Do NOT Search for Lick in Minecraft at 3:00 AM... (SCARY MINECRAFT DOCUMENTARY)

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all right I'm gonna get my stone from somewhere else did I grab my pickaxe because that's not working mmm what is up everyone welcome to dark corners a mijo Stark and in this video we are going to continue our search for lick on this cursed minecraft seed we're not alone this is actually a live stream so if you see anything pop up on the screen every now and then just know this is a live stream people have been watching check the live stream playlist if you want to see this with the chat anyways it's been a while since I've last been here so this is the village I made a bet in this village right over here so this is gonna become my house I did switch to survival mode so I do need to collect some resource let me mark this real quick so I know what's up anyways first things first I need wood wood is what I need so we're just gonna stay in that village that's gonna be our house or our living space it's been as I said it's been a while since I last played on this seat so I can't really remember oh I just saw something weird I can't really remember what I did last time but I guess we'll figure it out right click wait I just saw it again is that a glitch it's like I saw something flashing oh yeah it's the it's that the blacks not not spawning for some reason you guys see that to the right that's weird but oh well we'll live with it there we go see how much we're gonna collect it's just um mine three trees there I said three trees you can complain about that in the description or in the comment section deal with it exactly so once again everybody this is going to be a video so you can't see the chat but if you do want to see this live stream with the chat to the side make sure you check out the playlist on my channel and you can see the live stream with everybody talking in the chat it's a new feature that YouTube added recently and it's amazing it's something I really really wanted and they finally added it in a small tree small tree this is the last one we're gonna mine or chop down there we go there we go should be fine I don't have a crafting table in my house so now I can actually make one just like that okay this is gonna sound really weird is it just me or is that ticking sound the chickens make I don't know if it's supposed to be them like eating or if it's supposed to beat them walking I find it creepy like listen sometimes I hear it while I'm in a cave and you hear this listen closely you hear that it's them walking I mean imagine hearing that water in a cave it's pretty creepy right it can I actually feed them by the way Wow I can lure them with the seeds but I can't act oh I can't feed him huh oh my god what does that do what does that do guys what happens if I feed the chicken I I didn't even know do they follow me now like forever oh oh okay okay so that's what happens hmm don't know if I was ready to learn about that but whatever so it's life we got this well over here you guys already know I got like an unexplainable fear for Wells because of that movie the ring I already lost the place for my house where is my house I forgot where my house is it was the small house with the tow Curtis put that crafting table right there wait what's going on here you guys hear that did you guys there's the cave what wait huh what have you guys ever seen something like this what are you doing here if you guys ever seen okay so there's a cave right beneath the village kind of oh never mind never mind that mind I mind I'm out here let me let me get some stuff to fight with before I actually head down there so this villager is pretty much stuck here oh well this annoys me why is this why is there like an empty space right here that does not make sense does that make sense does that happen often okay my house is right next to it so I'm probably gonna dig this out so I can access the cave more easily or maybe I should just move to another house let's get me a pickaxe first I'm gonna get some stone and then oh let me get a shovel while we're at it and then we'll get some stone we'll make some stone stuff and now we're gonna explore that cave it's the best way to mine oh don't fall down where's the entrance for this house how do I get in here okay just like that maybe I should move to this place what do you guys think I'm gonna ask the chat should I move here or should I stay in the smaller cozy house so big house small house I'm asking the chat while I'm waiting for your answer I'm gonna dig this out all right I can already see in the chat everybody's telling me to move just a couple of people telling me to stay in a small house well hopefully I don't regret this but we are moving [Music] oh we're moving Oh question though where is this entrance it's right here all right let me put this dirt right here then otherwise it's gonna be really annoying to get out of this house okay I'm gonna put my bed right here nice get rid of that there we go and we'll put this um we don't need this we don't need this yeah we come we can put some animals right here if you find some chickens or chicken plural for chicken is chicken or is it chickens I have no clue there we go drafting table all right so we need some kind of staircase this should work mm no no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm sorry okay that creeper was waiting for me that creeper was waiting but it's fine it's fine this villager saves our lives he shielded us from the explosion with his body wait I'm messing up here um this does not make sense I'm wasting all this wood all right okay that works okay hey I did it I did it I didn't even do that on purpose [Music] and now we can finally start mining I don't have any coal oh my god oh my god whoa whoa did you see that did you guys see that I'm going to bed oh my god I can't even rest with the monsters nearby [Music] what do I do now I don't know I got to make a sword out of I have one cobblestone I have to make a sword out of wood there's no way I'm gonna beat this army of undead can't sleep can't sleep I gotta be the huh interesting [Music] maybe I should have stayed in the cozy house that was the next to a freaking gigantic Gav look look how many mobs there are is this even normal I can't go to bed my house is broken wait where am I oh don't go here you wait I might I might move back temporarily I might move back just temporarily let me let me grab my bed hey I got a better idea Shh I'm an idiot you know what I'm gonna do why choose if I can just connect the houses look I'm just gonna connect them oh my god I am a certified genius I'm a certified genius you already know what's up ladies and gentlemen this is how we do this around here Brig this just like that yeah I'll make it pretty later let me just grab my bed mm-hmm I'm just grab my bed where's my bed I only love my bed I'm a mom oh come on where I don't see the mobs do you see the mops like what am I even supposed to do here I can't sleep look at these these villagers they don't stand a chance this is like the the in that army of lik could that be it whoa you did a 360 you don't want to mess with him I can't rest guys this village is a war zone I'm not even kidding look it's so it's a war zone I'm not surviving if I stay here I got it off I got to go somewhere else but all my stuff I think once it's daytime I'm gonna make a base somewhere else cuz that village is not safe not at all not even close was that a sheep sheep I can use you for a bed look at that building could that be like Lix mansion or Nick's castle you guys have you guys ever seen the old Dracula movies or the Frankenstein movies they're the bad guys had like I think Drac let's talk about Dracula I think Dracula had like a big castle in the country or in the in the village and nobody ever went there or was that Nosferatu might have been Nosferatu he had like a big house he never came outside nobody went to him and he just lived there finally I can sleep so maybe we should check out that mansion or guess or whatever it is see if we can get in there ha ha ha ha what bro you got to be kidding me give me that sword give me that sword give me that sword ok a shovel shovel that'll do shovel shovel that works that works come on ok we have a limited amount of time we have to fix this we have to make it map safe so no mobs can get in we can go to bed all that stuff and it's gonna be harder than it sounds I can guarantee that let's fix the stairs like that really really really are you serious I just fixed it I just fixed this I my god my god you are not serious you is it worth it I just need my wood let me just get my wood let me just I want no quarrel with you I want no quarrel with you just let me get my wood that don't feel like chopping that again oh go run inside run inside all right I'm gonna get my stone from somewhere else did I grab my pickaxe because that's not working I don't think they grow heads on farms as far as I know here that's better let me get rid of this hey what are you doing in here alright so we are continuing our search for lick on the lick seed on the cursed seed so far we found a head on the farm I have no idea how long it's been there but I've never noticed it here before but then again I haven't really played on the seed much we got a cave that's filled to the brim with mobs so all now this isn't a very safe village we want to check out what's in that gigantic house we think it might be licks house so we're gonna do that later but first we need to collect some stone because we're not gonna get any storm from that cave over there because it's impossible to get in there with the resources that we have oh wow I have a feeling whoa we're gonna regret going in here well we're not gonna go in there right now because we don't have resources we just need a little bit of stone just a little bit just a bit of stone so we can make some stone equipment how much time do we have because we need to fix our base the middle of the day we should be fine at least for now there we go and by the way guys before I forget to mention it I think most of you already know we have a dark corner server check it out the IP is play that darks corner dotnet so it's not dark corners dotnet but dark corner dotnet check it out hey you know what's up check out the merch as well and Twitter snapchat Instagram all the links are in the description hit me up you know what's up now we're gonna continue getting scared we found a head I'm really curious to see what else we're gonna find still the middle of the day see somebody in the chat is asking me to press ask to show that I am in single-player so I have a trick to show that you can test this yourself so I'm gonna throw my pickaxe away go to press ask you can see the pickaxe freezes and open to LAN is not available which means I am in single-player so this is a single-player world I'm not letting anyone join me or anyone else is able to join it's just me and whatever else feels like visiting alright is this enough stone let's let's go for a full stack we have the time let's go through a full stack we need ba-ba-ba-ba-ba 2024 depths nine twenty four one two three four five six ah nevermind this is fine I just realized something we don't have a single piece of coal so we're gonna have to find some where else we're gonna have to use some wood but apparently that's possible I had no idea it was possible but somebody actually told me in the comment section that you can make goal out of wood can no coal here huh we're entering a different biome oh and I see we got a couple of super chats from Yossi aka enemy on the server what's up name it good to see you donates boo for some reason the sound didn't work so that junk I didn't get me a try again but you guys already know I never get jumpscared anyways thank you very much for the super chat Josi nummy aka enemy I really appreciate it and good to see you on the livestream so in case you guys don't know yet this video is from a livestream this is being live-streamed to about a thousand people right now and we just got another super chat from 0-100 one saying I love your videos keep it up dark thank you very much Gero keep up the support and everybody else watching I really appreciate it and I can't thank you guys enough like seriously no matter how many times I thank you for watching I can't thank you enough it's impossible but I'll keep trying shout out to everybody anyways we were hungry we don't have coal we don't have food we don't have a lot of stone this is starting off the right track I'm sorry chicken you must have overheard me saying I don't have any food but now I do oh he didn't drop any okay nevermind he died for nothing he did not die for nothing mom buddy come on buddy uh-uh I see you running sure get this chicken make make myself an omelet ooh stirred stirred turd omelette however you called in English am I going the right way I cannot tell you if I'm going the right way uh-oh Oh am I really going the right way yeah luckily I have the chat to tell me I'm looking at the chat right now is this the right way Oh oh my god notch must have heard me saying I don't have food oh he's fast I'm gonna let you live I'm gonna let you live you uh you outran me I'm gonna let you live no you weren't fast enough you sure you weren't even close okay that's it that's a mighty opponent yeah I think this should be enough oh you're slow you're slow buddy survival of the fittest if you ain't fast you ain't livin all right and I think I'm going the right way it looks familiar maybe I should get on top of a mountain is this a case how cool oh my god I am feeling so lucky right now I say I can't find food I find food can't find coal I find coal okay I just heard a creepy cave sound that means that I'm out of here oh my god it's getting dark no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no oh no oh no oh no come on you've got to be kidding me where's that village oh no I heard skeleton oh come on where's that village come on no I was feeling so lucky let's get let's get in top here if I don't find a village on time I'm just gonna dig a whole desert I wasn't even near a desert where am I how would I get here somebody help how did I even get here oh I see light I see light I mean this might be bad advice if it was another another day but I'm gonna say follow the light no ah buddy how did you end up here I didn't even realize I was going the wrong way I was like huh I'm gonna joke about losing the way but I actually lost my way oh no oh no come on skeleton don't do this to me don't do this to me oh oh he's actually not doing me like that get on top of this mountain huh wait what interesting it's raining cuz they couldn't be more perfect I mean this looks familiar it must be somewhere around here where the villages right like uh if I wasn't hungry this would be fine if I get too hungry I'm gonna make a quick furnace let's see can I even remember what the village looked like that was like a big house a big house there maybe maybe this way maybe this way I mean what's the worst that can happen I'll die and I'll spawn at the house again Oh Oh God I found it I found it I found it all we were lost I was starting to lose hope this is why you never lose hope never lose hope you heard it here first you saw me overcome obstacles no man could have overcome but I did it I'm hungry that's fine where's this light coming from no seriously where's this oh I cannot remember this apparently I put the torch down there can't remember down here as well oh here's the big house alright there's the well there's the well and we just got another super chat from a Nimmi too bad I can't spook you hope you'll get spooked soon I'm sure I'm sure you guys know how these videos go right the 10-minute mark something's gonna happen you know what's up Nimmi thank you very much for donating and I really happy to see you're enjoying the stream and I really appreciate the superjet it's daytime again heard you talking smack buddy oh-oh-oh-oh I was about to jump in the well would we survived let me make a furnace doesn't Enderman that's an Enderman let's make ourselves a quick furnace Appetit pop anyways let's eat let's heal up a little bit I need some coal Wow okay you can make go from wood somebody told me but how is it like if I do this does that make cool no okay that's fine because III do need some pickaxe or are some torches oops I'm just gonna light up the start of this gate so mops stop spawning there because my oh oh no it's way deeper than I oh oh no you light it up light up quickly quickly oh look all the ores I need oh oh oh oh we just got another super chat from goal more donated $1 - super chat again thank you very much see you're enjoying the stream somehow the Sun still isn't working for the donations but nowhere you guys I'll fix it I'll fix it you don't have to worry about it I need more coal I need a stone pickaxe that that's not a crafting table there we go there was some coal down there but I'm gonna get it once again alright so we saw some coal and some ayran we're gonna get the iron we're gonna get the coal because we don't have a lot of resources right now Oh some more some more hey don't mind if I do um while we're moving in make sure we light in every how did you spawn oh come on how do you even defeat a skeleton without a shield like it sounds impossible oh no come on buddy I hate skeletons I hate skeletons it'sit's a race between skeletons and don't enter my house only warning skeletons or creepers I think skeletons are more annoying than creepers to be honest like at least you can defeat a creeper or at least avoid him without a weapon like see what I mean like what am I even supposed to do here right am I supposed to hear there's nothing I can do I mean if I had like a heavy shotgun from fortnight you already know what's gonna happen like just like that okay where's the cool right here we got the cold buddy you already know what's up all the coal I'll ever need is right in this cave let me just get this coal and then we're gonna finally investigate lick some more you guys just hear that I heard something weird whatever maybe it was just in my mind anyways oh look how big this cave is oh never mind I'm out here anyways as I was saying we're gonna investigate the big house slash castle whatever it is okay we're gonna do that right about now how do we get in there how this one get in there oh there's wait what there's there's a well I've been there there's a torch or is that like a torch put down by a villager du vide just put down torches anyone nope because I can't remember entering this place where I'm gonna grief a little bit don't grieve for my server by the way it's against rules but I'm in single-player right now so this is allowed hello put my stuff why are you looking at the corner like that that's creepy up that's creepy they do that in horror movies all the time so these two guys are like stuck here forever wait this house doesn't have a door wait there's a villager in here I'm gonna let him out cuz I'll actually feel bad oh that there is a villager in there I heard him know by the way I don't speak Spanish I just know hola como esta and not probably I'm not even pronouncing that correctly here that's better let me get rid of this hey what are you doing in here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you are not going anywhere buddy until I know more you are staying right there that's ahead wait is this the same head that was in the farm or is this a second one wait I gotta check real quick if that far if that head in the farm is gone then somebody moved it this is lava what is up everyone welcome to dark corners army whose dark I'm gonna keep this intro very brief because I am live-streaming so we just found the entrance to this house and we found a librarian sitting with these redstone torches and this head right there we've contained him he's right here until we ask him some questions however I don't know how but whatever the way we will find one so we haven't checked every single house yet so that's what I'm gonna do because we already found two heads in this village so who knows what else we'll find okay this looks empty I'm getting hungry though and it's not you look how quickly the day ends I'd almost say die moves faster in this village hello do you have anything strange you have a dirt block okay that's that's allowed that's not illegal to have let's see which other buildings there are I think wait we actually just went through everything we haven't gone through the church there any oh there's a building is that a building it's a farm how do I even get in here this-this-this Village makes no sense maybe I should make this my house because all the way up here no mobs can get here so I can actually sleep right let's see if we see anything out of the ordinary from up here looks normal maybe we'll have more luck during the day I'm gonna go to bed my have destroyed house we're gonna fix that way why not fix it right now there we go perfect there we go let's make a little little I know it's me let's just make this open just like that we have a pretty big house you can go to sleep luckily all right it's daytime again I want to explore some more of that cave let's make some more torches will it let's make this first perfect oh did whoa did you guys just kill that zombie dang son wait uh-uh-uh-uh get yo go back to your mammy wait where'd he go ash yeah wait wait hey running away oh never mind no you can't play fortnight on my phone you can't play for night on my phone I don't have an iPhone go away little kid look at go away well you actually actually had me pretty bad not even gonna lie to you guys you got me pretty bad all right we're gonna venture into this cave again let's light it up make sure it's mob free we like some resources we got lots of coal lots of iron that's perfect oh that's a lot of iron oh you guys know greed is not good so that's probably a reason why there's this many ores in this cave like maybe maybe it's a trap yeah what if it's a trap there's so much more in this cave so you'll always stay nearby and that's when lik finally attacks yeah that's just the story I just made up at eight I'm gonna believe it just cuz it's creepy is this even life somebody in the chat asking yes this is life I'm recording a video and live streaming at the same time once again if anyone's watching the video you can check my livestream playlist and you can watch the full livestream with the chat at the side so you can see exactly how the chat reacts when I find something so yeah shout out to everybody tuning in to the chat right now and everybody who's watching this in the future when it's a video and once again in case you didn't know I have merged I got the server and I got social media it's all in the description the IP for my server is play the darks corner dotnet my merge is sick a my social media is in the description there we go think there should be light enough I don't want to venture too deeply because I'll get last eye to see did I light this up is that a torch what is that that's a torch I've been here did I go in a circle am i last did I did I just get lost no this is the entrance this is the entrance okay I got a lot of ayran but I didn't get any coal I gotta get some gold real quick now we've done enough collecting resources for now there we go there we go now it's really quiet in here there should be mobs there are mobs here why are no mobs hello okay I just heard a cave sound I'm out of here I'm out of here we're gonna go back to the soup oh you son of a gun you scared the crap outta me okay so there are mobs we just saw zombie luckily I'm sweating like a goose right now where's the exit where's the exit oh no oh no don't oh no no no no don't tell me I'm lost don't tell me oh that aim don't tell me I'm lost no okay there's the exit but where's the village here it is okay so we've have to check this place out no nothing in there we've checked every single house so far we haven't checked the weld Oh [Music] looks normal what was that something just died over there something just died over there did you guys see it but I'm hungry something died over there but I'm hungry strange sentence what was that you guys in the jet maybe see it did you guys see what that was I did I didn't I didn't capture it was it maybe a mob chicken no idea okay whatever anyways what were we doing we checked the well it's nothing in the well there anything else out here that we didn't notice there's the pathway where does this path lead nowhere [Music] check oh there's the torch I've been here I've been here okay fine did we check every single house it feels like we forgot something we've checked this this is where I sleep we've checked the well have we checked this house yeah we checked that house we've checked this okay I just saw something in the corner of my eye no way no way no way no way no way no way oh no oh no oh no oh no [Music] you are kidding me that's tree heads that's three heads [Music] I'm not gonna leave it wait I got a mark this house some some way so I just I don't forget where this with torches on this side oh no you're kidding me there's two heads okay this house something's up with this house I guess we just found two heads we will check this place okay okay - one two three four heads in one single village and not a single sign of lick did I not check this house or did I just not notice the heads before okay wait no no no no now now I have to be sure now I have to be sure okay what's this what is this what is this is this okay don't tell me there's a house right here is that just the fun that's just the foundation for church okay anyways as I was saying we haven't gone into the well but we're going to everybody ready oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no there's light there's light coming from over there does this glitch still work and I use this to breathe okay either this is lava [Music] there's something wrong did you guys hear that something just you guys hear those footsteps I just heard footsteps I'm not even playing I just heard footsteps there's something wrong with this village that's five heads that's five heads in a single village yo hey I'm out here oh okay that's just dude not every single sound is gonna scare me how do I get out of here oh I gotta get out of here and there's a restaurant on in case you guys didn't notice okay that's that's enough of this seat for today eh I'm gonna play some for tonight Wow oh no come on keep going keep going but not a single sign of lick five heads no link and it's nighttime oh no I just got out of here it's good to bed okay that's enough oh used stupid villager you stupid villager you jump scared looking villager you ugly big nose having big head jump scared looking villager get out of my house get out of my house jump scaring me in my own house you crazy anyways that's definitely enough of this seed hope you guys enjoyed this live stream slash video if you enjoyed this video make sure you've liked if you want to see more like this make sure you subscribe check me out on social media Twitter snapchat Instagram all the links are in the description join the minecraft server play the dark score net and let me know in the comments section what you think the five heads mean my name is dark thank you all very much for watching and I hope to see you next time dark signing out
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 600,941
Rating: 4.8951492 out of 5
Keywords: finding herobrine, finding herobrine in minecraft, minecraft at 3 am, do not search for herobrine in minecraft, minecraft herobrine sighting, minecraft creepypasta, scary minecraft video, herobrine, herobrine sighting, minecraft, dark corners, minecraft null, minecraft herobrine, minecraft herobrine story, minecraft at 3am, minecraft legend, herobrine in minecraft, herobrine encounters, herobrine signs, herobrine guide, is herobrine in minecraft, do not play minecraft at 3 am
Id: N3Icrxffd10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 9sec (3129 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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