Ranking The MOST Accurate Medical Dramas | Dr. Mike

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Mike seems like himself again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MaterialPop255 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Casualty and Holby City are well worth a watch.

They're sister long running UK medical dramas set in the same hospital. Holby is based on the stuff in the main wards, and Casualty focuses on A&E (the UK name for ER), and there's a good amount of crossover (i.e. patients and staff moving from one unit to the next). By all accounts, it does a pretty good job in terms of medical accuracy, surgical procedures etc. It also tackles a load of big issues like depression. One of the favourite long-running characters is a male nurse, Charlie, who is well respected by everyone. I've not watched it for a while, but he was taking care of a close friend who was another member of staff who was declining due to Alzheimer's. So, lots of hard-hitting real issues.

As I said, really good shows!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TorakMcLaren πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did he get veneers? His teeth look sort of different.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/coffee_ice_chips πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Khelaifia_kaouther πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sean is my favorite character in life ❀️

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/patachjjessica πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

@realdoctormike can you address the rumors? Can you make video saying that you're not engaged? You have some obsessive fans who are spreading rumors saying you're engaged

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DoctorMikevfan01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

love his videos. Btw some fans are spreading rumors that he is engaged when he isnt. Omnya.Mahmoud also same person with account judepatrick on instagram. Mike isn't engaged. Fans, stop spreading rumors that he is engaged when he isn't. If Mike is taken or single none of ours,but his personal life. A fan should support him and be happy NOT Spread Rumors and Hate.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DoctorMikevfan01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Lucky number seven is one that I know I'm going to get heat for. Please don't attack me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I've watched a lot of medical dramas over the last two years. Some of them really good, and some of them that need a little bit of improvement. A little bit. And to cap off the year, I'm gonna be ranking them from least to most accurate. If you disagree with me on any of these on the list drop it down below in the comments. I want to know your thoughts. Let's get started. Boop! Number 16, the least accurate medical drama that I watched on this channel is "Attaway General". Sorry to my Dixie D'Amelio fans out there. but the show just has inaccuracies galore. The uniforms aren't right. They're wearing hair nets at times. They're having teenagers deliver medical care as volunteers. I literally remember one scene when they were trying to save someone's life where the doctor was like checking a pulse like this and the EKG monitor just has colorful strips going across it, they mean absolutely nothing. Just nothing makes sense on the show. I get that it's young folks, they're trying their first time at acting and I support that, more power to them. I'm strictly talking about the medical accuracy. Number 15, and the second least accurate medical drama, "Doogie Howser". I can't believe it's this low on the list but the reality is it's an older show, so the medical accuracy is just not up to par to our current standards. Also, I really remember this one very awkward scene. - Doogie monster. - Whoa! Maybe that kind of stuff was okay back then, now it definitely freaked me out. Number 14, "Nurses". I watched it with my good friend Nurse Bianca, who also was heavy critical of the show. There's just a lot of inaccuracies. They don't follow a lot of the medical guidelines. Literally on the episode, they had one of the nurses attacking another nurse for treating someone who is a known criminal. We treat everybody in the medical space, so that made no sense. And then in another scene they had a doctor just say, oh, we ran out of O blood, so I'm just going to connect myself cause I'm O blood and give it to the patient. Like, no, sir, we don't do that. That is highly inaccurate. I'm calling BS. I love nurses, they're the backbone of medicine. The show itself didn't do them justice. Lucky 13 is "Transplant". I really liked the premise of this one. We have a Syrian refugee that's thrust back into practicing medicine in Canada. I was really excited for it to work. However, in the very first scene you have an individual who's not a doctor in Canada drilling into someone's head in order to save their life. Throughout the entire episode no one was doing chest compressions. They were talking about intubating people, getting cardiac consult. Where were the chest compressions? Chest compressions, chest compressions, chest compressions, folks. For number 12, we have "Royal Pains". The medical accuracy is just out of this world. It's almost like they're functioning like an ER specialist, family medicine doctor, interventional cardiologist, toxicologist. It's like they're super human. He didn't even look at her eyes. How does he know what her pupils look like? It sounds like he has x-ray vision. He could see from across the room. That is not how a medical diagnosis is made, and I feel like it misguides people into thinking doctors have to know right away what's going on. A lot of times we don't and we have to investigate further. By the way, all the medical dramas I'm ranking now and I've reviewed in the past are linked down below, so if you want to watch one of those in more detail, check it out. Number 11, we have "The Night Shift". I know that there's a lot of fans on this show and they may be upset seeing their favorite medical drama this low on the list. It's just not so medically accurate. At least to be fair, the one episode I watched they had one doctor completely lose his mind. (people snarling) Like there was just so much unrealistic actions happening by the staff that it made it feel not medically accurate. Again, the procedures they showed, the medical illnesses they showed were so far out there that you probably wouldn't even find them in a medical book. It would have to be a sub subspecialist medical book in order to find these conditions. Number 10, falling somewhere in the middle of the list, is "Nurse Jackie". Now this show is darker than most medical dramas on this list, and I actually really enjoyed the depth of the show. However, the characters were just so aggressive in their illegal action. If she forged his organ donor certificate on the back of his license, that's crazy. Like there's just so many things that keep happening to make it seem outrageous, to make it interesting, it doesn't feel quite realistic. Coming in at number nine, "The Resident". I actually got invited by one of the cast members to be on the set with them, got a behind the scenes tour. Super cool. All that's linked down below. I think this show falls somewhere in the middle of the pack when it comes to medical accuracy. They use a lot of good medical terms that are accurate. Their procedures are performed with a decent level of accuracy. The one thing that I will say is the residents on the show are really like cowboy residents. They're doing whatever they want. - You do whatever the hell I tell you, no questions asked. - So that really isn't realistic, and just like any good medical drama, the drama's turned up all time high. While I dig the drama, the realism falls somewhere right down the middle. Definitely one I enjoy though, and I recommend you check it out as well. Number eight, we have "New Amsterdam". All in all, I think it's a good show. It's quality, it talks about really important systemic issues within healthcare. While I think it takes on important challenges, it also does it in a very unrealistic way at times. - Will everyone in the cardiac surgical department please raise your hands. Great, thank you. You're all fired. Like that is not realistic. Who's going to take care of the patients in the meantime? I definitely want to check more episodes out of that show. If you have a specific episode of "New Amsterdam" you want me to watch, drop it down below. Lucky number seven is one that I know I'm going to get heat for. Please don't attack me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm saying it now, I'm sorry. "Grey's Anatomy". I know, I know it's so, it's, it's not, it's not that accurate. I know it's the most popular medical drama of all time probably. And look, I've watched four episodes of it on this channel. I've probably watched maybe a handful more on my own and it's just not medically accurate. Residents and interns are doing all sorts of advanced procedures with no oversight, romance around every corner and heartbreak and drama, and I know why so many of you love it. I get it. I like it too, it's... (loud smooching) But still, medical accuracy, just, it's not there. For number six, we have "Scrubs". Yes, the famous, famous satirical medical show "Scrubs". I honestly struggled with this one. I didn't know where to place it. I know many of you at home, on forums, say "Scrubs" is the most accurate show. However, I do think that it is an accurate satirical explanation of what happens, or representation of what happens in hospitals, but it is not medically accurate. - Get her to open her mouth, take a handful and throw it at her. Whatever sticks, that's the correct dosage. - And it's a comedy, so I get why they're doing it and I enjoy watching it, but one of the things that kind of irks me with the show maybe because I'm so defensive and protective of my patients is I feel like they're mean to their patients sometimes. And I know it's a joke but somehow it just gets in here for me. Number five, we have "Chicago Med". A lot of these shows really just focus on doctors and "Chicago Med" really does a great job at showing nurses as part of the medical team. The episode that I watched I couldn't find almost anything medically wrong with it. It has good medical terminology, the procedures that they're doing are accurate, and the fact that they had a nurse telling a resident how to do chest compressions properly, they were critiquing them, that got me hyped. Number four, we have "Code Black". This is the surprising one on the list. The dark horse, the black sheep, if you will. I really fell in love with this show. It actually genuinely upset me to find out it was canceled. The show felt like it was written by medical professionals, and then someone added a little drama, as opposed to someone that writes medical dramas and then they sprinkled some medicine into it. I think that the real hard hitting truth about the show is it does a good job at showing character development of medical professionals. The stresses we have, the struggles we have, how we go about losing patients and talking with patients. I think those were very real and clearly scripted by someone who's gone through that process. Let's bring it back. Let's resurrect "Code Black". Who's with me? Number three, we have "House MD". I know so many House fans wanted him to be number one, and while the show has incredible scientific rigor, like it talks about true scientific conditions, a lot of the zebra conditions that we've talked about on this channel, ones that warrant more attention. And while I think that's great, I think the way that my man House MD goes about it is just reckless. - I want to check for Erdheim-Chester. - How does he know what that is? I've never even heard of it. He's funny, he's interesting, he's wacky. He argues with people, but also the residents and the fellows that are with him, they each bring their own unique spin on the show. So I'm a huge fan. I want to watch more episodes of "House MD" and I have it third on my list. I wonder where it falls on yours. We're at the top two folks, it's getting serious. The competition is heating up. Number two is "The Good Doctor". Dr. Shaun comes in with the accuracy. The big thing, a true medical professional, who is diagnosed with autism, but is still doing their job phenomenally. When they talk about medical conditions, the way that they talk about it in a reasonable, easy to understand way, but still using medical terminology is awesome. I love that they manage to inject humor even some of the most dark spots. - Do you need me to listen to you anymore? - No, Shaun. - That's how real life works. That's how medicine works. I actually just watched the good doctor COVID-19 episode. That's linked down below. Well worth a watch. Number one, king of medical dramas, at least in medical accuracy, at least in my book, it is two letters, "ER". That's right folks. It's an oldie, but it's a classic. It's so good. 20, 30 years later since its inception, it's still bingeable. It's still quality. It still tells real life stories about humans. The issues that we run into hospitals to this very day still apply to the episodes that are found in ER. It's truly one of my favorite medical dramas. The medical accuracy is really solid. Don't get me wrong. They sometimes go overboard and they make diagnoses too quickly or too dramatically. But the accuracy, the heart of the show, especially with how long the show has been around, how many careers it's made, George Clooney, it's number one in my books. I know you want to disagree with me. I know you have other thoughts, and I want to hear your thoughts. Hit me in the comments down below. Tell me what your list looks like. Tell me which one of these you disagree with, 'cause I genuinely want to know. If you love one of these medical dramas and you want me to watch a specific episode, don't hesitate to drop that in the comments too. I really enjoy all these medical dramas, so I'm linking them all down below for you. Or you can just click on this playlist here for my entire Doctor Reacts series. There's medical dramas in here, untold stories of the ER, and so many more, click here, and as always stay happy at home. (relaxing music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 2,761,636
Rating: 4.9476781 out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, medical drama review, dr mike, medical drama, medical tv show, greys anatomy, doctor tv shows, hospital drama, tv medical drama, mikhail varshavski, good doctor, mike varshavski, real doctor watches greys anatomy, doctor reviews medical tv show, medical scene, medical drama tv, best doctor tv shows, tv drama, doctor reaction video, real doctor watches greys, how accurate is greys anatomy, doctor reaction, doctor reacts, house md review, dr. mike
Id: bLt8BYPkkcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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