Divine Feminine (Rise of the SHE)

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[Music] hey hi everybody welcome to transcend about transcend today um we are starting a new series gentlemen get ready this is going might rock your world okay i'm sure i'm gonna find a lot of favor with all the girls after this they're gonna love what i'm preaching okay and we're going to uh do what christ did they're going to really bring the ladies into their proper place at home in government in politics in the world and god has really placed his message in our hearts from a long time ago fiona has been getting phenomenal revelation of it i always tell um our people that if you need to see who a good pastor is just take a look at how he lives with his wife and you'll realize not even live but if that person called the man of god does not have an equal you know as as an equal person his wife and if not if his wife is not a part of the creation if she if it you know if anyone knows my ministry they will know that there's no point of buttering me up because i just do this this is all you see but there's someone who's the mother of all living and that's someone who's behind the scene and make things uh work like clockwork okay and that's uh uh a a simple example of how uh god works and if we don't know you know mystics would love this stuff why am i telling you this stuff because to be a mystic i'm doing a mentoring session for those who are out of the country and in the mentoring session i'm teaching people to come up to standard come up to the standard of where god wants to take us in this season and to be able to do be a real mystic is that you need to be able to understand comprehend the mysteries of god so that you can implement and create on the earth that's a mystic a mystic means he can create his reality he can shift and change his reality now to be able to shift and change the reality and i talk about measurable success i mean i talk measurable success i'm not talking of uh big churches and uh maybe we'll get big maybe we want we don't care about that i'm talking about people who really uh could grade themselves in their abilities like like look at today's world uh we don't know whether some people are prophets are not prophets we don't know whether they missed it or they were they had it like that that's not that that's not good for christianity because we need to have measurable success we need to be able to know if someone can prophesy elections we need to know whether someone is just a prophet for the church we need to know whether he can only give uh maybe a seasonal uh prophecy we need to know whether he can go beyond a seasonal prophecy and maybe give a name a place once you get to that level being able to give a name a place or something like that that means that you are quite quite accurate you might not be really accurate but you're quite accurate more than seasonal you know and there is a way to get to that place there's a way to get to a place where you can uh talk of names places numbers you know stuff like that but that is all a part of the mystical it's all to do with protocols it's all to do with understanding how things work look if you're a mechanic or engineer you'll understand that you'll be able to take if you if you like your cars you'll be able to take your cars out repair your car and put it back in if you're not like your machines you'll be able to do the same thing there's no difference in the spiritual you have to be able to have the knowledge of the glory that's what fills the earth so we are fully invested in the knowledge of the glory we are fully invested in bringing people up to mark up to standard and there's a long way for all of us including me to go but unless we are able to appraise ourselves understand where we are who we are in christ where we are at this moment and where we can go everyone is called into this place there's no one left out everyone is called but are you willing to put the energy the emotions and the commitment so that you can now receive the fullness of what god has planned and so for that to happen that's what i love to do i like to sit i like to teach i like to bring people up to what god has taught me and it's not hard if you it all comes by revelation just understand the law in the in the old testament work through commandments to do okay that could sort out the external in the new testament it's revelations to believe that's how this thing works a revelation comes and then you invest emotionally and in your mental space with the revelation and then with the body you practically apply yourself to the revelation that's what believing is believing is not just mental it means emotionally mentally and physically we invest in the revelation that's what believing is and then nothing is possible impossible for them okay so why we are a word-based church is because we release revelations and when you say revelations once the revelation comes then now you have to wrap your mind you have to you receive it in your heart but then you got to wrap your mind around it and then you got to be able to commit in your physical body to do those things and then you'll see that the environment around you starts shifting and changing okay so why am i telling you this because that is why we give revelation so people say why kabhi why revelation why are village we can't keep track of you you're constantly having revelation yes because revelation is the new testament way god works it's not commandments to do but revelations to believe and if you believe then it the dimension shifts okay that's why we teach revelation revelation is the most important thing okay uh we at wildlife church love revelation so this season i want to tell you that if you are a creator and if you want to create the atmosphere around you maybe finances maybe healing maybe different aspects in your life they the the bible says in romans it tells you like this he says the creation that is external it talks about and it proclaims the godhead it says it the creation proclaims he got it and he says no man need to you know in the old in in the pentecostal charismatic sort of movement um dave the protestant theology was based on uh martin luther where he says that he still calls it scripture only you see that scripture solas so i don't know how to pronounce it but it's in in the latin solar scripture scripture only now do i believe that not exactly i'm i'm not protestant i believe in jesus okay i believe that the bible says that it's not only scripture that reveals god it says romans read it it says the creation also reveals god roman says it so we can't go scripture only we have to see it says the divine attributes the invisible attributes of god are seen clearly in creation representing the godhead it's in romans right there you can see it that means when i look at creation i need to be able it's a mirror of who god is so something that would have bothered you and if it hasn't bothered you it should bother you by now that sorry my phone beeping okay uh if it doesn't bother you it should bother you by now that the bible according to the protestant and a lot of the charismatic pentecostal theology does not talk it talks about there is the father and then suddenly out of the father comes the son and it doesn't represent creation creation doesn't show me stories like that there are some some aspects of it but not many aspects of it there is the father there is a mother and then there's children there's father there's mother and there's children there's father there's mother and there's children so there's something wrong with paul writing that creation proclaims the invisible nature of god like looking at the creation you can know god to the fact that um the fact that that the bible in the protestant and the charismatic theology don't have a female aspect of god and this is a big deal it's such a big deal that it's systemically uh it's systematic systemically corrupted us and through generations it has systemically corrupted us and because of that we are not creators we're so in seeds sperma without a womb and we are wondering why we don't have power and we nothing happens fruit doesn't come unless there is male and there is female now right in the beginning of the bible okay when god describes himself man was made in the image of god man doesn't mean man like man man it means doesn't mean gender man man means holistically okay man is created both male and female so when you understand that you understand that so today guys this is this is a this is a long story okay we're going to go deep into this stuff and you guys are going to get blown away i'll tell you uh boys you're going to get in touch with your feminine side like you never got in touch with your family inside ever before okay because i'll tell you that's the missing link because we if we need to create a community a society a church a culture if we have to create a new world and you have the power to create if you don't understand that you can't create without the divine feminine if you don't understand that how are we going what are we creating how are we creating everything has to go through the process of birth okay now what are you guys saying mankind both male and female yes debbie chris has got it so in seeds without a boom bam melissa fisher yes okay so this is good now right in the beginning god said he created man both male and female both male and female just understand that so god we can't go away from it it's both male and female you see it in the scripture right in the beginning when he says the spirit and the word ruach interesting word rock i have my dog rua okay a lady rua okay now the word they say is used maybe 89 times in the bible someone was saying i was reading some stuff in my research out of 89 times 80 times the word rua is used it's used with a gender of a female so when he says the spirit was hovering on the water okay and god said seed light fire seed light that and then creation was brought forth you see the feminine and the masculine right there yes if you look at if you if if you understand that then he said he created a man both male and female and if you understand his cr in the creation process he's constantly creating and we'll go there at some point and he looks at man and he created man but that wasn't the end of of the the finished work okay he looks he says good good good good good and then at one point he says not good the only time he says not good when god the only time that god looked and said not good was when he saw huh okay we are not finished with man it's not good for him to be not in union the word alone means not one not one okay and then he takes from the side out of the side he brings eve okay he brings female and now the world can be created you understand it and adam calls eve the mother or the womb of the living okay very very very important it's a beautiful metaphor as to what is going on okay once you see this you learn to understand the feminine aspect of god and therefore trust me what you create will be powerful for mystics this type of stuff is fun if you understand the word shekinah shakkai and shaka we're not even going to shakana today but we're going to shakana soon but the word shakina and you understand that where the root of that word shakina always throughout the hebraic understanding was in a feminine aspect and he meant a dwelling of shekinah okay and he was a feminine aspect just understand out of when they talk of the spirit of god and the spirit came upon the spirit came upon the spirit came upon and the spirit came upon a prophet that right there they had a gender there which was female in the hebrew understanding so we'll stop for a moment because that mind-blowing that they would say when the spirit came upon they would have a female gender to the spirit coming upon i mean they said spirit rock it meant female so when a father sent his spirit it's like me sending fiona yes big deal okay so when he said the spirit comes upon it was for a reason it was for a reason of creation come on once you understand this stuff it's mind-blowing because we understand we've never understood the holy spirit because the new testament the language for the holy spirit uh i think before they uh what do you call it is it a pronoun wait before you put well i can't i don't know exactly the grammar uh when you say he or she or it or whatever it is it's a pronoun yeah okay the pronoun there is ottos which in the in the in the greek they did not translate that in a gender they translated that as uh ottos which can be used for he she or it but guess what the king james guys did because of the patriarchy patriarchical understanding they could have put knowing full well knowing full well that in the hebraic understanding when they said rock it was gender there was a female gender attached to it 80 times out of 89 knowing full well when they translated it into the greek into the latin that word otos they didn't translate as she but because they could use otos as it or he you will see a lot of times the new testament the holy spirit is uh used as it they call it it because they didn't want to put the gender there isn't that crazy okay when full they knew full well that in the hebraic understanding when they said rock there was a a feminine aspect to it wow okay and that's why they say it to the holy spirit in in in the new testament and so it's like it's an it but it was a she before it became an eat wow okay now understanding that when you see that you understand the mechanics of the creation when you understand the feminine aspect of the holy spirit you understand the mechanics of the creation you understand the seed you understand the spirit you understand the shekinah the covering you understand all that i'm going to see i'm going to show you a couple of verses that will it's going to blow you away okay watch this this is just the first part of this so i hope you guys will enjoy this now here it is okay in verse 20 in chapter 23 matthew chapter 23 jesus is looking at jerusalem okay watch this and how he represents himself being the son of god but also being god as you as we consider him him and the father are one okay or i i like to say in this one him and the father and mother are one okay because this is what he's saying listen carefully he looks at jerusalem okay and he says oh jerusalem or jerusalem the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her now he's talking to jerusalem as interesting huh okay why because in other places jerusalem above is our mother but before we get there watch this one okay we see the motif spinning itself out throughout the new testament but he says how often i wanted to gather you gather your children together look at this as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but you are not willing come on man i want you to see that guys could we put ourselves into that situation could i say to someone you know i want to be a mummy to you think about it think about it i mean that will challenge you right there right i'm looking at my media team and darren is like yeah yeah this is what he says he says man i feel like a mum he doesn't he doesn't identify with his uh male aspect i mean that's a really weird thing to say i want to mother you guys i wish i could just cover you up and the word there however and his holy spirit was hovering on the face of the water that's what he's talking about he says i want to i wish i could like gather you up like a hin and the word hindered doesn't mean foul hin like kukula or whatever it is like we we have in single you know the word hen is female bird huh interesting huh okay i want to i want to gather you and i want to hover over you so i can create over you jesus okay he's saying that he's really saying that okay now why am i telling you this because we don't understand the holy spirit and i just want to leave you today with a a an aspect when you think of the holy spirit and when you engage with the holy spirit i'm telling you your encounters will go through the roof man when you understand this kind of stuff i i got this so 50 i mean 2015 i got this stuff you know in a vision and the lord told me today go back to that vision and look at that vision again and my god in details he gives me in details how the word comes the seed and the knowing the knowledge means intimate knowledge and the seed work together the word knowing eve is intimate adam was given eve and adam knew eve the word new is epignosis or intimate knowledge with eve do you know the holy spirit we can't know the holy spirit you know why i i doubt we know the holy spirit you know why because we think the holy spirit is a guy you can't have intimate knowledge with understanding like that most of you guys are very much old you understand it but when you know that this is uh there's a gender aspect to this you're like whoa so cool we can know the holy spirit now girls don't worry about that you you you guys won't have any problems with this okay because you are intimate anyway like girls and girls that talk i can't i can't separate tammy and fiona when they go out you know they they are constantly face to face constantly talking girls are anyway intimate you know fiona was telling me recently i was talking to him we were talking about how we minister differently and so we were talking to a couple of friends about uh guys and guy problems and how when i talk to guys like how we bring things up you know so we bring we don't bring things up like we don't sit together and say hey man now tell me man so uh oh you know say say we're talking about intimacy i don't like i won't sit with my guy friends when i go out and say hey you know uh fiona was like really cool i mean she came last night you know and she was wearing this wonderful dress and you know man you know she kissed me and you know we won't discuss that kind of stuff like we never i mean have you ever heard people discussing kind of stuff you know but girls talk like that they're like can you believe what happened last night and man he was you know and there was a movie that came on and man you know he held my hand and you know man like we wouldn't even imagine like like if we want if i even want to know like a pastor like like have you are you and as a pastor i'm interested whether you're intimate with your wife i'm really interested about that okay but even how i ask it is like uh okay so how's it going how you guys are good you guys yeah yeah something happening yeah yeah yeah all good all good all good all good you see that's it let me know it's all good but these guys go into detail so they're intimate they're no intimate so to know the holy spirit wow i hope you understand what i'm talking about this is good i want to show you a a really cool cool thing uh with my mom and dad sent me this morning with this little kid talking about male and female and little little kid so cute but it'll make you laugh because this little i don't know i don't think she's six years old how old is she doing she might be less than six years old but i mean she is i mean she's got this stuff i want to play this video it's it's fun just have a look at it before we go forward why can't it be peeping it where do you see that um in social studies it says man made a natural white man-made why can't they be people made and why is it not human-made because aren't women women building the eiffel tower or something yeah yeah that's a great thing and and also why is it man-made and we aren't women allowed to build stuff massive [Music] um okay so that now that was that i i just thought i mean there was such wisdom in how she uh just it didn't make sense to her in a little age it was like hey there's something wrong with this picture you know i thought it was hilarious and he was so prophetic but mom didn't know that i was going to preach this today and she just sent this to me i thought it was just so prophetic now guys what are we talking about jesus get in touch with his family inside and say i want to mother over you like a hen okay i mean come on jesus you could have used the bitter metaphor that would connect with the boys you know but he knew what he was talking about okay and i want to show this to you because when we talk about the holy spirit and we are looking at the holy spirit say oh the holy spirit comes and holy spirit comes to me and we don't understand that this metaphor was constantly used throughout the old testament i'm going to if you turn with me to uh sum i think it's some 60 is it 60 hold on just turn some six settings 60. hold on we'll try and find it no matter what it is some 60 all right no it's not 60. now i'm looking for i am here it's psalm 60 um 68 okay check this one out okay so when we say the holy spirit came upon jesus as a dog i mean check this out okay oh and so people had drawn pictures of doves and doubles with olive leaves and all good because of uh no and stuff like that but is that what they were saying i mean just understand guys okay if i'm going to describe myself i'm i'm working on a bit of a buff at this moment of time i think you can see a bit you know a bit of muscle on me a little bit okay okay i'm working on a bit of chest and you know i'm looking a bit buff and but if someone tells me cubby you look like you can't you look like a dove that would be a bit offensive because i mean come on guys you know i i like more like bull or you know uh you know horse or something like that or lion okay okay i'm i would be very offended if someone says cubby you know you came in bodily formed like a dab think about that okay when you understand the metaphor the john the baptist uses he uses it because it was used before and watch this okay i'm going to give it to you in psalm 68 and here it is okay it says this the lord gave the word listen carefully the lord gave the word great was the company of those who proclaimed it now this is talking about it's prophesying you remember it's prophesying when the women went to the grave okay and they saw jesus okay and they saw jesus with risen okay i'm believing that okay this can be a prophecy and they came and the great was the company and they proclaimed and said jesus he's alive okay so he says great was the company of those who proclaimed it kings of armies flee they flee and she ha is a she who remains at home divides the spoil you see gender she we're talking of a woman here okay and then he goes on to say though you lie down among the sheepfold okay so sheep okay and he's a shepherd of the sheep though you lie down among the sheepfolds you will you will be like the wings of a dub covered with silver and her feathers with yellow gold and the almighty scattered kings in it it was white as snow in zama do you understand that so this metaphor of doves was in the old testament okay he says in the sheepfold when you lie down it's like you're coward by the wings of a dog so that feeling that wings of the darwin means it's comforting the holy spirit is given as the comforter it's like cushion it's like feathers you know feather pillows it's like comfort okay and the wings of a dub and you're talking about a woman she right there okay the company that proclaims the good news is the she's it's a comfort that jesus got most of the people who who listened to him and really supported him and a big part of his ministry a lot of them who who comfort him were the ladies okay we're talking about them okay and we're talking about them as dubs that's what it says here like dubs okay if you look in the song of solomon and we're going to get here this is wonderful when you see this so cool song of solomon's just after proverbs and we'll take it from verse 4 listen carefully okay now this this is between this this book is amazing because it brings the aspects of god the purpose of the bride and you if you're if you're a guy you need to understand that god is coming for a bride okay the manifestation that he's coming for is the ones whose whale has been now lifted and that your eyes can be eyes of doves what the heck does that mean okay and we're going to go into it because once we won't go into in this series but once you understand that it changes everything he's looking for dubs eyes okay it means your eyes need to open again there has to be innocence back again wow dove's eyes what are the eyes of it it's the eyes of innocence it's not eyes that are hard it's not eyes that are accusative he's looking he says open the wheel that i can see dove's eyes and you'll see that constantly the metaphor of eyes are in the bible where the eyes have to be opened the whale is rent and our eyes are open so here it is okay behold you are fair my love behold you are fair you have dove's eyes behind your whale whoa old testament okay constantly this is just some books in the bible but you'll realize that the metaphor and motif of the dub was to do with a bride who has googly eyes who look at you innocent that was dove's eyes you open a whale and you see these bright eyes look out at you and we are called when the whale is rent we're called to have dove's eyes now let me tell you so when we look at this we sometimes don't understand when john the baptist looked at jesus and he said you know the holy spirit came upon jesus as a dove we don't understand it we don't understand that we need to have the divine aspect of god to birth the son when you look at the story of mary a lot of us miss it again if you in turn you're going to turn to luke and you can jump into the story of mary and here it is this is awesome revelation right here i'm just laying the bass for you guys to see this again i'm reminding you and this is not just to shock you i don't want to shock you that's not the purpose of this this is for you to be able to create again i'm reminding you if we understand when we engage the glory realm when we understand that what is coming upon us is the very ability for god to now create fruitfulness the womb of god the shekinah means the very house of god that can have can can can can have the gestation period of pregnancy so you can create that's what it means so when the glory comes we don't understand we call upon the glory and if you understand to move in the spirit and you'll realize that at biolife church we move in the spirit but we wait till the glory comes when the glory comes you'll see the shekinah comes like like laying down uh by the wings of the dove with silver and gold does any talk there is silver and gold on the opinions of the dark wings that's what he says right and he's those who lie down in the sheepfold are like surrounded by the pinions of darwin the comfort of silver and gold and you see the silver and gold dust start coming in the shekinah glory starts coming in and when it starts coming in we say let there be and the seed goes into the womb of god and immediately it doesn't have to take nine months immediately people get healed immediately uh miracles happen why because we wait for both we wait for the full experience the intimate the knowing to happen and my god if you get to know this kind of stuff if you if you become uh if you become a master of yourself you understand the revelation of this stuff you'll be able to pull out out of yourself that aspect of god and you'll be able to create more powerfully than you ever created before how can someone create without a mother it's impossible how does someone create without a wife it is impossible the church is the bride because that's why people are born again okay born from above why because the holy spirit now comes into the church comes upon the church and through it is born the sons of god come on man okay and the brides of christ through it we need to understand how the two work so if you look at this okay here we are in luke and we'll go into the story where god tells mary okay the angel comes okay in verse 30 and says it here if you understand this you'll know how to bring about creation in your life whatever you want you need to be able to understand how it works like i said before if you want to create if you want to if you're a mechanic and you're good with cars you know how to do it right you know all the aspects of it like that's why i'm trying to say christians are not professional there are no aesthetics there are no professionals in christianity anymore i mean the church fathers were they understood this stuff and so therefore they could create but and the world they could create a new world they could create a new atmosphere but without understanding the mechanics of every part of how it works how are we expecting create it's just hit and miss and you can see today the church is in big big big trouble even this kind of stuff if i try to start teaching this stuff this is how big in big trouble the church is if i start speaking this stuff it will be turned down as you start speaking the divine the the female the aspect of god if you start speaking that stuff church the fathers the pastors will get enraged so what we are doing is we are suppressing our very own nature and therefore we have no power we try and bring this stuff i'm trying to tell you you know try and bring this stuff to your church and tell them about the holy spirit being female and that when we engage in the holy spirit we're experiencing the a part of god that is female just try and uh explain that to a pastor he would call it blasphemy so you can understand how the divine feminine is suppressed completely suppressed so watch this when constantly in the old testament they say when the whale is rent we're going to see you with dove's eyes okay and so you'll understand that the whale was protecting the shekinah wow yeah isn't that cool so anyone in the holy of holies the whale is protecting the shekinah even right now the whale is protecting the shekinah we're going to talk about how the glory the shekinah transforms us to the bride a bride that is beautiful that is able to reflect the light of the husband constantly and continuously that's what it remains arise and shine for your light has come the glory the shekinah is resting upon you okay constantly you will see that the shekinah has to rest upon man to be the bride we're going to talk about the transformation to the very image by the shekinah by the spirit we'll talk about all that it's going to be awesome okay but before that okay let's look at the basics the fundamentals of this and we see it here in verse 30 then angel said to uh mary do not be afraid mary for you have found favor with god and behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son look at the motives look at the perils look at the the dimensions different dimensions is bringing forward the same message okay in your womb you shall bring for the son adam looked at eve and said she'll be the mother the womb of all living the church is called the mother okay and so here it is and so we think when we look at the birth of christ we think oh the father came upon mary okay and mary was the female aspect okay and then true the father and mary we have the son but let me show you that mary is just a woman a natural woman it was just like in the old testament in the in the beginning the father was there and then the spirit came upon her was hovering and the father and the spirit created the son and that's what it says you see it here in verse 31 it says do not be afraid and behold i will you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son you will call his name jesus the one who saves he will be great and he will be called the son of the highest okay and the lord god will give him the throne of his father david and he will reign over the house of jacob and he goes on okay and he says how can these things be because that word i do not know you see that word i do not know it means i've not got intimate okay that says no intimacy i'm not being intimate then the angel said well you don't need to get intimate because there is intimacy upon you and through that intimacy they comfort the son and he says the angel answered and said the holy spirit you watch this so here is the work of the holy spirit and here's the intimacy the holy spirit this is how everything in the world is created this is how you are creating whether you like it or not this is how it's happening everything is created through this no matter what your birthing but it's your businesses whether your finances it is your healing it is your marriages whatever it is what is happening is this the holy spirit is coming upon us okay the power of the highest overshadows us therefore what will be born of you will be called son did you just get that okay that's constantly the dance the romance that is happening in the cosmos nothing is created without the intimate relationship between the holy spirit and the father nothing is happening without the intimate relationship between the son and the holy spirit and then things are created once you understand that every power that you have today comes because of your intimacy with the holy spirit or even if you don't know that your spirit is intimate with the holy spirit and when that happens there is fruitfulness prosperity and abundance and the more you are aware of it that's exactly what will happen so it's the father overshadows the holy spirit comes a pawn and then there is birth that is glory birth shaking birth straight off and if you look at and i won't go into it right now because i think we should land this plane now but just understand that when you go into the story where um where jesus uh where where where joseph is wondering what to do and the angel comes and he explains and he says he tells joseph he said joseph don't don't divorce her she is having a son of the holy of the holy spirit and that word son of the holy spirit if you understand it's not the same word that you use when they say you know a male begot a son begotten son begot a son it's the same word it's the same greek word that they say when tama had a son or rabbi had a son it doesn't mean begot it means now she's conceived and she's given birth okay so he says don't let mary go because she's having a son from the holy spirit that means the mother of jesus was the holy spirit wow the father of jesus was the father and the mother of jesus was the holy spirit and the two came together in oneness and brought forth the son how are you born again my friend the holy spirit will come upon you the father shall overshadow you and what is born in you is the son of god you can't do it without holy spirit holy spirit is the feminine aspect of god interesting brought from the very heart of god this was why the eastern european church and the catholic church they drifted apart on this one aspect of where the holy spirit comes from the eastern europeans stuck to the fact they wanted to keep they said oh jesus sends the holy spirit and then another eastern european on the in the eastern sorry the eastern church the eastern orthodox church said no no the holy spirit is equal with jesus because as you say jesus asked the holy spirit to come that was why they split he says you're bringing the holy spirit lower and he says no the holy spirit proceeds from the father and the son they're all in one they're all equal you understand that so this aspect of god the mother is missing is not preached we're suppressing it and we lack power and we lack not only power but guess what here's a big one we lack identity we like identity yes and if you look at the story jesus now he's been prophesied about for years and he comes to jordan where john the baptist is baptizing people i want to show you this and this will be close with this he's john the baptize is baptizing people and jesus walks in john points at him and says this is the lamb of god and here it is it's in john chapter three sorry luke chapter three and it goes like this verse 21 when all the people were baptized it came to pass that jesus also was baptized listen carefully and while he prayed the heavens opened remember what i told you about the dava and what is john seeing he's read the old testament he understands the songs of solomon he understands the lamb because he said this is the lamb he understands the sheepfold and he knows that in the sheepfold covered in the pinions or the sheepfold is the mother dove like a hen like a female bird hovering over her babies he already knows those metaphors he's understood it john himself is from a levite family a rabbi who has read the bible and knows it word to word so he understands it and that's why he's explaining it in this form and so he says and the holy spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon him why that word bodily form like i said before but after all that i've done with all my training and stuff like that or imagine forget me i might look a bit like a dub sometimes but you look at a guy like bundler okay and you know he's my trainer he's pumped you know and he's looking fit and it would what happens if i say oh bodily form you look like a dub i mean that's the wrong metaphor that's a that's absolutely the wrong thing to say because that that's not going to benefit him he's trying to explain the nature and the character what is coming upon jesus the father opens the heavens and then the divine female aspect like a dove shapely and nice comes upon jesus come on do you understand that that's what he says here and the holy spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon him remember mary the holy spirit shall come upon you and now the father says yes it has been done baptism means womb you go into the water it's a womb you die you are born now not from natural seed not from the will of the man but by the father and by the spirit and the father says behold my son isn't that cool holy spirit father meat over christ and a human being is transformed to be the son of god who god is pleased with ladies and gentlemen that's your story don't miss out on the power of the holy spirit encounter the holy spirit today in a new brand new way i'm telling you creation is going to respond powerfully okay get ready sunday's gonna be awesome bless you guys one thing before i go i have to wish my spiritual dad today thank you for reminding me if you know he's in dubai but i want to wish him and i want to bless him and i want to say thank you pasaneel for fathering us for being there for us you have been awesome this is the fruit of your labor he's a man of radical revelation and we have been blessed by it and it causes me to do what i do in freedom and bring you what i have because there's someone who guided me and pastored me in the sheepfold so thank you pastor neil we love you we bless you with long life and power in the name of yeshua yes and if you're also saying monogenetics don't forget monogenetics guys listen monogenetics is the practical way i live my life okay it's there's a if you're a science nerd uh we'd go a lot into into science you know i'm a bit a bit of a bit of that okay so i like to talk more about science and stuff like that and on monogenetics that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to tell you how it works okay scientifically bringing in the mystical as well so make sure and this sunday guys we are for those of you who in sri lanka we are live we are going to be together you know as a fellowship where make sure that you book online tomorrow morning it's going to be open okay we have got very limited seating so make sure you book online that's all we got from the health ministry so make sure you make your booking and we're going to talk about this is the theme i don't know what we're going to call it i'd like some uh please send me some of your comments of what we can call this series because i wanted to uh be profound i want people to get it just in one sentence okay so send me what your thoughts on what i should call this series love you guys see you on sunday [Music] foreign
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 6,027
Rating: 4.8846154 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, christian yoga, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, day of atonement, repentance, desiring god, bible study, personal growth, Divine Feminine, Divine, Feminine, Giving Rise to the SHE, Rise, divine feminine, divine masculine, divine feminine reading, the divine feminine, spiritual awakening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 7sec (2887 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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