My Buzzing BABY BEE Base In Minecraft!

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this baby bee is the busiest bee on our minecraft server and my friends decide to raise her as their own but her biggest secret is her beautiful beaker bait if you are a nice babysitter she'll bring you honey but be mean and she'll bring out her stinger and use her secret base to get you and you won't believe how unbelievable her secret face is and what frank she can pull with it will she make the bad players be hey let's find out oh hey nice to see you buzzing around here be sure to like and subscribe thanks i'm so excited i have my new flower it is so beautiful look at this ah i'm just one of the busiest bees ever it's all my bee's to take care of everything around here hi guys how's everyone doing all right guys this is the best way to handle it all right i think this tree is the perfect example uh it's just it's a model tree that i think i can really show you a brand new way of cutting down trees that they can punch in a tree with one hand are completely over using two hands instead of one to cut down trees as i am now holding this axe not with one but two hands and now i will attempt to chop down this tree by using both at the same time uh-oh observe the tree you should chop down though i mean don't you hear the buzzing it sounds like we're kind of close to some beasts yeah i do hear the buzzing about but they're off in another area i'm sure this would be perfectly fine chop down i mean we can't do it on the farm back in this the hub perfect tree and i have decided that it is what is going to be chopped down today it does look like a perfect tree he has a point noise thank you thank you back thank you thank you all right oh don't worry you stand back i'm going to get this tree don't you worry i'm busy okay [Applause] [Music] and that's how you cut down a tree any questions any questions uh several but i'll ask them later i have to stop this okay well i mean man oh man this was a bad idea hey we're getting stuck oh yeah that's actually a really good idea if i bring out the force the word feet here we go [Applause] yes [Music] so you know there's that guys what is it with all the explosions what is happening today and why is everything on fire good timing here come here for a second here when your spokesman now just throwing things out there not not fixed no no no no no no little one you want to make a hive in pierce's house right yeah that's a good idea yeah you're the one that did this anyways [Music] this guy has been shown by the she's already going to my house is she she she's already get back here hold on at least gotta agree to this first dog [Music] because what everybody suggested they put it next to my house i was like nope and now it's here so there you go besides one blue house is as good as another right yeah especially when it's not mine anyway welcome b thing again a b thing baby we don't know a lot about this it's like a b but also maybe a baby but also maybe a baby b but also it's get very confusing what matters is that she's cute and we'll keep her happy and then we need to close the door on this place why don't we keep putting her out come on little one back to the pen let's go we'll go in so that she doesn't feel left out how about that okay guys did you build another gate out of here no absolutely not that would be ridiculous we only wanted one way in and out yeah let's get her something she might like uh what would you like little one um sugar how about sugar oh actually that's a really good idea wait what no no no no no no no no haven't you guys heard bees like sugar this has never happened before i guess you are right ian take it in um yeah the baby part makes me nervous about this part but all right sure any baby can have their sugar they need to have some carrots all right [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what's going on what's going on what's going on what's going on no was that my collection that you stole yeah it was priceless than that i got it for free you know what i'm glad i came home come on come on little baby yeah yeah [Music] she made a little hole made a little homemade a big friend is what she made look at me this adds a nice aesthetic to my home all right it's just made out of pollen it's just why that's fine great i'm great hey can i talk to you guys somewhere else away from here please um i'm gonna i'm gonna guess some stuff yeah little one okay all right they lit my whole forest on fire exploded my flower and everything in the world so what i'm gonna do is i am going to lay everything on fire but i am going to make them separate because they destroyed all my friends so i gotta make sure that they're gone too okay let's see um this is my secret bee base so from here i can probably get to everyone's house let's see let's open it that's right my little bee base takes off see if i put it down like this it closes its wings but if i pick it up like this [Music] it goes up all right so now all i have to do is go down to my secret bee base and i gotta lower this down so flying down slower down so they don't see perfect okay so let's call some havoc and mischief here we're gonna go to noise please that was his name right that was the human well i'm gonna go to his place yeah so just drink a little water and that'll help to clear up your sinuses yeah but but honestly there's an easier way to fix this which is just getting rid of the bee like it was fine wait it was fun while it lasted but i really think it's just time for it to go beers you don't you cut down the trees we need to take it over otherwise we're going to be true hi yeah it's our responsibility now if i already be yours think of all the delicious honey she'll give us yeah but me feeling like i'm dying all the time thanks to these allergies that you know i'd rather just not have honey i'm gonna release some pollen what is this oh i'm going to go too bad [Music] i wasn't expecting that okay well i guess i wanted to remodel anyway go away you stupid little mic ah that was the okay beast right ooh the honey's coming along so good all right little b how you doing today that's good you're doing your little bee thing having a good day i think you're making honey well great because i i wanna i came to take some all right so where do we sign up to get some honey is this over here hang on let me sample that oh you know what that's some rich fresh honey i'm all about that just gonna join some of that don't mind if i do and uh let me let me get this i dropped the honey oh come on hang on let me get some more let me get let me get some more honey [Music] okay here we go how about some more honey i thought i i you know i love some more honey but i'm blowing away i'm getting stuck guys i think i'm flowing down river oh no oh no it's so sticky i can't get out what [Music] the baby b i just came over to get some honey you know just one little giant bucket of honey and and everywhere spilling honey everywhere i flowed toward the bridge and then i laid it in the water and then i exploded because you know that's what that's me but the bee is the one who did it sure likely story also actually yeah i agree is this big out they're both making a mess fine but i'm taking time out in my own house that's so sticky and gross oh i can help with that fine i i can't believe this i can't believe they gave me timeouts oh my gosh i was just finding my own beast not for long little one but you gotta behave one whole minute of time out that daddy's i'm gonna go wash it i'm terrible i can't believe this ah i just i can't i can't i just i need more people you know what it's fine it's fine because i have my secret base i'm going to use to come down and i'm going to go get my revenge on them that's right can you believe that mac gave me a timeout i mean why did i deserve timeout i know right it's not like mac have [Laughter] oh i'm not afraid of a dog what is he doing up here why is what's so hard to get i feel like my technique should be better than this like i just gotta live with dirt i guess he's rebuilding hello [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] should help okay all right my revenge has been completed oh but wait what about over here oh it was mac and more that put me in timeout okay i'm sorry you guys are sweet i really don't know what to do with the baby bee i mean their behavior has just been unacceptable i know she's a bit of a naughty bee but you know she's so cute and just [Music] wait maybe we need just to feed the bee more carrots and that will make the bee happy bee please just some carrots and some pollen no uh you see that is actually exploding and i think i counter long enough but time out time is over where's the b where's the b where's b bobber bobber it is time to get our revenge there you are the b all right all right doggy doggy do your thing get her i will take this hang on what are you doing with my dog put the puffer down since when did my dog shoot bees out of its mouth yes what did you do to my dog what did i do to your dog i don't even know you had a dog clean sleep the bee is using my dog to fire more bees okay got the blue wool set up and dying noise sheep there we go perfect wait noise private cookie collection don't touch oh i want to touch all of it oh look at all these cookies oh my gosh okay i'm bringing them all here i'm gonna put that in there just to make pierce look bad because he's trying to destroy me oh hey look a penny that's not a petty it's just dirt okay anyway oh there you are hey hey how's it going hey so uh you know i feel like we got on the wrong foot finger wing whatever anyway i yeah i figured i'd try to make amends just say you know i you know i don't really like you but i know you and i know you don't really like me but it seems like everybody's more or less okay with you being here so i figured hey maybe maybe i'll just be like you don't mess with me i don't mess with you yeah there's this there's something pretty good yeah okay cool yeah because you know it's okay that you don't share any of the honey or that you just decide to stay everybody and someone bees against their their own will wow that's fine everything's great it's great it's so what am i here for oh man i feel bad that i set him up but you know what he saw he's being a little weird right now but um oh sure you know you're very hard to read oh look at [Music] why [Music] what are you doing what are you doing where am i gone you left your connecticut blue sheep in my house you left die and you take my cookies how dare you stay oliver how you doing bud yeah okay i didn't do any of this hey i didn't do any of this this is not me i haven't been i've been set up i've been great people like light blue wolf you know all right i'm gone bye oh get back here nope start sorry uh business is closed for the day i come back tomorrow oh it's quite open right now i feel so betrayed it's time to go to bed because you need to be a good movie and go back okay you know i i appreciate that you know you're not so bad yourself but the sun is setting you got to get back to our uh to my house and the the thing you have there your giant friend and you're going to give me my dog back right [Music] tell me you had more puppies [Music] [Music] but it is blown up my house my life and my sinuses way too many times at this point these are nice yeah the important thing is that we need to get rid of this speed my first step is to go and burn down the beast here we go [Applause] number one enemy other than humans [Applause] all right you've gone too far piercing we are going crazy we must defend our homes everyone poppies on the ready fire peace i love the honey secondly bears stop setting everything up fine please okay guys we get oh we took care of pierce but now how do we get rid of all this fire i don't have that many watermelons oh nice the honey put it out i guess it stifled it doesn't make sense to me but hey that's why it smells delicious you could be and now we've got so much good honey oh he's so cool who's a girl boy you're a good boy yes oh wow that's a lot of hottie look at this look at all this it's all here wow it's looking pretty cool honey that you can't have what oh my god oh too much so much fun thank you so much little bee that is a lot of honey but that's also cool come visit our hive anytime you want buzz club where's the bee going bye she's gone as quick as she buzzed into our lives that's a lot of
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,151,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby bee pranks, baby bee secret base minecraft, minecraft 100% secret base, pranking my friends as a baby bee in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, bee pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a baby bee in minecraft, pranking my friends as baby bee, pranking my friends as baby bee aphmau, baby bee minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, minecraft no swears
Id: MQPMneQ6uoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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