FOUND! Classic Promo Car Collection In ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT! Mystery Unboxing!

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what is it I know welcome what is it I'm not she almost got a note in the corner all right wait you got you got it all huh because Jeremy Jeremy and pirate taught me one thing always be recording oh yeah she got it off we're good [Music] hey guys welcome to another episode of Grimes fine it is Tuesday September 10th I know that cos yesterday was my first time meeting my wife in person anniversary Kennedy's birthday and then guess what tomorrow's Tina's birthday Gina's birthday not 11:00 tomorrow is my dear wife's birthday so make sure to put a happy birthday Gina in the comments right now flood the comments with happy birthday because she deserves it anyway I have no idea what this video is all about today I know I'm gonna do a recap real quick on the auction that just ran but the stuff that you can see also we are down to people Leo had some stuff to take care of David is actually in the hospital so if you could be praying for him he's got was it alone a COPD COPD so anyway were praying for him hoping he gets better but anyway so we were down to people today can we do it can we keep going yeah we got to all right yeah we got figured out so anyway we haven't a doubt we will be hiring some extra help we were kind of in a weird position anyway where we needed more help but you kind of you know you gotta justify the budget for it so anyway we're almost there anyway so we're gonna work it out but anyway so last night Dollar Grimes fun still closed if you saw a lot of the stuff was from the trash bag unit that we paid 70 bucks if you remember when pirate and stalker we're here we bought a whole hallway about all four units in that hallway we spent what about 300 mmm-hmm okay this was in the trash bag unit right mm-hmm this right here I don't remember how much it brought in but I remember looking at this and it was over a hundred bucks so this literally was in a trash bag so we paid $70 for that one unit that's not even clean even watch the auction because I was trying to premiere video trying to get a video ready so I don't know what the 22 were I fought it went for do you know I'm he went for 60 did it okay hey with bars premium they pay for the unit yeah okay so but this paid for the unit but you want to see something really cool two items actually paid for the entire hallway - two items did you see the gold mm-hmm all the gold the pirate pulled out of the unit last night you know it did really good I thought I did really well so that even pay for I mean we made a lot of profit guys so anyway I was dressed one thing there's some video floating around and I look I'm not gonna get in all the drama but hey if you can't make money in this business you're doing something wrong it doesn't mean you're dumb doesn't mean that you're your failure or anything it just means you're new to it right you cannot expect to jump into something new like me to go walk onto a baseball field and expect to be like some expertise or possibility I can learn yeah probably but you can expect it's it's I mean this would grace but it's here you oh hey my dear wife's here mm-hmm so anyway uh anyway you can't just walk into a new field and expect to be an expert at but I'll tell you right now I've never lost money on unit and you shouldn't ever lose money on unit if you know how to sell you got it know how to sell anyone can buy your problem is you didn't know how to move the product it doesn't make you mean you're dumb no it just made you new at it and you didn't figure it out but what do I tell people all times you better figure out how to sell before you buy mm-hmm right it's that simple so anyway wish you the best praying for you but anyway we'll just leave it alone because I don't like negativity lots of people lots of channels getting blocked and stuff this way anyway so this paid for it and this drum down here you saw we pulled out of a trash bag I'm going for over 200 so over that with fires premium we probably made 3p foreigner bucks on to items that we pay for a whole hallway so you see there is a lot of profit to be made you just got to know how to sell people anyway so here's what we're gonna do I'm going to take you to the back I'm gonna tell you what our goal is today we're gonna get some unboxing done today but again we're down to people so we're coming ever what's good about hey shirts did good has to good you know like I said this is stuff we used to throw away and I think on this table right here I think we may need probably couple hundred books on this stuff yeah you know some ding dong I mean I wanna call my ding dong I get it you know why they did but paid over 20 bucks for this I think we probably got close to 20 bucks for these you know the Nirvana hat but anyway all this stuff's old baby we're guys this is stuff we used to throw away yeah there's anything else to do really good I mean everything did I did all right like that Crown Royal thing and get a flask I was I was like mean counting where the position everybody brought up 15 bucks all right guys sorry we got a phone call but we're on airplane mode so anyway forgive the mess you want to see this so hey thank you storage auction pirate because look so tomorrow we will be working on shipping we extended we got a lot of calls about the pirate shipping guys when you sign up for an auction make sure to read the rules and regulations and things like that I promise you were staying within that window but if you've paid for your order you just wait we're gonna contact you about shipping but look this is all from pirates auction so I had to convert normally what I would use for staging into a shipping area just for pirates auctions so anyway we'll be working on that next two days we're gonna get all shipping out so be patient with this but we're still in that window alright welcome to the man so here's our goal today is to get through all of this minimum we get to do here's what we got to do we got to work pickup we gotta pull orders we got to get this done it seems like a lot of isn't it hmm drilling huh so anyway me and Jake are gonna start working on this part g9k you're gonna be pulling orders I'm gonna set up a time-lapse out here we're gonna see how fast we can move how much we can get done and then find cool boxes where's pause come in I might try to make this video an hour because our runs seem to be doing better so we'll just be doing unboxing all day and we'll see how far we get [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll say give or take a little bit so anyway this was once upon a time three weeks ago going to be my YouTube soon and something happen here probably with me anyway so here's what we did I found five boxes that I haven't been through and we're gonna go through let's go through so anyway these came from the junkman ten by thirty then you call this to help him with and we're just now getting to that this is weird so I don't know if you've seen that video if you haven't seen that video go back actually England okay so we know anything hunting dog does really well but we'll have to look this up and see if it's even worth selling with all the little bytes on it but I so I did I saw one of these through the basket so I was figuring these were gonna be all handmade from him but they're not unless he stamped these which I don't think that's his company I'm sure they'd be kind of cool if it was okay so this looks like Japan yeah it does looks like Venice cups cow thank you right crank you're right some of these little Thai class that they would use these are cool there's your collectible I can't oh there is stuff under here alright so here's where I'm gonna take a break for a second that's weird all right we're gonna take a break for a second I want to properly remove these off of here I won't be right back all right guys we got okay so this was his Eve a card the guy [Music] over there guys we're doing everything we may not even be alive so anyway we got these out I want to look these up in a second because I'm wondering just looking at how he did that unit and he took the time to put these in there he acted the other ones are like in just bad stuff this is C this is weird that looks like he's in creative yeah this would probably what is paper mache no no it's clay or yeah some kind of clay but these are very neat I mean that's like all old chalk Tommy something they say Mexico little Indian cheese see these are just neat that's cool bazan Boston vos som England if it's England it's all there's nothing worth few books yeah yeah these look like the like the Boy Scouts did them with the Boy Scout thing being in there they always did stuff like this where they painted you did yeah this is not all of them just leave those yeah because he had weird stuff right why are you looking at up I'm going to show everybody starts talking on the other stalkers okay what do you yeah clam and these are similar are there they're going down there but I can't I can't get the guys to check this out so these are pretty popular they still have the market because there's a ton of sold listings I want to eBay I'll just show you what I'm finding right here so just put in look from the 60s that one sold for forty bucks here's a group of nine that sold for twenty so on these conditions gonna be everything but I just saw some of these where they were asking three to five hundred so there could be just a rare one all right well the video but we'll do some more research on cities cuz look dub it is that someone yeah right there same thing England this one's actually could be cleaned up and touched up see he's just a little little dirty just needs a little cleaning mm-hmm okay but look at these we've got several of these so even if I mean twenty thirty bucks these are still nice these are nice I like these so we'll do some more research on these this is a horse head that's weird it's kind of neat so anyway that's weird alright let's move these down let's put em over here cuz he could be worth three dollars are you worth three hundred or could be a she I don't know Roman guy was this a black lamp a guest room memory jugs what's a second memory oh I'm not surprised by it I mean my actual connect um but I mean it looks like maybe before this head right there look somebody's gonna buy that thing yeah I this dude had a weird thing with heads cute well bear head I mean I don't know what I'm gonna do without it and he put a necklace on it that's weird so very nice pie there's it know there's a name for this type of art and I can't run what it is off topic but I'm selling this because this is really cool look at all these trinkets this is really this is actually a really cool piece look there's military buttons some of these might be silver this is next look there's a Pegasus what else you see there's an elephant I'll look Popeye a little Popeye the sailorman see Popeye Popeye Hey look that's all look it's a Marine ring yeah I want to take that out of there I think that's silver look at that you see it yeah look at this man what if I drop this you know long it took some 800 or these Cracker Jack toys oh is that one now last a lot of these might be so anyway that's pretty cool that's the top of the military ribbon so it's pretty cool we'll sell that that's a neat 9 I guess right oh right we got more see what you did on this one shelves I don't like that manly that straight-up Pamela Pamela needs to step her game up Pamela looks like she didn't graduate up kindergarten see this is a step up yeah but they designed the jewels on the other side of the heart or a flower it's pretty cool look took the time to make that flower out there there's a marble so this one's kinda neat too will horsey here's a 1939 World Fair button that's that's pretty name oh there's a bullet shell or casing [Music] that's kind of cool just mosaic yeah in a different pottery we'll see if somebody wants this person buttons or something on there oh maybe but he was next okay yeah so those are pretty cool all right so hey let me get all of these set down and then we'll taking these two boxes I don't know we'll see what the time is [Applause] [Music] yeah but you can tell we didn't dig in it probably just peaked in the top so soon yeah yeah get out there first we got some moldy paper let's do it we knew that's the darling I'm guessing it's these it's kind of cool oh there goes something oh he had the mirror in there and I knocked it out the window oh there goes the roof dang it dang it dang it looks like my wife's been driving that car I'm joking not really though if you're doing whether you believe me this is kind of cool look it's got some kind of action going with it this might be worth money this might be something that okay what are these everybody here Detroit trying to find a year on it it's like an old-school plastic model what's that say can you read that by Cadillac Eldorado yeah stamp made in the USA I like stuff this man in the USA so I'm gonna try to find the maker on these you see it anywhere I don't all over though that's kind of cool here Watkins Glen lots of information here Hubley we know that's a good brand right bubbly I was trying to find a year approved authorized by Mercedes Benz and West Germany that's pretty cool all right hey that reminds me Austin Powers but look again I gotta look these up I just don't I don't know I just don't know gotta know when you don't know huh all right looks like a little chalk things made this is metal cuz I say ka a s it's kind of cool kind of neat collection hey man classic car collection found that's new hate you won't put parks and I'm right again yeah said you're paying ads that scared me I felt so bad hon but he really is dead to me wish I did it again you want to know what Power has to safer today where you'd be out alex is in Castro Valley if you hurry up there you can get that way this will be out like four hours like yeah yeah go go to Castro he's there anyway all right let's keep looking all right so made in China not impressed I do like these older US ones I do like this is definitely the older production it's got all the tires they work the axles work and I like it I'm liking this so far I really like this truck I really would like it as this truck was not missing a window and I would even like it more if this wasn't made in China not there's anything wrong with time Hey look I found a car oh it's a husky ski models look they got in a beef some I shot the windshield out man it's hard rolling in the freaking so I'm not gonna look I'm gonna look these up a little bit later I can kind of rule he's missing or something I'm really more intrigued with these these are we moving too fast oh hey check this out man stalker watches my videos now in the true friend he watches my videos by Oldsmobile I wonder if these were some kind of look it up let's just figure out what we what we're working with right here people three things work I'm saying 15 bucks maybe eight I was gonna say five to seven yes five to seven each all right here we go on the truth will tell for Tom will tell whatever the heck that saying is vintage Milan plastic cars these modern works on run Oh dealer promotional promo plastic models wears what I was thinking I was like it's weird that they'd have the name of the company on the bat I don't know hold on I might not be it could just be a all right anyway yes I'm gonna look these up for these just these aren't like models I think that might be what these are yeah because these went on some kind of well I've never seen that's where they would have to catch yeah not some kind of track did you find it resin 1966 automobile model cars I don't know anyways I'm gonna look these up and these just feel a little bit different I mean I've seen a lot of cars that's why they just throwing me off but these might be plastic like dealer models or something if that's the case then we can be looking at you know more on them some cheap old things so that's kind of cool all right so are we done in this box kondeh got one more he's got a lot of info on it two years of 30,000 miles antifreeze this has got to be some kind of car model what do you think oh yeah with all of this information I look cruise-o-matic dried this has got to be like a dealership model 6,000 miles like it's got all of these mileage like on the parts this has got to be what these are dealer models that's that's cool right I don't know hey I will try to do some more research before we get on the premiere night and then maybe I'll have the answer for it and you just ask what money it's not like it is getting better not tossing stuff what not moving like little crackheads hey it's all I only do that one of our first pot unit I saw yeah what was the track yeah what's this free download limited edition of a thousand on blue bottle includes bonus download live acoustic version look that up unexpected all right what do we got here this looks like okay okay what do we got here we got like doll furniture could be some money looks like me just railroad stuff so pretty fatigue quick that's in there Oh made in western Germany okay very very cool okay we have this see the missing a wall or purposely yes see how this has these not sure what the functionality that is but anyway that's it minutes are weird but I don't know tell me there's nine minute and thirty seven twenty you think Wow hey guys check this out I just don't feel good about that let's go far more boss alright we'll do that we're gonna go five more boxes I saw this and I said it is on recording I totally forgot to record it maybe we should yeah so anyway uh I'm not gonna crap on these but this might not be a great box I'm using two watches on top but anyway let's let's look at him anyway Oh made in China high quality y'all high frickin quality made in China hey hey look I still got the film yet but quit with us oh yeah thank you new bills quality I'm Jeff diamond didn't feel that bad anyway so I'm not gonna take these out in China - it's so pretty watch all right so hey what do we know about this alright so anyway you use perfume even if it's just got a little bit in it save it guys you can sell this stuff thread we're gonna finish this box real quick hopefully I was hoping to find Horry box that was a little shake it is all in there uh-oh look oh I thought they said product huh nope not really let's see what we got here sherilyn Murphy I guess I don't know Daisy by Marc Jacobs oh let's get up that yes that is my best friends oh is it favorite and it cost who Daniel oh yes all right so we got a little guess what else hey thanks for me if people don't stop naming stuff after me we're gonna have a problem very sexy that's wrong what oh is that it thank you all right let's hurry up we heard Calvin Klein I'm not sure what that is Avon you know about a new perfume hey that little thing of perfumes up there that brought us in that paid for a whole unit $5.00 guess where we found it what's this you go I know you go bosses that's a nun noxious lid that's surely that right yeah crush it's almost brand new hey what else nothing I don't know if these brands are but anyway hey these all be in their 5th Avenue no good all right so one two alright alright so last one for finish this up is where'd you go oh right so the bus while you whole thing in there how much he thinks there's like six or seven box warning that it's $95 for a brand new bottle of it oh let's think they call this gotta be it hey look this is where you stick your autozone receipts in a watch box and box make sure to go to subscribe like all my videos hey you haven't seen all of them go watch them watch this commercial instead you love me and health challenges and make sure to go to all my future channels like subscribe do all the same stuff and we will see tomorrow night 8 p.m. Central time for another unboxing video maybe story due to video I don't know you see it's nation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 6,964
Rating: 4.9152541 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, classic cars, car collection, expensive cars, fast cars, dealer promo models, toy cars, friction cars, autogrpahs, undercover boss
Id: VqgSd4l-76A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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