D&D Players, When did you realize a player was just as evil as their evil Characters? #1

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i hope you're ready to meet some monsters today i'm dave makes noises and today we're asking our subreddit d d players of r mr ripper what were some times where you realized a player was just as evil as their evil character part one i'll go first i played with this guy called eddie who would frequently play good aligned characters yet whenever he encountered an npc who had even the slightest divergence from purity eddie would attempt to kill them usually failing miserably he even kidnapped a child because he didn't like her father because he yelled at them and killed the poor guy when he attempted to save his daughter from eddie's character now i'm fine with people who play evil characters but eddie made his characters lawful good every time so i once talked to the guy and said that his characters weren't what i would call lawful nor good and he started explaining in a matter of fact tone that his character's actions were 100 justified he agreed with killing a shopkeeper for checking out a girl he agreed with literally smiting another player and kicking them down the stairs because they cast a harmless illusion spell to prank them and he agreed with kidnapping a child because her father yelled at them to stay away from his daughter he wouldn't back down from defending his character's actions as if they were his own i eventually stopped playing with the dude he had a bunch of toxic traits but most notably being manipulative but that's another story [Music] here's a story from the first game i ever attempted to dm over discord it also happened to be my first time dming ever and in a completely homebrew setting that i made being new to the experience i had no sense of how to control or restrict my players with their character builds as a result i ended up with this one lady who insisted on using a random overpowered race she found on the internet that was called zombie but was more like an invincible draugr the setting was a tropical island where the players had been shipwrecked after a kraken destroyed their ship which zombie girl insisted be hers that she was captaining with her entire undead crew all under her control i should also note that the player's real-life boyfriend was also in the game as an elven diplomatic scholar who had stowed away on the ship early in the game the players came across a group of shipwrecked pirates who were initially very hostile but the elf managed to calm them down and convince the pirates that the party wasn't in league with the crazy island kraken worshiping cultists the captain offered to deal with everyone and the party was willing to go along with it except for zombie girl because apparently both player and character were hardcore feminists who refused to cooperate with any man she held the game at a standstill until her boyfriend's character offered himself to be her and allow her to truly mess with him in an abusive relationship this was said between the players in such a way that it made me very concerned about the implications for their real-life relationship i'd initially planned to make this an entire campaign but after that point i just got them off the island and pretended it had been a short one shot the whole time because i knew i wouldn't be able to last dming a party with people like this so this happened the first campaign i ran i had recently reconnected with an old friend from middle school since we are both stuck in our hometown i had just started getting really into dnd and wanted to dm so i invited him and a few other friends to play the others were fine and not relevant to the story my estranged buddy made a dragonborn rogue that was chaotic evil he was a bit of a murder hobo but did it in a smart way so no red flags our whole time playing after the campaign wrapped up it came out that he had sexually assaulted a girl he went to high school with at a party not really evil just neutral one of the pcs was the dm's girlfriend and it was obvious that there was a lot of nepotism going on she was stacked with so many homebrew items made just for her i'm talking about special ghost blades non-metal that her druid could use to a magic wand that not only allowed her to cast extra druid spells every day but also lowered her armor class also bad guys would never attack her first if another pc was an option anyways one day me and another player tried to address the situation and told the dm that he was being biased and not impartial he looked at the table for a second then he looked at us and said well if you want to have sex with me every night too i can give your character some more stuff i'm a dude and my dm and i aren't gay so we left it at that the dm kind of started getting better but now we have a running joke whenever someone gets a cool new item we hell laugh i wonder how we got that item so a rather short answer but i've always had an interest in dnd and started dming about a couple years ago the first time i've ever dm'd only lasted a single session i was dming for my mom little sister and older brother but my brother was an absolute power gamer that throws a fit unless i give him special treatment after spending all day arguing with him i finally gave up on it letting him use his own homebrew monstrosity the who rask an unholy hybrid of a human in tarask apparently his race scarred the living out of everything and tore down any buildings he went into along with being opie with nearly maxed out stats at level one as if that wasn't enough to put a dampener on any plans i had he also decided a few minutes in to murder all of his party mates first game i've ever ran also turned out to be the shortest game i've ever ran one of the pcs in our game was actually evil castor was a wizard and he was a legit psychopath he was very charming and had a ridiculously high charisma and wisdom score he would steal things from us at night like gold or magical items and come up with the most ridiculous lies and we'd believe him at one point he was actually slowly poisoning another pc so that he could steal her magic object they were like the gloves of opalescence but it was a fedora because yeah i think this was before the gloves were a thing and i don't remember what this object was called so for my sanity we'll call them the gloves we knew literally nothing about this guy besides the fact that his whole family was dead in actuality they had been killed by his brother by accident and then caster killed his brother in revenge and after that he snapped he went crazy because of trauma and developed a sort of second personality that took control in dangerous situations and used violence as a coping mechanism when we originally met there was still a little part of the real caster left because he would come out around us but we didn't know by the time we realized this caster was gone the altar convinced him the whole world was dangerous and nobody would ever forgive him for spilling his own family's blood he believed him and was so broken that the real caster just faded away we finally realized something was wrong when we were at a pub just having fun when an npc asked caster if he knew a reynolds root which was his brother he said yeah that's me we all shrugged it off as him being suspicious of her he excused himself from the table and left with this woman he returned a short while later all scuffed up and alone you can guess what we assumed happened so this also went unnoticed then a few days later caster and another pc left and when they returned caster was really angry and demanded we leave right away the pc who was with him said he'd seen a sign and torn it down our rogue decided to try and pickpocket him and she retrieved a crumpled up paper it was a missing poster for the barmaid this freaked us out but we decided to play it cool when caster realized the poster was missing he started freaking out and destroyed the room looking for it he eventually realized we had it and he locked us in the room he told us that the barmaid was a succubus who was baiting him with the idea of knowing a friend of his brothers for the first time since we'd known him we knew he was lying because he was freaked out that night we got him to calm down enough for him to allow us to go to the bar instead we searched around the bar and found the bar made dead when he realized we weren't in the bar he stormed outside and did this whole evil monologue and threatened to torture us to death at this point he was an enemy and he managed to escape during our scuffle a few sessions later the player returned on the same day we had planned to take over a catacomb that was being used by a noble to raise his daughter from the dead this noble sucked he abused his daughter to the point she died and as he had no heirs he needed her alive this noble had just happened to meet castor just after his protector was formed and the noble took advantage of castor's weakened state he promised his dead daughter as a bride for caster and with his protection nobody would know the terrible things he did to his brother the protector thought this was a great idea and caster became his puppet before we met castor we'd bought the gloves caster was trying to steal for a large sum of money when we bought them we were told someone was already bidding and we paid two times that they needed the gloves to keep her corpse fresh or something i don't really remember so yeah this was like five years ago maybe i don't remember much we don't usually have evil pcs it's usually just a bunch of crazy nerds who had too much caffeine trying to expel that chaotic energy through chaotic characters greetings evil doers if you could please take a break from twirling your pencil thin evil twirly mustaches i'd like to thank you for setting your dastardly machinations aside for a few minutes and joining us to the very end of this video if you had a player character who outlined how evil the player was please leave a comment below or we could make small talk that's always fun too if you have another story you'd like to share with us please share it with our official subreddit our slash mr ripper where we check every week for stories to highlight here on the channel as well if you would like to join us on a sunday for our story time stream you can request that we narrate your story live and if you'd like to hang out with us as we dungeon all the dragons we are live every saturday over at fire and dice if you're a dm or a player looking for a group check out mr ripper's group finder discord server where over 3 000 gamers might have a spot for you at their table if you are curious about the noises dave makes you can find me dave makes noises on tick-tock and dave makes noises i hope this week that you practice something that you are passionate about for at least an hour a day thank you so much again for watching please sub for nat 20s and ding that dong to join the early squad and flex your punctuality on all the haters we love you so much here at rip daddy's house have a lovely week and we'll see you next time you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 16,917
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: MrRipper, Dungeons and Dragons, dnd stories, reddit stories, please sub for nat 20s, BBEG, dnd encounters, askreddit, r/askreddit, tabletop games, tabletop simulator d&d, dnd, dungeons and dragons, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dnd campaigns, dungeon master screen, tabletop rpg games, reddit tales, dungeons and dragons how to play, family friendly gaming, ask reddit videos, homebrew, reddit funny compilation, dnd 5e character creation, dm tips dnd 5e, dungeon master 2
Id: hBGcwR7xKMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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