Doctors React to Outrageous Medical Memes Ep 14

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hi doctor

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 15 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Wife, how's my husband? Doctor, Well, you are what you eat. Wife, But he only eats vegetables. - [Both] Oh. (laughs) - Welcome to the first ever meme review that I'm doing with another individual. This is Dr. Dil Shadatwal. - That'll probably won't be the last one. (vocalizing) I don't fly, that's cardio. That's dope. I like that, I like this. - And especially in Brooklyn, like the pigeon life, Queens? - Yeah. Me, "Sorry, if I'm bothering you." (clears throat) Surgeon, "How do you keep waking up "and saying that?" Oh, that's horrible. That's so bad. - You know when I had my molars removed? "Cause they were impacted all four, by the way, very painful. I woke up in the middle of it and I offered the surgeon help. - Did you really? - Yeah. I was like (vocalizing). I'm just like screaming and I remember that. - The fact that you remembered is different though. 'Cause some people, if we put them in under anesthesia and they are in pain and we see them move around? - Yeah. - We ask them later, "Did you notice anything? "Did you feel pain?" And they're like, no, not at all. They forget, right? - Well, like a lot of the medications that we use as sedatives are actually not only pain medication sedatives, but also amnesia inducing. Are you able to assist me with arithmetic? - The answer is unknown. - I feel sadness and lack understanding. - We can feel out together. - Did you complete this course. - Many revolutions ago. - Are the memories of the course returning. - So far only the emotions. - Do you get it? - Do you get it? - No. - Huh? You don't get it? - No. Wanna hear a joke about sodium? Na. You wanna hear a joke about hypobromite? - NaBro. (laughs) - I'm gonna use this. - Yeah, I'm gonna start it. I was looking to say to you. - Good old but hey, know what I mean? You want some sodium? My mask hiding my acne, my mask causing my acne (chuckles). Yeah, that's true. - Yeah, that's very true. I have like a scar right here from wearing my mask. - A lot of people are blaming masks for a lot of skin problems. - Yeah. - And I think a lot of it is, yes, masks can cause your pores to clog up, but also a, people aren't following their normal skincare routines 'cause they're like at home so they don't do their usual thing. They don't have to go out to the offices, two, people are eating less healthy. They're snacking more. That can cause acne and stress levels are high. When stress levels are high, cortisol levels are high acne can become more problem. - Okay. - Having a spouse in the medical field expectations, I have the sniffles, I'll take care of you my sweetheart. Reality, I fell and dislocated all my fingers. Just pull on them. You'll be fine. This is like what it's like having a dad in the medical field. I would come home and I'd be like, "Dad, oh my God. This hurts." He would be like, "Okay." And I'm like, "No, no, no. "You should take me to the hospital." "No." They've seen too much to care about anything unless it, like if it crosses their barometer of serious, they're taking you to the ER, and if it doesn't, they don't care. You're not their son. - Too lazy to wash your hands? Chop them off and save lives. Great. (laughs) He looks upset. - That's terrible. I would be upset too if I did that to wash your hands because then you still gotta wash your forearm now. - Yeah, you gotta cut it all off, that's it, that's all the way. 0.01% of germs, hand sanitizer. I like that (laughs). - But I can see him. So he's gonna get him. Hand sanitizer does not kill all germs, 99.9% of germs. But there's more than enough. - How did Sarah get from LA to New York? TheraFlu? - Think about it without looking at it. - Yeah. But what is it tryna what's TheraFlu tryna sound like? Is it tryna sound like anything? Sarah? - How did she get from LA to New York? - LA to New York? A plane? What? How did Sarah get familiar? Like yeah. A plane. - Which means she? - She flew. Oh, Thera, thera, Sarah (laughs). See the minniow fin. Acetaminophen? I like that. No the reason why I know that it's 'cause of the Mike Tyson one, 'cause I'm tryna like put it together. - Yo wanna hear something crazy? - Yeah, sure. - There's new research indicating that if you take Tylenol or not necessarily the branded version, but Acetaminophen it could change your ability you're wanting to take risks. So you become more risk tolerant. You take more risks when you take Tylenol. When you cut sugar and carbs from your diet. (chuckles) What? - I ate the wall. - Just 'cause you're hungry, you eat everything? Honestly, I've been trying to lose a little weight and last night, and this has been happening, fat is an organ. When you start shaving fat, it actually tries to motivate you to eat more. I felt myself going to sleep last night, having a serious craving and I had to actively fight it. You know what the sick part is? When I realized I could beat the craving and I was going to, I got like a little brush. Like I made it into a competition, I was like me versus fat. What up? (laughs) - Apple, dis a apple, pear. Am I the only one who doesn't get it? - Yeah. - Apple, dis a apple, pear. Apple, dis a apple, pear. Disappear? Disappear. Oh, okay. Okay. Alright. It's good and I'm jacked. So on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is your pain? Pi. Pi? Yeah. Low level, but never ending. Let me die, doc. - You get it? - Yeah, of course. 3.1 (vocalizing) yeah. - But why is it low level? 'Cause pain scale 1 to 10, three is low. - That's horrible. That's it? (laughs) - Virus, enters my body. Vitamin gummies I ate as a kid. Finally, a worth opponent. Our battle will be legendary (laughs). - You take gummies? - No, I take the regular supplement. I actually take a liquid supplement. - Of what? - It's like a super food thing. Some random thing that my dad told me to take. - Do you believe in it? - So no. (laughs) this is not Punjabi, this looks like its Indian, right? (laughs) - What's going on? - How much I'm I supposed- - Hold on are these (laughs) wait, are these Scotch? Wait, this is fake. - This is 100% from an Indian soap, and they're just tryna like improvise probably. And they just used these instead. - Why do they use these? - They probably didn't have anything that looks- - This is, a Scotch Brite bathroom scrubber. You think the patient was just dirty and they were trying to get a stain out? - Sis, how can you be depressed? Life is beautiful. Sis, how do you have asthma? There is so much air. (laughs) And that's actually, that's good. - That's major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder. These are true medical conditions that if anyone just tells you to snap out of it, what you should do is snap out of them. - You know how many times I get made fun of for having asthma? And I'm like, "Well, listen, I didn't choose this." Like, it's not- - Wait who makes fun of you for asthma? - Like my friends just 'cause I on my inhaler sometimes randomly before like a jog or play football. And they're just like, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Then they start laughing. But obviously, it's in Goodwill. They're just messing around. But yeah. - Are they though? - I don't know. It's messed up. - Do you cry? - This is for all my friend out there- - Do you cry after? - Nah, I don't know. I'm used to it. I don't care. - Dr. Mike seeing the lovely and healthy online community he created. What's up. Dr. Mike seeing everyone's messed up sleeping patterns. You know what though I don't judge 'cause my sleeping patterns actually now they're not so bad, but the beginning of cold (blows a raspberry). You sleep in seven, nine hours? - My sleeping patterns suck. - Why? - They're so bad. - Whose fault is it? - My fault straight up. And I know it's my fault. But I just being on my cellphone, laptop, I sleep different hours. Sometimes I'll stay up just 'cause I'm like, okay, I just wanna watch like a half an hour. - Do you like watch my videos and say, "Okay, Mike says like four things to get better sleep and yet I'm gonna do none of those and do the opposite? - I don't consciously think of I'm gonna purposely do or don't do something. - So why do you do it? - People form habit and they just continue to do horrible things. And then obviously until someone has enough, they try to change it, right? - When are you gonna change it? - I have no idea. Honestly, I've been doing it so much. (laughs). - Dr. Mike, Warns sitting down for extended period of time is dangerous to your health. Me, starts lying down more often instead of sitting. Do you think lying down is safer than sitting? - No, of course not. Sitting increases the pressure on your discs. So sitting forward, like this is really bad for you. Sitting up is a little bit better. Standing is a little bit better. And then laying down can also help also. So sitting is pretty bad. - Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So sitting is like the worst thing you can do for yourself. You sit, you die. Too much? - Its all right. - Please vaccinate your children because diseases are coming back and as a nursing student, I don't wanna have to learn any more signs symptoms, diagnoses, or treatments. These diseases were basically eradicated and you people are giving me (chuckles) more homework. This struggle is real by the way. - It's so real. - I just heard a Professor of Medicine of Yale, do a debate with a Professor from Stanford, actually about COVID-19 and whether or not we're taking it seriously enough. And one of the big things is because less people are going to a doctor's office, for preventive visits, like children aren't getting vaccinated. We think we're gonna see a resurgence of measles. - That would suck. - Humans eat food to survive plants (laughs). Give me light. I have three plants that are flourishing and one that's dying. I don't know what I did wrong to the one that's dying, I may have over-watered it. - I had four bonsai side trees I wanted just 'cause I had wanted bonsai trees. - Yeah (indistinct). - I went to the mall, they're all on sale. So I got 'em and they all died in like two weeks. - Wow. - Rest in peace. - I'm afraid you'll have to stop masturbating. Oh, does it really make you blind? No, but I'm trying to examine you. (laughs) - Women get to smell like real things, Vanilla, lavender men have to smell like concepts. What the is a cool sports rush? - That's actually really true. - That's pretty good. That's marketing right? They are trying to market to men. - I think mine is like swagger. Why can't mine be like ocean breeze? Hey, you going to sleep? Yes. Now shut up. The average MCAT and GPA for accepted med students is 510 and 3.71. - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God. - I can relate to this. - What is the new MCAT? - Yeah. So they made it a number of things. I don't know what it goes by, but they made it over there. Listen before every stage of every important stage through my medical career, I wouldn't sleep for- - Because you're thinking about the test? - 'Cause I was thinking about the test, my scores before I got residency, when I was applying for the match, I didn't sleep for like two months. - But you slept (indistinct). - No, it was obviously it was horrible. It was like really, really bad. - Look at her eyes. - Look at my eyes. (laughs) - Same. I actually battled this guy in a try not to laugh challenge and whisper challenge, click here for those videos or watch me play the worst medical games right here. As always stay happy and healthy. Say it. - Stay happy, stay healthy. (laughs) I got it, I'm done bro. - Did you just choke? (laughs) (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 2,820,833
Rating: 4.9725409 out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, dr. mike, mike varshavski, meme review, medical meme review, doctor reacts, medical memes, funny medical memes, doctor memes, funniest doctor memes, funniest medical memes, health memes, doctor mike meme, doctor meme review, medical humor, doctor humor, laughter as medicine, doctor jokes, medical comedy, medical satire, health humor, nursing humor, medical school humor, real doctor reacts, real doctor reaction, mikhail varshavski, dr dilshad
Id: fL1_kM6X3bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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