I found a Creepypasta World in Minecraft... (Slenderman, Jeff the Killer and The Rake in Minecraft)

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before we get into this video make sure you check out the minecraft server play that dark score dotnet you can check it out in the description or you can just type the IP play the dark score net and your minecraft client see you guys there what's up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and I'm a bit last in this forest as you might have already guessed I'm trying to find a place to camp I already have some supplies and I'm pretty sure I heard some water nearby but there's actually a battery right here alright so let me just sum up what's gonna happen in this video we're gonna explore these woods see if there's anything interesting there is a story about slender man apparently slender man lives in these woods we're gonna check out if that's actually true or not and we found the water awesome alright so we're gonna set up camp right around I guess here somewhere and while we're doing that guys make sure you follow me on Twitter snapchat Instagram all the links are in the description and while you're at it make sure you leave a like on the video let's see I think this should be a fine place for camp I mean there's enough space oh it's way too misty I can't even see the Sun I'm oh there's the Sun okay so it's the middle of the day we have some time to explore I don't want to get stuck exploring these woods during the nighttime so we're gonna do the exploring during the day let's just hmm we're only gonna go one direction so we're not allowed to go to the left or to the right or to the right because then we will definitely get lost so we're gonna keep going into one direction I when it starts getting dark we're gonna head straight back do a 180 turn without getting lost at least that's the idea so as far as I know Slenderman leaves behind pages or his victims leave behind pages so if we do find a page with something where it written on it were drawn on it I guess that means we're looking in the right direction and if not hey maybe then I'll be lucky because let's be honest guys if you're all alone in some kind of forest and nobody knows you're here I'm guessing finding Slenderman is the last thing you'd want to do and yet here we are but if you're watching this that means I uploaded the video which means I survived which means I got lucky I didn't find Slenderman or who knows maybe somebody found this video in the forest after I disappeared whatever happens let me know in the comment section maybe I'll read it later this is a really big forest I'd be surprised if I actually find my way back outside because we're only gonna stay here for one night and one night only I think that's more than enough jeez I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to see what time it is I can't even see the air okay that might actually be a problem oh okay can I see the Sun can't see the Sun I'm guessing the Sun is somewhere it's let's see when we started walking it was at the middle of the day so right now I'm guessing it's somewhere around there which means we should really really hurry up we're starting to go down wait we were while we were on some kind of mountain or Hill I did not even realize that see is this a bit more open maybe I mean it the trees are further apart okay I think I made a big mistake I should not have come to this for as this force is gigantic there's no end to it yeah we're gonna head back I don't want to get lost it's just started running I already feel like I'm being watched right now but that's probably just my paranoia setting in see I'm a wait am I even going right yeah I'm going to right direction because we're going down again okay now we're going up again okay okay luckily we went down so I remembered that I think it's actually starting to get dark no pun intended I could be at home playing for tonight right now but this is what I do in my time but that's fine that's fine as long as you guys leave a like I'll be fine and I'll keep doing this and well while we're talking about leaving likes let me know in the comments section what uh term it or whatever I should try out and minecraft and who knows maybe it will happen so let me know in the comment section what I should do next ok I think we're almost there the grass started to get greener that means its moist that means we're near water that means we're near wherever we just were I think okay okay awesome I see the water okay we made it we made it I can't see the Sun though alright alright okay we were gonna make camp right here okay let me let me set up the camp guys and I'll be right back that looks beautiful got a camp fire going and it's really dark like I'm not sure if I've ever seen a night as dark as this one look I can't even see at the opposite side with the freakin lake okay I think this was definitely a bad idea because even if we don't find Slenderman which I mean come on if Slenderman was real we would have have found some kind of paper by now what was that who's there [Music] who's there [Music] guys I'm sure you're hearing that as well those are not my footsteps yeah I think I'm gonna start running okay all right I I think we've lost him whoever that was I doubt the Slenderman probably just someone trying to mess with me because if that had been Slenderman I'm pretty sure I'd be dead by now and I would not be recording this right okay let's just try to get get out of this forest and we'll see what happens next guys something's after me [Music] [Music] while this up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and we're here in Minecraft and a pretty gigantic forest I don't think I have to tell you guys what we'll be doing in this video because you've already read the title so this is the forest where the rake allegedly lives and for the people that don't know what the rake is it's a creepypasta just like my previous video and the rake is a creature or lagged kind of looks like a human but isn't as big black or white eyes and has no hairs pretty much like naked mole-rat except it's very big and he comes after you at night when you're sleeping and eats you did it by the way this is just a story guys so don't be afraid to sleep tonight so this the story as the rake actually comes to your house he speaks to you while you're sleeping and then when you wake up you see him standing in your room and he eats you or whatever and this is apparently the forest where he actually lives so I've set up camp somewhere I'm just exploring a little bit you see right here that's a pretty big lake it's kind of looks kind of nice I think I might actually break it down my my camp and rebuild it right here but it does look pretty nice here I'm not sure what we have to do to lure the rake out so what I had planned is we're gonna make small camp we already have one but we're gonna rebuild it here gonna make a small camp got a bed put down the bed I want it's nighttime we're gonna explore a little bit see if we actually do find anything and then we're just gonna go to sleep and we'll see what happens then if we can find some sheep that would be really nice though I have no idea where to start looking I actually haven't seen a single mob or a single animal as I got here the while researching do make sure you follow me on Twitter Instagram snapchat all the links are in the description it's not a single sheep cow pig anywhere that's kind of strange isn't it I don't wanna I don't want to go too far from the lake because then I won't be able to find it anymore you're gonna head back I will try to find some sheep in another way all right so we're actually almost back at the lake and I'm hearing some sheep nearby right here so that's perfect I'm guessing they're here cuz this is probably the only place with water in this forest I actually noticed something while I was walking and of course we have to stay near the lake as otherwise we won't be able to see if it's nighttime because look the entire sky is blocked by the trees the Sun is actually just going down we should get us a couple of wool there we go a couple of wool blocks I'm guessing what we could do I'm not gonna sleep the first night I'm just gonna explore the forest a little bit and we're gonna see what happens if we find anything strange anything related to the rake it may be something completely different [Music] that's a big cream might you know what you're lucky I don't think we're gonna need you just yet it's nighttime I haven't seen anything strange yet we're just gonna find a good place set up our base let's see mmm I guess since we're here we might as well do it right here I'm gonna clear it out a little bit just like that oh snap okay that's I'm guessing that's the coincidence it just happens to start raining not at it's nighttime you only need a small area here luckily we won't get wet all right let's make some wood planks we're gonna need a crafting table perfect we're gonna put that right here we're not gonna go through far while we explore we're just gonna go around the lake and go in a circle see if we find anything strange wait I should actually build a weapon before I head out just in case I've come face-to-face with any other mobs there we go just like that actually a bat right here under rain not sure if that's supposed to be normal I saw something blue over there might have just been the water I think it is more Becks oh look there's actually a hole in here we can actually see since there's no rain falling down here there's almost no way to look at the sky when you're walking through the trees we also have to keep our eyes open just in case we do see the rake because at this night time we're in his forest and we're armed we're gonna see how that goes stay near the water so we don't get lost you can see my bed right over there there's two bats now three beds even for bats interesting I thought they were supposed to be in case huh really makes you think okay that sounded kind of like a crow but I don't think that's gross in this forest did you guys hear that yeah I'm sure I got it on video I'm just gonna keep going forward I'm guessing this Lake is probably in the center of the forest because I did have to walk a very long time for a God in here we're actually getting too agreeable is this a bad way it's not I thought it might have been I don't think this forest is meant for hiking or for camping you're going almost back at our bed I think I'm actually gonna start running cuz this is guy kinda creepy which means we're probably heading back to wherever that sound came from because we heard it coming from that side and we were running this side so now we're running back to it don't see anything near my bed so I wonder if it's safe to just sleep there right so nothing nothing out of the ordinary except for that sound you only heard something strange we haven't actually seen anything weird but thing we're gonna have to spend another night here in this forest what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna go straight to sleep one last look everywhere all right at least it's raining goes one when it's raining I sleep the best everything's going fine little raining all right all feels good see the light finally we're gonna head this way where the sound came from or the crow sound is what I'm gonna be calling it if we do find anything weird we're gonna try not to get lost which is easier said than done unfortunately at least this for me look how do it that was weird no idea what happened I almost like something grabbed me by the leg okay let's let's just keep going look at how dense this forest is I've never seen anything like this you can only catch a glimpse of the sky I mean it's so dense there's actually bats living here oh look look it's a bit more open here aw look this would be another perfect place for a camp yet like small tent open-air trees around you I'll be honest I don't think I'd ever be able to camp in a place like this just imagine you're all alone at night and a tent only surrounded by trees and whatever is lurking behind one of them then of course the rake you can just hide in your closet you know your bed it is not limited to the forest he only lives there according to the story which may or may not be true that's not true guys don't be scared don't be scared not trying to scare you this is just a scary story so far we haven't seen the rake and we haven't heard them either I think I think I'm just gonna stay near the lake and I'm gonna do some fishing because I am getting hungry and that big that's living next to me it's my only friend here assuming you didn't run away first chance you got no here he's here hey buddy how much time we have it's the middle of the day we can enjoy our time here while we're at it I don't think we're gonna find the rake think it might just be a small creepy story you're not gonna lie this is actually pretty call me pretty nice [Music] night dink our little friend Greece see if anything's gonna bite who knows maybe the rain lives in the water and about I'm about to catch him with my fishing rod come on just bite I won't eat you while you're raw I'm gonna wait until you're cool okay I'm getting really hungry and these fish will bite I guess I'll just edit the video into one of the fish actually gets caught by me look at that we actually managed to catch something finally gonna have something to eat our friend here had to go somewhere so he's not here he won't get to enjoy this film whatever kind of fish this is how much time we have left now it's almost I think this is the afternoon I think we have some time to relax and enjoy this fish just enjoy our day I don't think we're gonna see the rigs you might as well just relax here make the most fun time [Music] right I think we've hung out long enough make one final sweep I think we can conclude this video the rake is not real right I see a skeleton over there I guess that's why I can't sleep you maybe if I going okay I'll just go and kill it it's pretty far so I have no idea and it just disappeared maybe I can sleep now okay know what I'm just gonna go into the woods see whatever mob there is I'm gonna kill it let's see we saw the skeleton over there and we've been here before we can probably just find our way back easily near the lake don't think we're gonna get lost here the skeleton I'm actually hearing all kinds of mobs [Music] first most well this up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm Yours dark and we're here in my mansion not actually my mansion just to mention in Minecraft and as you might have already guessed in the title Jeff the killer is somewhere in this area I haven't seen him yet it's nighttime right now it's storming really hard I think I think we'll see him at some point I'm pretty sure the for the people that don't know what Jeff the killer is he is what a lot of people on the internet called a creepypasta which is a creepy story a horror story usually it's not true at least as far as I know sometimes they're based on a true story and Jeff Decatur is one it's about a boy or a man who comes to your house at night stalk you and then kills you with a knife while I'm opening my inventory here you might see I acquired Jeff's knife and I'm sure he'd like to have it back but I don't know if I should give it to him right so while I'm giving you guys a tour of my house make sure you follow me on twitter snapchat Instagram all the links are in the description especially follow me on instagram because i'm posting some cool stuff every day i'm gonna be doing some giveaways soon this is creepy look at this house is freaking gigantic I don't think I would be able to live in a house like this like if I had a choice to choose a house to live in I'd rather pick something small and cozy over this cuz come on sometimes you hear about like Hollywood stars and stuff having gigantic mansions with 38 get chains here like bro why why you're only gonna use one or two kitchens I've never seen someone in real life that had more than one kitchen there's even a light tower over there but still no sign of Jeff the killer would he be inside ok I think that answers my question but I don't see him I'm not even sure if I lock the doors we have a pretty big balcony here maybe we can see him got some holes in it that's kind of useless I mean Jeff could easily sneak up on me because I I wouldn't be able to hear him over this rain over the storm though I do love myself a little storm especially when you're free the next day and it's nighttime and you just hear the Thunder I think it's one of the best feelings in the world oh I'm probably exaggerating there but you know what I mean Oh even have a tennis court okay I think it's dangerous to go outside but I do want to check out a tennis court I haven't been in the backyard yet [Music] it's pretty cool but it's just even a tennis court could this be a volleyball court I have no idea we have a campfire going on here perfect place to tell scary stories of sunbathing can be done here we kind of have a beach kind of [Music] and what's this this looks like a waterfall a swimming pool this is a cool swimming pool I'd love to have a swimming pool like this the rain is so loud either is this normal I'm not used to the rain being this loud Mike came I am an on older version so that might explain it what's this Oh the Sun is coming up and no sign of Jeff no sign of Jeff the killer now there's complete silence it could be anywhere it could be in one of these rooms I have no idea we'll find out soon enough while I'm searching I'd like to ask you guys a question so do you you've probably heard of creepypastas before there's a bunch of them I searched them up I looked them up Jeff the killer is just one of hundreds watch your favorite creepypasta let me know in the comment section and who knows maybe I'll be able to do a video about it a Minecraft if not maybe I could do a regular IRL real-life video about it you do let me know in the comment section woo jacuzzi I should probably rename the title of this video I should call it house to remind craft let's be honest this might be a really big house but it's it's nice it's actually compared to what a lot of Hollywood stars and stuff have I think it's modest compared to that it's a bit big but I've only seen one kitchen you know besides that I've seen some cool places just to hang out it looks like it's nighttime or it's daytime excuse me no sign of Jeff the killer so I guess I'll just go take a swim until the next night I'll see you guys then we'll see if we can find Jeff then yeah I'm not gonna swim with this knife I should probably dispose of it somewhere is there just somewhere around here perfect we'll just dispose of it right here I'm gonna head out for a swim was it stopped raining the sun is shining and before Jeff kills me I do want to enjoy that swimming pool if I can make this jump Geronimo Oh beautiful I'm loving this swimming pool I could stay here for hours which is exactly what I'm going to do just the beginning of the day we have until tonight and we'll see if Jeff will show up Mina you didn't really show much of himself last night I'm sure I know why I mean I'm a pretty menacing person you wouldn't want to mess with me if you saw me on the streets right but let's warm up here oh it's beautiful I don't need a towel to warm up I can just go over in this campfire and if I need a bit of a tan just have to wait for the Sun to be up high enough see what else we have here we have a beautiful garden beautiful something I haven't seen the front yard yet let's check that out oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we have a barbecue here I forgot about that and do some barbecuing you have an even bigger swimming pool all that's missing is a place oh my god this is a thing okay I'll be honest I said I wouldn't want the house this big in real life but I would love to have something like this but we need to have this this needs to be changed I want this made out of glass so you can actually look into the water and if you put some fish on it you didn't screw the swimming pool I need a river with actual fish in here they can just swim around me that would be amazing what's this oh no this is this like you have secret hideout would this be where he hangs out could this be how he gets in my house maybe he's already there maybe he's just hiding and I'm just resting at straws right now know what I'm just gonna head back to swimming pool I'm gonna swim some more I'm gonna enjoy my day before the night begins who knows what's going to happen at night no idea how I got in here so I'll just got myself until I'm out of here I'll cut the video I mean yep one pushup alright it's actually started raining again we're gonna head back we're gonna try to find Jeff at least assuming he'll visit us this night he didn't really show himself much last night that's oh wait let's get the knife first move [Music] what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I mean whose dark and in this video I have another surprise for you guys as you can see I've moved again this time to the suburbs do a slightly smaller house or is it I think it might be slightly smaller last time we moved it didn't go very well we actually came face to face with Jeff the killer a pretty well known serial killer but I did survive I did survive I'm not gonna tell you guys how I did that you can watch the video and see my encounter it's on my channel maybe in the description if I don't forget to put it there anyways I escaped that's the only thing that matters now I'm in a new house I'm just gonna forget everything that happened oh snap I've I don't have the keys oh dude I don't have the keys aw stop I'm gonna have to get into the garage anyways guys while I'm trying to get into the house make sure you follow me on Twitter Instagram snapchat all the eggs are in the description especially on Instagram because as I've said a hundred times I'm gonna be doing some giveaways on there I've ever I've already done one giveaway that ended and I'm gonna do more giveaways let's hope this oh cool we can actually go through here this is the garage the first time I'm hearing eyes so this is all new to me as far as I know the old people the previous owners of this house for some reason they just abandoned it with all the furniture I have no idea why they would do that they even left me this TV screen oh you got whoever the neighbors were you guys are watching thanks just look dude what am I even gonna watch on this I can watch whatever I want don't even have to go to the cinema anymore hey who opened this door ah must have been the wind interesting I wonder if they left me some tools in the garage no way how did this get here don't tell me Jeff is here's well that's I I thought it I thought he he was defeated okay I think I have to take some precautionary measures if Jeff is really here I haven't oh wow did you guys see that dude how do I get there how do I get to the backyard something something Crazy's going on there oh snap dude how do I get to the backyard this this house is so big okay I want to see what in the world is going on here what's making all these explosions I don't want to get my clothes wet just yet okay so for some reason these blocks are blowing up wait can I is what is even going on here why would this even happen you know what what's going on here guys that's really weird the explosions to stop now oh snap I got distracted it's it's nighttime oh I know it's nighttime guys that's gonna be a big problem what if you have two killers in the house now well I thought I saw something dude I'm scared maybe I can hide in there at least it's not storming like last time so if anybody tries to sneak up on me I can actually hear them oh snap wait what how did the zombie get in here did you guys just see that whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa is this it's not Jeff the killer yeah should I run away hey it's Jane the killer but if Jane the killer is here that means Jeff the killer has to be as well [Music] okay okay I'm guessing she can help me I'm just gonna I'm just gonna leave that door open oh no she she ran out what is she doing I'm sure Jeff wants his knife back you know the last time we encountered him I actually stored his knife somewhere and then he came back and found it and he tried to kill me with it Jane is still there what if I just throw the knife over here maybe if I do that oh boy where'd she go where did she go where did the oh here's now let's camera for a second okay we have to find Jane and we have to hope she can defeat Jeff for us see those explosions are getting really annoying okay so how did I get in here again actually can remember there's a bunch of skeletons over there as well actually before I try to get out of here I should get chef's knife weights what happened here [Music] looks like my garden is burning ironically it's right next to the pool okay this is oh snap this is going wrong oh dude okay I have to extinguish this before I go into the house I have to Oh Conan no no no definitely this is gonna go wrong I need to get the knife I think I'm in trouble guys okay so the knife is gone you know what just forget about the knife we're just gonna go inside then they try to get something to stop this fire let's hope the previous owners left a fire extinguisher somewhere because I don't think just using a bucket with water is gonna work very well let's see I actually haven't been to the Attic all kinds of boxes here well what's that that drawer let's see what's over it looks like there's some kind of room how did you get here okay she's really creeping me out I'm just gonna go downstairs no maybe maybe I left the knife in the kitchen what did you guys hear that someone else would me maybe maybe I just heard Jane again oh snap I'm in trouble well you got help you got out of it I'm just gonna hide right here I'm not sure if he saw me maybe she can help me I don't see him anymore maybe maybe he left let's hope she knows what to do he has to be somewhere downstairs cuz he didn't come to the basement but I did hear some doors open and closed down here this is where I saw him last I wonder what he was doing here let me let me let me open that for you let me open that for you what move [Music] oh no erred not even gonna light did I hear something yeah that must be the police just bagging up the body it's fine I'm just gonna go back to sleep so I'll see you guys in the morning peace out wait what whoa what's up everyone welcome to dark corners a mijos dark and as you can see I'm living in a new neighborhood it's raining right now so I'm trying to get into my house as quickly as possible anyways as you can see we are back on minecraft just going to show you guys my new neighborhood as soon as the raining stops but before I do that make sure you guys follow me on Twitter snapchat and especially on Instagram all the links are in the description while you're at it make sure you check me out on the minecraft server play the darks corner dotnet and as always you already know we got some cool merch - check out the merch it's all in the description and since you're busy doing all this stuff why not leave a like and subscribe when you enjoy the video so make sure you leave a like make sure you subscribe don't forget let's try to hit 5,000 likes yeah you guys have been seeing some of my house I got a pretty small shower not gonna lie I'm not gonna lie but hey it's fine it's fine so I actually want to show you guys the neighborhood but it's raining right now but the little rain never hurt anybody let's see maybe we can meet some of the new neighbors I haven't really spoken to them yet as a matter of fact I haven't even seen them but this dude is living in a giant house you think it's fine if I just walk in okay that's weird the door is actually open it's the middle of the night you think nobody would leave his door open like that well maybe I shouldn't just walk into this house but hey I'm here anyways what's poppin neighbor anybody here I'm just snooping around ooh nice he's got a balcony oh I I have a really tiny balcony this one has a gigantic one I like this one more huh maybe everyone is sleeping I mean except for this neighbor since he's not even home all the doors are open interesting it's almost like they left in a hurry but maybe I'm just overthinking it I wonder if anybody has a pool with this doors open as well hello you guys really shouldn't be leaving your doors open like this you never know who could be snooping around in the neighborhood alright I know this isn't this isn't like a good thing to do but I found a pool in one of my neighbor's backyards they're not home either all the doors are open and I haven't asked for permission but hey who's gonna snitch on me nobody's here hell yeah dude I wish I had a pool in real life like in my backyard an indoor pool would be even better oh then you could even swim in the winter dude oh I wish I had an indoor pool in my house I mean right now it wouldn't even fit maybe in the future maybe in the future you never know guys as long as you keep hope hey I wonder if this does anything nope it's not working dude I've gone through the entire Street I haven't seen a single neighbor nobody said hi to me every freaking doors open which is kind of starting to creep me out because why would every single neighbor leave their door open like even this one they're not home the doors are open but they can't have gone far because they left their car here so where did they go I mean if you guys have any idea let me know in a comment section where do you think all the neighbors went or okay this is gonna sound a bit creepy but what do you think happened to them we're at the major road right now we could go downtown but I don't see why I would do that with my neighborhood is kind of starting to creep me out so why not I wish I had a car but unfortunately I'm gonna have to go on foot maybe I can find the parks apparently there supposed to be a park nearby and you know what they say the city never sleeps so I'll probably meet somebody out here but then again it is really really late think it might be I don't know 3:00 a.m. right now I doubt anybody's walking the streets no cars no okay I'm starting to get a bit freaked out at least the doors here aren't open I take that back the doors here are open this is the hotel I mean a hotel is supposed to have an open door let me close that maybe I should just book a book a hotel hello anybody dare oh boy okay you know what obviously everybody's gone to sleep I'll visit the park in the morning there's no reason to visit it at 3:00 a.m. I'm gonna I'm gonna head back home and get a good night's rest I don't know why I'm running right now it's like somebody's following me you know what it is is the rain the rain is creeping me out oh my god okay have you guys ever been outside at night all by yourself and you're just like you have like a feeling like there's some ice in your bag somebody looking at you I have that right now oh it's mr. Rogers oh my god that's my neighbor I have to call the police okay guys I called the police I'm here in the bedroom I haven't seen anyone and it stopped raining I locked my doors so I doubt anybody can come in so I don't know I think maybe I should just go to sleep right because if anybody's still here killing people I think I would have seen them by now aw poor Rogers maybe that's why everybody left it's a crime scene I didn't even notice that I just walked past that ahead maybe okay you know what it's fine I'm a bit traumatized just close all the doors I'm gonna go to sleep I'm not gonna let this affect me I'm still gonna go to the park in the morning I'm gonna record everything so I see you guys then alright guys I got some midnight cravings I got really hungry so I woke up but I just ate so far so good I haven't seen the police yet but I'm guessing they're they're on their way I slept for like an hour nothing happened it's all fine but I think I'm gonna just finish my sleep cuz I am really tired not even gonna lie did I hear something yeah that must be the pulley he's just bagging up the body it's fine I'm just gonna go back to sleep to us to you guys in the morning sorry waitwhat whoa you
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 298,119
Rating: 4.8896418 out of 5
Keywords: new minecraft creepypasta, do not play minecraft at 3 am, scary minecraft video, minecraft green steve, minecraft creepypasta, minecraft herobrine, finding herobrine in minecraft, jeff the killer in minecraft, creepypasta minecraft roleplay, herobrine in minecraft, slenderman in minecraft, minecraft at 3 am, jeff the killer, slender man, herobrine sighting, granny horror game in minecraft, dark corners, scary minecraft challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 48sec (3528 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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