Doctors, When Have You Known That A Baby Wasn't The Fathers? (r/AskReddit)

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doctors and nurses offered it have you ever witnessed a couple have a child that was obviously not the father's what happened had two women deliver on the same unit same baby daddy he would go back and forth between rooms that's wild the hospital where I was a med student had a baby born with hydrops which is where a baby gets two bad copies of a red blood cell gene one from each parent baby died shortly after birth parents came in for genetic counseling and testing revealed the woman's husband did not carry the alpha-thalassemia gene the couple asked what was the chance another baby of theirs would of this condition the doctors were honest and told them zero percent they left it at that not a doctor but my wife grew up in a really small town but wasn't born there when she got her first crush on a boy and told her best friend the friend was like did you talk to your mom yet apparently adultery was so widespread in this area it was common practice for girls to talk to their mom about crushes until the crushes parents were so they didn't end up dating their half sibling there's a song about that guy wants to caught a girl but his dad keeps telling him no that girl is your sister but you mama don't know he talked to his mama and she says go man go yo daddy ain't er daddy but yo daddy don't know had a mum to be who had narrowed the options for Babur daddy down to her top three she was having a c-section and didn't understand why all three potential dads couldn't come into theatres she then asked if we could rotate them through and maybe she let the one that was there when baby came out be the real daddy it took all my professionalism to smile politely I've just imagined a nine year old one up a kid from gay couple by saying he well I have three dads beat that and this friend of mine told me about helping with a vasectomy when the doctor saw that the patient a married father of two children was clearly infertile and would have been all his life due to the man taking Valium before the local anaesthetic the doctor made the guy come back for a follow-up where he had to explain the man's medical condition to him no idea what the fallout was my brother's best friend didn't resemble his father while growing up so he became more and more suspicious the father eventually did a DNA test when my brother's friend was 11 or 12 and found out it's not his the parents split up with the older daughter 16 going with the father because she resembled him so he was sure about her poor situation for everyone the kid lost his father in that situation he knew nothing different and it wasn't his fault talk about an attachment disorder starting point not quite on topic but african-american babies usually a much lighter skin right after birth and then tend to get a little darker the nurses usually warn the fathers about this but I guess no one had told this guy we were in a c-section and the baby came out significantly lighter than the father and we all saw his face drop thankfully the nurses saw it and told him and told him that the baby looked exactly like him laughed about it later I worked in a restaurant right after high school and there was the couple who worked there too when the girlfriend got pregnant she dipped out on him and moved back to her family in Alaska after a month or so the boyfriend got enough cash together to follow her he dropped out of college and got a job on her dad's fishing boat to support his new family months later the baby is born and it becomes more obvious why the girl took off because they're both whites and that baby was black the dude was a class act it's too bad his girl couldn't work up the courage to tell him the truth instead of just bailing out now she looks even worse I'm a midwife I once had a woman come to my clinic unannounced she wasn't my patient but I mean HS so saw her anyway she had a man with her she knew she was about three months pregnant but hadn't come for any antenatal care I asked if she had made love a night before she'd come in because she'd had a little bleeding I looked at the partner as mum said yes and he said nothing to do with me I'm just the baby daddy turns out she had a new boyfriend at home this was just the guy she'd been with three months before I popped her up on the table to examine her and straightaway had to tell her that she was actually about five months along but I would you scan to confirm to the dude just got up and walked out turns out there was a third guy five months ago I had a patient like this she was like twenty eight weeks or something pretended her last period was two months prior to my visit with her and that this boyfriend of three months was the only potential father when I explained that he was not she asked when was the latest she could get an abortion answer quite a while ago in our area my mom's friend has three sons - her ex-husband two of them looked like him the second one looks a lot like the man she left her husband for but of course they didn't get together until after she divorced her husband doesn't help how her new partner very clearly has a favorite kid first husband child support bill most certainly includes the third child though I had a doctor that thought my boy wasn't mine because he came out blonde with blue eyes I'm half native with dark hair dark green eyes and my dad is a blonde blue green eyed dude my wife is a very dark brunette and her dad is a blonde blue green eyed dude it got grandfathered in he is tested genetically as mine if the doctor was very very if a doctor here I had a newborn patient who needed blood donation for surgery and was a rare type AB family stepped in to get tested and see if anyone could donate blood for his procedure supposed dad tests so which would make it impossible for him to have an AB child since the child gets the a from one parent and the B from the other someone else in the family donated and everything worked out in the end but I wonder if this dad ever found out he wasn't the biological father when I was a student nurse there was this one couple mother was Asian and husband was white the husband had a brother african-american he is adopted from what I remember the mother had been in labor for around 12 hours and they were very excited to see their baby I remember the father had been pacing my entire shift back and forth in the waiting room when it came time to mount the mother on the table he asked the doctor if he could be in the room he was grinning like a madman it was a very positive energy you could almost get completely absorbed by it doctor was a nice guy he let us get him some throwaway scrubs and let him stay in the room all-in-all the actual birthing process was pretty standard however when the baby came out then came the rough part he was a normal healthy half african-american boy around three kilograms I just looked at the baby then looked at the father and watched his face go from joy to puzzlement to horror in around ten seconds the mother called out for her child in the doctor being or business cut and suctioned the baby I'm pretty sure at that moment the father broke because he sort of just stepped back and kept saying what the frick under his breath I didn't get to see much of them for the next two hours but I was there when the mother was brought to her room her husband and his brother were there as well and she was talking to them from what I saw she was trying to console her husband and his brother was trying to hug him the husband kind of just kept shrugging off his brother's arms and crying into his hands it was a really tough thing to see but all in all it wasn't really as dramatic as you'd expect Frick that breaks my heart not a doctor but I worked in adoptions a couple showed up wanting to discuss adoption she was so obviously pregnant the catcher she and he both insisted that they had never freaked only heavy petting and they assumed some semen had traveled through clothing I don't know what happened because they never came back technically she can get pregnant without penetration but it's very difficult I'm a doctor and the story actually involved my colleague so I'm friends with this guy who we'll call nut in med school when not close friends but we have some common friends and we shared some rotations together and this girl will name Mary Mary was already married at the time and had a three-year-old daughter Nutt and Mary we're close but Mary got held back because Mary got pregnant and therefore had to temporarily stop studying during that time me and nut became interns and nut began hanging out often with another girl named Belle knot and Belle weren't that close or physical with each other so it came as a surprise when two months before internship ended we found out that Belle was pregnant turns out that the two were Frick buddies the entire time anyway they graduated and eventually Bell gave birth to a baby boy who looked like nuts miniature clone it was as if the baby got nothing out of the mother at all some of us even joked that nut seed with just that strong that he doesn't create offspring he creates clones now marry eventually caught up with her studies and entered junior internship so she got to rotate with some of us and when she showed us the picture of her baby boy he also looked exactly like Knut know that we knew what Mary's husband looked like and what Mary's daughter looked like her son looked just like not so much that if you placed her son beside barrels you could easily mistake them as twins we did just that not sure what happened to them now I moved to a nearby hospital but I never really talked to any of the three the last I heard from nuts and my mutual friend nuts partner he claimed he won't marry her and son were left in a city around four hours away Belle worked there Mary's husband daughter and son were in the u.s. Mary's husband was studying Aeronautics or smth similar and nut and Mary were on duty the same day at the same hospital if you ever find out what happened to them please update so we can bust this nut army who does not allow paternity testing to be done inpatient in some of our babies stay with us for 3-6 months depending on their gestation we've had a few Lu long and orchid waits for babies to get discharged before we could find out who the dads are that the two most recent cases were babies born a 23 and 25 week just Station's both kids with three possible dads none of the potential dad stayed involved in the three plus month hospital stay waiting to find out if they're the father it's so awkward for the staff I was a nurse for urologic surgeon so lots of vasectomies guy came in pee off that he had gotten his wife pregnant after his vas he had never originally followed up to make sure his swimmers were dead doc had him leave a sample to look under the microscope went back to the exam room and told him his vas had been successful guy just walked out I read an article several years ago about a doctor who was involved in the studies about the Rh blood factor in the late 1930s or early 1940s the study took place in a New York Maternity Hospital and was done with married couples blood samples were taken from newborn babies the mother and father and tested in about 10 percent of the cases the results of the blood tests for a couple didn't match what the Rh factor should have been the doctor went to the mothers alone and asked if the husband was actually the father most of the women admitted the husband was not oh he might not be this was back in the 1930s 1940s with married women my husband is a surgical technician years ago he helped deliver a baby via emergency c-section the baby was black and born to two very white parents the dad freaked out and left the hospital with a mom in tears the doctor convinced him to get a paternity test and he did end up being the father genetics is weird I love genetics we are a white family but every now and then a much darker baby is born we have a distant ancestor from Africa and still carry that gene it's mainly the men that show it but some of us girls definitely have non-caucasian elements too I work in an e ku and frequently babies will come down to how units accompanied by their father one mom is still getting stitched up and it is usually the time when father's will question us about how to do a paternity test or they will ask us questions like does this baby look half black to you or would you say this baby could be mine or not we've also had an occasion where mom has admitted to us dad isn't baby's father but not legally able to say anything so we just have to pretend we know nothing and we'll just submit a Social Work consult to look into the situation a bit more obligatory not a doctor fremulon sh HH but i know a couple that were very excited to have twins baby birthday comes mom and dad are in the delivery room baby one comes out and it's immediately clear they aren't his he's white she's white the babies are not the community was shook they're divorced now nine nine I'm a father who had this happen to him but it was fine my wife and I adopted a set of embryos and my wife burst them the genetic parents are Chinese and Korean descendants my wife and I are European descent we let the doctors know and they all agreed to not tell one of the doctors and training resident or something like that when he would come in to wiggle the twins legs and do all the stuff he would look at my kids eyes then nervously glance at me then do his exam and quietly walk out I asked him a few questions about why they had such dark hair when my wife and I are lighter haired he responded about grandparents and recessive genes pretty good future doc on our second-to-last day in the hospital the staff told him and he was very relieved he was scheduled in a chaplain visit for us oh you cruel bastards I love it my dad told me this story he was in Coe in the army and one night he received a call that the wife of one of his soldiers was in the hospital having a baby his first response was so why are you calling me it turns out that the wife was 99.9% sure the baby wasn't is and she needed someone to make sure he didn't go crazy if the hospital sir my dad drives down there and he finds his soldier trying to push past the doctors into the delivery room he's screaming that he has a right to be in there etc my dad puts his hand on his shoulder a preface to physically restraining him and tells him that he can't go in the guy must have realized that he really wasn't getting him there because he just sank to his knees started crying and kept saying I just wanted to see my son being born it was apparent that he wasn't going to hurt anyone so they got him to the waiting room and my dad left thinking I just watched the end of someone's marriage come Monday morning the guy comes in with the biggest smile walking around showing everyone pictures of his black baby he was white of course they questioned and ribbed him about it but he would just proudly say that's my son best case scenario to a messed up situation I'm not sure how the family is doing now but it seems like the kid would grow up with a father or two who loved him okay I have two stories that aren't exactly what the Opie asked but still applicable one a woman came to the ER with abdominal pain she was there with her girlfriend we ran a pregnancy test per protocol don't ever trust a patient when it comes to physical relationship history so I got to break the news to this lesbian couple that one of them was unexpectedly pregnant and yes I tried to discreetly tell the patients and news alone but she insisted anything I had to say should be done so in front of her girlfriend okay but I don't think that was the prize she was expecting baby daddy showed up commotion ensued security had to get involved when girlfriend started attacking baby daddy to a teenage mom brought her newborn to the ER to be evaluated for something fairly minor new parents didn't really know what she was doing there was also this teenage guy in the room so I asked his relationship to the patient he said he was the stepdad apparently he had been dating the mom for a for about a month baby is about three weeks old it took me a few minutes to wrap my head around that one for his own sake I really hope that dumb guy didn't sign the birth certificate this happened to me actually no one said anything to me about their suspicions two years later it comes out that my daughter wasn't biologically mine by that time I only saw her as my daughter and nothing else after months of depression and confusion I worked it out where I left the moment I adopted the little girl she's raised as my daughter and I don't see her any other way a big abandoned most Bravo sir my cousin is white brown hair green eyes her hobby looks black dark skin hair eyes soon before the delivery of their son the nurse says ooh I love caramel colored skin she was very quiet when a pale white baby blond hair and blue eyes popped out dirt my cousin's hobbies father was also born blond hair blue eyes he takes after his father's father law yeah genetics are weird and stuff but it's kinda weird to say that you love caramel colored skin a friend of mine had been hearing rumors that his wife was cheating on him he refused to believe them until he found out one day that there was Trey that is passed from parents to children I wanna say cleft chin but it's not important anyways he went and got a DNA test done as he and his wife did not have the Trey and it turns out it wasn't his kid they tested their other two kids and he was only the father of the middle child the first and third child were from two different guys he flipped out and punted her out the house and she in turn drained his business accountant gusted away while he started divorce proceedings he lost almost everything but saved his business by changing the name and some other stuff so that it can't be used in the divorce settlement he managed to keep the dogs which she tried to get custody of the house was totally in his name so he was able to keep that - he was really bad for a while stopped eating and crap but he is looking much better now and he has got a new girlfriend and seems happy again the two older kids still popped to see him as they are over 18 but he hasn't seen the youngest as she is still a child my cousin has dark skin like our entire family is pasty white but he looks Hispanic it was a joke for a long time in my family including between he and his dad about his dad not being his real father like they'd call each other alleged father and alleged son anyway my aunt and uncle got into the whole thing like 10 years ago and turns out my aunt's who married into our family great-grandfather was black she was pasty white like us but apparently her mom had darker skin too but just looked southern Italian which she also was maybe not related but sort of a funny story this is exactly my family we are all pasty white but my brother was born with dark hair and very very tan he is definitely my father's son we have a couple cousins that are the same way aunts and uncles too was a postpartum nurse for several years I hadn't several dad say the baby wasn't theirs because the baby wasn't black enough and she must have been with a white boy behind his back it takes a few days for the baby's pigment to darken what I was taught by a senior nurse with that when you look at the baby's testicles it's a boy it will tell you how dark the pigment of their skin will be but you could tell these men were just looking for any excuse to ditch out on the baby very sad just checked and can confirm that my skin tone of my testicles match the rest of my body you have been visited by the wealth wrath subscribe in 12 seconds and he will share his wealth with you thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: doctors of reddit, doctors, doctor stories, emergency room, nurses, nurse, doctor, baby delivery, not the father, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: AsHvbULk1WU
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Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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