Scandalous Choices! (Melissa Fisher)

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hello everybody and welcome welcome welcome to the wow service melissa ann fisher here and i am so glad to be here with you today so my hope is that when you leave this message yeah that you are going to leave changed completely imparted and empowered to move on to a different level of life with a whole new outlook yeah and i know that that's a little bit of a tall order what i'm saying but i absolutely trust the spirit that as i deliver this message it's going to speak to yours and there is going to be shift and change yeah so are you with me on this i'm glad you are so i just want to say how excited i am about all the events that are coming up like the five-day program and the the the retreat and all of that and so i'm really excited about those things because those are packed full of so much that's going to bring a lot of upgrade to your lives and to me the world at large this is such an exciting time can we agree on that yeah and that you get to be a part of it yeah and so this message is going to be a lot about what i would actually call your former way so in speaking about the retreats and even the mystery school maybe you've heard about it yeah speaking about those things i remember hearing kirby say you know when you go to this retreat really look back take care of your heart and really go into a place of seeking forgiveness and i've also heard kirby talk about looking back and seeing everything for a different set of lenses yeah and so when he said that i took that very much to heart because if that is the way that's going to get me ready to enter into the mysteries mystery school maybe you're going to that maybe it's something else for you but if that's going to be the thing that's going to get me ready to go into that then i should pay attention really and then i should go for what that is right and so maybe you guys have seen my last message yeah where i do the live coach mix right and i had a discovery in taking the journey that kirby challenged us to take now remember that journey is not just for people going to that school that journey is for everybody who's looking to upgrade and to move into this next season of life can you agree that things will never be the same again so i took that journey yeah and when i looked at that journey i started to look back and i can i tell you guys and maybe you can find yourself in this when i look back i didn't like what i saw and i saw all these different reasons to not be happy about what i saw okay so in that when i kind of took on this challenge kirby did a message about buying the whole field do you remember that one okay and so i took that piece into my journey and so when i thought about it i was like oh my gosh god the father bought the whole field he created the whole field but he bought the whole fields when he created you and that is significant because when we look back so often we dumb down our life according to our mistakes and in doing that we don't progress forward but if it is true that god bought the whole field when he got you then when you look back at mistakes this is wrong that is wrong can't believe he did that where is that coming from that's coming from man because before the foundations of the world ladies and gentlemen the lamb was slain that means he put the plan of having to send his son to pay for the wrath of man with his blood and to save you and raise you out of that before you were even formed think about that so when i looked back and i realized that maybe this is new to you i was like oh my gosh so i looked back at life differently and i said wait a second god has given me my life to spend he gave me a life and then he gave me a choice yes put a pen in that one that's going to be important for later he gave me a choice and he gave me a conscience a spirit to speak spirit to spirit to receive spirit to spirit because god is spirit yeah and so i took my life and i spent it how i chose sometimes i opened my conscience sometimes i seared it sometimes i weakened it but he gave that to me because he trusted the spirit in me that i was going to find him somewhere down the line so your god my god is at rest right now and is still up there saying spend your life spend it how you choose i'm setting before you life or death and my choice for you is that you would choose more life but if you choose the other i'm not going to condemn you for it so once again let's come back to who's doing the condemning all of that stuff man yeah who makes those decisions by what but by what eyes by what point ego yeah do you see what i'm saying so if that is so what sort of freedom might that bring you right now in your now that whatever you did back there it was given to you as a choice to spend it how you choose but as i said in my former video here you are now here you are now yeah and that means something that means a whole lot of something and so that i love that that made my heart burst i loved it but then it brought me on to a deeper revelation so i continued that journey and then i looked back again and then i saw my parents and then something in me started to go down i didn't have a good childhood all of these different things and oh my gosh you guys god spoke to me so now we're about to get scientific on you here we go okay he said everyone is born and walks this earth with a bio field yeah and in that bio field is an algorithm information saying to you what is what isn't what you receive what you don't receive yeah and how is that built up that's going to come from down your bloodline that's going to come from your day-to-day all of that is feeding information into your bio fields and setting up the algorithm for what is and isn't to happen in your life think about that think about that yeah and so when he said that to me he said melissa your parents had such an algorithm and they did everything that they could within that algorithm to raise you they did everything that they could to love you and they maxed their capacity you see back then what i'm telling you right now and it might be new to you they didn't know that that sort of information was reserved for a certain community of people yeah and it wasn't a mainstream thing like it is a little bit more now so now i have this revelation and so i'm looking back at my parents and i'm like oh my gosh they did the absolute best that they could with what they had in that field because the field is built because everybody was given a choice to spend their life and everybody's going around spending their life the absolute best way that they can but because we are living by a certain set of eyes we keep reaping over and over again death death death i believe with all of my heart that most people in life want to do good they are seeking good they are seeking virtue but what they have is that field and then they have other people that are looking at them us looking back and saying it's bad it's bad it's bad and because it's bad i'm bad i can't do do you see it's a vicious cycle that we live in and so what's the disconnect there scandal scandal looking back and seeing through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil we keep scandalizing scandalizing what we see you see when you hear herbie say you can look back and see something different you might be thinking but i don't feel that it's a lie it wasn't different this happened to me yeah and so we look back and we continue to form and fashion our life out of scandal now where does scandal come from yeah and it might come from a place that actually surprises you so we're going to look in luke 17 1-3 yeah and so then he said to his disciples it is impossible that no offenses should come but whoa to him through whom they do come it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea then that he should offend one of these little ones okay now many people have heard that verse maybe you've heard this verse and this is what i thought it was okay offense i thought you need to do everything to not tick me off let's just put it that way you need to be in a certain way that doesn't make me mad that doesn't offend me that doesn't annoy me all of those different things you need to be doing that okay because if you're not doing back then out you go i'm gonna push you out of my life yeah you know how i've mentioned before the little memes that go across social media and i moved all the toxic people out of my life sort of thing do you see where i'm coming from maybe you've posted a few okay and then we have this modern day thing of oh everybody is now narcissistic and all of us i mean all of this stuff is going on and here we are saying no you need to be exactly the way that i need you to be in order for me to be okay don't offend me because whoa to you and then we have people that are offending you you've got your millstone ready you know what and i'm i'm having a little fun with you because i i've had a few of those millstones running myself right but what i didn't understand is offense and someone bringing the offense isn't exactly what i thought it was because can i can we go here right now do you know that especially if you're like say from america you know right now you're completely offending several groups of people just by being do you understand that so if that verse is that then i guess we're going to pull out the mill stones on you do you see what i'm saying yeah so if it's just simply somebody being offensive you are being offensive right now you don't even know it you walk into places and you offend people you don't even know it so it stands to reason that this means something a little bit different than maybe we might think so if you go to the greek offense there is this interesting word scandalon which is where we get the word scandal did you know that offense scandal on scandal and when you look at the definition of it it talks about being caught in a trap and so when one gets offended and then scandalizes it yeah for example betty comes to me and said i got the vaccine you know you know who you are [Laughter] and then you go to marry your friend and you say betty came to me and she got the vaccine can you believe that and then mary says i can't believe that i thought we were all on the same page about this woe to you who brings the offense that is what that is not someone just sitting around unknowingly offending you yeah joyce meyer had this great quote that said offense is someone being themselves on a day you couldn't handle it i love that because there's a whole lot of truth in that but anyway um that's the scandal and so we look back at our life scandal scandal and we see scandals scandals and scandals and candles okay and we start building and creating our world off of what we're seeing in those scandals do you realize right now that everybody in your world and everybody in history have all had somebody there bringing scandal and then it comes down history in books and all of those different things now social media and all of that and it's coming to us and we're just like oh okay this is what this is so when i looked back at my parents and i understood that their life had been scandalized by several different things i was looking back at them not knowing they were simply spending their life according to the best of what they had and what they knew back then because ladies and gentlemen you do not know what you do not know they did the best that they could in me in my perception of them that is what was stopping me up because in that moment because we are meaning making machines we perceive oh you didn't love me you didn't care for me you weren't a good parent those sorts of things and where do we get that from the world ah their parents treat them better than me their parents brought them this and didn't buy me that all of those sorts of things their parents love them more all of those things and you can find yourself in it but i'm gonna tell you when i looked back i made meaning based of off what everybody said that i should have based on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil this is a good life this is a bad life when we go over into say for example third world countries we look at people who are like ah especially for westerners oh we gotta fix this we gotta give you this because your life is bad because you don't have this i remember being a missionary in thailand and we went in and it's like oh these kids don't have a bed let's get them beds you know what they did they slept under the bed because they didn't really want one it's because we thought that they should have one and we pitied them because they didn't have what we have do you see a pattern so this scandalizing of life that has happened through the power of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has kept us stuck looking back at the circumstances that we sit back there and scandalizing according to our perception of it ladies and gentlemen you were given something more you see this is why you were given the mind of christ this is why we meditate and still ourselves into the mind of christ because there it doesn't see the patterns that were created out of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil it doesn't see those things or it sees them but doesn't judge them or get emotional by them should i say yeah and when you can do that in that moment you guys when i looked at my parents differently i found that algorithm thing in that moment i stilled and i looked back and i'm like oh my gosh and so here's what i decided to do i decided to say you know what my parents gave me the absolute best childhood humanly possible for them thank you and i sat in this place of utter gratefulness yeah it was a beautiful thing and even right now i'm just welling up with such joy because now you have to understand that in scandal in scandal is a set of limitations did you know that so for example melissa had parents that made this amount of income that did not come to her school functions that did not help her with her homework all of these different things so therefore melissa will have this life think about it within scandal that has the set of limitations yeah and so right now and in that moment i discovered i'm like oh my gosh i'm living by a whole bunch of limitations set by the world that says i can only go so far in this life because of my upbringing because my parents did because the church did because oh we can just fill in the blanks all day long with that one and i encourage you to do it but when i saw that i'm like oh no no no not anymore not anymore so a lot of us are living in this place where we see the promises of god we know and can recite the promise of promises of god but they're not happening in our life now why is that yeah because when it comes time to come into agreement with the promise oh but i don't feel and i think that and my parents were that and i was abused here and all of these different things and i absolutely have compassion for you because a lot of those things happen to me too yes but here it is a promise is laid out and here we are but i think i feel and i was and i did and i did it guess what you guys scandal caught in a trap your perception of all of that back there your perception of even the thing five minutes ago is keeping you in a trap and so when we get into that trap we start living a life of just wanting i want this i won this so badly sort of thing oh maybe if maybe if it's god's will those sorts of you you know what i'm talking about so i want i want i want but want implies ladies and gentlemen that you don't already have so when the cross happened it was finished it was finished all of it was finished everything that you could ever desire in life you have you have it right now you you do but because you're over here in the trap of scandal you're living in i want i want i want i hope and it's not even real hope it's a wishful thinking i want i wish i want i wish yeah but it's been done but i feel but i feel what i feel what's the disconnect choice and we're back full circle he's set before you life and death choose choose looking back there through scandalous eyes what's that doing for you is it making you live what's it been doing for you thus far see we need to ask ourselves those questions otherwise we just kind of are just going around being and wondering why nothing's happening choose because in choosing it means and validates the fact that it's been done so i choose i choose i choose can i tell you one of the greatest hijacks of the adversary is you thinking that you don't have a choice see because of scandal here's another little arm of it you have been living most of us have been living as a victim i don't get to move forward because that happened and maybe you're a person where the power of your choice was taken from you in that moment this is important guys in that moment because just because choice was taken from you back then doesn't mean that you don't have it anymore it was just usurped in the moment but you have a choice right now you see all of it's been done for you right now so you have the power to choose to agree with that or you can keep agreeing with the scandal you actually have that choice and here's the thing the biggest part of that hijack is that you think that it's somehow gone my choice is just gone but right now when you choose to keep looking back guess what you're choosing so you have the power of your choice you have always had the power of your choice right now right now he has done all of it for you so if it's there you simply need to choose to agree with it or you can choose to keep looking back in scandal and living by scandal's limitations what do you think about that you see feelings were never supposed to bring choice online it was not i set before you life and death and you feel like it choose life okay do you see what i'm saying it's i set before you life and death choose choose because you have been empowered with choice from the very beginning you have been choosing and choosing and choosing the smoke screen is that you're a victim that's the smoke screen and so you may meander all throughout life actually making choices but abstaining yourself from the responsibility of those choices because it's too painful because you don't want to make a mistake you don't want to miss god whatever whatever it is [Music] but in this moment now i'm bringing this to you feeling had nothing to do with the cross otherwise jesus wouldn't have went if it was all about feeling and being squishy and fit what squishy feelings could he have possibly had in that moment what squishy feelings could the godhead have possibly had when they were making that decision let's get real let's get real [Laughter] it was never about feelings it was about you have been empowered to say i choose now right now yep there's feelings yep there's thoughts this is why touhou boho because we have to look and observe our thoughts and our feelings and understand that they aren't us yeah and if you can do that then you can look back there you can do that right now look back there and look at all of the feelings and emotions that you have about it and you can choose something different you can look at your situation right now and check out just sit back sit and rest in that mind of christ and look at all the thoughts and the feelings and all the stuff that's just circling around and round around and you get to choose right now what you desire because in the cross is your highest choice your highest desire anything and everything that you could possibly desire is in the it is finished but what needs to happen is your choice so what do you choose right now in this moment i think i feel i think i feel i think feel i feel feel the feel or will you step into this empowerment that's being given you right now to reclaim your divine choice it's up to you choose you this day are you going to serve that scandalous system or are you going to serve him the choice is absolutely yours no judgment but i'm going to leave this with you because today i feel like there are many of you that are going to be liberated in this you want to be ready for that mystery school do you want to be ready for that next thing well let me present to you it's not about wanting you actually are all you've got to do is choose it and when you make that choice it's going to set you on a course that i promise you is going to be more than you could ever have planned on your best day so everyone that's all i have for you today i want to thank you so much for listening for hearing all that you have and my highest hope and choice for you is that you will take back the divine choice giving you by your father has nothing to do with the world gives he's given what do you say i'll see you another time you guys bye
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 1,163
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, church of the east, Scandalous Choices, Scandalous, Choices, Melissa Fisher, no condemnation, what is condemnation, grace, conviction vs condemnation, what does condemnation mean, conviction vs. condemnation, conviction and not condemnation, what is the difference between condemnation vs conviction, how to tell the difference in condemnation and conviction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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