Bizarre Stuff Legal Home Intruders Have Seen At Other Houses (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who have a job that requires you to go into strangers homes what is the craziest thing you've seen actually today I saw something that made me laugh him a postman so didn't go inside but as I was walking up to the house I could see through the window there was a guy riding a mobility scooter in the living room on his own he was riding it in a circle waving his arm above his head as if he was waving a lasso about it was quite awkward when he saw me and looked pretty embarrassed when I was delivering pizza I went to a house and there were delivery instructions to go downstairs because the guy was in a wheelchair and didn't want to go through the effort of making his way upstairs to pay for the pizza so when I get to this guy's house the front door is wide open the TV is on with very loud volume I'm saying hello I'm here and not getting an answer I go inside and look for the stairs I was so confused because as I was walking through the house it looked like someone was just upstairs I'm still saying hello pizza's here as I'm walking downstairs still no answer finally I walk into a room and sure enough there is a guy in a wheelchair from what I could see pretending to be sleeping with really fake snoring sounds so I go over and wake him up and he acts all startled I'm like hey sorry for waking you but is it cash or credit this guy in the wheelchair tells me I forgot to grab it but my cash is upstairs can you grab it for me I go up and grab the cash which was conveniently the perfect amount for the pizza bring it back downstairs and this guy is sitting in his wheelchair I ask if this is the right money and he says yeah then he says oh I forgot the tip and stands up out of the wheelchair hands me ten dollars from his back pocket like what the [ __ ] after I got back to the store everyone was asking me how it went wanting to listen to my story as if they were expecting something crazy turns out this guy was a regular and just [ __ ] with the delivery drivers everytime they go there it was an inside joke that you can't be a part of until you experience it and no one tells the drivers that haven't gone there yet as weird as this story was the worst time this guy fought with me was when he paid my $30 in dimes nickels and quarters there were even some nuts and bolts in the mixture TL DR pizza delivering to a guy in a wheelchair and he [ __ ] with me to continue a tradition at my pizzeria emt here we get to go into people's homes on a daily basis I'm relatively new and haven't seen anything too crazy although before I started doing this I didn't realize the amount of squalor and filth some people live in also people who have just totally given up on life I'll tell you a story that happened to a pair of medics about a year ago it's famous at my agency and we they get called to a residence neighbors complaining of loud noises medics get cooled to stage while police enter and see what's going on a women of about 40 is completely naked bloody and holding a severely premature baby who was apperently hanging on to to life the first on-scene medics take the baby to the hospital and another unit is called to transport the mother they get taken to same hospital the baby dies during transport unfortunately as the medics are writing up the their reports and decompressing the air doc comes out and asks where the mother is the medics who transported the mother stated that it was the lady who arrived shortly after the baby her doc explains that upon examination of the mother's vagina that it was the not the vagina of a woman who had just given birth upon investigation of the house by police the mother wasn't in fact the mother and had cut the baby out of her pregnant neighbor's stomach and hid the body in a locked cellar in the basement one of the responding medics still works for the company and is a completely normal guy apparently the other guy found a new line of work when I was at college I did random jobs for people on Craigslist for cash most of it involved building IKEA furniture which people are happy to pay for one day I go into this couple's house who've just moved in and I get to building their bookshelf TV cabinet et Cie in the living room I'm busy doing my thing but I can't help but notice quite a few different people walking paths to me every few minutes all walking towards the bedroom none coming back so I'm obviously thinking to myself that this is just another casual afternoon orgy I go to investigate out of pure curiosity thinking that I'll just say that I was ready to build the bed I opened the door expecting to see a bunch of naked people sucking and [ __ ] and looking and digging but what I saw was much more disturbing they were all fully clothed completely silent cuddling on the mattress it was a Craiglist cuddle group I felt so dirty and confused I'm relating this on behalf of my husband who doesn't reduce he does vac get a call one day to this house we've been doing service at for years according to boss I've never heard of the guy boss seemed kind of funny when he gave me the call customer isn't home and I'm supposed to go around checking vents changing filters doing maintenance I walk in and there's ticks everywhere eight by five foot pictures of dicks on the walls hand blown glass dick sculptures dick lamps dick throw bellows how even the china cabinet was full of dick dishes I saw a casserole that the handles and lid top were tiny dicks so many dicks when I went in the kitchen there's a five gallon jug of lube sitting where the hand soap would be at the sink dude even had a dick shaped paper towel holder where did he even find half this stuff every kind of knickknacks you could imagine he had a dick knack version of I've never seen anything like it in my twenty years of doing this job whatever floats your boat I guess but personally I'd get tired of being stared down by dicks every time I turned around when I was delivering pizza for Pizza Hut I delivered to a very shady part of town it's funny because most of the people who answered calls would tell them we didn't deliver to that area but I always would tell them we did and I'd offer to take the delivery I grew up in a rough area and I think it's shitty to deny people their pizza so I normally never went into a person's house as that was forbidden but again I'm not someone who really scares easily so if someone asked me to come in I it wasn't really uncommon on this particular night I went into this very rundown house there was a guy behind a screen door who was like come on in so I did I walked in to see about seven to eight people sprawled out in the floor and on beanbags nodding in and out of consciousness it was becoming very apparent to me that all these people were on here Ian the guy who paid for the pizza seemed really normal and perfectly aware of his surroundings but just happened to be staying in a house full of heroin addicts and here's the interesting thing I think the pizza was $13 something and he gave me a $20 and told me to keep the change good times I installed central vacuuming for a while boss told me some stories he found over $10,000 cash in some old lady's wall now he is an honest guy so of course he wanted to return it but he didn't want to give her a heart attack so he breaks the news gently turns out she knew because her late husband used to leave [ __ ] like that around the house that she didn't remember where it was it is always Christmas it's in person's house always they have at the 24th of July 365 Christmas room bunkers and stockpiles of food so many of those they always pay cash when I was delivering pizzas in high school I delivered to a house and knocked on the door when the door opened I was staring at my estranged father whom I haven't seen in like ten years he was drunk didn't recognize me shortchanged me and didn't tip I deliver pizza and one time I was delivering to this house and out of the corner of my eye I see a ring-tailed lemur just sitting on the floor and it really caught me off guard and I stopped what I was saying and said is that a lemur and the guy was super casual about it and let me pet it snap some pictures and gave me an extra tip because I knew it was a lemur I got back to the store and told everyone and they were like oh that guy he has a kangaroo too about 70% of my customers are elderly retired went into 196 years house and found a shrine a for-real shrine to ronald reagan not as an actor but as a politician I mean she digs the dude I was an aide for a state politician she was doing a constituent visit pertaining to an upcoming bill and like to have someone with her just in case the guy ran a reptile rescue operation mostly concerned with exotic pets that escaped / were abandoned and his entire basement was outfitted with small reptile habitats for temporary storage he had ghouls with small crocodiles a few of those massive pythons that are so often used in conservation public outreach staff and even a little workbench where he repaired the shells of turtles that had been hit by cars I'm a caseworker and most of the time I'm required to work with my clients in their homes one day I got to meet a new client a 17 year old girl / drug addict when I approached the front door I noticed a foul stench and lots of what seemed to be dirt on the doormat when she opened the door the stench got worse and when I stepped in I felt something sticky under my shoe the whole [ __ ] floor was covered with rabbit suit piss and hay apparently she took in two rabbits in a couple of years ago and now she had about 30 of them [ __ ] and pissing all over her apartment her laundry was piled up on the floor and already had white marks on them from the rabbit this the shower was covered in [ __ ] as well some bunnies nested in the washing machine and one died behind the damn kitchen my colleague and I helped clean up this mess over weeks found one more dead rabbit along with a couple of used needles and condoms I usually see a lot of slightly [ __ ] up things dirty homes the carefully placed sex toy and lubricant on a protest mutes hidden cameras sex rooms and and weird shrines for famous people but damn I'll never forget this bunny [ __ ] hole well not really too crazy but it got me out of work for a day used to do FAQ and went into a customer's house to tape up vets have to do this to test the air pressure in the system well in one room he had a massive table for tablet op games win walls covered in Marvel posters and Magic the Gathering cards everywhere started talking to the guy and he ends up calling my boss asking him if I could stay downstairs to explain what was going on throughout the day as I was new my boss didn't really like this idea but the customer gets what the customer wants ended up playing WH 40k and MTG all day and get paid for it including overtime best workday ever not crazy but rage inducing until recently I worked as a repair tech for a telecom company a few years ago I was cooled out to a house on one of the town's more underneath states I knocked the door and it was answered by a little girl it was immediately obvious that they had very little money no carpet on the floor shoddy paintwork and a bit of a smell the girl was maybe four or five and really sweet however she obviously hadn't had a wash in a while her hair was matted and her clothes were filthy she went to fetch her father who guided my into the lounge where his phone master socket was the socket happened to be located behind the biggest flat-screen TV I had ever seen underneath which was box 360 ps3 surround sound system and sky HD receiver I was [ __ ] livid that this little girl had to live in squalor while her [ __ ] father spent thousands on home entertainment then a thicker chain smoked the entire time I was there too it turned out the fault with his line was down to his own internal wiring for which we would usually raise a Cal out charge I waved it because rather than punish the father i couldent help but feel that it won't be him who suffered I'm in rad at a college and I had to enter someone's apartment for a health and safety inspection he didn't hear us knock and enter the apartment because his music was very loud but suddenly he started singling in a Batman desk - nananana nananananananananananana [ __ ] gran Mara not me personally but a co-worker I work for a property management company specializing in low-income housing including section eight a few weeks ago we had the manager at one of our properties Colin freaking out because she was inspecting a unit and found that the guy was housing a full sized [ __ ] alligator in his second bedroom complete with kiddie pool and everything the funniest part of the picture I was shown was that the idiot resident put a little three foot tall metal fence around it thinking he could contain it the picture my cow Orca showed me was the Gator with the mangled remains of that gate this was in a southwest and state and the animal control wouldn't come out because they said they weren't equipped to handle Gators not really crazy just kind of amusing my dad's a carpenter and I used to come with him and help with installations and his customers houses we were putting in a cabinet for this nice Jewish couple inside their study as I was passing by the computer on the desk I noticed that there was a web page open and I couldn't help but laugh a bit at its name boiler today all calm my dad used to own an apartment complex I was with him once when we went in this guy's apartment to fix something his apartment was maybe 500 sq /ft contents consisted of one mattress on the floor a windsurfing board that took up half the apartment and a lot of random but well organized junk / trash including a stack of at least one year's worth of empty shredded mini wheat boxes like he was a very clean hoarder or something anyway I was about eight or nine at the time and I distinctly remember this as the first time I realized that people are [ __ ] weird man [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 403,662
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Keywords: crazy stuff, other houses, stranger's house, legal home intruders, home intruders, crazy, stuff, legal, home, intruders, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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