The Minecraft Boogeyman Documentary (WARNING: SCARY)

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so go to bed and see if the boogeyman will visit us tonight all right let's see if anything's gonna change and oh I heard the window break what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and today we have a new Minecraft challenge for you guys it's called the boogeyman challenge so with no further ado let's get right into it and I'll tell you guys what you have to do to try this yourself so first of all you need to make a new world give the name you'll remember in this case will be boogeyman challenge for me I'm going to start in creative mode just to set everything up and this is the important part set the seed to this boogeyman and this is very important because the seed has a lot to do with this challenge to click done and create your world now when we start this world you will see something very strange so I checked the seed before I haven't done the challenge yet but the seed is pretty interesting we look around here you can see some Moss stone and they almost look well when I first joined this seed when I first started this seed this stuff kind of remind me of tombstones which might be weird for you guys but it's just what what I got reminded of see this is in this and this looks like a plus anyways let's not get distracted let's get right into the challenge so what you need is some math stone you need some glass with redstone a bed and a door doesn't matter which one but I'm gonna pick mmm a dark oak door disgust looks better now what we need to do is build a small small little house around here somewhere how much time we have I can't even see the Sun guys let's see okay the Sun has only just come up you see before we start building I want to do some more exploring around here so if we find anything interesting it's a lot of moss stone this mountain looks kind of strange right back to it so that's what we're gonna be building our little what are we gonna call it our little experiment lab so we're gonna start by putting down the bed and we're gonna build around it so make sure you have enough space to walk around I'm sure everything around it is completely cleared just like that it actually needs to be a door so let's put the door right now and while I'm building you'll notice I'm gonna keep part of it open and this is where the glass panes come in so you need to make windows for your house just like that see what it looks like so you can see straight in for the people that don't know about the boogeyman boogeyman is real life myth and if you if you've ever been a kid you've probably been scared of the monsters under your bed or in your closet before if that's you if you were scared of that when you were younger I suggest not trying this challenge because it is called the boogeyman challenge for a reason now we have this redstone this is what we need to call for the boogeyman so we're gonna put the redstone all around this place and for people that are into myths and all that stuff you might get reminded of of salt because in a lot of stories salt issues to keep demons out a lot of horror stories I mean all right so we got the redstone all around here and now we just need to wait until it's dark so while we're waiting and check we've got quite some time left you know look around this seeds if there's anything out of the ordinary here it's a very tall tree right here so we're not gonna head out too far because I do want to remember where this is right so I'm just gonna wait here until nighttime false and I'm probably gonna fast forward or skip until nighttime look at that guys the moon's coming up you're gonna have to hurry back down this is where it begins I'm sure look around soon as anything out of the ordinary I can hear skeleton moving around no zombies no creepers at least not yet and the door is closed to make sure we switch to survival mode so that's game-mode 0 I believe there we go so we're in survival mode now because in creative mode we can diet and I'm not sure if the challenge works and creative modes were in survival mode I think it's time just go to bed looks like I'm safe see redstone still looks the same Jake caved down here I didn't notice and we're not done yet by the way guys we're gonna keep trying or something new some exploring if I find anything I'll show you guys but if not we're gonna just skip to the next night all right so it's night again guys I haven't found anything out of the ordinary on this seed we're gonna continue with the challenge so go to bed and see if the boogeyman will visit us tonight all right let's see if anything's gonna change and Oh where'd my window go I heard I heard the window break guys like right as I was gonna go to sleep I'm gonna close this door dude wait I got one more glass pane okay so I'm okay I'm gonna admit I'm not very I don't know all of the features of Minecraft but I'm pretty sure there isn't a mob that can break windows like I know zombies can break doors if I remember correctly I don't think they can break windows so how did it break well let me know what you guys think because this is something I might have to investigate further previously on dark corners all right let's see if anything's gonna change and I heard the window break what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm whose dark in this video we're returning to the boogeyman seed we're gonna try to find the boogeyman so if you guys remember the last video I did about this would be man broke our window over here I fixed it now it happened while we were sleeping I haven't been back to this world since so I'm curious to see if we'll find anything else so yeah that's pretty much a summary of the previous video this window got broken on I believe the third night on the seat this is the fourth day on the seed we haven't really done much exploring we've only flown around in creative mode let's go ahead and collect some stuff we're in survival now but we do need to collect resources actually that's interesting I'm not sure a lot of people who watch the previous video notice there was a floating mushroom here but as you can see now it fell down just interesting I'm not sure why it fell down as it wasn't down there in the last video but I don't really have a plan what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna leave this house the way it is I'm gonna sleep here every day just in case the boogeyman returns we have everything set up just like last time the only difference now as I'll be exploring during the day and I'll be collecting resources - this actually might be too small for crafting table so I might actually make a second second shed behind the work shed let's see let's get rid of this this giant tree that's destroyed this entire tree or at least most of it we're gonna make a little shed here see how big should it be I'm gonna put down everything I need first and then I'm gonna build around it we're going to put the crafting table here get some stone get some cobblestone I can hear some mobs but they're not in here I'm guessing they might be above of me not sure where they could be interesting I'm they probably end this hill now we're gonna make a furnace and a couple of chests the two chests and the furnace and now we're gonna build a shed around this place here we go and as always I have a little trick when I build roofs I use slabs for that that way I can save wood and it looks bigger there we go I don't think we need to find some coal we don't have any coal on us see we can find a little Cape I'm actually noticing it's still night outside or it's still daylight hmm I've been out here for a while I thought it would be dark by now interesting and even see the Sun so I'm guessing the Sun is going down otherwise it would be all the way in the middle right find a little cave oh we we just found some call let's get it we still need to find some food I haven't found any food yet as you find a nice big batch of coal here we go I think it's getting dark right now we should probably hurry up getting dark let's get the hell back to the house my biggest enemy liming mountains but we don't get caught by creeper whatever something's moving behind me let's get the hell back to bed here we go so we're gonna see what's gonna happen a fortnight all the windows are intact let's go in here the right looks fine nothing happened let's waste let's not waste too much time keep collecting some resources probably make a stone pickaxe now you can mine faster let's see we're public I'm gonna go down where I found coal think that might be a good place to start I haven't found any animals to eat what's that I just something moving here ah I believe this is what they call dinner nicely done there we go that bunny didn't drop any meat it just dropped some hide we still need to find some dinner see the best place to start would probably be outside of this biome know what I'm gonna give priority to finding food remember these coordinates this is where my house is approximately and keep going this way so we don't get lost how did you get here it's way past your curfew this is a pretty creepy biome if I say so myself really tall trees kinda reminds me of for the Blair Witch Project but that might just be me you could let's get some food real quick thank you very much Biggs but you got enough food let's head back home so we didn't get lost it is funny just kill itself next to this it's not is this a cross mmm or are we gonna count this as a plus guys we lost the Senate did anyone save the coordinates in the chat this was a horror movie I walk into like a farm with crazy people crazy farmers that are trying to kill me that's how horror movies goes but luckily this is minecraft nothing scary happens in Minecraft right right my house should be oh no little baby the baby go to your mommy go do your Pappy oh my god where's your supervisor where's your supervisor right this kid walk around huh oh you found it oh I almost died right next to my house okay we're good she gonna get the hell in here go and go to bed oh we got lucky there we got incredibly lucky we made enough food anyways and where there's a gave back here it was it somewhere around more around here I believe oh alright this is it right we're entering one of the first caves that we found on the seed will we find the boogey man in here no because it leads outside oops oh I overhyped that one my bad at least we find some more coal usually I find I would have found a cave by now that just means we have to search order you might have to face a different biome to find a cave okay let's see the boogeyman will visit us tonight what is up everyone walk the dark corners Amy who's dark and we're continuing our search for the boogeyman in the boogeyman seed this is where we left off we're trying to find a cave to explore and seed we only found one yet all we've done is get lost right find some food and that's pretty much it let's see if we're a bit luckier this episode it'd probably make a beacon just so we don't get lost again see a good place for beacon I'm gonna say on top of this tree would be a good place there we go I'm gonna hope this is a good beacon for me we're gonna make this water there we go do it I'm a professional and waste time to search for a freakin cave we still haven't found one I don't want to go too far from my base because I don't want to get lost again we do I have the one redstone so if you find some iron we could actually make a compass we don't get lost as often as we usually do is that a cave over there almost looks like one your where's that hole that I just saw that pass it hmm oh here it is so is this a cave and it looks like one but I've been fooled before put these torches on the ground make sure we clear this so we know the exit is here but this kind of looks like a dead end oh snap I didn't bring any food with me we're gonna have to be quick we're gonna go in we're gonna see if there's anything here we're gonna check if it's a dead end if it's not a dead end I'm gonna remember this place and we're gonna come back here after we collect some food course it's a dead end every time guys I find a cave it's a dead end we're not gonna lose hope yet I'm gonna dig in here see if maybe there's something behind these walls don't hear any mobs here wait a second we're hearing mobs in the hill next to my base so if we dig in there I think we might find an actual cave we're gonna do that right after this so we need the brown mushrooms and the red mushrooms I got a bunch of brown ones so we still need to find some red mushrooms do we can make some mushroom stew we can eat like a king it's dark let's make a run for it and go back home in a go to sleep we're gonna try to find some food the skeletons followed me hasn't it take the safe route home oh my god [Music] go go go [Music] alright we're safe ok let's see the boogeyman will visit us tonight with the skeletons running away hmm what's the skeleton running away from that's interesting I may not arrest no there are monsters nearby let me get rid of them then oh no baby what are you doing [Music] oops okay this this is the plan this is the plan I'm gonna run run get my stuff get my stuff and I'm gonna run back in [Music] what's up don't have any food on me I have this raw meat what I'm gonna do guys hey what I'm going to do is this minecraft I can dig under my house like this let's see how far do I need to dig to get under the shed you guys think we're under the shed now let's see let's check the how far is the shed from here so it's about 103 or let's say 6 blocks away from here so that's 1 2 4 7 8 9 then 11 we should be on edition we actually offer shot it we are right next to the shed thank you very much this is actually pretty cozy we have a little tunnel going under our base to our shed all we need now some letters make sure this is lit up let's see what did I want to make we need a weapon that's what we need the weapon and probably another pickaxe did the mobs leave all right we're good okay so nothing happened again this night looks like the bogeyman is on a break maybe there's something we need to do that again figured out yet alright so oh okay I remember what we need we need a shovel are we going to need two shovels there we go okay so we're gonna dig into this hill over here how much time we have left okay it's not even the middle of the day yet so we have enough time this is where I was hearing some mobs let's try to listen closely Oh red mushroom don't mind if I do big in this hill surprisingly quiet now they may be fat go under here in this little little cave maybe I can hear them more clearly then let's try to listen [Music] lately silent pretty sure I was hearing some mobs around Harrell at this hill sometimes the silence creeps me out more than the sound as mushroom stew I've ever had the only mushroom stew I've ever had do so that might be a bit unfair I think I'm gonna head over to that by him over there how much time we have middle of the day might be a bit risky guys ah Bonnie you scared me there anyway it might be a bit risky to go over there right now because we might not be able to get home on time for the night time starts today little risk never hurt me before except when I die and lose all my stuff and get lost for the entire stream but other than that it's never hurt me before there we go good there oh my god whoa be careful what you wish for guys let's get this iron good we know that's a ravine here now that's enough for us get this iron and get the hell out of this ravine real quick did you guys see that quick thinking though I was falling down and I spotted the water and I aimed for the water that's not like guys that's not luck I saw the water I aimed for the water okay so now we know that's a ravine here can head back home we finally found something to explore let's see I came from this way right I think I did what's up with Minecraft and suicidal bunnies could that be a different creepypasta the suicidal bunnies in Minecraft or did we just find the reason right here okay so this is interesting are we supposed to look at this this way or even creepier this way this is not the Plus this is an actual cross we found a bunch of mossy stone in the shape of clusters but that's a cross what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and we're back on the boogeyman seat and minecraft it's been a very long time since I last played on the seed but I really felt like playing on it so for the people that have never seen the other videos I highly recommend you to check them out but I'll sum it up real quick this is the boogeyman seed it's the seed where we did a ritual to summon the boogeyman here's the house in which we did the ritual and it looks like we managed to summon him the only thing is we haven't physically seen him yet but some of the strange things that happen is that this window for example got broken I think that's the only really strange thing that happened this window got broken by the boogeyman and this is what the ritual is you have to make this shed with the red stone around it you have to make two windows at the sides and then at night you're supposed to sleep in this bed and then you can summon the boogeyman if you want more information just watch the first video in this series so what we're gonna do in this video is we're just gonna explore some more of the seed we are in survival mode we're not in creative so we do have to collect resources and all that stuff and what I do want to do is expand this because as you can see I can't live in a shed like this come on look how small this is seriously so we're gonna collect some resources and we're gonna expand this base but we're not gonna touch this set the shed excuse me it's actually nighttime I'm not sure if this is the right time to start exploring strangely enough though I haven't really seen any mobs near the shed as you can see here we are only normal difficulty I [Music] think a watchtower would be perfect on this mountain we're gonna collect some wood Oh speak of the devil oh snap maps are starting to form Oh me and every time we go to bed don't forget guys our bed is in the ritual shed so I think every time we go to bed here we have a chance of the boogeyman visiting us so might as well go to bed right now and see if anything will happen okay looks like we're safe we're just gonna clear this out collect a bunch of wood I have no idea how our base is gonna look maybe I'm gonna do what I said in the green Steve video maybe I'm gonna make like an underground lab that would be really cool and I don't think I've ever made that I've made an underwater base which was pretty hard to do but it was fun to make but I've never made like an actual on the ground lab so we're gonna see how we do that guys as I was collecting some wood I know it's something there's like a black really tiny creature over there do you guys see it on that island what is that let's move closer it's entirely black I've never seen anything oh it's a bunny okay I've never seen a black bunny before no ace I think we have enough wood for now that's let's dig a hole we have a pickaxe we have a shovel let's use these start building the underground base not sure why I will make the entrance um you know what maybe I'll just make the entrance in the shed that might be that might be cool then again I don't know all right I can always remove the shed if it doesn't look good so let's just start digging down not sure how deep we'll make it and if we're just gonna make a ladder down here here we go we're just gonna keep digging keep digging until we feel we're deep enough you have any torches mmm oh yeah oh I thought I didn't have any torches okay with the torches right here and let's keep digging now I almost forgot guys while we're added do make sure you follow me on social media Twitter snapchat Instagram all the links are in the description and check out my twitch as well where I'll be live-streaming every now and then I've live streamed every day for the past week so go check out fm life right now chances are I am so go check it out the links are all in the description and in the comment section anyway it's not a death out of my system I think this is deep enough guys we're gonna start building an actual base let's just dig this all out I wonder if they're so fast if it a faster way to do this I know some people use T and T do to mine but I don't think I have the right resources yet how big am I gonna make this is one two three four five two three four five six seven eight one more I actually like the way this looks so far I think we can make really cool stuff down here and we just ran out of crafting stuff um how am I gonna get up just like that I'm gonna have to make a ladder ASAP I messed up actually I can't put the ladder down here with the torches I think make three pickaxes let's head down again oh boy that's pretty pretty far down luckily we have a lot of wood we might as well put the crafting table down in the in the underground base and make some ladders was that a villager I just heard okay that's which okay I was about to say is there an underground village somewhere around here no but there is a which which makes me believe there's a cave have I found a cave near the shed before I don't think so might be interesting to check it out let's see it sounds like the witch's sounds coming from over here let's keep following it here skeleton as well let's light this place up first while we're at it there's so no mobs can spawn here oh snap there's a ravine we could use this for the lab that would be really cool [Music] did you guys hear that sounded like it came from this way okay we definitely have to explore this ravine but I don't think I have the right resources yet what I need is a shield okay we're gonna explore this ravine as soon as I have a shield we better start collecting resources much I I'll have to re rewatch in the editing what I just heard might have just been a cave sound oh yes I sometimes I hear cave sounds and I'm like holy crap guys what was that so a sound I've never heard before and then in the comments it's all no no dark it's just a cave sound that's all news to me I for a while I didn't even know cave sounds were a thing I think did they get added recently or something it's the first time I heard them they really freaked me out I'll be honest with you guys and they still do freak me out cuz I I think the cave sounds mean something I don't think they just random sounds personally the cave sounds kind of remind me of disc 11 and disc 13 I don't know why I guess cuz it sounds are kind of similar what do you guys think I think this is large enough we're gonna get all this goal later let's start crafting so crafting table check sticks check let's see where is the ladder check how many letters can we make fifteen said enough nope not even close I see how many more do we need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 we need about 11 more but we're gonna get there no worries you we need a couple more there we go perfect so what do you guys think of the underground base so far do you have any suggestions for stuff I can build here you will let me know in the comment section because you guys are really creative and I mean that oh that's not enough at all I'm not gonna make any more we're just gonna make a Ledge up here and it's almost nighttime again I have to find some ayran sooner than later that safe though okay so at this night time guys I'm gonna I'm gonna just collect the skull then I'm gonna go to the shed to go to bed and see if anything else strange happens [Music] and so far all the strange things that have happened not counting the Sun in this video which might just have been a case on by the way it all happened in that shed as I was going to bed so I do think that bed is very relevant and important I wonder if I made this same shet underground like with the whole windows and stuff but not outside if it would still work that's what I'm kind of curious about [Music] all right the moment of truth you can see outside there's nothing out of the ordinary mobs have spawn I just saw a zombie over there somewhere I think I see a spider up there always we are in single-player survival normal difficulty no mods installed what will happen when I go to bed here absolutely nothing okay I kind of hyped that up I wish something actually happened alright alright don't worry guys I'm sure as long as we keep playing on the seat something will eventually happen let's start digging this way as well I will move the crafting table to another place later I think this is long enough actually I should probably start digging this way or maybe not I'm not sure I should probably see what I really want to make here before I start actually digging out all the areas I definitely need a higher roof because this feels way too claustrophobic and I think you guys agree me that's way better feels like I have spaced walk around now there's normally I would hit my head if I jump which does not feel very nice oops alright guys I'll just keep digging here and if anything strange happens you guys will see it but if not I'm gonna skip forward through the night you guys don't mind right guys I think I've been mining long enough I'm sure the Sun is about to go down right now I'm heading back to the shed with the bed final attempt for this video will something happen now see perfect we can actually see the moon coming up oh oh oh almost snuck up on me get away from the ritual house please alright there we go I'm not gonna hide this up this time because last time I disappointed everyone nothing outside it is nighttime single player Normal difficulty let's go to bed well anything happened this time look slow did you guys hear that okay I I really have to check anything I [Music] definitely heard something again and this was not a cave sound I definitely heard something I'm gonna check in editing is there anything outside alright guys let me know in the comment section if you heard that as well I think this is the right time to end this video because I have been playing for a while well artists up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and we're back on the boogeyman seed I got something pretty cool plan that I read in the comments a couple of people suggested it so we are in the boogeyman seat as I just said and we have a disc 11 world so what I'll be doing in this video I'm gonna collect some resources create a jukebox and I am going to try to find disc 11 or disc 13 and attempt to play it on this seed yeah if we don't manage to find the disc I guess we'll just have to go into creative mode and spawn it but we're gonna try to find it before we do that and if I do sound a bit nasally today I have a bit of a cold so I'll do my best I will do my incredible best not to sniff a single time in this video I have no idea why I'm collecting wood right now this is kind of like an odd ultimate this him if that's how you call it whenever I join a world the first thing I want to do is collect wood even if I don't need any even if I have more than I can then I can store like right now as I'm saying this and realizing it I am still collecting wood I'm gonna try to stop there we go we'll turn off out to jump as well you guys can see I am in singer player yadda yadda you know the drill wait why am i I just said I don't need it you guys see what I mean it's an actual problem anyways let's see what we need to make a jukebox jukebox jukebox I have literally no clue oh here it is okay no but we need oh we just need one redstone hey that's not bad do I maybe have a redstone somewhere I'm not touching that oh oh that is too perfect we have one redstone make me make me a jukebox one jukebox please there we go we're gonna put it down in the cave that we built ah nobody's here anyways while I'm putting down this jukebox it's already put down guys Twitter snapchat Instagram where you add follow me I'm waiting now while you're at it make sure you check out my twitch channel I'm streaming on Twitch almost every single day at 7 days a week 28 days a month depending on which month it is and get this you might not believe it so go ahead tune in unless you're watching this a day after I uploaded it in which case I'm probably not live right now so how does that make you feel let me know in the comments section alright disc 11 or disc 13 the first thing we need to find is a dungeon how does one find a dungeon I think we have the biggest chance in the K if you found I mean I know I'm a bit of a worst when it comes to caves so you know what I don't care if I don't have enough resources I am gonna build a sword I have okay so I'm gonna put all this stuff in here even the stuff we don't need this I'm a hoarder and I'm buying anyways so we're gonna take some cobblestone with us torches we have enough we're gonna take all this stuff with us to the underground do I have food we have some meat alright guys watch this yeah fastest way down okay where's that cave here we go here we go okay all right we are going down into the cave ladies and gentlemen this is almost as entertaining as my twitch streams by the way it might be live right now go on the twitch join in please please I have no friends all right all right all right all right there we go there we go beautiful beautiful keep it up give it up nice okay you okay please stop that oh I just made it worse I just made it worse but if I I just made it even worse hey no no no I I did this on purpose I did this on purpose do that best minecraft player in Europe right here boys okay uh Enderman never mind guys will explore this cave hey gorgeous gorgeous alright you know Enderman don't scare me [Music] you are you done cheese dude I hate Enderman what's up with him thanks sir Oh bit did this skeleton just kill the animal are you no it did not kill the Enderman it was merely a ruse okay we got like we got five blocks into that cave miss Egon we got five flocks and it escaped guys come on we can we can do this I mean what's an Enderman gonna do to us let's go let's go eat oh boy huh hit him hit boy oh there's two of them ah the gang up on me dude this game this game Enderman come on dude he was my stuff that was my stuff at all right I'm gonna hit them with the X then with the ex corde why he had weird way yet sorry I got to do this I got this I can't play like this wait wait wait I gotta go to a safe place for this nice here we go go into the water now [Music] Oh see you later who me don't go on come on come on get the water get the water okay we're good we're safe now let's put the torch down just to confirm how safe we are yes we're good at all this goal because we do not we can't get enough of this oh look this almost looks like a puzzle a jumping puzzle or we got to go down how do we do that are we gonna get so lost I already know okay hey we just went down we are my god we literally ended up really really oh Iren we don't have do we have anything made of iron we don't we could use this let's light this up swore we did that nicely done okay we have some resources let's make some iron gear now up up up up we came here for disc 13 and disc 11 I don't think they they're in here look at that we're gonna have to cheat but we gotta keep this between us everybody watching right now don't tell anyone I cheated okay okay just pretend like I found it okay come on guys come on you gotta help me out here you gotta help me out here if anybody asks I found disc 11 in that cave okay okay okay okay okay get into character everyone you guys I finally found disc 11 I'm gonna put it in right guys disc 11 right here I just got it out of that cave here's a jukebox let's see if anything weird will happen you oh wait this isn't the jukebox all right I I just spent some time making a making a jukebox okay music disc 11 [Music] nothing happened alright everybody hope you enjoyed this video even with my nasally voice and all my sniffing as you might have already noticed I started playing around with the editing I've been learning new stuff so that's also one of the reasons why I take longer to make videos because I'm trying all this new stuff out but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did make sure you leave a like make sure you subscribe and I'm really not kidding guys check me out on Twitch I've been streaming almost daily all kinds of different games and I just hanging out with the chat so check me out in the description there's dark corners TV and yeah once again hope you guys enjoyed the video like all so much for watching I can't say that enough and I hope to see you next time dark signing out
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 736,419
Rating: 4.865406 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft scary video, minecraft orphanage seed, scary minecraft seed, minecraft scary seed, minecraft creepypasta, scary minecraft challenge, herobrine in minecraft, minecraft herobrine, minecraft at 3 am, do not play minecraft at 3 am, do not play minecraft at 3:00 am, minecraft at 3:00 am, dark corners, minecraft, herobrine, herobrine sighting, finding herobrine, finding herobrine in minecraft, first herobrine encounter, herobrine documentary, minecraft finding herobrine
Id: 9bZA98qbtjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 2sec (3722 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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