Think About Nothing (Meditation Workshop Included)

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reformation happened at the cross reformation continues to alter your state of reality immerse yourself in the new [Music] [Music] so [Music] this may in missouri you and i are going to explore the mysteries of the christ kind let's go into the deep [Music] [Music] amen come on [Music] amen thank you thank you thank you guys um really awesome to uh be here on the last tuesday we'll be in the states if you're watching me from the usa uh we'll be with you guys and i'm hoping to see a lot of our coaches i'm hoping to see a lot of our people when we get there it's going to be an awesome time it's going to be really life-changing what god is bringing in this season is exactly what you need so make sure that you're watching us i'm sure our hosts are opening up for many people who to get in there and watch what we are teaching uh every time i go into the states and come back i get upgraded myself personally it's a place of dreams and destiny uh it has always the united states has been a place like that for me a place it's where destiny happens okay so i'm carrying that and also there's an infusion and there's a synchronicity when i get there for destiny for others so that's the um that's what i believe is going to happen our lives are going to change from now onwards okay believe believe me when i tell you that now guys uh where are we yeah we are on the ego man series okay and uh i don't know what i'm bringing to a close but i'm just going to teach a bit and i'd like to finish off with those meditations remember that we missed last time yes so i want you to be all yours and i want you to be all hot uh because uh to to be able to really experience what today is going to bring you are you ready yeah okay great now now guys uh let's see i wanted to say something i wanted to say something i was watching you guys while worshiping or something or the testimonies or something yeah the testimonies and what hashno manga was when they were just saying you know thank you for the stories isn't that awesome thank you for the stories because guys when you have something happen remember to come up here and share it because all we have is each other's stories each that's how we get to know each other right and that's how we know how how who god is in your life okay and these stories the more we can focus on what god is doing and not what he's not doing okay that increases that's the way this thing works it's a it's a it's a a flow it's a river so it's uh and i like she said something was really nice i love to listen to people who are who are buddhists or uh who are buddhist or people who are outside a christian yeah this christian i just love i love it i can't explain to you how much i love to hear people who have no grid for christianity talk it really really speaks to my heart so much more than this christians because the reason is because sometimes i don't it's like you don't know what they're meaning you know you can say all kinds of language and then there's such a different essence when someone is talking of christ but is not from your language so get used to that don't get offended by it it's so really nice and i love the the conceptualizing of it because she said something really nice and i really really love it because she said i've i've heard all this no we've heard these stories and you know and the doctor said the doctor said well this is what's going to happen you know he's going to come out he won't have part of his bubbles and all that they're going to do a re-resurrection or reconstruction something like that with the bubbles and he's going to come out without any bubbles and he can even die i mean that's that's he could even die he might even make it but then i like the way they just brought it up it was so non um christian is like uh it wasn't like so the spiritual it's told hands and these i've seen how my god i've been there in those churches let's go into this room and pray together and you know uh let's go and just speak in tongues and you know all this kind of rubbish you know it was just like they were able to resource god and his miraculous power without any of the rubbish you know they could they could just you get you see how they resource the miraculous power of god you just like and how they resourced it that was so cool i love it because it shows me the practical aspect of how god is so at hand when you say the kingdom of god is at hand at hand means just reach out and just take it you know it's like the cookies are on the table just take it you know you don't have to it's not like let's go into this room and then have a little service and then you know bring some scriptures into memory like what are the scriptures is there any sort of mystical scriptures that you brought up into your memory you know uh like nothing you know just resource it and i liked what she said and there was an attitude that really making me like go whoa yeah and that was this and this was that he said well we heard all these stories like i know what the doctors say like and we respect doctors we have doctors in the house we love doctors but what they said was we know that the doctors say this thing but there's a whole lot she said these words that you rewind and watch it there's a whole lot of people that what the doctors say doesn't happen and i like the word a whole lot because that showed me an attitude that is very very special and something i've been preaching for years and i say what is rare for others what is scarce and rare for others in the kingdom is what is scarce for others or what is like diamonds like this like scarce like scarce is the way it is it's like rare like for solomon it was plentiful like the silver was like like he says like the dust of the earth in solomon's kingdom silva when he went the first thing when he went into solomon's kingdom kingdom he they realized that silver is like the stones on the ground so suddenly what is scarce and rare is plentiful so the world that they live in is that the other thing is scarce what is scarce the people go in and die and get sick and get cancer that's so rare and she said that's the world we live in yes finally they're getting it because that's why we live in a world where that is scarce what is scarce where people get sick and cancer and disease and all that is so rare that's so scarce that's what the doctors say but that's so scarce we never we don't even see it you see that attitude that is called dominion it's childlike it's not like let's go and pray and expect a miracle you see that's one attitude that doesn't get anywhere anything for anybody okay the pentecostal charismatic thing okay this is so rare let's believe for a miracle and the word miracle itself is scandalized when you talk about it land like i believe in miracles but for me miracles are every miracles are so plentiful i can fabricate them constantly and continuously you come you sit next to me i'm just doing miracles all the time if you watch me and why because for me miracles are like that's my life science and wonders in my life i live a life of science and wonders so it has to be like that and so then it's like ah plentiful and it does come to something to your unconscious subconscious mind it does something i'm not treating it as common as in law but as oh in the dominion it's everywhere like money is everywhere opportunity is everywhere ah supernaturally it's everywhere healing is everywhere you know it's that attitude and you can't you can't kind of fabricate it but i'm going to teach you today how to chronically chronically and note the word chronically affect it okay but it has to be chronic if you don't understand how you are sick poor angry sad bitter offended uh depressed all these things has happened to you chronically okay so then if it happened to you chronically then how it will change is also chronically okay chronically means it's consistent and continuous it's not sporadic you understand it's continuous continuous and consistent it's steadfast in fact it's long suffering and it's patience and it's continuous okay that's what we're going to do today so i want that story to to to to sort of that emphasis like how do we get to a place because these guys are young and lord like they they've they've been wow like they don't know i have a background they just came huh this is a cool place i like this what's this what's this about huh and then suddenly they are getting it okay and the next generation will be a generation like that once they get it and hopefully all is really just a lot of them will be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye it's like yeah okay it's like boom okay sonny wake up it's done something happened today that made me you know yeah i was listening to two hours in the usa really cool rose kaufman uh had done an interview on them and the interview is going to be up and you're watching me right now you you two are awesome and i'm hoping to meet you when i get to the us this time i hope you'll be coming for conferences and they had taken uh romans 13 and the gifts of the spirit and they had made it in uh they had renamed it according to sort of ah according to personalities so the gifts of the spirit like like the givers and administrators and the prophecies and they made it in to different names that i thought was so apt and it really showed the culture that people are having revelation are they growing they're not trying to stick to this really that religious letter that killed book you know they're able to transcend it and become everything this book is saying that we can have that's what this is about it's about this this is not about remembering scripture or holding on to the letters of all this greek and hebrew archaic language that is dead that we are trying to interpret it's ridiculous you understand that it's ridiculous we're trying to interpret archaic languages that are dead and we're fighting about it you understand how stupid that sounds it sounds silly that that people will look for dead languages and then fight over the interpretation of it and trying to hold on to the theology according to something that is absolutely dead when the essence is in consciousness the essence is in the spirit you can only understand it if you understand it you cannot understand it if you try to interpret dead languages you see and so these girls have taken it and they've now changed the wording and changed the gifts of prophet is not a prophet they call prophet a reformer you know and i like that it's right he said because the prophet's job is reforming and so they've like they've done like the the the the word for servant they made servant uh the life giver you know and i was like whoa these are like this is like star wars stuff jedi stuff because when i saw it like that's that's it who gave you permission to do that nobody great it's the kind of reformation i'm talking about and we have to take that somehow and put it into a syllabus somewhere and throw it in and because it this this reformation is about everybody you know everybody's got god okay that's what it is about and i love it and i'm excited about what is happening globally to this move and i'm telling you every word every prophecy this move will spread like wild fire and i like the word wild it'll be a wild fire spreading across the globe touching every church everyone it will get touched by this reformation it will touch the deepest parts of christianity from evangelic from evangelists to baptist to roman catholics to different different people this is not the mystical is coming alive everyone deeply wants to be a mystic jesus was deeply a mystic you were sitting and listening to me it's because you're a mystic you know i was telling uh uh raj you had come home today you know i was thinking i was saying thank god that we can be just mystics in the marketplace mystics in our homes mystics wherever we are in the corporate structure just imagine if jesus didn't come and give us the gospel okay i would have ended up leaving fiona and going on to some mountain somewhere in tibet yeah i just said at least it won't be for another woman that's right but i would have left it for sure you know i that's that's the deep heart cry in me you know and i'm sure many of you would have done the same because because that's what causes us to be here you know there's a deep calling out too deep and i thank god for jesus christ who came and showed us a way that we can be a mystic right here and change the world because the deep heart cry is calling on to us and i'm telling you if you know if you're a christian if you're if you're looking for christ you're looking for a mystical powerful experience know that you're looking to go beyond the natural and what is fighting that is the natural egotistic man who's holding your natural ways he's holding you to something that is just plebeian and common you understand and he wants you to remain in the plebeian common mindset jesus was about power resurrection the mystical you can he was going beyond everything that you know the knowledge of sin and death the knowledge that everything that you know today he wants you to transcend that he wants to transcend your box that's what jesus is about so every time you meet me it will be a big a box shattering experience and i want that to happen if if when that stops i'm dead you understand that and everyone else will who follows me as well so i it has to be constantly and continuously transformative constantly 10 years time again you'll feel like you're born again again and you'll feel like i didn't know jack it's what i feel like every single day i wake up thing i didn't know jack like yesterday who the heck was the guy an idiot no truly if you don't feel like that you're not alive you're not alive that's what jesus does you're born again again and again now watch this so i want you to see what i'm talking about right so that is why in one peter it says this here like sometimes i listen to my old videos like delete delete delete but i can't you know it's too many people have watched it but but then no watch it but then i make a change you know i'm not like those old religious guys like i tried to hold on to that like you know previously i was like talking rubbish but now i'm finally got enlightened yeah but that was yesterday's message i'm trying you see so here it is okay one peter okay one peter five it's really interesting okay are you ready can we do this okay and then we're going to get to meditation but i want to show you this okay one peter five and uh here we are one peter five and it says likewise you younger people submit okay forget about all that okay uh god resists the proud but gives grace to the humble you see he resists the proud and then we find out who the proud is okay so like yes okay therefore humble yourself under the mighty hand of god okay that he may exalt you in due time that means in due time in your season you're gonna be exalted okay how do you humble yourself because he resists the crowd casting all your cares upon him for he cares for you did you just get that how do you humble yourself is by casting your cares upon him and i was talking to a friend recently and they said i don't think kirby i've ever cast my cares on jesus i think that i can handle it you know i take a problem comes or situation happens or some experience happens and i think i can handle it so i don't cast it on jesus i don't even call you like forget about jesus i don't call i don't even call my friends okay some of you might find yourself like that do you understand that yeah i don't call anybody i'm just i just think okay that will pass it'll go but let me tell you something just a bit mystical but these things are just so important to understand that imagination is much in my in my life okay imagination is more powerful than knowledge okay knowledge takes always a second place in my life okay imagination takes first place okay imagination and if you know if you have any brains you will take this and you'll swallow this and you'll believe it with everything you've got okay imagination is more powerful than knowledge okay and and what i'd realize what i'd what and this has been true in my life and what i'd what i'd realized is that what i imagine or what i think about at any point of time does not get replaced it's like it's a seed that's what the bible says as you think about the seed is planted so it doesn't ever get replaced so once you have a thought with a good or bad it's in the subconscious unconscious you have now accepted it and my god if you move on it you're in big trouble but all you're successful one or two depending on what it is you imagine but the fact of matter is it doesn't ever get replaced unless you do something about it so that's where i want to talk about today so so anytime you get anxious worried or something like that and it hits you if you need to be able to replace it okay and so if you don't replace that with something it's a seed and it will just grow we can't ignore it like a thief jumps into your house and then we're like oh thief oh he'll go away we can't do that we need to kill this thing you understand we need to use superior firepower on this thing okay and that is why the bible says take every thought captive he doesn't say paul who's writing who's a genius he's not saying take just some thoughts captive six thousand thoughts i thought it was sixty thousand before because the scientists got it wrong again i don't do those tests but they told me sixty thousand so at one point it was sixty thousand so i was ready to take all six thousand captive okay but no seriously but now recently they put out saying decisions just like a couple of months ago they said oh it's a place called it's not six thousand i decided instead i said it but they said it's not six thousand it's six thousand so six thousand you got six thousand you got a lot of work man but still six thousand is a lot okay and the bible says you've got to take every thought captive think about it it's 6 000 for normal people okay if you do what i tell you to do it will reduce drastically when i said drastic drastically okay i don't think i have i don't have six thousand talk that's for sure okay i hardly think no i hardly that's absolute truth i've been telling you this for years i hate thinking thinking is for dummies [Laughter] because the world doesn't work on thinking because you are poorly in in very poorly informed if your thinking is you're you're thinking according to .005 of what you can see i mean it's ridiculous to even think because like you're looking at something and it's only 0.005 of what you can see and the scientists themselves say it and then they think about it and write research paper for the rest of their lives on point zero zero five of what they can see or whatever their instruments can get the rest they call it just dark matter we don't know what the heck it is good because you have an ability to tap into that you have an ability to just stop the thinking and just go dive into that place and be in that place and believe me if you hang out there you come out refresh you come out creative have you ever thought that every thought that you think is a reaction there's no thought that you have like from the 95 98 of your thoughts that you have that the bible says take every thought captive to the obedience of christ most of your thoughts are reactions to what your eyes have seen your ears have heard so where is the creative thoughts how it's all react reactions reactions reactions your an antenna you're picking up and so there's nothing really creative there is there you're only reacting to different things what happens if you can train yourself to a place where you can be creative and actually have an original thought it's amazing okay so the bible says he god resists the proud and gives grace to the humble you see and what do you do here cast your cares upon him huh so he says now be sober i'll if you look at that word sober you'll realize that word is a wonderful word soba okay okay you know what sober is you know when you're talking talking you know you're drunk or whatever you're you're tranced out with something just be sober hey temp down temp down be sober and be vigilant and that's why i'm not into sort of a we pass in a kind of meditation because because there's so much more you can do that you can just like go you can be a will to lima i was trained like that you know but you can have absolute will so you're you're in meditation but you're like a hawk you're looking you're sober you're vigilant you understand that because but your mind is completely blank okay it's so bad vigilant why because your adversary that adversary means opponent and if you just take the devil out there take the devil throw it in waves okay and just say your adversary it means things that oppose you because the devil the word devil really means things that oppose you so just understand right you have to cast your cares upon him because the things that oppose you are now coming to you go to take every thought captive cast your cast upon it because the things that oppose you are just coming to you shh like this so you have to be vigilant and sober you'll be sober the word sober is still okay and then you take it and just cast it to the cross to the obedience of christ cast it across crucified crucified take it crucified because it's all to do with your ego you understand it again i'll show it to you if you're going to philippians 4 you see it again here okay just turn with me to philippians 4. and here we are again philippians 4. what you think about you'll bring about what you think about you will bring about philippians 4 and here we are in philippines for just really cool passage check this one out okay it says rejoice in the lord always in verse four okay rejoice say rejoice rejoice okay re joy re joy you get it you go back repent repent means go back to the higher mind repent means high place repent okay for the kingdom of god is at hand that means what you need is right in front of you you see so rejoice why rejoice in the lord always does he say rejoice in the lord fifty percent of the time they say rejoice in the lord this is serious i mean i think you know i think um the western christian mindset and they've taught people to do this as well they read bible really so fast really so fast when from where i come from um texts that are sacred are read very slowly like so it was like one is enough like i i teach people read bible like when i say i rejoice in the lord always ah wait hold on stop don't move from there because right there you can just get giddy and get knocked out right there rejoice in lord always always so there's a constant rejoicing and it's not 50 percent of time and it doesn't say rejoice in the lord when your prayers are answered these are big deals that are these are huge huge if you understand it doesn't say rejoice in the lord when your prayer is answered it says rejoice in the lord always okay and then i mean i mean this guy is such a mystic paul i mean he's uh he's um he's such a powerful man he knows what he's talking about he says rejoice and that's why we say joy is such an important thing we tell people come home you know you know people people come and stay at our place and the key component of what the whole thing is is joy joy joy temperature temperature who is joy joy joy joy we make sure the joy is kept that's what we mean dope diet dope diet why do we do you know that we wildlife church you should be proud of that designed dope diet in 2016. you understand it scientific that was just by the leading of the lord in 2016 in 2018 a neuroscientist put out the dopamine fast huge bigger than what we did but we made that thing over these scriptures rejoice in the lord always you understand it always so how do we keep ourselves constantly doped out always okay and again he wants you to understand is and again i say rejoice we should be able to pack up and go home this is it this is before anything is answered okay i mean this is like you know we have to watch like uh does it watch eddie murphy but in the language you got quite terrible and then you know all that but but the fact of mine is we need something to laugh i don't know what to watch now do you watch anything now who's funny now who's funny now man huh who is this the office is it's funny what is it michael mcintyre is funny yes he's funny yeah i like it you know like why i like michael mcintyre because of consciousness he's very aware of things he's so aware of how people do things and you can learn a lot from him yeah michael mcintyre is funny yeah but here's the thing we have to watch him to get happy but this doesn't say that he doesn't talk of michael mcintyre he doesn't talk of office he's talking off rejoice always that means and the word rejoice he could have easily said these words are heavy he could have said rejoice always he could have said because he could have said be happy always that would have been so tempered okay and i would have like connected with a lot of you guys thank you cool i'm happy i'm happy you're not you're happy i can see you guys are happy but you're not rejoicing that's for sure some of you might be what does rejoice look like sometimes i've seen you guys rejoicing okay in the next one in james he says the same thing count it a joy to when you fall into various trials and testings he could have used a better word these guys they were wordsmiths they're sophistry and piracy and they're greeks they know exactly what they're using they could have the word there is ecstasies i mean just understand just understand these that rejoice like when you counted a joy when you fall into trials and testing he could say just be happy when you go no no you call to count it a joy and then you have the examples of paul and barnabas rejoicing singing they're not singing hymns how really just do you think that is like uncle rohan died how many came from one's funeral he's a jolly good fellow he's a jolly good fellow he's a jolly good fellow close incinerate yeah that's how we did uh we're not just talking to you we really do this stuff you're not just talking we really do this stuff and so everyone's like he's a jolly good fellow and like is it okay to read a funeral like everyone's like yeah come on that's it rejoice always and in fact again i say just rejoice because honestly if you just get this one right i've been laboring on this for years yes this is like if you just get this right your life your money your health your everything just changes forever just one thing that's why i brought georgio and bannon here the one thing that attracted me georgian is trans music sorry and joy trans music he loves trans music because he knows he's on the same trip that i'm on he's much older than me and he is the joy apostle i put high extremely high value for that extremely high it's unbelievable if you just understand the whole church was named isaac okay and you know what zion means you know you know what zion the word zion who you represent you know what he means the word zion you're zion it's the joy of all the earth i mean just understand the power of what i'm trying to explain to you so so he says be anxious again i say rejoice is it there and there your gentleman has to be known to all is it there and again now watch this okay watch this are you ready because who cares be anxious for some things be anxious when you're sick be anxious when you run out of money be anxious when someone is leaving you now we are getting it [Laughter] i mean they would have said it these guys are representing someone called the word there is integrity when you represent the man named the word his name is the word when you represent him the word man okay because be anxious for something not be anxious for just imagine a guy writing this stuff the people there might be sick dying getting burnt the guy is writing this form prison he's in a little hole he doesn't know what he's going to get out and he's telling the guys who are about to be lit like roman candles on the street that's the time he's writing his stuff and somebody's maybe writing to me and said my son has been taken and he's going to be lit up today on a steak and we're going to see him burn today be anxious for nothing rejoice always no idea paul you didn't hear me my son has been taken and he's going to be burnt on the stake today the romans are going to kill him that's what i said again i say rejoice this is bible guys this is bible this is christianity this is not some other thing okay that's it this is what heaven sounds like you see rejoice always so once yeah and and some people get irritated by laughter like for them they obviously don't get a concept at all right if you get irritated by last two days you this this is rejoice is always laughed laughed i mean record this moment okay record this moment like capture it record it okay come on do my thing energy ball energy ball energy ball energy ball what is it laughter wow life church okay bed okay there you go rejoice always paulie's gonna be very happy paul is gonna be happy everybody's church be anxious for nothing but in everything in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to god ah so now he told you why your prayers are not answered he just told you why your prayers are not answered he says how do you are how do you ask for things you have to have a double rejoice but that won't do you have to have no thing in your mind say no thing you can't have anything in another place he says he says he says do not think take no thought of what you're going to eat drink or wear [Music] it gets added when you take no thought that means no thing it's called the void it's the first verse in the bible he said the earth is without form and void that means the earth is no thing you want something get to nothing if you care about it if you cling to it if you clutch to it if you hate it [Laughter] if you hate something you keep it close by if you dislike something you keep it close by if you like something you keep it close by okay you're clutching to these concepts you have to be anxious for nothing you have to take no thought you want a car don't think about the car if you want to uh if you want a house don't think about the house you want your healing don't think about the sickness you first rejoice rejoice and then you have no thought can you believe this and but then you ask for what you are not thinking about [Laughter] you need to ask for what you do not think about you're asking for what you don't think about if you ask for what you think about you've noticed nothing happens no thing no thing when you get to this part of life and these are for these are just these are not even these are not like like this is not big mystical stuff this is the simplest form of mystical understanding is that you can only have what you have already given up you can only have what you've already given up it's a simplest form of mystical understanding if you cling to something you lose it you won't be able to get it [Music] record this guys just record it just record let your nervous system record it because put it in a bottle [Laughter] put it in a bottle put it in a bottle you know take it you know capture it capture it because when are you going to hear this again just i'm just asking a question i'm just asking you a question when are you going to hear this again when are you going to hear it again when you wake up in the morning and you need and you remember the word rejoice you need this you need to hear this put a pencil in your mouth smile you will naturally naturally like with your mask on your smile i can't you can't see your smile just fine big smile big smile big smile big smile big smile come on with your masks on big smile big smile okay you'll see that this sounds better okay now okay now be anxious for nothing but in everything in parents application and with thanksgiving letter requests be known to god listen carefully and the peace of god which surpasses that is very important because this whole series has been about the what is blocking you is not a sinner what is blocking you is not your murderous intents what is blocking you is not your your adulterous thoughts what is blocking you is simply your your ability to just be natural okay your natural your common sense man about kerb is common sense like what is a ridiculous idea you say that imagination is more important what kind of rubbish are you teaching these kids imagination is more important than knowledge like what kind of rubbish is this so that's what needs to shift that's the thing that is blocking you okay so it says and the peace of god which surpasses which what surpasses surpasses surpasses says surpasses huh surpasses what does it surpass oh this surpass understanding this common sense the peace of god surpasses what why don't you have peace because you have understanding big shots big shots because you have understanding that's where the problem is guys okay you ate from a tree called knowledge you ate from a tree called knowledge okay man believe me man i can read this stuff okay yeah so it surpasses understanding guys that means what's blocking you in your life is your understanding it's your knowledge you eaten from that tree it's good bad right wrong hot cold all this stuff you got to transcend human understanding you understand that okay and then then all this happens it will guard your heart and your mind so you're praying for peace you're praying for peace you're praying for peace peace doesn't come why because you're not ready to surpass understanding not really already supposed understanding that's where the problem is guys okay now i'm going to go into a meditation with you guys okay okay and we are going to focus on a couple don't worry as i suggest to you it'll calm down don't worry okay i know what i'm doing everything works on suggestion everything works on what i say that's how this will work okay so now i want you to have peace and relax and i want you to focus on something we're going to decide on what is understanding is how are we going to give away our ego man are you ready to do this okay so i'm going to count up to 10 and we're going into a theta state of mind okay so we're going to go down from 10 and this might work for some people it might not work for some people okay but you will be left with experience because i want to show you what understanding is i want you to understand what knowledge is it says take no thought of what you're going to eat drink or where so we're going to go one by one eat drink and wear is that okay yeah and we're going to give away when what we eat drink and wear okay in our mind okay and we're going to be left with what i call pure spirit and not your understanding or your ego can we do that yeah okay now here we are okay so in just a little while i'm just going to start counting and we are going to go deep into a state of relaxation and theta is that okay okay now i'm going to count 10 to 1 and by the time i hit 1 you will be very chilled 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 three two one now you're in alpha state and in this alpha state i want you to just feel peace and i want you to see in front of you a bag and this is a transparent bag and in this bag we're going to put you on the standing okay so if you can see the bag just raise your right hand and you can see the bag in front of you okay now you're looking at this bag and first we're going to take our thoughts and put our thoughts about what we're going to eat in that bag then we're going to take our thoughts of what we're going to drink in that bag then we're going to take our thoughts or what we're going to wear in that bag okay and each of these descriptions will be parabolic to you it will have multiple meanings so here we go are you ready to put in the bag what you will consume is that right are you ready so first we're going to put facebook in that bag your identity on social media in the bag instagram twitter all that and i want you to see it in the bag i want you to picture your phone in that bag i want you to picture your identity that you're consuming on video with the names of all your email addresses and all the emails and all the tags that you get information from all that goes in your bag can you see it now we're going to take what you consume and what you like the most to eat think about it and whatever it is i want you to put what you like the most in the bag i want you to take your favorite restaurant and put that in your bag i want you to take the nice places you like to go to wherever in the world the dreams that you had the places you've been to restaurants hotels all that put it in the bag and i want you to see it in the bag now i want you to take all that you like in terms of cars and all that you like in terms of hobbies and all the things that you consume it can be a hobby of photography it can be a hobby of looking after animals it can be a hobby of cars just take all that and throw it in the bag okay and once you've done that i want you to take your work the things that energize you at work i want you to take the creative things that you do all that and throw that also in the bag and i want you to see the bag and i want you to see all these things you might not be able to see all of it with the one over the other and covering the other things but i want to see what's in that bag and now we're going to go into what you drink and so when you talk about what you drink it's also everything you do with again drinking what you like to drink you can take your alcohol and you can take your wines and you can take your sodas and you can take all that but i also want to take things like your air that you breathe think about that that we depend so much on this air that we breathe right now and so many people will tell you that you can't live without this air you breathe so i want you to take everything that you consider a drink vapor oxygen carbon dioxide everything in this room and i want you to put it in the bag now that's in your bag and now i'm going to go on to something more important i'm going to go into your drink which is the word of god and that is what you would call your scriptures and all the scriptures that you know for your healing all the scriptures that you know for um your finances because the word is the water that's what you say it is right i want to take all that and put that also in the bag all your favorite scriptures everything that you know of the wood that is water just put that also in the bag and i just want you to feel the tension that is going on in your body as you're doing this because there is now like really the scriptures as well yes everything in the bag okay and i want to look at that bag and now i want you to go on to what you wear and what you wear is very much to do with your identity you can now take all the clothes that you like in the cupboard we're packing our bag to go to the us so we know what it's like so just take all the clothes all the nice clothes that you like make note of certain shirts and trousers that you like and but all of it just pick it all up and throw it in the bag all the clothes that you ever bought and all the clothes that you like to buy all goes into that bag and while you're throwing all that into that bag i want you to think about all the titles you wear you know we have so many titles you know i have a title of a prophet a bishop you know all that all the titles in the bag whoever you are doctor lawyer whatever it is whoever you are i want that to go in the bag because you wear that more proudly than you wear your clothes okay so that goes into that bag and i want you to see that there all your titles it can be father it can be mother it can be son it can be daughter it can be trainer it can be whatever these titles are that goes into the bag and then i want you to go one step further and then even take the title about sri lankan singalis tamil and throw that also into the bag these are all titles titles that we wear titles that make us our identity take all that throw that all in the bag now i want you to take something that god gave you in the garden and that's your flesh and i want you to take your skin throw that in the bag i want you to take each part of your body that you're wearing and throw one by one by one you're taking your leg off you're turning it in a bag you're taking your hand off you're turning the bag you're taking your head off you're tearing it in the bag come on you're taking your heart off you're throwing a bag that organ that you're worried about that kidney that you're worried about throw that in the bag the pancreas that you're worried about that did not produce in sugar and this and that and the whole thing throw that in the bag that that that problem that you have with your gut and your bubbles through that also in the bag yeah come on throw them all in back throw your fingers through the fingernails at all everything bang bang bang all going in the bag the brain that is not working so well i throw that in bag throw different things all the things that you're worried about every organ that you think the eyes that are not working throw that in back the nervous system that is cracking up throw that in the bag throw everything in the bag one by one by one and i want you to watch your body just disintegrate as you throw everything in the bag take your whole body now the whole body whatever is left over and throw him into the bag your mind everything into the bag everything so right in the bag now is the dream that you had the job that you wanted the body that you have your clothes your house everything is in the bag i want your seat in the bag and now i want you right on the bag with a pen right ego man ego man and then just be aware of yourself if you saw a hand right take your hand again and throw it back in the bag if you saw a pin right take a penetrate back in the back and now just be aware of yourself just be aware of yourself and you realize that you are not anything that is in the bag you are not anything that is in that bag your pure essence spirit and all those things are what gave you on this earth as a natural man it gave you some sort of identity but you are not those things who's looking at the bag i'm crucified with christ never let i live who's crucified the guy in the bag is crucified who's outside the spirit man and just be aware of him how light you feel you're not thinking about the future you're not thinking about the past you're in the moment and absolutely present now i'm counting up to three when i counted up three you're going to just be refreshed renewed happy and joyous knowing full well that what makes you is christ and christ alone christ is that spirit without any understanding of scripture without any understanding of semantics without any understanding of doctrine or religion that you is christ and he is going to be refreshed renewed and restored in the count of three one two three okay open your eyes how many of you realized that everything when i talk of ego man that everything that is natural that you identify with is who i'm talking about how many you realize that in just that one meditation raise your hand if you realize that everything i'm talking about everything that you consider natural is who i call the ego man because that doesn't make you that doesn't make you you are no thing that no thing be anxious for no thing or you eat drink aware i just gave you a practical understanding of how to think about nothing so when you say take no thought or what are you going to eat drink or where we just did that right now for the first time you did exactly what that says everything else you've ever done when you hear that scripture is rubbish for the first time you took no thought of what i'm going to eat drink or wear every dream everything you know you treat in the bag and you're left just with no thing but you're still looking at the bag and still alive that guy has peace he's not troubled he can perform miracles because he's not attached to any of those things in the bag good or bad we're not eating from the tree you understand that that spirit that christ is the creator you cannot create from all the other rubbish you see all the rubbish you're creating from all these identities and titles we're trampling away the whole pile of rubbish and we're trying to create from top of that mountain you see you have to rewind all the way down to the void the touhou where there is no form and there is absolute void and you create from that place now let's end with this okay this is just some practical advice to you when i got sick i remember the barrage of thoughts that came to me the barrage of information and knowledge about the sickness about what it was about what doctors have said about what i've done all kinds of things started coming to me one by one by one by one by one by one by one okay now this meditation i did there's no point of you doing it again because it's not a meditation it's not something that you do it's not something that you constantly do the touhou on my site is something that you constantly do this is just a realization this is just as a realization it's not a meditation it's just to show you like them i was all those things but actually i'm none of those things i am nothing you see that's a realization so when you come back to the world that you live in and your nervous system fires up again and you have this barrage of thoughts coming to you what i did and i explained it in many of my teachings a couple of years ago that i had to take every thought captive so in a quiet place i would watch the thoughts that come and even in time like this or wherever i am when i have a thought and it comes to me and it's intrusive i would literally capture that thought and one of the ways i would capture the thought is i would capture the thought and i would take it to the cross and i would see it on a cross and i've explained this to you before right i would see that that thought kneeled on the cross or that situation nailed on cross so if it was about anxiety and worry i would see the thorns on his crown that was for anxiety and worry and i would see the thorns pierce into one part of his crown and blood pouring from that area i would say that thought just went there on my ego man that's christ the self i am crucified i don't need to take it and i would see that and if i see something to do with my physical health i would see the stripes that come to jesus on his back and i would literally see it immediately because like i said before once a thought comes to you it will be there unless it is replaced you need to replace it so you have to and the bible says it beautifully he says you've got to take every thought captive to the obedience of christ and punish every thought that's the word that is used punish so the word punish means that i would for every bad thought i would have five good thoughts immediately every time i have a bad thought i'll make sure that i train my mind to have five good thoughts i'm going to do a business deal i'm going to a certain area last time i did it i failed in it the thought comes immediately i'll punish the thought i'll see the body of christ i'll see his poverty and immediately i would have five good thoughts about business you understand immediately the more you do this your mind becomes detoxed initially it's very hard and after about one month the programming naturally happens you don't have to keep doing it as you have a bad thought your subconscious mind starts spinning the wheel to exactly what you need with the good thought to fight good thought but first it's an effort you got it for every bad thought i had five good thoughts and here's a phenomenal way to have five good thoughts because you'll think of five good thoughts right this is the way you can have five good thoughts really well and it's really efficient you've got to honestly honestly honestly value what i'm giving you right now are you ready for this this is the way you have five good thoughts very fast okay you have five good thoughts very fast like for instance i would remember scripture but you don't have to remember scripture like i would if i have anxiety come to me and worry come to me and i'm worried and anxious about a certain thing i would stop immediately okay i i literally hear i see a stop sign stop with with like sirens you don't have to do exactly this you can do it for me it's like stop you know let's stop so you may it immediately happens now you know stop and then i would see it across whatever it is if it's anxiety and i would literally quote a scripture but here's the interesting thing and i was like oh kevin you've heard this before but in my mind he's not given me a spirit of fear but power love and sound mind now that's a scripture you don't have to have a scripture the scriptures are for this reason if you have some other thing good it's the same okay but for me immediately comes he's not giving me a spirit of fear but power loving sound mind it can be i'm not afraid or you can be i have immense faith it just can't be that or i am full of faith it can just be that if you don't know scriptures i have i am full of faith just say i am full of it i am full of faith five huh five you see so what you do is and you're watching me for the u.s this will be very helpful for you you first emphasize the first word i won i am full of faith the next one you emphasize i am i am full of faith the next one you emphasize we're doing five thoughts i am full the next one is full and you emphasize the full i am full every time you talk of one word you will realize that this thing is like a facet of a diamond eye versus like wow i yes i am yes i am full yes full and then even the off you emphasize i'm full i am full and then default one off and then you meditate like off of what yes off what off i am full off not just anything faith i am full of faith you see and so i would just just do it it can be a scripture i do you know you're not giving me a spirit of fear but probably that gives me 10 good thoughts immediately when one dot comes so no chance that this ego man thinks that he can play with me so therefore i have very little thoughts because if he comes i give it to him and he does come you understand it he does come but i will finish him off i'll bomb him out with five solid powerful thoughts immediately and initially guys you might just spend all day doing this you know the amount of thoughts that come to you but after a little while it is an automatic response that you put in play it's like a software okay please understand guys i am a guy who has suffered from depression i was given pills for depression so this experience is not just talking it's out of very very solid experience it's from understanding panic attacks it's formed waking up in a night in sweat it's form those things and those things still happen but immediately i fix it you understand that and this is how i do it okay if you can do this you'll realize that you reprogram your mind constantly and continuously and this last thing i told you you will be established established in what you believe you understand if you have a scripture good okay guys i have to say goodbye to you guys i'll see you in the usa we love you guys wow keep the body healthy please make sure you come cheer the speakers each one i have got a word for you it's a facet of the wow revival so make sure that you come make sure you support them make sure that you cheer them okay and give them the same grace that you give me love you guys bless you and i'll see you in a month's time god bless you pray for us [Music] you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 6,945
Rating: 4.949791 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, christian yoga, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, day of atonement, repentance, desiring god, bible study, personal growth, Think About Nothing, think, nothing, meditation, workshop, meditation workshop, ego man, bible, How to think of Nothing
Id: kp3Kr252qLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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