DISCLAIMER: Abandoned Storage Unit:Turtles, Skulls and Bullet Holes!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody welcome to Grimes finds it is Saturday June 22nd our day off my lovely wife was with me say hey and so I said today was our day off we are at cutie getting some snack some essentials because I got online this morning just sitting in my recliner hoping to just kind of get some advertising done for all the sales and auctions we have coming up and I made the mistake of getting on storage treasures and see what units were coming up and there was a great one in Joshua Texas which is over an hour away anyway not so much a day off but we're hoping it turns into a big day right right so what did you think about it whenever I started bidding on it when I first started bidding on the unit it was only like $200 and I'm going to show you here in a minute what I what I ended up spending on the unit what do you think about how much has been only had well I actually trust you and you're spending so we'll see how it goes all right guys so we're on our way to the unit again it's in Joshua we live in Plano our businesses in Garland our auction house anyway so we're gonna get up there get this unit paid for we have 72 hours to clean it out but the reason why we go right away is because on storage treasures they have the right if the owner shows up in between the time we've rented trucks and started heading to a place and they've called us and said you know the previous owner has paid their bill and so you kind of you're kind of crap out of luck so anyway that's why we fly right after these units closed so anyway we're about thirty minutes out and we'll see you there [Music] hey guys it's Justin we finally made it to Joshua Texas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] area [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know this is probably seventies eighties late seventies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] count 3 1 2 probably plated but so we'll pop these over actually I believe this is silver I'll have to check but it's got its stamp 90 MF do you know - mmm fiends it's probably the manufacturer but 90 so everybody looks for these a lot of different markings - mark sterling I mean also different the gold they use a lot of different markers and so people don't see the 9 to 5 or 14 K 10 K though they just want to throw it like it's it's jacket you can there's so many other Morgan so this is probably maybe 90 versus no results like that would be about right so hey few more and then we're gonna go to time lapse like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the waves break and then we're gonna go through some of these boxes and we will pop back in okay yes probably yeah that's why I used to keep my form anyway all right guys so we are back in what just so many freaking boxes and we just you know started popping open a few more things and I don't know I went like excited to not excited after I talked to my buddy you know just kind of hearing about the unit and now I'm back to excited alright so anyway these are Star Trek books these are look obviously there's not the older star tracks but anyway there's several of them in here right here or Star Trek more star tracks of collectible definitely gonna make us some money okay let's pop open the drawers and drawers yeah okay alright so far dirty sucks but where's the hidden money we got a $10 cap all right what's the back here so this is Turtles yellow shelf knickknacks hey I can deal with new [Music] [Music] [Music] my buddy from Brandon loves to give me a knife we jumped in the car and I have several in my truck but uh we were such a hurry to get here okay see what we got is knick-knack they can mean anything we got here oh all right I like this so far okay I can deal with this oh not that is that nice okay this is probably like a frost something this is a cheaper made knife yeah but we still get good money for these Nikolaj school yeah oh look that's gross that's a turtle shield yeah do you know what so it'll buy that they will buy that hey we'll all right we're recording and he's back what do you got okay this is getting grosser okay he was just picking these up off the road these were not professionally done this turtle is still in here hey this feels like a turtle okay did you know this was this is your unit isn't it all right no words right nothing says turtle goes with the turtle watch it okay can't see what's in this one all right a baby okay let's see what else you got something good in here ah dude you're awesome oh we got money so the money obviously is you are awesome look at this other storage met the industry where each place owners you got it yes step up your game okay not only did he bring me a knife you brought me a freaking nice case knife you use well drop that back off thank you buddy look at that look at bonus he so he just gave me 1,400 bucks for this you know I have to clean it up I'll give you a knife in the water anyway so what this isn't a cheap oh look there's hole in it that's still cool oh wow look at this 1958 are you going to the she's not a normal camera person katie is are you see when I talk about the unit they want to see the unit they're the tide I'm not mad with this cool so what does that mean that the coins in here maybe your earlier than 64 might have some 90% silver you don't know you willing to go this one let's just keep on boxing it I'm Phil I'm told you I'm filling this unit I had that gut feeling about this unit okay oh let me get my look at this man this guy's so nice yeah he really was he was a very nice guy okay this is this another turtle that's pretty okay this is the turtle it's a baby turtle we have a turtle named Jeff okay so I really love Jeff's at least say the bodies out of that one [Music] let's go for something bigger look at this guy forgettin syllables mmm three on the bottom okay no it's not standard you know actually I mean it just probably looks like a knockoff Dresden or something like that I'm not I don't know a lot about glassware but what I do new here's what I do know if you don't know what it is you better freaking research it so anyone we put this up here should we go here I want to go to another box all right what do we got here green glass chemistry with some kind of seeds or something okay ready all right this again not super excited about kitchen boxes this is why doesn't mean there's nothing no value in here let's lift right here maybe old coke blocks or something like that you know hey what do you know ma'am get at this look at this alright so just because it says kitchen box doesn't mean there's anything that's not a value in here so anyway all this little stuff adds up and you know a lot of people but yeah that little stuff it takes forever so not when you have an online auction company that's gone and week exodus plates fragile I'm not gonna go into that stuff yet and I let's see to go plates okay more kitchen stuff I feeling this to go play fragile okay this is all kitchen stuff I want to get some different stuff change up here let's go for this one watch this in pot why did he wrap this up so dude okay see this is what I don't get but you can't you can never important seriously there's got to be something in here who's important chess pieces okay that was just a weird box see if this is dirty clothes [Music] okay this unit is gonna give me a freaking heart attack all the good boxes at heart wrapped in plastic add some cool stuff yeah if you look got some crappy stuff where and kitchen utensils okay let's look up here this is an old record player it looks like it's missing a knob or two up here okay another shoeshine and kid I thought this was a canister right here probably shoe-shining it's like is it that's probably what I've got it order here they have a tendency to get a bunch oh it's broken stuff what else kitchen pictures do not crush should we go up do not crush maybe there's boxes for miles all right how's hope I was like an old Steiff beer or something it's made in China boo yes I did see all these bottles boxes I was hoping when I'm done with me I was hoping these weren't really gonna be water bottles it's all these ninja things called a ninja set so maybe fragile stemware so it looks like some you know a nice little cactus margarita glass this unit kept telling me coin collection but I could be wrong kind of neat hmm like the cobalt yeah there's uh these are signed on the bottom too so okay that could be some expensive glassware should we go higher sure can you can you come up our I'm gonna try this [Music] guys there's a fun [Music] this a cow skull really yeah look at that their cow skull alright back to you okay this is a washbasin so we'll probably hoping this is probably goes to make the washed and was in here but it looks like the rest of the back of this gonna be but that's straight-up 1996 heck yeah yeah oh hey Jeremy right here don't you like food from units cowboy chips for 96 I dare y'all emailing to you for free you know hey that's kind of cool brass crucifix so if you look in here this is a washbowl that looks like it was cracked but the bowl is in here the picture was cracked right here if we decide to sell that we will disclose that let's see what we got in here okay well porcelain cat made in Taiwan okay that's a major but good sellable stuff factory so what's in the big box stuffed animals it looks like so this was like some kind of hoarder collector I don't believe this is all personal stuff this looks a bit dingy if it's dingy we're gonna throw it away for sure I got Shamu in this box Roadrunner Barney and a bunch it just looks like you know cheaper knockoff TV show Halloween not sure that it is this is interesting okay so I'm going to take a look at that I'm gonna research that make sure here it says TV shelf Halloween decor alright stay focused Justin safe Seymour just possible everywhere okay so this is Halloween product it does look new I don't know about the makeup okay it's not all Halloween okay oh look what we got here we got a little dart gun it's pretty cool there is too bad it's not sterling man that'd be freaking kick it you know what GSA still pretty it's not broken ten minutes take care of it hey looks like before there's just a lot of smalls in here have to unwrap looks like so it's all whiskey decanter you see the tag right there where they used to have it sealed off what else what else what else comes like at the Tanner [Music] all right this one says brass and I don't know something mama's fragile is that French word again let's see what hills and over Hills plastic a little free pop okay still a little ol Lent let's go brass like they said o lantern okay monkey oh shoot I just killed it alright I really want to get to that skull [Applause] okay that was out here yeah here's what they were talking about [Music] okay cool no that's cool that's pretty cool check that look right here you know what that is what those are bullet holes in this goal either the cow was sick probably I don't know what it was or but that does appear to be bullet holes where they probably had to put the cow down for some reason mm-hmm anyway that is pretty cool so does the teeth it's got the teeth in it so well bless you can you set that somewhere or will not get broken yeah I'll take the camera how do you feel about the cow head I feel better about the cow head than I do about the turtle shells yeah me too but what do you think about this unit so far I think really but I think it's gonna be a great sell I think this furniture - in here yeah it's really it's crappy all right well it's crappy furniture but it's sofa but we're finding a lot of good small syllables so anyway yeah hey while we go ahead and put that in the car yeah yeah be careful don't fall okay all right so anyway I want if I can do this all right so I'm gonna keep digging guys if we find something else we'll pop back in if not we'll see it the next unit
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 4,364
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: ysojizR3rrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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