Doctor Reacts To 9gag Medical Memes #15

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I like the fact that BEAR IS BACK

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Eliyahjaimets 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dr Mike, can you make a video about how to avoid problems like cancer and heart disease I think it would be fun and interesting

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Ready with the implants nurse? Still frozen doctor. (laughing) boneless, skinless chicken breasts. At least they defrosted the breasts before they put them in. That's standard protocol, by the way. It's time for a little medical meme review. Don't know the timing of the claps, but this time, instead of sourcing regular medical memes, we went and hit up 9GAG. Let's give a huge thank you to Thrive Market for sponsoring this episode. They're our longterm partner, and I'm gonna get into more details shortly, but let's start off with some medical memes. Are you ready? Beewoop. What people think the COVID vaccine is going to do. Turn them into a snail? I don't understand. Is that a shell, a shell fish. I've gotten the COVID vaccine, do I look like a snail to you? My doctor wrote me a prescription for daily sex, but my girlfriend insists it's dyslexia. (laughing) This would go so much better if it said my doctor wrote me a diagnosis of daily sex. Your doctor doesn't write you a prescription for dyslexia, your doctor diagnoses you with dyslexia. Doctor: Say ahh. David: Ow, ah, ah, ah. Doctor: It appears you are down with the sickness. Oh no, this is me not getting a reference again. Is this a dance thing? Is this, is this X-Men related? Oh my God. Is this Howie Mandel? What is happening? Ow, ah, ah, ah. Sam help. - [Sam] It's a song from the band Disturbed. (indistinct) down with the sickness. - Oh, that one flew right over the head. Cop: Seen anything unusual? Me: A dolphin with a hat once. Cop: I mean around here. Me: Nah, they live in water. How is this medical? It's not medical. Why am I getting mad about it? But I do wanna know how they saw a dolphin with a hat. But how would the hat stay on? That's the real question. Oh my God, is that a conspiracy theory? Are there dolphins that live with hats in the water that don't fall off? Doctor: Are you feeling any pain? Me: Only the normal amount. Doctor: Normal amount is zero. Me: Confusion. I have patients who are so tolerant of pain that it actually becomes problematic in managing their pain and their conditions. And a lot of medicine is subjective. Pain is subjective. The description of pain is subjective. The amount that a patient wants to share on the first visit is subjective. There's so many variables to consider, but I'm passionate about it. Just read the fine print on this cold medicine. Claim is based only on theories of homeopathy from 170, from 17 dogs. Not accepted by most modern medical experts. There is no scientific evidence that the product works. What? Does that say 170 dogs, or 17 dogs? How in the world did this get sold? What product is this? Prior authorizations be like. My doctor: You need this medicine. Doctor to pharmacy: She needs this medicine. Pharmacy to insurance: Her doctor says she needs this medicine. Insurance: Does she though? Let's ask her doctor. (laughing) This is my favorite prior authorization tweet. Just the other day I had a patient who I diagnosed with asthma. I prescribed them albuterol, a basic inhaler, but apparently the brand or something wasn't on the formulary that the insurance company had a side deal with, and as a result my patient was only allowed to get 30 days worth. And then I have to make a substitution, and I have to call the company and argue about whether this brand is okay for the patient, and get a prior auth. I have 15 minutes with the patient to understand who they are as humans, diagnose their condition, educate them on the condition, help them understand what they can do on their own to help fix the condition, give them all their options, tell them about the medicine I'm gonna prescribe them, find out which pharmacy I should send it to, to ask about allergies, interactions with other medicines, have them talk back and tell me all this information so I know they fully understand. And then I have to call the insurance company and make sure that the insurance company has a good enough side deal that they're making enough profit on this patient so they can actually get the medicine they need. I want a prior authorization for my sadness. How do you feel about that insurance company? Do you want to prior authorize this sadness? 'Cause I can guarantee you, I can authorize it right now, I will be sad. I love your curves. (laughing) The curves. We got a little lordosis in the cervical spine, a little kyphosis in the thoracic spine, a little more lordosis in the lumbar spine. These are the natural curves of your spine. This is what's supposed to happen. Your vertebrae is supposed to fall into these curves. We are not straight like this. As we age, if we have poor posture, we sometimes over accentuate these curves in a bad way. Love your curves. Love your body. That's what it's about, lordosis and kyphosis. Doctor said I have two months to live due to cancer, so I killed that doctor and judge gave me 20 years in prison. This is a violent medical meme, but I do dig the Drake and the Eddie Murphy. My concerned friend: Food won't fill that void in your heart. Me: A person of science. I'm about to get technical. A void in the heart would be a hole in the heart. Having food fill plaque in the vessels of your heart is not filling the void in your heart, because statistics and science has showed that after individuals suffer a heart attack there is a high rate of depression that follows. That is why in addition to treating a patient who's having a heart attack, one of those things is therapy, and making sure that a patient is adequately treated for their mental health struggles. How about that for a void in your heart? Doctor: Tell your dad I said hi. Kid: But he is dead. Doctor: I know. The savage memes are upon us. We'll be back back with some more hilarious memes in just a second, but first, let me tell you about Thrive Market. It's an online marketplace where you can buy thousands of food, home, beauty, and even pet products. And it's all about saving you money. One of the biggest barriers that my patients and friends face when living a healthy lifestyle is cost. And members on Thrive Market on average save $32 per order. And the great part is when you go shopping on their website it's so easy to organize everything. You can do it based on diets that you follow, or values that you have. Keto, paleo, vegan, BPA free, whatever it is, you click it on the website and organizes it all for you right then and there. Their shipping is carbon neutral. Their warehouses are zero waste. And I really enjoy working and partnering with a company like that. They have multiple membership options. One month, 12 month. For me, the 12 month option at $5 a month is a really reasonable option. And if you sign up now by using the link down below, thrive, remember doctor is spelled out, you're gonna get 25% off your first order, and a free gift. So definitely do it now. Let's get ready to continue laughing at some memes. A Russian went for an eye checkup. Me. The doctor showed the letters on the board C, Z, W, X, N, Q, S, T, A, Z, K, Y. Doctor: Can you read this? Russian: Read? What do you mean Read? I know the guy, he's my cousin. (indistinct): Can someone please explain this joke, I don't get it. I'm Russian. I don't think this is accurate. This is definitely a Slavic name, but I do not think it's Russian. (laughing) For those of you who don't know, because of the pandemic, and because we constantly have masks on our face, especially inpatient doctors, started putting pictures of themselves on their scrubs so that patients have a better idea of who they're talking to. This doctor, clearly not Brad Pitt, decided to throw Brad Pitt on there. Good news, your cholesterol has stayed the same, but the research findings have changed. (laughing and clapping) God, the memes are just... (metal bat hitting ball sound effect) these guidelines absolutely do change. And as a result, the patient can come in, if it's been a long time between checks, they can come in on day one and have good cholesterol, but as the research has changed they can have bad cholesterol, like it's too high, they need to lower it. I'm sorry, sir, your dad was pronounced dead. I can't believe it, I've been pronouncing it wrong all this time. (laughing) That's a silly one, but it gets a chuckle. I'm not going past a chuckle, final offer. My hospital's vein finder illuminates veins as opposed to a typical darkening setting. This device helps medical professionals find and assist with IV insertions. Other worldly. Whoa. Whoa. If this is true, this is gonna be a game changer. For patients, no longer will you need someone to stick you, a person like me, multiple times in order to find your vein. You have to visualize, or almost predict where that vein is. And a lot of times you could miss. I'm coming over. Will you be long? Yes. (laughing) This is how I feel with the iPhone camera sometimes. I'll try and take like a selfie with Bear, and he looks like he's three of me. He's not longer than me. I am longer than Bear. I want that formerly on the record, by the way. Comment Mike is longer than Bear. I just want people to know that. How do you measure temperature? Kids: This oral thermometer. Adults: This infrared thermometer. Legends: (laughing) You know who else has that capacity? Moms. Whenever I was a kid, my mom or my dad would go whoop, and right away know if I was overly hot or not. I love people under general anesthesia. This joke is great. And it also reminds me of like swimmers do it wet. Gymnasts do it bouncy. - [Sam] Actors do it better with an audience. - Yeah, actors do it better with an audience. Knock, knock. Who's there? HIPAA. HIPAA, who? I can't tell you that. HIPAA, God, I always get this wrong, stands for Health Information Portability And Accountability Act. Sam, fact check. - [Sam] Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act. - Oh, it's health insurance. I thought it was health information. It should be health information. We should, Bear, hi. Oh, it's all right, we're just filming. Thanks buddy. Just so you know, in a previous comment someone thought you were longer than me, but I had to correct them. I'm actually longer than you. Are you okay with that? You okay? Can I do the next...? All right, Bear, let's do the next meme. Grey's anatomy, scrubs, medical accuracy. Hold up. Hold up. Wait a minute. We did a full ranking of worst to best medical accuracy when it comes to medical dramas, and you may be mad at me. Click down below, look at my list, tell me if you agree with me. Bear, do you agree with me? Patients licking frogs, eating spiders, regrowing limbs. I talk about that and more here. And let's give another huge thank you to Thrive Market for sponsoring this video. I highly encourage you, if you're looking to do some shopping, visit, remember doctor is spelled out. Seriously, it's a great service. It's at a reasonable price. And that's what I'm all about. As always, stay happy and healthy.
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 1,911,350
Rating: 4.8776798 out of 5
Keywords: medical memes, doctor memes, medical humor, funniest medical memes, funny medical memes, meme review, doctor mike, hospital humor, medical satire, nursing humor, mike varshavski, laughter as medicine, doctor reacts, doctor jokes, medical meme review, real doctor reacts, health memes, doctor mike meme, doctor meme review, medical comedy, funniest doctor memes, mikhail varshavski, dr mike, dr. mike, doctor humor, medical meme compilation, funniest memes, best memes
Id: hxdyzv5dOWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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