Spirit Led Life | Kirby de Lanerolle

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hi everybody well here's a Sunday message I hope you guys have been listening to the other messages the last time I did something called Wireless stress forget it it's online it's about how hermetic stress has been a part of the biblical narrative right from the beginning of time how hermetic stress helps us to grow stronger and grow more immune and that is all biblical and has been their phone right from the beginning not to get out of stress but to actually give yourself stress therapeutically and hermetically so that you can become stronger so that was our last message viral stress get it it was awesome so today is Palm Sunday and I hope you guys are gonna enjoy this message it's going to be really awesome I'm going down a road that will really help you practically you see when Christ came on to the earth he came as a man that means God came as man that means Emmanuel God now is with us dwelling with us so what it really meant was that that's why his name Jesus Christ okay he's not named Jesus of Nazareth because Christ means The Anointed spirit man inside of you me and everyone else so it was the acknowledgment the physical acknowledgement Palm Sunday was a physical acknowledgment that Christ is the final authority and Christ is the final king okay and that's when they wave the palms and they said they held that King coming into Jerusalem so you have to understand that that is what we are celebrating today that the final authority over your life is the Christ that is inside of you and me and all of us who believe in Jesus we have now received the Christ inside of us and what we have to be led by is the Christ inside of you and me and if we follow the Christ and if he is the final authority we will live as kings in authority today I'm going to show you something from the word that's going to really really help you with what it means led by the Spirit of God okay it's going to be really good and I'm going to focus on two main points one of the main points is there are a lot of people don't understand the Old Testament because they lose the heart of God in the Old Testament okay so a lot of people who left sort of the Old Testament sort of understanding and coming to what they call grace have not really understood the heart of God in the Old Testament and if you go deep into the heart of God and it's not even I don't even want you to go deep it's of course deep in the heart of God but if you just look at what God wanted from the beginning to the end of the Old Testament you will realize that he wanted the people of Israel to live now that is such an important part of the gospel and so that did not change when he get in the New Testament okay he wants us to live I mean he said he wants us to live it's not about living in the hereafter in heaven or in hell that's not the gospel that is not the Old Testament either it was about the protocols of life for you to live long lasting and healthily on the earth now and that has not changed that priority is still the priority of God and of Jesus Christ so here comes the gospel to you in what the Bible says so I'm not taking off commentary's of men okay I'm taking it off the Word of God for you to see now this is so important so here are two emphasises one is that God wants you to live long and a lasting life okay and he gives the Old Testament people the protocols of living that long and lasting life the second is now that the law has been put aside we have been given of a spirit or other conscience to be able to live that long and lasting life now remember that Romans 8 Romans 9 9 combined and explained the conscience as the Faculty of the Spirit now please understand we have three faculties we are a tripod being God is a tripod beam he's a trained team just like that we are tripod so you must understand we have a body and the thinking part of the body is the brain now you have a mind and a sub just mind ok please understand that and so the mind okay is a part of the soul it's a thinking part of the soul but you also have a spirit okay you have an Atma your spirit not Holy Spirit you have a spirit and that the thinking part of that spirit is the conscience okay it's one part one faculty there are other parts of the screen please understand but this part is what every single man whether you are Christian whether you are a Muslim whether you're a Hindu whether you're a Buddhist you have a conscience and that conscience is not the mind because most of the time your conscience is telling you something completely different to what your mind and your Faculty of knowledge is telling you your conscience means your admin your your your your spirit is leading you so the Romans eight Romans nine talks about the conscience and the witness of the conscience with the Holy Spirit so when you have been awakened or when you've been born again you know awaken to what the Bible calls righteousness or when you you awaken and realize that you are born from above when you realize that then your conscience becomes really fine-tuned okay and your conscience starts realizing that you are not condemned and that's all a part of the technology of the New Testament how you can perfect and mature the conscience so that your conscience does not condemn you okay your conscience is that thinking participate please understand that today people die because and people get sick because their conscience is still not mature enough so therefore their conscience or their heart condemns them and therefore their biology and physiology will follow the conscience or what the heart says so let me just give you a simple example like this if you have been eating too much okay and you'll be eating too much of carbs for the last week every single day the collective knowledge that is out there now will tell you that carbs are bad now please understand this collective knowledge is called the collective unconscious that means knowledge comes to news media and your eyes and your five senses with which is connected to the nervous system of the body picks up information ok please understand how this happens it picks up the nervous system picks up information from the five dates okay then your your site your case your your yes okay starts picking up information and so it tells the nervous systems and things the nervous system then relates that to the biology and your cells have certain types of memories and the memory is not in your brain the memories is loaded in your cell please understand the cells are like antennas okay on the membrane it's such collecting information you can collect fear you can collect emotions you can collect different types of information the information you are getting from the news channels from your doctors from every single thing is now collected like that as information and it goes in as emotions okay so the emotions are a vibrational frequency range that your cells now collect and this is called epigenetics now people have understood this people like Rupert Sheldrake Bruce Lipton doctors i explaining this very very well so get get online and have a look at it okay so now you must understand so when the cell membranes are membrane even if it's trauma it is it's not getting stored your biology now will start processing the information you're receiving from your five sensors is that processing it but as a emotional signature and so therefore now if you do things against that emotional signature which is the conscience okay your biology will not do well it will start dialing down it will start getting sick for instance because they said please understand it because they said carbs are not good for you and there's a collective unconscious that agree you understand it it's a collective unconscious that agree now unless you train your conscience and you're mature in your conscience and that natan that is a professional job that that will take an addict that means that that will take someone who's a disciple to be able to do that okay unless he can transcend the collective unconscious decision that carbs are bad you should not be eating carbs too much Wow Salem moment there because unless you can transcend it okay and for that there is a training that is necessary what will happen is the collective unconscious we call the shots whether you like it or not for instance let me explain to you like this if you look at previously when I was young we were they said dairy is good meat is good dairy is good and so honest was an egg it was pumping iron we've all watched the movies I was pumping iron we put on a lot of muscle we drank a lot of milk milk was good later on they cream and a collective unconscious agree later on they said the collective unconscious of the tipping point and there's a certain amount of tipping point and when the tipping point came they said hey milk and dairy is bad we don't have the enzymes to break down lactose who knew that who knew that no one else knew that first they said we milk is good we have the enzyme son is it we don't have enzyme now the collective unconscious has agreed on something and as it has agreed on something guess what unless you are a trained adept unless you are a trained professional unless you're a disciple okay and you know how to now transcend the fear psychosis that comes to the collective unconscious you will have to give in to that and it's best that we do not drink milk and therefore you will have lactose intolerance and all this problem that you never had when you were young and sadly many only thing in here am i lactose intolerant oh my my milk is not good for me why because the information that was processed through the five senses through your ideas your yogurts and all that has now come into the nervous system and it has programmed the unconscious subconscious mind and including the cells that you already have your body okay this is how this thing works so that is why it is so important when you're processing information okay it goes into your body it stores now you've got two options you can now commit to the collective unconscious what they are saying and you will do well then you will live okay so same with whatever is going around now okay you will do well if you agree with the collective unconscious what they're telling you if they tell you that chemotherapy is good okay and everyone starts saying chemotherapy is the way to beat cancer unless you have an ability of a disciple and an addict to train yourself to transcend it if you get sick and a sort of tumor or cancer go with the chemotherapy because that's what will be good for you but if you and your nervous system has received different information and the group that you're in the body that you're in is saying that chemo is bad for you now you've got a problem you need to be able to see which one you are linked to whether you want to do chemo or whether you have to go to a different protocol now the decision will be had and kept by how good you are to hear what the Spirit is telling you and leading you to do so that is why this is important because there's so much of information out there there's keto diet keto diet says meats and fats and proteins is good there are Wiggins who say meats and fats and proteins are bad do you understand it what are you going to do with the information how are you going to go with that information one is completely polarized to the other one today they're talking about the corona virus some people in the US are saying that hydro chloric win is good for you some people are saying it is bad for you what are you going to go in what happens if you go to a doctor and you take the the chemotherapy that they are offering you but with a conscience that is condemned because the group that you're in say that chemo is bad do you think that you can get healed you see it everything boils down to the placebo understanding of things because it is the conscience that is mature and how it is led that will be able to receive medication protocols therapies and then break free into ultimately what God wants from all of us which is life okay now that is my prologue or monologue or what you want to call it okay now okay so I want you to see first now that God wants you to live so let's go into the Old Testament and haven't looked and why the law was given now we mustn't forget that the law was given to a people who gone through kin plays nine or ten plays just understanding the dead that is so important today we are going through one play and you can see the hewa it's wrecking to the world a whole economy had collapsed Egypt one of the greatest nations have absolutely collapse because of plagues the economy was destroyed people were getting sick people were dying okay and then the law was given after pastor of 50 days after Passover the law was given please understand it and so then you'll understand what was the reason for the law to be given you see the practical necessity of the law and the reason for now watch it so it says in Deuteronomy 4 verse 1 and now O Israel listen to the statutes and the judgments which I teach you to observe that you may live and go in and possess the land which the Lord God gave your father's and he's now giving you okay you just see there that means it says now is I listen to statutes and judgments why and teach your people to observe it that you may live and go in and possess the land Wow isn't it cool so why was the law given to follow it that you will live meal where are we trying to go with this okay why do we follow the law why did the Jewish Israeli people follow the law so that they will live not die now please understand did he say I'm giving you the law so that you complete and fulfill the law so that you when you die you will go to a heaven place very important okay very very important question so oh so most of the Old Testament law in Leviticus in numbers in Deuteronomy all the law in the Old Testament is so that they will live stop there for a moment because so important because how did we get to a gospel that is talking about heaven and hell question okay when the law was given so the day will live and possess the land Wow do you understand it so that they can win that they can be victorious then they can have power and authority okay wasn't the wasn't the Old Testament about the land and having Authority having power over sickness disease or poverty so that they will live and possess the land that's what it says how did we change that what happened to us isn't God giving back the Dominion and the authority when Jesus came isn't the emphasis that we will live so then once you understand the heart of God the commandments have effect if you don't know the heart of God and if you don't go into your heart because if you don't know the heart of God you won't know your heart of why you do certain things okay so if you go back to the heart of God you go back to your heart and you do things with your conscience and your heart and then these Commandments are effective to live now please understand I'm not taking you back to Coachella I'm not taking you back to Jewish law please understand it because we got a New Testament and a New Testament it says the law was just a tutor to teach us so what was the law teaching us to live that means the Old Testament law was given so that we can live so why is the Spirit given to us today and our conscience or the Spirit leading us today same reason so that we can live in different seasons God throughout the Bible wanted to bring life because the people have come to terror and and and fear and slavery for so long he realized that they didn't have the power to live so he gave them the protocols to live in the Old Testament now that was a foreshadowing so foreshadowing means that now the reality has come the reality of what that we can live and the protocols of life so we can go into the autism I'm going to show you that the law was given so that they can live it was extremely practical so how can we know add that in the New Testament watch this okay so let's look at some of these laws okay some of these laws that were given so that they can live now watch levity curse 13 not just just jump into Leviticus 13 with me so just check this out this is really really cool okay I'm going to talk about leprosy okay now that was a plague at that time and it was it was many many people the becoming leper us and they it was very much like the situation we face in today with the virus you know if you touch a certain thing that leprosy could pass on to someone else leprosy was a big plague at that time it was just one of the plagues that they were facing okay there were different sicknesses and diseases Leviticus priest the priest understood how to minister to those things now watch this okay so watch the developers see and I'm see but it's very similar to today and what's going on today okay level study says when a man has on the skin of his body is swimming a scab or bright spot it becomes on the skin of his body like leopards so then he shall be brought to the priest or to one of his the sons of the priest and the priest shall examine the soles of the skin of the body and the hair on the sole had turned white and so appears to be deeper than the skin of the body it is a liquor-store then a priest shall examine him and pronounce him unclean but if the bright spot is white on the skin and his body does not appear to you to be it to be deep on the skin and his hair is not turned white then the priest shall isolate him for seven days right there and then he says it goes on to say that priest checks him again and if he had not turned more yellow then he'll isolate him for seven more days and then he will check him and then pronounce him clean now that was the social responsibility for anyone who got a scar on their body just understand that because it could be a contaminating virus disease or sickness okay so I'm just taking I mean look at the size of this book okay I'm just taking one little sentence from it to explain the deity it had because of sickness and disease and a people who have come through sickness disease hunger famine and and the protocols that God gave them to live remember what we are busy with I said and we started off saying that God gave them the laws so that they can live and possess the land did you just see that and so this is one of those laws so people think these are really just things so we are keeping the laws because we where we are planning to go to heaven or it's all about the afterlife and it's such a mint it's such a it's such a lie in a deception to think that way because Jesus himself says he says you know the commandments of no effect because you have not understood the heart of God that means if you understood that God wants you to live long lasting and be victorious in the land then you would follow the protocols because hey God's heart is that you live but if you have got a concept of your faith and your religion and you understood it like oh it we're just following these things so that we will die in go to heaven you will miss the Bible the goodness of God and God's heart for you today now is it this is so relevant the way they dealt with leprosy okay is it is so relevant is it it's so practical come on guys once you see the law and once you see the spirit in a New Testament why he's given is the same way the spirit leads you so that you can live a lot of people say Romans 8 or Romans 8 says or those who are led by the spirit are the sons of God and a creation will start now responding to you what is creation it means the medicine it means the food it means a plant and meat the herbs it means all these things start responding to you because you are now led by the spirit Wow is it that curved so please understand why so that you will live and be victorious in the land what does it mean to be led by the spirit people think led by the Spirit is just going behind angels and like some fairy tale no led by the Spirit is means your conscience and your heart will talk to you on the third ice cream scoop whether that constitutes life it will it will teach you on on the way you're handling your carbs when and it'll teach you when it's time to faster carbs we need to constitute life that is what it means to be led by the Spirit of God children of God if if we don't understand the heart of God then we've got into religion and not practical protocols of life so just just right there I'm just showing you another one okay we can just jump into Leviticus 11 you just set one page and when limit Leviticus 11 check this one out this will blow your way okay here's our more more the laws like in Deuteronomy for yourself and giving you the law so that you will live and have life and be victorious in the land okay look at some of the others this will blow you away and this is to do with food now remember these are just small portions of a huge book okay but I'm gonna read it okay he's talking about any moment somebody gonna need so spiritual of Israel these are the animals which you may eat among all the animals of the earth among the animals whatever divides the hoof having cloven hooves and chewing the cud that you may eat can you believe it he's talking about the animals that you will eat the ones we cloven hoof but to chew the cud you see I mean it goes on I mean then he goes on the animals you shall not eat he says those that shoe the card and those that have cloven hooves that you shall need our camels okay and rock hyrax says because and they explained I mean I won't go into detail but it's there I'm going to show you something else is mind-blowing okay watch this one D these you may eat of all that all the water then you go to explains water enhance whatever in the water has fins and scales whether in the sea or in the river whatever doesn't have engine skills will be abomination the word of the abomination means this won't be good for you okay now people take this stuff and says oh it's a sin to eat it you lost the heart of God if you put it to some sin because that sin will determine whether you go to heaven or hell guys this has nothing to do we have it on hell it's to do it you will live and be victorious in land okay so then the same practical lessons for today how God will lead you if you are led by the spirit you'll be the sons of God why so that you will live and have energy life and victory in the land nothing has changed this God has not changed he has not changed his ways from the Old Testament to the New Testament he gave practical protocols written in a huge book about what you should eat so that you will live and prevail in the land have long life in the land okay it was not about heaven and hell but practical life look and he goes on from what animals he goes on now in verse 13 he goes on to bird this is gonna blow you away are you ready we did normal animals I mean read the whole thing it's mind-blowing Ricky was sitting and these you shall regard as an abomination among the birds they shall not be there will be a abomination egos vultures buzzes kites Falcons of any kind every Raven of its kind ostriches short vowels gulls hawks is it their little out Fisher out screech crazy right the White House jet doors I somebody stuff I don't even maybe maybe design a mosaic steam now I don't know okay carry on vultures okay stop Heron off is fine who posed and back yeah and that's be basmati but okay I can take you and show you about snakes and you changed here in verse 26 whoever I was 28 this shall be unclean everything that is creeping on the earth is unclean but they said you can eat locusts yeah you got to read it it's crazy now again if we take this as laws to do with if you don't eat this and you eat that and you and you do it traditionally without heart without understanding God's heart was that you live long in the land then it becomes of no effect to you my friend okay but if you understand a girl's heart was so that you will live long in the land and that's what Deuteronomy 4 says ok then we'll understand his heart in a New Testament as well don't forget it what we are busy with ok we said you running for God gave the law that they can live long in the land and be victorious that's Detroit me for now I'm showing you what that means because people take the law as oh if you break the law we we have sinned and if we go to hell or we will go to heaven if you keep the law that was not the reason why the law was given okay the law was given so that they will live long and be victorious in the land it was extremely practical and trying to show you we spoke about lepers and how people with different skin types and if the wound is yellow and if the hair is white I mean the details of how then you have social distancing then they had to be set apart and kept in a room for seven days they check again and it's 14 days can you believe it's 14 days exactly 14 days and after 14 days they are free or they are condemned to their sickness and then they have to have social distancing we just read that okay does that have to do with a heaven or hell or does that happen to be practical life today on the earth okay what has your spirituality got to present okay if you read Bible it's about practical life on the earth we did what happened and what was given in the Old Testament did not change in fact it was reinstated and DoubleDown in the New Testament in a new way that means that is called being led by the spirit okay the law was just a tutor for us to understand what is good for us and then we are led by the Spirit in a New Testament okay so that's what I'm trying to explain to you so we now went on to explain about how the right animals to eat on and we just even saw that you're not supposed to eat bats now that was a tutor okay so that in the New Testament of a conscience will lead us as to what the right food types are to eat like I started I started said there's so many diets out there there's so many types of foods out there there's so many doctors saying completely different things okay it's one is saying this one is saying that okay who are we going to follow it matters if you are led by the Spirit because your physiology will respond to what your heart believes and this tremendous research done that if you believe in some and your conscience leads you to something but it's chemo already its alternate therapies if you go in with fear with one and thinking chemotherapy can be bad for me you can poison me then it's not going to help unless you develop your conscience to be able to have chemotherapy if you have a cancer so the same way we if you're going to just do it in Leviticus 11 it talks about carcasses here and it explains that if you touch a man who touches a carcass and he comes back after touching the carcass he needs to wash you know wash so many times and for seven others he needs to be separated come on so what does it have to do with practical life so that the community of the Hebrew people do not get sick and do not get the plague and do not get the the diseases that are around in fact he says that he will bless the food and the water okay and the diseases that were in Egypt will not be their portion if they follow certain protocols now I might really need to go back to kosher I might tell you to go back to law I am NOT I'm only showing you the heart of God and he gave them a tutor okay which was their religion so that we would grow mature in our spirit and our conscience and be led once Christ has come I want you to uh now to the New Testament okay because I'm just set a base for you to understand that God's heart was not about heaven in hell in the Old Testament and it's not in a New Testament okay he wants us to live long and have victory in the land so Galatians 3:24 explains what I just did okay with the law I said the law was given so that we can live according to Deuteronomy for then I show you certain aspects of the law that definitely practically shows you that it was all about living it was not about sin like you think it is it is a sin right now if you have a coronavirus and if you are sick and if you go around the restaurant it becomes the same as you know that okay the same way if you were a leper and you had leprosy and it was contagious in the Old Testament if you go around and it sprays to others knowingly if you do that it becomes the same so understand the context of sin was so that people don't die that was the context of sin in fact it says that the wages of sin is death it doesn't say that the wages of sin is heaven or hell so if you even the Old Testament if you kept drinking I mean even in the New Testament if you keep drinking certain types of alcohol or or any type of alcohol and you drink it continuously what's going to happen to you is it will be practically very bad for your liver and you might die okay so in the Bible there were laws against it why because if you teach that if you do that you teach it to your children it's a sin because it doesn't constitute to the heart of God which is life now put the same model on certain food types sugar your addictions and things like that okay put the same model and the protocols onto those things and they're going to get to the New Testament now watch the New Testament and we get to Galatians 4 sorry buddy its Galatians 3 okay so just turn to Galatians 3 now watch this okay in Galatians 3 verse 21 so important to understand what the New Testament how it presents what we just read in the old so important watch this okay says is the Lord in against the promise of God certainly not for if there had been a law given which could have given life truly righteousness justice and justification would have come through the law but the scripture has confined all under sin that a promise by faith in Jesus Christ may be given to those who believe okay now I just I'm gonna explain it that means even if they kept the law to the maximum that they could eating right doing the right thing getting on the right diet today okay all those things they realize and understand that it is the spirit that finally gives us life we can facilitate life we can help out with life like doctors can help out with life but finally the one who can give you life is God grace yesterday I heard very very sad news that a young person had died of the virus and so he was so young but so finally we realized that if not your old video young and of course maybe immunity can be compromised in different ways but finally we need to acknowledge that it is the spirit that will give us life the law was just a tutor a expression of God's heart that he wanted us to live Lord so then in the New Testament we realized that the primary motive of God is so that we have long lasting life on the earth just like in the Old Testament and when you understand that there is believe me a paradigm shift okay that you realize oh my god is God's main motive to give us his spirit okay in Romans 8 he says that we have been given the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead to quicken our dying bodies and then we understand the reason we have fellowship with his spirit from the beginning of time he wanted to give us a spirit but he gave us a tutor that showed us what the Spirit wanted and so then we realized the priority God of God is that we live and then we start listening to the spirit and start making life choices that's what it means to follow after the spirit the Bible from the beginning to end offers life and death look how many times the Old Testament says here I offer you death and life choose life look how many times it says that that means you have a choice to choose the right remedy protocol the right way to live so that you will live long according to the law what he says and be victorious in the land please understand so therefore now he gives us a spirit because the law was a phenomenal tutor teaching us the priorities and the emphasis of God and so what it is so it says this she was 23 but before faith came we were kept under guard by the law kept for the field which afterwards would be revealed therefore the law was a tutor to bring us to Christ Christ means the spirit man that we might be justified by faith but after faith has come we have no need of a tutor any longer so if we look guys how do you get just simple thing okay how do you pass okay how do you get your a-levels you get your a levels because the tutor teaches you and you can measure yourself when you do your all levels and when you've done your all levels you realize here I know the priority of God I understand what is necessary what is heart words so that was like the Oh levels till you get to university or a levels I just want you to understand but lot of people have not understood the heart of God in the law they thought it was just hell and heaven and so they've not understood that it was about life so how do they get promoted how will they really hear the spirit and so people are expecting today or the Spirit comes to us to do different different things that sometimes sound quite crazy but the fact of the matter is what are the main factors of a spirit is to lead us into all truth and to give us what was Jesus's and Jesus came to give us life and if the Spirit is given to quick on a mortal body so please understand the Spirit is practically leading us on to the earth what to do so that we can have life and how do we know to hear the voices spirit if we have heard the voice of the law as a tutor and if we understand it that's how we get promoted now please understand why I'm explaining this to you because as you start following after the spirit fake comments understand that when you start following up the protocols of the spirit you understand what the law taught you and now you start falling on a script fate rises inside of you I'm going to tell you a crazy experiment okay and it's a placebo experiment done by alia Crum in Stanford okay I think I've done this before but I'll do it again so you'll be so revered now for you okay watch this to mid shakes okay to same their chicks right same having save four hundred calories but on one they put the they put a post on it okay a label on it saying that that had a thousand calories I think I'm just giving you the figure that was given the basic understanding of this on the second one they said this is low calorie 250 calories they got people to drink it okay and they started measuring a hormone called ghrelin inside the body now grading this something really interesting grading is what makes you hungry when you win the body thinks that you're starving okay and it also tells your body to store fat because you're starving that's what whaling does guess what happens they both drink the milk shakes one had labor on it saying that thousand calories was very high calorie one hundred on it that he was low calories please understand it is very important but guess what both of them had the same amount of calories so the people who started drinking born earth shakes they realized when they monitored the Grayling levels they realized that the people who started taking the ice cream sundae sort of fully loaded calorie that kind of milkshake they realized that the Grayling levels were low very important understand the ones who went low calorie okay and thought that they having a low calorie diet the grayling levels rose up that is crazy and so guess what the ones who win low calorie started storing the fact and they started getting hungrier Wow you understand it the ones who had the high-fat milkshake guess what or they thought they had to hike fadna shake the body says you eaten enough okay and you taken a lot of fat let me burn this out immediately okay let me burn it up okay and not store any of this the ones who had the low career make shake the body says you are starving okay so I am going to now make sure that you hold on to the fats okay and guess what I'm now going to slow your metabolism down because you need to hold on to the fat and I'm going to make you hungrier because you are starving now please understand this is spoken in the Bible as a matter of conscience that means if they are just going for the low diet and we do this all the time without heart in it okay without understanding like doing the traditions okay without understanding without any heart in it what the body does is complete opposite of what you're trying to do you really need to love your greens you really need to love the low-calorie diet you really need to like it and your conscience has to be really mature and clear with it for it to have the effect that you are desiring if you're just doing it for the sake of doing it like traditions okay the traditions of men has made the commandments of God without any effect okay it will not affect you in the correct way so the Bible talks about this and therefore the law is given as a tutor it has now been programmed in our subconscious mind in certain ways so that now we can follow things out of a complete and full heart so I'm going to show this exact statement that Jesus says in Matthew 15 okay watch this Matthew 15 Jesus is going to do the earlier cram experiment 2,000 years ago and tell you the same thing watch it Matthew 15 this is what it says look everything out there can be good or bad for you but it depends on how you are led to it that will make the effect awareness of something changes everything like expain about chemotherapy or the cause that are that are organic or the protocols that are therapeutic in different ways okay it depends off your awareness on it and the knowledge that your nervous system has brought you to it okay so please understand that no you know my wife Fiona you know at one point you know we did we do something called a five-day program which is literally a biohacking program with the word okay says Christ centric backing and this program offers she did it it there's a lot of fasting protocols in it and after she did it she felt that she was led to go off means please understand and so at that point of time she started going off means now when she started going off meats and she started having an empathy for animals so she could not understand why how people could eat cows and land and all that kind of stuff at that point of time and she couldn't understand how she could as well and so she said you know what I am led to go off this at that time now please understand if now she's late and she's feel sympathetic towards those animals and now if she eats it guess what I do not think that it would be good for her after five years okay the Lord led her back into eating meats okay and now she was led back into it and now she was led back into it with such a great fullness that when every animal is laid down on your plate with a it's a fish whether it's even a plant this plants are conscious and whether it's whether it's meat she was led back with such a revelation and an empathy in a lab that every animal represents Christ okay that if it had ladies life down when you eat it it represents Christ who's died for you and that debt will bring you life because that's what food is about food even if it a plant it is alive okay that means dead brings life okay and that's something that we agreed upon thousands of years ago is a covenant that we made in the garden if you go back it explains it even apply it but if you're a vegan a plant is alive there's feelings and when it dies it brings you life that's the contract that we have made something has to die to bring us like now once she understood that okay and she came into a new revelation of that now she can eat meat and she says that she feels stronger and better because of the revelation of it okay you see she was led into it so it's New Testament in the New Testament we have been given the spirit as as now the one who guides us we don't need the law of Moses the practical aspects and the protocols to give us life we can be now led to what we need to have I mean so many times we wake up in the night with thoughts of different ideas season when literally I would wake up with different wit amines and minerals that I needed to take different types of fast I needed to go different type of salts different types of neutral nootropics God wants to lead you to life and so I would have different types of breathing exercises you know there was a time I was doing a lot of the heavy breathing you know the deep breathing that was hype oxygenating myself and then I was led that that was not what I needed to do in this season you know anyway we were going into that and then Sully he led me to another Ukrainian guy who's teaching breathing in a different way that helps you to be to be really carbon dioxide sensitive you know and so I was lit from one breathing to a different type of breathing so the same way you'll be led to in one season to do heat and then to the other season I realized that my heart rate is very very high it's like not normally high it's like when I'm running I'm hitting 190 200 sometimes so my heart rate has always been high and so I was wondering how to bring my heart rate down and I was asking Lord how do I bring my heart rate down and he said a leading me to the math atone the math atone is been running very slow okay and you're you're in the aerobic range and not the anaerobic range and to do that for a long time to bring my heart rate down so at different seasons you're led with different ways one way is not right or wrong it depends on the leading of the Spirit what season it is for you for instance you might have been looking at the internet and you the magnesium magnesium magnesium coming out okay and Sunday morning why am I seeing magnesium everywhere I turn maybe you are being led to have magnesium do you understand that that's what it means to be led by the Spirit you need to hear what the Spirit is sailing you today so that you can live sunlight might say you might not be exercising for all your life and suddenly the Lord might be leading you here you need to go into the gym and do some weight training it's good for the microcon drea it might be it might be that season but if you are religious with your thoughts and say I will never do this I will never do that okay then or if if you are if you are a vegan and sunny there'll be a change in it'll be leading say eat some meats man you need to eat some meats you need some protein and hey if I hold on to my religious idea of me I'm only going to be a vegan then I can't hear God and my conscience is seared and that's what the Bible talks about I need to be led by the spirit not by the law of Moses the law was just given as practical aspects of how the tutor teaches you but now in this season it is the speed that will leave you and my god I can tell you this as your lid then you go towards what your conscience is telling you miracles happen miracles happen people ask me how do you do all these miracles how do these miracles happen I just started being led in different ways different ways of breathing different ways of meditating different ways of praying different ways of speaking in tongue different times of worship at one season I will just praise and worship praise and worship soak in praise and worship and then next is that no praise and worship at all just quiet meditation called meditation coin material next season not meditation just contemplation next season walking meditation different ways that we were led by the spirit and then as you're led you start walking on water and that's what Jesus wanted to do he passed him by say come on walk with me follow me look every time says follow me if you follow me okay you will walk on water you start seeing the miracles how it happens is that you are led by the spirit you don't have a tutor anymore you you have to go religion to spirituality that really means religion is just the puter spirituality is the awakened state we're not led by the spirit okay do you understand it okay if you hold on to the religion all the time then we can never become spiritual and so Christians I'm telling you if you hold on to the legalistic protocols all the time we can never be led by the spirit in our church you know people come to church and they realize that suddenly I'll stop the service and I'll just go into worship or Sun leaf and worship will stop the worship and just go into preaching a word or prophesying there is no sect methodology when there's a set methodology we are still in the law of legalism and we cannot be led by the spirit so here it is Jesus's experiment just like the Stanford experiment about how you've got to believe in your heart be led by your heart here what your heart says then it has power an effect on on you it doesn't he's literally saying if you just do the protocols traditionally not understanding the heart of God you will not be doing things out of your own heart and it will have no effect on you just like the earlier cram experiment you can't just be eating greens and going on a diet if you don't really understand it if you've not gone into it if you not build awareness around it and if you don't really really believe in it okay it will not do you well okay here it is and so the disciples and now you know they had kosher okay so it's so good it wash their hands like we're doing now is sanitizing all the time sanitizing all the time and this time Jesus's disciples have not washed their hands before the food just like today okay I'm not telling you to do it today remember you'll be a depth you have to be able you have the power to transcend collective unconsciousness so if you're not you don't have the power to do it so you're either you have to then make sure that you wash your veggies then you are clean and you see all those things and you do those things properly because it can be bad for you can be contaminated and the collective unconscious can hold the fact that the wages can be contaminated with pesticides and if you don't wash it you can get sick you understand but this time the disciples had not washed it and this is what happens okay that he says he says why are your disciples you know not washing their hands and not keeping our Commandments and that's what it says here why do you it says that in Chapter 15 1915 in verse 2 it says bite your disciples transgress the traditions of the elders but they do not wash their hands when they eat bread did you see that okay Jesus answers them and says it to them okay like this thus you have made the commandments of God of no effect by your traditions hypocrites well did I sigh not prophesy about you saying these people draw near to me with their mouths they honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me they are following the doctrines of men and not the commandments of God you understand it I won't you understand it look at what he says he says you have made the commandments of God with no effect because of your traditions we just want to explain that you he's talking about the law because the New Testament is not written so he says the law has power he says because of your tradition that means your inability to go to the heart of why you're doing these things because of that the commandments have become of no effect just understand that that means you remember they're washing your hands when they live for us okay remember all that they're not eating certain types of food if they are just dealing with it to do with heaven and hell and a traditional thing okay they make the powerful commandments that was given to them for life with no effect there's no power in it like people go to weddings I see I do a whole lot of weddings and people go to weddings and they have a best man they have you know the way they do the thing then man it's just tradition do you understand why the best man stands there you understand why the ring what it means you understand in the exchange ring what it does spiritually if you don't go to the heart of it it becomes without any effect you understand so it means all those beautiful commandments are you saw becomes of no effect because you'll just make it credit and you've not gone to the heart of God remember what we started off it we said if you don't understand the heart of God that a heart of God is that you live long and have power and authority in the land that was the heart of God while you give Commandments you make it without any effect if you just go into sin and if you go into righteousness like in the in the traditional way and so that's the same don't do that this is good that is bad this is good that is bad then it has no power and no effect why why do we do what we do why do some of you see as jumping into the ice you know and doing all those kinds of things in the ice you know because we were led at one point you know I was leading I was led in Canada at one point it was freezing and it was like - something in Canada and I've gone for my five-day program and the Lord told me that morning is that Kirby you know there's something coming it's like a sickness or something coming on you so you need to jump into the ice and you need to be able to be in ice-cold water just understand Canada states in Canada a place we go called Calgary sometimes it goes down to minus 3540 there just understand that okay so we were in a very cold cold climate I don't know but it was that cold on that day but it was extremely cold and then I told Fiona and many suburbs with me insane said the law is leading me to jump in the shower and it's going to be very very cold okay and so because they know how we're led and it's like I said it's gonna be very good for a community at that time I didn't know the biohacking benefits of it I am not read anything about biohackers doing it I didn't understand anything I was just led and we started having ice-cold showers ice-cold shower and my god we could see that I immediately started rising because the ice water what it does it starts dealing with what is called the brown fact okay and it starts dealing with the sympathetic nervous system and he starts dealing where you can go deep into the parasympathetic and certain things are changing immunised our community started going up and that's why we started doing that jumping into the ice and we started in my friend Arun came alone and we started having these big ice tubs and we started doing that kind of stuff because we were led into it for that season because we understood how to increase our immunity and God's Spirit now was given to us so you can be led into something else we started breathing in different ways we started fasting in different ways those who are led by the spirit those are the sons of God and the Bible says in Romans 8 the creation itself now the ice that is - 4 that can kill someone normally if they jump into it who can get a heart attack if you jump into it without being led by the spirit okay then it can be bad for you but the creation itself starts responding to you in a good way guess what if you are led into it and you understand it do you understand it so that is why the New Testament is about your conscience leading you you don't have a tutor any longer but once you understand why the tutor was given but so that you have long life on the earth then you can start hearing the spirit okay and you can choose between life and death for instance like now you see you're at home today and you can't go out and you can't get the right types of food and maybe the food that you are even led to now you can't okay God has not left you God is leading you right now where you are believe me okay we couldn't get food and what we eat and what right you know sometimes we like right types of milks and stuff like that you know so you know we couldn't get stuff like that so we were late I mean believe me I woke up one day with a dream and a vision and the Lord showed me a plant in my garden literally a plant that I didn't know what the heck that plant was he showed me exactly why it was and he said go and have that for tea and now please understand that I'm not telling you to go and pick some herb out in your garden and do what you want with that hoe please understand I know some of you are getting ideas okay that's not what I'm talking about okay this was jasmine and I picked up jasmine and I put it in to my tea and when I read about jasmine I heard that jasmine had help fruit flies live longer and that really helped them so I mean that was I was led with what I already have in my garden okay I didn't have to go out to get anything if you spend time meditating on God if you style it spend time God leave me in this season what is good for me I've heard so much of information out there when you get on the internet someone is an eBay someone said don't eat this someone is saying breathe this way someone saying don't breathe that way so many different things out there are we going to go with information of a sympathetic nervous system is completely now fully charged because it's receiving all this information completely confused are we going to be in anxious are we going to go back into the peace of Lord you've given me your spirit the one who created all things is inside of me Oh spirit lead me now lead me on what will constitute for long and lasting life I mean whoever you are you can ask the Holy Spirit to lead you he will connect with your space and even lead you to give you long and lasting life now going back to the experiment of Jesus okay the look what he says when you are talking about the washing of hands okay and the disciples were scolded for not washing their hands at that point of time and Jesus then says look I know this the tradition of washing hands is good but you need to understand why you're doing it this God wants you to live long and then he goes on and he explains it like this okay he says jesus said are you still without understanding it says do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated but those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart and they defile a man for out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications for witnesses blasphemes these are the things which defile a man but not exactly when you wash your hand or with you eat or something like that unless you understand the heart of God behind it that is the most important thing to understand why God wanted them to do certain things in kosher then their commandments became effective and it just doesn't become traditions okay so what I mean when you think of now we don't have a tutor okay we've gone from religion to spirituality okay what does it mean by being led by the spirit that means we don't have someone saying do this and don't do that we don't have that okay now God has given us our conscience and our heart just just just just a simple understanding okay haven't you at one point of time in your life okay taken a different route just felt in your gut like you would call it intuition okay and you took a different route and your life was saved there was a story of rockefeller who who at that time was becoming the the oil mogul of America you know and he was going to meet Vanderbilt who was the main guy who was into all the industries and the railways and stuff like that and he was supposed to go on a certain train trip and on that trip he decided he felt in spirit with led by spirit not to take a trip that train crashed and he was going to be on the train it was Vanderbilt with the richest man in the world okay Rockefeller missed that appointment because he decided to follow off the spirit but when that happened he realized that he was called for something much greater and when Rockefeller actually made it he became bigger and greater than Vanderbilt I just want you to understand okay why because he was led by the spirit and when you are led by the spirit you find your calling and you find your purpose you know a friend of mine recently was was talking about a heart operation you know and that there's so many doctors had given him different options and different opinions and it was it was a much needed operation but he called us and we prayed with him and we started saying Lord lead us exactly what to do and what the right operation was and some of the main doctors had even told him that he needed to to have a complete open-heart surgery but finally he was lived and he was led right and he didn't have to do the open-heart surgery because the options were open-heart but because he was lid he was able to take the right option do you understand it this is so important with all the options that are out there today you have to be led by the spirit look if you are not led by the spirit of what to eat okay in this season and what to take in this season you will go back to a medical practitioner or a doctor and guess what he will do he'll put you back under the law that's what he will do because you have not learned from the tutor so therefore he will say you can't eat this don't eat this don't stop this and all your life you just been doing whatever you want you not being led by the spirit or not being led by your conscience and then son you end up okay at the doctor and the doctor what does he do he puts you under the Old Testament law don't eat this don't eat that don't eat this and all the laws of the Old Testament come on you because you feel to be led by the spirit so please understand the Faculty of the New Testament is your conscience and God has given your conscience we are no longer under the law but we've got our spirit it's your heart that now leads you be led by the Spirit has been so effective and powerful in our lives you know people think or been led by the spirit means or you will have miracles and signs and wonders and of course if you if you're being led by the Spirit constantly you end up having miracles signs and wonders of course that is a part of the gospel because remember you walk on water if you follow after him okay so please understand that we've had continuous miracles and signs and wonders of course but these two are miracles and signs and wonders there was a time when on the sea show Fiona's mom had had a headache she'd gone to the doctor and the doctor had been treating her for your imbalance you know and we were in and I think he went home on at that time and and we we heard about it and funer was praying for her mom and in prayer the Lord led her and said this is not a year imbalance call the doctor and tell him that it's an aneurysm and generally any rhythm of the serious thing I mean if an aneurysm becomes too too severe it can explode you can die immediately there's no there's no saving from it and so just imagine if you not hears from God she calls the family doctors an awesome man you know and who thank God he don't listen to us and said doctor this is not an ear imbalance this is an aneurysm please go and get her to get a scan and so the doctor who's a family friend said okay for sure and got the scan done and with a six millimeter any wisdom just understands that big aneurysm just about to explode and her life was saved I remember time when one of our leaders she was taking a seven medication for a long time in her life and and as she was taking his medication at one point suddenly she had sort of an adverse reaction to this medication and and her feet were swelling up and she was getting extremely sick the doctors were checking and checking and checking and we were playing hands every day and praying for a miracle and so every day they would come to church and we'd one Lord do a miracle it was so severe it was life and death okay and her body had swelled up and was literally life and death and we were laying hands Lord do a miracle do a miracle because we've seen people get healed Leonard and we're wondering after months there's no miracle that is happening I mean Lord what are we missing and the next day our leader the husband called and said she's very Civic and come and pray and so fear and I said you know what there's no point Lord with no point in husband and praying we prayed later and so many times Lord is there something you're trying to tell us that we're missing and then the Lord revealed to us through a vision - a clear vision that it was the brand that she was taking or the medication that was she was taking was something else and not that medication that means the person who is administering - it was a person who works at home okay has has exchanged the type of medication so she's thinking one tablet but it was not that tablet and she's taking it for months on end and he's not the tablet she supposed think it's completely something else but it looks exactly the same and it was true a clear vision that Fiona saw that it was not the right medication the doctors couldn't figure it out she said I'm taking my medication I'm taking my medication but it was being led by the spirit so we were able to say hey you know what it's the brand that you're taking it's a wrong medication you're taking and straightaway look at it when the phone oh man it's a wrong thing I could have killed her and toxified her but it all happened because of the leading of the Spirit so we are asking for a miracle but what we should have been asking for is the leading of the Spirit so that she can stop the wrong type of medication isn't that awesome okay so that is why now it's not do's and don'ts but it is the leading of the Spirit and us really doubling down on our time meditation a contemplation of prayer with the Lord and if you know the Holy Spirit he will lead us into all truth okay so I hope this helped you okay and this is a season guys I'm telling you it's it's such a season of confusion people there's so much fear out there there's so much different remedies different protocols different statements you know what are you letting to really as a church and a diocese and we need to really tank the sri lankan medical practitioners and the health service offices they have been so good the government has been so great in mitigating and bringing this virus under control okay and we are very confident they're going to they were going to be able to really take authority over this in the way they're doing and we are going to come up on top but as we go on in the future okay God will lead us into different protocols different diets different ways to increase our immunity so that we can live in the land and so I am asking Christians and believers and put also know the spirit to ask spirit what you need to do in the days and years to come so that you can live long in the land and that is God's priority over your life and Jesus name will bless you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 5,299
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: e6RZ-1fVUMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 36sec (3996 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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