We found the RED POOL in Minecraft at 3:00 AM... (Scary Minecraft Video)

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welcome everyone to dark corners it's me your host art and we're back with another minecraft livestream in this livestream we're back again on the SCP C I'm not by myself I'm here which a boy vintage is gonna help me find some SCPs and since this is slice we're not gonna be able to cut out everything so everything you see here guys it's happening the moment it's happening to me so it's almost instant if you want to see more stuff like that make sure you leave a like right now make sure you subscribe and hit the notification ball to you know as soon as I'm life you'll get a notification and guys do the same for vintage his channels down below in the description people are tuning in how are you guys doing they are bro it's going good yeah yeah you know it's handy so where where what and how and we are you should probably go to bed first cuz it is nighttime and it is raining yeah that's pretty smart you don't want to be SCP hunting at night nope okay sleep tight okay sleep tight dorky we're good we're good chest broken guy I don't know there's something wrong with my chest I can't open it for some reason maybe there's something underneath something no look see okay now from the back there's just flashlights and a level-five a keycard that we should not lose Hey scp-173 what do you think we should do today I'm not gonna do the voice cuz they can they can see me do it dart do it do it he only speaks to you not to me okay guys look scp-173 speaks to me that's amazing I don't know how that happens there should we go back to the lake maybe yeah we're definitely gonna go back to the lake to the Red Claws I'm it's called the red pool maybe just tell our viewers real quick last livestream we went that direction right yeah I thought we thought it was west but some viewers told us it's actually south and some of them have us in a nice way some of them in a not so nice way so yeah that's out and then we came across a body of water however let's just read yeah the water was red it looks kind of like blood and now the viewer stole this it is actually a rent SCP yeah I'm not sure about the number but yeah it's called the I think it's three five eight is the number three does it spawns other STDs wait we gotta stay together dude don't wander away bro my bad goes so far we've actually seen two SCPs come out of that one of them we actually contained in our base some kind of skeleton a robot we're actually not sure wait where was he uh what we should dr. yeah we put them in SCP uh boy sit down I have a guy yeah I saw my son though okay okay good dude I freaked and another one was some kind of dinosaur or something oh I lagged oh my god you like that look there it is we made a temporary a secondary base over there oh it's not even that far I kind of remember it being way more out yeah cuz we were exploring remember before we found it so we probably went around yeah by the way guys watch blood stream how's the audio is it good because in the previous live stream I was way too loud compared to vintage and the game so is that the case now let me know and I can edit it I did it let's see do the dinosaur is still here really nice oh yeah that's good and there should be another one in here yeah look my stuff is still there your stuff yeah I died remember because it doesn't this one unless you're new here how am I gonna get my stuff bro you wanna kill him oh no no he's hitting you he's hitting whoa wait he just came to me he just did he disappeared what he disappeared you mean you made this hidden but you don't die he disappeared okay get out of here get out of here get out of here vintage Oh get out of here Oh dark come on come on wait you we probably have to close up or no why not deacon jump this hi Kenny well remember someone told us they can fly some monsters and spawn out of this rabbit oh I felt it I felt it oh my god it's so slow I felt in dark dark II I don't care I don't care I don't care you okay jump in again I want to be a party crying no way no way jump in no you jumping no you're gonna hit me in the guy's eyes look look I upgraded the stream look I actually have sound effects now vintage act surprised [Music] yeah my viewers have no idea what you do right yeah but that's why you gotta tune it to my stream oh you see you met close this off yeah yeah we're gonna close this yeah bro what do you mean you know I thought you meant this the one black thing II know our viewers told is that some monster that spawn in it star dude so many stacks we even a crack creak creaking aah Kraken Kraken Oh like tentacles dude I hate you know what's freaking awesome you know y'all y'all you don't even know - Lou Yanik - Lou I love that bro I love - Lou is so awesome I wish the room there's there's like two games back to now that I want a live stream I'm probably gonna livestream at some point I even read the first book off - Lou - Lou it's awesome you know my the name of my channel dark corners it's based on gold yeah it's a game and it's a book it's based on that that's how awesome that's toughest dude you know how badass - it's freaking gigantic Lovecraftian I'm just nerding out my loft crash yeah yeah it's wolf cred the writers got a lotta lovecraft he's oh it's actually kind of racist but you know he said why you know different times bro 1920s 1915 oh yeah no only uh something isn't I want to make a joke but I'm not fast enough it's life I can't edit it right what are we gonna do about this dinosaur we're just gonna leave him in here poor guy yeah bro I mean he's been on the server for like 24 hours and he's done nothing so yeah do you have a lead well uh no dude I don't think the base my dude we're gonna do an experiment life how to have the door right wait where the hell's my pickaxe oh my god I just dropped it as well dude I have an empty bucket with me yeah I'm gonna see if I can pick up some of that blood within our base book III got it I got it it works yeah not a bucket no but I do have the IRA for it I just need hold on I need one word how many do you think we need to make like a small pool and our base somewhere oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh I know a way to make an infinite infinite uh like an infinite how water source I don't know if it still works but I remember when I used to live stream or on the hair bridge see oh I got one too I know how to do it how you need to make like a plus like this guy's in the chat okay tell me if this still works if you make this I put some water here I put some here here here then there's gonna be like one black that you can take you can take stuff out of it forever so if you do yeah so if we make some we only wait let's try here bro let's just try there do it oh no dude we should test it with water to remove it before something spawns here this yeah we good make make one real quick make one look quick I don't I don't got one wait oh I have Iren don't even don't even trip oh really how many we only need he was how many do you have enough need four buckets so now we have enough buckets so don't don't even worry about it okay okay give me some buckets let's test it with water first yeah oh you happen to have food here it's here it's here come here how did I just do come here it works okay they say it works in the chest what's the hell did I just do come here what did you do it flows that's pretty weird actually what happens come pick this up what huh huh oh my god I picked it up okay anyways spinny ways let's test it so if you I don't think it's a cross known is that yeah and the other side yeah on each side so on this side ah on this and then this should work forever yeah see oh my god so if he just guys we just solved we just solve world hunger good okay so fill up these my soul Flat Earth bro hello what do you have oh yeah I got one bucket that's okay that's fine that's fine that's fine Chris what up close this up yeah I got three I got three so we have enough yeah yeah dude one thing I'm gonna do real quick is I'm gonna post my livestream real quick all right bro my fuse we got right now we have I know I got 500 I got the 100 nice bro nice nice nice nice nice yeah bruh I'm proud I'm proud of it this are you guys proud of vintage I am subscribe to me well let's go hey for the people who are just tuning in we found well last livestream we found scp-354 yeah yeah and now we're going to try to make it like an infinite pool in our base yeah well no we make a snow I can pool there I know what my idea is actually what like look we we can make the pool as big as we want because we have like one black so we don't have to go all the way here to pick up more but we can just make a pool to help I don't know just like this because they can be like big monsters and if you say they could be like a good to Lu or something oh maybe to make it big oh my god this thing it's freaking huge okay let's go let's go I'm high bro I'm high we have to yeah but we first have to like make a little area yeah well it's getting dark now so it's perfect time to go back to the base dark what times are you right now it's midnight yeah it just past midnight for us full fat guys we actually live across the street from each other yeah you want to hear okay are you ready are you ready okay yeah just like you were in my ear though with guys actually if I look out my window right now I can see darks house we lay back close to it actually we need to hurry because it's getting dark no pun intended corners huh whitey hey y'all see y'all see this this desk I have how scuffed it is I finally ordered a new one scuffed because I feel I feel myself getting a hernia sitting on this chair for like yeah you for like this 20 years 2012 really what it don't ya I thought like after you bought the computer yeah no no I hadn't even worse one and then I had this one so like a shout out in shout out dragon computers by the way you know not a shout out Ironside computer you wanna get your own Ironside computer you got the link in the description use code dark corners when checking out for a nice discount it's amazing I have one right here y'all want to see it this is my Ironside computer hold on guys please let me know is the it's the is my audio good can my viewers let me know if my audio is good am i clear is everything good can you hit dark corners can you hear me can you hear the game any problems whatsoever it's my first time streaming oh I like tips yeah okay where are we gonna put this lake yeah that's yeah that's a good question bro maybe like in here but we'll make it a little bit further but it's a bit crowded don't you think I don't know yeah well like we wanted to be covered right dude we don't have enough blacks to crow where the hell is 106 look easier he's here don't worry man really we're here no not open the door you idiot he's not gonna here bro yes whoa okay we want to cover the pool right yeah we just need to dig down an exact exact making okay so let's do it just right here yeah you'll make it there just make it as down a little bit oh dude okay I'll cover it up you don't want to make it wider cuz right now I can really help you well I wanna make it wider but we have to make it deeper unless you're just gonna dig into the open you know it's gonna be open here there's a little bit deeper and then cover the rest of do we're underground okay I think this should be fine yeah oh no it's blue everything my window is so far really dark this is Javier dark come back I got I got do you worry about it don't even trip don't even trip son oh my god Oh doc I'm that I'm back I'm actually dead oh I you oh you need help dark trap oh my god I'm lagging oh I got a I got a disconnect okay oh my god this is so bad open here swing to open your grabbers yeah ugh if I everything is full y'all wanna creams look at my inventory dude so much you know what guys if you're watching this on the replay please let us know in the comment section which mats we should install cuz we want to us we want max we want minds that make it easier to play the game I know there's like a mod that helps you mad sort your inventory I know that's like a mini map mod I don't want to install all that stuff boy get some torches please we need some tours over please make my stuff please I'm begging you Gillies I have much stuff oh yeah this Lord thing here in acts I think you breaking it up stupid you want a sword another pickaxe sure Oh bro there's the wood some over with flour cobblestone you need glass yeah [Music] not give me a second I need you know honey scp-106 actually no I mean 109 six actually sits on his bed yeah I did not expect it be honest wait where's the other one oh it's right there we actually trip to a CPC but I forgot yesterday they look like brothers I do I just joined Kadena recap what happened while foxy the pirate Fox not much has actually happened we went to the red pool hopefully you've seen the previous life useless video so you know exactly what that is we've filled some buckets with the red pool liquid and we're gonna move our old pool in our base to see if we can oh my God look at it how do this alright that okay I think we deep enough now yeah alright yeah and I'll just go yeah you'll make sure you cover it up because I don't want any creeper surprises anymore but we need to go deeper don't forget it's knit it needs to be pretty freakin deep yeah yeah so we're gonna go down here okay I hope it'll fall to a cave now because I went pretty big yo dude k you cover this up please dude I don't have anything just go deeper one more here oh my god this is so frickin open bro why don't we go down here where because it needs to be deep I know why don't we go deeper down here like make us a spiral staircase okay sure it's really gonna take a while though to make this but like just to go a little bit deeper we make this okay yeah let me yeah that's so frickin golfy bro hold on let me just put it here and now we can go strong you know what I mean what yeah I'm just building some stairs wait does this even work I don't know if this works bro doc used a carpenter's mod it's super osteo caltrak oh I'll check it out God what's up we got I completely forgot about corners hold on that's working No I'm trying to build the stairs so we don't have to jump every frickin time you know but it's good now marge is his name or something yeah my real name is Marwan you can see it on my Instagram Instagram at Dhahran studi come out dark a giant monster can come out or an instance from even a small pool or a block so even if it's just a really small pool we can get big monsters according to really lifting LGM we're gonna make a really big one yeah another really big one you know what no you know who's watching my moderator your Chinese friend yeah you know what's up I joined what happened we making a making a containment you make a deadly pool fools clothes your life stuck you gotta help me you're stuck yeah where I can see like freaking a black I'm down here where I don't feel like breaking this black dude where are you what do you mean where are you oh you're down there well where are you what do you mean oh da odar oh I see Iren dude we need to clean we say ever found diamond even though somehow you had diamond to loot chests I'm not gonna ask you how what I found time what do you mean yeah sure yeah bro trust me I thought diamond dude good which key have a cake we do it our place connected to the scp-049 I don't trust me how many of you got me yeah let me check one two one or two nice nice don't you have a second screen you can check well no I place it on my primary oops I'll do it in a second long yes stream that's obvious right yeah but I can't see I got it on another window oh but if it's stream that's OBS on your second screen because it shows the viewers as well those are for me bro and we have the chat opening stream that's obvious no I know where it is I know bro I'm busy I'm building a building a coupe de MIDI sorry life is strange episode - yeah I'm gonna stream episode too soon - folk park the hell bro did you know it's a long game so I'm streaming some other day because I like the previous time yeah we actually to go deeper sure like to meet you down sorry Leo I called you do go oh we need to go deeper guys please let me on the comment section which other games I should stream alone or advantage probably alone cuz the others seem to like vintage a lot please let dark know how much you guys love me and I know you do cuz I'm a psychic no go down deep down just dig straight down what's the worst can happen find mine find the mine find some diamonds why don't you dig straight down okay won't do it yeah I changed Oh dig straight down okay you too bro good there's nothing here come on nothing nothing nothing nothing hey hold on dude I want some iron keep going okay nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing stop don't stop keep going don't look at me if I've know if I find some iron I want it did this nothing here bro well Hardeep on my right now keep going right what's the worst could happen in bedrock in like two blocks nah keep going teeth I'm at bedrock yeah it's bedrock lucky lucky lucky I'm Pro okay come back up now okay daddy Oh dark dark what the hell Oh dark what the hell this I got a keg this is blood ha ha is it the blood no oh oh dude I was so far up and I fell down again thanks a lot bro dude this this has been the dig straight down challenge and a 1 yeah sure - sure that dude everybody I want what about you can't do it mmm hey I'm back what about you can't do it wanna bet okay look I'm gonna do it now go on the other side I'm good I'm good don't worry are you doing did you say we have to go deeper really please why no I don't either see important people in this because a huge freaking dinosaur spawn the last time it's not gonna fit if it's not big enough yeah but I think this is big enough yeah yeah it's good now you Urd pardon hey you know you know how you explain I don't actually okay which given how deep does the lake need to be did you say Gucci I don't support Gucci anymore no black this what you want mine you actually want mine why are we gonna put the water to any good question maybe lion think that treated you just do it that should make a little outline what Blanc so we can wall around it yeah okay okay yeah this you should live stream the I you will key again yes yes cuz there's been some updates and I hear that's even a mobile a mobile version not sure if it's official do that could check out can someone tell us can it be one block I think it can be one black let's make it three just to be sure oh dude I need oh okay good right guys I think it can be one block oh my god I have an idea bro what what if we make this out of glass we could look under the water what like we can make an observatory like here oh yeah wait hold on so we need to make this ski service personally says it can be one but Sammy Sam says five blocks but a lot of other people are saying it can be one block okay sure just one - let's do it five just to be sure five yeah but a lot of people are staying it can be one so oh dude I'm almost out of pickaxes how much are we do you have nine one two three four I mean I have five ingots but I mind some iron ore we need to go back off I need some yeah dude oh dude you know I made that inception joke a couple of nights ago might have even been yesterday I literally had for the first time in my life I had an actual dream in a dream a dream did I have that so often no no but you know what I have I have it very often that I wake up in a dream but I'm still dreaming but this time I had an actual dream like I can remember the dream I had in a dream and then I woke up and it was still a dream dude you were in it I dreamed that I made up like a really nice instrumental for a song and I made it in my dream and then I woke up I was like dude I still remember how it goes because you know a little bit about like you know notes and stuff and making yeah so I was like bruh I have to tell you so I told you like the beat I was like humming it with my voice and was it was so fire bro it was so good we were like oh my god I remember it no it was fire dobro I remember the instruments it was with the flu to stuff it was so fire bro how different it would have been a hit it would have been I do not remember it good wait hold on I think you know that mind mind Frick painting like with all the stairs going up that's what I write now what am i doing I don't know I'm so confused right now what did you do let's just make the whole let's just clear everything up yeah that's just beautiful you fool okay wait how about how deep five yeah yeah that's it that's it one two three four or four bro so five likes deep gasp monster spawn at the bottom okay so we're five one two three we are for brown hair one more we have to make the entire wall out of class is that your your thing we don't have to do the entire we could just do a partial you know I mean okay I can do a MIDI sure my do you think that affects us anything sports I'm not sure do we have any daytime spots yeah all right yeah our Loudoun full Rick if I know did you have letters I don't kid what about me I don't care about you would you mean dark what means you got son 19 I mean at least a hundred to get out of there I'm dwindling well I'm out what about you yeah I'd like how many viewers 500 or something let me know in the chat why do i guys let me know where are you guys from I'm curious don't spammed tell me which country you're from Netherlands right here yeah we're from the Netherlands the country of tulips tulips cheese yeah how do you cope with a glimpse please like three people from Serbia guess about the hey you know a star story stock Steve about this dobre that's it that was Serbian for the people who think I'm speaking crazy I said Dutch are we Dutch bro mean what's up do not look Dutch haha okay uh bro um we need matters I'm gonna make some letters okay what letters for what I actually don't know never mind can't let I have stairs oh yeah you'll make me make a crafting thingy down there let some chests just as a temporary story please oh my god dork is it really you dork we're gonna do this I don't know why we need to make the infinite thing you first bro yeah but where are we gonna do that here here come here we need to a for the people who are like completely confused as to what's going on right now we're trying to contain a CPG five yeah three five a war we're not containing it we're making a second instance you heard that word I used instance instance you're smart you're smart guy dark bro I'm stupid we're gonna fill this entire pool oh wait I have a little trick though you have to build it this way come on go ahead you do that I'm gonna make the infinite thing okay should we not store our stuff just in case something spawns while we're you know busy go ahead bro okay I'm gonna make a chest you real quick one you think one chest is enough nah I'll make do oh whoops hold on I did not do this where I don't like that whatever what are you wussing it no it's good you just place the the thingy on every weight how much did you have how many buckets we have enough should come down then wait we don't see Darfur something no cuz we wanted things to roam around right we they can go up we need to make a door then at least yeah yeah door yeah but then we're gonna make it here we can iron make an iron door you hold on where yeah I got it that's the Crescent table here what do you mean where where are you are you down why cuz I made the chest icon Oh Victoria do lotta SEMA polska yes I agree from fok's gamer I completely agree who's heard about the Teddy yeah Brandi there's an SCP that's like a teddy bear that you shouldn't trust bro how do you make a door these days you don't no no an iron door are you doing oh I heard I don't have iron I have been oh gaming says when you start filling the bigger pool use the blocks of placing water on yeah we know that vintage you figured that out let's use what the thing you said like you have to put the black down and they put their water on the black yeah you don't have iron no my friend how much Iren do you need it's a dire situation without any I know for a door how did you add an irony you mean I don't know bro you know if this trip I made a chain Cuban chain man I got the borrowing DEET peep what do 10 SD fees even open or should we not be safe oh I don't care bro it I'm so lost Thanks I'm actually lost wooly muli already lost I only got nine iron ingots okay enough relation hey let's yeah I got three iron doors good you you make we did a bud a button okay they can yeah so they can press the buzzer line oh they can bro tooth corner and the estimate I got a yard or how do you make a button dark how do you make a button oh we have a crafting uh dark I spawned by my pool I hope nothing spawns here oh we need what don't spawn the pool yet idiot too late don't do it with me too late too late oh my god oh my god what are their school in here oh thank the Lord I'm trying to make a button okay I've been trying to for a while wait do you know how yeah no no a button oh you spelled vintage wrong what do you boy if you don't you did you really know I didn't not when I wanted to far oh my god no bro I got a button did you put down an iron door cuz I uh no I don't have I didn't have one so no I'm making the little thingy Oh what did something spot no no we do it we're good but done it oh my god are you stupid oh my god get rid of it what are you doing hold our bro we're good you're not doing it right stop stressing mama take it take all of it out okay where where am I supposed to put the door first and foremost where would a door is right now I don't see a wooden door what do you mean you'll see where the door yeah do you see a wooden door it's at the underside of the the current staircase come here show me oh my god dark are you actually room temperature I keep type beat it's here bro yeah I didn't said I just put it down uh-huh that's the way okay you please speak Dutch dark okay here we go okay Fox GLaDOS I don't actually speak like that problem I only I only made one button really yeah wait what uh I have to I have to melt the cobblestones dark you're so incompetent bro they speak Polish no just Serbian nice that was polish thanks bro see I speak every language dark bro you ready what what dude people texting me weird stuff I don't know what's happening what okay bro I uh I made a little observatory you know did you yes my friend I did hey Siri hey are you liking the stream this is the first time I stream by the way how do i how do I contain scp-354 talk what the hell are you doing you see retouch okay we got stone we've got another button you know but hey come here bro I'm on my way what's scp-354 you know what it is scp-354 is a red pool that spawns other SCPs and we were trying to make a second instance look we put them in our buckets what nothing nothing nothing where's the pool it's here come here oh my god yeah I had this bridge you're killing me Luis you're really killing me oh there it is okay make the bridge there okay it's here they're queer what for you know we gotta make like this trust me no yes we do trust me dark way yeah we actually do you're right but we first have to make the infinity the infinity pool yes do you have it big remove this cuz it's killing me you don't have a pickaxe no how do you not have one do it are you ready oh this is working one more I don't have it what yeah three last one oh my god dark wait wait how did you lose one I know maybe I put it in the book by mistake oh my god doc please Oh tell me you lost actually maybe dark what dude dark impossible you must have it no I don't have it you must have it broke no I don't have it I have one you must have it dark oh my god it's actually gone dark are you stupid where could it have gone damn it should weigh you drop all that stuff did I found it we're so stupid in the chest you made the new chest chest no it was in there I swear as I watch my stream I have it now everybody's yelling at me we saw it in the chest eh my van oh yeah no I'm legally blind I I you know what I'll be right back why so come here place it dark where I hire you I'm putting up something I need now what do you need what do you need you see see my stream ok ok ok you spit-shine glasses swap nasty bro they nasty huh hey dude come on bro I'm waiting my viewers are waiting we need to make this pool where are you dark I sweat freaking God bro where the hell are you what do you mean I'm here calm let's go I'm here I mean it's here then here it's here it's here make it dude you made this so confusing why why why is the door under the pool if I'm a X because it goes you wanted to make the walls out of glass right did you did you put did you put - yes where did you put the turtle in the corners just work dark we need one more here yeah yeah it works oh let's go I didn't pro we Gucci might spawn I know who this working yes should we uh should we get rid of the blocks underneath we're done yeah of course bro we didn't dig dolphin up yeah waste our frickin oh just leave just okay right now what do you mean you have to go back oh yeah you're right you're right wait we're good now well okay are you sure good son yes okay get rid of this oh my god I can't see anything pretty scary oh my god isn't it smart way they dig it out from underneath give me pickaxe just like you won't fall down no no I think I got it I know I don't got it I don't got it dog what's your real name what do you mean dark is my real name that's what my parents called me oh my god how bro dude house way yeah I can't see anything actually why don't you just walk on him like this oh my god it's so confusing this mine broke well how much more did you break this yeah what you mean here why what do you mean I went in from underneath why no sir it seems smarter seems like the smart thing to do yeah it's not though okay oh my god mines gonna break again stop being broke talk we're almost done bro we need one or get two more oh wait what's this are you left I'm dying what is killing you what's killing you what's killing you suffocating suffocating what the other huh cool we didn't even think we couldn't drown remember way where if you move if you move you don't but you have to keep moving if you stand still you drown ah just like in real life what No alright we're gonna take this okay are we good she now no one more yeah I did I was even planning on hitting you okay we got a nice we miss we missed one bro wait alright we done yeah we're done it's what okay what should we do now no wait I'm just gonna close this real quick dude that could be a nice office though ah it could be anything wait hold on my friends we need to make like a little glass thingy you think we have enough glass we probably need to collect some sand what oh wait does this actually work you can't see through it [Laughter] that's true we just did all that stuff for nothing bro we have to make like a little platform then like upstairs bro okay this is really ugh it's annoying me this is really ugly I don't care bro I make ugly bases but this is too much like no ugly is not ugly oh my my it's about to break yeah my thing is like broken dude what I heard something taking damage what is it ah why dude that was that dude what the hell was that huh did I wonder if something what's that what if a giant monster spawns but it can actually destroy stuff and it like the stories our base while we're sleeping did you back him sir I'm gonna back up the server I just did this live stream oh my god hey chase wonder shout-out to you bro thanks for watching nano Smith hey what would you say need a gang more feather [Music] yeah yeah I mean yeah I'm just reading each other right now I'm just seeing what people are saying oh my god I have dropped one to chat right now guys hey did you know that the youtuber also known as dark from dark corners also has an instagram at Dark One's TV on which he's gonna do a giveaway soon I wanna do a giveaway guys but there's a problem what's the problem if I buy gift cards here in Netherlands the only work in the Netherlands but I don't want to mess buy gift cards online because I want to like have pictures of the gift cards and put them on my story so I gotta figure out how I'm gonna do that but until then guys make sure you follow me on dark on Instagram at dark on TV that's the whole bark same thing follow me I'm like this stuff your shot at everybody okay so here I've made like a little thingy whatever you want to call it yeah we made it we contain it kinda now we just have to wait if something will spawn what do you guys think will something spawn in here I hope that like the tentacle monster spawns I want to see it the tentacle monster yeah they said there's a tentacle monster Minich Tolu hey Kristina Kristina place asks when did you and vintage me bro listen that's how how long do our sisters and brothers know each other by queers now but I'm 90 years old yes I I know you your whole life probably I could be like your Godfather you be the gods for my kids bro don't worry about and be whatever the Moroccan equivalent this diaper shake whoa what I already have two kids scp-1000 and scp-173 oh hey scp-1000 what's up my bro aw dude it's almost night but we should go to bed and and I had something in mind but I forgot what you want to just collect some wood why we still haven't actually found a gate let's explore a cave like actually hold on I need to put everything in the chest dude it's it's making me freakin insane I have so much older yeah but he's not older I'm older and wise yeah dark is two years older than me how do I sound oh there I don't think I sound whole I think he meant stupid he misspelled it oh you're so wise hey dark your boy by the way the tentacle monster boys scp-835 otherwise known as wait I don't read that otherwise what somebody says otherwise known as the possessive mask interesting interesting okay intro it's a shout out little lever gaming 12 want some shout outs where I'm giving it out hold on so did you forgot did I never put on my glasses sometimes I put them on as like a meme and then I forgot I have a mom but now I'm seeing the world in HD darkhorse that's it go in the middle of a block stencil I hereby summoned Oh dr. rip drop me I hereby summoned what a pizzeria because I'm a hungry I'm hungry too did it work I'm thirsty I'm gonna be for real I love you yeah I'm thirsty dude maybe what are we gonna do right now okay we're gonna go to bed bet yeah and then we're gonna collect some wood it's not night bro oh yeah I have five swords commit sudoku huh sleep dude I saw the Sun there we go hey someone said hey yeah I see okay oh [Music] this is why I never want to have a really big house like I don't understand people that want to live in mansions you know what I think when I'm living when I live in a mansion you don't want to live in a house okay imagine you're in a big mansion okay yeah you're in your hallway you're in your hallway you're looking down the hallway right you need to in a different room right you're like yeah you're like I really don't feel like going there cuz it's true haha well I had of it already exactly bro it's gonna be like the store is like three minutes away from here sometimes I don't go to the store because I don't feel like going to the store like walk-in those three minutes I don't feel like not maybe you can almost see it from here from your house but you know you know how slow I'm slow walk you know I I take and I yeah you're all freaking how you'd be like I feel like going there and then you don't go like imagine oh my god room that you never go in bro I don't want that I want to use everything dark dark someone wants you to talk to SP summitry again bro yeah I know if he wants to talk right now go ask him a question guys before he does it SP one sentry never talks to me look hey SCP what's up bro hey 173 what's up dude you okay you right gscp was empty was popping I don't know you to be bro you know here to get my stuff [Music] sword check check XJ Virginia yeah we got her junk can go okay we're gonna watch some flip food uh no I made oh yeah the mud I got food drop me something upstairs do you have gable gear I've gamer gunky desert you mean you you go bro you go thanks thanks Buddha Roma do da Buddha wait I need some wood I'm gonna start I need to make up big hugs I have no eggs by the way what do you need to speak x4 wood are you are you no I mean on axe what is this vintage I don't know I guess he just really doesn't like him yeah SP wants to business like me because I keep hitting every SGP we catch like sep11 thousand here look hey what's up killer camera your father what I have a question do you have an SCP that's your favorite or which you like the most I don't I think I have a damn picky favor okay okay one I discovered recently that I really like is SCP 2008 and it's like an Ikea if you go through the door you go into like an alternate dimension which is like an infinite IKEA I know it sounds stupid but it's actually really cool so check that one out but one that I'm nostalgic for I guess it's scp-087 that's the first STP I ever heard of it's when I discovered what it is yeah I know SCPs have gotten more popular lately especially on YouTube but I discovered it back in dude before I had a computer vintage that must be 20 2011 something like that Nora or not 2012 because you were on my computer yeah but I discovered it before I had a computer yeah but did you discover it on my computer or no oh my phone on my phone Oh Rafi Samson without the back cover no not even that door with my LG I had a smartphone by then y'all y'all don't know I was oh wait someone I should only vote without the same they can never tell which one is stalking they can everything was once talking I don't sound like that I don't sound like that at all hey we're the guys I don't I don't even got an accent you know I mean mots Brooklyn you actually sound like like a Guido Guido Jersey whatever now how do they call this house a Guido isn't that racist is that racist guys let me know they call it they call themselves weirdos bro there's a new STI called four seven seven oh it's a great monster thing that you got from Red Bull also the SP four seven seven oh I'll try to remember that probably one grave officer a red monster the gray monster the one that we kado the one that came out sensible is that four seven seven Oh what he killed me right now you don't know how shocked I killed you yeah wait why didn't he attack you that's the other one like shy guy needs to wind up and get angry before he attacks you but you didn't I did not notice him in the beginning hey vid that should dark don't sound the same I know right thanks oh but I was saying which SP was my favorite yeah SPO 87 for nostalgic reasons dark I have way too much wood why I was still chopping board we have too much wood no let's chuck could chuck would express try to find a cave you know what I also like I like it when SCP is a kind of mysterious I don't like it when there to explain like SCP oh it's a it's just a staircase that goes on for very long why we don't know who made it we don't know and there's an entity what do we know about the entity what it looks like but other than that we don't know anything I like that kind of stuff same thing with SCP 300 8 it's an infinite IKEA how do you get in there we don't know what what's you know that's why I'm dark where'd you go maybe we should wrap it up you think so well yeah yeah bro we're yet I met I met the old little uh what do we got the old scp-049 base you know the one he escaped from I'm gonna get you know the other one the bridge the nether bridge okay on my way on my way on my way you know for people who have not seen my videos yet this is the second base of scp-049 let me just show to you it has a weird shrine up top it has a weird like vault door nether breaks love for falling and this is the scp-049 as you can see right there however he's not in there we did it take it yeah I got the key I am gone can we open it anything in here no there's nothing in here yeah I don't know we still haven't found him he killed us like around here somewhere so he might be nearby oh oh person of you that's me is it me yes you oh my god do yet with me aren't you yeah oh my god yeah well capture it well you have it's a worker give them one minute leave give me the lead what's the worker give me the lead [Music] alright I just work from either oh oh oh wait let's just follow me oh why I can only stand one of you ha now I want to get him in the lava dude that's the whole cave system here SCP over and I could be hiding in here so look look look he's gonna be stupid look did you come on bro almost almost Oh what what I wanted to throw in the lava but he just needed one more hit so you did you know in the next video a live stream we should probably explore this cave system because scp-049 is probably in there somewhere like bases you could hide yeah but anyways you want to wrap it up you're not gonna keep screaming now we're gonna wrap it up yeah we you know what I mean okay let's go back to the base real quick let's just recap what we've done yep let's go to the red red cool let's do our Archer there's in case something spawn you never know oh yeah okay that's it hold on hold on don't leave yet guys the infinite multiple se piece what people are leaving already because they however we're gonna check ah okay I don't even know where you went let's go to drown bro oh you're already yeah they're so fast dude walking double sheeting or something real yeah I actually have no clue cheating you you gotta you got multiple diamond gear even though we've never found diamond I don't even know how you got all that iron gear and you're I wanted to scare you but yo what up cuz you I've never seen you smelt iron ingots or whatever what what do you mean I have I have nothing spawning people this stream okay let's recap real quick so okay we went to the red pool that we found in previous livestream yes we've collected some of the liquid in our own pockets yes and we've made a second instance of the pool in our base down here yes and we're gonna keep track of anything that spawns in there correct so yeah that's our that's another containment we done we've contained SP I think it's three five fourths called so yeah that's what we yeah the next time we're gonna stream there's probably going to be some something here if not we have to make it bigger I think yeah we'll figure it out and we will take your advice so if any advice makes you let it let us know any comments section guys this is the end of the stream hopefully you enjoyed it cuz if you did you gotta make sure you leave a like right about now yes thank you so much for watching guys I'll see you in the next live stream make sure to LIKE subscribe hit the notification to be notified when I do something thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time and if you miss the live stream if you hit the notification bar you'll be notified when we go life makes you for me on Instagram and now check out all the other videos on the channel thank you so much for tuning in dark signing [Music] your shout out to the chat real quick I see y'all look I'm reading the chat right now mm-hmm peace y'all yes I got my glass son now I'm flying again whoa
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 421,017
Rating: 4.9107771 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, scp minecraft, minecraft bigfoot, bigfoot minecraft, scp 1000 minecraft, minecraft scp 1000, scp 1000, scp in minecraft, minecraft scp, scp minecraft pe, scp mod download, minecraft roleplay, scp 096 in minecraft, minecraft 3:00 AM, do not use this seed in minecraft, scary seed in minecraft, scary minecraft seed, scp seed in minecraft, scary minecraft video, minecraft at 3 am, minecraft at 3:00 am, dark corners, vyntage, scp 096 minecraft, mcpe, minecraft scp mod
Id: kpAuwyLSCJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 8sec (3788 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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