Starfield - Tips and Tricks I Wish I Knew Earlier In My 250 Hour Playthrough!

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hello everyone welcome back to another star field video now Starfield has officially left early access and is now available to everyone I'm sure there's a lot of new people trying out Starfield through Game Pass so I figured it was time to make another tips and tricks video so if you've not seen my previous tips and tricks video I highly recommend you check it out it has a lot of beginner-centered tips and tricks but today's video isn't necessarily focusing on new players it's just going to have a bunch of just general tips and tricks so with that said let's go ahead and jump right into it so in my previous video I was talking about all the ways that you can get additional XP and I mentioned that every time I land my spaceship no matter where I go I make sure to get up and then go sleep in my bed located on my ship before I go and do literally anything the reason I do this is because it will give you a 10 XP bonus for 24 minutes but you can actually increase this from 10 to 15 if you get into a relationship with one of your companions so for example I romance Sarah Morgan so every time I sleep in a bed new near Sarah Morgan I will get a 15 XP bonus but I don't necessarily want to bring Sarah with me on all my Adventures so what you can do instead is actually just assign whoever your romance partner is to your ship and then since they're assigned to your ship every time you sleep in your bed you're still going to get that XP bonus without having to bring them out on your adventures so I like to keep Sarah Morgan on my ship basically just to give me that XP bonus but in my last video I mentioned that you could eat and drink certain food items to give you an additional XP bonus to stack on top of your sleep bonus well today I'm going to show you where I go to stock up on all of my XP gains so what you want to do is head to Paradiso and in the main lobby if you head over to the left you're going to see a couple food stands you're going to see a coffee stand and you're going to see a t-stand now I see these coffee stands all over the place in like every city but I don't see very many tea stands now what's so special about the t-stand is that every single T that she sells is going to give you a two percent XP gain for 15 minutes so for those of you that just aren't into cooking this tea stand is a great alternative I personally never got into cooking I would much rather spend my skill points into something more useful like combat skills or my jump pack skill or piloting skills so if you want to avoid the headache of learning how to cook just head to Paradiso and stock up on this tea and then personally I like to take the tea and put it into my favorites menu that way if I'm about to engage in a lot of enemies or if I know I'm about to turn in a quest I just pop one of these teas to make sure I'm always getting that additional XP gain and it's definitely made a big difference so the next tip I have for you all has to do with making some passive income now early on in the game when you first get introduced to the city of New Atlantis one of the very first locations that most people are going to come across is the viewport this is just a local bar it's very easy to access and there's a lady behind the counter that you can talk to and when you talk to her she's going to give you a fetch Quest and she wants you to go gather some supplies for her but if you keep coming back to her throughout your playthrough she's going to give you additional steps to keep helping her grow her business well at one point she's going to want some investors for her business so she's going to want you to ask Walter Stroud to invest in her business and then once you do that you have to make a small investment yourself and then once you complete her quest line when you come back and visit her on occasion she's going to give you a bonus based off of how much money her business makes so I make sure to check back with her often to get a little bit of extra money for doing absolutely nothing hey you business is good and you deserve to see some of the profits here you go so up next is a tip for the mining laser now when you're mining resources using the mining laser you know it can take a long time it can be slow and tedious so if you hold down the left Trigger or the right Mouse button this is going to make it significantly faster and this is something I didn't learn until I was at least level 40 so I spent basically most of my playthrough mining things the slow way so don't be like me and make sure you overcharge your laser so the next tip is a simple one but it's another one that I wish I knew a lot sooner this one is very easily overlooked but if you have a lot of quest markers and you're just overwhelmed by the amount of quest markers showing up on your map and you just have too many Quest markers at the very bottom of the screen in your missions tab it says show all Targets or show only active targets well if you put it on show only active targets it will only show you the mission that you have selected this will stop the game from having 5 million Quest markers on your screen at all times I didn't realize this for the longest time and I I was extremely overwhelmed because I just had like 50 little blue markers everywhere telling me to go do different things so be sure to turn this off if you don't want 5 million Quest markers going on all at once uh so the next tip I have has to do with your companions now there's a lot of things you can do in this game that are a bit Shady you can steal things you can sell Contraband you can be a pirate and board and dock other ships and go on and just murder everybody and steal all their Loot and when you do these Shady things depending on who you have with you it's going to make your companion not very happy and if you continue to do things that they don't like they will straight up hate you and they will leave you completely which can definitely be annoying because sometimes doing some shady stuff just isn't really avoidable sometimes you have to steal something or you have to do something Shady but you know you don't want to make your companions upset well there are some companions in the game that are neutral and they don't care what you do an example this is Vasco or the adoring fan if you bring either one of them on your adventures you can go around killing innocent people you can board other ships and Rob them like they don't care so if you're ever doing anything shady but you still want to bring a companion with you Vasco or the adoring fan are always good options and I've also noticed that most of the companions that you have to pay for these are just random people that you encounter in your playthrough they don't really care too much about your actions either and then since we're talking about companions make sure you give them and equip them items that make sense for that character a lot of people don't realize this if you didn't play previous Bethesda games but you can give your companions weapons and whatever suit you want them to wear and then equip them in their inventory so for example if I want Sarah Morgan to wear the security guard uniform I will just give it to her and then switched over to her inventory go under her clothes and then hit Y to equip same thing for weapons if I want her to use a certain weapon I just put it in her inventory and then I hit the equip button and then you have to make sure they have at least one round of ammo that fits that weapon so if I want her to use the fury rifle I have to equip it to her and then I have to give her the right type of ammo so I only need to give her one bullet but then since she has one bullet in her inventory she will use the weapon that I gave her and then when I back out she is also wearing the outfit that I gave her as well so if you have a companion that specializes in a certain weapon type it makes sense to give them a weapon that fits that criteria so for example here I have Amelia Earhart she has level 2 rifle certification so it would make sense to give her a rifle same thing for the Bounty Hunter Betty Houser she has demolitions level 3 so I make sure to give her a lot of grenades and a grenade launcher and then anytime we're in combat she will just unload grenades on the enemies and since she has demolitions level 3 she's going to take less damage from explosives and she's going to do 25 percent more damage with explosives so the next tip I have for you all is to build an outpost as early as possible even if you don't plan on using the Outpost it's a good idea to put an outpost at a neutral location where you aren't going to get scanned for Contraband or anything that way if you get a bounty put on your head you can just go to your Outpost build yourself a bounty terminal and then pay your bounties out your Outpost that way you don't risk getting thrown in jail and trust me you don't want to get thrown in jail because if you do get thrown in jail it's going to take away a lot of your XP basically resetting your entire level so you could be just about to level up maybe you're going from level 12 to level 13 if you get thrown in jail you're going to have to replay all of level 12 again so you definitely don't want to get arrested build yourself an outpost at a random location that way you can pay off those bounties and then the next tips I have for you all have to do with flying in your ship if you're in first person mode and you want to look around in your cockpit if you actually hold in the select button or whatever button it is that changes your view if you hold it in you can then look around the inside of your cockpit while you're flying and then if you want to stop doing this you just press the button again and then suddenly you're back to your flying controls so if you ever just want to stop and take taken the view hold in the select button and then you can look around your entire cockpit which is definitely pretty cool and then since we're in the spaceship another tip I have for you all is that while you're flying if you hold in the right bumper on the Xbox I don't know what it is on PC but if you hold in right bumper this switches to your Thruster control so if you want to have a little bit more maneuverability hold in the right bumper and then you can go up down left right to maneuver your ship with a little bit more accuracy this is really handy if you're flying through asteroid fields and stuff and then another tip while you're flying is that if you want to have the best Mobility you want to keep your speed in the middle here this is where you're going to have the most maneuverability with your ship if you go too fast or too slow with your speed you're not going to be able to turn as quickly as you'd like so keep it right in the middle and this is going to be the sweet spot to give you the most maneuverability when flying your ship and then the final tip I have for you guys in today's video is actually a very simple one but it's one that is very useful especially if you're a new player and it's to pause your game and go to The Help menu there are a lot of mechanics in Starfield and it's very easy to get overwhelmed especially since some mechanics kind of build off of each other you'll notice this a lot with like [ __ ] building and outpost building and stuff well if you go to the help menu it basically acts as like a tutorial there are a lot of good tips and information in this help menu so if you're ever building a ship or you're building an outpost or if you're confused about something in general just pause the game check the help menu and odds are it probably has something in there to help answer your questions but with that that is going to do it for this video guys if you guys enjoyed it then please give this video a thumbs up it's greatly appreciated if you're new here consider subscribing and hitting the bell for notifications that way you don't miss out on any future Starfield videos and that is going to do it for me everyone and I will talk to you all next time thank you
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 287,906
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Keywords: starfield review, starfield, starfield ign review, starfield gameplay, starfield leak, starfield leaks, starfield review in progress, starfield update, starfield news, starfield direct, starfield news update, starfield tips, bethesda, starfield ships, starfield customization, starfield mods, starfield preview, starfield tips and tricks, starfield traits, starfield skills, starfield essential tips, starfield things the game doesn't tell you, starfield easter eggs
Id: ud1Com9balA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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