Why do we live a restricted life? (The Vast Mind Of Christ)

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hi everybody welcome to wow live sunday service we are back again sunday at home sorry i'm just looking i'm getting my phone connected to this service okay sure and by the way if you are watching me today get your phone connected to the service and share the message because it's going to be uh i don't know it's going to be awesome but it's going to definitely uh answer some questions okay so guys uh let's uh let's uh uh i'm going to go back and just take you back to the series that we are in but before that i just want to explain to you that we will be in america in september okay and uh let me explain five-day program for you just before we jump into the message i got something really really exciting i'm excited as to what i'm going to share with you guys so but let me just explain usa uh canada uh for those of you in that region this september and august we will be uh getting to uh the usa once again okay and uh this time is to do a very special program in missouri okay missouri uh is where linda ordway is and she has a wonderful resort cedar creek uh at uh i mean amazing amazing place real i mean talk of tranquility serenity the presence of god i mean it's amazing i'm telling you that the portal in that place there are massive angels there and we are going to be there once again it's one of my favorite places to go to and uh we're going to be there once again uh linda is a amazing host so if there's any place you want to come and see me uh try and get to a place where um i mean you are blessed and looked after and that's linda odway and so she uh will be hosting us in missouri um cedar creek in september and we're doing the five-day program this time the five-day program is called literally kairos mind which means the timeless mind the eternal mind the christ mind the vast mind whatever it is so if you've been following a series get to missouri get to cedar creek because we're going to expand on that last time in florida we did immerse five-day program immersed this time it's going to be the worst mind or the kairos mind okay and if you know anything about the five-day program the five-day program is not a fasting program people get that uh mixed up you know we do fast you are not compelled to fast on the five-day program uh but it's a program that reveals different types of energy formulas uh that we as christian mystics can apply and i teach people how to manipulate uh those formulas uh so that you can have a reality that is different to your past okay so there's a lot of stuff happens there traumas get healed uh memories get erased uh you start manifesting things and it's a five-day workshop of me explaining the nature of the spirit and now you have a spirit inside of you uh there is god's spirit and there are two separate entities that made one in the awakened state of being born from above now uh i explain all this i won't go into it five day program and then i say once the pairing has happened what you can do when the communion has happened how you can interact with those energies okay god's form is energetic if you understand one of his major forms is energetic how he manages himself on the earth is energetic okay and i i teach people in those days in those five days how to be able to manipulate those energies and we have what we call elementary realities that means you you will realize your consciousness shifts and you see elementary realities happening not just by me i'm not just doing the magic people are watching and they themselves are able to do elementary realities like put their hand on a flame and their hand doesn't burn up you know they're able to bend metal and steel they're able to take a light bulb and break tiles and you know there's so many different elementary realities uh you know there's charge in the atmosphere that causes digital mechanisms to sort of shift and change you know uh all this kind of stuff and and then you of course have uh science wonders and miracles and that's that that's what i'm known for i'm famous for science wonders and miracles and i love it i love i immerse myself in understanding the mechanics of the glory the knowledge of the glory and so five days of really uh getting to know the vast mind the correct man of christ this time missouri be there and then after that i would be spending three days with our coaches we have 350 coaches all around the world and if you are in the usa or wherever you are get to missouri because i've been doing five day program and then i'm going to do three days with you guys with our coaches just sitting with them and equipping them in this stuff and so we're going to go deeper in you can imagine you do five days five day program and you can imagine how deep it's going to get when i sit with you and equip you uh to in three days sitting with you personally equipping my coaches uh to be able to uh take all this elementary reality stuff to all the concepts all the consciousness and be able to practically apply it uh to everyday life okay and so i'm excited uh september missouri it's to be awesome okay guys now uh in understanding what we've been speaking let me get to the word okay today and if you're watching me uh and it's it's your first time uh we we at wildlife church we like a deeper world okay we like uh to go deeper just not stick to the main and plane okay that's if your watch if you want in the main airplane this is not the place okay there are many many places out there that stick to the main plane and that's one of their core values is to stick to the main and plane in fact um i've been advised many many times stick to the main aim plane stick to the main airplane and unfortunately i don't know why maybe it's just my character maybe it's the way i was born i can't stick to the main i'm playing i found god on the fringe okay so so this is the invitation to you to find jesus on the fringe with me okay so that's that's my submission to you and uh truly it's in that in that place between the known and the unknown that you find the magic the mystery of god is revealed there if you stick to the core uh of what you think is the core you might miss god because a lot of uh what christianity is is uh really reduced reduced concepts uh that can be handled by uh the masters you see the reduced concepts that can uh be handled by the master so evangelical sort of christians reduce the concept so simplifies everything so that the masses will be able to understand but jesus was different he did not preach christianity by the way jesus was not a christian either jesus was a jewish mystical rabbi uh also known by his followers and believers as the son of god okay but to people to other people they knew him as a jewish mystical rabbi a prophet okay and so what is important to understand is that jesus himself said you know in matthew 13 in a parable that is the most famous of all parables he said if you don't understand this you won't understand any of my ways and he literally said he says they said why do you talk in parables and i was taught in such school that he spoke in parables so that people understand and that's exactly the opposite of what he says and so it's amazing how people can read this bible in english okay or or maybe not read or just maybe they're just hearing it from their pastor and that pastor heard it from their pastors pastor and maybe that tradition of human conditioning has been passed down i don't know okay but if you read the bible jesus explains why he talks in parables and he says very clearly it's so that people don't understand he says i'm encrypting this stuff because so that people can't get it because if they get it they will repent and they will enter the kingdom now that is crazy now that goes completely against christianity itself in the way it has been presented to you by religious institutions today now i don't do it like that i say that this is complex hard stuff okay and it is i am not evangelical if you know anything about me i don't have a evangelical bone in my body because for me this is hard concepts this is only for those who seek okay this is for mystics these are for people who are serious about understanding the nature the um how everything works you know the cosmology the real truth about it the mystical science behind uh christ and the mind and consciousness okay that's and it's for deep seekers so if you're watching me to uh uh this sunday morning uh this is wildlife service and we've been doing this for years okay and we not only uh speak about it but we have workshops that demonstrate these concepts and hopefully one day science is uh now in true quantum mechanics realizing some of these deep concepts that are in the ancient tradition but hopefully in the future there'll be many many scientists they might not give credit to jesus or christianity and that's okay but many people will be able to understand these vast concepts and so so yes wildlife church sunday morning will take you a bit deeper that's what i'm trying to say okay so get ready uh for that uh and um and here it is okay so uh just a simple uh just a simple understanding when you talk of the vast minor recently a very close friend of mine was talking to me about the vast mind and of christ and stuff like that and and maybe uh they've not listened to the whole whole teaching but maybe parts of it so uh and i do understand if you listen to parts of my teaching you won't know where i'm coming from the reason is how do you put like such a such vast topics into one service so that's why we do series because we have i'm building on one and a building on the next building on the other and so yes it is for uh what i teach is for those who are willing to put that time in to be able to learn okay but if they do put the time in it's um i mean we and our community have seen powerful impact in every aspect and area of their life now in saying this um someone was asking about a vast mind and are you saying that god is good and evil as well or are you saying that there's black and white in god and all this kind of stuff and um if i say yes to that then i get caught in a collapsing wave function if you want this if you want here because the question is asked from the wrong place really uh you can't answer that question from that place you you you this this this when you answer when you ask a question from a certain angle you will only get the answer from that angle and i refuse to give answers from that angle because we are asking from a different place okay and the whole vast mind series is ask the right questions if you ask the right question then i'm going to teach you today from the right place today you will get the right answers you will always get what you're looking for ladies and gentlemen you will always get what you're looking for in the bible there are massive contradictions if you are looking for god being wicked and evil you can find him being wicked and evil if you're looking for god being someone who is you know a committed genocide you will find a god who's coming to genocide if you're looking for a god who is good and loving and forgiving you will find a god who is good loving and forgiving if you want to walk the middle path and find a god that is good and evil and then he is he was bad one day and good another day then you will find sort of a schizophrenic sort of god it depends on what question you ask this is this bible is with thousands of words thousands you can pick it up anywhere and find the god that you're looking for i hope you got that that's a profound thought you can pick this bible up in any place and read a chapter and find the god that you're looking for people do that you know i was very young when i started picking up the bible and i had a problem and i wanted to know what god talks about my problem and so i would open the bible and therefore it will uh literally say that my reticular activator how science works is uh there is something apparently called a reticular activate and a reticular activator is looking for what you've already conditioned your mind for so i can pick the bible up and then i can turn it and then it will find a solution to my problem or my unconscious subconscious mind will throw up uh the solution for the problem because god is within really that's what the bible says the uh the kingdom of god is not externally it is within you it is not a materialistic concept that jesus speaks jesus speaks of an internal realm that is inside of us the kingdom of god within not an external realm that you are you have no subjective um role to play in you see the materialistic view is that the world is happening but you're here or not and it's it's not a subjective experience it's very objective it's a materialistic uh universe and everything is real without you okay and the the christian bible begs to differ with that view it actually says that everything is internal and everything is meditation everything is mind and everything is in the mind of christ including heaven okay so that's phenomenal i mean that's really in the bible he says every name that is going to be named today every name is going to be named tomorrow every principality every power every throne every dominion is in christ made by christ in his mind you know that's what colossians says okay paul writes it so that so what am i saying so i don't want to answer a question is god good and evil because because then or is it bad or is it good because at the end of the day when you're in this resolution of a natural man and a natural mindset and uh you want to lock things down and one and uh and unfortunately we all eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil uh continuously you know uh we are entangled to it we can't sort of get out of it so we need we ask those questions but um i don't want to give answers from the place i want to give our answers from a transcended place a better place a place that is higher because why do we want to put him in a box you know why can't we live in the mystery of god who is the mystery and jesus says to you it has been known known uh it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom okay but not to them so you have know the mysteries so you have meta awareness it means you me it means you have been given the ability to have a habit in a decoherent state so stay in that state stay in the expanded state so seek for those things that are above not the terrestrial realm be in that expanded state where god is all in all you know it's a powerful state and it's the i am state you know that god gives us and if you look at exodus 6 it's a a revolutionary place where this god in the old testament gives you an i am state isn't that cool like uh they're asking the same question are you good are you bad who are you are you a storm god yahweh is a storm god you know yahweh the name is not uh endemic to jews you know it's it didn't originate with the jews it sumerian all ancient storm god you know and uh so they knew him as yahweh and this storm god came and so they asked the question like are you this are you who are you you know and he just said i am who i am you know and and why can't we be so uh so uh so comfortable in that state of uh wave uh uh form he is in he like we need to accept him for that i am is who i am i am all things i am you i'm him i'm the pharaoh i'm the snake i'm i am you know and so so it'll be so poor uh in resolution if i reduce him to humanistic concepts ego centric concepts of right or wrong good or bad uh this kind of stuff so i know theologians for historically have tried to bring concepts and the concepts have helped but you have to transcend the concepts to understand god god is not a christian god is not a buddhist god is not a hindu god is not a black he is not white he's not sri lankan he's not american he's not jewish he's not any of those things he's god he's i am he's the i am okay so in understanding that uh what happens is then that you realize that this amazing god who's mysterious the father uh i mean who who who loves we know he loves because uh they say god is love and we know that he's justice because of one reason and that reason in the new testament is we know that he's justice because of jesus who comes to the earth and jesus says if you see the father you've seen me and then we have a likeness of the image of god the essence of that image in christ jesus yeshua hamashiach the messiah jesus the man who walked the earth the word the wave function the lagos the logic of god the unseen realm collapsed into a formed uh creature a human being jesus christ walking the earth healing the sick raising the dead dying for our sins our mistakes our errors you know that that looks like for in a low resolution nervous system that can only handle one percent or less of what is truly out there okay it he came into this resolution and showed us it became as us so that we can then uh sort of figure out uh he became anthropomorphic so the bible is written with anthropomorphic references they're talking of this immense light being uh who is all things he's the energy of everything and then he collapses into a body the word becomes flesh and dwells among us and then we be held then we saw it on our system the glory of god and then john starts writing like this he says you know i touched i felt i hugged i smelled you know i i i was able to comprehend the word of life you know see my nervous system that is so of poor resolution and my humble being was able to understand this immense god that is so mysterious and that no one can really understand not one book can put him in place you know not this book or not any other book can put him in his real true light okay we have just a glimpse of this glory okay and we beheld it in jesus christ okay so that is the the wonder of christianity that we are able to see with our eyes jesus walking on water turning water into wine you know doing these crazy things speaking is amazing stuff and then and suddenly he's gone you know and and uh he's gone back into this place of glory uh he prays father glorify me with the glory i had before you with you with the foundation of the world and we can only uh have a uh like a mere sort of glimpse into that mystery of what that is you know like glorify me just jesus just one prayer you know jesus lived for 33 years on the earth and we have a couple of sentences that we put in uh just let me show you how ridiculous this looks uh to anyone who has any uh really any kind of intelligence you'll understand that jesus lived 33 years uh me kirby land roll i woke up in the morning and i started speaking there's you there's darren there's elijah there's uh i mean so many people in this room okay and i spoke more words okay just i want you to understand so this is matthew mark luke john okay i'm just trying to say how ridiculous some christian theolo theology looks like okay and so this this this this little this little book here will come into the camera for you to see how thin this is okay this i don't know how thin this is this is how thin this is this is how thin the gospels are for gospels okay and out of the four gospels someone is narrating and then if you look at if you've got a good bible they will say the words of jesus is in these red things i don't know when you see the red right there i think you may see it you look at your bible there are red the words of jesus are in red so if you if you take the birth of jesus in red then you will have this much little literally this much don't worry don't worry about it but you just have a look at it you have this much of the words of jesus literally a couple of thousand words okay of a 33 year life of who we believe is the son of god and we're sticking to this it's ridiculous these these words okay and no wonder paul writes the letter will kill you like are you going to leave your life with that such limited little letters and hold on to that um with that without understanding that a man understood the immenseness of this god in one of those prayers he prays in john 17 he literally prays father he says glorify me with the glory that i had with you john 17 okay glorify me with the glory i had before the foundations of the world literally paraphrasing literally saying lord you know i remember when i was spread out and expanded beyond this mortal body this foolishness you know one corinthians one calls it the foolishness of god that jesus christ one question one says that jesus christ in abness was the foolishness of god the weakness of god that's how paul writes about it because god has now reduced himself to mere mortal meaning the one percent uh if the the really the fading away thing the female thing of of what we call kronos time you know and he says he's waiting to just get out of his body suit and say father glorify me with the glory you ha i had with you before the foundations of the world you know literally when when before before cronus time he's saying you know there's a time i was so expanded that you me as the sun there's a lagos as a logic at the noose as the mind of god the sun is the mind you know we created the universe cells if you want to call it you know and now i'm so trapped in his ridiculous thing of just turning water into wine and doing party tricks on the earth literally that's what he's paraphrasing it like i've been reduced to do party tricks on the earth and you know heal the sick and open blind eyes and walk on water like i remember the time i took the water and like he wasn't in his space he wasn't you know as a man we can only think of it anthropomorphically like i keep saying on five day program i explain to people like that like if you don't have a language for it you can't think about it it's just understand that like there are things that you can't think about because you have no words to explain it that itself should blow you away and i should be able to stop preaching like what we are doing at wildlife church is we're giving you a language and when you give a language the neural pathways appear and you can think without the language you can't even think about it there are things that you never thought of because you don't have the language so that should humble every scientist and every doctor on the planet okay that means all the unfound places all the on places that you have not discovered is beyond your language and that's why jesus comes as the word the logic the the lagos the gospel means the logic the eternal word the living word the one that has the language for everything and you see the tower of babel was the breaking down the compartmentalization of the languages you know and god didn't do that i don't believe god did it but anyway it's the elohim that did it but that's a whole different thing but the fact of the matter is the the language was restricted so you were given restricted language so that you can only have a restricted life you see what i'm trying to explain to you have a restricted life because of a restricted language and and and uh it's just crazy because when when we understand who christ is and who jesus is he's such such in such an expanded state he's the word he's the ever eternal logos in the world and so uh we come down to this this situation where he's walking the earth in his body suit and he's looking at you know he's walking on the water walking uh healing the sick uh and uh at one point he uh he withers a tree just by a word and uh and then he said but how do you do that and then he he explains in in mark uh matthew i think it's in mark 30 um mark 11. uh he literally explains uh about uh this whole thing uh and he says well first is that you've got to have faith in god and the word their faith in god is actually uh guys how i did that was i had uh i had the faith of god i remember the glory i had before the foundations of the world you know the prayer i'm asking for i just in a moment in the in a little twinkling of the eye i was able to have the faith of god again you know there are moments in my life that i stopped thinking in the low resolution nervous mindset it's very temporary though and you've seen me do it at the wow life meetings and you've uh seen me do it very by for a temporary moment of time um i have a i have a glimpse of a quick glimpse of the faith of god and uh i remember to collapse wave functions and do ridiculous things like charging phones and transferring money and uh you know uh putting my hand on fire and putting needles through my hand and all kinds of things you know all kind of crazy stuff picking things up over my hand but it's a moment of time and then it's very temporary and then then it goes and it comes and it goes and it comes and so uh i think jesus was able to as in his body suit with his frail nervous system be able to hold that for a little longer and um he said if you want to do this stuff you've got to have the mind of god you've got to go beyond the right and wrong the good and bad like like he was not in caught up in a religious sort of tradition because someone else would have said if you were a vegan you would have turned up to jesus and said jesus you can't be the tree you should say you should have pitted the tree or you should have spoken good kind words to the tree and then then it would have produced fruit if it's not producing fruit just speak to in a better way you know be a bit kinder so you see they got caught in religious tradition like he's beyond he's beyond the rights and the wrongs the goods and the bads you know he was like okay i can be nice to this so i can just curse it you know i mean it was he he had the faith of god and he says just have the faith of god and then he explains he says do you know that mountain over there that mountain can move if you just say the right thing from your mouth you say it and you believe it in your heart the mountain itself moves and then he goes on at the end and he says look guys he says but for that to move you got to forgive the past you need to be let go of the past and so there's so much of mystery and mystical teachings there i can teach this for days you know and i can demonstrate it as well and it's literally saying look if you have a problem in your life you got to understand first sit there for a moment and take the fate of god once you have the faith of god and you understand that you created the mountain you can move it you can move it around you're the faith of god then he says you need to speak to the mountain don't speak to god don't pray don't say please god nothing like that the faith of god means you will speak to the element so you speak to the element and you tell the elements some people have seen me put my hand on the fire and you'll see that the element bends like that sometimes you know because it doesn't really want to burn because somehow in moments of time sporadic moments i made friends uh with a little flame and uh he treats me a little better than he would treat someone else and the same with the metal or something like that you know in that moment of time then we we get connected that entanglement and something responds now the same so when you're just understanding this if you he says if you look at this thing this problem that you have this mountain that you're having this financial issue this sickness this disease if you can look at it from expanded state not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil don't look at it from a narrowed down um collapsed state of the wave function and talking of quantum mechanics now and the double spit experiment uh if you watched it there's a lot of stuff on youtube uh someone throws shoots particles through two slits and uh on the other side it comes out as objective physical particles if there is an observer if the observer is taken away and also if the memory of what it was of the measurement is taken away then it remains still as a wave now that's a crazy concept okay then that is on a quantum level that is scientifically proven it's a quantum level it's blowing everyone away uh it's literally on a quantum level but you are part you are atoms or what whatever you want to call it you are those particles so you are you function like that you function as a wave and the only time you collapse is when you are looking at it now so what you have right now in front of you right now when you're looking at me right now is what is certain like 10 minutes ago could have been certain to you but it's only in a form of memory and maybe you have more memories of what happened 10 minutes ago i had more memories of what happened to me 10 minutes ago in my mind okay but if i go one hour ago i'll have less memories but if i go 10 days ago i have much less memory so i go one year ago or what i was wearing one year ago i have no memories so where is yesterday okay it's only in memory state in my mind okay so yesterday is a memory set of mind can you believe it that we decide what today is on with those little states of little pricks of our memories and we decide what our today is or we fall into an entangled state because of those memories it's it's so silly okay and so jesus says well you can look at the mountain and the mountain moves because of the way you look at it because you believe it's a mountain because how you know it's a mountain is because you knew you you through your low resolution and your nervous system you considered it a mountain who told us about your mom told you or dad told you your whoever else told you and they told you it is how long it's going to take this how tight it is you want to get when you climb it all this kind of stuff so that is in your unconscious psyche and therefore when you look at your problem you are seeing it from what you thought about those memories in the past see but here's the science this is science empirical sciences if you erase the memory the mountain changes i'll stop there and that is what jesus is talking about when he talks about but if you want a mountain move you got to detach from it detach from everything you know about the mountain just detach from it your present reality what you're seeing right now is the collapsed state it is the only thing that is certain to you is what you are doing now this is what now is what is most certain one second from here is not certain for you you might think it's certain but it's not certain the only reason it is certain is because you plan to sit and watch me okay that and that plan was made yesterday or the plan was made one second ago do you understand that or one second ago you could stand up you could have decided that 10 seconds ago you could have decided to get up and walk away and go to the fridge and get yourself a glass of water you see that was 10 seconds ago and the only reason that you might now have gone and got yourself a glass of water and come back and sat down is because you decided to do that you see that is all in your mind you decided what your reality can be if i will be an american you i will see you in america in september it's because what you have decided in this state right now and therefore you'll be on a plane i'll be on a plane and we're going to meet and we're going to shake hands okay or hug preferably but hugs is not allowed though okay whatever okay maybe with masks we'll see but what i'm trying to explain is we are going to meet because of a plan that you've set in a memory in your mind but just understand that in a collab state like this in where everything is absolutely certain or your mountain looks so real okay five minutes ago that is just a memory the mountain memory five minutes from now it's still in your mind it's still in an eternal collapse kairos state the only thing you have is the certainty is right now that's what you need to understand so if you now can jot your future okay and if you can map your path and if you can decide on what exactly you'll be doing constantly and continuously in in a month's time okay or in a year's time or like we do in mystery school we teach this and fiona and i we chat our wechat our lives every month we chat our lives every five years till we are very very old okay and so because of that because of that we've collapsed in the states okay constantly in the future and that that's a trajectory of where you can end up and that's why the bible says write a vision down it will it will not tarry it will come it will not lie it will come to pass you see so just understand a simple understanding of this forgiving the past so forgiveness is a big part of the bible you look at the story of jacob and the angel and that's an amazing story really i can leave you with that one jacob and the angel is a powerful story uh the angel comes and wrestles with jacob jacob's name is the supplanter the thief the robber whatever you want to call it but he he's got a god of god he's not got such a historically good name okay kirby de la roll didn't have such a historically good name okay if you know anything about me from my past if you've been tracking for my past some of you do okay you'd realize that i don't have such a great name in my past okay and my god you know how did now how do i get to do the things that i'm doing we do you understand what has happened okay it's because of this one thing the change why do christians why do christians christening why do they change their name why do we have a christian name what's the whole concept about that the concept is very simple jacob's name was changed abraham's name was change the wrestling in the night is going into the void into the stillness into the abyss of the unknown he wrestles with a being he asks the being its name i'm just giving you a very conceptual understanding of what is happening i'm giving you a paradigm i'm not giving you a literal answer to it but i'm giving you the paradigm of it jacob's wrestling is a a motive okay of you wrestling with the unknown and because he asks him the name of the angel and angel says that is none of your business literally it is the unknown so you're wrestling with the unknown okay and as you wrestle and everyone does this as they wrestle with the unknown you step beyond the mainstream the main and a plane and step into the areas that i'm taking you then you're wrestling with the unknown in that eternal place we call it the torah the void when you step into that something shifts in your dna in your body and you come out of it now that angel there is not god that actually is a demon but i i won't ex go into too much detail that is jacob's angel that was holding the inheritance uh of isau okay it's esau's angel that he wrestles with because he gives jacob a new name after that and the name he gives he says you receive you wrestle with god and man and you have now prevailed so if god is not going to say that you fought with me and won i mean he's god okay so it's a being it's a spiritual being that is an adversary okay it's esau's probably guardian angel or a demon that is holding his interest or whatever it is and he wrestles with this being and he defeats this being and this being says now you have won against me and therefore the inheritance is yours and but the interesting story is the name change he says now i will call you israel i will call i'll call you a different name the one who prevails and wins not the thief you see so suddenly his reality his present reality was different because there was a different point of view of the same identical person because of the struggle so it literally means that your trauma can change you or your trauma can transform you so he previously he wrestled with the same angel if you don't understand isa and him had a battle and he was a supplant and he robbed and he took any control and he manipulated and he lost his inheritance now he meets the same same entity the same concept the same ideology is met again head on again by him okay but this time it's from a different place it's from a different consciousness and it's from a place called jaboc because he sits in a place called jaboc and jabock means the place of emptying myself okay so there you go he's in the void he is emptied completely you know we always say in spirituality it's a very simple concept if the heart the glass is full i i can't give you anything else when you come to me you're so full of whatever you can't get anything from me but if you empty your glass maybe you can learn something okay so he went to jabock means the place where he emptied himself okay and there he took this this giant on again he looked at him from every angle the wrestling he looked at him from every angle okay and finally he saw the light and uh god came and restored him actually when the light comes in god is coming in to save him from death he's about to die the angel is about to kill him and his being on the spirit of what is about to kill him and he's transformed god comes he says the light came and the angel said oh my god god is coming to rescue you i'm out of here okay and that that struggle caused him to have a new name okay he was a new being this is the struggle that we go through every day you god is calling you to be new new means throw the old away the rich man comes to jesus says what is it what does it take to have dominion it says throw you all the way everything you know throw it away okay that was specifically for the rich man okay you today might be struggling with the old patterns the old cycles they're all concepts you're maybe watching me for the first time and thinking what the heck is this guy saying that's okay that's really good maybe you can throw the old away and transcend your natural self your egocentric paradigm and when that happens guess what the past is forgiven okay that means you let go of the past i've let go of my hurts i've let go of my pains and i'm stepping again into new again i'm trying to explain to you why jesus says if you want the mountain to move you need to forgive the past you need to be able to change your past you need to be able to look at your past because it's all in memory form it's all it's just concepts in your mind everything about you that you know is it real or is it just in your mind it's just memories in your mind do you know that you can go just i can teach you i mean that's mystery school that's that's five day program all this kind of stuff you know and that's why i want you to become a coach i can teach you just just close your eyes and in moments of time you can go back to who you are in your past and you can just insert new memories completely new memories to all the trauma that you had and guess what this reality changes it's entangled this reality is entangled with the past and guess what if you look at something today in a different way your future changes i'm just going to tell you one quick thing before you go when you go shopping just a simple concept you go shopping and you're used to buying a certain thing at a certain price all the time i'm just trying to show you something and so maybe you're buying rice or you're buying milk or you're buying something at a certain discounted price i'm just trying to show you something it's a practical application meet me on tuesday we go much deeper on this and you buy it at a certain price and when you buy it at a certain price you buy it at that price maybe because in your unconscious subconscious narrative you don't you want to have a discount because you have evaluated that price and that good according to how much you have in the bank so literally you have an unconscious record of who you are constantly and continuously and you pay money at the supermarket and you literally buy in the supermarket that very item by paying that money because of the pain the suffering that you have had financially just the concept okay what happens with that concept is that tomorrow you will go and do the same thing day after you will do the same thing day after that you will do the same thing and for the rest of your life you will only be able to afford that very thing because you are not perpetuating a new paradigm think about that for a moment what happens if i start buying something at a different price every single day what happens if i change the paradigm what happens if i don't go for the sales any longer what happens if i stop going for the sales but i start going immediately today and buying something at a certain price differently what would i perpetuate is a question that i'm asking you i'm leaving it with you okay and i'm going to talk more about it on tuesday it means if you can do that it means you've forgotten your past history of what your financial state is and you're perpetuating a new financial state okay i talk a lot about that in my mystery on unveiling financial secrets it's free online for anyone who needs if you want it let me know and we'll send it to you free okay guys love you very much i'll see you on tuesday what is that collection sorry guys uh just fiona just come in uh yeah she's come in and explained something to me uh the people are already online changing their flights because i said three days after five dp it's three sessions after five dp five dp missouri and then i will have three sessions after that with my coaches three sessions will which will be across the period of two days okay so sixth and seventh okay i hope uh no one was inconvenienced by uh my error uh if melissa's fault she keeps the books okay all right i love you guys and i'll see you on tuesday blessings you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 2,989
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, identity in christ, Why do we live a restricted life, restricted life, restricted, life, The Vast Mind Of Christ, Vast Mind Of Christ, Mind Of Christ, mind, christ, you have the mind of christ, philippians 2:5, mental health, god's heart, mind of god, renewing your mind, focus on christ, thought life, take every thought captive
Id: 1WJwnW-od0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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