu- Aahhaa! Mark: Oh nohohohoho! Wade: It was his decision. Mark: *High pitched* What are you looking at me for?! Bob: *Quoting Mark* "Put on, a really fuckin' difficult bot!" Bob: *Still Quoting Mark* "That'll be fun!" Mark/Wade: *Mating calls* Mark: Do we have to press a button to grab it? Wade: *Insert chimpanzee speech text* Wade: Don't let it touch me, don't let it touch me. Mark: He~y! Mark: Oho, I got it! Wade: *grunts wildly* Mark: Hup! Bob: Oh, God! Mark: Ah ha! Wade: *more weird grunting* Wade: Ye~aga! Wade: Kapow! Bob: Oh he fucking bounced it on me! Wade: *single, high-pitched grunt* Bob: I didn't get- fuck you guys! Mark: Haha! Wade: Oh, ahh! Mark: Haha, haha! Wade: No, no, no! Mark: He~y! Wade: Oh into the lava! Wade: Did you win? Mark: Ahahahaha! I did! Mark: It's left trigger and right trigger. Mark: Right trigger to grab left ti- trigger to drive. Mark: Dive, dip- Mark: *Ecstasy* Wade: *Seal yawning* Bob: Oh shit! Wade: *High pitched wail* Ah skeleton, it's a skeleton on me! Wade: Ah~! Get it off me! Ow! Bob: God, f~ucking dammit! Mark: *Laughing in the dark pit of loneliness and depression that'll never see the light of day* Wade: No no no no no, nwa~! Bob: This bot is so annoying! Bob: Fucking fuck you Bot. God dammit! Wade: Gimme the ball! Wha~, d-no-don't give me the ball! Mark: What!? Lava!? Wade: *Chuckling to himself* Mark: What!? Mark: *Cries in depression* Bob: Oh god- shit! Wade: Uh oh- *cry of agony* eh. Mark: You got it Bob, you got Bob. Mark: Nice! Wade: Get Her Bob, Oh Bob, you got her. Mark: Nice! Wade: Don't dive in the lava Bob. Mark: don't die- *Maniacal giggling * Wade: Whe~ oh, th-that was almost her, Bob Wade: Uh Oh Bob: Oh no no no, the lava! Mark: What'd we tell you? Bob: I thought that it was gonna be shorter than the lava. Wade: Wha- Mark: Ughh.. Wade: Well that was- Mark: Wha- what are we playing to- what kind of- Bob: She wins! She fucking wins. Mark: oh, Yeah!! Mark: Go- *starts clapping* Mark: You gotta be happy for people every once in a while. Bob: That's not a person! Mark: Oh.*Laughs* Mark: *uncontrollable giggling* Bob: It's not- It's not a person is it? *Mark continues to die on the inside* Mark: Noo. Bob: Okay. Bob: Why you laughing like that? Mark: (muffled laughter) I don't know! Mark: Alright so now we're gonna play for real. Mark: Not against a Bot, we're still learning. We're going to be very forgiving on each other. Mark: And uh- Mark: it's gonna be a fun time. Wade: Let's start here? Mark: Yeah, let's start here, basic stuff. Bob: the gym seems like the place for Dodge Ball. | Wade: "Basics." Mark: Mhm. Bob: I'm red again. Mark: Yeehaw. Bob: Me Carsten. Wade: I'm still green. Mark: Alright. I'm still blue! Wade: I'm the first one out and the last one to leave. *Miscellaneous noises* Bob: Fuck! Bob: I dove to try and fucking catch it. *More miscellaneous noises* Wade: Aw c'mon- Bob: Aw Geez. Wade: I had perfect aim. Mark: Aw~a! Bob: C'mon! Mark: Yay Wade: He's a bot- Bob: Jesus Christ! Mark: Guys, I- Mark: I'm doing really good guys! Wade: You're not a person. Mark: I feel- Wade: (whispers) You're a bot. Bob: That's really harsh man. Mark: (laughing) Yeah! Bob: Whats wrong with you, Wade? Mark: "You're just a Bot." Mark: Hah! AAAAAAAH! Bob: Gotcha! Bob: Aw shit, nope, shit! Wade: Got rid of em! Mark: Eih, ow ahh ahh! Mark: "Got rid of me"..? Wade: yeah, got rid of him. Mark: That's pretty harsh dude... Bob: How you doing Wade? Wade: Good, how you doing? Bob: Having a good time? Mark: Wait, what can I do? Everyone: OHHHHHHHHH! Mark: I'M COMING FOR YOU!! Bob: WHAT THE FUCK! Mark: Whe~! Bob: Goddamn it! Mark: Did you guys see me? Wade: No, what'd you do? Mark: I came back! Wade: Oh no! Mark: On a floor washer!! Bob: Oh, weird. Mark: Yeah, didn't you guys notice me riding a floor washer? Wade: Oh, was that you coming after us? Mark: Yeah! Wade: Oh we all missed it! Mark: There's like a- there's like a, unique bounce. Bob: Are there no other- are there no other buttons for this? Bob: No I fucking dodged! *Wade grunting* Wade: Oh hey. Mark: Wha~yaya. Wade: Ow, come on! Nope- *Endangered species grunting for hope* Mark: Ehehehe, awhaha! Mark: Wait, did you just throw a hot dog? Bob: I did. Mark: Where'd you... what?! Bob: If you- if you dive at the hot-dog cart- Bob: FUCK YOU!! (Simultaneous incomprehensible speaking, mostly cursing) Wade: Wha~, did I just kamikaze into you? Bob: God! Jesus Christ! I'm so mad right now! Mark: *Laughing* Wade: I think- I think my guy just got naked and charged in at you! Mark: Yeah that's what happens. Mark: you, like, when your dead you can come back and interfere with people. Wade: (Sudden epiphany)Oh, I like dying now. Bob: Oh, jeez.. Mark: Ha! Wade: What!? Mark: OH it just interrupts, ahaha! Wade: How did you get a hot dog- Oh you gotta go up to her? Mark: Yeah. Hey, lemme see what is -AH! Oh I was just gonna see- Wade: ah haha you got waxed! Mark/Wade: *Laughing* Bob: Oh my God... Jesus Christ. Bob: So it actually kills? Mark/Wade: YEAH! Wade: I think I killed you in the game before. Mark: Wow *All grunting* Mark: Owwww. He's on a mission! *More grunts* Wade: *very high-pitched* "Ah, BOB!" Bob: Oh my god! Bob: Ho~ly shit Mark: *Grunts* Uh oh... Mark: Aha! Mark: AH, ma butt! Wade: You guys better look out, here I come! Wade: Woo Hooo! Mark: Oh no. Mark: Eh! Eh! Gonna grab ma butt? Bob: Fucking, how do you do that? Mark: Right trigger, just right trigger. Wade: Look out! Wade: Here comes whiny(?) *Laughing?* Bob: Oh my god Bob: You can get it Mark, I'll let you have it. Mark: Alright. Wade: Whoooo Mark: whoops, AH NO! Wade: I love you! * Mark repeats NO as Wade repeats "I love you!"* *laughter as Mark's "no"s get louder* *laughter* Mark: WADE Bob: Were you just fuckin' on him? Mark: He just grabbed onto my balls! *immense laughter* Mark: I couldn't move! Mark: Piece of crap! *grunting* Mark: ah! no~! *Wade becomes gorilla* Mark:No! Wade: AH BOB!! NO! Bob: Oh my god. That pro SHOT THO! Mark: oh that pro shot. Bob: God fucking dammit. Wade: YESS Bob: FUCK YOU! Wade: It's tied, it's two to two to two. Mark: I was coming in for the interference with the love hug. Wade: Oh, I know. I had to get there fast. Mark: Alright, it's all tied up. Wade: Next point wins. Mark: ah aah ah! Wade: oh come on? what! Wade: NOOO! Wade: Eueheuheu Bob: Fucking shit. NO. Fuck you guys. Mark: YEAH Bob: God DAMNIT Wade: *Grunts* Eh no! Mark: WOooooOOoOohoho Wade: Did you die?? Mark: No, I hit the hot dog man! His cart exPLOded! *Wade laughs* Mark: and then my cover was gone and you hit me. Wade: THE COMEBACK! Mark: eeahh whatever! Wade: I don't think I hit you, I think you were already dead from the cart. Mark: Boooo. Wade: EAH Bob: Oh Mark: heh! Bob: fucking Christ Wade:EUAH Wade: AHH CAR! *Mark's laughter* Wade: Oh, I thought that was me that got hit That was Mark- AH BOB! Bob: God jeez! If I dodge before you shoot... Bob: ...I die. Wade: I got you with bees- AHHH Mark: Incoming! Bob: I hate you so much. Wade: AHH the bees got me to- op! * Bob: I hate all of you, SO MUCH! Mark: I'm sorry, Bob. Wade: I didn't know, I was Mark: Dat was not me though, I did not bee. Bob: YOU BEES'D ME! Wade: I bees'd you Mark: he bees'd you! Bob: WHAT THE FUCK! Wade: *laughing* there were just bees on the ground, so I went for them Bob: *sighs* *screams from everyone* Mark: OHHH why every time? Wade: AH BOB AH Wade: nonono Bob: see?? it's fucking im- Bob: Oh, wha- They don't stick to you??!! Mark: Hey guys. Bob: OF COURSE NOT Mark: I got ya! Mark: I got ya! oh no, you're coming with me *Wade screams* *more screams from Bob and Wade while Mark laughs* Bob: Oh just come ere! I fucking hit myself! *Mark laughs* Bob: Fuck this *Wade groans* Bob: How did you- Wade: I don't know Mark: How is Wade destroying us? Wade: I don't know Mark: This is a bunch of crap. Wade: I feel really bad about the bees. Mark: Oh shut up. Mark: I got you though with the thing. Wade: I figured - I didn't know if this was a second ball, or if it was actually fake until I grabbed it. Mark: Ahh! Bees! I bees'd myself! Mark: Beeeees! Mark: *Screaming* Wade: *Laughing* Mark: No! Cmon! Mark: I didn't have a chance! Bob: Oh thank god. Wade: No no no no! Bob: Oh my god! Wade: Right in the balls! Mark: Oh ho ho. Bob: Jesus that's my only hope is to avoid Bob: you assholes until there's only one left. *Mark and Wade laughs* Bob: Every time I go into the fight, I get FUCKED! *Mark and Wade starts laughing again* All of them: *Grunting* Mark: AH! ok... Wade: WAAA! WAAA! Mark: Hit him! Wade: AHHH! Wade: The ca- aww... Mark: The comeback that was just... Wade: I was gonna say the car. *Giggles* Mark: Oh, okay. Bob: Ah shit! Oh god the fuckin- Mark: BEES! Bob: I don't understa- EH OH NO! OH GOD! Mark: Just try it, Just try it! Mark: OW! I- Wade: I don't even know! Mark:The Bees! Wade: Finish it Bob! Bob: OH NO! JESUS NO! Mark: AHHHH!! Mark: BEES! *All of them start laughing* Bob: Why didn't you get bees? Mark: I though tha- Yo-you got bees Bob: I did but you walked into it! Mark: I thought bees were done!! Bob: *Laughing* Mark: It's uh- Its logical to conclude that the bees would be done when you got beesed! Wade: Oh my god... Mark: Alright... Wade: WAH! WOOH! Bob: Oh, the bees OH THE BEES BEES BEES!!! Bob: FUCKING GOD DAMMIT! Wade: AH! Wade: Well... I don't want the bees- AH! Mark: Aha! Bob: Wait, so after the bees hit me that time, they went away. Bob: I don't understand why they hate you Bob: OH THEIR TIME!! Mark: NOOOOO! Bob: Oh my god... Oh shi- shit SHIT! Wade: *Grunts* Mark: It all comes down to this, here comes the goose! Wade: WHAT!? THE GOOSE!? AHH THE GOOSE!! WAAAA!! Wade: *Grunting* Bob: OH MY GOD! *All starts laughing* Wade: All I could do was scream the goose!! Bob: That was lucky. Mark: You gotta imagine like, people playing dodgeball and having a good time, Ha ha- OH got ya! Mark: *Imitates car running someone over* Bob and Wade: *Laughing* Mark: OH NOO!! Wade: I was up 2 to nothing and Bob came back... and stole it. Bob: Dude the strategy is just to stay away from everyone else. Mark: Why are we naked? Wade: I don't know, I was wondering that too. Mark: Oh we're at- Wade: We're at the beach. Bob: Ah it's beach time Mark: Alright, you've- you've- you've won one, You've won one, I gotta win one. Bob: Mark's turn. Mark: My- my turn, let me win guys. Wade: Uhh uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. Bob: Oh shit the crab, it's a crab, it's a CRAB! AH! Bob: God damn it! The fuckin- How do I- *Screaming* Wade: OH GOD! Mark: Nnnooo! Wade: AH HAH! Mark and Wade: *Grunting* Wade: Oh Bob no! Bob: Ah- Oh jeez the sand ball! Wade: AHH! *incoherent noises* Bob: Got ya bitch! Hey- OH SHI- Mark and Wade: AHH! Bob: Oh no... Mark: CRAAAFF! CRAB! FUCKING CRABS!! Bob: Ah! Bob: So distracted by the god damn ball. Bob: I didn't even shoot Mark and he was standing still. Mark: I had crabs on me for like 10 seconds. Bob: Yeah I had that at like the beginning of the game. It sucks! Wade: Mark has crabs confirmed Mark: Well whatever. Bob: You just got to run away man. Bob: Yeah you guys Jus- Wade: AH THE CRABS AH NO BO-AH~H GOD! Mark: What is this? Bob: you guys just kill the shit out of each other. Bob: That's fine. Wade: Oh Crab AH. *Mark laughing mockingly* All: WOAH! WHAT!! Bob: WHAT THE FUCK. *Wade is laughing* *Mark in shock* Wade: I had a shark, apparently. Bob: Whaaat?! Mark: Whaaaat?! *Laughter and confusion all over the place* Wade: I didn't know! Bob: I don't understand! Bob: Why, why did that hi—g'oh! Wade: AH! oh, come on. Bob: Wow, Ah fuck you crab-No I got bitten by!- Mark: OHHHH Mark:OHH YES! *Weird noise by wade here* Mark: The amount of concentration between us Wade:*grunts* Mark: What? Wade: AAAH! Bob: OH SHIT Wade: Octupuses! *Mark makes noises of defeat* Wade: Ah! Bob: Oh yes, yes! Mark: I'ma come and get you, I'm coming for you. Bob: Ah shit! Bob: GOD DAMMIT! Bob: Fuckin—Is there so- Is there some warning for that? Wade: Yeah there's a fin goin around. Bob: Jesus Christ *Laughs* Wade: Stay away from the edge or people are dead. Bob:I still don't understand. Bob: I don't think I have ever actually- Wade: Wh- double hit!? Bob: WHAT THE FUCK Mark: Two for one. Wade: Oh, come on! No. Bob: Oh geez! Bob: I don't think I ever have yet- Mark: OH NO! *Wade laughs maniacally* Bob: Oh wow. Wade: Got ya! Mark: You just got there! Mark: Why did you spawn right there!? Mark: That's so garbo! Wade: It's 2 to 2 to 1! Mark: Aww no! Wade: I did it to Bob the first time. Bob: I'm glad that happened to someone fucking else. Bob: Oh Jesus! Come on! Wade: Ah Bob! Bob: Gotcha baby. Wade: No no no no no. Bob: OH THE WAVE! Wade: Oh, that's it. I get to decide who's gonna win here. Bob: Yeah Wade, Wade who's your friend? Who's your friend Wade? Bob: Who's always nice to you? Wade: Apparently that's that. Bob: Oh, geez. Wade: Well that was exciting. Mark: Well alright then. Wade: Watch out for that Beach ball. Bob: I don't fuckin- I can't do that. *Wade with Jaws music* Bob: OH god! Wade: I ate the beach ball! *Tension rising between Mark and Bob* Mark: *high pitched scream* Bob: YEAHAHAHA! *all laughing* Wade: Man... Bob: From behind! I land one hit! Bob: Wade weren't you a shark? Why couldn't you just - Wade: I ate the beach ball. Mark: It's randomly, it's random when it hits. Bob: so I got double sharked randomly. Bob:Man, Mark you didn't win your match. Mark : Shut up. *Character laughs* *everyone joins in* *Mark mocks it* Mark: Alright one more, one more. Wade: Alright, here we go. Bob: Oh are those holes? Bob: No they're not holes, okay. Mark: Yeah, we're good. Mark: Woah, drift Bob: Oh hey I got the ball! Bob: Oh bitches?! Mark: What? Mark: *high pitched* Oh come on! Bob: Hey for once it wasn't fucking me Mark: I- I'm gonna- I'm gonna fuck you up buddies. Mark: Here we go, Here we go, Here it comes. Bob: OH NO! OH GOD NO! Bob: Why did you not take advantage of that Wade? Wade: I didn't have the ball. *Bob and Wade scream* Mark: Ohahahaha! Wade: Take that Bob- oh I missed. Bob: What was that? Mark: I think that's a whale. Bob: What the fuck? Bob: You guys just fight it out, you guys just fight it out, that's fine. Wade: What? What I died?! Mark: You fell off. Don't be a whale, don't whale me bro, don't whale me. Bob: OH NO! Bob: GODDAMNIT! Bob: FUCKING CHRIST! KILL SOMEONE ELSE WHEN YOU'RE DEAD! Bob: Jesus *Wade and Mark Dying* Bob: Every time. Mark: Bwahah Mark:STOP, STO~P Wade: You were already hurt I had to. Mark: I was almost unhurt! I'm gonna... *mutters too quietly to hear with Wade screaming* Mark: Come here, come here! Wade: No he's got a whale, he's got a whale Bob: Get him, Get him! *all dying laughing* Mark: You were looking at the whale, but not at the ball! Bob: Fucking thank god it wasn't me, I was expecting the next whale Bob: to just immediately grab for me. *weird grunting noises* Bob: My ball—bitch! Bob: What!? You fuckin- It went over you! Bob: Oh that's fine. Bob: You guys just hang out over there and play with it by yourself Bob: No! Bob: Dont wanna- All:WOAH! Mark:NOOO! Wade: bob BOB BOB BOAAH~ Bob: Oh no! Oh god! Bob: AH Yes! Oh my god, were you trying to get me? *Mark laughing* Bob: Or were you just fucking around? Mark: I was trying to get both of you, you went in different drections. Bob: I was like, Just got to kill him before mark kills me. Bob: I know it's coming it's gonna happen. Mark: It's not always you Wade has been dicking me over this. Mark : Ow Bob: Got ya Mark: Alright you're gettin- Mark: You're getting whaled. Bob: God damn it. Bob: No fuck you oil. Mark: I'm gonna whale ya. Bob: Oh no no no Bob: NO! COME ON! Mark: Oh no! Don't whale me! NO~ Wade: I can't- I can't hit you! Mark: AH~ Bob: AH SO SLOW! Mark: Yeah how could it, How could it- Bob: How did I get whaled all the time? Mark: Yeah how did you? that's really amazing. Mark: Act~ually. Fuckin- Sto-stop! STOP! Wade: Ahaha YEAH! Mark:What-Ah-Fuck-I- how do you catch it? Bob: You just have to dive into it in the air. Bob: It's the only way I've got it. Wade: I've only caught one, yeah. Wade: Well I guess Bob gets it again. Bob: Neat *Miscellaneous noise* Mark: uh- where- where were you shooting there? Bob: Come on Wade: Bob where did- Bob BOB Bob: Oh no no nO NO NO! Mark: Oh NOoOo! Wade:Oh BYE BOB - OH NO Bob: Fuck me. Mark: NOoo~ God I hate this. So anti-climactic. Bob: Weren't you on match point too? Mark:Yeah he was. Bob: God damn it. Mark: Have I won any of these? Bob and wade: No Wade: It's been 2 and 2. Wade: Would you like to record some more? *Wade and bob dying* Mark: Yeah, I would actually, Yeah I would! Yes, I would! *Wade and bob still dying* Bob: That's the spirit! Mark: This started off with me being good at this. Wade: Yeah you destroyed the hard bot! Mark: Right we're back! We're back here in Hell where we belong! Bob: Hell is Mark's domain. Bob:Aw shit- How did I fuck it up-AWwah How did I miss? Mark: Oh woah ahh. How did i mess that up? Bob: Yeah go in that lava wade That's good. *Wade making sound effects* Bob: Gotcha Bitch! Wade: Not again! Bob: Shit Oh why was I so slow? Bob:Oh god Mark: NOo~ Bob: Yeah! *Mark screams* Wade: Bob! I wasn't suspecting you, Bob! Bob: Oh God NO! Wade: Ah skeleton arm?! Bob: How many fucking lives do you have? Bob:Oh AURGH~ Mark: Look, we just got to get Wade, right? Bob: How many lives do we have? Bob: You got hit like 3 or 4 times! Wade: It's when the stars go away you're okay. Wade: You just have to stay alive until the stars all go away. Bob: God damn it fucking Wade. Wade: Ah no! Bob: ah you hit him in to - AH NO! Bob: No, God! Bob: No fucking Fuck! Wade: AHH! Stop, it bob!! Wade: No not me-Ahhh! Bob:Got him Mark, Wade and Bob: Got him! (Gibberish screams) Bob: *SCREAMS HIS HEAD OFF* Mark: Hah! Mark: Okay, hang on. Wait, I go, I gotta go get it. Bob: No, why didn't you- Mark: *Dreams Of Winning* Mark: God dammit. Mark: YEAHHH Bob: God, fucking shit! Bob: My guy doesn't turn like that. Bob: When I try and turn, it never turns before I shoot it. Mark: Oh I don't know. Wade:That's weird. Bob:I think I'm just bad at timing. Bob: Ah worth it. Bob: WHAT...did you push me in?! Mark: I don't know? Bob: I didn't...I didn't go in that time. Wade: Aah a rock!! Bob: What?? Mark: Aww c'mon I dived for that. All Three: *Scream* Yah! Wade: no! Bob: I'm Fucking with wade. Bob: Im fucking with wade. Wade: Why! Aah skeleton arms!! Mark: Grab em! Bob: Hey come get the balls bitches! Mark: Nooo! Bob: Come get the fucking ball, bitches! Mark: No~ Wade: No Mark: No. Mark: No! Bob: Oh, my god. That was a bold dive. Mark: *almost says SANTA?* What Now- -aww Bob: Awww Mark: You can just push people. Mark: You can push people. (x2) I might win! Guys! Wade + Mark: Oh No no no Bob: What?? Bob: What?? Bob: Wait, get him, get him. Wade: I'm trying. Mark: Don't get me, why get me? Bob: How was that working together? Wade: oh, Idon't know. I wasn't paying attention to who I was fighting. Wade: Ow Mark: Hahaha Bob: Like I would save you. Wade: alright Bob, I'm working with you. Bob: God, dammit. Mark: *Screams Again* No, you guys are assholes! Mark: Do it! Mark: Fucking do it! Mark: Fucking do it! Mark: Fucking do it!!!!! Bob:Alright Mark: AWH~ FUCKIn do it. BOB: AH WADE?! Mark: GOD YES YES WOAAAH~ Wade: I thought I hit him. *CLAPS FOR DAYS* Bob:You're the worst teammate! Mark:Ah~ Yes! Bob: Jesus Christ! Mark: He's Got a M on his shirt! Wade: Show me how you really feel. Bob: You only hit me(X2) Mark: YAASSS! Wade: My angel played on him. Mark: Okay we can end there. Bob: Great, cut out the round Mark won. Mark: Noo don't do that! Mark: Make it seem like I won every round. Wade: That gonna take a lot of work. *giggling* Mark: Play the round normally, Mark: then after they win just have me go Mark: WOOOOOAAH Mark: That was so fun, my God. Bob: Ah, Christ. Mark: That was a crazy game. Mark: But anyway, thank you everybody so much for watching. Mark: This was way more fun than I thought it would be and way more competitive Mark: So thank you, Bob and Wade for joining me. Mark: Hope your voice are okay. Bob: Nope, it's trashed. Wade: *Tiny screech* Mark: Yeah, but I hope you enjoyed us Le-Moo Mark: I hope you enjoyed IT. Mark: Let us know what you thought of it in the comments below. and check ou- *funky noise* their channels in the description Thanks again everybody for watching. And as always, I will see you *Wade imitates funky noise* in the next video. Buh-Bye! Wade: "Check out their-*funky noise*" *Laughing*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,597,585
Rating: 4.9585319 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, dodgeball, stickbold, game, gaming, best game ever, rage quit, rage, funny, funny moments
Id: DiybIZ1t6M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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