Are we out of balance? (Rise of the SHE)

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[Music] are you sure because we can really cheer behind those masks come on get ready everyone okay [Music] okay okay i think very good okay thank you guys guys make sure look we got like one and a half hours left because you know we have to adhere to the times okay then that's that's why we need to move fast we've got to get the word in fast you need to receive it fast okay and then go and practice it okay so here here's the thing while we're here i don't want one bit of the time in a lull you understand that i want you guys to be completely connected i know i'm seeing you guys after a long time and we've been out of action for a long time one thing that i'm very discerning of is the religious spirit i hate the religious spirit i hate it but something kirby general hates is religion i hate it okay the religious spirit is what blocks your mouth blocks your body causes you to get sick if you're blocked here you're blocked at home this is the place that you can be the freest ever like you can get up and run here do you understand that's right come on okay that's right one guy in the house come on guys you understand that you see i hate religion and when i see it and what i'm seeing i've not seen you for a long time okay and it looks like a cloud that comes on people to them and block their mouth from shouting screaming cheering you understand that so get out of it now get up in now now the power of god cannot work if there is no joy believe me my house there is a temperature control on joy if joy goes down below a certain level either you get kicked out of the house or you're stayed you're kept in there and you're ministered too one of the two but you're going to change you understand it if you are sick if you are poor if you have problems it's because of your mood and when people walk into this atmosphere it's wow okay so there should be like a distinct uplift from where what it was at home including our home yeah including our home the delano road resident oh my god yes absolutely absolutely okay so i love joy okay and i work best you can pull the best out of me enjoy okay and i get very bored when the emotions are not there i want you just be it's a switch joy's a switch okay joy is just one switch you can just shift right now and ezra was worshiping man ezra was awesome okay i mean he deserved more than what we gave him he decept so much more than what we gave him man okay that kind of stuff i would be by now you know completely whacked if i was you you got it well i'm not got whacked recently i can see okay so guys i'm talking about something that is revolutionary just just understand it revolutionary in mindset in culture in everything what i teach here if you're watching me from the from usa or canada or whatever it is or wherever you're watching us from i just want you to know that i went a couple of years ago 15 years ago don't ask me how where and where you're getting this stuff from and don't ask me i really don't know am i right am i wrong i don't know i don't care either am i theologically correct don't know don't care okay never never bothered to check okay the reason being is these people who wrote this book were not theologians okay my wife is studying for her theological masters you understand very renowned university and i i love the fact i love theology but the fact of the matter is that if you're in a box you're in a box and if you look from certain lenses you will always see from sun lenses if you're biased in a certain way and you don't have the grace of your life to be able to be to have the humility to say i might be wrong you will never learn okay so i don't know what i'm right and wrong if i'm wrong please correct me okay i'm open i'm open to many many people talking to me but please know your word when you come and talk to me because i can be a bit intimidating if you don't know your word okay i'm teaching from the word and i'll show you step by step by step by step by step and i'll show you and if you can dispute it in here then you win if you can't dispute it in here i win okay 10 years ago i uh maybe more than 10 years ago i mean i was i went to meet uh someone i'd seen on tv and uh the only thing i ever asked from him he was he was known to be a prophet i think one of the only prophets left in africa truly um and um i he was known to be a prophet and there was only one thing i wanted for him and that was the revelation of the word of god i didn't know what would happen he had all kinds of miracles mind-blowing miracles healings all that and i said i just want to know the word like you know the word that's all i said i left him if you're wondering where this is coming from i'm going to tell you okay i left him i came home to sri lanka and i had a dream and in that dream i met shakma chakma is the spirit of wisdom okay and he looked nothing like i would thought would have thought wisdom would look like okay quite frightening and uh all this and he gave me a sword and i put a sword in my belt and i walked out of there and after that when i read the bible i can't help it i just every time i just see revelation it's just constant this kind of stuff this mystical stuff sometimes can be very very very overpowering overwhelming you can feel like you're losing your mind i've had that many many many times and then somehow i come out with certain revelations but also the boldness to speak it you need boldness to speak this kind of stuff because this is the stuff that will be challenged this stuff will be challenged more than any other stuff do you understand it i've preached many many stuff this stuff will be challenged and challenged and challenged because we are dealing with the beast of the institution the beast of the institution you understand it when you're dealing with this kind of stuff so i want you to understand when i'm preaching this please engage it completely and guys don't feel uncomfortable preaches trust me it's going to do something for you it will restore you back into balance because the most important thing for god is his image throughout the bible you will see that it's the image of god that has been corrupted image of god image of god image of god and that's the big problem what god is doing today in our generation if you want to have to create a world that is powerful then balance is so important if you want if you think the church has power to stop a virus and why we can't stop a virus in a nation is maybe because we are out of whack okay and the story of going out of act comes from the bible whether it's psychological it doesn't matter how you want to believe the story but there is the story in the bible and it's about a guy called noah who steps out of the ark commanded by god he was he was chosen as righteous just like adam to create a new world but that story is mythical or not it's a parable for you to understand what went wrong and what can go wrong in the future and he was given the opportunity again to create a world from scratch did you know that that is why the whole world was destroyed we're going to go to and we're going to try and understand why the world was destroyed and you'll see it okay now here's the interesting thing noah though he was given the opportunity may be just like us though we are righteous though we want to do the right thing never could step into the purposes of god that god called him to do and he was supposed to step out he was told very explicitly male female male female male female you see throughout this was the main factor male female male female and he was saying now no good let's do this now we clean things up you're going to step out with your wife okay guess what it happens that's not what happens it was after that that god tells him it doesn't matter that you didn't do it your heart is wicked right from the beginning human hearts okay and then he goes on and says from now onwards the world and every animal and beast of the field and everything that is living will be against you that's why i'm talking about it that's how important this revelation is he says now because you couldn't maintain my image i gave you the opportunity to maintain my image and then he says because of that now everything will resist you that if ferocious stewards you and they will kill you including a little bacterial substance you have no authority you lose all authority adam has given the world to be fruitful multiply and i had the power to subdue it no i was never given that blessing do you understand that that is why it's so important to understand why i'm teaching this especially if you're married and even if you're not married i'm not asking you to get married but i'm telling you there is the image of god in you both male and female okay now watch this here it is right in you got a very quiet too quiet for me okay now we're going to we're going to go into this okay into the image of god and here it is right in chapter one so in chapter one in verse what's it what is it 28 so god created man of his own image i don't know you can put it up there i think they've messed up with the can we put it up there jude yeah i think it's it's in verse 27 what no is it is it 20 yeah then god created man in his own image is it there this is so important it's right there in the beginning chapter one god's image and then he explains that image he didn't say god created man and he created hey guys now i'm going to create you in my image and i'm going to create you with wings like an angel in the image of god he didn't say i'm going to create man now guys i'm going to create you and you are the only being not the dolphins not the sharks not not anything else they will have the spirit but my image i'm going to make sure that now you will personify not the angels okay i'm not making you in my image means you're going to have you're going to be buff and muscle and you're going to be so strong that's not that's not the image he wanted he said i'm going to i'm going to say this i'm going to create you in my image both male and female once you see there in genesis you realize i'll be in are we imbalanced is there an imbalance because that's the image do we protect that image in our daily life is it our main objective in life to protect that image you will see in this series that this objective is his protecting this image watch this and so he creates man both male and female and then he says oh this is so good this is very good and then he goes on to now bring man off the ground and the process of creation is still happening okay the process of creation is still happening and god form man from the ground okay and then he looks at man and he's about now because he said he's male and female now he's about to create eve eve means before anything do you understand eve means the one before everything else is created it is true both of you that everything has to be created like the eve of of new year or christmas so he's about to do it but he stops and he makes a sentence so that everyone will remember this forever knowing full well that someone and somebody can come at any time in any season and pick this verse up and bring it up and remind man why the creation is not responding and this is the statement before now he's created adam and then he says there's no one can you see him he says guys look there's no one equal no one equal no no one equal no one equal everyone everything is brought out of the dust but i will bring him her out of him why so that you know there's no one equal to him but now there will be you understand that this is so important for me he said this is sacred this is holy so he says but before i do it i'm going to say this again so that it will resound what is it it is not good for man to ever be separated from this image he says it from saying very good very good very very good is only one not good in the bible do you understand that it is not good and then what he does is then he suddenly pulls out of our side because from his kind one kind that's why we are that kind and he pulls her out okay and now look at what and here's the mind-blowing story here okay this is crazy okay this is what adam says he looks at her because he says there is no one equal to you but now i'm gonna hey adam hey dude i'm gonna make someone equal watch watch watch watch watch she's gonna be equal voila fiona like whoa jesus she's just like me she's just like me ferocious strong powerful man i mean she completes me when i look at her i see and she's like i told you i told you equal i told you i told you right it's equal right okay that's what he's saying and then he goes and he goes absolutely and he goes into poetry okay and this is what he says now i'm listening wow bone of my bone just like me equal equal flesh of my flesh equal equal she shall be called woman because she was taken out of me taken out of me is not a second thing it means she is me she's not taken out of animals she's not taken out of the ground she's not taking out a tree that's what he's saying she's taken out of me my heart she's just like me she's me okay now watch this and then where's 24 say this with me are you ready therefore therefore when you say therefore it's because of the previous verse therefore what because because now he has got someone who is the very image of god she completed him to be the image there was no necessity now for anything else the concept of a father and mother is the concept of when you grow up you grow up with a father and mother and they train you they counsel you they comfort you these are the words huh they lead you okay so important this is why everything is out of whack they lead you mom and dad they comfort you they counsel you but god said you know what everything is a motive i'm gonna make you in my image okay and i says i'm going to pull out look yeah that's right because she now completes the image of god you do not need me to lead you anymore now a man shall leave mom and dad because he is complete in her the image has been completed god can be in the heavens and the earth is being given to the sons of men because they are complete in each other come on come on if you don't see the therefore you miss the whole story of what is going on and what happened and you will not understand jesus christ the bridegroom god jesus christ is the bridegroom god come on you don't understand why he's coming because he's coming to get his bride that has been pressed down into the dirt and he's coming to say no no no just like me what are you doing this is my image what have you done this is my image restore her back and you'll realize the scandal on the image okay and i'm going to show it to you okay you'll see this it's mind-blowing when you see this when you see it you the bible is complete in the story the bible is not biased the people who interpreted it have been biased you understand that and because of that we've lost the very image of god and we lost our balance and we lost the power to be a creator you understand you cannot create without mum how did you explain to me mom and dad make family you understand you and your wife will make family how are you going to create okay that's what's happening okay now once you see there therefore therefore because she was just like me now a man will leave the comfort the council the leading of her father and mother and she will be complete with her you see we don't understand the story because if you understand that the bible says that eve tested adam we don't i won't go into the story now but i'll tell you it'll be mind-blowing when you see it you will you'll see that as the son came in to his ministry the holy spirit which is in feminine gender takes adam to test him into the wilderness same thing i won't say tempt i would say test you'll see that our relationship with the holy spirit and the relationship that eve had because eve was the who helper same word the holy spirit is the helper okay there is something there that is missing that god is revealing now you'll see it here when you see this story in matthew 9 20 matthew 9. let's see here jesus is this good okay right now you see jesus matthew 9 is we did disciples yeah someone can answer that phone hello wildlife wildlife church okay we are well behaved here okay we'll finish fast we don't kiss we don't hug hopefully the phi will give us our extras okay next next week we should get extra we should get three hours and i can maintain the prophetic and supply which i want to do okay now now watch this okay now here it is in verse 14 then the disciples of john came to him saying why do we have the pharisees fast often but your disciples do not fast now jesus tells them who he is jesus the son of man means the father's son who's come down for the bride and he says this can the friends of the bridegroom moan as long as the bridegroom is with them is it there but the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them and they will fast is it there very interesting and then he talks about the new wine and the old wine skin and we go to noah you go to lot you know the story about wine they were all wine dresses they all built vineyards they all messed up okay and he's also telling the story of what he did in kenya galilee where he became the wine dresser and then he didn't give them the same old wine that made him uncovered he gave them the new wine that made them intimate with the bride you see he's also talking about his story he mustn't forget this and then if you go into matthew 24 you see this amazing story after he's explained to them that he's the bridegroom and people missed 1924 after matthew 25 he tells us this mind-blowing parable about the virgins waiting with their oil waiting for the bridegroom to come and right there five virgins are not waiting for one bridegroom it's the bridal party those are all the guys who are supposed to be fasting the friends of the bridegroom are supposed to be fasting it was a jewish feast that they used to fast waiting for the sun to be sent by the father the son would would betray be literally engage the bride or it's called betrothed the bride would be betrothed and it'll take maybe a year for him to actually come and take her to his house okay and that was the last piece that went on for seven days okay but it wouldn't take one year and she's covered in you know in a whale okay and for my american friends that means the covering my whale is getting it the wheel like this okay but it's uh it's i don't know how to pronounce it okay i'm sri lankan okay but the the fact of the matter is it's there's a covering and she's covered for that one year and only the father knows when he's going to send the sun is it cool like they interact and stuff like that and she's around she's covered she's waiting she's lighting her lamp she's lighting the lamp the virgins and the lamp okay in the window and she's waiting and waiting and waiting for a long time when will the father when will the father send but a father is waiting in prayer knowing that when the bride is ready he is going to send the best bridegroom for her because she is so awesome she has been so scandalized she has been so put down she's going to be sent the best bridegroom unlike the father's previously you understand that and he's keeping the best the only the first born for her do you know what a privilege that is what a restoration that is to what has been happening and he's trying to explain to you i love the bride so much that i am going to come and i'm going to give her the best and the father is waiting to give her the best you understand that and so that's the story when jesus always says no one knows the hour of my coming he's talking about the bridegroom coming for his bride but the father will hear the heart cry of maranatha meaning the spirit and the bride say come and a real translation there is the spirit who is the bride namely the bride starts crying out and say lord come and when that happens the father says the time is right for the second feast to complete this wedding and that's where jesus walks into canada galilee on that day of the final wedding feast you understand that so this is all parabolic and it's all real winning wheel motivating motif and you have to be able to be open in revelation to see it now watch this this is so cool okay let me turn around to these guys okay all right now that's true that's true that's true that's true that's true yeah now let me let me there let me be let me be kind to these guys yeah yeah okay now okay now that's good that's good i love noise now just understand that in this context i'm giving you the context otherwise we will not understand the context that jesus is saying this in matthew 24 okay and matthew 24 sounds apocalyptic but this is what he's saying verse 36 are you ready now remember he said that when the bridegroom is there with them that is in the first feast not the second feast but when he goes they start fasting remember he said that did you remember he just said that interact with me okay but he said when they are with me they don't need to fast but i'm gonna go that's what he's talking about in the waiting feast there's a time where he goes and he and he stays away and the father is going to send him at that time everyone is fasting for the father say it's time to go i think they're all ready you got it okay so that's the context that he's talking about and he brings something very very strange in watch what happens he says but on that day the ah no one knows even the angels do not notice my father only knows this he's talking about the big troll and the traditional ritualistic wedding feast that he's supposed to come do you get that okay are we clear now listen carefully okay listen carefully what he says but as the days of noah but as in the days of noah is it there we are so also will be the coming of this bridegroom the son of man that means the son of the father for the bride okay now listen carefully for as in the days before the flood huh i see the days before the flood they were what they were eating and drinking what did he say about the wedding feast he said that when he's gone and they're betrothed that they have to be fasting you understand that but he said but no but in the days of noah that didn't happen they didn't care there was no marinata there was no spirit of the bride that was not what was happening in those days in those days they were eating and drinking and also giving in marriage and getting married the problem was in this context and when you see it something shifts because he's saying in those days there was eating and drinking and giving him marriage and getting married is it there okay marrying and giving in marriage until the day of the ark is it there no i entered in and a thought came and took them all away we need to understand the story so he literally saying guys that there was a time when something was not right with the balance i told you about noah what happened with noah right why did he destroy the world with noah why did god come and destroy the world with noah why did god tell noah i want you now to re-establish male female male female i want to bring my perfect image onto the earth again noah i want you to be able to do it wow life i want you to be able to do it church of jesus christ i want you to be able to do it because then you're going to have power again you see when you are led comforted counseled in the right way you're going to have power again now watch this and as he started he starts saying this he's talking about the days of noah and we have to understand exactly what was going on so let's turn to to genesis 6. i'm going to show you again i've done this a bit but i'm going to show you again that this seeing this is very very important very very important now let's turn to genesis 19 let's turn to genesis 19. we'll go back to sodom and gomorrah okay and i'm going to show you a cultural thing a cultural thing that is so important to understand you see in those days and sodom and gomorrah is an interesting story because it seemed like these guys were used to angels demons spirits aliens i don't know but they were used to some sort of beings that were not human coming down and visiting okay okay watch ancient aliens you have it all there okay now they were used to something coming down okay and visiting men and they were also used to very interestingly cutting deals with these beings i don't know maybe even to build pyramids i'm not sure okay now we've got real fringe okay i can get into trouble with that even with my friends okay now so i'm just trying to say they were used to some sort of beings coming down and they were used to trading with them okay that's what we need to understand and i won't go too mystical with you on the story but forget about who these guys are we'll just say men of power we'll just say kings of power constantly in the bible i showed you stories of abigail and david i've shown you you've seen red stories about just kings of power forget about them being demons or angels or aliens okay let's not even go there but it was so normal that a king might look out his window see your wife it was so normal and we we say this about abraham in a scandalous way without understanding the culture the norm and what god was trying to restore how many times in the story of abraham do you see abraham lie and god has no problem with it come on come on come on come on you see the narrative you see the narrative something shifts you see it constantly that he couldn't even protect his own wife he had to lie constantly and say no no she's my sister because why because they would kill me that's the context of the culture if you don't see that we will never understand the oppression the suppression what is happening to the hebrew people and what they did you see constantly abraham is lying god has no problem with that because someone would kill me to marry her and it didn't really matter even if he said he's my sister they would say asa machang send over that's exactly what was happening who is this is this your wife no no she's my sister tomorrow tomorrow night what do you want watch the story do you know how abraham got rich i'll read it israel is laughing you know it's a story do you know how abraham got rich no one tells the story no one thinks there's something wrong with that abraham didn't get rich because god blessed him like that like he didn't have he didn't open his hands and money didn't come like you guys you know some of you guys have money in your bank that's not how it happened abraham went into egypt the stories in the bible pharaoh saw sarah he said can you send her over she was his concubine we don't know for how long it's in the bible this story is there it's just systemic and we just passed through that without like really yeah we don't know for how long she was a concubine with pharaoh and then she was probably a very good woman do you understand that and because of that pharaoh maybe loved her or something like that that he actually told abraham man i want to give you an inheritance and abraham became exceedingly rich because pharaoh again from egypt slavery come on the redemption of the slaves you see that's why jesus comes to redeem the slaves every marginalized person from slaves to foreigners to you name it from orphans to widows to come on what we're talking about okay his very image and so abraham walked out with millions because his wife was a concubine and served in the palace that's the truth i'm giving you the context of this situation that you will never understand this situation what is going on there and we have sodom and gomorrah and his angels or these powerful forces or these divine beings we don't know we don't care what they are even if they are kings but they come in and the first thing that is given as a trade-off and this is what lord says about his daughters okay listen carefully okay verse eight okay when the people wanted to rape these guys and somehow they wanted to have some sort of sexual relationship with these guys and i don't think it's about homosexuality i really think that there was unfairness and injustice in sodom and gomorrah that was way beyond what we can even imagine okay and they were into something that was completely off and here it is and they say see how i have two daughters is it there see now i have two daughters who have not known a man listen carefully please let me bring them out to you that you may do to them i'm going to say this again loud that you may do to them whatever you please that's really there i'm going to give you my daughters you may do to them i mean just imagine there's a there is a like 500 people two girls what is what do you think you're suggesting i mean just understand the context when you see the context something gets like what the heck am i reading why am i reading this stuff guys this book is being given to you so that when you read that you can judge correctly that's why this book was given he's like watching cnn or watching news you watch the news and you see and you judge correctly you do it never go according to the news you know that you watch the news and you make sure you judge absolutely fairly no matter what it is and when you're reading this bible you need to judge fairly because god is watching your heart are you judging fairly it has to be interpreted fairly you can't listen to some pastor telling you about this and saying oh this is okay but he's okay there's something wrong here stop there's something very wrong here he he's giving his two daughters out to protect some powerful person and he's giving his two daughters out and he's not even given saying please send her back home safely like some of like the way i would take fiona out of the house i couldn't take fiona house you had to sneak out of the house because the parents would not allow her out of the house do you understand that here's a father who is saying do you understand the wickedness of that generation do you understand what happened in the garden do you understand why he said it's not good for man to be alone because this is what is going to now take place we talk of slavery we talk of all kinds of things we talk of people who are marginalized that we need to be able to be there for them and then we go through our bibles every day at church and listen to people talk not once do we see it because there's something unconsciously patented in our soul that we cannot see it's a bias you got it and when you see it you realize whoa something's not right here and then you see that and like that's why christ came he came for the orphans the widows the ones who were marginalized the ones who were continuously oppressed and suppressed and that's his image that we are talking about right here and that is why jesus says as in the days of noah you know what happened in the days of noah in genesis 6 are we good for time can we can we finish this can we finish genesis 6 yeah i have time okay watch this okay genesis 6 that is just before noah's story okay this is what happened listen carefully so once you knew that the fathers had their daughters and husbands had their wives because the bible says that these two girls just after that were betrothed to the sons of noah just understand that they were betrayed these two girls they were going to throw out were betrothed to the boys and that's what the bible says and every time you see a story of someone betrothed mary was betrothed do you understand that she was betrothed i mean she had not she's in her one year she's just engaged do you understand that constantly you see the story that they were betrayed betrothed betrothed betrothed means that still not consummated that's why he says he and this is his big selling point his big selling point is hey they just betrayed nothing's happened i can offer them to you you can do whatever you want do you understand that and so that's why he comes to the betrothed and you will understand that's why these women were so scandalized they're so scandalized that we don't even see it in the bible guys let me tell you every time jesus walked on the street every time he redeemed the feminine are no stories of guys there very few every story is about a woman that the guys are trying to kill no one asked like you're about to throw a stone but but who's the other guy where is the guy no one's asking the story that's why he says moses in the law and he said moses in the law he says well let me tell you about moses and the law that's what he's saying there because that law was written and interpreted by men who unders didn't represent the perfect image of god just like noah didn't represent the perfect image of god just imagine if noah wrote a book and there was a book called noah no other righteous one if he wrote a book we would have the same imbalance but i thank god that his bible is a real book i people say it has been translated and all maybe it has been but i can tell you these stories are not edited out because you want to convince someone you'll keep these stories out because they're terrible but these stories are there and you understand why jesus comes as a bridegroom and he tells the woman at the well yes none of them those five are your husbands of course they have no ability to husband you woman i am here as the bridegroom the perfect bride the gift from god for you he tells her if you knew woman the gift of god and who that gift is he's come come on man and i think what sorry yeah i think what is really serious here is that kirby said when we read it we don't even see it but actually the the thing is we've got hardened to it that's right we do see it if you if you ask yourself you have questioned it maybe the first time you saw it and after that you thought it's the word of god word of god word of god and you've just continued thinking that god is some horrible person that marginalizes women and you are a woman or you should marginalize women but you're not open about it it's a hypocrisy and imagine the influence the adverse influence it's having on you and the cognitive dissonance it has on your walk with god right come on right to think that you can't ask the question so right very good i like that yeah guys i love this word i'm not saying the word is wrong i'm saying the word is so right it represents humanity perfectly that's why jesus comes as a man and the spirit this word is written by men and it represents humanity perfectly and it represents why jesus came perfectly it's all god and it's all human and it's phenomenal when i see it you see and that is why if you understand the story in chapter six he says now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth does he say there okay that the daughters were born to them he's talking about those guys like lot daughters were born to them and suddenly there were these beings we can call him sons of god you can call him kings you can call him whatever you want okay i don't believe they were kings i believe they were beings but that's a whole different teaching okay that the sons of god saw the daughters of men and that word there saw the daughters of men is a very interesting verse because it's like going shopping and they see like huh interesting okay and then he says and they took wives and the word took there is they decided come on let's go and let's take wives and guess who under whose custody these girls were they were not walking around vagrantly in that in those in a patriarchal culture on the road they were sitting at home they were someone's daughter they were betrothed to someone then these guys thought hey these guys can give us new technologies these guys can bless us these guys can give us some cash we don't know what we can do with these guys let's trade that's the story you see and so therefore it says this is what they did and they said and they took wives for themselves of whomever they chose you see the word whomever they chose you see and then the lord said my spirit shall not dwell now the lord said when he saw that because he saw it in noah and he said oh my god i made noah to set it right but noah you guys are wicked from the beginning and he looks at man again and he sees it and he says oh my god you know what when i look at man this he says my spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed completely flesh and then he goes on the lord saw the wickedness of man in verse 5 that he was great on the earth and the very intent of his thoughts and his heart was evil continually is it there what's the context this context that fathers had daughters and they just gave them away now the story of christ and christ says it's so wonderfully and he says hey guys it's time for a wedding and the wedding is this time there is the father he looked at men he gave them the chance to restore this but because men couldn't restore this now the son of god is going to come and take his bride daughter he's going to marry a daughter and call the daughter a bride and i'm going to come and this father is going to hear the heart cry of the bride and this father is going to send me to restore her back into her full glory that's the story of jesus christ right here when you see it why because once it is done then it's been restored then he says humanity you will create powerfully again i don't need to get involved father doesn't need to get involved mother doesn't need to get involved you and her will create perfectly when there's balance that's the idea that's the idea of christ we'll close with this i'm going to show it to you okay this is what happens when you get a guy reading the bible and loving the word and doing a lot of research when he gets an ancient all i had was an unction and a calling he says he will give me specific words and says research this word and he'll literally tell me this word means this or he will literally say this sentence means this that's how you say i say how how do you know and sometimes i'll preach it like i'll be realized oh that word in greek means this is working in hebrew means this and i don't really know i never researched it before before i never researched but now i do a lot of research okay because i've got a wife who does a lot of research okay so now do a lot of research when someone says it you can bet your dollar on it that's exactly what it is but when you research it it's exactly that and so i'm going to show you something that is going to blow you away and return to matu 24 and guys i want you to put that up there can i go up yeah 90 24. so i sent it to them the lord told me i want you to look again this statement when jesus says they were eating and drinking and giving in marriage check that sentence he said go into the research on it check the hebrew check the aramaic and then come back i'm going to show you exactly what it says it will blow you away now remember the story of lot remember the story of noah ezra i need you up as well can i have you up yeah remember the story of noah okay remember what they were doing how they were using the women that's what jesus is saying when he's talking about the destruction of the world matthew 24 he's talking about why he will destroy jerusalem again he's going to destroy that whole legal system again he's going to destroy it why because they did not restore what he wanted the image of god okay and jesus uses this wonderful statement that if you research it you find it and this is it watch this okay and so jesus tells them very clearly he says as in the days of noah is it there in verse 36 as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving marriage until the days of noah and until the day noah entered the ark you see there okay now let's look at the aramaic translation of eating and drinking and giving marriage can i have it up here it is this is how it is what it says the word there for drinking and eating okay that is the word shah tah we call it turning a blind eye eating and drinking can you believe it we call it turning a blind eye put in equal that's eating and drinking if you put it together equal and shatter together you could say eating and drinking or letting some strong person exert power over you for his own benefit causing to will bend of make you forget your own morals and integrity let's stop for a moment that is you i did you just get that that word when jesus says i'm going to come because of days of noah because it becomes like that in this generation as well people are just eating and drinking that means because of their convenience because of their trade they can earn some money okay you know what they don't give power to my image that's why i'm coming and he hates it like either he hates it do you understand it it means that the world will not respond to you romans 8 is when you come as the right bridegroom for your bride so he says eating and drinking means that that someone can bribe you and you can turn a blind eye because of the benefit you're going to get and turn away from your own integrity that's what eating and drinking and giving in marriage meant so they were given in marriage turning a blind eye taking money finances technology whatever from these beings and just giving their daughters up come on man that's what it says there the word used here for husband this is beautiful okay it's rarely used for a husband because i don't make the word husband is there they became husbands it says your word your word is in aramaic for husband is isha or baal listen carefully baal literally means evil and refers to a bad or abusive husband and the word isha is for a good and loving husband now listen carefully the word used here is gawa which means a mighty warrior or a great leader or a person or even a murderer do you understand that so let me translate that verse again for you when he said i'm going to come and i'm going to destroy these guys because they are behaving as in the days of noah they're turning a blind eye they're giving my image my daughters and my bride away they're treating her like dirt because they're getting benefits and they can be influential and they're giving them away to thugs and to murderers and to people who will never treat them well i will come i will take charge i will be the bridegroom and a husband for them and i will restore them back to their dignity because i can tell you this he says they discovered the narrowest version this they are just like me they are born of my bone flesh of my flesh they are me that is my image you are doing that too do you understand that that's kirby daniel's translation but i'm telling you research it that's why i said if these guys can challenge me research it and you'll see that's what it says and that's why we need to preach this without any fear we do set this straight in the churches we can start from this little one we might just be a drop in the ocean but i tell you we can start from this one i've got quite a lot of churches under me and we can start with them i'm about to bring a woman on the national council soon we can start there and then let's hope that the bride will be ready call on to christ in the heart of the bride room and the people will change and this will be established bless you [Music] guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 2,743
Rating: 4.9578948 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, christian yoga, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, day of atonement, repentance, desiring god, bible study, personal growth, Rise of the SHE, rise, out of balance, Are we out of balance?, balance, god, christian, bible
Id: 0n9aAwSXBV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 53sec (3173 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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