Nurses, What's the Worst Pain Tolerant Patient You Had?

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doctors and nurses have any of your patients surprised you with their amount or lack of pain tolerance i had a patient with an open tib fib fracture the bones and the lower leg sticking out and below that it looks like jelly trying to walk away apparently unaware of how bad his leg was of course he was incredibly drunk at the time well it's a good thing you aren't a terrible medic wait working in a hospital has taught me the downside of abusing painkillers drugs patients constantly come in here with long-term substance abuse issues and now that they are actually hurt mvc broke bones etc you can give them enough drugs to put down a horse and they still feel everything i was a tech india when the emts brought in an elderly woman with what they said was a sprained ankle she had slipped while mopping a floor at work and her co-worker had called it in turned out she had broken both of the bones in the lower part of her leg but was sweetly chatting with us i was impressed as soon as i saw this raise emts had no idea and had splintered her ankle over where her bones were broken typically broken bones in the legs unless there's a huge amount of angulation displacement do not cause a ton of pain unless moved we see that often in the old people with hip fractures as well they're usually sitting there still and having no pain but the second you try to move it they are in excruciating pain same goes with trying to bear weight a doc 50 year old guy with a massive heart attack just lying there chillin ask him his pain level deadpan just a little five-year-old boy with both forearm bones fractured and dislocated playing on ipad with other arm 60 year old lady's lips falls destroys pelvic bone just wants one tylenol and scooches out of bed wanting to walk home after much convincing she begrudgingly accepted that might not be a great idea there are some bad butt people out there fire medic here farmers seem to be tough one time a guy pulled into the front ramp got out of his truck and walked up holding his severed forearm in his other arm get him in the truck take off along the way he states he lived down the road and wanted to get to us quickly when asked why he didn't call he 911 i just cut my arm i ain't dying also had a battle of the bulge vet tell me he didn't need a blanket it was -7 with windchill not a but actually a cashier at a fast food place a woman ordered two meals and since she was a little older really old actually i offered to bring her food to the table so she wouldn't have to wait i get there and her husband had wads of paper towels stuck all over his arms with electrical tape and his right hand and part of his face were a mix of blood and second-degree burns turned out he was working on his lawnmower and the engine blew up on him they stopped for lunch on the way to the hospital for burns and the metal they couldn't get out he was acting like it was nothing working as an emt i got called today 64 year old female slipped in her house possible sprained ankle when we got there the woman is sitting in a chair with her leg stretched out in front of her but she had long pants and slippers on that covered the entire ankle so i couldn't really see it when we walked in she was talking and didn't really seem to be in any pain at all so i figured this was going to be an easy trip i kneeled down in front of her to take a closer look and wasn't i surprised to find that it wasn't just broken it was fricked right up i mean the foot was at a 90 degree angle to the outside and it was also leaned down so what should have been the side of her foot was facing straight down and the bone that should have been holding the ankle in place was pushing against the skin on the inside of her ankle so hard that it was about to rip through i was bewildered at the fact that at that moment she said it doesn't hurt so i hope it isn't broken but she hardly made a peep on the ride to the hospital 35 miles very bumpy come to find out she had multiple sclerosis and that makes people feel pain differently i was chatting with my physiotherapist one day about pain tolerance and she said that she once had her ex maybe see addict as a patient whose tolerance was absolute zero she couldn't even touch him without him perceiving it as painful let alone stretch or manipulate his body she said he was a very challenging case radiographer here as a student i met a patient who was a typical little old lady she came in with far too many shopping bags and walked extremely slowly she'd been sent by her gp because she'd fallen getting out of the bath a few weeks previous so we brought her in and took the first image ap pelvis if you were wondering and her pelvis was absolutely ruined turns out she had slipped and fallen with one leg in and one leg out of the bath and taken the whole fall on her vagina not wanting to cause a fuss this woman had ignored the pain and carried on her life as normal for weeks long enough for the fractures to be fairly healed albeit in a strange way not really resembling a pelvis much anymore when i was studying nursing i saw a man who had broken his knee in a motorcycle accident three days before the knee was at least three times its normal size the doctor asked him about the pain and he told him it wasn't that bad he was mostly annoyed at his family who had taken him to the emergency room i'm an oncology nurse my patients have some of the highest pain tolerances i have ever seen they literally have tumors taking over entire cavities in their bodies huge masses pressing on places that aren't supposed to be pressed on and literally eroding through their skin and they will ask me for pain meds when i have a second it amazes me not a doctor but my goddaughter was born very prematurely requiring a major open heart surgery at two weeks old but we were told by her docs that since she'd gone through so much surgical trauma the first few weeks of her life as a neonate her pain receptors nerve endings would not develop normally they gave us the example that if she put her hand on a hot stove as a kid she would have sustained a severe burn before feeling any pain whatsoever she never cried as a kid when she got shots fell down banged into things even when it was enough to draw blood i suspect her medical history was the cause i'm a nurse who used to work in orthopedics the amount of people who would guzzle oral morphine was unbelievable older adults s little old ladies would just take two paracetamol and would be totally fine my dad has an unusually high pain tolerance he was cleaning a fishing pole in our backyard once when he didn't notice that the pole had splintered and pulled his hand down on it the force caused the pole to snap in half and drive itself all the way through his hand he stood up walked in the kitchen with pole hanging out of his hand and calmly asked my mom if he should just pull it out or go to the air since it was a fiberglass one he opted for the er just in case something was broken off inside his hand the list goes on and on and gets worse the other was when he fell off a ladder and shattered his leg the bone came through the skin and he was [ __ ] about going to the air a doctor here i can't count on two hands the number of patients i have seen that are covered in tattoos and are scared of needles ivs i mean complete phobia it makes absolutely no sense if anyone can enlighten me as to how this phenomenon can exist i'd appreciate it to quote a friend of a friend when asked by an adult who queried why he was freaking out over getting a tetanus shot after having a cut sewn up without anesthetic that's why it's called an irrational fear of needles a doctor here my intern year in residency i saw a 17 year old kid who when while playing hockey tried to stop a puck with a gloved hand it struck his fingertip injuring the base of his nail causing a significant deformity his nail bed needed repair which requires first removing the nail that is done by bluntly dissecting reed separating the nail from the tissue below it if your stomach didn't turn reading that and imagining it congratulations you have no soul typically we use a numbing agent to eliminate sensation to the entire finger using something called a digital block i put it in after 10 minutes he still felt me touching his fingertip i tried putting some around the nail he still felt everything his mother said his father actually had a similar thing little king didn't work on him i offered him a different numbing medicine we can inject benadryl in that case or even knocking him out he looked at me in the eyes and said doc just take it off without anything yeah it's fine they fix our cuts without numbing medicine but it's gonna hurt a lot i have to scrape i know so i went at it he grabbed a towel with his other hand and i went to work 45 minutes later the nail was off he was repaired and i replaced the nail in its rightful place the kid didn't even make a noise tl dr hockey players are freaking bad but holy frick i'm ready to puke just reading that oh my god a doc here 54 year old guy comes in with a heart attack keeps telling us he's fine he looked sick when we begin switching out the emt's monitors for our own on his chest he says don't worry about that it is my elbow that is the problem not two seconds after he finished that sentence he was dead luckily we were able to revive him i kept track of his case while he was upstairs and he left the hospital alive and without any neurological deficits feels good nurse here while in school i had a seven-year-old girl who had broke her hip by getting bounced off a trampoline they lived a few hours out of town and when it happened they knew she was hurt but not how bad so her parents put her in the back of the truck and hauled her for 45 plus minutes to their local hospital she got there they did x-rays and found it was worried too bad for them to treat and that she needed to come to us they rushed the family out without anything for pain for this little one for another hour plus ride to our this girl didn't shed a tear she was hands down the toughest patient i've ever had had a 19 year old do the same while skateboarding and i had to pull him out of the car while another nurse held his leg in place some people will amaze you with their strength and braveness not a nurse but a medical technician at a couple of large events in my country working at a racing track i had both of these people come in on the same day male 54 years swedish small cut on hand his reaction to me pouring water saline in his wound o w o w o w o w o w it hurts when you put disinfectant in there be careful male 32 years finish deep cut in right forearm his humeral bone was visible no it doesn't hurt now just tape it the frick up so i can get back on my bike as a swedish person i tell you this do not frick with the finnish people patience in a sickle cell crisis i've pushed up to 14 milligrams of dilorded one two milligrams at a time into these patients without a resulting change in vital signs or mentation however i've also seen young men competing in rodeos who have been stomped by a bull a few times coming with broken ribs and a pneumothorax saying it's just a scratch and declining pain medications emt here i once took a kid about 18 19 to the air screaming all the way for sunburn sunburn i mean yeah sunburn isn't fun but this kid was claiming nine stroke 10 pain and whimpering i was a standard charge nurse and i giggled about it for weeks a friend told me an old boy came in with a large laceration on his arm suturing it up took over an hour but can be quite fun as you can chat to the patients my friend was engrossed talking to him about his experiences in the second world war and really enjoyed treating him the old chap was in good spirits throughout and told him lots of interesting stories about his time behind enemy lines or in trenches in flanders after he put the last stitch in my friend started clearing up and found the local anaesthetic bottle and opened he realized he not put any local in at all and yet the guy didn't want flinch leave a side complain when asked why he didn't say anything he just said oh i thought that's how it's supposed to feel i didn't mind lovely chatting to you then walked out don't make them how they used to you gotta watch those old guys anybody of the generation that fought in korea or world war ii will get up and walk on two broken ankles for a chest x-ray tough guys i've had a few patients in trich swear that their pain was 10 stroke 10 while eating drinking laughing playing on cell phone i'll charge whatever number that they said and then put in the notes patient laughing insert verb or emotion i had one nurse that when a patient would say a certain number she'd hand them a card that would say at a pain level of seven you would be sweating vital signs would be elevated you would be nauseated and probably vomiting then she'd ask you sure your seven nine stroke ten will change their answers med seekers and junkies coming down have the same level of pain tolerance barely touch the junkies and they flip out due to pain whereas the med seekers attempt that crap and overact i saw the guy try to fake a seizure and it was the funniest crap ever he was curling his hands up like he had cp and leaning his head back to gather spit so he could foam at the mouth med seekers will always be allergic to morphine and need dilorded innate even i don't think i have met anyone with a high pain tolerance some chick came in with cysts on her ovaries and declined meds because she was in recovery so that is actually pretty bad but not in a doctor but i went to the air with my younger brother after a ski accident my brother fell on his back off quite a big drop causing his sternum split open a few runs later he said he was sure something was wrong with his chest so we eventually got to the air the doctor was shocked that he was able to continue skiing after it and that he wasn't writhing in pain when it was touched my brother's explanation was yeah it hurts but i can't do anything about it my friend's dog piled on my chest when i turned 16 and we heard a loud pop it was my sternum my chest hurt but i never went to the doctor to this day if i stretch my arms out and take a deep breath i can pop my sternum like people pop their knuckles my grandmother wouldn't take pain medicine not sure why but even getting dental work done she didn't want numbing agents the only time i know that she took pain meds was some aspirin after getting t-boned while driving and hurting her shoulder she passed away last year from als a few weeks before her 80th birthday she was the most independent person i've ever known and even having to rely on her kids for help she didn't complain the aspirin was probably given to her to reduce the risk of a blood clot dvt older people risk having a strong after impact injuries not a doctor but had a good one from my pcp he had an older marine that came in reason being stiff neck and nausea does his normal workup rules out sea c-spine injury decides to test for meningitis tells the guide to touch his chin to his chest turn left turn right look up nothing tells the guide to stand on his toes and drop onto his heels and the guy nearly collapses and then vomits on the floor doc asks didn't it hurt when you touched your chin to your chest marine replies yes it freaking hurt but what does that have to do with it i'm your doctor you're supposed to tell me when something is wrong the marine just looked at him with a slightly blank look on his face and said oh sorry doc won't happen again when my daughter was five she severed her ring finger in a door i was making lunch for a picnic when she realized her teddy bear was in her room and you can't have a picnic without a teddy bear she went upstairs to grab it when i heard a slam and one single blood cuddling scream then silence i ran to see what was the matter and my little daughter was sitting on the floor in front of her door covered in blood and staring at something she looked at me and said my finger is off mama i wrapped her hand in a towel picked up her finger and called 9-1-1 in the ambulance the paramedic was asking her questions about how much pain she was in and she told him that it's the most hurty thing ever but she was more sad that she ruined teddy with her blood they ended up being able to reattach the finger but her teddy was ruined i tried to wash him but he didn't came clean the whole upstairs looked like a murder scene i even washed blood off the ceiling a few days later the paramedic knocked at the door with the biggest teddy bear i ever saw he gave it to my daughter and told her that she was the bravest little girl in the world it was really sweet i had a patient 60 something male who had three of his fingers mostly amputated by a snowblower at about the level of the second knuckle he came in with his fingers hanging from skin flaps and was totally stoic not only was he a 0 out of 10 for pain his vitals were rock steady no alteration in heart rate or blood pressure he kept joking around about it i just cut him off they'll grow back this guy remained a 0 out of 10 for the entire time even when they just cut him off his biggest concern was getting out of the air in time to watch a football game or badass mother stark contrast are the patients i get who scream bloody murder and cry when the blood pressure cuff is pumped up on their arm grown adults are you kidding me also screaming and crying is only going to make your bp go up causing that cuff to squeeze tighter and tighter a nurse here there are of course exceptions to the rule but generally i see elderly with a much higher tolerance to pain than younger patients an 87 year old lady can have a fall break her hip and be resting comfortably barely complaining of pain but a man in his 20s can come in with the same type of fall and barely be bruised and be writhing off of the bed of course it can pain med-seeking behavior cultural differences in age or just the the people in general but this seems to be what i see on on a daily basis i broke my wrist when i was 12 after a bad bike crash i flipped the handlebars and landed on my neck and slid a couple dozen feet the impact shattered my helmet anyway in the air nurses are setting up an iv in the arm that wasn't injured when i explained i landed on my neck and it was hurting they asked where so i instinctively used my broken wristed hand to point every single person in the room go zoo and just kind stops and looked at me and i guess i was in shock because i kinda just looked around like wtf happened eastern european guy had a circular saw accident that cut his leg down through the muscle the wound was about eight inches long was covering trauma serg that night and got called down to sew it up there had drugged him up and i brought a med student with me and i walked him through aggressively irrigating the wound reapproximating the muscle and doing a loose suture approximation of the skin the student took some time and we redid several sutures in the skin and muscle layers because they were too loose tight etc after about 45 minutes we were done i asked they are attending how much morphine he gave him so i could rados he replied that he didn't order anything yet and was waiting for me the patient's last dose was in the ambulance hours ago i immediately asked the guy how he was feeling while injecting the crap out of him with local he said i feel fine the guy didn't even flinch the entire time we were working he was connected to a monitor and his heart rate didn't even budge tldr never get into a fight with a lithuanian man or circular saw when i was about 12 i fell on black ice and hurt my ankle i knew it was bad so i asked someone to call me an ambulance i wasn't crying or anything when they put me in the ambulance paramedics told me it's probably just a sprain i get my x-rays and bam ankle broken in three places and foot dislocated i saw the paramedic as i was leaving the hospital and he told me he thought it was nothing because i didn't make a peep i didn't shed a tear about a week late because my leg was hurting i get to the hospital and the doc says we'll cut your cast off but i don't think we're gonna find anything he leaves the nurses take the cast off and my entire leg is green black purple blue and i am pretty sure some new colors that no one has ever seen before also had a bunch of pressure blisters so the dock walks and looks like he's in shock when he sees my leg and then leaves without saying a word then a new dog comes in and gave me a cool cast that i could take off to air out and look at my leg my pain tolerance tends to freak me over also frick that doctor i am a radiographer and a nur we frequently have to move patients with broken bones to get our pictures the elderly have a surprisingly high pain tolerance i've seen elderly patients move limbs with obvious breaks to accommodate our needs without a peep people with the least pain tolerance seem to be the younger crowd ranging from 15 30 they whine and whale from the slightest touch and more often than not the ones with no brakes whine and scream the most i've sprained and broken a few limbs in my lifetime to be fair the sprains far and away hurt worse than the brakes like spraining my ankle hurt a heck of a lot worse than when i fractured three ribs and a wrist all at once not a doctor but i recently broke my femur when it happened the first 30 seconds was the most intense pain after that i was calm not in much pain and joking and such the only nothings that hurt that could get really any reaction was moving me from stretcher to bed then x-ray table and then the worst but relieving pain they put a boot made out of soft stuff on my leg and then they pulled my bones were overlapped by three inches in fill the bones were a little more lined up then they put a weight on the end but during that time the nurse lady saw my face in a grunting face i guess and she said you can cry and scream if you want i just shook my head my mom recently had a heart attack so i didn't want to scare her that's actually really sweet not a doctor or nurse but this happened to me i completely shattered my knee and part of my leg after i was running and slipped on some ice into a stone wall i was with a group of friends and all this all was me slide and hit the wall they came over and asked if i was okay in a normal voice i said i couldn't move my leg no tears screaming or anything no one believed me but after a minute or two i convinced them to call nine one one the whole time i was waiting for ambulance about 30 minutes i was talking to them normally and no one believed i was actually hurt until i started going in and out of consciousness right as the paramedics got there i started to wake up they got out and they didn't think anything was wrong until they cut my pants off and saw my femur was almost protruding out of my leg i had no kneecap and top so the tibia and fibia were protruding out they took me to hospital no drugs in the ambulance as i was joking around with them that is asking if i'm allergic to anything i told the apparently stone walls they got me to hospital and rushed me into it the doctors came over and were shocked i wasn't screaming or crying then about an hour after the initial injury the pain finally started in once they started moving the leg about three doses of morphine because one wasn't enough and one of demerol i don't remember the next couple days besides bits and pieces but all the nurses and doctors told me i had one of the highest pain tolerances they have seen although i imagine it wasn't really my choice mostly the brain just shutting it down because i was in so much shock and had so much trauma you're really lucky that an artery wasn't severed if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 122,306
Rating: 4.9203982 out of 5
Keywords: pain tolerance, doctors, nurses, hospital, emergency, treatment, vaccines, pain, scared of needles, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 6RsO8zSl7hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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