The Curse of Green Steve (Full Minecraft Documentary) - 5 SIGHTINGS

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I'm hearing the zombie oh snap what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and in this video we will finally look for green Steve in Minecraft it submit I've gotten a lot of requests for but I finally looked into it and this is what we're gonna need to do so you go into a single-player game you create a new world you can call it whatever I'm not sure if calling it green steve has any advantages I'm gonna start and creative but if we make more videos about this MIT will go back into survival make sure you go to the seed don't forget to do this and what you need to put in the seed is the hex code for the color green so for the people that don't know what a hex code it is it's something programs sometimes use it's a five I believe five symbols and a combination of the symbols is a color in this case this is the combination for the color green so it's hashtag zero zero eight zero zero zero that's what we're gonna need to do alright so let's get right into it and let's create this world and while we're waiting for it to load make sure you follow me on twitter snapchat and instagram check all the links in the description and if you like my logo make sure you check out the merch as well anyways this is what the world looks like it looks like I'm on on an island okay that's actually really interesting I'm on an island okay it looks like let me just walk around see if there's any other land nearby this is the first time this has happened to me believe it or not he'll uh is that another island over there okay there's some land that way okay we're gonna we're gonna come back here I think we spawned on an island for a reason and this is just another even smaller island so I'm not sure does green Steve live on an island maybe well we explored this fairly quickly see if there's any caves number I'm gonna dig this place out let's see start digging down here is probably the best strategy if you don't find anything we'll just go into survival straight away see if that affects this in any way you might have to dig for a while because there's no cave in sight yet make sure you guys can see what I'm doing down some torches so as you can see here there's no Gav imagine if you spawned here in survival mode all you'd have is a single tree wow that's that's really cool actually that's what I'm gonna do right now we're gonna go into survival mode game-mode 0 I believe we're gonna try to survive on here see if we encounter green Steve this is all the wood we have we're gonna have to be really really careful with this first thing I'm gonna build a pickaxe I'm gonna collect as much stone as I can I wonder how this works with mobs as well as soon as you light this place up you won't have to worry about mobs anymore I'm gonna put this down right here gonna make one stick or four sticks no I'm gonna be really really careful with this wood I'm only gonna make one pickaxe for now I think I saw some gold right here there we go luckily we have a lot of coal down here so you don't have to worry about not having enough torches is for the time being I'm sure we'll run into that problem at some point if we play on it long enough there we go did I get everything so how much time we have left before it's night time are also gonna be a problem with the bed actually no that's not gonna be a problem no I was gonna say if we don't have a bed we can't change the spawn point but our spawn points right here anyways only problem we're gonna have how are we gonna get any food okay that's an issue a bed isn't as much as an issue as a lack of food but I have no idea how we're gonna solve that problem either Breen Steve is gonna kill us or we're gonna starve who knows it does Green Steve have anything to do with starvation if that's something he causes maybe he comes after you when you're starving think about that of a way to get food we could of course yeah exactly we can just make a farm we're gonna have to live on bread for the rest of our life on this this island actually not too big of an issue now that I think about it the way that I put the crafting table right here alright it sticks gonna get used for uh there we go let's see how did you get see we got ten seats already let's see best way to make a farm we're gonna use the water from the ocean see right here looks like the birthplace for a farm you just start small does that work is it is it way alright awesome it's wet there we go um probably a way better way to do this but hey I'm in a hurry kind of we'll look at that later much time do we have left it's the middle of the day right now make oh man we're gonna use even more wood okay this is actually really worrying we can't waste our sticks otherwise we're gonna have to find what somehow of course we can plant more trees no okay we found saplings oh I'm such an idiot we can just plant more trees of course oh okay and now that I've done this let's talk about the elephant in the room where did this donkey come from a donkey looks like we're best friends now okay don't mind if I came you please please you're my only friend please please pretty please does he like me now I think he does oh never mind I'm gonna call him Winston see how many of you are gonna get that reference okay so he's my friend now I can't move him until I have a saddle okay cool at least he's gonna stay here now so we already made a friend in the unlikeliest place my friend Winston no it's not a Winston it's Wilson yeah it's Wilson I got my references jumbled up together so Wilson the donkey that's my friend I like him already he's he doesn't talk too much he's silent just the kind of friend you need on a place like this okay so I can actually go too deep into this cave because then you guys can see anything and I don't have any torches yet it's already getting dark right now on the video we already have one torch that's all we have and we have two sticks but I really don't want to use my sticks until the other trees have grown much time we have left I also don't want to get involved with any mobs but I think if I stay here during the nighttime they you're less likely to form get a shot this knife time some Sun Goes Down the moon comes up guessing I'm gonna put some creepy music under this but that's why I'm gonna talk like this now just to set the mood I have no idea what's gonna happen here does Green Steve show up at night is this his Island is this his donkey what are you not telling me Wilson so I'm not sure if you guys are hearing it but there's actually skeletons nearby I'm guessing that means there's a cave somewhere around here I'm gonna mind towards the sound and hope I'll find a cave maybe even a dungeon and if there's a dungeon there's a high chance I'll find a saddle and it's look at this we already found it the cave see it's a ravine oh snap okay okay okay let's close this off just so no mobs can get in let's remember this place okay so I think it would be smart to to explore that ravine I'm also hearing zombies but this might actually be above-ground that see if mobs have spawned if I'm hearing this zombie this way CNM oh snap yeah hey let's see how am I gonna am I gonna get rid of this creeper smartest thing would be to let it blow itself up okay come on donut Wilson there we go these trees have grown with our bump their light over there okay so this zombie is kind of annoying me right now I'm gonna try to find it okay so look at the creeper blow display son I don't remember it being this plaid but I might just be going crazy or demented what in the world this zombie just spawn wait is there anything down here this is a glitch yeah that's really strange I've never seen this before but maybe maybe it's something that I just have never witnessed that's a freaking zombie in the whole like not even in the whole under the ground in a what look look he was stuck on there how he was stuck under there oh I regret letting him out that would be so cool they have a zombie prisoner maybe I can get him in again zombie zombie zombie zombie it's a lost cause too bad maybe I can okay okay okay oh no no no oh so close get in there get in there I need more friends I need more friends please oh oh oh oh my god I'm so pro nice job dark gonna get out of here you can't okay that's cool make sure he doesn't burn there's the sun's coming up right now see how am I gonna do that just but I'm in like this there we go put him in a coffin alright cool so we spend the night here I haven't really noticed anything strange well actually this zombie thing let me know in the comments if this is something normal or if it's a glitch or if I should be worried because I've never seen anything like this before and it might also just be my I'm hearing the zombie there we go already crap guys I'm not sure if you heard that I heard a block getting place what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host stark and in this video we will continue our search for green Steve on the green Steve seed the where we left off last time as I play it on the map we found a zombie stuck in the ground and an editing I noticed green Steve in the distance so in this video we're gonna try to find him and see what happens when we do yeah let's get right back in here and before well I was gonna say while we're loading make sure you follow me on Twitter snapchat Instagram but looks like my PC decided to load really quickly this time alright so this is let me see if I'm at the right place so this is where we saw a green Steve I believe who's either here or there basis looks similar so it can be easily confused this is my donkey Wilson and our feds army that's stuck in the ground right here I'm not sure what we're gonna do with the zombie just yet for now I think it's fine to leave him here I hope he doesn't despawn and as you can see in our hot bar we're actually getting quite hungry so we should probably get that farm fixed sooner than later can't even remember I put it it's near the water probably at the edge of the island I don't want to eat Wilson at least not not yet there we go here it is all wet now let's put all the seeds down hope it grows quickly we also need a bed but that's no sheep here you know we don't need the bed we can just if we die we'll spawn right here so it's fine gonna go down here find some more resources you found a bunch of goal and we found a cave down here oh oh now I remember why I put this down here that's because there's a skeleton and we're not prepared for that it's not yet just keep digging here ah jackpot we found some iron that's gonna be really useful for us and I'm hearing the skeleton or whatever it is following me it could better look looks like a closed-off Vereen uh-uh you're not getting me oh boy a one heart left we're actually doesn't really matter if we starve to death if you think about it guys if we starve do that we'll just spawn right here but does it really matter no it doesn't matter anyways see Steve was right here I believe tell me if I'm wrong in the comments guys my memory is really bad so what I'll be doing is I'm gonna put down one single torch right here where could he have gone not down here at least yes I don't think so we're gonna wait until nighttime I slide this island up a little bit so less less mob spawn we won't have to worry about that Wilson do sea-green Steve Wilson you see green Steve you see are you pointing this way is he here I don't see him think you're wrong what else is there to do in this island if you were on an abandoned Island what would you do stay sane what would you do for fun if you were on an abandoned Island or is it even called an abandoned Island if no one has been there do you know Wilson are you even real Wilson or are you part of my imagination have I gone crazy by myself here that's the isolation this is zombie even real are you real zombie a real or are you just a big myth all no no no it's a real zombie oh my god I'm so sorry well so what have you done look at this beer anything in the water no this is a really interesting seat I'll be honest I wasn't expecting the sea to be an almond island actually the first time I've ever gotten a sea like this you guys been playing on it let me know in the comment section what have you found on here what's the place I should check out maybe we have some coordinates for me with some interesting stuff and maybe you've seen gonna receive let me know all that stuff in the comments maybe tweet me while you're at it add me on snapchat Instagram uh-oh this sheep just spawn on the worst place imaginable my Island ah look what you did there we go we got some meat you know wait until nighttime nine times almost here we're gonna stay outside on the island if green Steve will show himself again I do hope he does we'll find out soon enough it was kind of interesting as well I'll take down here see what's what's under here Oh some coal awesome don't mind if I do is it just me or are the sounds of mining really satisfying there we go holy crap guys I'm not sure if you heard that I heard a black getting placed let's go check it out yeah maybe it was an Enderman that's also possible he's I think it is I heard his zombie I'm not sure if it was a zombie who put it down um I'm actually not sure which black has been placed here I'm pretty sure I did hear it if I'm not going crazy or wait wait let me check if I'm not going crazy was it a black bean place or was it no it was definitely a black bean place I heard it it had this sound just like that didn't hear anything else wait the sounds are it a sound almost the same a black braking and a black being placed maybe I heard a black being maybe I heard the black being broken I'm not sure what do you guys think what I'm gonna get to school I'm gonna check it out see if anything anything looks different oh boy okay I was gonna say you know what I'm gonna come back here later I will definitely do that that's a new entrance to the cave did I hear black being broken or a black being place you'll find out the Sun just went down that this is the perfect moment check it out keep our eyes open for Steve as well Green Steve that is where they might have actually been here where I saw Green Steve Wilson you're really confusing me I'm not dumb you're worrisome okay then is there any black here that wasn't here before so this is what it sounds like we put down a dirt block will you break a dirt block so whatever we heard it must have been either no it was stone was it sounded like stone being placed or broken so I'm still not sure what I heard I wish Wilson could speak maybe he could tell me he saw something did you see something No okay really quiet no mobs it is not yet and no sign of green Steve East none that I have noticed unless you count the black being placed of course in that case you might have had a sign of green Steve look at this water as well look there's nothing I didn't think I'd ever say this but I'm starting to miss the mobs one of creepers exploding zombies growling Gallatin rattling this really is an abandoned Island now just me and Wilson zooming is actually real not in my head tree when did this wooden did this get here whoa Wilson you you look like you saw a ghost what did you see idiot Wilson's useless maybe if I do make a boat I should try to make make a base on that island so Abdul basis it might be a good idea once again let me know in the comment section what you guys think what I think we should be focusing on first is the blog being placed that might have been Green Steve but it might have been something else entirely let me know in the comment section what you guys think well this up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host stark and in this video we're back on the Green Steve island made with my buddy Wilson we're gonna explore this place some more see if there's anything we missed see if we can catch a glimpse okay that just scared me I was gonna say let's see if we can catch a glimpse of red Steve and this zombie for like a millisecond I thought it was red Steve I'm very low on health I have no food but Farm head okay the farm hasn't really worked out yet we don't have any crops so there's a lot of stuff we have excuse me still getting over my cold there's still a lot of stuff we kind of have to do luckily if we do die around here we're very close to all our stuff not sure what I should be doing with this zombie I'm just gonna fight him with this whole while I'm doing that make sure you guys follow me on Twitter snapchat Instagram all the links are in the description I'm getting really good at saying that ya checked all out we could check out that island over there we haven't really done that yet well there's a forest a jungle that way we have a limited amount of wood I'm not even sure where the trees are I'm pretty sure I planted some trees around here somewhere but I have no idea where they went that's kind of strange I'm like 100 here they are okay Wilson don't step on my trees please Wilson I need some help okay Wilson doesn't care about me oh snap please stop oh this is so scary can you imagine being stuck in a place like this with a giant spider above you in real life would you not like died out of fear not even from the spider you just died from natural causes anyways we have a limited amount of wood but we have some trees planted there so I think I'm gonna use these planks that I have my inventory for a boat and we're gonna travel over there so yeah let's go find my crafting table all right so we've done the squat really did that just happen I just his record and my stuff just got blown up by a creeper okay well thanks creeper this is why nobody likes you start all over again we've done this quite often making a boat let's see we were heading that way let's see if there's anything strange in the force we have well almost the entire day for this let's also look into the water see if there's anything strange in there nothing out of the ordinary so far alright there we go how do I make this with me without breaking it does this work yes it does okay glad I didn't break it because I don't have enough food for no I don't have well I do have enough food but I don't want to use it a lot of sheep we ever need some wool we can get over here looks like we're gonna have to cross the water again pretty cool oh dude we can actually get some food while we're over here I only have a stone hodo does that work I'm sorry it's probably hurting the animals way more than an axe or whatever wood but it's all I have with me right now so they're gonna have to well I was gonna say they'll have to live with it but they're not gonna live with it they're gonna die right after I give them the final it come on come on don't make it hard on yourself I'm actually kind of happy we found this place over here there we go we can actually just get a lot of wood from here while we're at it why don't we do that can actually use it and I'm just looking at the food that kind of tells you what kind of person I am look at all these trees and I didn't go oh look we can use all these trees for woods on the island no I went oh my god we have food here let's get some food that's the first thing I thought about even though the trees are more obvious what kind of person are you are you the type who would see the food before the useful wood or would you see the food first as well I also saw the the sheep is they have wool and you can make a bed out of wool because I like sleeping no we can actually make a weapon right now all right who's gonna make a temporary crafting table just like that and make make a sword and let's make an X actually hearing some mobs somewhere [Music] getting there's some kind of cave somewhere under here maybe what do we look at this pattern kind of strange looks random but never really seen anything like this I know it sounds like the zombies right under here maybe it's even a dungeon no it has got as much food as you can and we're gonna stock up on this we can finally make an actual base on the island the Green Steve Islands what I'm gonna be calling it because that's where we saw a green Steve so I'm guessing maybe he lives on that island what's that over there are those flowers over here as well hmm they look like flowers but I'm not sure what they are it might be something useful that I can take with me to the green Steve island they're literally orchards orchids how do you i'll even pronounce this this is a new word for me there's actually a cave over here or or char oceans or I'm not swearing by the way that's literally what it says here or chides I'm gonna quit my bed I'm not even I don't have to censor that it wasn't a swear word right guys any parents watching this I was just pronouncing the word over here please don't bake your children and subscribe for me anyways let's head back to the island directly spent about half today messing around who did get some useful stuff out of it anyways let's see am I even going the right way is that the green Steve Island does look like it Oh what the hell just happened did something just okay wait you're supposed to press the sneak button you got off the boat I did not press it guys okay I say this very often but that's because that's probably the main reason I'm gonna assume that it was a glitch or a bug or something wrong on my end but still there was a kind of creepy this is another Island it looks like with a pretty big mountain degreased is that a Christie's some trees over there another Island but there's the one where we need to go even Wilson is here are you doing Wilson let's see where will I begin with making my base but this this might actually be I make I know I don't want I don't want to be too complicated if I make this scare staircase over here but we could also we could do like a water left I've never made the base with a water lift wait guys hear that you in a cow just get it wasn't the car was it where's Wilson [Music] is this is this Wilson's letter guys what just happened a wall I'm afraid to even say it I'm just hoping Wilson hit somewhere but I'm not ready but ready to bury him just yet but it looks like I'm gonna have to start they give me the grave it is kind of creepy the the Sun is also going down what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host arc and we're back on the green Steve island they're looking for Wilson but seems like you guys think he was killed by green Steve in the previous episode I haven't made a grave yet I have started digging one and everyone has been paying respects in the comment section so I think Wilson deserves this at least we have very nice funeral we're just gonna build a quick race right here so while I'm working on this make sure you guys follow me on Twitter snapchat Instagram all the links are in the description B we're gonna need chest like that and a sign there we go this is Wilson's letter aka his corpse feast if Greene Steve killed him then that's his letter anyways let's use let's use dirt this is really morbid I know it it's just minecraft but no a good way to start the video right go we're gonna fill it up with dirt [Music] ear ice Wilson everyone type F in the comment section to pay your respects to Wilson I'm sure he'll wherever he is I'm sure he'll appreciate it and now the most important thing we have to do is to Olli crap oh snap we have to actually find rien Steve and see if he did actually kill my friend or if he's just innocent and somebody else did it that's still a possibility anyways this is so this is green steve's island this is what we're calling it see if i have something to eat we actually haven't explored that island over muddy over there we haven't really explored that island yet so if I can find my boat if I get something to eat then that's what we're gonna do next Ritchie oh I had a stove somewhere but I can't remember I'm just gonna build a new one and put it right here there we go let me see if I can actually find my boat or we can just make a new one because we actually do have a lot of wood now we finally found an island with a lot of wood all right so here's my boat oh hey there this thought I lost it for a second alright let's take some food with us and actually use it not sure if we should go out during the day I can actually make a bed right now so that's a good idea make it better real quick we can actually skip the night and let's put it somewhere safe like around here look safe enough even though I'm hearing a zombie right now and I'm stuck nicely done all right the beautiful morning gonna head over to the island that's over over there who knows maybe this is green this is read Steve's island which so this is green Steve's island and that's read Steve's Island you never know you mean nowhere on green Steve's seed it wouldn't be the craziest thing that's happened to my craft look at that holy crap you guys seeing that mountain over there that looks ok so it looks like there's nothing interesting here make sure I don't miss anything that looks way more interesting settler that's where we're gonna head right now I wonder what kind of biome that is cuz it looks really cool especially like this in the water right almost there that's got out over here we're gonna take the boat with us we don't actually lose it like that and we might as well take some wood with us just in case there we go [Music] I don't cows might well take some food with us here we go I'm wondering if we're gonna find a village somewhere around here because I haven't really seen any villages well I literally haven't seen any villages on the seed yet but just been me and Wilson even though Wilson's gone now and who knows maybe Greene Steve somewhere behind me watching my steps while I'm not paying attention let's see hey what to do get on high grounds so we can get an idea of what we have around us maybe something even cooler than this this mountain who knows maybe we'll spot a green Steve red Steve hairy brain whatever and once again everyone make sure you pay attention in the video because sometimes in the comment is someone else who notices something like I know a lot of times I don't notice anything until I'm editing the video and then I find it out there spit excuse me there's been moments where I don't notice anything I upload the video with nothing happening not someone in the comments mentions hey look at this moment in this corner if you pause the video you can actually see someone standing in that corner that's really creepy do make sure you pay attention there's actually a really sinister looking hole in that mountain let's check it out without dying I don't have any torches with me but I can actually make a couple I hope I don't die cuz if I die I'm gonna lose a lot of stuff ooh this is dangerous if a creeper blows up here all the sand is gonna fall down okay hol up hol up hol up hol up hol up hol up okay okay sometimes I hear this these creepy sounds and caves and people in the comments so you guys always point out that those are just ambient sounds but don't tell me that's an ambient sound I've never heard that sound in my life before seriously has anyone ever heard that sound I've been playing minecraft for a long time that's the first time I've ever heard that specific sound but then again I'm still a noob and I'm not prepared for this at all so what we're gonna do is we're gonna build a beacon right here so we can remember this cave because I do want to explore it when I'm prepared let's just use dirt that was kind of creepy it kind of sounded like something from Silent Hill you guys ever played Silent Hill that sound sounded like it came straight from that game okay let's jump in the water hope I don't miss there we go he's like a good enough beacon you're gonna come back there at some point right now I'm getting the hell out there did you guys see that MLG move right there that's the move a scared person makes to get away from somewhere as fast as possible I wonder if there's some mud and minecraft for Minecraft but that lets you build a submarine cuz submarines look at all this water it would be really cool to explore it that's why I love the fact that they added the submarine in the newest GTA cuz there's so much water in there and it's really cool to be able to explore it let's also some creepy stuff in the water in GTA I've made some videos about it trust me it's creepy stuff oh look the tree has grown okay so I'm guessing these saplings only grow when I'm not near by it would make sense let's see let's see where's the holy crap those squids almost like they're dancing for me huh anyways you know what we actually should do let's see if we have some flour okay there we go we've got some flowers let me eat this food real quick let's get all the flowers on this island we're gonna put them on Wilson's grave just to be nice just to make it look better at all oh it's getting dark already almost dark let's pay our respects to Wilson real quick even though I've already forgotten where I buried him but where did I bury him don't tell me his grave disappeared this dad will be incredibly creepy oh no hear this right so let's put some flowers or or okay someone actually told me how to pronounce this in the comment section but I've already forgotten or orchids orchids that's how you pronounce this no accidental swearing for me anymore it's orchids there we go I don't like these flowers that looks way better [Music] is everyone seeing this pretty sure this isn't what I wrote down when I made this grave okay I just put Wilson here for now Russian mark I wonder how long that's been changed maybe while I was away from the island yeah that's that's a really creepy so so someone just defiled the grave of my friend that's kind of messed up was it green Steve I have no idea because I didn't see it and we'll just go to the other islands when we need some supplies you've got to be getting waters up everyone welcome to dark corners I mean whose dark and in this video we're back on Green Steve's island we're gonna see if we left any leads if he left us any leads the last time we were here we dug Wilson in his grave and the sign here changed so I'm not sure what's up with that you're gonna keep checking up on this island who can explore some more we actually haven't really gone deep into the cave so I think that's a good idea Steve Green Steve's in there maybe we should explore during the daytime I think that might be safer and while we're heading down here make sure you guys follow me on Twitter snapchat Instagram all the links are in the description let's see this is how far we've gone we found this cave over here you actually haven't explored it yet so this is a closed-off ravine that's a dead end so I'm guessing we have to go this way see if we have anything valuable with us that we should leave they I think we'll survive no problem right so it's dead end I'm guessing I'm not sure whenever I watched I used to watch Bear Grylls on Discovery Channel a lot and what he said is you have to follow moving water so the flowing water so that means we're gonna have to go this way we're just gonna dig straight make one pipe one by two tunnel see if we find anything we do have to keep checking our bags because you never know a pretty show we aren't alone here even though we are in single-player okay okay it's getting dangerous now is there water all right so we're out of the island right now let's see how we're gonna do this we're gonna use this right here come on come on come on all right there we go I'm not sure how we're gonna do this so this leads to the water which means we have to go deeper but how much deeper let's start digging down over here just like that see what green Steve has hidden for us down here I've actually heard there's a ritual you can do with green Steve we actually haven't done any on this island we only spawned here explored a little bit and we spotted him so maybe there's a way to lure him out the same way the rest with hairbrained and red Steve maybe I should try the ritual for red Steve on the island see if anything strange happens because I don't know why for some reason I have a feeling green Steve and red Steve are enemies maybe because they're like the apps of color technically but then again usually green means good and red means bad or would stop lights it means green is go and rather stop so maybe if we look at it that way red Steve exists to stop green Steve I'm not sure if I'm there looking into it too deep but do you guys think make sure let me know in the comment section as always so I do like reading your theories okay we found another cave all right it's getting dangerous now I should have a shield with me honestly how are you supposed to defeat skeletons without a shield like that okay we have to make sure we don't get lost in here oh snap good we need more torches we have a full inventory this is not good and I hear something behind me oh I hear something behind me hey that's a zombie it's a pretty big cave I'll be honest I wasn't expecting this so this means this cave is under the water and this almost looks like a hallway yeah I'll put up the coordinates for you guys so if you pay on this seed you can go to this place and see that I'm not the one who built it this spawned here naturally oh crap there's no end so much gold we can probably use that gold for shrine at some point before we do that we're gonna need an iron pickaxe which we don't have so let's just get all this iron and we're gonna head up and then we're gonna mine all this gold and see if there's a shrine we can build or there's even there's something up there I should mark this all right this game is pretty crazy you can even go down there siren down there okay I think we have to go down here it's really quiet now you would think that would be some mobs down here as well there's just bets interesting I wonder what that could mean we're gonna get this redstone I'm sure we're gonna use the oh no we need iron for redstone as well right hey I have a feeling if you go up here we're gonna get lost okay that sound definitely came from up there okay so we've heard that sound before what's the safest way up here old boy see how we're gonna get up there we have to there we go okay I'm a plumber all right so we heard the sound coming from up here I have no idea what it could be there's water up here okay so if the creeper or whatever blows up here we're pretty much screwed [Music] speaking of creepers you would think I would see at least one zombie or whatever oh this is up here holy okay so this is all connected to holy crap that's actually it's pretty amazing that this just got randomly generated oh I thought I saw something this looked like like a figure you guys see that this looks like a character are we really alone up here just listen listen guys all I hear are the bets even over here and I'm I'm sorry to say but I think I'm lost but no seriously where is everybody we're just gonna keep mining this this ayran just like that oh my god check this out it's even a bet on fire that's pretty metal ok ok ok so we could go deeper but I don't think I want to lose any of this stuff I have a feeling I'm gonna fall down there so we're gonna head back up to the base we're gonna store our supplies and prepare for this exploration actually have no idea how I got here see it was near the water okay there's torches over here we're gonna get this iron with us to do just like that ok it's gonna keep mining the iron I'm following the torches and I'm sure we'll find our way back up to the base we passed over here I can remember this down here did we wait I made a mistake I have to go up yes this is what we came from I know I think okay I'm still kind of freaked out about the fact that there's not a single mob even though it was filled with zombies and all that stuff and I just ran in circles wait wait I'm gonna find my way back I know that see I found it back by pure luck all right I wonder what time it is it looks like it's nighttime outside to take a peek we actually hear some sheep some sheep spawn awesome that means more food I'm sorry my friend okay we have enough food let's be honest we're gonna you're gonna stay with us as a friend until we run out of food and that when that happens that means your luck has run out who killed this sheep over here I know it wasn't me hey you saw who killed your friend over here okay so okay no no it's so wait first Wilson goes missing is assumed dead and now a random sheeps body or corpse gets found under this tree something fishy is going on here is there any mob that thing that kills sheep just like that like this that doesn't Enderman do that I don't know I've never seen it happen that strains okay well looks safe up here no mobs strange enough we're just gonna go to bed and explore some more during the day maybe you should explore some of the other islands even though I have a feeling it's better if we just stay focused on this small one and we'll just go to the other islands when we need some supplies you've got to be kidding me okay these are actual emerald green emeralds by the way okay something fishy is going on here okay okay wait okay so this just happened these emerald just spawned here let's see if anything else changed [Music] okay so and that that means one thing green Steve was here while I was in bed I didn't hear any blacks being placed I didn't hear any blacks being broken because I'm pretty sure I had asked I had a staircase so what in the world is going on here Wilson's grave okay Wilson's grave is still the same and I don't know if I should dig into his it did okay I don't think I should do that do you what do you guys think I should do please let me know in the comment section I'm not sure what to think now but this is creepy once again thank you all so much watching I'm gonna end the video here I'm gonna look through the footage see if I missed anything make sure you like the video if you enjoyed it make sure you subscribe if you haven't already and follow me on Twitter snapchat Instagram for more posts and more content and I'll see you all next time dark signing out yeah see you later as well
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 1,095,594
Rating: 4.897295 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft green steve, green steve in minecraft, minecraft green steve sighting, green steve sighting, minecraft scary video, scary minecraft seed, minecraft scary seed, minecraft creepypasta, scary minecraft challenge, minecraft herobrine, minecraft at 3 am, do not play minecraft at 3 am, do not play minecraft at 3:00 am, minecraft at 3:00 am, dark corners, finding herobrine, finding herobrine in minecraft, minecraft herobrine sighting, scary minecraft video
Id: xGvBnYkbVKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 4sec (4264 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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