Doctors Share Most Remarkable “I Thought That Was Normal..” Cases

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doctors over at it what was the most shocking case of oh i thought that was normal you've seen in a patient when i was a medical student a patient and his brother came in together patient was just a post-op visit after a hernia repair found out he had another baseball-sized hernia his brother on the other hand had literally had a football-sized hernia visibly coming out of his left leg of his shorts looked like an inguinal hernia and he was able to use it as an armrest i asked him if that bothered him at all and he straight up said my brother's hernias were painful but this isn't so i thought it was just a quirky defect i hope he was lying to save face but we recommended he get it taken care of nurse here 67 years old thought she was pregnant gotta say she looked pregnant and that it was all in her abdomen like some pregnant women who look like they're carrying a basketball when they are at the end but she was 67 turns out it was a 37 pound ovarian cyst i asked if i could watch the surgery that thing came out all in one piece i'll never forget the sound it made this was at a community hospital many years ago before hipaa so naturally the lab announced that anyone who wanted could come down to the lab and view this incredible thing before it was dissected by pathology the line at lunch time was so long you'd think they were giving away free concert tickets holy crap 37 pounds is that's a big imaginary baby obgyn here i've pulled so many things out of vaginas that people claim they didn't know were in there or don't think it was abnormal to leave them in their old rotting medical devices what looked like a plastic car wheel or bottle cap used condom old tampon insects you get the drift md here a couple years back had a walk-in complaining of a few months of abdo pain swelling i crap you not the man was simpson's character yellow with jaundice and a cities fluid filling the belly he seemed shocked when i told him i was calling the hospital to arrange direct admission ahem please continue when i was a med student we visited a clinic in the country where i studied lots of people woof get horrible injuries and use the local elixir of dirt motor oil spit from the local old lady to patch up an exposed arm bone or whatever had one woman in her 20s come in with a fungating breast cancer that looked like a hard mushroom bowl growing through the skin into the outside world constantly bled anytime you touched it her family shamed any injuries or impurities and she thought she just needed to keep it covered until it got better i don't know if this fits but here's a story about my husband we were messing around and he chased me through the kitchen took a hard left turn and lost his footing fell on his side he's a big dude so falling is a bit more traumatic for him he couldn't put pressure on his leg and knew immediately he was hurt pretty bad he was able to crawl to the couch and once settled said he wasn't in too much pain he decided to sleep on the couch that night so he wouldn't have to go upstairs we made an appointment in the morning for the year so we wouldn't have to sit there all day but they didn't have an opening until two so we just hung out at the house he was in a decent amount of ambient pain but he didn't seem emergent once we got to the hospital we find out that he had broken his hip in this case breaking off his entire ball joint from the top of his femur the nurses said they couldn't believe that he was able to sit up and had slept on it implying that we should have come the night before and probably by ambulance it required surgery with some hefty bolts to put it back into place but the crazy part is that apparently a healthy 30ish year old man breaking his femur from standing is highly unusual after several tests and an mri it turned out he was in the early stages of osteoporosis due to a pituitary tumor in his brain so we discovered a benign brain tumor all because dude was wearing slippery socks edited to correct the type of tumor i had the wrong gland i'm making my internship and one night i was attending a trijic at ridges the area where you check the patients and decide how urgent is the attention they need context here i'm in a third world country and i'm at a public hospital that attends uncovered population and instead of one hospital with all the specialities we have three the main one the jayo hospital and the children's hospital so i had this woman of late 30s she started telling me that she had an extreme pain 10 stroke 10 in the lower abdomen no other sign that food could be involved neither kidney stones or urine infection i proceed to ask about last menstrual cycle she doesn't recall the exact date but she says it was like four months ago without hesitation and without asking more or anything else i told them she and her familiar to go right away to the hospital that was crossing the street because if it was something obstetric we didn't had any jio in this hospital and if it was something of general surgery they had general surgeons there we got a call like 20 minutes later lol that woman delivered her baby a trigger of the other hospital md here had a patient come and forecast removal literally years after it had been put on she had just decided it wasn't worth taking off her leg skin was literally growing over the top of the cast and then down it once we finally cut the cast off she was surprised to find that she had no skin underneath but the dead tissue over her muscles and bones was being cleaned by about 300 maggots i knew by the smell that something under there wasn't right but wasn't expecting that patient seemed completely fine with it whatever resident doctor here although not an object in my objen rotation in medical school i had a patient who was a first-time mother having difficulty nursing her baby the patient said she had some redness and it had been hurting to nurse on one nipple so she often had to switch until finally it became unbearable for her to nurse from either she had mentioned that she thought her nipples might be cracked or chafed when it finally came to the exam she had the most chafed nipples i had ever seen it looked totally raw and macerated to the point that they looked like two large pepperoni slices one of her breasts also looked like the wound had led to mastitis it definitely led to a new appreciation of how difficult breastfeeding can be on new mothers omfg my vag just so herself closed not a doctor but related story of major illness undetected my son 13 yo complained to me that his scrotum was unbearably itchy i figured probably sweat told him to wash the area thoroughly and make sure to dry well maybe dust some baby powder on there too a couple of days later he said it was still itchy and getting bigger bigger he showed me his visibly swollen scrotum no pain or anything just itchy and swollen so that's not good but i didn't think it was anything more than a sweat rash that maybe needed some ointment we go to the doctor and are sent off for an ultrasound the scan shows zero blood flow to the area immediate transfer to the emergency room he goes in for emergency surgery where the urologist surgeon removes one necrotic testicle it had become randomly twisted testicular torsion and died at least a week prior according to its necrotic state the swelling was a major infection setting in the itchiness was caused by the infection and skin stretching he had no pain whatsoever and the doctor said that was amazing for most boys torsion feels like being kicked in the nuts continuously and by the infected stage he was and he'd expect crying and screaming level of pain much longer and he could have developed sepsis we just thought it was a bit of a rash that got out of hand and a lucky i took him to the gp and didn't just go by ointment otc as i had thought of doing he had a follow-up surgery a month later to insert a fake testicle and to stitch his remaining live testicle to the scrotum wall so it can't commit seppuku like its brother psychiatrist here one of my first patients was a female college student that couldn't sleep because of the voices that constantly talk to her and she felt forced to answer them at all times from what she was saying i gather that depending on the particular voice with name and identity she was either cautioned about some people or situations or outright pushed towards violent acts her voices appeared when she was 16 if i remember correctly and we've met when she was 20 so at that point for four years of her life she believed that it was normal to have such voices in your head because as she explained many people talk to themselves to some extent she was right but i had to explain to her that they really talk with themselves that there are no other identities in them but only an internal dialogue to clarify or resolve issues that bother them in their own privacy so to speak she was later diagnosed with schizophrenia it's interesting because obviously we have the phrase talking to yourself but for neurotypical people it's assumed that you won't get an answer healthcare worker here i ran into a patient who had one or possibly both heads of her biceps completely ruptured proximally and curled back on itself so she looked like popeye i sheepishly asked her about it and she just shrugged and said it didn't hurt so she didn't worry about it you do have three muscles that flex the elbow but still the biceps is pretty important ah i can't express how much i dislike this patient here went to the doctor for a note to have a day off work since i didn't feel great and just didn't want to work doctor poked me in the stomach said that's not normal and sent me off to have a scan which took me two months to get around to two weeks later i get the letter from the doctors asking me to come in change my shift so i go and the doctor went off at me for not coming in sooner and told me to go home and back a bag i'm off to the royal brisbane it might be cancer more scanned later and it's decided that it's not cancer it was a four kilogram cyst my only symptom was an enlarged stomach and that you're getting fat comments from my mother shout out to the rbwh for being a top's place for various things always average to above good experience he is there honestly not a doctor but have a story my oldest son was 11 years old and needed a physical for youth tackle football we had a new doctor so she went into more detail than most physicals he had complained that his ankle hurt during the middle of baseball season so she asked if he could take off his shoe when he did she immediately points to the side of his foot where there was a strange bump and informed us he had a broken foot i didn't believe her as i pointed out he had the same thing on his other foot as well she took a look and said oh he has two broken feet and sent us over to get x-rays from the hospital i was laughing thinking this was so crazy believing there was no way my son who not only finished playing in a baseball tournament but who was running and jumping at the swimming pool literally an hour before had two broken feet after the x-rays were completed my smile quickly faded as the doctor was right that is when we learned about completely flat feet and the damage stress fractures can do when they go undetected eight weeks of cast and special shoes and insoles for the rest of his life solve the problem his feet are still deformed but have never slowed him down work at a dentist's office patient presents for an exam concerned part of her tooth has chipped off on examination it is not in fact a tooth that chipped off but rather a piece of calculus which is built up of hard tartar that covers your teeth over time when you don't brush them it can be small deposits or in this case an entire bridge covering her actual teeth she thought the calculus was tooth material and was quite shocked to learn we were actually unable to see her real teeth and she need an extensive cleaning to remove it all a piece of calculus i knew my suspicion that math was unhealthy was justified md here patient came in saying he was feeling a little tired and noticed he was having a harder time doing his job in construction a particularly difficult type of construction turns out he had slowly lost 80 percent of his blood over the course of a few months dude was a badass to be working as hard and long as he was with only a fifth of normal blood volume hemoglobin was low 2s md here i had a patient that had such uncontrolled diabetes that he lost all sensation in his legs he came into the hospital because he saw some blood on his socks when taking them off turns out his foot was literally rotting off almost completely gangrenous and the blood was coming from a huge ulcer at the bottom of his foot which had maggots living in it not a fun day not a doctor but a patient i went in for thigh hip pain i couldn't lie on that leg for more than 30 seconds without pain i thought it was muscular and my doctor thought it might be radiating back pain i had severals raise and learned i had broken my hip sometime in the past had a floating bone chip in my hip degenerative disc disease a birth defect in my spine and mild scoliosis i was the patient misdiagnosed when i had crohn's disease so bad i was literally starving to death finally got to a gastroenterologist and he ran the right tests he actually told me he thought i was too far gone to recover i was 21 years old 6 feet 5 and 131 pounds i am also six feet five inches with crons mine was easier to diagnose because i went to the dock stating i have this symptom and two uncles and one aunt with crons sent to gastro and diagnosed right away the family history was helpful because they don't seem to test for crons early in the diagnosis process this was 20 years ago glad you were able to get back on your feet patient here i thought everybody got itchy when playing outside turns out i'm allergic to every pollen grass mold in the state and i shocked the doctor during my allergy test when she came back and my whole body was red lumpy kind of similar to this i always broke out in hives on my legs and gym class or when i would exercise growing up in high school a dermatologist finally discovered that i'm allergic to my own sweat she said she had seen a couple cases of it throughout her career i take a daily allergy pill now and i'm fine but definitely a fun fact i can bring up not a doctor but i was rushed to the ear when i was 23 when i got there i was admitted as an undiagnosed type 1 diabetic the oh i thought this was normal bit is that while living undiagnosed for about a year i dropped 8 100 pounds i weighed 120 pounds and was as weak as i was frail i had stopped going to the gym months beforehand so i just thought well i was as skinny as a kid makes sense i would get this small if i stopped eating and working out patient here my psychiatrist saved my life i have always had heavy irregular periods so when i had bleeding that didn't go away for a month i pretty much just kept on keeping on eventually a doctor referred me to an emergency department because of the constant blood loss i got told it's because you have endometriosis so for five months i had a heavy period with doctors just dismissing it eventually my roommate called an ambulance when i passed out in the shower the doctors did a blood test and i was admitted overnight for a blood transfusion fun fact blood transfusions make some people nauseous which is not a fun way to find out you're allergic to an antiometic a few weeks later at about the six month mark i drove for an hour for my regular appointment with my psychiatrist he took one look at me and told me proceed directly to the emergency room do not pass go so i did and was promptly admitted to haiku with a bilateral pulmonary embolism i was hours away from suffocating to death turns out all the birth control that the original doctors had been giving me to shut me up and get rid of me had caused mass clots the doctor that looked after me and ultimately saved my life wrote a paper on why it's stupid to ignore another gravida never pregnant woman in her mid-20s with severe dysfunctional uterine bleeding i would love to hand that paper out to all the doctors i was that patient i thought i just had some bad personality qualities turned out it was a rare kind of schizophrenia i'm not a doctor but i did used to work in the emergency department of a pretty big hospital this one lady came in with complications with her pregnancy apparently a lot of things were going wrong but she just thought that was part of pregnancy until someone pointed out to her it was not it turns out she had a miscarriage that was not a fun day you never forget the cry of a mother who has just lost a child paramedic here once saw a lady in her late 50s with a gorita a little larger than a fist she had been otherwise healthy her entire adult life and had not once seen a doctor about it because her brother and father had the same thing so she assumed it was just a genetic thing that she had inherited i was the patient and it wasn't as crazy as some of these stories but i got my eyes examined and found out i have terrible vision i'm almost legally blind in my left eye when the doc had me cover my right eye and try to read the letters i couldn't read a single one the eye doctor actually laughed at me i was 21 i just thought everything just looked the way it looked getting glasses for the first time was mind-blowing not a doctor but i was talking with a few girlfriends and i casually mentioned that i hadn't had a period in three months and that when i do have them they are either two days or a month straight i did not know that was not right that's the same for me and whenever i go to any doctor for anything and they ask when was my last period they look so worried and give me a pt and i hate it because i sit there awkwardly with that yet face while waiting for the results because i know i'm not pregnant but they're staring at me like my life is about to change forever i was the patient i had rue ny gastric bypass in april 2017 after i went home from the surgery the expectation was that i would be on a liquid diet for a week and then slowly start reintroducing soft foods etc i even used a check in app that reviewed how i was feeling to monitor if something was wrong two weeks in and i still couldn't keep down an ounce of protein shake my no ex husband was getting frustrated with me because he thought i was being deliberately difficult while he was gone to a city three hours away by plane i woke up in the middle of the night heaving and dry vomiting my mother drove me to the hospital in the middle of the night where i spent the next 12 hours having every test imaginable run on me turns out within 24 hours after my surgery where my intestine was reconnected at the y junction had actually come apart leaking anastomosis if you want to look it up and everything i tried to eat had just been draining into my abdominal cavity i was septic and had four large abscesses after emergency surgery i spent 10 days in the aiku recovering before i went home the surgeon told my mother that if i'd been even 24 hours later getting to the hospital i wouldn't have made it side note less than two months later my husband left me oh no i can't even imagine what that must have felt like and frick your ex-husband sounds like a real piece of work patient i thought i was having a really bad flare-up of my arthritis in my back finally went to the air after puking for a few hours and only being able to either lay completely flat or curled into a ball turns out i was extremely dehydrated had an inflamed gallbladder a really bad duty and my kidneys were starting to shut down i bet you drink water by pound now i had a few uts and it knocked me out i don't know how peeing hurts so bad like that i'm the patient i had extensive endometriosis that was never caught by my first gin i was having a cat scan for kidney stones and they noticed shadows on my ovaries so they advised me to get them examined my second gin did some sonos and they couldn't find one of my ovaries so i said like you mean my ovary took a vacation without me or something i went for an exploratory lap and the endometriosis was so bad they had to call a surgeon and to cut me open and another object for an immediate second opinion they did find my missing ovary stuck to my uterus with scar tissue nowhere near where it should have been lol that's a horrible situation and hope you're doing better your comment about your ovary going on vacation without you made me chuckle patient here a few summers ago i was going into my fourth week with a headache but since i suffer from migraines i figured it was just part of it and my medicine was beginning to stop working my friend convinced me to talk to my doctor to at least get checked up and it turned out i had a dent in my head towards the middle of my scalp and a concussion my sister and i had wrestled a month prior and i got kicked but i didn't think anything of it since i've had concussions before and they felt different i had to take time off of work and basically nap for a week to heal patient one day my stomach area just started randomly hurting really bad i thought i just had a regular stomach cramp after three hours of the worst pain ever i went to urgent care and it turns out i had appendicitis and my appendix ruptured in the worst way i had surgery to get it removed the same night that was five days ago get offered it don't make yourself laugh or cough god i shouldn't be reading these i just got surgery on my dong a couple days ago because it was bent too much it was specifically 65 degrees bent downwards and that was my oh that isn't normal moment but i shouldn't be reading these because i'm still scared something wrong is going to happen to my genitals also now that i know that what i had wasn't normal then why do people use bananas as sexual innuendos i mean bananas are also way too bent out of shape in all seriousness sending good healthy dog vibes your way patient here i had been suffering from debilitating pains basically since i was 14 years old they would be worse around my periods and kind of dull down a little after i was told this is normal at 18 i started searching for answers because the pain was getting worse i went seven different doctors in six years i was either dismissed as it being normal period pains or being misdiagnosed one doctor tried to tell me it was irritable bladder syndrome i'm no medical student but even i know that's not a real diagnosis i was on all kinds of different birth control and pain medication which didn't help at 23 i was finally able to see an ob gyn who specializes in pelvic pain she barely even touched me before she was saying oh my you have endometriosis and scheduled me for the first laparoscopic surgery in january during that surgery not only did they find that i have the highest and rarest severity of endometriosis with complications but they removed several golf ball-sized cysts that were ready to rupture she told me i must have a really high pain tolerance because i should not have been able to walk up right into her office that day with everything that they found and removed the most amusing part of this before seeing the specialist i had three ultrasounds and several other exams but no one detected or even bothered to look for endometriosis or pcos it was that simple pelvic exam that saved my life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 34,547
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Keywords: doctors, shocking, most shocking doctor stories, doctor stories, doctor stories in teluguot normal, hospital, medical, emergency, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: Q79C1CzYkIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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