Resting the Mind (Practicing the Sabbath)

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[Music] hey everybody how's everybody doing hope you guys are doing well we have had a powerful week we just finished the five-day program for 2020 and we had over 400 people from all around the world really tuned in committed like a family uh still stuff is going on people are still coming into a full realization of who they are in christ and at least a little more than they've had before i wish we all have the full picture i'm i too am just realizing and growing in the full picture of who christ called me to be and so um yeah so as i grow i'd like to take you on uh our journey fiona and my journey uh as we grow uh to get to know really who christ is and what does it mean to have uh the creator of heaven and earth living inside his temple what does that look like you know that um that's that's the adventure that's what we are waiting to experience the hope in us is is wanting to experience this more and more and more you know and so that's uh that's the purpose of our life experiencing god being able to manifest him completely releasing his glory out of this holy temple what does that look like if christians could really understand this and be able to live that life that god has called us to live and so we all uh work in progress experiments operations of this glory and uh yeah i think uh uh and ev enjoy every moment and every minute of it no matter what it is okay so uh if you guys have um been on five day program you will be really tuned in to this message uh i think i'm going to maybe do this for the next couple of uh um i don't know how long next tuesday trance and meetings we're going to have a couple of these sessions okay and we don't know what i'm what i'm going to call it but it's going to be something to do with rest uh something to do with uh contemplation something to do with uh a meditative life uh something to do with uh the sabbath okay and why do we have to ask the question you know we we miss this so much in in the whole bible the bible is full of it wherever you turn you get it it is uh you know the uh i always said about the bible it could be called like kobus prophet kopi said the bible should call the book of life yeah i'm sorry that's my mother-in-law uh yeah i think we all of you got one so you know what i'm talking about so uh uh so i always said uh the bible is called the book of life you know it should be called the book of life because that's what god is giving it giving to us life but if you understand that a lot of people today they're not really living are they they they are they're truly the walking dead they don't know how to allow this life because this life according to paul says uh he literally says i am crucified so the ego and the self is crucified it is no longer i who is life now it is christ who lives instead of me what does it look like to allow the christ to live fully inside of you and it surely means that the self or the ego is dead and then the ego is dead and the christ leaves so i mean what is it what does it look like to not be busy with meddling with what uh god is doing through you and through the world what does that look like that is a powerful sequential sympathetic synchronized life that's what it is and it's a flow you know it's a continuous state of flow so if you understand that but we have to get out of the way we means the flesh man the one who who thinks he's in control the one who uh is in the world the one who has his likes and his dislikes his patterns his cycles his his models you know that the flesh you know what i'm talking about and unfortunately christianity has not presented it in such a powerful way uh they still uh have what we call one foot in the world and one foot in the spirit but when we say one foot in the world people think oh i've stopped drinking and smoking so that's the one foot in the world no if you are if you're if you are still in the natural and have anything to be natural you are uh in a self-centered world that means it's not god-centered it's not christ-centered it's self-centered it doesn't mean that your you're carnal in having sex and drugs and rock and roll you might as well because uh anything natural is just natural the natural man is natural you know and the spiritual man is spiritual so christ offers the debt for the natural man he doesn't offer debt to the sinful man the word sin has just completely mis understood the misinterpreted he offers the debt to the natural man and if a natural man dies guess what just it's by ease and grace the spiritual man arises but for that the natural man which is the flesh needs to die so we're going to go into it and why why have uh we not seen that modern in hinduism modern in buddhism more than in the new age world more than in any any philosophy in this book surrender is the foremost thing surrender means the death of the ego surrender is the foremost thing from beginning to end sabbath is a serious part of the bible sabbat means that you now rest and that's not just resting from work you know when i was in the penta course the charismatic move you know i had factories that would say always stop working on the factory no but your mind is still at work your flesh is at work it doesn't matter what you're doing externally this is all to do with the heart and with the mind so we you know a lot of people are are stopping their work from outside or we don't work on a sabbath and all that but your mind is going at 80 000 words per minute so there is no rest it's a hypocrisy and the key is to be able to rest at any time given to enter into christ and just rest and that rest is what god is calling you to do and and that rest is supposed to be holy and sanctified and you'll realize i can tell you one thing i've realized in my life the more i just rest the more i don't i have no thoughts of anything take no thought of what you're going to eat drink away the more i don't think about those things those natural things the more i don't i just rest i cease for my works that's just like goddesses from his work the more i get into that type of rest i've seen that creation again explodes into a new season okay you need a rest to get into a new season you can never get in your new season without rest the way god has created you is to rest if you understand that when you go into sleep tonight as you as you go into your day you'll realize that you will sleep and that sleep has been ordained by god it's a psych it's a cyclic pattern it's called a circadian rhythm and it is in that sleep that the whole body is recreated the whole body is recreated dna damage is corrected is true rest and you cannot sleep if your mind is racing people call it insomnia different different things today and but it all happens in the mind of man the carnal mind has so many thousands of sayings so many identities that people don't know to rest and but god ordained rest as a season as a time it's the sabbath and he said sanctify this day and keep this day holy okay and so i'm just going to present to you in the next couple of seasons uh on tuesdays on sundays we're talking about things you never heard about christmas on tuesday we're going to understand what the sabbat rest means to the people of god why this day is wholly sanctified and hallowed the word he uses for the rest that means for you to be able to enter into those meditations that i've given you some of you have seen the meditation site i've launched i've launched a site called practical meditation for you to be able to do that he calls that hallowed he says that is hallowed when you actually be able to do that and something is changing and shifting and you're entering into the order of creation the order of creation just understand it and we're going to go into it it's going to be very mystical and i'm going to bring it together but you see jesus himself says it like this and this is not a weak sympathetic uh lethargic uh gesture or welcoming people into some uh sort of uh christian religious experience here uh listen carefully and then you'll understand what he's talking about you must understand when he's end asking people to come into this rest he is talking to jews who have been slaves they really understood what works was about they understood what toil was about they understood the type of labor and toil and the sweat of your brow and the anxiety and all that kind of stuff working for a slave master they've understood what a slave master is they understood the accusation they understood the performance mentality of slave masters that they had worked for and they themselves when they went up a mountain if you missed this go and watch my series on moses in the mirror and when moses came down the mountain what he got was a mirror it was a stone that showed his natural face moses was a slave master and therefore because he was slave master and slave the people were asked to now understand that that whole system of slave and slave master must go the whole system of slave and slave master remember moses was a pharaoh okay now he comes down again with the law and if you understand the full concept is god wants the whole law the whole system of moses the slave and the slave master to go good slaves become excellent slave masters just get that good slaves become excellent slave masters when i first started ministry i used to watch people and the lord brought me into grace i was a proper slave master like paul you know i understood how to control people manipulate people order people around get them to do what i want to accuse them uh and judge them i knew what that looked like and because i knew what i looked like my life was successful i was excellent at what i did uh things were moving very very fast till i came here into a point in my life that i saw myself in the mirror that means the same seeds check this out that i was so instead of coming back to me so fast press down shaken together running over that i started entering in to the work that i have now ordained myself to be i was excellent at what i did i did not allow anyone to move one inch without me noticing it and correcting it that same system started crashing upon me and i was falling short of the very standards i've set on myself the bible says it like this continuously from the beginning to end he says the same judgment i judge someone else will be judged according to me the same spoon of judgment i serve i will get that back pressed down shaken together running over this is the same thing he told pharaoh he said pharaoh i want you to understand who is this god who is calling me i am you i am you that's the great i am he says the mirror that you're mirroring me now you taken my son you put him into bondage you accuse him and now you have driven him to performance and work i will do the same for you and so therefore the mirror image god came as a jehovah god or the word jehovah is not really there in the bible the young hey wow the i am god the mirror image the god of the mirror image that's the one we worship who our heart is what now we start producing for ourselves and so i found myself now in this huge dichotomy i'd created that i was now running at the pace i've set the wheel to and i realized that i was the hamster in now this huge cog wheel that i'm rolling and i realized that i couldn't run fast enough because i've set my standards so high and my life came crumbling down and when that happened i realized that the whole system needs to go i can't just expect me to receive grace if i was still a slave master and so once i understood that that is who jesus is talking to he's talking to people to say hey when he gives the ten commandments understand he says just understand i've taken you out of the bondage of egypt and now he expects israel to be a nation of grace and he says i have wanted mercy and not this sacrifice that is who i am but you guys are still caught in slavery you are caught in bondage so because of that i given you back pharaoh and he gives them back moses yes that's in the bible okay did you give him back a mirror image they said we don't want to go up the mountain and meet this god because his words are going to touch our heart transform us but we want to live in the pattern and the cycles of the world and so it gives them back the patterns of cycles of the world and in christ we return to god the father and the son that is mercy and grace more than anything else and what we saw we reap now watch this and so he says jesus is telling this okay and at that time jesus answered and said i thank you father lord of heaven and earth you see he's talking our father that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and i reveal them to babes whoa even so father and so it seemed good in your sight all things have been delivered to me by my father okay remember all things now been given to him by my father and no one knows the son except the father nor does anyone know the father except for the son and the one who knows the son will also know the son it will be revealed to him so that means now the pattern has shifted from slave master and slave suddenly that's not what we are seeing we're not seeing strong masters telling us what to do to the law accusing us and getting us to perform and then penalizing us we're not going to live our lives anymore like that we're going to live our lives your father who gave his life to us and that's going to be our reference point anymore okay we're going to get grace from grace moses gave the law but christ gave us grace and truth now watch this come to me he says so if you know the son if you know sonship what is offered the unbelief when you talk of the bible and you talk of unbelief and you talk of faith and you talk of sin in the bible the sin and a lot of people explain this but they and they need to exp they may need to be a little more uh sophisticated with the explanation let's put it like that so history needs to come into this one because we can't just say sin is unbelief and i know many grace preachers preach that it's a bit deeper than that the unbelief of what and you'll realize it's to do with rest you realize it's do with the inability to support you'll realize it is the inability to be able to know that you inherit it's the inability for you to know that you don't have to perform that you can look at what is being created and allow it to serve you romans 8 if you know the sun it says the creation starts responding and all things start working together for the one who is the son now he's talking about father-son father-son mira image father-son is mirror-made mirror image not pharaoh slave not slave master slave not slave master slave no slave slave father son father son the pattern change in christ okay and this guy knows one thing the son knows one thing watch what he knows okay listen carefully so he says so now if you know the son all things will be revealed to him does it say there and the one to whom the son wills will reveal it to him so that means this the model of the sun understanding this itself will reveal all things to him what's up everything okay guys yeah good yeah okay so just get that it's so important right now then he says then he says after he says this okay he says yes the one who knows the pattern of the logos the son everything will be revealed then he talks about the sun when you come into the sun when you come into christ this is what happens come to me all you who labor and heavy laden you understand he's talking about the motors and the bricks and all this kind of stuff they were put on the slaves and they were forced and they were not paid their wage they were asked to perform and perform and perform come on i'm just talking to someone like that okay someone not just performing once you put it on others this is the key come to me all you have labored and heavy laden and you understand his system now listen carefully and i will give you rest this in the sun you have rest in the sun you have sabbath the word rest there is connected with sabbath i'm going to give you the sabbath so the gift of god is the sabbath okay listen carefully okay take my yoke upon you and this is what i want you to underline learn from me this is what they refuse to do up on the mountain and he says i want to give you the rest i want to give you the sabbath i want to give you the nation he said no tell us what to do the people at the bottom of the mountain said tell us what to do and we shall do it send us moses back and we shall do it send us a pharaoh back and we shall do it we don't want to enter this rest he says take my yoke upon you and learn from me what are you going to learn ladies and gentlemen we're going to learn this that he's gentle and that he's lowly at heart whoa let's just stop there for a moment that should be the wonder of sabbat he says this is what i learned when i come into jesus that he's humble and lowly at heart now where have you heard that before you heard it somewhere it's a characteristic of moses you understand that because that's what moses received when his veil was taken off moses never refused god it was the people moses went up to die he walked up the mountain his ego died he was dead just like elijah walked up the mountain understand what they walked up into they walked up into the deep dark cloud into the void where the identity was destroyed and they were humble and lowly at heart elijah walked up said i want to die he walked up there he died up the mountain when he came back he was a new man okay he had met the silence the stillness of that rest he was running elijah was running from jezebel he had done crazy things with his excellence and all this kind of stuff and he in fact said god there's only one like me and he says hey come on come on up here be still man forget about your excellence forget about your performance come up here i want you to see me experience me i'm humble and lowly at heart and he came up elijah came up and he came back he's met the stillness of god in a deep cloud and then he rested his mind of 80 000 words per minute straight silence quiet boom rest he came back he was a changed man in fact he could walk with god so much on the seventh day like enoch walk with god in the seventh generation he can walk with god seven seven his rest you know rest and he walks with god and then he's dematerialized because he's not in his self he's not in his ego and that is god he says come learn from me learn guys this is so important he says this is what i want you to learn from me this is what they could learn from me this is what they refuse to learn from me just rest humble yourself learn from me he says if i am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest in your you know what in your bodies no in your mind he says you'll find rest in your mind this is what jesus is offering to rest in your mind wow for my yoke is easy my burden is light i sit in the heavens and laugh join me don't join the world because that world right there there's a rat race they're running up a hill running up a mountain just trying to be first trampling everyone else accusing everyone else okay that's that world and then he invites us in to a mystical a powerful place that's why he said i don't understand how it has gone so far to buddhists and hindus and and they do have they do have my god you know i mean a buddhist nation they have awesome meditations you know samadhi be passing i've done them all i love them but guys this god jesus christ thousands of years it was inculcated in their culture to meditate to be quiet to stop everything so much so they had laws written on what and how they should take at rest that they couldn't cook they could you understand that they couldn't do any work and there were certain things that they didn't want to get into because that will cause their mind to start moving again and they were invited into a contemplative life i want to tell you this is so important because a lot of academics oh my god i met them so many or just oh man amen talk about me getting pissed off that i can do and i see all these academics who are quoting this bible and they don't have a contemplative life they don't have a contemplative life they're just 60 000 words per minute but they don't have a life a mystical life a day just take take a chill pill and just you don't have to you don't have to go to this bible and and split hairs on words to notice god you don't just close your eyes and just be quiet and in the stillness you will know him you won't come back and argue with me you won't come and fight with me you won't come and in this i'm talking about guys in this country you know you won't go to the the governments to close it down calling as a cult you will know god and that's the wonder of it because this god is gentle he's lowly in heart okay and he's given us this place of rest and just to get to know him is not hard these are letters they will kill you you will try to split hair on this but if you go into the realm of the spirit and just take a breath take a deep breath which is his name the yod hey wow hey and you breathe him in and you breathe him out and then you meet him in the mystical experience and that you know god for sure you won't fight with me or you won't fight with another mystic ever again no matter what religion he's from there are people who are buddhists who know this christ do you know that because they've tapped into the deep stillness and they're like whoa when i tell them about christ i meant people who don't know christ like you know christ and christians and i tell him about christ they're like wow is that christ and like they don't fight there is no fight why is there no fight because they entered rest like wow is that christ is that really what jesus preached well i've known him for years like well that's what i was talking about like wow that's i'm i'm so happy to know that that's what they say it's not there's no fight the people who fight are people who are in their egos who are in their self and certainly they fight over doctrines and different thoughts go through their mind and you know all that can be just hey just enter in to the special purpose vehicle of christ and suddenly all this ego and stuff like that that goes away and you can tap into the mysteries of god so easily we were made for rest we were created for rest without rest there is no new creation just remember this that it was on the eighth day the man is circumcised that means he has to go to the order of creation and on the seventh day on the seventh day of a baby they will understand that on the seventh day he has to enter the rest of creation that means if he wants to now be a creator himself just like god it happens on the eighth day once he's submerged and baptized into the rest it's not just entering recipe for 15 minutes and going it's living your life in rest is being able to submerged in rest and then guess what they do they will circumcise you and the circumcision had so many meanings but one of the main meanings is for a man a circumcision is that's his that's i mean come on i don't have to tell you guys when you say circumcision you know what it means right i mean it it's take it it is a sign of the power that you have in you has been now open to god sensitive all power is being given to god and more than anything it means that you'll be made sensitive to god and you can never get sensitive to the creation to god to cosmos unless you take a break you rest you just sit still and no you cannot find a stillness unless you find a stillness in all things even the work that you do that doesn't mean you don't go to work please understand it doesn't mean because that was a big fight with jesus because remember jesus seemed like he was breaking the sabbath it was not so he wasn't breaking a sabbath he was explaining the type of work you can do when you find a stillness once you are circumcised in the heart he says that you can work the works of god he says my father worked and he's talking about the work that you can do once you're sensitive once you're sensitive not eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you can be go back you're circumcised and you can go back and do the same mundane work that you did but my god everything everything seems like it's brand new everything touches you you're circumcised in your heart and now you have a right and an inheritance to the world and everything will be excellent everything is a joy you know if you look at um all the old mystics you know i can't uh the guy the cappuccino guy whatever i can't remember his name what of cappuccino and teresa avila and you'll realize that they were in there they were doing work all day sweeping and washing plates they were you know and while they were washing plates you can see that what's the name of cappuccino guy your flies you said someone sent it to me i can't remember his name you know he's washing the plates and they do people used to just come to watch them work work but not the work like we think not the toil and the labor work they had circumcised they were on the eighth day they were mature sons it's a sign of maturity their heart is they're washing a place and while washing suddenly he's levitating why he's having ecstasy while working why because he entered into the sensitivity and the rest whoa isn't that cool i can't remember his name it's really cool i mean people that's the type of of god histogram so when jesus is talking about the people resting on the sabbath and they say don't heal people he's like no no this type of work is called avodah i think it was called avodah we will get the right name i'm going to do a series on this that type of work about the type of work means i'm sensitive my heart has been circumcised don't you understand i got circumcised i can work i'm so sensitive to the work of god it's a flow i've entered into the flow of creation and that's the seventh day the seventh day sixth day man was made on the sixth day and then on the seventh day he was given rest don't do anything that's really weird man made on the sixth day and on the seventh day he's given hey now rest and actually then he puts them it's it's like seven day creations sixth day in the spirit you know in the realm of the spirit not spirit but really spirit and then seventh day into the creation taken on the rest day why is that so that now man works from a place of rest his whole creation comes out of rest and you will see that on the sixth day he was created on the seventh day he was completed why because we are called to now work in this place the sabbat is forever it's not a one-time thing that we do on a sunday or on a saturday it's forever you find the stillness in everything and if you've done five day program you know what i'm talking about finding the stillness you know like i'm looking at a pain and i'm finding the stimulus in a pen i'm talking to fear and i'm finding stillness in fear now i'm talking yeah it's not a day it's not sunday it's not stopping your factory on one day or what it's finding the stillness the void once when you do a meditation you'll realize it you fear mel was telling me yesterday she was meditating and she'd entered into the stillness and void and so she was saying after that she was driving in her car and while she was driving she just i think she turned around and she saw because she's entered the stillness now the whole world is magical the creation is now responding you are now a son of god because you're coming from stillness everything is responding you're not toiling or getting things to work for you things are working for you okay that's the rest the rest gives you the reset where everything recognizes you because they see the stillness of the void of god inside of you they see the dark cloud that is inside of you the stillness entering asking the creation telling the creation i know what is inside of you i know what is animating over you and so she was driving this car now she done a meditation drive in her car and she said it was only because i was so still and i meditated before that i saw a bird carrying an olive little olive branch you know and uh she thought it was really strange and then whole creation is now responding and it came right in front of the place where you know fiona and mel lost their dad recently and and uh it came right in front of the front of the church the last church that uh mel and dad had gone and lit candles that and so it was when she noticed the bird she turned around she noticed the church and she was able to step out of the car go and light a candle for that and felt the presence of god and had an experience with the spirit how because she was already in the spirit on the lord's day okay now this is such an important part if we don't understand to be still and know then we would never be able to cause the creation to respond in the right way we can never be creative we're just servants in a creation that is chaos but as you understand the stillness that god is asking you to entering on sabbat that stillness causes you that meditation that contemplation is asking you to come into courses now the creation to animate according to who you are and you're not working for it but it starts working for you now if you just go into genesis i'm going to show you a few things how is this is everyone is everyone okay yeah are you good yeah that's right yeah yeah it is like if you're not saying it's counter culture isn't it because everyone is about you know making money and time is money and you know how do we rest and you know all this kind of stuff and then the jews used to this was such a big deal for the jews that the seventh day they used to just rest all the fears they rest everything you know uh every seven years they raise the whole field just understand every 50 years they they release the slaves so it's counter culture it's counterintuitive to the the financial uh the financial uh economic way the world has been set up today where uh you know you ev every minute of work counts for something doesn't it and that's the way uh we are we are schooled and the the the gurus of the world economic gurus of the world said this is the way it has to be done but hey these are the best people in the world who understood how the jews they they run the banking system they run everything they know about what they would call the commodity commoditization of time for profit you know they know what that looks like they know how to do that but i'll tell you they would rest every seven years every seven day was this about and they would even do it religiously but still has such power to create you know why just understand on the sixth day this is so important understand they understood how this thing works just just like how i started that when we rest we grow in the night we grow when we sleep we grow they understood the magic in it they understood they it was it's deeply in rooted in them that when there was um when there was mana and they lived of faith in mana every single day on the seventh day there was no manner you must understand it so on the sixth day just understand this there is enough mana for the seventh day did you just get that something happens in the realm of chronos time when you have set your mind to find the rest and the stillness that it increases naturally because you have found the sabbath you entered into christ you entered into the seventh day i mean they would say the fields just understand this is a crazy thing they would say that the fields produced on the sixth year because they know the seventeen is going to be rested the sixth year just understand that that is that's crazy gmo okay god modification okay you see on the sixth year it produces more harvest than they've ever experienced so that the whole seventh year could be completely full and abundant man did you just see that now i'm gonna get to something i'm gonna get to something okay so just understand this people despise rest you know people see my life my life is a life of rest you know people see me the way i live my life and like how does this guy have this money and how does he have influence and how like i don't sit and plan and strategize like others if my mind goes to planet strategize i i stop and i go into the void and i i break out of every pattern and cycle and go back to the place of god where he created form and i sit there in absolute stillness and from the place of sinners i come out after my rest they come out and then whatever i say happens why because i i'm not caught up in the patterns of the world and go back and so people despise it people despise people they say oh that's lazy it's not lazy it's trust it's faith it's it's the pinnacle of your life to tell god i trust you it's what faith looks like and for the hebrew mind faith was not like something that you did cognitively in your mind fate was the sa they used the same it's the same word exact same word for faith is the same word for craftsmanship do you understand that craftsmanship that means for every day and this is how it comes on the seventh day is considered the day of faith that means every single day of the week you craft yourself craft yourself you craft yourself till the seventh day that is rest that means you set yourself up craft your faith to such a way you find in such a way that on the seventh day you can just rest from all your work man okay i'm not talking of a single day please understand we are in christ now it's parabolic by nature i'm not talking about stop stopping work on one day please don't stop any work on any day it doesn't work stop your mind stop your mind every day take no thought of what you're gonna eat drink and wear and see whether you want to be a more powerful creator because you're setting things in order according to god okay so you see in the first day and so god said let there be uh so he says in the beginning god created heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the earth and the spirit of god hovered on the face of the waters okay so now you see the void the stillness in the beginning god created the stillness there's nothing else everything now is animated then fire broad wind is brought earth is about elements one day i'll do the baptisms of the elements it's going to be awesome and i do it if you when once you understand the baptismal element things change in your life you have control of your emotions your authorities everything comes with the baptism of the elements we'll go there there are four baptisms in the bible of the elements seed falls in the ground and dies they just bonus okay bonus a little bonus for you okay seed falls to the ground and die baptism of the earth water baptism you know that that is not water wind baptism of wind fire baptism under the fire you see those are in those are you have to you immerse yourself in those those elements and we'll go there anyway but before that you need to know the void i can get there one day if you can get to know the stillness in everything everything changes and so god said let the firmament be in the midst of the waters and all this and then he looked at it and he said well that was good and then he goes on like this and says it was good it was good it was good i want you to see where we're going was well and you had brought forth grass and herbs and yields it according to the car it's kind and and the trees that yield food whose seed is in itself according to its kind and god saw it and it was good just get this out do you know how many times he says it is good he creates the world and creates it good and every christian looks at the world and says he's wicked think about that we are suspicious there is a whale that blocks us from seeing the goodness in all the elements in the world we can't trust can we we can't trust the medicine to work can we there's a wheel we need to scandalize it we can't trust the businessman to give us the money can we we can't trust the system can we we can't trust all kinds of things can we look there is nothing in this world that is going to be made by man that is going to be good okay man makes things man makes flawed things what makes it good is the god in it and when you can see that and see and say it is gonna be good something shifts the molecular structure of everything changes that is called the communion it's the incarnation of the spirit with the cosmos and then says it is good he says all things need to all things he says nothing should be in timothy he says everything should be sanctified by the word of god and prayer that means you have the power as a life-giving spirit to call out the good in the world god looks at it and he says it was good if it's good it was good now listen carefully verse 14 god said let there be light in the firmament and heavens and all that and goes on okay and then verse 18 and rule and the one light will rule out the day one night or over the night one light overnight and to rule over the day and overnight and to divide the light from the darkness and god saw that it was good you see there so the evening and morning were the fourth day so again i'm trying to show you that god says it is good it is good it is good what am i trying to do here i'm trying to show you that when he gets to the seventh day okay when he gets to the seventh day just before the sixth day i'm going to read the sixth day to you okay and he says in verse 11 god saw everything that he had made not just man that's what was told to you i know it's under school sometime but he looked at everything he made first day second day third day fourth day fifth day sixth day and matan and creation and dogs and dolphins and creepy coilies and insects and cockroaches and mosquitoes and all that he created yes and he said it is very good stop there for a moment it is very good do i kill my uh mosquitoes i do will there be a place where the mosquitoes will not bite me i'm believing there would be do i have to still kill my mosquitoes i still do okay you know it's like heck yeah right did we kill our cockroaches yes we tried talking to them a bit but i'm telling you he's getting better we don't kill spiders yeah we don't kill spiders because we've seen them and they are good okay but just understand what they're saying they're good do i kill kill my snakes in garden yes i do but they are good why am i telling you this because the more the whale of the flesh the partition of the flesh goes away they will give out the best that they can be interesting very interesting because you see it's good it's good he looked at everything and said he's very good okay it's very good okay and then now in the very goodness he creates man okay and then once he creates man the seventh day is not a part of his creation it's like the seventh day he just sees from his works okay so he doesn't say there's morning or evening or anything like he goes and cronus disappeared and he entered into kairos eternity you see and that's the seventh day that's the heavens and the earth and thus does the heaven and the earth chapter two and host of them were finished finished titleist tie on the cross remember that wow okay there you go okay it is finished and on the seventh day god end ended his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work listen carefully that he had done look how many times he says this and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done and god blessed the seventh day wow and sanctified it hallowed it because in it he rested from all his work which god had created and made i'm going to stop there for a moment look how many times he says he rested he created arrested he's arrested he's created okay now i'm just going to tell you something okay god created everything and he said it was really good he created man and he said it was good and then he rested why why did he rest on the seventh day because now everything was created god is at rest he says he is at rest because he's made everything and it's good in fact it is very good and the only way we will know to be able to now move and create and take this to the next level because now god had done his work but he had made man and man is the conduit and this is the beauty and if you look at the old hebric text you'll understand it's heaven now engaging earth but now for earth to engage heaven it needs the stillness it needs a god it needs the void again and if you understand that and the bridge between that is you you are the one now from the seventh day the sixth day everything good good good made in order on the seventh day we have come back into void stillness and now out of the stillness man starts his creation do you understand that and that is why the stillness we come back to the stillness on the seventh day everything back again no more patterns because now we're going to start creating and so man now starts his creation after the seventh day and that's why circumcision means you are now mature you're sensitive just like god your heart has been circumcised now you have the power to create if you have understood the seventh day okay and that's the wonder of this thing and if you look at uh hebrews we'll we'll stop with uh we'll finish off with hebrews uh three and two and three and just show you a few things that are that will really blow you away this series is going to be really good it'll cause you to have a contemplative life you cannot engage the things of god the letter just kills you unless you have a contemplative life and the contemplated life is a life that just witnesses everything it's not jumping into things it's not green in your mind it's not getting into patterns and cycles it's not getting on the bus we're watching the bus you understand you're at the bus and you're watching the bus you're not getting into the bus you're watching ah here's the bus here here's the bus here he's going you're watching the world you're a witness to the world and you're able to create because you're still i remember prophet kobus you know when when his son died it was such a powerful message and he's looking at his son and his his mind is racing and the lord said kobolds i can only come into you if you're still he says i can create i can recreate him from the dust from the ground i can bring him back to life but you will have to go back into that stillness that void no thoughts when you go into the stillness my spirit will come upon you when it comes upon you you'll have the power to create again so he had to enter in to the sabbath looking at the sun dead cobus van rensburg entered into the void just like elijah did he saw that god was not in the elements he was not in the fire he was not nothing of these can contain he is in there but they can't contain him he had to step back into the void and suddenly the bridge now not between heaven and earth but between earth and heaven was opened and a void opened up and the spirit could enter into that void again hover over that void and bring the elements of the creation back in and suddenly beatrice was back into life do you understand that that's how we all create we have to enter back into the stillness without that without the sabbat without the rest we are caught up in the cycles and the patterns of death and sin and in the world so hebrews talks about it like this hebrews talking of angels you're talking of creation hebrews 1 hebrews 2 and then we're talking about this listen carefully verse 2 chapter 3 verse 2 he say he was faithful who was faithful to him who appointed him as moses also was faithful in all his house for this one had been counted worthy of more glory than moses this one is jesus and as much as he who built the house has more honour than the house he's talking of moses and jesus for every house is built see creation is built by someone but he who builds all things is god and moses indeed was faithful in all his house but moses he says here was a servant remember i started off this message saying the difference between father and son and slave master and servant did you just get what i said and i said jesus is asking you to enter into a rest what is that rest it is the rest that he tells peter on this revelation i can build my house do you understand it this is the house what is that house in my father's house there are many mansions but i don't want you to enter into moses's house because moses house is of a servant he'll constantly the slave master and slave same thing constantly in toil and labor they did not learn from me they died in the wilderness they could not enter the promised land i am asking you to enter into the house of the sun in fact the house of the chilled sun that's what i like to call it it's a it's a contradiction but it's a chilled sun okay just enter into me i will give you rest i'm lowly i'm humble you understand that i'm not a slave master i want you to enter into me i don't accuse i don't ask you to perform okay and so moses was a servant in his house and he did well it says but christ was six he's a son over his own house his own house whose house we are if the whole fast our confidence that word confidence is the language of the free whoa you see that there's a condition we can be in that house joshua represented that house because he was after moses he entered in joshua stopped the sun he had authority over the elements the same name joshua is jesus same thing do you understand that but this house there's a if condition and you can enter in if you have a language or to free just someone submit to you how do you deal with your employees how do you deal with the people around you how do you deal with your husband how do you deal with your wife are you a slave master to them are you a slave are you living in that house the most of this house accusing judging getting people to perform does performance trill you there's people doing their work for you excellently does that cause them to have favor do your eyes move to them because you see excellence performance or do your eyes move to them because you have compassion and you see potential there's a huge difference there's a huge difference between these two houses one eats from the tree or the knowledge of good and evil good evil good evil good bad good bad one is at rest you'll realize that when things go wrong do you get anxious you get worried why does that happen because of the house you live in that house you live in is a house of anxiety and worry everything is a problem everything in the toilet everything is a labor god says enter into my house but here this house is lowly it's humble it's rest i will give you this rest it's there in this house but i can tell you but every time you work every time you perform every time you're good at what you do guess what your head becomes bigger and bigger and bigger and it fits into the other house and suddenly you are a rat on your own wheel but you don't understand you created your will everyone is dancing according to your tune but guess what who's dancing the best you are because you are the best dance on that for dance flow why because you want to be you want to be you want it with all your heart with all your mind you want it and you get it you see i've been there man i am brilliant at what i do just naturally just naturally very good i can fight well i can think well i can do everything well i was i mean god had blessed me when i was young my biggest problem in my life was that i was good it was the biggest problem i was very very good at what i did and therefore for me everyone now had to meet my standard everyone had to dance according to what i want till i told you what happened to me you know for me sanity was a thin line for me to hold on to it and i realized my god my only peace is the house of the sun the house of the sun and when i entered the united i entered every day of my life i enter into that rest i come out of judging and patterns of knowledge of good and evil and i live in that house because i tell you my god god has a plan for us but god can only give us the promised land if we are at rest otherwise you won't get the work of your hand and it won't last long the work of your hand won't last long and so sabot was inculcated in their life it was a part of their culture if at least traditionally every sunday or saturday they have to say take a break stop thinking this is the day you would meditate you'll not even think of anything you'll not pick your phone up you're not doing anything i mean i'm just trying to tell you you don't have to do any of those things i can be on facebook but i can find a stillness on facebook okay and i know a lot of people say but i can do that as well okay i mean you must understand my life i'm a mystic i know i know these things very well i know uh i know whether that's possible or not okay for me to even get there took me years this doesn't happen in a year it doesn't happen in a week it doesn't happen in a day this will take you years to develop stillness you accumulate stillness you start accumulating and the person working understands you will know at once when you meet them they can be whatever faith or whatever religion you'll find you see them you'll know them and say this guy he does something about him there's stillness he's calm he'll be able to bring an a peace and equilibrium during times of craziness and and there's no fear because you're already dead when you understand yourself you're already dead nothing can kill you no nothing can kill your reputation nothing can kill anything of you there's no performance you're dead there's no fear of man you are actually redeemed you're delivered you're free man so good i think we're done with this one but if you're going to join if you're going to joshua right there in hebrews 3 we're talking about the house of the sun and then he thought don't harden your heart that means get your heart sensitive circumcise your heart be sensitive again and then it says chapter 4 says it like this therefore since the promise remains of entering his dress let us fearless any of you seem to have come short of it for indeed the gospel was also preached to them but they did not profit from it so he says i swore in my rod that they will not enter my rest and i like this one here and it'll be close with this okay and it says it here for if joshua had given them rest then he would not afterwards have spoken of another day that remains therefore rest for the people of god oh for he who has entered that rest like himself for he who has entered his rest has himself also ceased from his works as god did from his now why is that because the words just before that says that from the foundations of the world god had finished his work we're just going to uh we just go into verse 4 for he has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day remember we just said this in this way and that god rested on the seventh day from all his works and again in this place they shall not enter my press there is a rest for the people of god he says so he says on the seventh day god rested now i'm going to close it and you'll get it just understand this did god rest here it is here's the big one now you'll get it did god rest because he was tired god rest because he was tired from his works no god was not tired he says he doesn't slumber he doesn't sleep god is not tired you know why god rested from his work and this will blow you away and he'll take you to the next season of your life just properly when you're done five-day program you'll go in like this god rested from his work because he trusted his work because he said it is good it is good it is good it is good it is good it is very good he trusted his work he created man and all he wanted man to do and here is the sin and these are disobedience of unbelief he wanted man to know the man was ordained to be his son ordained not his son and yet ordained to be his son how he would know that man was ready for that maturity of circumcision on the eighth day how he would know that was if he had enjoyed and entered the rest and lived his life of the stillness of the dress how he would know was when man now had understood the sabbath the sabbat is the testing to know whether you're a son whoa do you understand the other three the tree of performance that we have the knowledge of good and evil the other three is the tree of rest and life and that's where jesus says you can't do anything unless you abide in the tree the other tree is just abiding the other tree is working they chose the toil the labor tree they chose to build up towards heavens god did not rest ladies and gentlemen because he was tired here it is again god rested because he trusted his creation to be good i'm going to say it again because of that on the seventh day god decided that he's not going to middleweight what he has created whoa stop for a moment a farmer takes the seed he drops it to the ground he doesn't go dig it up again he trusts the way the seed works the cosmos and the creation has been made by god everything is reconciled god is in christ now reconciling the world the whole creation responds a person who knows the sabbat and sonship knows that the creation is good and guess what it will start responding to you you don't have to control it you don't have to manipulate it you get into what is known as the river or the flow everything all things start working together when you don't meddle with it you're able to say very still meditate be quiet not speak not control not manipulate not do anything just be in complete trust with god and suddenly that goodness that godness in a creation starts coming out and starts working on your behalf because it recognizes the stillness inside of you the stillness is the spirit and kobus was able to raise his son back into life you will be able to create the world again the creation will be reconciled the elements will work with you that's what happened to elijah he realized nothing needs to work against you everything can work with you when you understand the sabbath god rested because he trusted his work was good are you sick today are you taking medicine today are you going to hospital today have you got a new doctor today what is it trust that it's going to work just trust the creation is good no matter what it is oh my god they're going to give us a waxy am i going to touch a vaccine i don't want to take the vaccine either if i had an option not to take the vaccine i won't take the vaccine but guess what if i'm forced to take the vaccine who cares man the rest of the pieces inside of me the waxing that is bad will become good for me because the creation is good as i call it out to be what i see i get i am the mirror image of what i'm creating okay i think we've done well this is gonna be an awesome awesome time the sabbath is coming on you in jesus name bless you [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 8,619
Rating: 4.9160838 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, day of atonement, repentance, desiring god, bible study, personal growth, Resting the Mind, guided meditation, how to meditate, meditation for beginners, mindfulness meditation, stress relief, meditating, daily meditation, meditation mindfulness, meditation guided, Practicing the Sabbath, sabbath, christianity
Id: h0itq_T7hb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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