The most HAUNTED Seed in Minecraft! Do NOT Play on this Minecraft Seed! (Full Orphanage Documentary)

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let's get oh my god what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and in this Minecraft video we're gonna check out another creepy seed called the orphanage seed so according to the info I could find this seed is called the orphanage seed because there's a strange gave in there and if you go in there you'll hear the cries of children so I haven't checked it out yet that's all I know and the seat is orphanage all that I know is that there is some kind of cave nearby and we should be hearing these sounds so yeah let's get right into it and see what happens and while we're loading here guys make sure you follow me on Twitter snapchat and on Instagram all the information is on the screen and in the description there we go loading didn't take too long alright let's fly up see if you find any caves here I actually don't see any nearby actually not sure if oh there's a village here does anything interesting nearby I mean the most obvious place for an orphanage at least in my opinion would be somewhere near a village or near a city speak of the devil there's actually gave here let's see make sure we have some gorgeous [Music] okay so there's the cave right here and it's near village but I haven't heard anything in there so much River never near to right cave or there's okay okay there's one looks way creepier with a house down here as well see foot okay I'm not sure if I heard something there I have to check that an editing really thought I heard something Emery I'm not sure the thing is if you're if you're listening for something there's a higher chance of you hearing it even if it's in between your ears so to say it's okay so anyway we didn't hear anything let's dig out a little bit actually a better idea let's check out the village maybe some of the village elders can give us some information fly up oh that we have a Wiseman right here is it just me guys or does this look a bit strange I'm not talking about I'm talking about the colors I haven't changed any of my settings it seems a bit flat I'm not sure if it has something to do with the seed I just noticed it maybe my version is messed up again wouldn't be the first time Oh check out all the houses here huh see how much time do we have as soon as it turns into night time we're gonna go into the cave where I thought I heard something we're gonna see if anything strange happens in there and all dark corners fashion and by the way guys while I'm just waiting for my for the time to come if you have any myths or legends you'd like to see on the channel or maybe have a game you'd like to see me livestream make sure you leave it in the comments or tweet me about it alright here we found another cave let's stand here for a bit listen if we hear anything all right we didn't hear anything out of the ordinary here maybe you should go to the other cave I'm like 73 percent sure I heard something in there see it's almost nighttime almost and my dreams may be so got a lot of time to kill my just fast-forward this part is gonna investigate this village [Music] you know guys okay this is just speculation I know a lot of you people watching are pretty young so this movie I'm about to talk about you might have never heard of it but it's one of the creepiest horror movies I've ever seen and it's called The Ring it's a remake of a Japanese movie but I've only watched the American version which is very good very creepy so that movie is about Samara which is it spoilers by the way it's a girl who died from drowning in the well and if I remember correctly Samara was also an orphan I know a lot of villages have these walls like this opera is actually tricky to think about okay please be quiet when I'm telling this scary story thank you so Dai thought so maybe it would be smart to keep an eye on this well when it turns into night time oh that's creepy what's it what if that's a ghost in there I don't even want to think about it that's way too creepy for my taste the ring guys when I watch the ring I was probably about 6 or 7 years old that movie traumatized me but I loved it so much it's one of the greatest horror movies in my opinion that it has the atmosphere it has the creepiness and it has the create creativity at least the original movie has creativity like the ideas really how do you even think of it it's a videotape and if you watch it you die within 7 days like just the idea you need to be genius and to think of that like a magic oh by the way don't watch the the third movie rings it's absolute absolute garbage trust me don't watch it especially if you love the first two movies the American movies would you imagine if someone got that tape nowadays they just put it on YouTube and millions of people would just watch it and buy oh my god did you guys hear that okay this might be a really stupid idea I'm gonna lock myself in here what escaped goes further okay oh what was that even that what I heard ticking sound and I'm pretty sure that's yeah I'm pretty sure that's the chicken so at first I was like well what's that sound oh it's the chicken but I don't think the scientist sounded game after it was a chicken doe I'm sure if I'm gonna use an allergist what's goin on here guys am I gonna spend the night in here see if anything pops up okay so it's it's I guess the orphanage seed has some truth to it how do you know that was an orphan I don't know um it might be a strange sound that had a story made around it okay we've all it goes even deeper the cave is here guys you guys already know that the seed if you don't believe me the seed is orphanage you can go to the exact same cave and dig the exact same holes and you'll end up in here let's see it it looks like this this bar is open to the outside okay so why would you here an orphan in this cave if we're gonna make up some stories what if it was an orphan who fell through this hole and they couldn't get out anymore and now they're stuck here forever forever forgive their spiritus whoo wouldn't that be creepy guys what woody what would we even call it a new entity the orphan that actually sounds creepier than anything else holy guys I'm not gonna lie I don't have the face cam on right now but I got goosebumps from that I'm a genius you have entity tree or tree you have hairy brain you have no which are cool names they're not as creepy as the orphan at least not in my opinion but let me know what you guys think in the comments section I know most of you will agree with me and if you don't what do you think's didn't even creep your name it'll say I'm actually getting freaked out here if I didn't manage to scare you guys at least managed to scare myself wait let's get okay yeah let's get out of here please well I don't think I've ever ever ended the challenge discrete that was like oh my god the Enderman scared me I didn't forget anything I'm not sure if you guys heard that God is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and as you can see right here we're back in Minecraft on the orphanage seed we're back at the village near the caves and I'm standing right next to the well the what we'll be doing for this video is we're gonna be going into crew into survival mode which is game-mode 0 and we're gonna hang around in this village and see if anything strange happens near this well we'll also check out the case at some point right now what we need to do is find a nice house to live in because it's getting dangerous out here because the village seems to be overrun by zombies and a single Enderman and you can see I then craft anything at all maybe I should have done that before I went in to create into survival mode let's pick the house that's near the well so if anything does happen near a wall and actually see it let's make this our spawn point there are mosques nearby we're gonna have to kill those but I don't have anything to kill them with oh I guess I'll I'll run around make sure they leave my house alone lagana oh that sucks that sucks oh snap okay okay okay uh is there is there a blacksmith nearby this town has no blacks made that sucks oh no man I have a plan I have a plan watch this watch this oh no oh no my plan did not work I wanted to push them off the edge of the mountain leave the villagers alone oh poor poor villager Oh No okay okay okay come on come on come on come on come on okay okay okay I'm playing with fire right now I can't survive this and I saw it can't sleep oh this is actually really really terrifying I'll be honest with you guys it's strange they're not that close to me oh they see me and there's a skeleton like it couldn't get any worse oh boy okay I have a new plan I have a new plan I'm just gonna stay here those day time I'll just skip the video forward just few guys right so as you can hear most of the zombies are gone the lone spider right here will let attack me no in that case it can stay anyways let's take a look around this village we haven't really done this well enough because I never knew there was a building down here no idea how to get down there though I saw a villager there last night guessing it's inaccessible is for now anyways the reason why I chose this base near the well because as I said in the previous video this wall is just creepy and it really reminded me of the ring oh hey you never know we're just gonna set up a base here we're gonna keep an eye on it every night and see anything strange happens what do we will be doing during the day this will head out to the caves that should be right here we're gonna go look true down because in the last video we heard a lot of strange sounds but who didn't really see anything at least I didn't see anything I did get some comments about something in the distance like a strange shadow I'll be making a different video about that and I don't want to spoil that right now so keep your eyes open for that now actually see some coal down here I'm guessing there might be another cave down there cuz that's a pathway that leads there what do we what we need to do first collect some wood more resources because as I just said we are in survival mode now so we don't have the luxury of spawning stuff whenever we want they should also probably expand my base this is really small it hardly even fits the bed I still want to add a crafting table and all that stuff there all the essential items that you need to craft like the chests also so let's make some planks I want one stack of would think if I have that will start crafting and exploring the caves almost a whole stack we're getting there oh boy I just realized I have Auto jump enabled I hate that it's really annoying let me see how do i how do i disable that how to jump off there we go that's better this is a whole stack yes more than the whole stack we're gonna mix one pickaxe out of wood I'm gonna get that coal that's down there and we're gonna get a bunch of stones we can make more tools you already have a farm so we don't really need to worry too much about food but if I do see a pig or cow whatever I will collect some meat from them make one pickaxe just like that alright let's head down to the pool take a little peek under well don't really see anything it's not yet let's see what's the safest way down here and we have to remember I need to make sure I also have a way up it's an easy way up just in case I get stuck here in the night nicely placed I've been here or have I I've been here apparently Andrea you remember but then again I do have a fuzzy memory all the coal we have down here this pathway leads straight to this cave or this small cave with a dead end aren't interesting take this torch would use it morkul up here at all I'm gonna go up all the way up on this hill look at the village get a good look at the village there's a bunch of coal right there that I'm gonna get somehow probably dig down on the dirt how are you supposed to get in there oh I haven't seen a door yet huh but that'd be the orphanage it's the biggest building it's made out of stone at least most of it is made out of stone ah I have a feeling we should check it out at night for now we're gonna spend more time collecting resources I'm actually getting hungry look at this poor village it almost seems like it's cut off from everything else look you're supposed to jump down on this mountain follow the bad way almost looks like it's disconnected like this used to go straight forward somehow it got cut up cut off which is a creepy table I mean I'm pretty sure just a CD rendering stuff like this but hey nothing wrong with a little bit of imagination I'm gonna get some meat while I'm here just like that you're sure I saw some animals near the village that will unfortunately have to deal with my pickaxe I'm gonna make this jump uh I did not make that jump oh my god I forgot I didn't sleep last night okay this is a problem where's the village oh boy I have to find the village almost nighttime as well is that it I think that's it collect some eggs while we're on the way they're more mushrooms just in case you find some red ones and we can make some mushroom stew oh you got lucky let's see there we go over right here I think I'm gonna get my stuff first or I go to bed let's see why did i die i died near you guys hearing that fire [Music] [Music] it's second why is this building on fire a and it looks like a safety hazard you might want to put that off next time it is thing it burned down while we died because it wasn't like this we checked it last wait wait we're gonna check this out but I want my stuff first I can't remember where I died let me see I fell down near not a tree I dug the goal right here then I got on the mountain somehow maybe my stuff already despawn I hope not alright this guy looking at me like this I don't like it I don't trust him either now he's disappeared okay oh there I think I see my stuff this time I'm not gonna go down that way but all my stuff just like that hope I didn't forget anything we're gonna go straight home I'm not sure if you guys heard there's all kinds of strange sounds on the seat maybe it'sit's something new because I am playing on the latest version maybe it's just new sounds they added but they're freaking me out hey there we have them the first zombies I just hope I can actually sleep this time right I can sleep before I do that I do want to check out the well well quick looks normal nothing out of the ordinary ok uh snap don't tell me I can't sleep are you serious you know what it's simple if they won't let me sleep I'll make them sleep or yet I'm gonna have to build some defenses on this on this village at some point maybe some walls what in the world more strange things are happening in this village go through here first nice some more cool let's get this a lot more cool I like to see this there we go in a nice batch of cool all we just need to get out of here this almost looks like a bad way in itself doesn't it and it leads to it's the cave it is that's some light over there I think that might be the end of the cave that might just be sunlight let's check it out there we go got a lot of cool I'm happy alright this is a cave a really big cave on my head if I may add light where's this light coming from ah I've been here I remember this place yeah I remember this is where we hear the strange sound in the sound came from down here you'll be down here okay this is where the strange sound came from it sounded like some kind of crying or yelling I can't really explain it nice water could this be water that leads to the well maybe I'll have to check that out at some point but right now I just want to get some resources let's get some of this iron I'm gonna go home I'm gonna make a stove and we're gonna cook some food right now what I want to find is how I came here cuz I did get lost easily when I used to play Minecraft a lot and looks like I still do did I I'm from here I honestly can't remember oh boy I'm really happy I'm not a miner in real life because I would probably be dead by now from starvation because I took the wrong turn somewhere and I got stuck in the mind forever is this this is where it where dug out to cool alright we're going to ride way down the pathway should be around here we're gonna go straight home and eat until our belly is full and then we're gonna check out the well once again and after that I'm gonna ask you guys what I should be doing next who knows maybe I'll even stream at life let me know if you'd like that in the comment section below I'll try to make it happen there we go hello villager hello well and even oh this is creepy oh this is creepy I hear mobs around me I see no mobs I did hear a zombie that's weird let me make sure okay no we're gonna go straight up we're not prepared what's up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and as you can see we're back on the orphanage seat it's been I think a couple of months since we've been here last and I'm actually not sure if I can remember what happened but the most important thing so one of the biggest thing that happened is we found this not even sure what this is I think this might be the blacksmith somebody lit it on fire and as you can see here there's still some damage you can see the nether rag that was on fire right here and we have no idea how this netherrack got here and who lit it up I'm not sure if it's the weaponsmith I mean does the weaponsmith do something like that oh by the way I'm just gonna steal this hope you don't mind so that's what we saw in the last episode I haven't been on this world or on the seed since we've done a lot of investigating but a lot of strange stuff has happened in this seed in one of the videos you can hear strange sounds is one of the caves of course this what I just said the lights and there's a lot of theories in the comments so I decided to just return here see if anything creepy happens and we're gonna play around maybe if we can find this 13 or disc 11 we'll play that maybe we'll make a heroin shrine all that stuff what do you guys think I should do let me know in the comment section and while you're doing that makes you follow me on social media Instagram Twitter snapchat all the links are in the description especially follow me on Instagram because I'll be doing some giveaways on there the last giveaway and it I've emailed the winners so they should all check their email anyways what do you guys think I should do in this world should I make a shrine should I play this 13 the skill Evan let me know in the comments section while you guys are thinking of that I'm just gonna do some more exploring it's in all the videos we've done a lot of exploring in that side of the world I don't think we've really gone here you can actually see this is where the pathway to the town starts I think I'll actually go over it see if it leads anywhere but to the town okay so it leads straight to the town it's actually getting dark right now so we're not gonna head out too far because we do want to get back in the village and take get some rest go to sleep a lot of chickens here I'm sure we won't run out of food just not anytime soon we've got to make sure we don't get stuck in the forest what's that is that oh we found some wolves okay I don't have any bones with me oh snap I really got to find some bones it's been a very long time since I came the dog and I think a nice friend to protect me would be real nice yeah I'm actually gonna well not I'm not gonna kill this chicken I'm just gonna borrow their meat before I head back to town let's see okay this is what I was afraid of I came from the side where the Sun went down so that means the town is this way I'm not lost mobs have spawned oh boy oh boy I see skeleton oh snap I regret this I should have gone to bed first okay okay ah snap oh snap oh no please please don't do this to me please don't do this to me mmm guys I'm really not sure if I'm who the right way okay let's go this always happens I go to explore and I say okay I gotta make sure I don't get lost and the first thing that happens is I got distracted by something and I get lost okay I'm sorry chicken you made a bad decision by staying here cuz you're the final chicken I'm gonna oh sorry didn't mean to intrude whatever you guys are doing okay here's my little shed I'm gonna go to sleep and we're gonna keep the exploring during the daytime because I'm not prepared well enough at least not yet let's see do I have a furnace here I do ah whoa we actually got some chicken nice don't mind if I do we got some farms so that's I don't think we're gonna run out of food anytime soon okay are we gonna go back this way we have to keep going straight so we don't get lost I think actually saw a ravine somewhere while I was running back to the village we found some strange stuff and ravines before so we might might be a good idea to check that that's a cave over here that I can't remember visiting all right so one trunk get to this cave I have a question for you guys so I'm playing Minecraft right now but I know you guys don't just play minecraft you play out a game so which are the games do you want to see me play I mean I've done roblox I've done four oh snap wait I've been here someone oh my god I remember this place isn't this isn't as the village or the gave or we heard that strange sound okay that's bollocky right as I was gonna say it okay I think I think we have to dig further there has to be something here there has to be something here okay we actually found a cave it's been so long I actually can't remember all the stuff guys anyways okay so we we definitely heard something but I don't want to forget my questions so what I was gonna ask which other games you guys want to see me play on this channel please let me know in the comment section or let me know on Twitter I might not always reply to your comments or like your tweets or like your comments but I do read them a lot like every night in bed every morning I go through the comments and I try to read as many as possible and usually they're not that long so I do manage to read quite a bit and I also think that's the least I can do try to read as many comments as I can because you guys are taking the time to watch my videos you're taking the time to comment on my videos even even if you have bad things to say about the videos you know I'm open for any criticism any feedback don't be afraid to post it I also see some comments sometimes that are like I want to say this but I don't want doc to get mad I don't want you to get mad don't worry about it I won't get mad if you post a comment if you aren't opposed to comment just post it if I read it you know I'll be grateful anyway it doesn't matter if it's about something positive if it's something negative I mean if you're trying to make the channel better you know I can only be thankful for that anyways enough about that so long story short comment or tweet me games you want to see me play in a video a livestream whatever tweet me or post in the comments and now back to the spooks yes we're just gonna let some resources and hopefully by Blind Luck or whatever we'll find whatever makes that sound because it did sound like it came from outside the cave from the entrance but we've been outside we didn't see anything and it happened again right as we entered this oh snap that's a that's a witch oh no no no no I'm not I'm not I'm not ready for this I'm not ready for this no no no no no no no no I'm not ready oh snap how did I get here how did I get here oh snap oh snap oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god how did I get here go go go go I didn't take any food with me cuz I'm a freaking idiot oh no oh no oh no I heard another witch our board is too intense too it's that ah no how do we get out of here guys quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick oh snap oh snap oh snap oh okay whoo that was way too scary way too scary okay so we know that something's up with that case but we don't have enough resources to survive in there so we do have to collect some more stuff obviously I'm not gonna be putting all this stuff in the video because that's more suited for livestream so who knows maybe I'll have to livestream on this world we'll see we'll see how that goes okay let's try to find that village again the meantime are these poor chickens these poor chick is how unlucky do you have to be for me to find you there we go ah we're not gonna start anytime hey yo you should be burning right now what's up with you I gotta follow the rules okay so the village let's see the Sun it's moving that way which means the village hopefully is this way I'm actually not sure oh okay okay okay yeah yeah I I think I'm going the right way I hope I'm going the right way oh there's the cave entrance aw snap I messed up I think there we go dude I almost went past it you guys see that real if I had gone that way I would have never found that village again until I died and spawn in the bed I know that for a fact anyway so we found a couple of caves around the village I'm wondering I'm really curious I'm gonna dig into some random places in the village see if the village is connected to anything something like once again I'm gonna mention the eighth movie in the eighth movie I think in the original movie and new movie and I think it originated from the book even if I haven't read it yet I do want to start reading some Stephen King movies even though I don't really read a lot but I do want to get into it so the town of Derry so we're just gonna call this place Derry I'm probably gonna forget this by the next video but you guys have to remind me this village is called Dairy Dairy has an old sewer system under it and that sewer system is where Pennywise lives and he kinetic like the way he transports himself through the village through the town to the gates to scare them and kidnap them eat them whatever it's through the sewer system so he goes through the sewer he comes out he grabs the kid does whatever you know makes a balloon and then eats him sat/rad cetera that's kind of my theory here is there anything under this village that's connected to something even bigger I'm actually gonna make a shovel yeah there we go you're gonna make a shovel just like that and we're gonna start digging how about we start digging right next to the well I'm actually not sure how I'm gonna do this I'm just gonna start digging straight down that's not a smart idea I gotta do it like this okay if I want to get back up I'll have to put okay no this is smart if I want to get back up I'll just yep yep yep I'll just put the blocks over here and then I'll make a ladder or whatever okay so this is one of the first I remember when minecraft is getting big there were a lot of people that were like making videos with advice and one of the rules the unwritten rules of mining downward issue never mind the block you're standing on because I have no idea what's on the hill who knows maybe there's literally nothing on there and if I mine it off fall down while I'm speaking we can actually hurt zombie which to me means there is indeed a cave then there's a ton of dairy and if I wasn't idiot I would have made some food right now cuz I'm actually literally almost dead oh snap okay okay we found a cave we found a cave but it's lit up how is that have I been here no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't tell me this gave don't tell me this caves connected dude the one where we heard that sound no this is a brand-new cave look it's just a lava lighting it up I thought it was a torch okay so this gave is directly under dairy you guys realized that right I see no mobs I did hear a zombie that's weird let me make sure okay no we're gonna go straight up we're not prepared for this oh okay we're gonna just go straight up here I'm hearing a zombie again so there where mobs I just didn't see any okay there's a cave system directly under Derry I wonder it's connected to anything well actually the cave is per that means this well is connected to the cave or it I think I think this is a pretty big discovery we also heard something in there so it's definitely worth checking out oh I could have just died you guys realize that right [Music] well this up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and in this video slash livestream we're gonna go back on the orphanage to seed I'm recording this right before I go live that's actually a bunch of people waiting in the chat right now so I'm gonna take too long I just want to say make sure you follow me on Twitter snapchat Instagram especially on Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date on what I'll be streaming I don't Instagram for the giveaways and for the other content anyways there's a lot of people waiting in the stream so let's pause the game and let's get right into it alright so you can already see I'm actually really low on health so I should probably get some food before I actually start luckily we have some in the oven right here I also have a bunch of eggs you guys think I'll get some chicken I could make a fence get a little farm going on here it's been a while since I streamed minecraft so I do have to get into it because when I make videos I'll be honest a lot of times I mispronounce stuff and I just say stuff that doesn't make sense at all and this is a confession guys you know what I do when that happens you want to know what I do I just stop talking and I repeat it and then when I'm editing I just cut out the part where I found it like a like an idiot and I replaced with the part where I actually sound like I know what I'm talking about but I can do that on the live stream right now so we'll have to see how that goes then this dude just kid grab at me alright guys what I was about to say if I didn't get a single one chicken is all I got you've got to be kidding me how do i how do I get this chicken back in here I can use seeds right come here come here come here a big mistake big mistake yeah yeah boyee ok I gotta I gotta be quick I gotta be quick I gotta be quick about it ok so just to sum up what happened in the previous video we actually dug a hole down here and we heard a strange sound while I wasn't making a video actually made a way down here to flip to a cooler for the thumbnail so we can go down through here and we're gonna explore the world a little bit and I think in the next night we're gonna go into the hole see what we find cuz I have explored it yet you know I could use a compass but I don't think I have any I have one redstone wait for a compass you need irenna which I have I'm gonna make a compass as soon as I'm back I'm gonna make one you know what I want to do by the way I'm not sure what the best way would be so we have this hole down here with a cave directly under the village what if we can find a way to dig into this well that would mean we have to go down to the left because if we dig into the water it would be way too slow hey Arwen ingots that's what they're called so I believe I'm not gonna use the recipe book this makes compass yeah I still got it we're gonna we can go exploring like this we won't get lost we won't get lost we won't get lost young lass no we have a big forest here is there something you guys in the chat think I should do anything I mean since we're alive I can just ask you guys for suggestions right now instead of when the video is already recorded I've been here since I put down torches I've been here ah wait isn't this where we heard a sound as well it's been a while since I recorded that video you guys have to realize I record a video I edit it and sometimes I wait a couple of days before I upload it at that time my memory can get fuzzy wait did I not go down here there's no torches but guess that means I haven't explored this part yet so if anything unexpected is gonna happen it's gonna happen right here let me make some torches you guys can actually see what I'm doing I'm not sure if you guys can hear it but I hear something walking around down here might just be a zombie did you guys hear it I heard some footsteps and it couldn't have been me because I was sneaking it is almost look like a dead end oh how big are the chances that this cave is connected to the cave in the village but this one actually looks really big I haven't been here yet [Music] the town is called Derry and one in the chat reminds me yes so we named the town Derry that's the same name as the one in it and the movies and in the book or books so that's what the village is called the village of Derry well that's actually some water over here as well yeah we're gonna sneak it I was about to say there aren't any mobs they don't seem to react okay now they've seen me now the dust is upward we're gonna we're gonna check out where that goes I'm gonna see where that water leads us to we have to get rid of these people hey that didn't go that bad the other creeper died you look how deep this goes okay where this is gonna be way too much to explore at once it looks like there's a torch though down there about have I been there you look how good guys no no means this is really deep there's a torch over here so I've been here but I haven't been down here because otherwise I would remember right you let's just say let's just see where we are right now so far this is a really big cave I had to put down a lot of torches but we've only seen two moms I don't know about you guys but that's kind of strange right can't say I recognize this place but I have a compass with me this compass says our base is that way which means I have no idea where that is you know what we're gonna do we're gonna get this dirt right here this it is getting dark and what we're gonna do is we're gonna make a quick beacon do we can find this place again and use up all the dirt I have because it's useless anyways just like that yeah we have the moon you guys think I'm gonna make this jump you guys think I'm gonna make this jump I hope I'm gonna make it ah nice nice bro of course dude I knew I was gonna make it I was just playing with you guys if you ever see me miss a jump like that never happened you're gonna start running because it is dark already and we've seen mobs can spawn because we saw two creepers in the in the cave yeah we have skeleton right there okay I think I made a mistake hey there's XP over here something died it were pretty far away from the village wafer is not then I thought we were Dom bees okay so I promised we'd go down into the cave that's in the dairy should I do it during the nighttime or should I do it during the daytime I'm asking you guys in the chat did I go into the cave at night so right now or should I wait until daytime night I see a lot of people seeing a nighttime okay you guys want me to die where's the village yet oh no don't tell me don't tell me the compass send me to the wrong place or dude guys guys guys guys I'm in trouble I'm in trouble the compass it looks like the compass sent me to the spawn wait I slept in a bed so how did that happen is that that's not supposed to happen right I see you guys saw me at the start of the stream I slept in my bed so the compass should be pointing to my bed right am I am I correct in thinking that a but we're still finding some new things over here holy crap you guys see that ravine did you guys just see that ravine okay we're in trouble here I have no idea where the village is oh snap skeleton just spotted me okay so I'm gonna try to find it so this right here I have no idea what it is if we go back to the beacon to the cave that we were just in I'm sure we can find the village to it let's see do we see a village somewhere around here I've never seen that mountain that's a really big mountain over there as well hmm where's the beacon I just made oh I see the village I see the village it's over there awesome awesome the Amish say it's the middle of the night we can still make it over there I'm gonna go to bed you guys want me to explore the cave at night but I want to go into the bed just to make sure my spawn point actually changes it there's no way are we that far from the village I really hope that isn't a different village because that would really suck there's a beacon over there that I not the beacon we just made as it can be I could have just died you guys realize that right you guys seen this [Music] okay I have no idea what this is guys this wasn't here when we started streaming at least I mean I didn't check but I'm I'm sure I would have noticed this way earlier look I still can't do anything with it so this is just a regular villager the Sun is coming up right now yeah okay so let me just tell you guys what I'm seeing there's the head redstone torches and one villager did I miss anything guys we have to dig under here just in case we find something so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna light this place up a little bit just like that okay wait I have to pause the game did you guys hear that the Sun is coming up right now yeah okay so let me just tell you guys what I'm seeing there's the head redstone torches and one villager did I miss anything guys this is in the village of Derry and I'm stuck in this house now we have to dig under here just in case we find something so far doesn't look like there's anything just heard the door wait are you guys noticing something [Applause] let me see if I'm right okay so the compass points that way my bed over here so what's going on here anyways guys so we just found something let me just show you guys so in this house this random house there's one villager there's an actual head and there's a bunch of redstone torches I have no idea how long these things have been here I've never seen them before they could have just been put here while we were exploring I have no idea this is right next to the blacksmith no guys I've been to the Beck Smith a lot of times I've even walked past this house so this this is new otherwise I would have noticed it right you know this ville this house is right I wouldn't be surprised if it leads to the cave so we're gonna we're gonna dig down we're gonna make a couple of pickaxes one two three four pickaxes should be enough there we go we could use some ladders as well because otherwise how are we gonna get up how many letters do we need a lot [Music] we need a lot of flair disguise see how does okay there we go 24 letters I hope that's enough we're gonna dig straight down and we're gonna hope this leads somewhere all right here we go we're gonna dig down this way actually that's stupid we're gonna dig this way I have torches so we can see you where we're actually digging so I'm sure this leads to the cave I mean there's a high probability because it's really close to the cave and we saw the cave it's kind of big we hear a zombie good that means we're close and I'm hearing lavas wall wait wait this is getting dangerous I have to make sure I'm not digging into the lava see you hear that guys mmm see you what I told you guys okay we heard a zombie die I have no idea how he died I'm assuming you fell into the lava or something creeper happened what do you guys think see so this leads to the cave it's directly above it so I was actually right about that okay so this is the hole that we built which means that the well it's right around here I'm starving thank you guys for reminding me to eat with some people in the chat told me all right let's get some food real quick these potatoes don't really fill up my hunger bar so I'm guessing I'm supposed to cook them let me put down my druthers since while we're added because I am actually lagging a little bit I don't have a chest I need a chest and we're gonna save some space by putting it here does that work doesn't work okay that that sounded smart in my head you guys are gonna cringe but I'm gonna do it like this okay let's put everything that we don't need right now in the chest see can we put this in here all right that's what we're gonna do let's head back into whoo I see some people and the chat are saying the villager disappeared but he didn't disappear I'm pretty sure he got out the same way I did but that's probably the villager that that was in here anyways I can't go down there cuz I don't have any ladders we have to go down through here all right oh I'm an idiot I didn't even eat I should have eaten okay watch this that's how we do it around here boy there's a bunch of modulus do spiders attack you in caves yeah they do so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna light this place up a little bit just like that okay wait I have to pause the game did you guys hear that sounded like breathing in my right ear did you guys hear that I have to check with you guys or am I just going crazy I heard something breathing on my right ear be honest did you guys hear something or not just say no if you didn't hear anything it maybe I misheard maybe it was a different sound I see a lot of people didn't hear it some people did hear it seems like it's like a split 50-50 50% didn't hear anything okay so we're gonna keep our eyes out we keep our ears open our eyes as well of course see this is what I mean usually when I'm not live-streaming this would this would have been cut out and I would have just repeated it correctly there's a lot of mobs down here I have a feeling I shouldn't go down here yet because it's you know what look look look look see that's how we do it one stone two flies one stone it's right I'm just trying to light up the scape right now I don't I don't want to mine yet I just wanted to light it up so that's what we're gonna do right now look at how big this cave is I'm not kidding maybe I should start using my sword dude this leads straight up interesting a really interesting cave we can go this way whoa oh man I hope I survived ok that glitch still work no wait we can go this way whoa ok I'm not gonna go down there yes I'm not gonna be able to get out we're gonna go I'm gonna go down there another time mice you got the skeleton as well I'm actually almost dead so we're just gonna use these torches up real quick whoa at least is confirmed that this our spawn point and my game is starting to lag really badly so what's going on here okay that's way better we're gonna get our stuff real quick it's the Sun going down it is so we're gonna go down we're gonna get our stuff and then we're gonna get out of here because we're not prepared to explore this cave yet see I went this way just gonna go and go out get our stuff get up get up boy you heard that good you hear that guys you heard that that's odd do we heard that sound down there we just heard the cave sound so there's definitely I'm not gonna say there's definitely something down there but we definitely heard something down there I'm happy we heard something on the stream this is actually a dead end wait I had armor on I didn't even realize that seriously guys I had no idea had armor on so this looks like it's a dead end we're gonna dig into it just in case oh not a dead end [Laughter] interesting you guys think I have enough ladders to go down there 24 ladders oh oh no no no that's dangerous that dangerous dig down from the side smart I have a better idea I have enough iron to make a bucket of water are we gonna go down there it's nighttime right now though so you know what we're gonna go during the nighttime just to make it extra spooky if we dig down from the side it will be we could yeah that would be actually very easy but I really want the bucket water okay let's see do we have enough iron I hope so we only need three right perfect all right let's get this some water uh where's the worst right did I really just put the did I really just put the bucket in the chest anyways I don't want to destroy the farm and I just got the bucket from here all that no it works okay cool cool cool was that the villager we just heard was it the villager it's almost sounded like the vid the villager went up in flames at the end there okay get rid of this [Music] am I gonna breathe [Music] no I'm great I'm gonna have to do this that's all right I know this doesn't work aw snap I'm an idiot this does not work at all oh man I hope I survive ok that glitch still work no wait I think I destroyed something if you guys see that oh of course you guys saw that but it looks like I destroyed something did the head was floating or maybe maybe I kill something look I there there was new redstone torches and I had just floating down here Wow okay I'm gonna get out of here even though I have no idea how I'm gonna do that uh-huh I think I kind of messed up here I'm I'm a bit stuck this place pushed me out wait wait wait guys guys guys sweet wait I think I'm onto something how far did the water go hey did someone destroy a block up there no that's oh no no I destroyed them okay I guess scared there for a second so the water went all the way here guys we're gonna do we're gonna do some CSI investigating right now I think I'm onto something so the water went all the way here we found two destroyed redstone torches we found one head so usually the shrines that we make a Minecraft they're almost well actually they're always symmetrical so if if this was a shrine which I'm just assuming it it could have been something completely different because wait that's still them okay so if this was a shrine and it's perfectly symmetrical and that would mean that would be three one two three a redstone torch here and that would be one two that would be one right here we have some dust here as well so if we were to connect all the dust no because then where does the head go right well let me okay so there's 1 2 3 with 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 I don't think I'm making sense less you you sure we can actually test this guys look if I let the water in again we can see if it's the same amount of redstone torches the sand if the head gets destroyed we can test this that we're already we actually okay so that's what what this place was I actually destroyed something wait I'm gonna rebuild it so this how we had we had it like this [Music] and then we had a head in the middle okay so who who put this here goodness be you know could this be under the well guys all right so let's just sum up what happened in this livestream we found a house in the village that had a head and a bunch of redstone torches and now we actually found a shrine in a cave system directly under the village I'm actually noticing something why is there a torch here because that doesn't really fit in with the rest did I know I didn't pick up anything I'm gonna take this one with me but first I have to get out of this if we found dad I'm sure look at how big the cave is guys how much how many other things there being here luckily it's daytime all right so we found a lot of stuff in this live stream I don't think we have enough to continue I'm gonna edit this live stream I'm gonna try to release it this week let's head back to this house over here anyways guys I think this is a good time to end the video slash live stream thank you all so much for tuning in hoping I'll be I'll be doing more minecraft live streams but do suggest are the games you'd like to see me livestream or you'd like to see me make videos about make sure you let me know what you think happened here what do the heads a redstone torches mean what does the shrine then do the village mean I mean I'd love to hear what you guys think the whole is still here redstone torch is still here what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and we're back on the orphanage seed last thing we found here was this strange head in this house we even built all the way down and we came to the cave but also is the same cave that this hole leads to yeah all and all we found some pretty creepy stuff but in this video we will be doing something even creepier we are going to try to summon the orphan you heard that right so we are on the orphanage seed we are going to summon the orphan let's get right to it we're gonna go all the way down into the cave I think the safest way down would probably be over here and I'm still a little bit sick guys so if I sound different you know why alright so while I'm making my way down here a you already know I'm on Twitch life almost every day I'll have an actual schedule out soon you guys know exactly when to tune in but for now I'm usually live whenever I upload a new video yeah hey I should probably get some weapons and as always I have Twitter snapchat Instagram if you check my Instagram right now I'm actually doing a giveaway I'm giving away some gift cards to make sure you enter in Instagram and good luck with that anyways I'm gonna get some gear I don't want to die I'm sure there's some Enderman that would like the taste of me I don't have any weapons I don't want to use my IRA nyet is I don't have a lot Hey so I'm gonna I'm gonna stick with sword stuff we have food pickaxe sword I'm gonna try to find more iron and with that iron I will make shield okay so we've already explored this a little bit we're gonna find a good place to build the shrine that we will use to summon the orphan and I think this is a good place let's start digging see I'm not sure how big the shrine is that should probably be mmm let's make this a bit wider I think this should be more than enough there we go you one two three four five six seven eight got to be nine it's got to be nine so then we can make this right here symmetrical I've learned that from you guys and girls of course you taught me how to make my buildings in Minecraft look slightly less bad slightly not saying I'm a professional builder now I mean I'm closer to a professional bad builder that's a good I'm just kidding I did that I did that it was an accident I wish I'd brought a shovel with me it would have been really handy right now don't I have a show oh I have a shovel hey hey I can see you I can see you you're already in the comment section typing hey dark-dark you missed this you you had a shovel haha no no no no no no no no no no no no I saw it I saw it stop typing the comment need the comment I get a lot of comments like that I don't mind them of course they're all fun but and a lot of my videos I say something like for example right now I said oh I don't have a shovel and then I see I checked the comments section and someone in the comment section said aha dark said he didn't have a shovel but he had on in his inventory what an idiot I'm like yeah true so what we're gonna need for that shrine is the head that we found go ahead and get it oh it's nighttime how long have I been down there didn't feel like that long no Maps okay usually there's a bunch of zombies in the village by now I guess today they took a day off don't blame him let's get the head whoa there we go take the safe way down is there anything else we need let me think we have the head we have cobblestone and we have a redstone torch we should be good so what do you guys think the orphan does is it is it a bad entity is the good entity is it an entity that does not exist let me know in the comments section as always why your added tweet me some games you want to see me play on Twitch [Music] I think I'd this doesn't make sense if we only need one torch maybe I did this ah no nevermind I know I know I know what to do I'm a creative mind if we just do this then we only need one torch hey let's [Music] nothing strange nearby you know this creeper has been chilling here for I don't even know how long since the beginning of the video hey let's go oooh bit too close bro okay so this right here it's my shrine room you can already hear the creepy music that I added in Acts recording this you know what that means [Music] hey this is creeping me out there's only one creeper this is the only mob I've seen all day what happened to all the other mobs I don't even hear any skeleton zombie is nothing it's completely silent right now I don't know if I should be complaining just eat this potato and start exploring the cave again [Music] okay now even the creeper left me where did he go [Music] you know sometimes silence is creepier than anything else any sound whatever just silence no matter doesn't matter I'm just gonna use this time this moment you get some more ayran oh snap you don't forget to go down here I haven't been down there yet hey you think that's something down there I [Music] [Music] think I should get a bucket eh what is that I see something you a I don't have enough gear to go down there yet I think hey all the mobs here are gone maybe they're all down there like a hundred zombies skeletons creepers just waiting for me for this video we're gonna keep focus on the shrine I think this is the place we can go to in the next episode what do you guys think there we go watch your step watch your step more ayran it's still completely silent listen where did the freaking mops go that ain't right this has been happening to me more and more lately just all the maps disappearing I only had one friend on this world that was the creeper he I didn't see any villagers either the villagers disappears well no okay the villagers are still here you are standing on my bed right now you better be gone when I come back here okay the villagers are still here so this world isn't completely destroyed and silent and empty it that's fine let's head back down we're gonna check out the shrine if I can find you'll hear this that looks normal I mean this big head looking whatever is still here the hole is still here restaurant torch is still here boo dad's new hey maybe it came from outside yo and now it's completely silent again hey this is creeping me out yo I think I'm just gonna play some League of Legends now this is enough creepy stuff for today so this is probably a good time to end the video what do you guys think that was was that the orphan was the cave sound Matt be Sony Vegas let me know what you think in the comment section as always thank you all so much for watching I can't say that enough if you enjoy the video make sure you leave a like and subscribe if you haven't already and come hang out in twitch twitch TV slash dark corners TV be there or be square yo u dark signing out
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 697,893
Rating: 4.8973603 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft scary video, minecraft orphanage seed, scary minecraft seed, minecraft scary seed, minecraft creepypasta, scary minecraft challenge, herobrine in minecraft, minecraft herobrine, minecraft at 3 am, do not play minecraft at 3 am, do not play minecraft at 3:00 am, minecraft at 3:00 am, dark corners, minecraft, herobrine, herobrine sighting, finding herobrine, finding herobrine in minecraft, first herobrine encounter, herobrine documentary, minecraft finding herobrine
Id: kbff6cQSa5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 38sec (5858 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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