Doctor Reacts To VIRAL Medical Sketches

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- Medical sketches are really like medical memes, just reenacted. And guess what? On today's video, I'm gonna be reacting some of the most popular medical sketches on YouTube, excluding SNL 'cause we've done those already, link down below. But first, I have a major announcement for you. I am looking to hire another editor. We want you to join the team. All the qualifications and information is listed down below in the description. So if you think you're right for the job, shoot me an email. By the way, if you get this video to 100,000 likes, I might make a medical sketch of my own. - Hello patient, I'm Dr. Edith Celburn. - Hi Dr. Celburn. (audience laughs) - You're about to undergo an operation to remove your appendix. Just like this patient here, you'll be under anesthesia and completely unconscious. - He doesn't look unconscious. - Actually, I am still kind of conscious. (audience laughs) - I can fix that. There we are, sleepy time. - Why is the surgeon doing the anesthesia? There should be an anesthesiologist in the room monitoring the patient. Lik a big function of having an anesthesiologist present is the fact that it allows the surgeon to focus on the operation and the anesthesiologist on the sedation of the patient, making sure that you're not giving too much where you're slowing down the heart rate or the breathing. Here, it looks like the doctor just does everything. - Now we make the incision right here. (scalpel cracking) - Why are there cracking noises? Why is the mask not up? Why is that happening right now? - Oops, got a little leakage there. (audience laughs) - Leakage? - In this case I've made the incision bigger so we have plenty of elbow room to scoop out all the parts of your insides that have gone bad. Like this one. And this one. (audience laughing) - Filled salamis? - Not even sure what this is. Oh well, out it goes. Now we'll move some nasty bones out of the way. - What bones are in the abdomen that you're taking out when you're doing an appendectomy? - Oh, looks like some of these ribs won't budge. Time for the bone saw. - Ribs? The appendix is not that high up. You're not going to the gallbladder. You're not going for the liver. You're going for the appendix. It's lower. The ribs aren't in the way. They don't need to budge. And what kind of saw is that? I just saw that. I just saw that. You saw that pun? Unintentional, but still delicious. - We're losing him! Prep a crash cart, give me 50-CCS... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. (moans) - First of all, chest compressions, chest compressions, chest compressions. If you're losing him and you do not have a pulse, this person is no longer living and you need to begin CPR. You don't start saying you need CCS of anything. You start doing chest compressions, even while you're running. Not like that. - At first I thought the cause of death was kidney failure brought about by untreated diabetes, but then I noticed the knife. - Diabetes can absolutely lead to kidney failure. So can untreated high blood pressure. A lot of people will say, " Well I feel fine. I don't feel the high blood pressure so I must be okay." It's a silent killer folks. Hypertension can really wreak havoc on your kidney and your blood vessels and your heart, which can lead to a stroke, heart attack, congestive heart failure, so many issues. - Okay, time to test those reflexes. - (laughs) As a family medicine actor, I see pediatric patients meaning children. Seeing a child for the first time is you need to check their developmental milestones. And I remember one of the things I was trained in my med school training was, "Why don't you throw a block on the floor and tell the child to retrieve it and see if they're capable of following instructions." And I always felt uncomfortable taking that advice because I'm like, " What am I gonna play fetch with a child?" Like, " Go get it!" - Hi I'm Dr. Web MD. So what brings you in here today? - Well you're free. - Too embarrassed to see a real doctor? - You got me. What is it doc? - You have cancer. - How could you possibly know that? - Oh I tell everyone they have cancer. - (laughs) I understand why doing this in the middle of the night quickly, in the privacy of your own home is so appealing. But the reality of the fact is, it's almost always gonna be inaccurate. Look don't get me wrong. Web MD does a great job at explaining a whole host of range of conditions so that you understand when you do get a diagnosis what do you actually have. Or perhaps how to ask better questions of your doctor/nurse, whoever you're gonna go see. But a lot of times when you do the symptom tracker thing, it just tells you you have cancer. - What if I just say my shin hurts? - See, told you cancer. - I really don't think I have cancer. - Nobody ever thinks they have cancer. The symptoms can take many different forms, such as throbbing in head, runny nose, mild cough, stress. - Why was stove burn on that list? Why does stove burn mean cancer? - I'm gonna write you a prescription, for 10 tips on how to have a healthy summer. Don't forget to bring a beach ball. - (laughs) I feel like there are articles like that that keeps getting popped up and recommended to you alongside the little pharma ads here and there. So this is quite accurate thus far. - I really think that you should use some Zanoplax. You just take a small dab, rub it on your belly. - Enough with the Zanoplax! - Sorry about that. They're one of my sponsors. - You know what? I'm leaving. - And who are you gonna see? You don't have health insurance. - I know everyone wants to create an AI platform where you type in some symptoms and it spits out a diagnosis. Medicine is complicated. Medicine is subjective. Symptoms are subjective. Pain levels are subjective. The way people understand medical terminology is subjective. So you just need a human being there. I don't see humans ever not taking care of humans. But at the same time, (robotic beeping) there are robots among us. (robotic tone) So speak to your doctor about any symptoms that you may be having and have a good primary care doctor. - [Narrator] The Anderson twins have shared a lung for 25 years. Separating conjoined twins is the most complicated medical procedure we will ever perform. - I have actually heard, I don't know if this is accurate, I could be spreading misinformation. Someone needs to fact check me on this. Doing a full head transplant could be the hardest operation. See if that's the case. - This procedure will take between 19 and 23 hours. If Dr. Alexander will note the time, we will be- - All right chums, let's do this! Leeroy Jenkins! - No, no, no! (laughs) - I do understand the reference! That's " World of Warcraft." - [Cameraman] Yes. - Oh my God I remember it. And then they all ran in and they all ended up dying. - [Game Voice] Leeroy Jenkins! - God what a throwback. I used to love " WoW." It ate so much of my time in high school, it's kind of ridiculous. - Okay, let me ask you a few questions. Have you ever uttered the phrase, "Get off my lawn?" - No. - Okay. - I mean, yeah I've said. But I didn't mean like old man, like " Get off my lawn!" I meant more like, "This is my property so get off my lawn." - I'm not gonna sugarcoat this for you. You have Early Onset Grumpiness. (ominous music) - What? - Early Onset Grumpiness, EOG. You're gonna begin to enjoy fewer and fewer things in your life. You'll be saying things like, " Who are these people?" - Who are those people? That's the thing, I mean it's a real question. - The only reason you leave the house is to see classic old movies and even then you'll say, " It had some good parts but all in all it was fairly..." - Uneven. (sighs) - You're very young to have EOG. Your life is gonna change forever. - What would be the treatment for Early Onset Grumpiness? Joy, fun, therapy. Maybe I'm doing a little stretch here. There is something called dysthymia in medicine. Where you just in general for an extended period of time, have a low mood, like a depressed mood but you don't have major depressive disorder, where you're just kinda down. Maybe dysthymias can be nicknamed Early Onset Grumpiness. Just putting it out there. This looks like it's like the 80s. I'm getting an 80s vibe. Ooh, why would you hit the patient's head like that? - Still something missing man. - Hmm, hmm. - [Both] Patient! - Are they doing a C-section? If they are, why are they not scrubbed in? Why are they putting on non-sterile gloves? I have so many questions. I don't know what all this technology is. This is stuff from the 80s, I wasn't around back then. I was only born pretty much in the last month of the 80's. - Can I put the tube in the baby's head? - Only if I can do the episiotomy. - Okay. - Very good, legs up. You can come in, come on in all of you. That's it, jolly good, come on. - We do not do that. - I'm the husband. - I'm sorry, only people involved are allowed in here. - We do not just invite a peanut gallery to watch a delivery. Actually nurses probably do the best job at this, at managing who comes in and out of the room. When I was a medical student, we actually trained to first introduce ourselves to the patient, then once the patient was comfortable with us, we then introduced ourselves to the nursing staff to make sure that the nurse can help teach us, guide us, because they know so much more than we do at that given moment. And probably throughout their careers as well. - That's the machine that goes bing. (machine binging) You see that means your baby is still alive. - Oh the vulva is dilating doctor. - Oh yes there is the head. It has four centimeters, five, six centimeters. - Lights! - You can't judge the cervical dilation visually, you need to be hands-on with this exam and actually do a digital exam. From there you can get an estimate of what exactly the dilation is. If the baby's head is already visible, you're fully dilated. You don't need four centimeters measurements. Like it doesn't make sense. - And frightening! (baby crying) There, bring the rough towels! - We do not have butcher knives, so much wrong with this. - There is the mother. That's enough. Right sedate her. - Hi, I'm here for my annual physical. I haven't been in years because I didn't have health insurance. - Great. Fill out this stack of paperwork that you know none of the information for and wait an hour after your scheduled appointment to be seen. - The reason this happens is because medicine is unpredictable. We don't know what's gonna happen when a patient walks into our room. Sometimes a patient says that their problem is in knee and then we start questioning them and we find out they're having a heart attack. That literally happened to me. I'm linking that story down below. It started with foot pain, became a heart attack, calling 911 and all. - I don't want to tear this paper but I don't know why I give a sh because it's just a paper. - That paper is the bane of my existence. Not only is it incredibly noisy, anytime you do any kind of exam. (imitating paper crinkling) It's everywhere. But then also like as a patient, like rotates and flips and when I'm doing like a leg exam or back exam, or do some kind of OMT, it wraps around the patient and ends up trapping them and ripping. Someone needs... Elon Musk! We need you! Solve the paper problem. Click here for my most favorite medical meme review ever. Like I really like this one. I think you're gonna love it too. So click for that bad boy. And a little notice, if you get this video to 100,000 likes, I might make one of my own medical sketches. And I was an A-list actor back in my seventh grade drama club days. Just saying. As always, stay happy and healthy. Memes, click it. (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 4,443,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, mike varshavski, dr. mike, doctor reacts, mikhail varshavski, dr mike, medical drama review, doctor reaction video, doctor mike reacts to, doctor tv shows, medical satire, doctor reaction, medical humor, real doctor reacts, medical comedy, studio c medical, worst doctor ever, studio c doctor, college humor doctor, webmd doctor, doctor webmd, doctor jokes, medical skits, medical sketches, monty python doctor, monty python medical, honest medical visit
Id: J06e16KfFYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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