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Mark: Where did you go? Wade: Candyland. We are on dunk. We are dunking on Candyland. Basketball dunks. M: The fuck? Wade: Dunks M: Wait? Oh. Jack: Wait. What do we do? What's Dunk? M: No, that wasn't a stroke! God damn it. Wade: I don't know I've never played it Bob: Oh, left click is jump, though. Holy shit. J: Woah, yes it is. B: Is impact on or off? W: Uh I don't know. Dunk is its own game, I don't know what the rules are for it. M: Fuck M: Oh goodbye guys. B: Oh my god we have to make it into that? W: Yep. B: Nooooooo W: Nooooooo B: This is the fucking apocalypse. M: Oh boy. Okay. Well, I'm boned. J: Well, you do jump pretty high, though. B: You jump high enough to do it. You just have to... J: Did it! Did it. M: Boink. Oh fuck. This is going to be a fucking bitch. B: Oh, dunked it! M: Oh! Nailed it! I'm the best! M: ...I'm not the best. I'm in last. That is the opposite of what I am. Wade: Wow *Bob laughing* *everyone yelling* M: Where am I? B: Wheeeeee J: What is life? J: Bob, you've got the perfect stroke. M: You have just had a real primo stroke. B: Wait, did I not go in? M: Of all the strokes I've seen. God damn beautiful that was. B: Fucking god dang it. J: I landed on the testicle at the back. B: Got it. Double bogey. W: There's a testi- Isn't that ice cream? M: No, no, it's clearly balls. M: In Jack's world, those are testicles. W: My mistake. That one's a testicle. W: That couldn't even pass as a strawberry. Also, there is some cream on it. B: Oh. Wow. That's, uh... Really bringing it full circle there, huh. M: Ho! Nailed it. I got in the hole. B: You guys wanna see some shit? J: Fuck! M: Yeah, we do. J: You jump way too high. B: Woooo. Oh no! Bounced at an angle. J: Haha angled it! B: I can bring this back. I can bring this back, hang on. M: Oh shitty dudes. Oh no. J: Ah, I landed IN the fucking- Fuck. M: Ah noooo! M: Now that's what I call a slam dunk! M: This mode is bullshit by the way. I'm just saying. J: You said the last one was. M: Well everything about this game is bullshit. Playing with you guys is bullshit. J: What!? I went up through it and back down and that doesn't count? M: No. That's not how slam dunks work. Trust Irish, you don't play basketball. Come on. B: Hey guys. How's it going? J: Yesss. W: Hey Bob. Welcome. Where have you been? B: I'm here now. B: On my own adventure. Well, shit. J: What the fuck was that? W: Well it looks like you'll be going back on an adventure. See ya, Bob. M: You're doing great, Bob. I believe in you. B: I believe in me too. Just wait for it. It's coming. It's coming. M: I'm waiting for it. J: Keep jumping! B: It's coming! Guys, it's coming! *everyone cheering for Bob* W: I don't think you're moving! M: Bobblehead! B: Oh fuck. J: You're doing it. M: Oh. You WERE doing it. B: What! M: Welp, somehow that happened. J: See, it doesn't count! W: I think you went through the wrong hole. B: Oh, come on! Off the rim! W: Keep jumping, B- There you go. M: Hey! I think I guess that went through. W: Oh, wow. I'm in the lead? I don't know how that happened. M: Wait. Oh. Ok. I thought I had, I thought that gave... M: I was so used to myself being in the last place, I was like, hey, why do I have nine strokes? M: And then I realised that I don't suck on this game. M: *girly scream* NOOOOOOOOO Oh, There's a different ramp. J: "I don't suck at this game. *girly scream* NOOOOOOOOO" M: Don't make fun of my girlish screams. B: Hey boys. W: (Wade celebrates by himself) I accidentally got a par! M: Boink! Yay, me too! Well, I intentionally did it because I'm good and not actually just by random chance. W: See you, Bob! J: When you get underneath it, you can't do anything. That sucks. M: "Can't do anything..." *mocking mumbles* B: What the fucking shit!? W: You must have like hit Jack or something, 'cause you changed course. M: Frick, dude. B: Go ball. Go- NO! J: Go. J: Go in the hole, ball. M: Hey. Do you know what I just saw? The butterflies are Pop-Tarts. That's really cool. B: Oh for fuck’s sake. M: That’s a good detail, guys. M: They're toaster pastries. Look. They're toaster pastries. You can see one on Bob’s screen. W: Oh look. The broccoli has stripes. B: OH MY GOD. FUCK ME. W: Bob? Are you having a good time? M: There we go! W: Nice shot, Bob! M: This is good, guys. This is great. B: This is good wholesome friendship fun time, you know. M: Oh yeah, you know it is, Bubba. B: Oh geez. M: Fuck. J: Oh shit. W: Well that wasn't right. (So many fuck ups in one area XD) J: So that's a thing. Go ball, make it up. M: Oh Nelly. B: I shouldn't have followed Wade. That was a mistake. W: I thought we had to go through those windows we saw- Oh, we can. J: Oh, fuck yeah! B: Oh hey, what's up? What's up, Wade? M: Yay! M: I got a bogey, guys. Guys, I got a bogey. Guys, are you happy for me? I got a bogey. J: I also got the bogey. B: Good job, Mark. M: Nice. W: I'm just going to go down the middle, trying to go through the windows is a waste of time. B: Oh, come on! W: Oh please. Nooo! B: Yay! B: I made it in! B: Yay M: You got this! J: Jump as you hit the top of the ramp! B: You have to jump, Wade. M: Wade, you're doing terribly! Wade, you're just sucking a whole load there! *Bob laughing* M: Wade... Come on, now. W: Fuck you. *Bob still laughing* W: Would you like to rub it in any more? M: I think I'm good. Anyone else want to pick up? B: You're really underperforming on this hole, Wade. J: Wade, you're bad. B: Welcome to my life, motherfucker. M: Welcome to YOUR life? B: Hitting the rim and bouncing further away, that's my life. M: Oh, okay. All right, then. W: Whoa, Mark's in the lead. What kind of third dimension is this? M: Wait, what? W: You're winning. M: Yeah! I AM winning! 'Cause I'm a winner, guys. M: AAAHHHH J: Fuck! M: Yes, I nailed that. I did. Indeed, I did. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. W: *girlish scream laugh* J: Fuck the jelly bounces you super high M: HAH HAH HAH! Eagle Babies! Eagle! Eagle babies! Eagle babies! J: Woohoo! Yeah! B: I got a birdie? Whatever, I'll take it. I don't care. M: Ahhh, I'm slamming'. Slammin'. B: Why are you murdering eagle babies, Mark? M: I'm not slammin' eagle babies. I wanna be very clear. I'm just slamminʻ. Just slamming' B: Slammin' eagle babies. W: Let's title the episode that. *Everyone laughs* J: FUCK! W: "Slammin' Eagle Babies" M: No-no-no-no M: Yeah! Yeah, that's me! I'm slammin' eagle babies! B: Markiplier (unintelligible) slams eagle babies M: What? What of it? Yeah! W: (laughs) J: That's his- that's his military name: "Slammin' Eagle Babies" *Everyone laughs* W: That's how he survived the vast wildernesses of... Chicago. M: Wilderness of Chicago yeah B: B: Wait, how did the - M: I was so mean! Jack left! I'M SORRY!! M: I'm sorry! W: My guess is we were winning. He can't handle Mark winning
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,172,302
Rating: 4.9584122 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, golf with your friends, sports, basketball, golf slam dunk, gameplay, golf with your friends markiplier, golf it, golf game, golf simulator, sport simulator, laughing, funny, funny moments, funny games, multiplayer, collab, jacksepticeye, muyskerm, lordminion777
Id: _72CEEL052k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2017
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