Why you should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM (FULL MINECRAFT DOCUMENTARY)

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what's up everyone today we are making a special video in Minecraft it's something a lot of you guys wanted me to do and I finally decided to do it on last night's stream so lately all my streams I've been getting a lot of requests to play Minecraft at 3 a.m. so at first I thought this requests were a bit random and strange until I decided to look online so from what I could find there are apparently strange things that happen in Minecraft Pocket Edition when you play it at 3 a.m. I even found a seed you're supposed to use the seed is 6 6 6 and that's it now I did a little bit of research and I found some information about the time and the seed that might be important apparently 3 a.m. is known as the witching hour this is a time at which creatures like witches demons and ghosts are at their most powerful according to what I found online and of course the seed speaks for itself 666 is known as the number of the devil now according to the information I found about Minecraft and 3 a.m. and the seed apparently you'll find crosses dug into your world and according to the rumors these have something to do with no getting summoned now no is another legend a Minecraft it's a long story I'll probably get to it in another video there's been a lot of people that have been trying this out we are of course gonna take it to the next level we aren't just gonna be playing minecraft at 3 a.m. on the 666 seed we'll be playing it on Friday the 13th [Music] you [Music] all right boys here we go Stu past 3:00 a.m. Friday the 13th I'm supposed to get up in like four hours but I'm doing this stuff let's see if we find anything all right here we go we spawned near a desert we were on a plane spy oh do to be a pretty big mountain over here so first off let's not waste any time let's get some wood you should actually get up on the mountain first serious anything interesting around here that would be easier to do if you have a little vantage point let's see how high this mountainous you'll be able to climb it pretty quickly oh this is actually really interesting look at this place a little nice field some streaming water and this is a pretty nice place to build the base look around here Oh looks like there's some kind of temple over there we found some sheep those are important let's let's make a little crafting table over here just temporarily we've been here for a while let's see where the Sun is the Sun it's about the middle of the day I'm not sure I haven't played a lot of of Minecraft other than the regular PC version but it seems like time moves a lot slower here the guy we got some food we got some wood I'm gonna make a bed so we should be okay for now one of the things that's missing at the moment is some coal I'm gonna go around keep my eyes open for some coal this is a big mountain there should be some gold around here I bet oh here we go that's some coal right here here we go it should be enough for now big this crafting table with us again I'm going to look around here that's an interesting-looking cloud if there's anything strange with this seed I bet it's around here somewhere I'm gonna make a base at the base of the mountain I don't think this would be a good place find a flat area like this one over here Oh that's interesting what just happened that's raw meat oh that's creepy that's actually really creepy what's going on here they're all coming out of this hole wait oh yeah grab me what is this this has never happened before is that I'm guessing there's like a spawner over there I'm gonna check it out oh no we're hungry we really need some food and it's getting dark light this place up a little bit there's actually creeper over there I think skeleton if I saw that correctly there we go let's get this food real quick actually gonna check out that hole right now see if we remember where it was just follow the trail of rotten meat [Music] let's see looks like a regular cave there's a dungeon that's strange they all came came out at the same time it's happening again cuz there's a dungeon right at the spawn I wonder what else we can find around here should probably make it bad we're gonna go to bed and explore some more during the day it should be safer then hopefully there we go another night another day let's not get involved with any of these mobs I want to look around this mountain see if there's anything weird we already know there's a dungeon right there near the spawn just something really nice caved on it this is a pretty cool seed I'll be honest with you guys I haven't found anything well strange yet other than the dungeon but that that's not really strange just rare I guess like there supposed to be a crosses in the world that would suggest there's some kind of entity or some kind of well an entity like entity tree or tree or even no in the game a bunch of case you can explore I'll be honest with you guys so far I haven't really found anything strange at least not yet but I know patience is key so I'm not just gonna say that it's not real after playing for what is it less than an hour there are some floating blocks around here it's unusual I guess but it's not impossible some kind of lava waterfall over here let's check it out next step should probably be visiting all the caves even though I only have some wood I believe this is the other side of the mountain just lava over here interesting I'm not sure if we should go away from this mountain cuz we could explore the desert too so now I want to stay close to the mountain explore all these caves first let's check out the lava over here [Music] I think this this might have actually been a better place for a base but our base is pretty small so you can still switch around this look at all the holes in here that's a hole and they're in here all in the mountain even some did I miss any coming up here they just lavas over here don't see any holes over here there's most most stone most cobblestone maybe just wait let me make sure the lavas gone I think there might be a dungeon here that's really interesting we have a dungeon right around the mountain there's another one right here let's dig into it oh there we go I don't hear any mobs though so that's a bit strange where's the dungeon I mean let's try this there's no dungeon this normal is no way [Music] to cross [Music] [Music] is this maybe a glitch is this a feature I didn't know about but could this actually be true I don't want to find out right now you know what I've been playing long enough I think we should keep it this way for now I'm gonna go to sleep and we'll see we'll see what you guys think let me know in the comments section you never know it might be a dead end or something like that right [Music] what is up everyone dark hair with another video and Mark fat once again this is part 2 of my TEM challenge and it's been a while since we visited this world so I think a recap is kind of needed so for the people that didn't see the previous video what happened was I started a game on this seed and I did some exploring and this is what I found a cross made of cobblestone and it's not a dungeon it's either a glitch or well other than that I'm not really sure what it could be but yeah and this in this video what I'm going to be doing is I'm gonna explore more of this mountain because we did that on a previous episode but I didn't really go very in-depth I just walked around it so that's what we're gonna be doing this video I think we might even move our base over here cuz I want to keep my eyes on this cross over here let's see if I can remember our current basis if I remember correctly it should be somewhere at the other side of this mountain really dark right now but I don't really see any mobs so I think we should be safe for now we also need some more food because right now we only have two raw pork chops oh there we go got a zombie right here luckily we are kind of prepared and he didn't stand a chance there okay the Sun is starting to come up so it's really early right now I think it would be a good thing if we did some hunting while we're on the way to the other base I believe I saw two desert temples oh there we go there's one right there and if I'm not mistaken there should be there should be one around there somewhere see I think if we're done exploring this mountain we're gonna keep our investigation focused around here but once once I think you know we've done enough investigating around here we're gonna move on to the desert and to all the other biomes that we can find see I'm really not sure why my house is so I hope I didn't I hope I didn't lose it oh there we go okay so here's my house not sure if I put the furnace in there I hope so yes awesome you've got some mouton here I'm gonna start with this raw beef there we go all right so I got a full stomach again see actually what we do need some more workers we don't have any let's see and make a stick I'm gonna make an X probably a maybe pickaxe there go let's get rid of all these trees around the base let's stockpile some wood so how much time we have left it's the middle of the day right now so we are pretty productive today I like the usual days oh right I remember that's a dungeon somewhere around here if you guys can hear all the zombies over there we go so check this out that's a freakin zombie spawner right here I think I'm gonna save it probably gonna make a mop grinder or something like that yeah I mean check this out free XP all right there we go check all this free XP out guys but I'm gonna have to make it safe or somehow I'm thinking maybe I'm gonna put down a fence oh okay that's not safe at all you know actually what I could do since it's it's really near that near the surface I could just dig a hole and the zombies are gonna die as soon as they spawn you know what we're gonna we're gonna leave it at that for now because it's really not safe we aren't well prepared for it at all we're not gonna go into the desert just yet even though this that's the temple is really close and it's really tempting but I think we need better equipment first all right let's put this all in the furnace we're running out of coal actually we don't have any chests so let's make two chests right now right it's dark right now that's good sleep a new day new opportunities but first off we're gonna get some cool jump pretty sure I saw some coal on this mountain oh it's all the way up there oh that's actually some right here near this cave okay so we're not gonna explore the cave right now we can do some surveying but I'm guessing this will be one of the cave that we're gonna explore one of the many I'm hoping there we go [Music] let's see so we haven't really seen anything strange in this video there's nothing I've noticed maybe I'll notice something during editing like I sometimes do you can get up on this cool weather I haven't really been paying much attention now that I think about it yeah I think we got a nice batch who got dirty bless some of the ones I brought yet soon as this is stored we're gonna check if there's some caves over here but this is pretty close to our house so if you find anything useful we can just head back here and store it real quick so you're gonna put actually gonna use I'm gonna use some of the coal to make some torches because we have like none right now there we go that's a lot of torches actually dude there's any caves around here might be some hidden ones interesting you think there would be some mobs around here let's see yes I am playing on normal difficulty just had to double check because right now it feels like the only mobs I've really seen are the zombies in the dungeon I'm really seeing any skeletons Oh speak of the devil sounds like there's something behind here sounds really close actually might be above me you know what it is getting dark already we haven't explored a single cave so I'm gonna I'm gonna save this for now I'm gonna make sure I mark it with some torches because this is actually interesting there's some kind of spider nest around here somewhere and I do want to find it let's head back to the base or actually maybe an even better idea let's let's just explore one cave there was a cave pretty close to my bait let's see I thought it was right here but I guess oh no it's actually right here alright so let's make sure these zombies are dead before I go in here cuz I don't wanna get stuck with them you never know it might be a dead end or something like that alright oh oh no it's not a dead oh no it's not a dead end [Music] you never know it might be a dead end or something like that right [Music] all right so the first cave and we already found something pretty interesting all right Bri viously on dark corners let's head back to the base or actually maybe an even better idea let's let's just explore one cave there was a cave pretty close to my base right let's see I thought it was right here but I guess oh no it's actually right here you never know it might be a dead end or something like that you know right oh oh no it's not a dead oh no it's not a dead end at all you never know it might be a dead end or something like that yeah all right what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host stark and in this video we will continue our adventure in Minecraft at 3 a.m. I'll probably be a bit less loud then I normally am in my videos because I don't want to wake anyone up it's been a while since we visited this world if you haven't seen the previous two episodes there will be in the description or you can check the information button at the top right in the last video we actually encountered no but I got a lot of complaints about people not being able to see it I'm gonna show you guys right now with the brightness enhanced that's pretty creepy right leave that cave was somewhere around here actually haven't really explored this map a lot even though we made two videos about it we haven't really explored it much I mean there's like three different temples around here that's one over there that's one that way I believe even got horses I haven't seen a horse before and since we are in survival I'm not in creative mode in this video in this series we actually don't have very nice gear I think we're gonna get some wood we're gonna do some mining [Music] do we have a nice nice little base that we can return to after every adventurer oath didn't get some wood then expand our base a little bit I'm gonna get some food food just so we we don't starve I usually have a lot of problems with food I'm not really good at keeping food I don't have a sword with me all these trees here have to go and for the people wondering I am playing on the Windows 10 edition of Minecraft it's identical to the Minecraft Pocket Edition in fact you can actually play if you have the Minecraft Pocket Edition you can play with people on Windows 10 and vice versa I actually invested in a tablet so we can actually make Minecraft Pocket Edition videos now so if you have any ideas what you would like to see a Minecraft Pocket Edition let me know in the comment section and who knows maybe all I'll start a new series on the Pocket Edition see we're just gonna clear out this tree and then I think we should have enough food I think we're gonna investigate that temple first and I believe we're gonna we're gonna go back to the table which we saw and we'll see if we find anything strange there not sure where I'm using crafting table for this oh we have a bunch of food I completely forgot about this no it never have too much would my opinion a very small base we have here but it it's cozy I'm not complaining yet there we go you are the Sun is set about a little bit after the middle of a thing what we're gonna do we're gonna make make some gear at least let's clear out our inventory a little bit so I need a pickaxe s I need the swords don't really need this I think I think that should be enough stuff it's actually getting dark right now I don't think it's a smart idea to leave that night right now this were underprepared but I think enough in the future maybe in this episode maybe in the next episode I don't know yet I think it would be smart to explore this seed at night see if anything's different an hour just gonna enjoy the Sun going down if you notice there aren't any mobs let me check I am in revival there should be mobs around here there we go we hear him right under me this is where the spawner is for the people one ring free XP I can just grind this place you got to make sure I don't get swamped I think that's enough XP for tonight we're gonna go ahead and sleep we'll start exploring in the morning all right so it's a new day the first stop is gonna be the temple over there it'll be the first time we're leaving this biome I'm wondering what we'll find in the desert there's actually a pretty good place to have a horse in this area is completely flat you could travel from our base all the way to the desert easily on a horse so I think a saddle would be nice I'll find one think it's possible to find saddles and temples and it's like there's a game nice we'll get this iron while we're here [Music] it's our resources are a bit all they're not good I haven't really mind a lot in this world so I'm gonna take anything I can get it let's hope this works the same way as a dozen regular minecraft as long as I don't step on the pressure plate I should be fine make sure we can see where we're going you didn't is right under here a golden apple I'll take that not a golden apple a book I've got some gold I'm really thought about making a heroin shrine in this world yet who knows maybe we'll get a little bit of a null versus hairbrained action if we do that what do you guys think would win no or heroin and why would they win let me know in the comments section personally who would win I'm actually not sure what the what the strengths of no or heroine are compared to each other aren't they like blondie I have kind of the same power levels that's what I'm gonna call it power levels but I might be wrong what do you guys think why would know when or why would heroin in your opinion since the last few videos that have been people noticing crosses on the map that I haven't seen in the videos I'm gonna keep my eyes open for any new crosses I see there's another temple over there somewhere that we're gonna head to now let's see I think I lost it it should be somewhere around here I can faintly remember seeing it in the distance we go up there we'll be able to see it better with the on top of the hill interesting am i miss remembering what this is oh that's got me a little bit not sure if you guys can hear that in the video and it sounded like someone put the blog down behind me with this is what's this oh this is the temple strange I don't think this is the one I saw [Music] but don't tell me that's not a spawn all right here go check it out and see what it'll be the safest way in here I wanna die we're gonna I'm gonna go down to get until I know how many zombies there are you make a way out right here where is this entrance [Music] actually got hit let's see down here it's lit up so you can see where we're going know what Mojang should do they should add an update oh snap this leads to work that's pretty cool anyways ice always saying what Mojang's should do they should when they put out an update they should secretly add new traps to these temples would not tell anyone the people would think ha we got a pressure plate we're safe now I suddenly did a bunch of arrows raining down on them dig em up saddle awesome and tame a horse now bunch of gold I'll take that you should remember there's a cave in here really don't want explored right now I'm like 100% sure I'll get lost I got a bunch flute on me so we're not gonna be doing that not yet I should say [Music] all right now the hardest part remembering the way home I'm not good with directions I'm not good with maps guys not in real life and also not in Minecraft if you guys have ever seen me stream I get lost a lot and see the temple over there so my house is over there see those guys I never got lost and if I remember correctly the Gaver I saw no it's somewhere I'm I want to say over here but it might be around the corner there go ahead and damn our first horse there we go let's put the armor on you and let's give you a nice little saddle now we have a horse see almost a full day spent exploring and we only explored two temples let's put our loot in here ones going down can I sleep already not yet and look around here until the Sun is completely down now we're gonna find the cave in which I saw no [Music] right so I got some breakfast [Music] you I think this is the fifth day on the seed or a fifth day I have to count later we're not gonna waste any time we're gonna go straight this way and find the note cave that's what we're gonna be calling it from now on the null cave has a creepy ring to it there it is it's so in the video I'm not sure if I'm remember correctly I've even no was standing around here much has been here in the corner I'll probably be showing a replay right about now I didn't notice no was standing there until I was editing the video cuz you guys might notice in my live streams whenever I'm in a dark cave it's really hard to see anything usually in videos i enhance the brightness whenever I'm in Cleves that's when I noticed black figure standing here but turns out if you enhance the brightness on your video the brightness might still be a little lower on YouTube itself so a lot of people who are primarily watching when their phones I believe it couldn't see no all they saw was a black screen with a random circle in the middle that I put down you're like arc but what the hell are you doing woo it's just a dark screen what are you pointing at so I wish I had checked the video after I uploaded it that that's my bad sorry guys luckily now you can see it in its full bright Lori let's see we're gonna going straight down here but I'm not really checking my corners don't really learn from my mistakes last time no was in a corner now I'm not even checking my corners where everything is lit up you never know what you'll find probably get some ladders down here because it is dangerous okay I brought some cobblestone with me I might as well get this goal while I'm at it once again I'm gonna take whatever I can get don't think I've been down here because there's no torches let's just dig straight down I don't care about the rules in Minecraft it's hoping I won't get lost but I'm gonna put a bunch of torches here oh it's actually a dead end well that's time wasted we're gonna keep digging just in case I made an X I made a sword I made a pickaxe but I forgot a shovel you never notice you're missing a shovel until you need one digging in every direction just in case there's a case somewhere oh that's got me a little not sure if you guys can hear that in the video and it sounded like someone put the blog down behind me kind of creepy I don't see anything different around here so I'm going to assume this misheard something I'm gonna be checking the video later just in case and shake the feeling and I'm not alone here but it might be my paranoia acting up again I could really use a shovel I'm just gonna go back to the base got a shovel maybe make I should probably make some letters while I'm at it let's trade up here I'm really lucky there was no gravel up there or else I would have choked Oh gonna head back to the base we're gonna get a shovel and we're gonna make some ladders maybe it was some mob I heard back there oh um I'm really sure it sounded like a block so it's either a mob or it was me I don't even want to imagine what else it could have been pretty sure you guys are already imagining it really happy to see some sunlight [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 2,279,385
Rating: 4.7642326 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 3 am, minecraft 3:00 am, null in minecraft, null, minecraft null, minecraft at 3:00 am, minecraft at 3 am, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft herobrine, dark corners, Herobrine in Minecraft Pocket Edition, Entity 303 in Minecraft Pocket Edition, Herobrine Minecraft, scary minecraft video, minecraft documentary, herobrine in minecraft, minecraft creepypasta, minecraft scary, minecraft entity 303, minecraft myths, minecraft legends, do not play minecraft at 3 am
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 28sec (2668 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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