What Do You Swear You Saw But Have No Proof? (r/AskReddit)

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what do you swear you saw but don't have any proof off when I was 10 we had a 14 year old German Shepherd who was getting very sick I was home alone momentarily as my mom went to the neighbors to pick up a book or something our German Shepherd came over convinced me to walk outside with him and started licking my hands looked at me and ran away jumping the fence and he never came back he was so loyal and good that to this day no one believes me and thinks he was stolen because he would never leave I'm almost certain he did that because he didn't want us to see him die and he wanted to go to the massive forest area and do his thing I miss you buddy I remember hearing that dying animals sometimes go to places they never normally went before they died I had just applied to a job at a gas station on a major interstate route in the US and I was leaving the lobby of the rest area building when I pushed the door open and walked out I saw seagull take flights from the top of a lamppost on the far side of the parking lot which was shaped like a rectangle with the building at one of the skinny ends the only reason it caught my eye was because the parking lot was empty save one or two cars besides mine and it was like my pushing the door open also pushed a button to trigger the bird to take off the timing was perfect but so I'm walking down the sidewalk and I'm watching this seagull fly in my general direction following the edge of the lot when it gets to the corner unturned so it's going to fly directly over me I think to myself no way and sure as crap how hep I see the seagull dropped one in midair just before it gets to me it's flying a good 20 ish feet in the air so I simply sidestep and watch as this giant blob of bird crap liquid splats down on the ground perfectly where I was so this seagull saw me walk out the door and instantly decided it was going to try crap on me once sat at a drive-in diner while waiting for food me and a friend were telling jokes every time one of this laughed The Seagull squawked as if trying to imitate our laughter it was strange see girls are strange I've had glasses since the third grade I was playing tackle football with friends after school I wasn't wearing glasses tackled one of my friends really big collision for a second I regained full eyesight then I blinked and it was gone again sometime in the early 2000s my wife and I went to an Eminem concert at the House of Blues on Sunset in LA yes I know they are tearing it down and it sucks I saw a lot of great shows there including his royal purple badness anyway the entire show may be 90 minutes there was a guy dancing on stage in a full mummy suit and he is doing really awkward and funny dances that you wouldn't expect from a background dancer at a rap concert but hey he's in a mummy suit so whatever the show ends and Eminem screams into the mic do you'll want to know who the mother frickin mummy is in the crowd shares and he screams Dustin motherfreakin Hoffman he pulls a zipper in the back of the costume and out comes an extremely sweaty 60 something-year-old Dustin Hoffman and the crowd goes into a stunned silence for a few seconds and then erupts and cheers my wife and I just kinda looked at each other and disbelief and when I tell people they always say something like oh it must have just been someone found that looked like him but that guy was Dustin motherfreakin Hoffman and now I have no proof not my story but my brothers he lost his wallet and was retracing his steps looking for it a homeless man approached him at a coffee shop and said to him don't worry it's in the bathroom sink your wallet is in your bathroom sink later that night he did indeed find his wallet at home in the bathroom sink a few days later he saw the same homeless man and thanked him for his help the guy became really irritated and told my brother he had never seen him before could have been a lucky guess but I think magical boom makes for a better story went and got the mail from the previous day at like 7:00 a.m. no one was around but this massive black dog was walking around my neighbor's ford windstar by massive the dog's head went to the windows and when his head was at the back bumper his hind legs were still at the driver's door when I was about 10 years old I saw my old dog catch a crow out of the air then just gently release it your dog was probably thinking hyung I didn't think I'd get this far when I was about 10 they started putting missing children on milk cartons every morning for a while I was looking at his body's face on the side of the milk while I would eat my cereal then one day a car went down my street while I was playing outside and there was a boy in the backseat with his face up close to the window looking out my 99% sure it was the boy from the milk carton I told my parents but they didn't believe me I was at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago I walked up to the cuttlefish tank and for some reason all 20 or so of the cuttlefish rushed over to me it was a big tank maybe 10 feet long I walk the length of it and they followed me I walked back and they followed a few other people saw and tried it themselves but alas the cuttlefish only had eyes for me my best guess as to the cause was that the guy who feeds them is my doppelganger could have been the color of your shirt as well I work at an aquarium and as someone who wears the uniform animals get thrilled at the sight of me often just because of my shirt color ball lightning it was right after a thunderstorm passed by I could see floating orbs in the sky there were a couple of cars parked by an open field and people were watching this happen so I parked and got out to join them we all sorta just looked on in silence until they winked out one by one there was at least ten of them and they seemed to fly together in patterns sometimes they were fast other times they slow down or reversed direction they seem small but I could tell this wasn't because they were far up in the sky if I were to guess they'd be about the size of a basketball maybe a little larger the whole ordeal only lasted 30 minutes we then all got in our cars and left I tried taking pictures but it was dark and the lights were too faint to make out I should recorded a video instead I noticed someone was recording them at the scene so I had kinda hoped I would see it online at some point but it's been two years now so I guess not a chameleon escaped from a bag when my friend was giving it to me and it lept into a big pile of snow I looked around for it for a while but couldn't find it so I gave up several weeks later the snow all melted and I was out there and found the lizard partially frozen to the ground I peeled him off and put it in one of those little plastic tanks and sat it by the radiator in my house within an hour or two the lizard was hopping around the cage like nothing ever happened it lived for several years out of that and was known to my friend and I as Jesus the resurrection lizard my bathroom had a towel holder thing which was a fastened bar parallel to the wall it had started coming out of one of the holders and one day I accidentally pulled too hard on it it came flying off and landed in a clatter but I couldn't find it mind you this was a small bathroom maybe 15 feet by 6 feet in area and the counter and cabinets are seamlessly fastened to the wall I checked in the bath behind the toilet under the towers nowhere to this day I have no idea what the Frick happened to it one day I was looking out the window of my office and four semi trucks drove past one after each other they were in order Costco Costco Cisco Cisco half the people I mention it to don't care and the other half don't believe me I was snorkeling in Hawaii once and I swear I saw something that looked like a clear chameleon but as soon as I got close it buried itself in the sand I still vividly remember discovering a new species you need to name it man before my sister was born my parents found a kitten they decided to keep it because they could find no owner named her princess anyway my sister is four years older than I am we both grew up with this cat she sometimes follow us and watch over us my parents used to make jokes about how she thought of us as her kittens now my sister wasn't very nice to me it took a lot of people a lot of time to realize she wasn't just nasty it was full-on abuse and bullying my sister is a narcissist but that's not what you need to know when I was too young to understand what was happening I used to talk to princess she was like my version of a diary I'd sit with this creature that was older than I was and tell her all my problems one day at a store my mom told us she'd buy us each a lolly my sister wanted a different one to me and grabbed my arm and clawed her nails down it's so hard if drew blood hurt a lot and I was really upset when we got home I went and cried to princess about how scared I'd felt after a while I calmed down and went and played with my toys princess ambled out of the room a few minutes later I heard a shriek and she ambled back in turns out she'd walked up and scratched my sister's hand then hissed at had before coming back to sit with me and watch over me playing with my toys my parents assumed that my sister provoked her but I know she walked out of the room right after I'd been talking to her and walked in right after the shriek I can't prove it but I think princess saw how scared I was and showed me that she protect me I've never told anybody about my white and gray guardian apart from my current cat I haven't thought about princess in a while she lived to be between 19 and 21 depending on how old she was when my parents got her she lived with them for 19 years was around 2 when they found her I loved that cat funnily enough my new cat was originally my sisters she got him then left him with my parents and he slowly became mine he likes to sit with me more than he likes her that sweet as heck when I was around 10 years old I went down to a lake when I was on holiday when I get down there I vividly remember a massive bull of lightning just hovering and then it struck the middle of the lake I never ran so fast in my life back to the litt house we were staying in our house was struck by lightning one night and my mom says she saw hovering bull of lightning apparently it's something that can happen I was out for a walk late one night this was in rural Illinois so there was nobody else out I noticed from a distance that there were these squirrels just standing in the middle of the road thought to myself that this is strange when I got closer I noticed there were three squirrels standing around a cat that was lying down I thought for a minute the cat was dead but when I got closer and walked past them the squirrels and cat followed me with their eyes none of them moving a muscle it was a look like move it along nothing to see here to this day I think out how bizarre that was as a child I touched some weird pest plant in our garden I think it stung me then I saw everything in inverted colors for short time and then back to normal I was in such a shock I couldn't explain it to my mom I just went to her crying when I was about six my entire family was helping to build my grandparents a new house I was helping my dad move some really long 2 x 4's from the lumber pile when a mouse ran out from under the board I had moved out in the middle of the woods mice were no big deal to any of us I did a double-take though because the mouse was freaking blue I don't mean the Sun reflected off its fur and it had a blue sheen to it I mean a brilliant wild blue he was running fast but I got my dad to notice it too and he agreed that the mouse really was royal freaking blue we've told multiple people my mom included and no one believes us but we know what we saw I slipped on icy stairs last winter and swear I saw my own butt crack as I fell no one believes me when I was about 10 or 11 we were having a get-together at GMA's house for the holidays all of his cousins played all day and when night fell we played hide and seek while the adults smoked and drank up by the house we stayed on the back of the property just having a good time I was hiding in between a bush and the property fence when I heard the strangest sound it was almost a scream both happy and miserable at the same time I jumped up and kinda shouted all my cousins heard it and we all saw it too it was an animal on two legs and it ran off with really jerky motions being the oldest by about three years I calmed down the crying little ones and explained as best I could that it was just someone trying to scare us I've had nightmares about that sound in my mind it seems a grotesque mimicry of our joyous screams and laughter as we played to none of my cousin's today we'll admit even remembering the incident although the adults remembered the commotion it caused when I was five I woke up from my sleep and saw man sitting on the stairs watching me I wasn't scared though there was something tranquil about it I just watched him and he watched me for what seemed like ten minutes then all of a sudden he was gone a few days later I found out my dad was killed in Europe I live in Canada and my parents were separated there's pictures of me with him when I was just born but he left shortly after that to this day that is the only memory that I have of my dad a ghost watching over me I don't believe in ghosts but I know what I saw I've never told anyone before except my mom my mom used to see her dead sister standing at the end of her bed watching her for years after she killed herself it was always peaceful and tranquil she says she liked seeing her but then one night it just didn't feel right my mom got scared and shouted for her to go away she never came back after that my friend and I were watching basketball in the early days that Charles Barkley was a panelist but he was apologizing for calling a team midgets and saying that he now knew it was offensive but as they were going to commercial we both heard him say over a hot mic besides they shouldn't hate me they should hate God my friend and I were amazed and convinced he would be fired but not only did we never hear about it again the clip doesn't even exist online anywhere it says though we had a double delusion a kangaroo and we don't live in Australia there was something stuck in my grandmother's garage crashing all over the place I opened the door saw it and when to tell them it came through the door and ran jumped across the field everyone thinks I was making it up but nobody else was there to see it kangaroos do have a tendency to escape from traveling circuses that's the only real explanation I can gather my mom dad and I were driving through rural Alabama late one night headed to see family for Christmas over ten years ago we were in a Ford Explorer mom was driving and dad and I were sleeping I woke up for a moment in the backseat just in time to see what looked like a buffalo dead in the road and then the Explorer went up and over as the dead buffalo and it scraped the undercarriage of the car I asked my mom in my sleepy days was there to Buffalo to which she replied I don't know I closed my eyes a fat squirrel in a tree threw a piece of fried chicken at me I was walking to class and passed by our trash can with the domed lid on top was a bottom piece of a bun as was walking by it a squirrel came out of the trashcan and put a chick-fil-a chicken on top of the bun then went back inside the trashcan I assumed it was to get the top bun I really wish I took a photo of it another instance was a squirrel with a cigarette bus in its mouth I had an empty toilet paper roll and I threw it in a trash can and it hit something in there and bounced out and then hit the sink edge and then the wall and it went back in the trashcan craziest crap I've ever done in my life and I have zero proof one time when I was really young maybe like 10 years old I came home after school and was making myself a salami sandwich I pulled the bag of salami out and took out two slices I smack the two slices together and suddenly they became one I tried my hardest to separate them but there was no seam or anything that I could split them up with I even showed it to my mom that not a single person believed me when I told them I had fused two pieces of salami together cold cat welding I'm in line at a cafeteria the guy in front of me is holding a pudding cup someone walking by stumbles and falls into pudding Cup guy knocking his pudding cup out of his hand while everyone is looking at stumbling guy the pudding cup goes a good two feet straight up in the air a pudding cup guy is totally focused and at the last second turns and catches the pudding cup behind his back he looks at me smiles and that was that no one else saw it this mouse is looking for friends in the comments comment mouseboy to befriend him if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 93,985
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit unbelievable true stories, reddit unbelievable facts, reddit swear you saw, reddit no proof, reddit UFO
Id: C-SbTcdvLRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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